Driven by the voice of our readers by

The Voice of the Maltese
(thunder from down under)
Issue 69
February 18, 2014
Edited by Lawrence Dimech - [email protected]; & Malta desk: Joseph Cutajar - [email protected]
Driven by the voice
of our readers
Joseph Cutajar
ince using the new, more professional format for our
newsletter (now an e-magazine) the number of subscribers to The Voice of the Maltese has increased considerably. We have also been inundated with emails of
appreciation and thanks for our efforts.
We produce The Voice voluntarily, therefore such appreciation will not only encourage us to keep going, but also impels us to do even more to improve the product.
The name of the magazine, The Voice of the Maltese is not
just a cliché. We really mean it. That is why we are urging
our readers, young and old to start contributing with writings about their own experiences and/or generally.
Our intention is to make this publication a magazine driven
by the voice of its readers. Therefore give us more feedback.
You must all have heard of the concept of citizen journalism, (also known as “public”, “participatory”, or “street”
journalism), that is based upon public citizens “playing an
active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analysing,
and disseminating news and information.”
Citizen journalism is a specific form of both citizen media
and user-generated content.
We are not a newspaper and therefore we won’t indulge in
newsgathering. Professional journalists normally practice
that job. So let us keep it that way. When it comes to a magazine, the sort we are aiming for, and the audience we are
targeting, we would like to explore our readers’ skills in
writing and bring to the fore the achievements of the Maltese
citizens, particularly those who have made Australia their
Therefore share your thoughts with the readers of The
Voice. You can use the English or Maltese language to express yourselves as our intention from the outset has always
been two-fold.
One is to work hard in order to keep alive the Maltese language among the second and third generation Maltese in
Australia. Let us not let it die.
The other is for the older generation, that either still treasures the Maltese language, else is still unable to read in English, to give it the chance to enjoy reading in its mother
tongue. The Maltese language is so beautiful and expressive.
Our invitation is therefore open to both young and old.
Sifting through the pages of the local papers Down Under
we quite often discover some Maltese-sounding by-lines.
That means there is a generation out there that is skilful
enough in its writing to attract the attention of the professionals.
That is another reason why we want to make The Voice a
vehicle for the budding writers. Therefore parents too are
urged to raise awareness among their kids of our invitation.
So let’s hear from you!
Memo to PBS (Malta)
he Maltese and their descendants living in AusT
tralia are grateful that the Malta National Broadcasting Channel is providing us (through the courtesy
of SBS TV) with a half-an-hour news review every
Thursday and Sunday at 8.00 am. (SBS TV2 - Channel
32). Both segments are very popular with the viewers.
It is therefore frustrating, when the Malta PBS segments do not reach their destination in Australia, or
perhaps, are not send at all. This has happened twice
already in the last few weeks.
Moreover, no explanation is given by PBS (Malta)
why such frequent lapses occur.
Assurances are given that everything is being done
to avoid such disappointments. This is not enough. If
PBS (Malta) cannot handle such a straight-forward
assignment perhaps it is time to seek other avenues.
It was hoped that with a change in personnel at
Gwardamanga we were to be given a “fair go”.
While we must admit that the content of the programmes has improved, this saga of frequent missed
segments is still frustrating and giving us a very bad
reputation with a station in Australia that is under
siege to downsize.
The team at The Voice
The Voice of the Maltese is a fortnightly publication specifically targeted all Maltese living abroad,
with emphasis on the Australian scene.
This e-newspaper is sent via email by request. Subscription is free.
The Editor is Lawrence Dimech. Joseph Cutajar is Malta Editor and layout designer.
The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 18, 2014
Tfajjel çkejken fix-xatt tal-Belt
jidher ixejjer lil ©emg˙a ta’ emigranti Maltin qabel isalpaw
lejn l-Awstralja fiΩ-Ωmien meta
l-emigrazzjoni kienet we©a’ ta’
qalb kbira g˙all-familji Maltin
Il-qoxra tal-ktieb
ta’ Juan Mamo,
Ulied in-Nanna
Venut fl-Amerika
Xeni li qatt
ma ninsa
a˙sbunix xi wa˙da bla sinsla; kont
rajt bosta xeni koroh u li jkexkxu
waqt il-gwerra li g˙addejna minnha;
dawk b’xi mod qisni aççettajthom u ma
jimpressjonawnix aktar. Imma mhux l-istess meta niftakar fix-xeni li kont nara fixXatt tad-Dwana fil-belt kapitali Maltija
Valletta qabel ma j˙allu xtutna l-emigranti
Min˙abba ç-çokon ta’ gΩiritna, flimkien
mal-faqar li fih konna ninsabu wara t-Tieni
Gwerra Dinjija, bdejna mill-ewwel naraw
nuqqas ta’ mpjiegi. G˙al g˙exiren ta’ snin
konna nisimg˙u b’xi gruppi Ωg˙ar ta’
Maltin li ˙allew arthom biex ifittxu xog˙ol
f’pajjiΩi o˙ra: it-TuniΩija, il-Libja, Kreta,
Il-Kanada, l-Istati Uniti u l-Ingilterra. Ilkoll
li a˙na smajna bil-famuΩ ktieb ta’ Juan
Mamo “Ulied in-Nanna Venut fl-Amerka”
– rumanz li jiddeskrivi b’çertu dettal sitwazzjonijiet li fihom il-Maltin li siefru lejn
l-Istati Uniti fil-bidu tas-Seklu G˙oxrin
kienu jsibu ru˙hom fihom.
Imma fil-bidu tal-˙amsinijiet, jew biex
inkun preçiΩa fl-1947, l-istorja kienet differenti g˙ax il-Gvern Malti stess da˙al
biex jiftiehem mal-Gvern Awstraljan ˙alli
dan jibda jilqa’ ©emg˙at ta’ Maltin li kienu
f’sikkithom, u li kienu jafu xi ftit tal-iskola
u xi erba’ kelmiet bl-IngliΩ.
Marru numru kbir li mhux talli kienu jafu
ftit skola imma kienu g˙alliema jew im˙arr©a sew f’xi seng˙a. U hekk beda lproçess ta’ emigrazzjoni ta’eluf ta’ Maltin
lejn l-Awstralja. Illum wara sittin sena,
bosta minn dawn il-Maltin li jg˙ixu l-Awstralja aktarx li jbierku s-sieg˙a u l-mument li ddeçidew li j˙allu art twelidhom;
imma dak iΩ-Ωmien tat-tluq g˙addew minn
purgatorju s˙ie˙.
Ibda biex dak li tkun sejjer u ma tafx x’se
ssib ma tantx jinkura©©ik, lanqas ma kellek
Kitba ta’
Lina Brockdorff
xi assigurazzjoni li malajr se issib fejn
toqg˙od g˙al rasek u minn fejn taqla’ xi
sold. Imma l-ag˙ar intopp kien dak tal-firda
mill-familja. G˙ax kien jag˙mel sens li lewwel jitilqu l-ir©iel sa ma jissetiljaw f’dak
il-kontinent ©did, u wara, malli jidraw issitwazzjoni u jkollhom xi sold die˙el,
imbag˙ad jibag˙tu g˙all-bqija tal-familja.
Ter©a’, trid tiftakar li l-komunikazzjoni
ta’ dak iΩ-Ωmien ma kinitx b˙al tal-lum,
g˙andek il-mowbajl u fi ftit sekondi tkellem lill-g˙eΩieΩ tieg˙ek jew tarahom fuq
li Skype, inkella iççemplilhom bit-telefown, spiΩa moderata. Xejn minn dan
kollu. Stajt tikkomunika biss bl-ittri li aktarx kienu jie˙du madwar ˙ames ©img˙at
biex jaslu minn hemm g˙al hawn, u ˙ames
©img˙at o˙ra biex twie©eb.
Kien hemm drabi meta l-emigranti setg˙u
jimpustjaw xi kartolini jew ittri qosra minn
Port Said jew Aden, imma mhux dejjem.
G˙adni nara qisu issa ommijiet anzjani jistennew fil-bieb ta’ barra forsi l-pustier
i©ibilhom xi a˙bar.
Bosta minn dawn l-ommijiet ma kinux
ta’ skola u arahom ji©ru b’dik l-ittra g˙and
xi ©ar jew g˙and il-kappillan biex jaqrahielhom. U jer©g˙u jitolbu l-g˙ajnuna biex
forsi jwie©bu dik l-ittra.
Min˙abba din is-sitwazzjoni ta’ nuqqas
ta’ komunikazjoni dak li jkun sejjer qisu
miet sa ma ter©a’ tisma’ ming˙andu. G˙alhekk ©ara li sfrattaw bosta weg˙diet ta’
Ωwie© bejn g˙arajjes u bejn namrati li
kienu waslu biex jitg˙arrsu.
G˙al pa©na 3
Lina Brockdorff, M.A.
(nee Mahoney)
Twieldet l-Isla fl-1930. Kittieba, producer u preΩentatur ta’ bosta programmi fuq ir-Rediffusion sas-snin 70.
Kitbet u ippreΩentat l-ewwel verΩjoni
dramatizzata ta’ Wenzu u RoΩi ta’
George Zammit fuq ir-Rediffusion, u
g˙add sabi˙ ta’ radjudrammi, bosta
minnhom rebbie˙a ta’ konkorsi.
G˙al snin twal membru tal-Għaqda
Letterarja Maltija, fejn għal tmien snin
kienet president. Imsie˙ba wkoll flAkkademja tal-Malti, u membru onorarju tal-G˙aqda Poeti Maltin.
Kitbet aktar minn 200 novella, sa©©i u
poeΩiji, ˙afna minnhom imxandra fuq
il-mezzi tax-xandir. Óadet sehem f’kull
antolo©ija tal-Għaqda Letterarja
Ippublikat tmien kotba: Sireni u Serenati, 2004 – awtobijografija ta’ tfulitha
fil-gwerra, li rebaħ l-Ewwel Premju talKunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb; tlett Ìabriet
ta’ novelli: Il-Bieb Numru 11 u stejjer
o˙ra, 2007 – Bellus u Bizzilla, 2008 –
Intermezzi, 2012; erba’ rumanzi: Kien
Kwinta l-Qamar, 1974 u 2008 – La
Jer©a’ Jasal Diçembru, 2010 – Kastell
għal Clara, 2012 – Meta j˙ammar ilPeprin, 2013 u tlett rumanzi o˙ra li
g˙adhom mhux ippubblikati.
The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 18, 2014
G˙al u˙ud ma kienetx a˙jar
minn kundanna tal-mewt
Ta˙t: Ritratt fil-librerija ta’ Victoria,
juri emigranti Maltin mal-wasla tag˙hom fl-Awstralja
fl-1948 flimkien ma’
Fr Robert Cassar
minn pa©na 2
Smajna wkoll, b’xorti ˙aΩina, b’kaΩi ta’
r©iel, missirijiet ta’ familja li ftit kienu
jafu jiktbu u spiççaw qatt ma re©g˙u
ikkuntattjaw lil tal-familja.
Tista’ timma©ina wkoll il-pandemonju li
kien iqum fi ˙dan familja meta jiddeçiedu
li waslu biex jitilqu u fosthom hemm xi
g˙arus jew g˙arusa li b’xejn ma stajt
iççaqlaqhom minn hawn. Min˙abba
f’hekk saru xi Ωwi©ijiet ta’ malajr u li
mhux dejjem irnexxew.
Imma l-ag˙ar mument kien ikun dak ta’
meta l-emigranti waslu biex jitilqu u jimbarkaw fuq il-vapur mix-xatt tal-belt.
Dawk kienu xeni li jien u o˙ti Josephine
Mahoney konna nvoluti fihom billi konna
membri tas-St. John’s Ambulance
Konna mmorru hemm minn filg˙odu
kmieni biex ng˙inu lill-familji j©orru lbagalji u jerfg˙u t-tfal g˙al fuq lança li
wara twassalhom g˙al fuq il-vapur. Bosta
drabi konna nispiççaw li minflok nikkunslawhom nibdew nibku a˙na wkoll g˙ax
ming˙ajr ma trid qalbek tinqasam tara dak
it-tg˙anniq li ma kien jispiçça qatt, tisma’
dak il-kliem ta’ addijo ... u tisma’ wkoll ilbiki tat-tfal.
Tistennieha li se tisma’ kliem li ming˙ajr
ma trid jikkommovik. Dan bosta mill-ommijiet li kienu di©à mda˙˙lin fiΩ-Ωmien
kienu jafu li qatt aktar ma kien se jkollhom
ix-xorti li jer©g˙u j˙addnu mag˙hom lil
dak binhom jew binthom li tant kienu
g˙eΩieΩ g˙alihom. Kienet mhux wisq a˙jar
minn kundanna tal-mewt.
