7.0 44 (2) Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat Dienst Weg- en Waterbouwkunde Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat EQUIVALENT LAYER THEORIES "State of the art report" W-DWW-94-904 NIET UITLEENBAAR BUITEN DWW BIDOC DWW - 015-2518363 B I D O C (bibliotheek en documentatie) Dienst Weg- en Waterbouwkunde Postbus 5044, 2600 GA DELFT Tel. 015 -2518 363/364 1 .Ü-UH I I I 1 1 I I EQUIVALENT LAYER THEORIES "State of the art report" A.C. Pronk Road and Hydraulic Engineering Division Rijkswaterstaat The Netherlands (bibliotheek en documentatie) I I Dienst Wfig- en Waterbouwkunde Postbus 5CM4,2S0O GA OL1.FI Te!. 015-2518 363/564 I i i f f l i i I I i Disclaimer (Dutch) Dit werkdocument wordt uitgegeven om geïnteresseerden de gelegenheid te bieden om van de voortgang van het desbetreffend onderzoek, e.d. kennis te nemen. Benadrukt wordt dat de gezichtspunten in dit werkdocument niet noodzakelijk overeen behoeven te komen met de officiële gezichtspunten of het beleid van de directeur-generaal van de Rijkswaterstaat Met de in dit werkdocument gegeven informatie dient derhalve met de nodige voorzichtigheid te worden omgegaan, aangezien de hierin vermelde conclusies in de loop van het verder onderzoek of anderszins mogelijk herzien dienen te worden. I I I I I I I i t i i § i i Abstract An overview is given on the most known equivalent layer theories. In the equivalent layer theory, overlaying (pavement construction) layers with different thicknesses and moduli are combined into one layer with an equivalent thickness Heq. Special attention is given to the applicability in case of calculations using the Hogg and Westergaard models for concrete pavements. It is shown, that in principle the equivalent layer thickness theories can not be used in the Westergaard model because this model (Winkler foundation) is not comparable with the linear elastic isotropic half space or multi layer model (Burmister model) on which all the equivalent layer theories are based. Only in the case of the "Supplementary Theory" model of Westergaard in which the reaction of the foundation is 'corrected' to that of a linear elastic half space (HoggJeuffroy model) a (unique) relationship can be established between the modulus of subgrade reaction k and the Youngs modulus Eo for both the deflection and the stress. Therefore the relationship given by Eisenmann : k = Eo / Heq is not correct. Contents 1. Equivalent Layerthickness Theory of Palmer and Barber 2. Odemark's Equivalent Layerthickness Theory 2.1 Deflections 2.2 Stresses and Strains 3. Ullidtz's elaboration of Odemark's Theory 3.1 General 3.2 Special application for a stress dependent subgrade modulus 3.2.1 Introduction 3.2.2 Strain calculations in a two layer system for a circular load 3.2.3 Calculations of deflections 4. Other variants on the Equivalent Layer Thickness Theory 4.1 General 4.2 Nijboer's Equivalent Layer Thickness Theory 4.3 Pronk's Equivalent Layer Thickness Theory 4.4 Comparison of the several approaches 4.5 Thenn de Barros Equivalent Layer Thickness Theory 5. Concrete Pavements 5.1 General 5.2 Two layer model 5.3 Three layer model References Appendix I ; Overview of formulas 1 i I 1. Equivalent Layerthickness Theory of Palm er and Barber In this not so well-known theory [1] the equivalency of the layers is based on a "bending" stiffness, that is to say, each horizontal infinite layer is characterized by: 1/3 L = H± (1) (1-v?) The behaviour of a layer denoted by: (Hir Eif v) is said to be equal of that of another layer with the parameters (Hkr Ekf vk) if the following relation is valid: HiQi = HkQk or 1/3 (2) 1/3 (1-v?) If the layers are numbered starting from above (surface : 1 ; subgrade : n) the procedure is as follows: The equivalent layer thickness (Heq,) of all layers above layer (i+1) with characteristics (H kv E M ,v k1 ) is calculated using equation (3). Heqd = H.1 Q, X x- gj-1 •H, x•i+1 (3) J=l The deflection W is now written as the summation of the compressions in all the layers above the subgrade and the deflection of the subgrade: j=n-l W = +Wn = Wn The compression in a layer with number i (i=1,2,... n-1) is calculated using the deflection formulas for a half space W{zrE,v} (see Appendix I) according to: (5) The deflection of the subgrade is calculated with: Wn = According to [1] this approximation of the deflection in a linear elastic multi layer system is quite sufficient if the ratio of the Youngs moduli of layer i and layer i+1 is bigger than 3 (E/El+1 > 3). 2. Ödemark's Equivalent Layerthickness Theory 2.1 Deflections In the equivalent layerthickness theory of Ödemark [2, 3] two new equivalent layer thicknesses are calculated for each pavement layer (except of course for the infinite subgrade). 1/3 (7) Heq1 = Geqi = f2Hi with f± and f2 are constants and E*+1 = F i EUk, Huk, \>i+k } (8) k = 1, 2, 3, . . up to the subgrade modulus Eo The second equivalent layerthickness Geq, is only used in the calculation of the (vertical) compression of.a construction layer. The first equivalent layerthickness Heq, is known as the equivalent layerthickness. Calculation of E-^ M and v^ ui Odemark did not give the actual calculation 'for the replacing Poisson ratio v'M because in his original work all the Poisson ratio's v, were taken equal. In view of the small influence of the Poisson ratio on the calculations it can be justified to put vM = vM. However, the calculation of the replacing modulus E*^ is quite complex. The calculation is based on the assumption that the deflection at the top of layer i can be calculated on one hand as the deflection in a half space with modulus E*, at a depth z,* = I[Heq k ] from k = 1 to k = (i-1) and on the other hand as the sum of the compression of layer i and