Version 0.04 qEV Size Exclusion Column Beta 1.0 – Specifications and operational guide Simple Quick Purification of Extracellular Vesicles Important. Measurements and specifications in this guide relate to beta-test results and should be taken as indicative of performance. Specifications are subject to change Features Izon qEV columns purify biological samples to obtain the extracellular vesicles. Samples* suitable for qEV use Blood derived samples, such as serum, plasma Saliva Urine Cell culture media The advantages gained using an Izon qEV column include†; ~20 minute separation time. Greatly reduced risk of protein complex formation and vesicle aggregation (as can occur in ultracentrifugation and commercial exosome precipitation methods). Buffers with physiological osmolarity and viscosity can be used. A gentle, rapid method for maximizing recovery of biological function Vesicle recovery is expected to be 50% or greater Protein Removal Ratio > 1000 ‡ HDL purification > 8 fold * Note some ‘raw’ samples cannot be directly run on qEV without preparation steps, such as two or more stage of centrifugation to prepare the sample (e.g. blood, saliva). Contact [email protected] for assistance with protocols † A.N Boing et-al; “Single-step isolation of extracellular vesicles by size-exclusion chromatography”, Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 2014, 3: 23430 - ‡ This reflects the ratio of protein in sample to that eluted in vesicle peak fractions, based on independent testing of 7 columns, can be as high as 11,000x. IZON SCIENCE LIMITED Version 0.04 Specifications Sample volume Void volume Flow-rate Separation size Buffer Bed volume Largest size passable Filters (frit) pore size pH stability working range pH stability Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) Shelf life Life after first use less than 1ml, 500µl optimal for maximum protein purity 3.0ml ±0.25ml Typically 0.8 to 1.2 ml/min 70nm nominal PBS buffer (anti-bacterial <0.05% sodium azide) 10ml 1µm 20µm 3 - 13 2 – 14 >6 months (if stored correctly). Dependent on use and storage. Operation Safety precautions Always use appropriate personal protection devices such as lab coats, gloves and safety glasses when handling qEV columns. The column anti-bacterial solution contain 0.05% w/v sodium azide. Sodium azide in larger quantities is toxic so direct contact with skin or eyes should be avoided. Waste buffer should be disposed of in a safe manner. Sodium azide accumulation over time in copper pipes can result in explosion. Biological samples can be hazardous, consult you laboratory safety officer for information on safe handling of your sample when using the qEV column Storage Store the column at +4 to +8 °C in the presence of a bacteriostatic agent, e.g. 20% ethanol, or < 0.05% w/v sodium azide. Preparation for use Place the column in a holder and level it (make sure the column is vertical). Leave the bottom luer-slip cap in place. Remove the top-cap carefully and slowly. Pinch it tightly so as air can enter the top of the column as it is being removed and reduce vacuum on the gel. Column equilibration Remove the lower luer-slip cap. Rinse the column with at least 10 ml PBS buffer. Note the time for 5ml of buffer to flow through in your lab book – this is useful for detecting when to clean the column. Sample Application 1. 2. 3. 4. Do not allow the column to run dry. Top filter (frit) must stay wet. If run dry the column may not function correctly Use only freshly made filtered (0.2µm) buffer to avoid introducing particulate contamination With the bottom luer-slip cap on, pipette out the buffer above the top filter. Pipette the sample in. When ready to begin collecting fractions remove the bottom luer cap. Immediately start collecting 0.5 ml fractions; o The first six fractions (3.0 ml) is the void volume and does not contain vesicles so is usually not analysed. IZON SCIENCE LIMITED Version 0.04 o 5. 6. It is recommended to collect the void volume in one collection tube to save time and avoid measurement errors of 6 individual tubes. Add more buffer as the last of the sample just enters (becomes level with) the column top-filter, but add no more than 2 ml above the top filter. o Waiting till the last of the sample just enters the top-filter avoids unintentional dilution of your sample. Immediately after the void volume collect the vesicle fraction of 1ml. For minimizing protein contamination collect first 0.5ml only. For some samples the fraction that the vesicle elution peaks in may be earlier or later than specified. For the best results collect and measure from 3ml to 4.5ml in 0.5ml fractions to determine the fraction the vesicle elution-peak, pool fractions as necessary (noting the dilution effect of pooling multiple fractions). 