Trid tkun qalb tal-©ebel biex ma taqsamx
mag˙hom id-dulur tal-firda. Mhux lewwel darba li xi ˙add li jkun wasal biex
jitlaq lill-familja u jimbarka jer©a’ jibdhielu u tarah nieΩel ji©ri minn fuq il-vapur
u jmur lura d-dar. Din l-operazzjoni biex
jimbarkaw kienet tie˙u sig˙at twal, u a˙na
li konna naslu hemm, ix-Xatt tal-Belt, fejn
kien hemm l-uffiççju tad-Dwana b’uniformi griΩa pulita, bil-g˙onq u pulzieri
bojod, fardal abjad u speçi ta’ maktur
abjad illamtat madwar rasna, konna
nispiççaw dehra differenti sa ma jitla’
L-aktar li a˙na t-tnejn kien imissna
ng˙inu kienu lil dawk li sejrin bil-“family
ship” Florentia li b’kollox ©ie tliet darbiet.
Darba minnhom kien hemm il-familja
kollha tal-Prof. Charles Camilleri – meta
dan kien g˙adu Ωag˙Ωug˙ u li kienu se
Kienu bosta l-vapuri li ji©u g˙all-emigranti, biex insemmi ftit minnhom: L-Asturias li g˙amel 15-il vja©©, is-Sydney li
g˙amel 39 vja©©, il-Columbia, ilFlaminia, l-Ocean Victory, il-Misr, li
Skaubryn li g˙amel sitt vja©©i sa ma darba
spiçça fjamma u kien miraklu li salvaw lemigranti kollha li komplew il-vja©© fuq
is-City of London u wara fuq il-vapur lussuΩ tat-turisti Roma. L-Achille Lauro
g˙amel 25 vja©©.
Wara li l-biçça xog˙ol ta’ mbark kienet
tkun lesta u n˙allu kunfuΩjoni s˙i˙a fuq ilvapur sa ma kul˙add isib ir-roqg˙a li se
tkun tieg˙u, a˙na u xi membri o˙ra tas-St.
John’s Ambulance Brigade li kienu jg˙inu
mag˙na konna nispiççaw g˙all-ikla b˙ala
mistednin tal-Kaptan innifsu. Ftit li xejn
kien ikollna aptit nieklu - mhux wara li
nkunu assistejna g˙al tant qsim ta’ qalb.
Dawn kienu xeni li ma ninsihom qatt u
mhux l-ewwel darba li da˙˙althom finnovelli u l-kitbiet tieg˙i.
Il-vja©©i fuq dawn il-vapuri ma kienux
xi ˙a©a ta’ lussu. G˙all-kuntrarju, kull
darba l-Gvern kien jirçevi kwantita ta’
lmenti. Veru li kull kaptan kien jag˙mel
kull ma jista’ g˙all-emigranti, imma l-ikel
kien ikun ©eneralment dejjem l-istess:
patata u spagetti.
Il-kundizzjonijiet tal-i©jene ma kinux
mill-a˙jar u aktar minn darba mietu xi tfal
fil-vja©© li kien jie˙u madwar xahar jekk
ma jsibx xi maltempati. Fuq kull vapur talemigranti qatt ma naqas li jkun hemm
saçerdot u tabib Maltin u dan, b’xi mod
kien ta’ konsolazzjoni g˙all-emigranti.
B’dankollu, nispiççaw fuq nota tajba.
Dak kollu g˙adda u mar u llum il-©urnata
l-emigranti li tant qasmu qalbhom dak innhar i˙ossuhom kuntenti li ˙adu dak ilpass tant snin ilu. Nistg˙u ng˙idu li kwaΩi
kull emigrant Malti ©ie lura Malta bosta
drabi biex jittawwal lil dawk li ˙alla
warajh, waqt li bosta Maltin telg˙in u
neΩlin l-Awstralja biex igawdu imqar g˙al
ftit jiem lill-membri tal-familja tag˙hom.
Hawn min jg˙idlek li hemm aktar Maltin
imxerrdin mad-dinja milli hemm f’Malta
Familjari tal-emigranti Maltin fixxatt tal-belt jag˙tu l-a˙˙ar tislima
lil qrabathom jarawhom fuq ilvapur g˙all-Awstralja
Emigranti Maltin fi triqithom
lejn l-Awstralja fuq il-gverta
tal-vapur Asturia
The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 18, 2014
Australia Day at
Parramatta Town Hall
The annual celebration for the Maltese community at the
historical Parramatta Town Hall to celebrate Australia
Day was once again very successful with the attendance
of some 350 people. This event organised by the Maltese Community Council of NSW, recognises and pays
tribute to Maltese persons from NSW who were at some
time awarded membership of the Order of Australia.
Those remembered this year were, Dr Stephen Gatt,
Lawrence Dimech, Lino Vella, Alfred Fenech, Nancy
Serg, Sam Vella and Janelle Falzon.
Dr Geofff Lee, the State Member for Parramatta, Mr
Kevin Connolly, State Member for Riverstone, Mr
Ron Sharp, Chairperson NSW Branch of the Order
of Australia, together with Councillors from Holroyd
and Parramatta City Councils attended. Most of the
properly constituted associations in NSW were represented at this annual event.
All the speakers praised the contribution of the Maltese to
Australia, a nation that is proud to have managed to create a
functional and effective base for multiculturalism.
The High Commissioner for Malta in Australia, HE
Charles Muscat and his wife Victoria
who were resent for the
first time,
Above: Malta’s High Commissioner, HE Mr Charles Muscat
(left) with Dr Geoff Lee, the state member for Paramatta,
NSW, at the Parramatta Town Hall. Below: The guests
at the Town Hall during the Australia Day celebration
Below: Those remembered this year. From
left: Lawrence Dimech
(2003), Lino Vella,
(1999), Alfred Fenech
(1993), Sam Vella
(1995), Janelle Falzon
(1977) Stephen Gatt
((1997) u Nancy SergBorg (2013).
greatly impressed
with the way the event is organised.
The Vice President of the MCC, Lawrence Dimech welcomed the guests on behalf of Alfred Fenech while Charles
Mifsud acknowledged the traditional owners of the Parramatta region. Emmanuel Camilleri presented a very excellent
and interesting visual presentation about the contribution of
the Maltese to Australia.
Young Australian/Maltese singer, Diane Camilleri was the
solo artist . She thrilled all with her clear and powerful voice.
George Bartolo read a special tribute about Lawrence
Dimech’s latest award as a Member of Malta’s National Order
of Merit on Republic Day. The MC was Tony Pace-Feraud.
The Maltese Cultural Association’s Choir under the direction of Marisa Privitera sang some excellent and appropriate
songs for the National Day that included, I call Australia
Home and I am Australian. This event like so many held during our National Day is symbolised so effectively in these
lyrics of the song by Bruce Woodley, I am Australian:
We are one, but we are many,
And from all the lands on earth we came
We share a dream and sing with one voice
I am, you are, we are Australian.
The Voice of the Maltese 5
Tuesday February 18, 2014
The Maltese High
Commissioner Visits St
Domnic’s and La Valette
Centre T
he recently- appointed High Commissioner for Malta in Australia, HE Charles
Muscat accompanied by his wife Victoria made an official visit to the St Dominic’s Age Care Facility in Blacktown NSW where they were welcomed by
members of the board headed by its Chairman Dr Stephen Gatt, and Sister
Giorgina Sultana.
The guests were shown around the facility, which is one of the best homes for
the aged in NSW and had the opportunity to meet with the residents, many of
them of Maltese descent. Gifts were also exchanged.
The High Commissioner also had a short meeting with the three
members from NSW serving on the Council of Maltese
living Abroad, Dr S. Gatt, Lawrence Dimech and
Gejtu Pace, and discussed with them matters that are
of importance to the Maltese Community.
Mr Muscat was also given a warm welcome at the
La Valette Social Centre that is situated next to St Dominic’s.
Above: The Maltese HC Charles Muscat
presenting a gift to Sister Giorgina
Sultana OP at St Dominic’s Home
for the Aged. Right: Members of
the Council of the Maltese living
Abroad with the High Commissioner Mr Charles Muscat (second
left). From left: Dr S. Gatt,
Lawrence Dimech and Gejtu Pace
centre’s president,
Gejtu Pace welcomed the High
Commissioner and took him around to meet the
hundreds of Maltese who
regularly attend this
Centre every Saturday
The High Commissioner addressed the
gathering and reminded
the crowd that the High
Commission in Canberra and the Consulate
General in NSW are
there for them, and to
assist them in their
needs especially in matters relating to Malta.
Left: A section of the
crowd at the La Valette
Social Centre
The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 18, 2014
Kritika offensiva kontra
Kummentarju minn
Lawrence Dimech
a jistax ikun li ma nosservawx, a˙na li tlaqna minn Malta u fittixna pajjiΩ,
˙afna drabi ferm ‘l bog˙od biex ittantajna l-©ejjieni tag˙na u ta’ uliedna, il˙afna kritika u kultant anke kliem insulenti li nirçevu fil-mezzi tal-medja
stampata ta’ Malta meta xi wie˙ed minna jaΩΩarda jikkummenta jew jikkritika xi aspett tal-˙ajja soçjali, u politika ta’ Malta.
Xi drabi anke qrajna attakki baxxi u bla kostituzzjoni tar-Repubblika tag˙tina dan idsens minn kittieba li çertament imisshom jis- dritt.
Dan l-a˙˙ar ©ejna ikkritikati bla bΩonn
tudjaw il-fatti kif inhuma qabel ma jiktbu
b’pinna mçappsa bil-velenu. Jikkritikawna g˙ax il-kritici ˙alltu l-˙ass mal-bass meta xi
g˙ax a˙na, il-Maltin li ng˙ixu barra ma talin minn Melbourne iffirmaw petizzjoni
n˙allsux taxxi f’Malta u g˙alhekk ma kontra dak li sejj˙u b˙ala “bejg˙ taç-çittadig˙andna l-ebda dritt li nikkummentaw jew nanza” .
L-intenzjoni kienet purament politika u
nikkritikaw. Qisu li g˙ax warrabna u allura
nqtajna u tlifna kull dritt, Malta ma g˙adhiex parti©©jana. Ûgur li dawk minn Melbourne
tag˙na wkoll. Sirna xi stran©ieri jekk mhux li sejj˙u lilhom infushom Maltese Pride qatt
ma bassru li kien se jkun hemm daqstant krig˙edewwa.
Qabel ma nifta˙ il-bieb g˙al aktar argu- tika, mhux g˙all-petizzjoni nnifisha, imma
menti nixtieq li nfakkar lil kul˙add u dan lejn il-Maltin kollha li jg˙ixu Barra. Taqbel
nag˙mlu b’mod emfatiku dwar dak li tg˙id jew le mal-petizzjoni nnifisha, iΩda b’danakollu kellhom kull dritt li jipprotestaw jekk
il-kostituzzjoni tar-Repubblika ta’ Malta:
min iffirma tassew huma çittadini Maltin.
“L-Istat Malti g˙andu jiffaçilita’ s-sehem
Il-ktitika, speçjalment tal-bloggers (kemm
taç-çittadini Maltin li jg˙ixu barra minn fil-gazzetti bl-IngliΩ f’Malta u l-Facebook,
soçjali, eçç) kienet li a˙na fl-Awstralja tlifna kull
ekonomika u kulturali ta’ Malta.”
dritt li tag˙tina l-Kostituzzjoni. L-istess kriDin is-sentenza recenti kostituzzjonali tika ˙arxa nsibuha ma’ wiççna hekk kif
da˙let fl-artiklu 20, ji©ifieri tinqara b˙ala mank tigi mlissna xi kelma dwar il-vot g˙aç20A fil-Kostituzzjoni. Nista’ nieqaf hawn u çittadini Maltin li jg˙ixu barra minn Malta.
ma nkomplix nuri kemm huma Ωbaljati dawk
Jg˙idulna li la ma n˙allsux taxxa, allura
li jg˙idu li a˙na ma g˙andna l-ebda dritt li m’g˙andna l-ebda dritt g˙all-vot. Mijiet
nikkummentaw jew nikkritikaw. Iva, l-istess jekk mhux eluf ta’ Maltin li jg˙ixu barra,
MCCV Survey on the Second
Generation of Maltese in Australia
The Maltese Community Council of Victoria is conducting a survey to obtain a
picture of the Second Generation of Maltese in Australia about whom we really
know very little.
If you are a second generation person of Maltese background, it would be appreciated if you would fill out the survey questionnaire.
Completed forms may be returned in electronic or hardcopy form.
BY EMAIL: Form is available for download from the MCCV website:
Complete it and email it to: [email protected]
BY POST to: Prof Maurice Cauchi, MCCV President, Maltese Community Centre,
477 Royal Parade, Parkville, Victoria 3052
The information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Please pass this information and request for survey participation on to your children, friends and acquaintances.