the deflection at the bottom of layer i. I I I The compression of layer i will be calculated in this case as the difference between the deflections in a half space with modulus £•, at the depths z(* = §[Heqk] from k = 1 to k = (i-1) and z," = zs* + The deflection at the bottom of layer i is calculated as the deflection in a half space with modulus E*M at a depth z,'** = §[Heqk] from k = 1 to k = i. By performing this procedure for all layers a relation will be established between E„ E*, and E*^, for all values of i. Because the, for the layer j just above the subgrade, modulus E*H equals the subgrade modulus Eo all the replacing moduli E*, can be calculated. This procedure will be explained for a three layer model with the parameters E1r vv H v E2, v2, H2, Eo, vo. The deflection in a half space with modulus E and Poisson ratio v at a depth z is defined as W(z,E,v). For the first pavement layer the two equivalent layerthicknesses are defined by: 1/3 j i' Heqx = E v?) (9) Geq± = The two equivalent layerthicknesses for the second pavement layer (just above the subgrade) are given by: Heq2 = f±H2x E2 ( 1 - vg) 1/3 (10) Geq2 = f22H. "2 The compression of the two pavement layers are calculated as follows: AWX = W{0,E1,v1) - W {Geqx,E1,v1) (ïi) AW2 = W {Heq1, E2,v2) - W iHeq1 + Geq2, E2, v2) The deflection at the top of the subgrade is determined by: Wo = (12) The yet still unknown replacing modulus E2* is determined by the requirement that the deflection at the top of the second pavement layer (AW2+W0) equals the deflection in a half space with the modulus E 2 at a depth z* = Heq, : W {Heq1rE2\v2} AW2 + Wo = (13) The deflection W in a halfspace (£,v) at a depth z due a homogeneous divided circular load P with radius a is given by: Wiz,E, v) = with (1 + v) P cos(x) x 1 + - 2v naE 1 + s i n (x) tg{x) = — d. (14) The term in equation (14) which contaïns the factor (1-2v) disappears for v = 0,5. In that case (1^=1^=1^3=0,5) the requirement \N(Heqv£*2,vJ = AW2+WO will lead to equation (15): f{a2 + Heql) . E2 a (15) (Heg1 + Heq2)2) .Eo a (Heq1 + Geq2)2) y/( .E2 1/3 with Heq1 = f1H1x 1/3 Heq2 = fxH2 (16) 12. 'Jo Geq2 = f2H2 Usually a value of 0,9 is taken for the constants f, and f2. In table 1 the ratio E2'/Eo is giyen for several combinations of the ratio's E,/Eo, E2/Eo, H / a and H2/a. The ratio E2*/Eo can be seen as the factor by which the bearing capacity of the subgrade (E*2 is a kind of effective subgrade modulus) has been increased by the application of the foundation (H2,E2,v2). As shown in table 1 the ratio E/E,, has limited influence on the increase for low values of the ratio E2/Eo. The increase becomes even smaller if the stiffness modulus of the first layer E, increases. It also appears that the influences of the ratio's H/a and H2/a are mainly determined by the ratio H,/H2 which implies that the increase factor E27EO nearly depends on the radius a of the load plate. 2.2 Stresses and Strains For the calculations of the stresses and strains in the interface between two layers the equivalent layer thickness Heqi is used. The formulas for the stresses and strains in a halfspace (E,v) on the center line at a depth z due to a homogenous divided circular load P are denoted by : ar(z,v) : Radial stress = Tangential stress (center line) Vertical stress Radial strain = Tangential strain (center line) Vertical strain Complete friction is assumed between the pavement layers -> the horizontal strain at the bottom of layer i (erl) equals the horizontal strain at the top of layer i+1 (eM+1). Table 1. Combinations Increase factor E2*/Eo H/a H2/H, E,/Eo 1 2 0,5 40 1,10 1,19 1,28 1 2 0,5 20 1,12 1,24 1,35 1 1 1,0 80 1,15 1,29 1,44 1 1 1,0 40 1,18 1,35 1,53 1 1 1.0 20 1,21 1,42 1,64 2 2 1,0 80 1,16 1,31 1,46 2 2 1,0 40 1,19 1,38 1,58 2 2 1,0 20 1,23 1,47 1,73 2 1 2,0 80 1,27 1,57 1,90 2 1 2,0 40 1,32 1,67 2,09 2 1 2,0 20 1,36 1,79 2,30 H2/a E2/Eo = 2 E2/Eo = 8 E2/Eo = 4 The horizontal strain at the bottom of layer i is calculated as : k=i z= k=l The vertical strain at the top of layer i+1 (evi+1) is calculated as: k=i e v , i + i = e v ( z , £•;+!, v i + 1 } with z = £ Heqk (18) k=l The horizontal and vertical stresses at the top of layer i+1 (a-hM-, and <7vM ) are calculated as: r, i + 1 = oriz, v i+1 ) and k=i z (19) = k=i The horizontal strain at the bottom of layer i (sri) can not be calculated by: k=i-l ezi * £ r ( z , ^ i / v i } with z = J^ [Heqk] + Geq£ Jc=l (20 > The horizontal stress at the bottom of layer i (<ro) can be calculated with the aid of the following relations: for the lower layer i : and for the upper layer: (21) interface : : frietion continuity For a two layer system (HirE1f 1^=0,5; Eo=100 MPa,vo=0,5) the horizontal strain has been calculated at thé bottom of the first layer due to a circular load P = 50 kN. The En value was varied from 2000 to 8000 MPa and the ratio H/a was varied from 0,5 to 2,0. The results of the calculations are given in table 2 together with BISAR calculations. I I Table 2. cr>1 = £r {Heq1r 100,0,5} H/a E1=2000 [MPa] ^=4000 [Mpa] £r.i E1=8000 [Mpa] BISAR E1=2000 [MPa] E1=4000 [MPa] E1=8000 [MPa] I 0,5 1647 1320 990 780 531 343 1,0 705 482 320 421 257 152 I 2,0 209 135 86 161 93 53 1 I i 1 i i i 3. Ullidtz's Elaboration of Odemark's Theory 3.1 General Ullidtz [4] extended the theory of Odemark in one way by a more accurate determination of the correction factor f, in the equivalent layerthickness calculation of Odemark. Ullidtz denoted this factor as f. Instead of a constant value (= 0,9) as in the original Odemark's theory, the correction factor f depends on the ratio of the layerthickness H, the radius a and the obtained quantity. An overview for a two layer systeem (HvEvvvEo,vj is given in table 3. Table 3 Correction cofficients f All Hf/a values H,/a = 2/3 H/a = 4/3 W [um] [Pa] [m/m] [m/m] [m/m] [m/m] 0,9 0,9 1,25 1,00 1,00 0,90 H/a > 2 Gr [m/m] 0,90 [m/m] 0,85 A value for f of 0,8 is recommended in the case of three and more layer systems with one exception for the calculations of the strains and stresses in the first interface where a value of f = 1,0 is advised. However, it should be remarked that Ullidtz did not follow the original concept of Odemark for the determination of an equivalent cq replacing modulus E,' in the case of three and more layer systems. The implication is that the equivalent layerthickness of layer i depends only on the material properties of layer i+1 just below layer i and not on the layers below layer i+1. 