7. After collection of the vesicle fractions, flush the column with at least 10ml of buffer and store as indicated above. Note the time for 5ml of buffer to flow through in your lab book – this is useful for detecting when to clean the column. A change in flow rate can suggest a blocked or dirty column. Re-use How to detect when the column is compromised and needs cleaning; Flow rate begins to slow over original flow rate. It is always recommended to measure the rate for the initial flush (and/or void volume) and note these in your lab book. Recovery rate drops significantly. It is difficult to measure the recovery rate accurately as the before concentration of most biological samples will not be possible to measure easily. It can be inferred when the expected vesicles recovered reduce with subsequent operation. If this is the case, run Izon CPC100 calibration particles through your column (in PBS buffer), do at least 2000 counts before and after, and the recovery rate should be within >90% ± 20% A colour change from normal at the top of the column A space between the top-filter and the gel surface Regeneration Regeneration is normally performed by washing with 2–3 column volumes of buffer, followed by reequilibration in the new buffer (if changing conditions). In some applications, substances such as denatured proteins or lipids do not elute in the regeneration procedure. These can be removed using the cleaning procedure described below. Cleaning Remove precipitated proteins, non-specifically bound proteins and lipoproteins by washing the column with one column volume of 0.5 M NaOH, then flush the column with at least 3-5 column volumes of PBS and check the pH of the elution media with litmus paper. Remove strongly non-specifically bound proteins, lipoproteins and lipids by washing the column with two column volumes of a non-ionic detergent solution, e.g. 0.1% Triton TM X-100, followed by at least 2–3 column volumes of elution buffer. Sanitization Sanitization reduces microbial contamination of the gel to a minimum. Wash the column with one column volume of 0.5 M NaOH. Re-equilibrate the column with 3–5 column volumes of sterile buffer and check the pH of the elution media with litmus paper. Notes Degassed buffers will help eliminate air bubbles forming in the gel bed. IZON SCIENCE LIMITED Version 0.04 It is recommended to use a buffer with an ionic strength of 0.15 M or greater to avoid any unwanted ionic interactions between the solute molecule and the matrix. To avoid clogging of column filters, it is recommended to filter or low-speed-centrifuge the biological sample to remove large particulate matter. Performance Metrics Peak Elution of Vesicles The fractions that elution of vesicle peaks in, occurs at 3.5ml ± 0.25ml at loading of 500µl. Recovery rate in the peak fractions is 75% ± 30%. For 500µl fractions, the peak fractions are typically fractions 7 and 8. If higher purification is desired, collect only fraction 7. Monitoring the A280nm gives indicative protein elution profiles of a qEV column. Measurement of protein in fractions by using a Bradford assay gives an accurate measurement of the level of protein qEv: particle and protein elution 10 1.510 1 0 8 1.010 1 0 6 4 5.010 0 9 2 0 Absorbance280 280nm Absorbance nm Particle ParticleConcentration concentration Absorbance 280 nm Particle Concentration / ml 12 Absorbance 280nm Particle concentration/ml 2.010 1 0 The enrichment for exosomes and micro-vesicles is clear, they elute predominantly in fractions 7, 8, & 9 and the serum protein is retarded eluting predominantly from F11-F30. 0 0 10 20 30 40 The graph to the left shows the elution of serum of EV/micro-vesicles measured by qNano and absorbance 280 nm of each fraction indicating the relative protein levels of each fraction. 50 no ml) FractionFraction number (0.5 Sample Loading Volume For the qEV loaded with 100µl of serum the relevant fractions can be assayed neat. If the column is loaded with a greater volume it is recommended to dilute according to Table 1 below, i.e. for 500µl loading on the qEV column, make a 1:5 dilution i.e. take 100µl of the fraction and add 400µl of electrolyte. Dilution 200 µl 1:1 300 µl 1:3 400 µl 1:4 500 µl 1:5 nil Higher loadings result in a lower level of purity in the microvesicle fractions. The figure on the right shows the fractionation of serum from 100 µl, 500 µl, 1000 µl and 2000 µl. Loadings of 1000 µl and 200 µl serum results in vesicle fractions that are contaminated with higher amounts of protein. The delay in elution of exosomes in the 2000 µl loading is apparent. IZON SCIENCE LIMITED When the qEV columns are used according to this protocol and the fraction volumes are accurate, the exosomes/microvesicles elute consistently in fractions F7, F8, F9 with low levels in F10 and F11. 