Prof Maurice Cauchi
(MCCV President)
Note: Definition of the 'second generation' for the purpose of this survey:
This survey is meant for second (and subsequent) generation persons of Maltese
origin born in Australia or elsewhere outside Malta (ex. UK, etc).
It would also include those who were born in Malta but were brought to Australia when they were very young (under 10 years of age).
This survey if for adults aged18 years and above.
g˙all-kunrarju, g˙adhom i˙allsu t-taxxa f’Malta fuq flus investiti jew propjetajiet li
g˙andhom f’Malta.
Staqsu, ivverifikaw maΩ-Ωew© banek
ewlenin li kellhom (jew li g˙andhom rappreΩentanza fl-ibliet ewlenin fl-Awstralja).
Allura r-residenti f’Malta li sfaççatament jevitaw li j˙allsu t-taxxa, dawk g˙andhom dritt
tal-vot? Ter©a’ u tg˙id, eluf o˙ra ˙allsu ttaxxa f’Malta g˙al snin twal qabel emigraw.
Xi ng˙idu mbag˙ad g˙all-miljuni ta’ ewros
li j˙allu warajhom fil-kaxa ta’ Malta l-eluf
ta’ Maltin li jg˙ixu barra minn Malta meta
ji©u jΩuru Malta, mhux g˙al xi erbat ijiem
b˙al ˙biebna mill-UE iΩda g˙al xhur s˙a˙.
U xi ng˙idu g˙al dawk li jixtru o©©etti b˙ala
tifkira jew b˙ala rigal u j©orruh lura mag˙hom fil-kaxxi u l-bagalji?
Dawk l-eluf li emigraw minn Malta fil˙amsinijiet u wara, ma telqux g˙al xi xalata
iΩda g˙ax pajjiΩna, Malta, b’mod ikkordinat
qalfathom ‘il barra g˙ax ma kellux xog˙ol
g˙alihom u g˙al uliedhom. Tant riduhom jitilqu biex jag˙mlu l-wisg˙a li sa anke ˙allsullhom il-passa©© b’kundizzjoni li ma
jerg˙ux lura f’Malta sa sentejn.
Allura kif ˙allsuhom lura dawn il-kritici lil
dawk l-emigranti? FiΩ- Ωmien meta Malta
kien hemm faqar kbir; meta Malta kienet qed
tipprova tistejqer mill-effetti finanzjarji
˙orox tal-gwerra, kienu l-emigranti Maltin
imxerda mad-dinja li bag˙tu lura miljuni ta’
liri lill-familji tag˙hom biex dawn setg˙u
jintrefg˙u mill-miΩerja li kienu jg˙ixu fiha.
Dawn il-miljuni lura fil-kaxxa ta’ Malta
g˙andhom statistiçi irre©istrati b˙ala fattur
ewlieni fil-qawmien tal-ekonomija ta’ Malta
bejn is-snin 1949-74.
L-emigrazzjoni kienet il-fattur ewlieni filkontroll tal-popolazzjoni. Ter©a’ f’dawn issnin imsemmija, is-somma totali ta’ £648
miljun, forma ta’ foreign aid, mill-iktar effettiva ©iet mibg˙uta lura lejn Malta mill-emigranti, dawk l-istess nies li llum qeg˙din ji©u
mkasbra fil-medja stampata. Kemm g˙andna
memorja qasira hux? Bog˙od mill-g˙ajn
bog˙od mill-qalb!
Dawk li emigraw mhux qed jitolbu xi protezzjoni speçjali. A˙na kapaçi niddefendu
ru˙na iΩda meta ssir xi kritika jew kummenti,
ma g˙andhom qatt je˙lu l-emigranti u dawk
kollha li marru jg˙ixu barra minn Malta.
Illum iktar minn qabel tidher kemm hi
mportanti li nedukaw lill-poplu Malti, l-aktar
liΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ dwar l-istorja tal-emigrazzjoni
minn Malta u specjalment il-kontribuzzjoni
li dawk li jg˙ixu barra qed ikomplu jag˙tu
lill-ekonomija ta’ Malta, kruçjata li jien ili
nikteb dwarha g˙al mill-inqas l-a˙˙ar g˙axar
The Voice of the Maltese 7
Tuesday February 18, 2014
Il-Grupp Letteratura
Maltija ta’ Victoria
Fuq talba personali mit-tim ta’ The Voice of the Maltese, li ntih ˙ajr tal-istedina, jien
ukoll se nibda nag˙ti s-sehem tieg˙i b’tag˙rif dwar il-komunita’ Maltija ta’ Melbourne.
e nibda billi nikteb dwar il-Grupp Letteratura Maltija ta’ Victoria li ©ie
imwaqqaf fl-1979 mill-mibki u qatt minsi,
Dr Guze' Abela u li kellu l-ewwel laqg˙a
uffiçjali tieg˙u fl-1980 b’kumitat mag˙-mul
minn: President/Fundatur: Dr Guze` Abela;
V’President: Prof. M. Cauchi; Segretarju/a:
Ms Vivian Kost; TeΩorier: Tony Spiteri; u
PRO: Charles Camilleri u Joe Axiaq.
Fost il-preΩentii kien hemm: Frank
Bonett, Manuel Casha, Joe Axiaq, A. Cachia, Vince Pulo, Benny Soler, Alf Dougal, V. Armato, Charles Formosa, Ray
Anastasi u Marie Louise Anastasi.
Il-laqg˙at dak iΩ-Ωmien kienu jsiru f’postijiet different, fosthom, Bulla, Melita Hall
f’Coburg, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne u
fid-djar tal-membri.
Dr Guze` Abela u o˙rajn tal-GLM, kienu
l-pijunieri fix-xandiriet bil-Malti fuq
Radju 3EA (issa SBS) u 3ZZ (issa 3ZZZ),
u stazzjonijiet o˙ra li komplew minn
hemm. Kellhom programm dovut g˙allezzjonijiet bil-Malti, u l-programm “Rokna Letterarja” fejn il-membri kienu jaqraw
xog˙lijiet ta’ proΩa u poeΩija tag˙hom.
Avveniment importanti ta’ dan il-Grupp
kienet “Lejla MuΩiko-Letterarja” fejn ilmembri kienu ji©u m˙e©©a jie˙du sehem
billi jaqraw xog˙ol letterarju tag˙hom jew
ta’ kittieba o˙ra.
G˙al din l-okkaΩjoni kien ji©i stampat
ktejjeb bix-xog˙ol kollu li kien jinqara
dakinhar. Dan l-avveniment kien inΩamm
l-ewwel darba fl-AMP Theatrette, fil-Belt
ta’ Melbourne u wara fiç-Çentru Malti ta’
Parkville, fejn g˙adu jinΩamm sal-lum.
Fl-1981 il-Grupp beda jippubblika folju
b’a˙barijiet letterarji ˙alli jΩomm lillmembri mg˙arrfa bl-attivitajiet tal-Grupp.
Dan il-Folju ˙adu ˙siebu diversi membri,
fosthom Manwel Cassar, Charles Formosa, u Rose Lofaro. F’dawn l-a˙˙ar snin ˙a
l-kariga l-PRO tal-Grupp, Paul Vella.
Il-Folju, li jo˙ro© darba fix-xahar, issa
wasal fil-˙ar©a numru 213. Jitqassam per-
Paul Vella minn Melbourne
mezz tal-posta elettronika lil madwar 450
persuna li wrew ix-xewqa li jirçevuh. Fost
dawn hemm persuni madwar l-l-Awstralja
u d-dinja, fosthom f’Malta, l-Amerika, ilKanada, l-Ingilterra u sa˙ansitra fi Franza.
Dan il-Folju sar popolari u ji©i milqug˙
˙afna g˙ax iservi ta’ ˙olqa bejn l-Awstralja u Malta u ma’ dawk li g˙andhom
g˙al qalbhom l-ilsien Malti. Kull min jixtieq jir©evi kopja elettronika PDF g˙andu
jibg˙at email lil [email protected]
u ismu jitpo©©a fuq il-lista.
Il-GLM kien instrumentali biex stabbilita
l-librerija fiç-çentru Malti ta’ Parkville billi xtraw g˙add ta’ kotba ˙alli jinbieg˙u
lill-komunita` Maltija.
Kienu l-istess membri tal-Grupp li jie˙du
˙sieb il-librerija, billi jsellfu u jbieg˙u kotba
bil-Malti. Matul is-snin din il-librerija tant
kibret li llum hija meqjusa b˙ala l-ikbar librerija Maltija barra minn Malta.
Matul is-snin il-Grupp ippubblika g˙ad
ta’ antolo©iji b’xog˙ol ta’ ˙afna membri,
fosthom, “Drie˙ ma’ Drie˙”, “Irjie˙”, u
“Frott Ie˙or”.
Il-Grupp g˙andu g˙add sabi˙ ta’ membri
kemm minn Melbourne u stati o˙ra fl-Awstralja. Il-Grupp jiltaqa’ kull l-a˙˙ar
©img˙a tax-xahar. L-a˙˙ar darba kienet
fil-31 ta’ Jannar fiç-çentru Malti ta’
Parkville b’attendenza ta’ madwar 20
membru li qraw xi materjal minn tag˙hom
jew ta’ kittieba o˙ra.
Fost l-o˙rajn, Dr Victor Sammut, Manwel Cassar, u Michael Xuereb qraw xogolijiet ta’ Publius Bu©eja, Andrew Sciberras, Ìor© Bor©, Manwel Cassar, Mary
Meilak u l-Poeta nazzjonali Malti Dun
Karm Psaila.
G˙al tag˙rif dwar il-Grupp jew biex
wie˙ed isir membru, g˙andu jibg˙at email
lis-segretarja, [email protected]
Fr Emmanuel Bonello waqt il-quddiesa
Reskeon Seniors'
first meet for 2014
he Reskeon Seniors Group, founded in
1996, had its first meeting for 2014 on
February 5 at Merrylands Community Centre, Reservoir. During it, a Mass of thanksgiving for last year and praying for a good
new year was organised. Fr Emmanuel
Bonello, Parish Priest of St. Joseph the
Worker Parish, North Reservoir celebrated
it. He also delivered a Homily.
After Co-Coordinator Salvina Vella welcomed the 130 members and wished them a
happy new year, secretary, Paul Vella, read
the birthdays and anniversaries for that
week. He also welcomed Joe and Lina Zammit who were on a visit to Melbourne
from Malta. The Maltese National Anthem
and Advance Australia Fair were sung.
At the end of the Mass Fr Emmanuel led
those present in the singing of a Maltese religious hymn written by Malta's National
Poet, Fr Karm Psaila.
As is the custom of the Group, after Mass,
Margaret and Victor Tanti, who were celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary,
were presented with a bouquet flowers.
After that it was time for members to play
two 10-game Bingo sessions while the men
enjoyed a game of bocci outside. As always,
others preferred to discuss a number of topics in the spare room.)
Il-membri fl-a˙˙ar laqg˙a tal-GLM: Joe Lofaro, Charles Attard, Alfred Xuereb, Rosemary Attard, Rose Lofaro, Michael Xuereb, Salvina Vella, Manwel Cassar, Marie Louise Anastasi u Ray Anastasi.
Il-Kumitat ta’ b˙alissa tal-GLM (mix-xellug g˙al-lemin): Paul Quddiem (mix-xellug): Fr Emm. Adami, mssp, Joe Camilleri, Frank
Vella (PRO), Rosemary Attard (Segretarja), Dr Victor Sammut Bonett, Joe Bonett, Josephine Cassar u Bernadette Cassar. Mhux fir(President), Marie Louise Anastasi (V/President), Ray Antastasi, ritratt Paul Vella (li kien wara l-camera), Maria u Armando Catania
u Dr Victor Sammut li ma setg˙ux jibqg˙u sal-a˙˙ar.
(TeΩorier), u Salvina Vella (Segretarja Attivitajiet Soçjali).
The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 18, 2014
Roundup of News About Malta
Bill Regulating Political Party Funding
Justice Parliamentary Secretary Owen
he Maltese Government
has unveiled a White
Paper to regulate political
party funding, with the bill
stipulating that the Electoral
Commission should be notified of all donations and disposal of funds and will have
the powers to levy administrative sanctions in the case of
any shortcomings. Criminal
action is also proposed should
false declarations be made.
Political parties will also be
obliged to prepare a set of accounts and these will be made
available for public scrutiny.
As part of the reform, election
candidates will have to register
donations exceeding €500 and
each candidate will be able to
spend up to €25,000 on their
general election campaign,
€50,000 for European Parlia-
ment elections and €5,000 for
Local Council elections.