1/3 Heqi = fxHix (22) Furthermore, in many cases Ullidtz neglects the influences of the Poisson ratios. Besides the variation in the correction factor f the elaboration of Ullidtz resembles more the equivalent layertheory of Palmer and Barber. However, the merit of the elaboration of Odemark's theory by Ullidtz is the fact that Ullidtz also developed an application of the equivalent layerthickness theory for multilayer systems for cases in which the moduli of the subgrade and foundation are stress dependent [4]. Next to this important application, Ullidtz developed a methodology for the calcultion of stresses and strains in the interfaces of multi-layer systems, due to several circular loadings (twin wheel). In this methodology, the pointload formulas of Boussinesq are used, but the equivalent layerthickness Heq (or actual depth z) is replaced by a fictive depth z \ in order to 'simulate' the influence of the actual circular load. The second term at the right hand side of the equation above, resembles the influence of the circular loaqV -Aa. iiffpjQyepieiQt'fer 3his transformation is Pronk [5]. Heq * = Heq x Heq+X2 a 3.2 Special application for a stress dependent subgrade modulus 3.2.1 Introduction The equivalent layer methodology of Ullidtz can also be used if the subgrade modulus Eo (= material modulus) is stress dependent i.c. the modulus can be described by: Eo = C0*x (25) in which <x, is the major principal stress, a0 is a reference stress of 0,1 MPa and C'o is a constant. The procedure for a two layer system is as follows: I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I Surface modulus E*Oheq at the interface: n O. (26) eg EZ* 'eg = [ 1 - 2 2 3 ] xC0*x Equivalent layer thickness: (27) E,o.h,eg Major principal stress at the interface: 3 2 2 °1 h ~ ö ' = oT, n x 1 a - (28) • h ' e«r 1 + 2 a The calculation is as follows: 1) Take an estimate for heq. 2) Calculate cr,Mer 3) Calculate E'oheq. 4) Calculate a new estimate for heq. The correction coëfficiënt f is taken equal to 1 for the calculation of stresses and deflections. For the calculations of strains the following values depending on heq [m] should be used: ehorizontal ^vertical < 0.1 1,25 1,15 0,1<-<0,3 1,10 1,05 >0,3 1,00 1,00 If the construction consists out of more than one layer above the subgrade, the equivalent layer thicknesses should be calculated as: *^-E ii i • •EQ, 1 3 (29) 3.2.2 Strain calculations in a two layer model for a circular load The required formulas are: ov(0,z) = ov(0,0) (z/a) (z/a) x 1 - 1+v xo v (0,0) x (z/a) E th(0,z) x (z/a)2) 1 - ( l - 2 v ) x (1+ ( 1 + U / a ) 22)\ (30) (31) 2 = (32) For the calculation of the vertical subgrade strain the depth z is replaced by the equivalent layer thichness heq (calculated with the 'strain' values for the correction coëfficiënt f) and the (material) modulus Eo should be used. In case of the horizontal asphalt strain two procedures are possible if complete friction exists between the layers. In both methods the equivalent layer thichkness heq should be calculated with the f values for the horizontal strain. method 1: - Calculate a "vertical stress" av(0rheq). - Calculate a "vertical asphalt strain" ev(0,heq) using the asphalt modulus Ev - Calculate the horizontal asphalt strain eh(0rheq) from these figures. method 2: - Calculate a "vertical subgrade strain" ev(0,heq) using the subgrade material modulus Eo. - Calculate a "horizontal subgrade strain (= horizontal asphalt strain) eh(0,heq) using the subgrade material modulus EO. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.2.3 Calculations of deflections For the calculation of the deflection the value for the correction coëfficiënt f is taken equal to 1. The deflection at the interface with the subgrade can be calculated with the following formula: xaxo7(0,0) ö(0,z) = (33) 1+(l-2v ) x \ For the modulus E the surface modulus E*Oheq should be used instéad of the material modulus Eo. For relatively large heq values (>a) it is possible to use the simple Boussinesq formulas for a point load P on top of a half space. To simulate the circular load the depth z should be replaced by the formula: 0, 6 a: (34) eq Using the point load formulas it is possible to calculate the strains and stress due to a twin wheel like in the Shell Pavement Design Manual. This procedure is used in the program "I LEAP DEEP". 