5.010 1 0 4.510 1 0 Particle Concentration / ml Particle concentration/ml Volume of serum loaded on qEV 100 µl 4.010 1 0 3.510 1 0 3.010 1 0 100ul serum 500ul serum 1000ul serum 2000ul serum 2.510 1 0 2.010 1 0 1.510 1 0 1.010 1 0 5.010 0 9 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Fraction (0.5ml) Fraction number (0.5 ml) Version 0.04 Optimal recommended loadings for purity on the qEV is 100µl and 500µl, which gives consistent vesicles eluting in fractions 7, 8, 9. The graph below shows qEV elution profiles for these two loadings (using serum). F10 & F11 usually contain higher protein and low levels of exosomes and these fraction are not recommended to be used. In this example, the total combined particle concentration in F7-F10 for the 100µl loading was 7.5 x 109/ml. The total combined concentration of particles from F7-F10 for the 500µl loading was 34 x 109/ml. The recovery with the 500µl loading was therefore 91% when compared to the yield for the 100µl loading§. 1.810 1 0 Particle Concentration / ml Particle concentration/ml 1.610 1 0 1.410 1 0 1.210 1 0 100 µl serum 100ul serum 500ul serum 500 µl serum 1.010 1 0 8.010 0 9 6.010 0 9 Loss occurs with higher loading as the sample elution is delayed and some particles elute in fraction 11. This fraction was not analysed because of the high levels of contaminating protein expected in this fraction. 4.010 0 9 2.010 0 9 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Fraction (0.5ml) Fraction number (0.5 ml) Purification The following figure shows the indicative improvement in the ratio of vesicles to protein in each fraction, that is; 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑉𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑚𝑙 ⁄𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐. 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑖𝑛 𝑢𝑔/𝑚𝑙 𝑃𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑉𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑚𝑙 ⁄𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐. 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑖𝑛 𝑢𝑔/𝑚𝑙 Purification vesicles vs protein 12000.0 Column A 10000.0 Column B 8000.0 Column C 6000.0 Column D 4000.0 Column E Column F 2000.0 Column G 0.0 fraction 7 fraction 8 fraction 9 fraction 10 fraction 11 Protocols for Preparation from Common EV sources Biological Samples vary considerably and it is impossible to provide a comprehensive list of protocol specific to each sample; if you are unsure of what to do to prepare your sample, please contact [email protected] for assistance. § Note, the 100ul loading is 5 times diluted over the 500ul loading. IZON SCIENCE LIMITED Version 0.04 Glossary Chromatography A method, used primarily for separation of the components of a sample. The components are distributed between two phases, one is stationary while the other one is mobile. The stationary phase is either a solid, a solid supported liquid, or a gel. The stationary phase may be packed in a column, spread as a layer or distributed as a film. The mobile phase may be gaseous or liquid. Column volume Volume of packed material and void volume (can be referred to as the bed volume). Fraction Indicates a particular volume collected from column, specified numerically for a given size. That is to say, fraction 7 of 0.5 ml fractions refers to the 0.5ml volume collected after 3.0ml and up to 3.5ml Degassing Degassing involves subjecting a solution to vacuum to "boil" off excess dissolved air e.g. applying a vacuum to a flask. Flow rate The volumetric flow in ml/min of the carrier liquid Agarose High molecular weight polysaccharide used as a separation medium in biochromatography. It is used in bead form, often in gel-filtration chromatography, with aqueous mobile phases. Void volume The total volume of mobile phase in the column; the remainder of the column is taken up by packed gel material. It denotes the excluded volume in SEC. Vesicle fraction The fraction that the vesicles appear in. Recovery rate The percentage of vesicles that come out of the column compared with what went in. Enquire at [email protected] and ask how we can improve the quality of your particle analysis research. Izon Science Limited EUROPE / MIDDLE EAST / AFRICA The Oxford Science Park Magdalen Centre, 1 Robert Robinson Ave, Oxford OX4 4GA, United Kingdom Tel: +44-1865-784-630 Fax: +44-1865-784-631 Email: [email protected] IZON SCIENCE LIMITED NORTH AMERICA 85 Bolton Street Cambridge, MA 02140 United States ASIA PACIFIC 8C Homersham Place, PO Box 39168, Burnside, Christchurch 8053, New Zealand Tel: +1-617-945-5936 Fax: +1-857-259-6623 Email: [email protected] Tel: +64 3 357 4270 Fax: +64 3 357 4273 Email: [email protected]
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