Launching the White Paper,
Owen Bonnici said that consultation will be held with political parties and the Electoral
Commission before the bill is
debated in Parliament.
Consultation on the White
Paper will be held till the end
of March
Economy on upturn, Finance Minister says
Leading growth indicators in Malta are pointing towards a sustained recovery in Malta’s economy according to the Minister of Finance Prof. Edward
Scicluna (pictured right).
The figures of leading indicators - measures of
economic activity that give a preview of the economy's future direction - published by the NSO
show that there are obvious signs of economic recovery.
Such leading indicators on the overall economy,
inflation, unemployment and other measures help
drive investment decisions and economic policy.
They are showing strong signs of a post-election economic turnaround, thus confirming that the pre-election economic downturn
is being halted, and that the Government’s economic policy direction has placed the country on
the road to recovery, Dr Scicluna said.
One such leading indicator for the economy is the
importation of Capital or Investment Goods, which
contribute significantly to Malta’s economic growth. In fact, International Trade statistics show that,
with one exception, importation of Investment Goods have been in decline for eight consecutive quarters – from the end of 2011 to the middle of 2013.
The NSO’s figures confirm that since the middle
of 2013, imports of Investment Goods are reflecting a turnaround
with a strong increase of 38% in the third quarter and 77% in the
last quarter of 2013.
EU Launches €9 billion
‘Horizon 2020’ in Malta
uropean Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science,
Ms Máire Geoghegan-Quinn launched the “Horizon 2020”
framework programme for research and innovation, stating at a
news conference that the project “presents huge opportunities for
scientists and innovators in Malta to fulfil that potential.”highly
supportive of the “Widening Participation” activities and the Gov- She encouraged researchers to get out of their silos and urged
ernment is satisfied with the Commission’s €800 million support them to include societal aspects to address the socio-economic Scito the new member states, the so-called EU-13.
ence and Humanities across the entire programme. The European
Commissioner mentioned the opportunities that this programme
offers for the small and medium-sized companies, whereby more
than €9 billion will flow to SMEs over the next seven years.
Addressing the media, Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport Stefan Buontempo, said that Malta is
highly supportive of the “Widening Participation” activities and
the Government is satisfied with the Commission’s €800 million
support to the new member states, the so-called EU-13
Pastizzi, Ravjul, Kunserva & Kinnie etc.
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The Voice of the Maltese 9
Tuesday February 18, 2014
Roundup of News About Malta
Highlights of Celebrations Marking
Anniversaries Announced
ne of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s main slogan before the general election last year, was,
Malta taghna lkoll (Malta Belongs to us all). He intends to show it was not a just hollow call, therefore
when he announced the programme of activities to
be held in order to commemorate four important anniversaries this year the theme he chose for the
events shows his determination: ‘Int, Jiena, Ahna Dr Joseph Muscat announcing the programme of events marking a number of
Maltin’ (You, me, we are Maltese).
The anniversaries to be commemorated are, the historic milestones
50th anniversary of Independence, the 40th anniversary of the marking each anniversary, a concert of classical music, a show
Republic, the 35th anniversary of Freedom Day and 10 years of by DJ Garath Emery (Ministry of Sound), a concert of ballet and
EU accession.
other dance, a concert featuring Maltese bands, a production of
Calling on all Maltese citizens to unite to mark these special oc- the rock opera Gensna and a musical interpretation of the historic
casions, Dr Muscat said that he dreamed of the day when Na- Kantilena.
tionalists would celebrate Freedom Day and that Labourites There will be an event grouping all those born in those historic
would celebrate Independence Day – as one united people.
days, while a children's book on the events will be published and
Announcing the details of the events the Prime Minister talked distributed in schools.
about the importance of unity as the country celebrates four anMaltese Australians visiting Malta during the summer will also
niversaries in the same year. He said that a total of 63 activities be involved in activities specifically organised for them activities,
would be held to mark the four anniversaries.
particularly as this year also commemorates the half century of
Among the events will be a musical concert in St George’s diplomatic relations between Malta and Australia.
Square with the participation of Brian May, the legendary Queen Heritage Malta will put up an exhibition with 100 items outlining
guitarist on April 5. May, the author of classic Queen songs like Malta's history. Commemorative stamps will be issued.
We Will Rock You and Save Me, will be accompanied by soloist
Prof. Oliver Friggieri, who has been named as the head of the
Kerry Ellis.
National Festivities Committee, expressed his satisfaction and
Among other events will also be a series of art exhibitions by thanks to Dr Muscat for his efforts towards unity and hoped that
Maltese artists, three major multimedia shows in Grand Harbour, thanks to their involvement, youths and children would become
Floriana and Valletta, the creation of four interactive installations aware of what they could do for the country.
London’s Queen Mary University Gozo has lot of Untapped
Minister says
to open medical school in Gozo Resources,
ddressing guests at the reopening of
s a result of an agreement reached with tract the best medical professionals,” he Athe HSBC branch in Victoria Gozo,
Minister Dr. Anton Refalo said the governA
Queen Mary University of London, the said.
The minister also reiterated the govern- ment is willing to work hand-in-hand with
Maltese government announced the open-
ment’s intention to continue opening up
ing of the Barts Medical School to be set
up in Gozo. A memorandum of understand- health centres and added that it was already
ing between the Ministry for Health, the investing in primary healthcare and healthMinistry for Education and Queen Mary care centres.
University of London has just
been signed.
Malta Health Minister
The agreement will see the
Dr Godfrey Farrugia
opening of a campus of the
Barts and The London School
of Medicine and Dentistry,
which is the medical and dental school of Queen Mary
University of London.
Announcing the agreement,
Health Minister Dr Godfrey
Farrugia said Malta had the
potential to become a hub in
medical studies.
“This agreement will not
only serve as an economic
boost to the island but will
also serve as an international
brand for Malta in the medical field. This project will at-
the financial sector to further encourage investment on Malta’s sister island. He said
Gozo still has a lot of untapped resources.
Outlining the role of his ministry, Dr Refalo stated that one of the main ones is to
significantly improve the lives of the Gozitan people, and that two of the most important means to attain this goal, are to induce
foreign investment to Gozo and the creation
of employment for Gozitans in Gozo.
Firelight earn right to represent Malta
in Denmark Eurovision Song Festival
after victory with Coming Home song
irelight, the Maltese band made up of
Richard Edward Micallef, Michelle
Mifsud, Tony Polidano Matthew Ellul and
Leslie Decesare won the Malta Eurovision
Song Contest with their song Coming
Home. They therefore also won the right
to represent the country at the Eurovision
Song Contest in Denmark in May.
The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 18, 2014
Malta’s HC Pays Courtesy
Call on NSW Governor
Malta's High Commissioner Charles Muscat (left) with his wife
Victoria (extreme right) during the meeting with NSW Governor
Prof. Marie Bashir and her husband Sir Nicholas Shehadie
Malta's High Commissioner to Australia, His Excellency Charles Muscat and Mrs. Victoria Muscat paid a
courtesy visit to the Governor of New South Wales, Her
Excellency, Prof. Marie Bashir AC CVO, during which,
the Maltese Community in Australia was one of a number of topics discussed.
During the talks, it was evident that Prof. Bashir holds
us, Maltese, in very high esteem as she spoke about her
experience of working with the Maltese community in
the Western Suburbs during her early years as a GP.
Also in attendance during the meeting was Sir
Nicholas Shehadie AC OBE and the Governor’s Official Secretary and Chief of Staff, Mr. Brian Davies.
On the same day, the Maltese HC Charles Muscat had
a lunch meeting with Mr. Shaun Bonett, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Precision Group
of Companies. The meeting, whereby a future promotional programme for Malta was discussed, proved to
be a success.
Malta High Commission Announces
appointment of First Counsellor
The Maltese High Commission in Canberra has just announced the arrival on the
25th January of Dr. Joseph Pirotta to take
up his position as First Counsellor.
Dr. Joseph Pirotta joined the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs more than twenty-six
years ago. After a short posting in Paris in
1988 he followed a course in Mandarin
Chinese at London Thames University
(1990/91) and served twice at the Maltese
Embassy in Beijing (from 1991-1997 and
from 2001-2005).
Dr. Pirotta also followed a one-year
course for diplomats
in the Japanese lanFil-˙ar©a li jmiss The Voice se tist˙arre© dak li qed
guage and culture at
ise˙˙ fl-Awstralja fl-SBS, kemm TV u anke r-Radju,
the Japan Foundation
u tikkonkludi li mill-©did il-programmi bil-Malti
Centre in
jinsabu ta˙t il-mannara. Aqraw dwar dan fil-˙ar©a
Kansai, Osaka (1999tal-4 ta’ Marzu g˙ax dak li qed ise˙˙ hu fl-interess
tag˙na lkoll.
Futhermore, in 2008
he was posted in the
Il -Ma lt in u l -S BS
Libyan capital, Tripoli and was heavily involved in the evacuation of Maltese and
other expatriates when the
Libyan Revolution broke
out in February 2011.
Later that same year, he
was entrusted with opening
In December 1971, he
the Maltese Consulate in
formed part of a twoBenghazi where he stayed in
member Maltese delegatill October last year.
tion for negotiations with
He left Benghazi, that was
the US Secretary of State
gripped with unrest after the
William Rogers in Washrevolution, following a warnington DC on the presing by the US intelligence
ence of British Military
agents who reported a crediforces in Malta. Three
ble assassination attempt on
years later he was ap- Mr. Salvino Giusti
pointed Malta’s Representative of the Govern- his life. The message was reing Council of the UN Development Programme. layed to the Maltese GovernBetween 1983-1987, he served as Chargé de ment and by the evening on
Affairs and Consul General at the Embassy of that same day he was flown
the Republic of Malta in Tripoli, Libya, and in out of Benghazi on a Libyan
1988 was awarded Honours and Decoration for government jet.
In Australia, Dr Pirotta is
“Distinguished Diplomatic Service in Libya” by
accompanied by Ms. Amthe Government of Libya.
anda Xie.
New Consul General in Sydney takes office
r. Salvino Giusti, has assumed his position
as Consul General in Sydney, NSW on a
three-year term of duty replacing Mr. Christopher
Mercieca, who departed Australia late January.
Mr. Giusti, who joined the Civil Service of the
Government of Malta in 1960, has performed
duties at the Department of Health, Tourism
Board, Department of Social Services and the
Ministry of Education, Culture and Tourism. He
was also appointed as Member of the Organising
Committee of the 13th Council of Europe Art
Exhibition – The Order of St. John in Malta.
He started his duties at the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in May 1970 when he was assigned for
duties with the Maltese Delegation at the Permanent Mission of Malta to the United Nations
in New York, where he served in various diplomatic grades.
Dr. Joseph Pirotta
The Voice of the Maltese 11
Tuesday February 18, 2014
Terz taç-çitazzjonijiet
ma jit˙allsux
Dehra Ìdida
g˙al Kastilja
Pjazza Kastilja, nafuha sempliçament b˙ala Kastilja,
jidher li se ting˙ata dehra
©dida, jitne˙˙ew xi si©ar ta’
madwar il-monument ta’
Manwel Dimech, u anke jsir
tinbdil fir-roundabouts, eçç.
Dan se jag˙miha possibbli
li l-monument tal-Perit Dom
Mintoff, iddisinjat minn Alfred Camilleri Cauchi, ikun
jista’ jsir f’din il-Pjazza.
Hemm il-˙sieb li l-monument ikun fuq in-na˙a l-
o˙ra ta’ Kastilja b’dahru
lejn is-swar u j˙ares lejn ilBer©a ta’ Kastilja, li wara ttluq tal-IngliΩi l-istess
Mintoff g˙amilha l-uffiççju
tal-Prim Ministru.
B’hekk f’din il-Pjazza issa
se jkun hemm monumenti
ta’ tlett Prim Ministri: dak
ta’ Mintoff, ta’ Dr Giorgio
Borg Olivier u tat-Tabib
Pawlu Boffa. Mag˙hom
hemm ukoll il-monument
ta’ Manuel Dimech.
Iva, fl-a˙˙ar sena u nofs, aktar
minn terz taç-çitazzjonijiet li
n˙ar©u dwar ksur tar-regolamenti tat-traffiku ma t˙allsux. U
l-multi nvoluti mhux xi ˙a©a
taç-çajt, g˙ax fl-a˙˙ar g˙axar
snin kien hemm €14-il miljun
Ewro f’çitazzjoni li g˙adhom
It-tajba hi, li hemm regolament
li qabel ma wie˙ed i˙allas iç-çitazzjonijiet li jkollu ma ti©©eddidlux il-liçenzja. IΩda dan
ir-regolament donnu qed ji©i
nfurzat biss maç-çittadin ko-
muni, g˙ax minn dak li ˙are©
f’rapport dwar ir-riforma filKunsilli lokali, çerti nies, li
jmexxu kumpanji tal-karozzi,
b’xi mod jirnexxielhom jiΩgiççaw minn dan ir-regolament.