4. Other Variants on the Equivalent Layerthickness Theory 4.1 General For the reduction or simplification of a multi layer system to a two layer system or even to a half space several other theories than given here are known. An extended overview is given by Poulos [6]. In this paragraph only the equivalent layerthickness theories of Nijboer [7], Pronk [8] and Thenn de Barros [9] are dealed with. 4.2 Nijboer's Equivalent Layerthickness Theory A pavement construction can almost be simulated by or modelled into a three layer system (H1,Evv1,H2rE2,v2,Eo,vo). When Nijboer developed his theory, the multi-layer model of Burmister was already known, but no computer programs like BISTRO or BISAR were evailable at that time. For the calculations of strains, stresses and deflections graphs were used. These graphs were developed by Odemark and were only valid for two layer systems. Nijboer developed a methodology for the combination of the two upper pavement layers to one layer in order to be able to use the Odemark's graphs. Nijboer used his theory (in which v1~v2=ve,} especially for the stiffness measurements which were carried out with ther Road Vibration Machine (RVM). The point of departure in all most each equivalent layerthickness theorie is the requirement that the stress distribution in the interface will be the same. Odemark tried to fulfill this major requirement by the requirement that the 'bending moments' (expressed by the quantity E.h3) of the original layers and the equivalent layer are the same. Nijboer used the same approach in the replacement of two layers by one equivalent layer but he used also a second requirement for the place of the neutral axis. His second requirement was that the actual depth of the neutral axis should also be the same. However, at this point it should be noticed that in contrast with ordinary beams, it is not possible to talk about a neutral axis in the case of a multilayer system. In that case several neutral "surfaces" can occur. The properties of the new equivalent layer (H',E\v'=v,=v2) are determined by the following two equations: = (A + N)2x A* + 4A3N + 6A2N + AAN + N2 x (A2 + 2A + N)3 x (A + N) . (N + 1 ) with A = —- and 2 N = H Hl E 2 Nijboer (I) Besides this replacement of the two pavement layers by one different layer (Nijboer I: H*,E*)r Nijboer also gave another equivalent one layer substitution (Nijboer II). In his second method, Nijboer dropped the second requirement for the place of the neutral axis and replaced it by the requirement, that the equivalent layerthickness H* should equal the sum of the layerthicknesses of the two original layers. His second approach is given by the following two equations: E* (II) = A ' + 6A N+ 4 M *A3N+ " 3 (A+l) (A + N) H* (JJ) + j y 2 xK O7) - K + H9 (38) Nijboer(II) 4.3 Pronk's Equivalent Layer Thickness Theory Pronk [8] gives a supplement on the methodology of Nijboer. For the second requirement, Pronk suggested that the modulus of the equivalent layer, should equal the modulus of the lower original layer. This requirement leads to the following two equations for the calculation of the equivalent layer (H*,E*): E* H* = (39) = + 6A2N + 4AN + N2 (A + l ) 3 x (A + N) 1/3 x (Hr + H2) (40) Pronk The last equation resembles more the equivalency as used in the theory of Odemark. Although these three methods (Nijboer (I), Nijboer (II) and Pronk) have been developed for the simplification of a three layer model into a equivalent two layer model, the methodology can easily be extended to more than three layers. The procedure is as follows: 1) The first (H^E,) and second (H2,E2) pavement layers are transformed into one new equivalent layer (H2\E2*). 2) This new layer and the next layer new equivalent layer (H3*,E3*). 3) The steps above are repeated until all layers above the subgrade (E,,) are transformed into one new equivalent layer (H*,, £'). are transformed into the following After this procedure the solution techniques for a two layer model can be used. 4.4 Compar/son of the several approaches A comparison has been made for the several approaches, using a four layer model of which the material properties and dimensions are given in Table 4a and 4b. Table 4a: Construction A "Full depth asphalt" Load P = 2 x 25 kN ; SPDM Complete friction between layers Layer number E, [MPa] Asphalt 1 2000 0,35 0,04 Asphalt 2 4000 0,35 0,04 Asphalt 3 6000 0,35 0,10 Subgrade o 100 0,35 v, [m/m] H, [m] For these two four layer models the horizontal strain (er) at the bottom of the lowest pavement layer (i=3) and the vertical strain (ev) at the top of the subgrade have been calculated for the several equivalent layerthickness approaches. The results are given in Table 5a and 5b Table 4b: Construction B "Asphalt on top of an unbound base" Complete friction between layers Load P = 2 x 25 kN ; SPDM H, [m] Layer number E, [MPa] Asphalt 1 2000 0,35 0,04 Asphalt 2 4000 0,35 0,04 Asphalt 3 6000 0,35 0,10 400 0,35 0,20 100 0,35 Base 4 Subgrade o Vi [m/m] oo Table 5a : Results for the full depth asphalt construction (A) e BISAR Nijboer (I) Nijboer (II) Pronk Ullidtz er 168 127 196 171 221 (185) ev 530 320 561 525 535 (455) Table 5b : Results for the asphalt construction on top of an unbound base (B) e BISAR er 122 85 138 126 112 (96) ev 385 212 377 373 280 (233) Nijboer (I) Nijboer (II) Pronk Ullidtz For the correction coëfficiënt f in the approach of Ullidtz a value of 0,9 has been used. The strain values (between brackets) are calculated if a value of f = 1,0 is adopted. Better comparison is reached if for construction A the values 1,065 (er) and 0,905 (ev) are used and the values 0,85 (er) and 0,745 (ev) for construction B. base. I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I The replacing properties for the new equivalent layer in the approaches of Nijboer, Pronk and Ullidtz are given below: BlSAR Calculations for two layer system with Eo = 100 MPa and v0 = 0,35 Nijboer (I) Nijboer (II) Pronk E* = 1374 Mpa; E* = 3951 Mpa; E* = 6000 Mpa (=E3); H* = 0,405 m H* = 0,180 m (= H1+H2+H3) H* = 0,1591 m Calculations with "I LEAP DEEP" : Boussinesq formulas (point load) with a correction for the equivalent depth (circular load). Ullidtz 4a Heq= 0,6369 m (er asphalt and ev subgrade) Eeq= 100 MPa Ullidtz 4b Heq= 0,4012 m (er asphalt) Eeq= 100 MPa Ullidtz 4b Heq= 0,9543 m (ev subgrade) Eeq= 100 MPa In case of the "Nijboer" and "Pronk" formulas, the first step was to take the upper two asphalt layers together into an equivalent layer. The second step was to combine this equivalent upper layer with the lowest asphalt layer into a new equivalent layer. In the case of the "Pronk" formulas, this approach gives satisfying results for a general modelling of different asphalt layers (differences in E moduli due to differencesin temperature) in a common pavement type (asphalt, unbound foundation and subgrade) into one new equivalent asphalt layer [8]. 