Dan jirriΩulta mill-fatt li hemm
sid ta’ kumpanija tat-trasport li
g˙andu j˙allas xejn inqas minn
tnejn o˙ra li g˙andhom jag˙tu
€104,000 u €70,000 fi ˙las ta’
çitazzjonijiet. Jidher li lil dawn,
il-liçenzja ©©edditilhom. Imma
kul˙add xortih hux!!
Emmen jekk trid!
inn statistika mi©bura minn rapport tal-programm ta’ Ωvilupp
tal-Ìnus Mag˙quda jirriΩulta li Malta hija ag˙ar mil-Libja, iΩda
a˙jar mill-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika fejn tid˙ol l-ugwaljanza tas-sessi.
Dan billi skont dan l-indiçi Malta tinsab fid-39 post minn fost 195
pajjiΩ. L-indiçi hu ikkalkulat permezz ta’ analiΩi ta’ diversi fatturi,
fosthom ir-rata tal-mortalità fost l-ommijiet, l-g˙add ta’ si©©ijiet filParlament li huma okkupati minn nisa, u r-rata ta’ parteçipazzjoni
fis-suq tax-xog˙ol min-nisa.
Issa jien dejjem kelli l-impressjoni.. impressjoni sintendi mibnija
fuq dak li tg˙id il-media.. li l-affarijiet fejn tid˙ol l-ugwaljanza kienu
ferm differenti.
Tg˙id fuq kollox kellu ra©un George Canning meta qal: “I can
prove anything by statistics except the truth.”
vi ta’ deterrent
dawk is- Kontraçettivi
Çajt goff! Multa farsa? g˙al
sewwieqa li ma
jobdux id-direz- K
an l-a˙˙ar il-Qorti
uwa tassew ta’ min
jistmerr çertu çajt DMaltija we˙˙let is- zjonijiet li jing˙ataw
goff li fuq kollox mhu çajt somma ta’ €35 Euro lil mill-gwardjani lokali u
if jinbidlu Ω-Ωminijiet hux! Sa tletin jew erbg˙in
sena ilu, ftit li xejn kienu dawk li jitkellmu dwar
il-kontraçettivi fil-pubbliku, minkejja li bla dubju ta’
xejn minn hawn jew minn hemm wie˙ed kien xorta
xejn. G˙ax fejn hi ç-çajta
li ççempel in-numru ta’
emergenza biex ming˙alik tid˙ak b’min ikun lest
biex iwassal l-g˙ajuna
f’kaΩ ta’ emer©enza?
Sfortunatament matul issena li g˙addiet minn
500,000 telefonata fuq innumru 112 (in-numru ta’
emergenza komuni g˙allpajjiΩi kollha tal-Unjoni
Ewropea) 11,000 minnhom saru b˙ala çajta.
Kien hemm ukoll 20,000
o˙ra li saru bi Ωball
(wrong numbers).
Ûgur li telefonati b˙ala
dawn, kemm jekk b’çajta
jew Ωball, ma jg˙inux
biex jing˙ata s-servizz
me˙tie© f’kaΩ ta’ emer©enza!
sewwieqa li nstabet
˙atja li ma obdietx l-ordnijiet ta’ gwardjani lokali (local wardens).
Din is-sentenza qajjmet
mhux g˙ax
din is-sewwieqa nzertat artikolista mag˙rufa g˙allmod, kultant
xejn kumplimentuΩ, li tikteb (Daphne
Caruana Galizia) iΩda g˙ax
˙afna sostnew
li dan Ωgur li
mhux se jser-
ikompli f’ pa©na 12
While visiting Malta Stay at:
The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Sliema.
Email: [email protected] Tel: (00356) 23497000
The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 18, 2014
Minn dar tal-iltima g˙al dik tal-anzjani
-G˙awdxin ta’ çerta eta’jiftakru sewwa dik ilL
binja fit-telg˙a tal-iM©arr propju qabel tid˙ol
G˙ajnsielem... id-Dar ta’ San ÌuΩepp li g˙al snin
twal kienet tospita’ tfal iltiema.
Issa bi qbil bejn il-Gvern u l-Kurja dik id-dar se
tinbidel fl-ewwel dar tal-Gvern g˙all-Anzjani
f’G˙awdex. Id-dar se tipprovdi 140 sodda.
G˙alkemm fuq in-na˙a ta’ barra se tinΩamm l-istess
dehra, ©ewwa se jsir tibdil strutturali li b’kollox se
jqum aktar minn miljun Ewro.
Si©©u jew
Miet Çikku Fenech
˙abbret il-mewt ta’
Kien ˙arab g˙ax beΩa li
Çikku Fenech, “ta’
jing˙ata l-forka, billi sa
dakinhar f’Malta kien
a nafx jekk is-si©©ijiet li se jitpo©©ew fl- Van©iela”. G˙alkemm
g˙ad hemm il-piena talM
uffiçini tal-Ministri, il-membri tal-Parla- ma kienx xi politiku jew
mewt. Wara kien ©ie
ment u l-kmamar fejn jiltaqg˙u l-Kumitati persuna©© prominenti,
tal-Parlament il-©did ta x’hix se jkunu... jew jekk
humiex si©©ijiet jew troni. G˙ax b’kollox dawn
is-si©©ijiet se ji©u jiswew €370,000 Ewro.
Sa˙ansitra hawn min qed jg˙id li hemm si©©ijiet
li jiswew €2,500-il wie˙ed.
U bil˙aqq, g˙ax kont insejt, dawn ma jinkludux
l-ispiΩa biex isiru s-si©©ijiet, jew a˙jar pultruni,
li se jitpo©©ew propju fil-kamra fejn jiltaqa’ filParlament.
Mall ˙ar©et din l-a˙bar, malajr ©ie ippreçiΩat li
l-ordni g˙al dawn is-si©©ijiet saret mill-Gvern ta’
qabel fuq su©©eriment tal-Perit Enzo Piano li ippjana l-bini tal-Parlament il-©did.
Çikku xorta kien mag˙ruf sewwa. Dan billi 50
sena ilu, wara li qatel
ra©el ie˙or ˙arab, u l˙arba tieg˙u baqg˙et tissemma, g˙ax irnexxielu
jisgiçça lill-pulizija g˙al
tliet xhur s˙a˙. Hu nqabad biss meta
b’intervent ta’ intermidrarju, ©ie fi ftehim mal-pulizija li jag˙ti ru˙u f’idejhom.
Matul dawk it-tlett xhur g˙ex flg˙erien tal-Ìnejna u Fomm ir-Ri˙.
ikkundannat 15-il sena
Ftit snin ilu Çikku
Fenech, mill-©did ©ie
ikkundannat disa' xhur
˙abs sospiΩi g˙al sentejn wara li ammetta li
kellu fil-pusses tieg˙u arma tan-nar u
sparaha wara tilwima.
G˙all-Mostin Çikku kien il-bejjieg˙
tal-˙axix li kien ikabbar fl-g˙elieqi
tieg˙u li maΩ-Ωmien sar parti millkarattru tal-lokal.
Il-Kanzunetta jew il-Libsa?
-g˙ada li sar il-Malta Song Festival, val, il-kantanta Ira Losco.
sintendi ˙afna qamu jitkellmu u
F’çertu punt id-diskussjonijiet dwar iljikkummentaw dwar il-kanzunetta li libsa jidher li issuperat dwar il-kanzunetti.
reb˙et dan il-Festival. IΩda din is-sena jidher li kien hemm kontest bejn ilkanzunetta rebbie˙a u l-libsa li kienet ta’
wa˙da mill-preΩentatriçi tal-istess Festi-
Dan g˙ax Ira Losco dehret fuq il-palk
b’libsa sewda trasparenti bi fjuri tal-bizzilla
suwed fuq il-partijiet intimi tag˙ha.
G˙alkemm ta˙t din it-trasparenza kien
kulur il-©ilda, lTwo great Events organised by the
imma©inazzjoni ta’
çerti nies, id-dwal
Maltese Association Hobsons Bay Inc
tal-palk, u aktar u laktar ta’ min kien
isegwi minn fuq it35th Anniversary on Tuesday March 25
televiΩjoni, ng˙atat
at 1.00 pm at the Maltese Neighbourhood l-impressjoni li din
kienet liebsa fuq ilCentre 21-31 Cn Collins & Marion
la˙am. Tant kien
Avenue Altona North
hemm min impressjon ru˙u li
sa˙ansitra ipprotesta
March 30 at St Mary’s Star of the Sea
Church 33 Howard Street West
Melbourne from 2.30 pm: Solemn Mass,
Street Procession with the Statue of
Jesus the Redeemer.
Maltese Choir of Victoria.
Buses available.
For more information call
Joe Attard on 0400357001
dwar din l-hekk imsej˙a ‘indiçenza’. Xi
˙add sa anke çempel lil ©urnal jilmenta li
kellu jitfi t-TV biex ma jiskanadalizzax littfal li kienu qed jaraw il-Festival.
ikompli minn pa©na 11
jista’ jiksibhom u jsib jixtrihom,
g˙alkemm min˙abba preçedizzju
ftit kienu jammettu li juzawhom.
Illum spiçça l-pre©udizzju, u sa
wasalna biex inΩΩeffnu fin-nofs
dawn il-kontraçettivi f’kull
st˙arri© li jisr dwar is-sess. Millmod kif il-media tippreΩenta rriΩultati ta’ dawn l-ist˙arri© ( p.e.
45% ma juΩawx kontraçettivi”)
bilkemm ma ting˙atax l-impressjoni li hemm nuqqas kbir
meta ma jintuΩawx.
G˙alkemm ng˙iduha, filkuntest li qed ji©i wΩat dan ittitlu hemm ftit tar-ra©un, g˙ax
qed jitkellem dwar is-sogru ta’
dawk il-45% taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ ta’
bejn is-16 u t-18-il sena li jkollhom x’jaqsmu sesswalment
ming˙ajr ma juΩaw il-kontraççettivi, u allura jkunu qed anke jissugraw sa˙˙ithom.
The Voice of the Maltese 13
Tuesday February 18, 2014
Il-pjazza ta’ Bu©ibba miΩg˙uda
bin-nies u l-karozzi l-Óadd li
g˙adda; ta˙t: u˙ud minn dawk
li aΩΩardaw jg˙uma f’ba˙ar
ka˙lani u ta˙t xemx tiΩre©
B˙alissa l-GΩejjer Maltin
tassew li fihom g˙axqa!
il-waqt li fi tmiem il-©img˙a li g˙addiet (mag˙ruf b˙ala ta’ San
Valentinu), eluf ir˙ewlha lejn G˙awdex
japprofittaw ru˙hom mir-ro˙s fin-noll
ta-vapur biex jaqsmu Ω-Ωew© gΩejjer, inizjattiva o˙ra tal-Ministeru g˙al
G˙awdex, bil-lukandi G˙awdxin
i˙abbru li kienu mimlija minn jiem
qabel, u r-ristoranti jirre©istraw bejg˙
ie˙or rekord, f’Malta wkoll kien hemm
fiex tixxala f’temp xemxi mill-isba˙.
Fl-eqqel ta’ Frar, filwaqt li l-pajjiΩi
1,086 Applikazzjoni
g˙ad-divorzju - 4
biss ma ntlaqg˙ux
ie Ωvelat li sal-a˙˙ar ta’
Jannar li g˙adda, mindu
da˙al id-divorzju f’Malta, saru
1,086 applikazzjoni, li minnhom erbg˙a biss ma ntlaqg˙ux.
Minn dan, 907 ©ew deçiΩi.
Fosthom kien hemm 60 applikazzjoni biex 60 kaΩ ta’ separazzjoni ji©u mibdula f’divorzju. G˙ad hemm 180 pendenti.
Id-divorzju f”Malta da˙al
b’li©i wara referencum li se˙˙
f’Ottubru tal-2011. Sadakinhar
Malta kienet taççetta biss divorzji miksuba minn qrati barranin, imma dawk Maltin ma
setg˙ux jiddeçiedu kaΩ ta’ divorzju bejn Maltin.
L-akbar g˙add ta’ aplikazzjonijiet saru fl-ewwel ©img˙at
wara l-introduzzjoni tad-divorzju fil-li©i Maltija. Bejn Ottubru u Diçembru tal-2011 saru
22 applikazzjoni.
L-applikazzjonijiet issoktaw
jiΩdiedu g˙al 422 fl-2012 qabel
naqsu s-sena l-o˙ra g˙al 340.
Ewropej mifnija bilmaltemp, Malta kellha
tmiem il-©img˙a – sat-Tnejn Ωgur
tg˙um f’xemx s˙una li wasslet lil xi turisti anke jmissu l-ba˙ar çar li jdawwar
il-gΩejjer Maltin, il-postjiet fil-kampanja
li s-soltu l-familji Maltin jiffrekwentaw
fil-btajjel li jinzertaw sbie˙ fir-Rebbieg˙a, kienu mimlija.
Bu©ibba – imma mhux biss – kienet
miΩg˙uda bin-nies. Sat-3.00 p.m. ma
kontx issib post tipparkja bil-vettura pri-
vata tieg˙ek, u mn’alla li t-trasport pubbliku rpilja fl-effiçjenza g˙ax ˙afna
setg˙u juzawh biex imorru g˙allpassi©©ati jew jilag˙qu x-xemx.
Turisti li nzertaw Bu©ibba mistg˙a©ba
b’dan il-fenomenu fissru l-jiem b’a©©ettivi mill-isba˙.
U g˙ax tassew ta, b˙alissa, u f’temp
b˙al dan, il-GΩejjer Maltin fihom
Dis-sena Karnival b’differenza
in is-sena, bejn it-28 ta’ Frar u l-4 ta’ Marzu,
f’Malta se ji©i organizzat Karnival xi ftit jew
wisq differenti mis-soltu. Dan g˙ax g˙all-ewwel
darba wara 40 sena s˙a˙, il-Karnival se jer©a’
jsib postu fil-qalba tal-Belt Valletta hekk kif iççentru tal-attivitajiet se jimxi g˙al Pjazza San
Se ter©a tibda ssir ukoll il-‘Qarçilla’. Il-qarçilla,
jew farsa, kienet g˙adha ssir fil-Karnival tal-Belt
sa madwar seklu ilu. Ra©el kien jilbes ta’ nutar
u ma©enbu jkollu l-g˙arajjes. “In-nutar’ jibda
jaqra b’le˙en g˙oli l-kuntratt taΩ-Ωwie©, kitba
mqabbla u botti.
In-nies kienu jog˙xew isegwu n-nutar huwa u
jaqra l-qarçilla biçça biçça mal-kantunieri talBelt. Xi kultant, il-kelma tan-nutar ma kinetx
tajba g˙al widnejn kul˙add.
U fuq kollox g˙all-ewwel darba fl-a˙˙ar Ωminijiet tne˙˙iet il-projbizzjoni dwar maskeruni u
karrijiet dwar figuri politiçi u g˙al din is-sena se
jkun hemm karru ddedikat g˙all-Gvern u ie˙or
iddedikat g˙all-OppoΩizzjoni.
U fil-fatt waqt il-konferenza stampa meta
t˙abbru dawn il-bidliet, fl-isfond kien hemm biex
ng˙idu hekk l-ewwel maskerun dwar persuna©©
politiku li kien juri lill-Ministru tal-Ener©ija Dr
Konrad Mizzi b’tank tal-gass f’idejh.
Ta’ min jg˙id li t-tradizzjoni tal-karnival Malti
tmur lura sas-seklu 16.
The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 18, 2014
A quick glimpse at Australia
Do not ask
for help!
reparing us for imminent belt tightening the Federal Treasurer Joe
Hockey emphatically warned Australia
that everyone must do the heavy lifting
now “the age of entitlement is over, the
age of personal responsibility has
The tough comments came as the
Abbot Government braces for further
requests for public funds from big employers such as Toyota and also from
farmers suffering from a vicious
drought gripping Queensland and
NSW. It appears that the days of governments saving businesses and jobs
have passed.
at RailCorp
he Independent Commission Against Corruption will hold a public hearing into the
case of Joseph Camilleri who until early last
year was RailCorp’s general manager of maintenance contracts.
According to ICAC, Camilleri and his sister
Carmen Attard, another state public servant
with the Department of Family & Community
Services, solicited by corrupt purposes more
than $1.5 million that they gave to Camilleri’s
daughter. It is understood that Camilleri
worked for the railways for 37 years before he
was fired, leaving on February 15, last year.
For much of the past decade, he earned at least
$240,000 a year and his salary was above
$300,000 a year for the past two financial years.
Labour Win
evin Rudd’s former Queensland seat of Griffith remains
in Labour’s hands after the byeelection. Terrie Butler has won
the seat from LNP candidate Bill
Gleeson. The voters of Griffiths
returned another Labour Member
of Parliament. Both sides of Parliament have claimed vindication
from the result.
On the two-party preferred vote
Ms Butler got 52.3% and Dr
Glasson won 47.7%. That is
nearly one percent improvement
to Dr Glasson on the result of
Glasson vs. Rudd contest last
Union corruption
Sydney needs a
second airport
he Treasurer Joe Hockey said a new airport is a massive
driver of jobs and job growth. You have to have basic infrastructure if you want a modern society said the Sydney
based politician. The Abbott Government is yet to approve a
second airport at Badgerys Creek.
After saying that the age of entitlement was gone the Treasurer has signalled the Federal Government is willing to throw
a lifeline to Qantas Airways in the form of a debt guarantee.
The airline announced last December it was headed for a halfyear loss a $300 million. It has signalled another 1000 jobs
could go as it looks to carve out $2 billion from its base.
Meanwhile, unemployment has jumped from 5.8 per cent to
6 per cent – the highest in a decade.
Who is lying?
ormer PM Gillard was
The Federal Government reF
called a liar about the car- fused to give $25 million asbon tax. Now both Tony sistance to SPC citing the
Abbot and Joe Hockey are
being accused of “lying” about
the SPC Admona.
The accuser is none other
than the Liberal Parliament
Member, Sharman Stone who
represents the Victorian seat of
Shepparton, where the SPA
factory is based.
company’s workplace agreement with the AMW union as
The company backed by the
MP refuted nearly all of The
Prime Minister’s claims. Ms
Stone was confident of being
able to initiate a Senate Inquiry into the food industry.
udge Dyson Heydon 70, will lead the
royal commission into union corruption
announce by the Federal Government.
The five unions named in the term of reference are the Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Union, the Electrical Trades
Union, the Transport Workers Union, the
Australian Workers Union and the Health
Services Union. The commission should
report by the end of the year.
The PM rejected any suggestions that the
inquiry was a witch-hunt or merely a political stunt. The head of the royal commission was appointed to the Court of Appeal
by the Carr Labour Government in 2000.
The Howard Coalition appointed him to
the High Court in 2003. He is a Rhodes
Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW
Inc. PO Box 5332, Greystanes LPO, NSW 2145
Learn Maltese!
Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine,
traditions and about the amazing history of this magnificent Mediterranean island.
Our trained and experienced teachers are qualified in
language teaching and have Maltese study credentials.
Classes available for students from 6 yrs to adults at all
levels of ability in the Maltese language.
Classes are held at:
Horsley Park Public School
The Meadows Public School
1759 The Horsley Drive, Horsely Park Fuller Street, Seven Hills
SCHOFIELDS - Terra Sancta College. Hambeldon Rd, Schofields
For more information and all enquiries
call Carmen Cassar on 0402 002 454
The Voice of the Maltese 15
Tuesday February 18, 2014
The end
of the car
industry in
A quick glimpse at Australia
he giant Japanese motor company
Toyota announced it would shut local
production in 2017 taking thousands of
jobs with it especially in Victoria and
South Australia.
Toyota has been in Australia for 51 years
starting in Altona. Toyota will follow Ford
and Holden out of Australia. All three will
be out by 2017.
From 2017 Australia will have no car
manufacturing industry, a situation almost
unique in the OECD. It is hoped that the
Government will come out with a package
for those sacked and others affected by the
Toyota lost an estimated $1.75 billion
over the past 10 years - despite an injection of about $1.2 billion in taxpayer dollars over that period.
Federal Opposition leader, Bill Shorten
said, “the car industry has died under the
Abbott Government. It’s a disgrace”.
Era of privatisation
ustralia not only had the good cheque books, talking of an era of
fortune to be relatively un- privatisation aimed at unlocking bilA
scathed by the global financial crisis lions in private cash reserves, and
but it now is in its 23rd year of unbroken growth.
Treasurer Joe
Hockey says that this in large part reflected the decision by past governments that left a stronger starting
point for our economy and budget.
The Treasurer has invited Australian businesses to ready their
using the proceeds to fund infrastructure.
The private sector is cashed up
around the world. Governments are
not. “Governments are very bad at
picking winners - losers are very
good at picking governments”, said
Joe Hockey.
Schapelle Corby
he name of Schapelle Corby has been in the headlines since
she was arrested and convicted of smuggling 4.2 kilograms
of cannabis into her boogie board bag into Bali, Indonesia in
May 2005. She was sentenced for 20-years.
But why this entire national fixation with Schapelle? Now 36years old, this Queensland school dropout with magazine cover
girl looks, photogenic and with selling blue eyes has now, according to the Indonesian authorities fulfilled all the substantive
administrative requirements as stated in the regulations and
therefore can be released on parole. Corby has to stay in Indonesia until her parole expires on July 25, 2017.
Left: Chapelle Corby behind bars before being released on
parole. But she must remain in the island resort of Bali on
until 2017.
18-Day US Holiday
(with Charlie Camilleri)
Departing 19TH May 2014
MEMPHIS - 3 NIGHTS: Visiting Elvis’s home and resting place GRACELANDS: Sun studio, where Elvis recorded his first song; Board Elvis’s
plane The Lisa Marie. TUPELO Elvis’s birth place.
NASHVILLE – 3 NIGHTS MUSIC CITY of USA: Visit Johnny Cash Museum;
Country Music Hall of Fame and a show at the GRAND OLE OPRY.
LAS VEGAS – 5 NIGHTS of fun. Try your luck at gambling. Optional day
Phone Charlie on: 0410-523-476
Bush fires inVictoria
olice investigators and other bushfire experts will determine the cause of 14 bushfires across the State of Victoria. Nine of
those deemed to be suspicious as furnace-like
conditions saw the mercury soar past 40 degrees for days.
In North of Melbourne at least 20 properties
have been damaged and seven homes destroyed. Out-of-control blazes were raging in
far-east Gippsland and the Latrobe Valley.
Victorian Premier Denis Napthine said his
Government had learnt the lessons from
Black Saturday with better information for all
residents and better structure of fire fighting
The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 18, 2014
The Southern Cross Group
Promoting Mobility on the Global Community
Voting in Australian Elections while Living Abroad
Here's your chance to have your say.
Are you a disenfranchised Australian expatriate?
Tell Canberra what you think by Friday 7 March 2014.
After every federal election, the Australian Parliament's Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (JSCEM) holds an inquiry into the conduct of that election.
The Inquiry into the 2013 Federal Election and matters related thereto is now in progress.
The terms of reference for this inquiry are very broad, so you can air your views on anything to do
with the Australian electoral system.
Many Australians who live abroad are prevented from voting in Australian elections. This is because
they are no longer on the electoral roll, and Commonwealth legislation currently prevents them from
enrolling from abroad if they left Australia to live abroad more than three years ago. The SCG estimates that there are probably upwards of half a million disenfranchised adult Australian citizens
The SCG has been working on this problem for nearly 15 years. As a result of our efforts, the previous two-year window for enrolling once you move overseas was lengthened to three years in 2004.
That was a small improvement, but we still can't re-enfranchise all those expat Aussies not currently on the electoral roll who left more than three years ago.
The fix is simple: we just need 18 words deleted from one Act of Parliament.
Section 94A(2)(c) of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 says that an application for enrolment
from outside Australia "must be made within 3 years of the day on which the applicant ceased to reside in Australia".
If you think this mass disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of adult Australian citizens is
not right, then send a short email submission to the JSCEM inquiry.
Here's a suggested text to cut and paste into your submission:
I call upon the JSCEM to recommend the repeal of Section 94A(2)(c) of the Commonwealth Electoral
Act 1918 so that expatriate adult Australians who left Australia to reside abroad more than three
years ago can enrol to vote.
I believe that following the High Court's decisions in Roach in 2007 and Rowe in 2010, Section
94A(2)(c) may well be unconstitutional, because it excludes a significant part of the Australian people from the electorate.
It's easy. Do it now.
You can also fax or post your submission to the JSCEM, or attach your Word document or pdf to an
Committee Secretary
Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters
Department of House of Representatives
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Phone: +61 (02) 6277 2374
Fax: +61 (02) 6277 4774
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Electoral Inquiry Homepage
The Voice of the Maltese 17
Tuesday February 18, 2014
Community News
Tune In to Radio and Television
Maltese Radio Programmes
In MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last
Wednesday each month at 1pm.
In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio
programme Sunday 11 am 2GLF FM89.3
In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesday 6.00am to
8.15am and Sunday 4.15pm to 5.15pm
To listen to the Maltese Radio of
UNCLE SAM DJ from Australia tune in
to link:
FRED FENECH: Every Thursday from
5.00pm till 6.00pm on 2RRR FM 88.5.