4.5 Thenn de Barros's Equivalent Layer Thickness Theory Next to the approaches developed by Nijboer and Pronk, another equivalent approach is developed by Thenn de Barros [9]. In his approach Thenn de Barros uses the requirement for the equivalent layerthickness H" as Nijboer (II), but the formula for the replacing stiffness modulus E* is different. Nevertheless, the answers for E* do not differ much, as can be seen in Table 6. n.1/3 v2 E* = H2 N1/3 + A 1 +A H* = 13 - (41) 3 v <E2 H2 Thenn de Barros (42) Table 6 Ratios E*/E2 for the Nijboer II and the Thenn de Barros model. Ratios E/E2 ; Y\2/H, E/E2 Hj/H, Ratio E*/E2 Thenn de Barros Nijboer (II) 0,5 0,5 0,64 0,69 0,5 1,0 0,72 0,69 0,5 2,0 0,81 0,71 2,0 0,5 1,62 1,43 2,0 1,0 1,44 1,38 2,0 2,0 1,28 1,37 5. Application of the Equivalent Layer Theory in Concrete Pavement Design 5.1 General The equivalent layerthickness approaches, as described in the former paragraphs, are sometimes used in calculations for concrete pavements. Often, a relation is made with regard to the Herz/Westergaard model, in which the behaviour of the subgrade is decribed by one modulus of subgrade reaction (k) [10, 11] and the Hogg/Jeuffroy model [12, 13]. However, one forgets that the equivalent layer approaches are fundamentally based on a linear elastic multi-layer model (Boussinesq/Burmister), in which complete friction between the layers is assumed. In the Westergaard and Hogg models, the pavement is modelled as a thin (or thick) plate frictionless resting on the subgrade. Hogg also gives the formulas for a two layer model, in which complete friction between plate and subgrade is assumed, but this model is only used by Wiseman [14]. The subgrade in the (ordinary) Westergaard models, is modelled by a spring constant k (modulus of subgrade reaction). The deflection W is linear proportional to the vertical stress av. In the case of a point load, both the stress and the deflection will go to infinity at the surface in a halfspace. So, the modellation of the subgrade by a system of uncoupled/linked springs is mainly used for pavement layers (plates) resting on the subgrade. The subgrade is considered to be a dense liquid (Winkler foundation) and there is no horizontal stress transfer in the subgrade, in contrast with a linear elastic subgrade, in which horizontal load transfer occurs (Poisson ratio). In a linear elastic layer a deflection/deformation can occur, without the presence of a vertical stress. In spite of these differences the linear elastic theory of Burmister has been misused for the 'determination' of relationships between the modulus of subgrade reaction k and the Youngs' modulus Eo as will be shown. The starting point will be a halfspace loaded by a homogenous divided load P (constant contact stress cr0) on a circle with radius a. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • The definition for k is given by: 0 Ir = JS (43) I W Therefore k can be calculated from the equation belovv (assuming that the deflection below the loading plate is constant). k = Z— 01 by na2N0 . (44) I • I M P = 2 7t fovir}rdi o = 2nk(w{r)idr o Outside the area r=a the vertical stress at the surface is zero. So, in case of a Winkler foundation, no deflection may occur at the surface for r > a (in the case of a halfspace). However, in a linear elastic halfspace the surface deflection for r > a is not zero. In spite of the non-compatibility of these two types of foundations, relationships between k and Eo are often made. The k values based on these (wrong) relationships will be denoted by k*. Homogeneous Isotropic Linear Elastic Halfspace : I - Flexible loading (constant contact stress cr0 over the plate) -> The deflection under the loading plate is not constant! na2wc 8 • - Rigid loading (constant deflection Wo under the plate) " •j P = na2Wo 1 _ • • (45) In this formula the deflection Wc is the central deflection at r=0. ic# = • - v2) 2a(1 2E na (1 - v2) Wiseman uses a variant on the integral definition for the calculation of k given by: .ie» ^ P a r , ^ 27i / w{i)rdx l » r , , 2% (47 > \wii)xdr (outside the plate (r>a) the deflection is zero for a halfspace). The two first relationships depend on the radius a and so the calculated parameter kwill not be a constant, but will be inversely proportional to the applied radius of the I I I loading plate. Therefore, the two mechanical models (Burmister-Westergaard) are principally not compatible. The third definition has its advantage when it is used for two or more layer systems (see paragraph 5.2), in which the compressions of the pavement layers are negligible (plates). This definition gives a right k value, if the subgrade reacts as a Winkler foundation and the volume of the whole deflection bowl is measured. However, it should be noticed that for large distances from the center, the surface deflection will become negative [15] in the Westergaardmodel. I ™ Westergaard also presented a model in which a correction term was introduced in order to get a better match between theory and practice. In this so called Supplementary Theory, he presented an extreme case in which the subgrade reaction resembles that of a linear elastic subgrade (Hogg model; no friction). Westergaard himself stated that in that case the quantity k = k x L became a