Can be reached from the Parramatta and Holroyd region'
VIVA MALTA on Central Coast Radio
NSW on Thursdays February 27 and
March 13 and 27 from 6 pm -7pm on
COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in
Gosford. NSW. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt.
Web streaming is also available on:
On SBS Radio - Latest schedule
Day Time Analogue Digital
Tuesday: 12:00 - 13:00 SBS Radio 3
Thursday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3
Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2
Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2
To tune into digital radio you will need a
new receiver or device with a DAB+ chip.
Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard on
digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38
and SBS.
Radio 3 is on Channel 39. Analogue is
the present FMwavelength. Digital radio
can also be accessed by a smart phone
and/or by going online at HYPERLINK:,
Maltese Programmes – TV, Web
TVS is broadcast in Sydney.
Every Saturday at 2pm; Repeats on Mondays 5 pm and Tuesdays 7.30 am
Watch direct via HYPERLINK:;
The PBS MALTESE L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at
8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.05 am on SBS2
Il-klabb tal-Óamrun se jorganizza Lejla ta’ G˙ana fil-klabb f’100 Jackson Street,
Marsden Park nhar il-ÌIMGÓA 28 ta’ FRAR mis-6.00 p.m. ‘l quddiem
-------------------------------------------------------Se jkun hemm erba’ g˙annejja minn Melbourne, Ûew© kittarristi
minn Melbourne flimkien ma g˙annejja u kitarristi minn Sydney.
Id-d˙ul se jkun b’xejn.
Ikun hemm ikel Malti mill-kcina u Cisk Lager u Kinnie flimkien
ma’ nbid u xorb ie˙or, u te’ u kafe’ li jinxtara mill-bar.
G˙all aktar tag˙rif çemplu lil
Eddie Ellul (il-President): 0410 407 423; jew lil George Tabone: 0425 217 300
Meetings of Maltese Seniors
Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors
Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month
from10:00am to 12 noon.
The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr
of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.
Daceyville Maltese Seniors
Come and join us and make new friends.
For more information on any of the
Groups please contact the Maltese Welfare Officer, Marisa Previtera, JP, on:
0414 863 123
Greystanes Maltese Seniors
Meets on the second Monday of the
Computer Clases
for Seniors
The Maltese Community
Council (NSW) Inc. will be conducting Computer Clases for
seniors from the MRC cnr
Franklin and Young Street,
Parramatta West.
Lessons Saturday mornings
from 10.30 to 11.30
For more information phone:
Emanuel Camilleri on: 9822 0228
Stella Maris Maltese Assoc. Inc
(Melbourne) - Founded 1988
Activities for 2014
March 1st, April 5th, May 3rd,
June 7th, July 5th.
All Family Get Together at St Joseph
The Worker
Watch for more activities on The Voice
The Committee for 2014
President Charlie Xerri, V/President: Lino
Fava; Secretary: Frances Fava Tel: 03
9449 7290; Asst Secretary: Lilian Wessley;
Treasurer: Paul Scerri; Asst Treasurer:
John Darmanin. Committee Members:
Sunny Micallef, Charlie Cach-ia, Carmen
Cachia, Antoinette Gauci, Manny Bugeja.
Notice to Former members of ...
Malta Society of New Zealand
We now have a Facebook page that
we invite you to join. It is called
We can be found online at:
It is open to anyone who is Maltese or
has an interest in the Maltese culture.
month in the Youth Room of OLQP
Church, 198 Old Prospect Road,
Greystanes from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.
Llandillo Maltese Seniors
Meets on the first Wednesday of the
month at the Llandilo Community Hall,
Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1pm.
The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group
Ongoing: We meet every First WednesMeets on the last Wednesday of the day of the Month from 10:00am. to 1:00pm
month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3
Our Meetings/Get Togethers are interGeneral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.
esting, informative & entertaining.
Note: The Groups also arrange regular
We also have regular outings.
Bus Trips.
Come Join us and make new Friends
For more information one should contact
our Coordinator – Charles Mifsud
J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421
662 298
*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council, NSW)
The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 18, 2014
St Helena Maltese/Australian
S.C.Inc. (Melbourne)
Activities for 2014
MARCH 15: Saturday BYO at Errington, ST ALBANS
MAY 3: Saturday Feast of the Cross/
MAY 17: Saturday BYO at Errington,
JUNE 21: Saturday BYO at Errington,
JULY 19: Saturday BYO at Errington,
AUGUST 22: Friday Mass 7.30PM at
Croatian Church ARDEER
AUGUST 23: Saturday Feast Dinner
AUGUST 24: Sunday Feast & Concert
at Croatian Church Hall, ARDEER
OCTOBER 18: Saturday BYO at
Errington, ST ALBANS
NOVEMBER 15: Saturday BYO at
Errington, ST ALBANS
DECEMBER 20: Saturday Xmas Function at MELROSE TULLAMARINE.
For information, Bookings phone:Victor:
0412 99 1325 or Mary Abdilla: (03) 9370 516
Il-festa popolari ta’ Don Bosco
iççelebrata f’ Horsley Park
l-festa annwali ta’ Don Bosco ©iet iççel- tatwa waqt ir-reçtar tar-ruΩarju.
fil-knisja tal-Vitorja f’Horsley
Il-President tal-G˙aqda, Mark Caruana ta
NSW mill-g˙aqda tal-Past Pupil & ˙ajr lil dawk li attendew kif ukoll lildawk
Friends of Don Bosco (NSW). G˙add
mhux ˙aΩin attendew g˙all-quddiesa iççelebrata minn Fr Carmelo Sciberras
mg˙ejjun minn Dr George Boffa u kor immexxi minn Joe Galea.
Wara, l-istatwa tal-qaddis patrun ©iet
ma˙ru©a b’solennita’ barra l-knisja, filwaqt li dawk prezenti jmxew wara l-is-
Il-festa ta’ San Pawl fi Blacktown
Il-Maltin fl-Awstralja jkomplu jfakkru l-festi tradizzjonali
tag˙na b’entuΩjaΩmu u devozzjoni. F’dawn l-a˙˙ar ©img˙at
kellna l-festa ta’ San Gwann Bosco u fiç-Çentru La Valette fi
Blacktown saret il-festa annwali ta’ San Pawl Appostlu
missierna li ©ab il-fidi kattolika fil-gzejjer Maltin.
Iç-Çentru kien mimli bin-nies li attendew g˙all-quddiesa iççele-
li organizzaw din il-festa f’jum ta’ tant
s˙ana. Qal li din il-festa g˙adha ti©bed
lejha ˙afna nies. Intwera li hawn devozjoni kbira lejn dan il-qaddis.
Wara kul˙add in©abar f’Marion Hall g˙al
FUQ: Ritratt tal-okkaΩjoni ta’ dawk li
˙adu sehem fil-festa ta’ Don Bosco.
brata mill-patrijiet Missjunarji ta’ San Pawl, Fr Tarcisju Micallef u
Fr Ben Sant. Óadu sehem ukoll il-kor taç-Çentru ta˙t id-direzzjoni
ta’ Victor Floridia u Sr Olivia fuq il-pjanu. L-unika banda Maltija
li g˙andna fi NSW, l-Our Lady Queen of Peace ippreΩentat Ωewg
programmi biex issoktat it-tradizzjoni Maltija tal-festa bil-banda.
G˙al din il-festa attenda wkoll il-Konslu Ìenerali l-©did g˙al
NSW, Salvino Giusti li kien g˙adu kemm wasal minn Malta.
Hu ©ie ippreΩentat lil dawk preΩenti u mdawwar maç-Çentru
mill-President Gejtu Pace.
Attivitajiet G˙aqda San Gejtanu (Melbourne)
Is-Soçjeta` San Gejtanu ta’ Melbourne g˙adhom kemm ippubblikaw kalendarju bl-attivitajiet li g˙andhom ippjanati
g˙al tul is-sena 2014. Ikun sewwa kienu jkollna iktar g˙aqdiet
Maltin li jippublikaw bil-quddiem l-attivitajiet tag˙hom ˙alli
kemm jista’ jkun jonqsu l-attivitajiet tal-istess xorta fl-istess
Is-Sibt 8 ta’ Marzu: Seafood Night 7.30 pm
Il- Óadd 23 ta’ Marzu: NSW bus trip
Il- Óadd 27 ta’ April: Mothers’ Day Lunch 12 pm
Is-Sibt 10 ta’ Mejju: Festa San Ìor© Preca 7 pm
Il- Óadd 18 ta’ Mejju: Laqg˙a u ikla 12 pm
Il- Óadd 15 ta’ Ìunju: NSW bus trip
Is-Sibt 19 tal-Lulju: Anniversary Dinner 7.30 pm
L-attivitajiet (barra l-bus trips) isiru kollha f’St Martin de
Porres Avondale Heights (Melbourne)
Ikkuntatjaw lil: Jmmy Chirkop: 0435847173; Rita Hili:
93311430 jew Joe Cassar: 93742767.
It-tieni parti ta’ dan il-kalendarju j˙abbruh aktar tard.
The Voice of the Maltese 19
Tuesday February 18, 2014
SUNDAY 3rd May 2014
Wentworthville Leagues Club 2 p.m.
Please note:
As of now, those wishing
to send their community
news or any material di rectly related to the
newsletter for publica tion, under this heading
are kindly requested to
start sending them to:
[email protected]
COMING UP ACTIVITIES OF NOTE: Wednesday March 19- Seniors Week:
Quiet Achievers, Night of Recognition at 7.15 pm at Annunciation
Hall, St Dominic’s at 171 Walters Road Blacktown NSW
For information ring 0409 744 376
Maltese Language Schools
Maltese Language & Cultural Schools
St Nicholas Festa Committee NSW
2014 Calendar:
If you wish to learn Maltese in SYDNEY
call: 0402 002 454 [email protected]
In MELBOURNE, contact:
Edwidge Borg, MCCV Maltese Language Classes
[email protected]
Also in MELBOURNE, contact Emma Navarro on 0406 215 990 or
HYPERLINK “mailto:[email protected][email protected]
30th March: Autumn Fiera
7th July: L-iMnarja
19th October: Spring Fiera
29th November: Night of Entertainment ( Rock n' Roll)
7th December: San Nicholas Festa
The Friends of Providence House NSW
(Official Ambassadors for Id-Dar tal- Providenza)
The Friends of Providence House NSW would like
to advise that the Tour of the Greek Islands, UK, Ireland and Malta is now fully booked. We would like to
take this opportunity to welcome all those joining us
and thank those who in one way or another supported
us, particularly those who made donations.
Readers should note that donations can still be made
to the one and only official Commonwealth Bank Account:
BSB:062 416 A/C 10199448.
All money raised will be donated to Id-Dar Tal-Providenza, Malta.
For information one should contact the Co-Ordinator, Jim Borg on 02 9636
7767. email: [email protected]
Thanks for your support.
Books for Sale
Telqu g ħ al G ħ onq it-Triq
( Book 2 )
by Lawrence Dimech
Call: Australia – 61 2 9631 929
Malta – 356 2144 1545
La Valette Social Centre
Fl-1 ta Marzu f’dan iç-çentru ta’
Walters Rd Blacktown NSW, se ssir serata ta’ g˙ana li fiha se jkun hemm ukoll
g˙annejja min Melbourne. Id-d˙ul
huwa ming˙ajr ˙las. Kul˙add huwa
mistieden jattendi. G˙al aktar tag˙rif
çemplu 9622 5847
The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 18, 2014
Sports 1
Nicole Parks, in action in
the moguls category in a
sport that she has been excelling for over three years
Nicole (daughter of a Gozitan mother becomes the
darling of the Maltese in Sochi 2014 Olympics Games
21-year-old Australian skier of
Maltese descent, Nicole Parks,
helped the Maltese in Australia
keep their interest in the Sochi 2014
Winter Olympic Games alive as she
made her debut in the Games and over
three days (February 6, 8 and 9), participated in the Ladies’ Moguls event.
Along with the other two Australian
participants in the women’s team, Nicole
even managed to reach the final as she
finished eighth. Britteny Cox (fourth)
and Taylah O’Neill (seventh) were the
other girls in the team.
The Aussie girls had earlier missed out
on automatic entry to the finals as they
failed to place among the top 10. In the
qualification round Cox had finished
12th, O’Neill 16th and Nicole 17th.
In the second qualification round the
Australians girls made great improvement with Cox placing fourth, O’Neill
seventh and Nicole eighth.
In the final at Extreme Park, Britteny
Cox finished took fifth place, while her
teammates Nicole Parks and Taylah
O’Neill both had fantastic Olympic debuts
to progress from qualifying to Final 1.
To reach the top 20 finals was a goal of
the pair and they delivered, with O’Neill
stopping in 15th place and Ncole Parks
In the final the Aussie trio faced stiff
competition in defending gold medallist
and reigning World Champion Hannah
Kearney (USA) and the three Dufour-Lapointe sisters (Chloe, Justine, Maxime)
from Canada.
In the end, the Canadian sisters Justine
and Chloe Dufour-Lapointe went 1-2,
with defending Olympic Champion Hannah Kearney (USA) claiming Bronze.
For Nicole, born in Cooma, and living
in Jindabyne, Australia, her participation
was a great occasion. She has dreamt of
competing at the Olympic Games
as a moguls skier since she was a
Her dream became reality in
Sochi in a year, yet this dream was
in danger of getting shattered when
a few days before the start of the
Games she survived a spectacular
crash as she was training in Sochi.
Luckily, the moguls skier managed
to walk away with just a pair of
broken sports glasses after the
She landed heavily on a jump feature towards the end of the session,
but later she insisted the result was
a lot tamer than it actually looked.
“I just landed a bit forward and
caught an edge that was a bit soft.
One ski went one way and I rolled
over,” she said.
“Everyone does that at least once
in training. I broke my lenses but I have
plenty of them. I came prepared."
Nicole is the daughter of a Gozitanborn mother, Josephine Buhagiar from
Ghajnsielem, and her Australian father
Andrew, she must be the pride of her
family for reaching such heights.
Mrs Parks is currently on holiday in
Gozo and Nicole is expected to join her in
Malta’s siter island in a few days’ time.
She has/is proving to be very important
in her career, not only because she has
taken part in her first Olympic Games,
but as even prior to the Games she had
also been quite busy trying to make a
name for herself in the sport as a member
of the World Cup series.
Before Sochi 2014, most recently she
took part in six stages of the Moguls
ladies World Cup. The first one was last
in Norway when she placed 16th. But
closer to the present time, in December
in Ruka, Finland, she finished 30th,
But at the turn of the year Nicole has
shown great improvement, culminating
in her participation at the major international multi-sport event, known as the
XXII (22nd) Winter Olympic Games.
Though her 34th placing in the stage in
Deer Valley USA must have been a disappointment, a 19th place finish in Lake
Placid, and two 11th place finishers one
in Deer Valley USA (again) and another
in Calgary, Canada.
Nicole has been making progress in
leaps and bounds since 2011when at the
age of 19 she won the Australian nationals. That success must have given her the
boost to enter the international arena and
as such, she started competing alongside
the world’s best athletes in the sport. In
2012 she made her debut on the world
stage in the Deer Valley stage of the
2012 World Cup where she placed 13th.
Nicole, is currently occupies 21st place
in the World ranking list.
The Voice of the Maltese 21
Tuesday February 18, 2014
Sports 2
Birkirka ra top first Part
of Malta League campaign
Birkirkara returned to winning ways in
their final match at the end of the first phase
of the Premier League in Malta, beating
Vittoriosa Stars 4-0 to finish top of the
league ladder at the end of the first phase.
They will now start the Championship Pool
with a point advantage over Valletta who
on their part defeated Balzan 1-0.
Birkirkara finished their commitments in
the first part of the league campaign with
56 points, therefore as the total of points
accumulated in their first phase will be
halved for the second part of the league,
they will start the Championship Pool with
28 points, one ahead of Valletta who finished on 53.
Teams finishing with the odd number of
points in the first phase will have the total
rounded by one for the second part.
The other teams playing in the Championship Pool will be Hibernians (starting
with 24 points), Sliema Wanderers (with
22), Mosta (with 18), and Balzan (with 14).
Birkirkara’s feat to end the first phase on
U/Bet FA Trophy
Balzan make it to
Championship Pool
top was a foregone conclusion as they led Anton Tagliaferro... the Maltese born Ausfor most of the campaign. The surprise tralian Equities Fund Manager is Balzan’s
was Balzan’s, whose performances of late honorary president and main sponsor.
gave them the push they needed to turn Soccer fan and also an avid supporter of
themselves from a relegation pool outfit to the Italy’s Serie A football club, Milan,
and owner of the AC Milan Soccer School
Championship Pool material.
They qualified to a first six place at the Academy in Australia that caters for
around 300 youngsters aged 7 to 16.
expense of Naxxar Lions.
Meanwhile, at the end of the first phase
So Balzan’s gain is Naxxar’s loss. What
at one time had appeared to be a most suc- of the Malta Football League, Naxxar will
cessful campaign that could have won top the Relegation Pool with 14 points folthem a first-six place for Naxxar, it turned lowed by a disappointing Floriana (with
sour after losing heavily (0-4) to neigh- 11), Vittoriosa Stars (9), Tarxien Rainbows
bours Mosta and finally 0-3 to Hibernians. (8), Qormi (8) and Rabat Ajax (3).
*The second phase of the championship
One of the people feeling happiest about
Balzan’s success, is Anton Tagliaferro, the kicks off February 22.
Maltese born Australian
Malta Premier
Standings P W D L F A Pts
Equities Fund Manager
League Results
Birkirkara 22 18 2 2 51 19 56
based in Sydney, Aussince last issue
22 17 2 3 52 14 53
tralia. He is the club’s
Round 21 (post. matches)
Hibernians 22 15 2 6 57 27 47
honorary president and Hibernans
5-3 Sliema W. 22 12 7 3 43 24 43
v Qormi
main sponsor.
Sliema W. v Floriana 4-1 Mosta
22 12 2 8 44 35 38
Anton was born in
22 8 4 10 24 31 28
Balzan and makes regu- Round 22
22 8 3 11 27 39 27
v Vittoriosa 4-0
lar visits to Malta to fol- Birkirkara
22 8 4 10 30 36 22
Hibernians v Naxxar 3-0 Floriana
low the club’s fortunes. Valletta v Balzan
1-0 Vittoriosa S. 22 5 3 14 24 47 18
The Director of Invest- Sliema v Rabat
2-1 Tarxien R. 22 4 4 14 27 46 16
22 4 4 14 28 45 16
ment at Investors Mutual Mosta v Tarxien
1-0 Qormi
22 1 3 18 17 61 6
2-2 Rabat A.
Limited (IML), is a keen Floriana v Qormi
for B’Kara
fter such a great campaign in the
first part of the league that has
Former Hamrun Spartans officials
made them favourites to win the Premier
League, Birkirkara crashed out of the
second most important competition in
handed life-time bans from football
Maltese football, the U-Bet FA Trophy
he Council of the Malta Football As- equivalent to the sentence given for such
when they were surprisingly beaten by
sociation following match-fixing cases cases.
Qormi, in Saturday’s Q/final by 3-1.
covering seven Premier League matches
The board confirmed its decision when it
The result must have been the suprise
of the competition as Birkirkara were
targeting the League and Cup double.
However, Not for the first time, Qormi,
who finished the first half of the league
campaign bottom but one, have proven
to be great cup fighters, Their win was
justified on their performance.
First Division side Gzira are the only
ones outside the Premier after beating
Rabat from the Premier by 2-1.
Also through: Valletta, 1-0 victors, with
a goal from a penalty over Naxxar L,
and Sliema W. who beat Pieta H. 2-0.
In the semis, Valletta play Gzira, while
Sliema face Qormi
during season 2012/13 has handed two
former Hamrun Spartans officials -Elton
Borg and Julian Friggieri - a life-ban.
The Board to Adjudicate Charges Relating to Bribery and Illegal Betting in Football had fined Hamrun Spartans €10,000
and deducted seven points at the start of
the BOV First Division League 2013/14.
Elton Borg and Julian Friggieri, who had
been charged, along with two players, of
fixing a number of matches involving
Hamrun Spartans had admitted the
charges and resigned from all football activities voluntarily, therefore the Board accepted their decision and deemed the
resignations to be sufficient since it is
was asked to reconsider by the MFA council, arguing that it had no jurisdiction over
the former officials since they were no
longer under its jurisdiction.
Prior to the 2013/14 football season,
Hamrun Spartans who now play in Division One, were given an eight-point penalty and fined €10,000 after pleading
They are still suffering from that decision
as they currently languish at the bottom of
the league standing with only seven points
from 15 matches and are in danger of relegation to the Third Division.
They have shown some improvement of
late but the situation is still prcarious.
The Voice of the Maltese
Tuesday February 18, 2014
Sports 3
George Cross, Green Gully
will form part of new NPL
Brisbane Roar suffer
penalty-goal defeat
unaway A-League leaders Brisbane Williams hattrick
Roar’s curious hoodoo against ninth- tht led them to the
placed Newcastle Jets continued at Sun- staggering suc- succorp Stadium on Sunday as they went cess at Weldown 1-0 to an Adam Taggart goal from lington Regional Stadium.
Melbourne Heart are unbeaten in the
the penalty spot just before the hour mark.
It was enough for the Roar to suffer their past five games under coach John van’t
Schip, but are still bottom of the league
fifth defeat of the season.
As on the teams' previous two encounters ladder, three points adrift of the team
this season, in this 19th round match, Bris- above them, Perth Glory.
One again Mifsud failed to even make it
bane dominated possession but struggled
the subs bench and in fact at the weekto break down a compact Jets defence.
Newcastle came into the game having not end he was included in the Heart’s team in
the Foxtel National Youth League where
won any of their previous seven games.
Meanwhile, for the third time running, he managed to spur them to a thumping 8Malta international striker Michael Mifsud 1 victory over the Australian Institute of
missed Melbourne Heart’s outing as they Sport.
Mifsud scored a first-half hat-trick and
claimed a valuable three away points following a 5-0 thrashing of Wellington was then withdrawn at the break to give
Phoenix at Westpac Stadium. It was opportunities to some younger players.
Heart’s third suc- RESULTS - Round 18
P W D L F A Pts
cessive victory Western Sydney v Brisbane R 1-1 Standings
12 2 5 33 17 38
after the other Central Coast v Melbourne V. 1-3
8 7 4 23 19 31
week’s 2-1 win
19 7 6 6 30 24 27
2-3 Adelaide U.
Perth Melbourne H v Perth G.
2-1 Melbourne V. 19 7 6 6 26 29 27
Glory at Albury.
Cent. Coast M 19 7 6 6 19 22 27
Against the
19 8 1 10 25 28 25
Phoenix Heart Melbourne V. v West Sydney 3-1 Wellington Ph 19 6 5 8 26 28 23
Adelaide U v Central Coast 2-0
19 6 5 8 20 25 23
pulled off the Sydney
2-1 Newcastle J
FC v Perth Glory
stunning upset Brisbane Roar v Newcastle J 0-1 Perth Glory 19 5 6 8 19 22 21
win with a David Wellington P. v Melbourne H. 0-5 Melbourne H. 19 4 6 9 23 30 18
altese-Australian clubs Sunshine
George Cross and Green Gully Cavaliers are among 30 clubs that have been offered a licence to form part of the inaugural
National Premier League Victoria (NPL).
When he was notified of the news, the
George Cross president Jamie Chetcuti
could not contain his delight at the chance
to form part of he new league and to be one
of the western suburbs clubs in it. He said
that George Cross have a rich history. They
were part of the NSL and produced heaps
of players who have played for Australia.
GC, founded by Maltese immigrants had
been waiting 18 months to get the goahead, but Jamie said it was worth waiting
for it, as the club would feature “in the
strongest competition in the state and its
juniors will enjoy the best pathways.”
He went on to say that they also wanted
to be in it because of the development for
juniors in this league.
Meanwhile, Tony Ciantar has been retained as the club’s head coach. Former
NSL, A-League striker and New Zealand
international Vaughan Coveny will be director of coaching.
Mounties Wanderers FC
commence trial matches
he 2014 pre-season Trial Matches for the Mounties
Wanderers FC senior teams commenced on February 9, and the Youth League kicked off its pre-season
trial matches last Sunday, February 16 at Cook Park.
The Skill Acquisition Programme also took off last
Sunday with their pre-season trials at Club Italia
Sports Ground.
Emanuel Camilleri (right) with Rhys
Sullivan in Sydney Wanderers colours
George Cross president Jamie Chetcuti
Singing for the Wanderers
ho do we sing for? We sing for wanderers! That is
the cry supporters who follow Western Sydney
Wanderers FC chant as the stadium erupts into a thundering roar amid an exhibition of black and red colour
as Western Sydney Wanderers every time the Wanderers play at their home at the city of Parramatta, now
called the Pirtek Stadium.
This phenomena that started a year ago has put Australian soccer on the world spotlight so much so that
English Premiership side Manchester City have now entered the A-League world by buying into the Melbournebased Heart FC.
Now the scene too is set for Western Sydney Wanderers to venture into Asia and compete in Asia’s AFC
Champions league.
- Emanuel Camilleri