constant which implied that the original concept of k = constant has been leaved. — I Therefore the use of the linear elastic multi-layer model for the establishment of relationships k - Eo, can only be justified if the extreme case is used of the Supplementary Theory. It is recommended to use in that case a relationship between k x L = K - Eo rather than a relationship between k and Eo and also to calculate the stresses and strains using the Westergaard formulas, which are expressed in this quantity K. Besides the Westergaard model (Winkler foundation), the Pastemak model [16] can also be used. This model can be considered as a general Winkler foundation with a kind of horizontal coupling between the vertical springs k, denoted by a damping constant k*. The Westergaard model is a special case of the Pastemak model (k' = 0). | • * • « J m | • 8 • I 5.2 Two Layer Systems I In order to get still a relationship between k and Eo, one might calculate the vertical stress and deflection at the interface between the pavement layer and the subgrade in a linear elastic two layer system. The parameter k will be defined as the ratio of the calculated stress and deflection. However, the deflection in a point is not solely determined by the vertical stress, but this fact is completely disregarded. In a linear elastic two layer model (HvEvvvEo,v() the deflection W can be written as the sum of the deflection in the subgrade (Wo) and the compression of the pavement layer (AW,) -> W = Wo + AW, . If the equivalent layer theory of Odemark will be used, these two terms can be calculated with the aid of the formulas for a halfspace. AW1 = wiO,E1,v1} - W{Geq1,E1,v1) Wo = wiHeqlfEo,vJ wi th Geqx = 0 , 9 / ^ I " m • I (48) 1/3 and I * • • Heq1 = 0, 9 Hx x I I I I • • • Because on one hand there will be p.d. no compression of the pavement layer in the plate theory and on the other hand the compression for stiff pavement layers like concrete will be very small in the linear elastic theory it is justified to neglect the compression term AW V Therefore a definition for the analog parameter k* might be: # = | I f . I 1 1 1 • ° [1 + s i n ( P ) 3 x [l - sin 3 ((3) 3 a [1 + vo3 xcos(P) x [2 - 2v o + s i n ( p ) 3 (5°> tan<P, - The layerthickness H, will be nearly always bigger than the radius a :: (H, > a) and the same is even more true for the ratio of the moduli E, and Eo :: (E, » Ë^. These conditions imply that : COS(P) ° . .._. sin(P) = a HeQl (51) Heq, + a2 Before these approximations are used in the relationship above, the term (1 - sin3(/?)) has to be rewritten: [ l - s i n 3 ( P ) 3 = l - s i n ( p ) x [ l - c o s 2 ( P ) ] *cos 2 (P) • M9) Using the formulas for a halfspace with a circular load P (constant contact stress a as given in the appendix, thè following relationship will be found: ,:# _ E I oviHeqi,Eo,vo) M H E J (52) Using the approximations above the following relationship will be obtained: (1 + v o ) x (3 - 2v o ) xHeqx (53) '2 (1 - v2o) xHeqi » (3 - 2 v o ) If the Poisson ratio vo for the subgrade is taken equal to 0.5, the relationship established in this way will be: I I A wrong relationship between fc*(denoted as £**) and Eor is given by Eisenmann [17J: E = ° (55) Heq1 I Eisenmann deduced this relationship by combining the equivalent layerthickness theory of Odemark, together with the Boussinesq formulas for a point load P on a halfspace [18]. For positions on the centerline the vertical stress <7v(z) and deflection W(z) are given by: for v ° = 0 f 5 ifc follows _ o iz) • _ E —ïj—r- = —WXZJ z For the depth z Eisenmann uses the equivalent layerthickness Heq, for which in reference [18] the Poisson ratio v, is taken equal to 0,5. In later reference [17] Eisenmann uses a more comon value of 1/6 « 0,16 for the Poisson ratio v, of the (concrete) pavement layer, which leads to: 1/3 *1 Heqx = 0 , 825 (57) The large difference between the two relationships (^-E o and fc*#-E„) can be traced back to the use of a pointload P instead of a circular load P. Pointload P Circular 3P _ 2 load P (z>a) P_ 71 Z2 2 71 Z vo) x ( 3 - 2 v o ) 2 P ( 1 - v2o) (58) 2nzEo 2 n zE o Afterwards calculated fc*# value is used in the Westergaard model. In the Westergaard model a circular load is applied. So, only for this reason alone the procedure as suggested by Eisenmann ought to be dissuaded. Another objection against the procedures above is the fact that, in the Westergaard model, the pavement layer (plate) rests frictionless on the foundation i'.c. the subgrade which is not the case in the linear elastic models used in the equivalent layer theory. | • • I I I If as a starting point the Hogg model without friction between plate and the linear elastic subgrade (E^vJ is chosen, an impression of the influence of this ignoration can be obtained. According to Eisenmann [18] at the interface due to a point load the vertical stress av {H,} is given by: x 6EO(1 - y\) Ex(l 1/3 (59) -" v|) Using Odemark's expression for the equivalent layerthickness Heq, this equation can be rewritten as: ov = 1,078 x (60) 2 it Heql In the same way the deflection W {0} = W {Hl} can be obtained: W{0} = ^& x SD = 3,955x 2 D ( 1 - vl) 2/3 PU - v|) (61) 2 7i EoHeqx + v o ) x (3 - 2v o ) 2nEoHeqx 3 , 9 5 5 x (1 - v o ) (3 - 2v o ) The relationship for /c*#f is given by: 3,955 'o x = Cx (62) The value of the coëfficiënt C in the relationship above is given in Table 7 as a function of the Poisson ratio vn. Table 7 C = Coeffiient C as a function of the Poisson ratio 0,15 0,25 0,35 0,45 0,50 I 0,836 0,872 0,932 1,025 1,090 f It should be remarked that both the stress av as well as the deflection W in the Hogg model (no-friction), do not differ much from the stress av and deflection W in a linear elastic two layer model (Burmister) with complete friction between the two layers and using a point load. The ratio WHogg/WBurmister = [3,955 x(1-iO3'/K3-2«O] varies from 1,245 at vo = 0,15 to 0,989 at vo = 0,50. The influence of friction or no-friction between the layers in the Hogg model can be obtained from the two following expressions for the deflection: Hogg;no-friction *Hogg; friction o = O, 1 9 2 5 X (63) 2 (1 - Vl) W(no-friction) W {friction) and ( 1 + v j x (3 - 4 v J _ (1 + vo) x (3 - 4 v 4X (1 - vl) The ratio of the defiections Kv,) are presented in table 8 as a function of the Poisson ratio vo. Table 8 1/ "0 The ratio of the defiections in the two Hogg models (friction versus nofriction) as a function of the Poisson ratio = f(O = 0,15 0,25 0,35 0,45 0,50 0,793 0,763 0,723 0,668 0,630 As already stated above, it is quite curious that a remarkable resemblance exists between the stresses, strains and defiections in the Hogg model, with no-friction between the layers and a linear elastic two layer model with friction between the layers, when in both models a pointload P is applied. From the exercise above, it can be concluded that the (original) Westergaard model is not compatible with a Hogg model or a linear elastic Burmister model. Only in the extreme case of the Supplementary Theory of Westergaard [11], which resembles the Hogg model (no-friction) [12], a relationship between k and Eo might be established. However, in that case, the parameter k has no real physical meaning and may only be considered as a mathematical quantity. By equalization of the defiections in both models the following relationship can be obtained: ie = 0 , 1 2 8 x Heq1 for v o = 0 , 5 i t follows: (64) k = 0,17x Heg1 If the relationship above is used the extreme case of the Supplementary Theory of Westergaard has to be used. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.3 Th ree Layer Models A three layer model can be simplified into a two layer model by either: A: Combination of the two pavement layers into one equivalent layer (Concrete layer on a foundation of lean concrete) or by: To consider the second pavement layer as an increase of the bearing B: capacity of the subgrade (Concrete on a foundation of unbound material) Possibility A: If the two pavement layers are taken together in order to calculate the stresses and strains at the bottom of the second pavement layer the following procedures can be used: A1) Equivalent layer theory of Barber and Palmer (chapter 1) A2) Equivalent layer theory of Odemark (chapter 2) A3) Equivalent layer theory of Ullidtz (chapter 3) A4) Equivalent layer theory of Nijboer and Pronk (chapter 4) Possibility B: If the second pavement layer is considered as an increase in the bearing capacity of the subgrade the increase can be obtained using: B1) I I I I I I I I I Equivalent layer theory of Odemark (chapter 2) Needless to say that, in all the theories mentioned above complete frictions between all layers is assumed. For systems where no-friction between the first and second pavement layer is assumed (Jeuffroy/Bachelez model), no equivalent layer theories are found in the literature. If complete friction between all layers is assumed, calculations at the top of the subgrade can be performed, using the (total) equivalent layerthickness for layer 1 and layer 2 which is given in the case yo-v^=v2 by: Heq2 = 0 , 9 x H, x + H2x\ (65) 1/3 1/3 = 0,9x X H2 Si • E o E2 • E2 The term H1.{(E1.EO)/(E2.E*2)}1/3 can be considered as an effective increase of the second pavement layer. The expression above can also be written as: .1/3 Heq2 = 0,9x Er (66) 1/3 H2 xE2 + H±xE- Besides the factor Eo/E*2 this procedure can be seen as the summation of the terms H,E1/3 If there is no friction (complete slip) between layer 1 and 2 in analogy with the expression above one might define an equivalent layer as: 1/3 (67) Also in the case of three layer systems, the equivalent layer theory is misused to obtain a /f* - Eo relationship based on the ratio <7V/W. Eisenmann [17] gives the following relationship, if the compression of the second pavement layer, may not be neglected. Heq1 x Heqt Heq2 x( ' Heqt Heq± (68) with : Heqt = Heq1 + Heq2 1/3 Heq1 = 1/3 ; Heq2 = 0,9 xH2x E, The starting point for this relationship was a pointload and the second pavement layer was considered as an increase of the subgrade properties. Furthermore, the influences of the Poissonratios were ignored by taking vo - v, = v2 = 0,5. In view of all these neglections the following more 'fundamentaP approach is advised if one would establish a relationship for /f*: v Wo For the calculations of HeqvHeq2, and Geq2 the Odemark's formulas are used. (69) References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Palmer, L.A. and Barber, E.S., "Soil displacement under a circular loaded area" Proceedings Highway Research Board, Vol, 20, 1940 Odemark, N., "Investigations to the Elastic Properties of the Soils and the Design of Pavements to the Theory of Elasticity", Stockholm, 1949 Ullidtz, P., "En Studie af to Dybdeasfaltbeasestelser", Ph.D. dissertion, The Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, 1973 Ullidtz, P., "Some Simple Methods Determining the Critical Strains in Road Structures", Technical University of Denmark, Department for Road construction, Transportation and Town Planning, Lyngby, 1974 l Pronk, A.C., "Berekening van Deflecties, Rekken en Spanningen in een Half Oneindig Medium en in 2- of Meerlagen Systemen", Report DIM-R-80-75, Road and Hydraulic Engineering Division, The Netherlands, 1980. Poulos, H.G. and Davis, E.H., "Elastic Solutions for Soil and Rock Mechanics", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York-London-Sydney-Toronto, 1974 Nijboer, L.W., "Dynamic Investigations of Road Constructions", Shell Bitumen Monograph no. 2. Pronk, A.C., "Equivalente laagdikte theorieën", Internal Report, TW-N-86-42, Road and Hydraulic Engineering Division, The Netherlands, 1986. Thenn de Barros, S.r "Deflection Factor Charts for Two- and Three-layer Elastic Systems", Highway Research Record, No.145, 1966 Westergaard, H.M., "Stresses in Concrete Pavements Computed by Theoretical Analysis", Public Roads7, no. 2, 1926 Westergaard, H.M.H., "Analytical Tools for Judging Results of Structural Tests of Concrete Pavements", Public Roads 14, no. 10, 1933 Hogg, A.H.A., "Equilibrium of a Thin Plate, symetrically loaded, resting on an Elastic Foundation of Infinite Depth", London, Edinberg and Dublin, Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science Vol. 25, (168), 1938. Jeuffroy, G., "Note sur Ie Comportement des Chaussées", Annales des Ponts et Chaussées, no. 3, 1959 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Wiseman, G., "Flexible Pavement Evaluation Using Herz Theory", Transportation Engineering Journal, ASCE, Vol. 99, No.TE3, Proceeding Paper 9921, 1973. Pronk, A.C., "A Further Investigation into the Westergaard Formulas for Interior Loading and the (Mis)use of the Modulus of the Subgrade Reaction k", 2nd International Workshop on Theoretical Design of Concrete Pavements, 1990, Siguenzq, Spain. Pronk, A.C., "The Pastemak Foundation - An Attractive Altemative for the Winkler Foundation", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Concrete Pavement Design and Rehabilitation, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1993. Eisenmann, J., "Betonfahrbanen", Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin-MunchenDusseldorf, 1979. Meier, H., Eisenmann, J. and Koroneos, E., "Beanspruchung der Strasse unter Verkehrslast", Forschunsarbeiten aus dem Strassenwesen, Neue Folge, Heft 76, Kirschbaum Verlag, Bad Godesberg. APPENDIX: 1) The The The The Overview of Formulas Formulas for the deflections, stresses and strains in a halfspace due to a point load P (Boussinesq). horizontal distance to the centerline is denoted by: r [m] depth below the point load is denoted by: z [m] distance to the point load is denoted by: R [m] angle between the centerline and the position r,z: a [°] (70) R = Jz2 + sin(a) = cos(a) = R (71) _z ~R 2 W = P ( 1 + v) x 2 ( 1 - v ) + c o s ( « ) 2nRE (72) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a = 3xPxcos3(g) 2uR2 I ( 3xcos(a) xsin2(a) | I px (73) 1 2 ] + C O S (Ot) 2 2nR ev = ^ x ( l + v) x 3cos 3 (g) - 2vxcos(g) „ 6) I e • r - - x ( l + v ) x ' • • 3 - 3 x c o s ( a ) + (3 - 2 v ) x c o s ( a ) _ • (77) 1 2v ~ , .. 1 + c o s (a) - cos(a) + - — For point on the centerline these formulas can be simplified to: (79) I I E 27i z or{z) = oc(z) = - Px ° I I (1 ' 2 v ) 4 11 Z 2 (H) (1 - v) xor(z} - er{zl = zt\ 2) \xoviz} (83) Formulas for the deflection in a halfspace due to a homogenous loaded circular plate. xPx ƒ _1_ 2x(l-v)x[T 2 -r i ]-C 2 x T dy X \ \ 1- [ a i y] 2 _ i-[^y] 2 \ \ a i (84) v/l-- y 2 • r2 z2 2 y + + -JT2 r On the surface (z=0) this equation reduces to a Hypergeometric serie. (85) (2n) ! T a r (n\)2 3) n +1 Formulas for the deflections, stresses and strains in a halfspace on the centerline under a circular homogenous divided load P. tan(p) = — a (86) - 2v) 1 + Wiz) =P x ( l + v)xcos(P)x n aE w{0) - 2P (88) - sin3(p)] n (89) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P ariz} = o t{z) = na2 x (90) ±-2ï. - (1 + v) xsin(p) + -ixsin 3 (p)l u £i J _ -PU + V) w na2E [ l - s i n 3 ( P ) oi) +2xvx[sin(P) - 1 ] ] {zY= x na2E (92) I I f z{z) B AMz) = 4) • I I = — L 2^ x s i n ( p ) x c o s 2 ( p ) 2na E 3 P 2 4na E i f v = 0 , 5 os) xsin(p) xcos2(p) ; (v-0.5)(94) The requirement that there will be no volume change (ev + 2 er = 0 ) for v = 0,5 is fulfilled. The shear stress r2 equals in that case - e r x E If the depth z is smaller than two times the radius of the loading plate (z < 2.a) the compression of the material between 0 and z can be very well estimated by: " I 3 - (1 - v) xsin(P) + - | x s i n ( p ) | er{z) = et{z}= • — "2 2XV lt should be noticed explicitely that in these equations compression (negative strain) has a positive sign (because the vertical loading is taken positive). If the Poisson ratio v equals 0,5 the formulas for the strains can even more simplified: I I 1 2 2na E x[2x(l -v 2 ) - 0 , 7 ] os) Formulas for the deflections, stresses and strains in a halfspace on the centerline under a circular rigid load P. If the loading plate is stiff (rigid) instead of a flexible plate (constant contact stress cr=P//7.a2) the following formulas have to be applied. p Contactstress oo = — — • for r < a (96) 2 2 2naja -r 1 + 3x (97) = Px W{Z) . (98) (1 - v) x7C - 2 x a r c t a n ( —) + ax 1 + *M = 1 - 2 (1 - v) 1 + 5) 1 + z2 a2 z2' a2 2 (99) Formulas for the deflection in a stress dependent halfspace due to a homogenous loaded plate If the modulus of the halfspace is stress dependent according to: Material modulus E = Cx with o± = major principal n stress (100) os = referencestress n = coëfficiënt C = constant than the surface modulus calculated from deflection measurements at r = 0 is given by: n = (1-272) xCx (101) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I For r = O the following equation yields: n 2 a = (1-2x2) xCx ofl-D2) (102) The major principal stress can be approximated by: aAzY= 1 3 a2 * r n 2 The surface modulus for r o 0 is given by: n I I I I I I I I I I I It should be remarked that by application of these equations in the equivalent layer theory the surface modulus Es must be used for the calculation of the defiections and that the modulus-E-must be used for the calculation of strain and stresses.
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