BROOKINGS SCHOOL BOARD MARYSZ RAMES President September 15, 2014 – 5:00 p.m. GEORGE S. MICKELSON MIDDLE SCHOOL LIBRARY th 1801 12 Street South DR. ROGER DEGROOT Superintendent AGENDA 5: 00 WORK SESSION I. II. CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF AGENDA 1. Hillcrest-Medary Remodel and updates – Les Rowland III. 6:00 ADJOURNMENT BOARD MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Any Board Member may remove an item from the consent agenda by asking that it be and have it considered as a separate item. Any item so removed from the consent agenda shall be considered after other items on the consent business portion of the agenda have been heard. III. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE IV. COMMUNICATION ITEMS A. Board Requests - Each member of the Board has the opportunity to report on events or to communicate with other Board members and the community. B. Superintendent’s Report - The Superintendent will share information about events of the past month or about topics coming up for future consideration. C. Financial Reports – Business Manager D. Dakota Prairie Elementary update – Paul Sahr/Mills Construction E. Test Results Report – Michelle Vande Weerd F. Young Readers South Dakota Festival of Books Report – Michelle Vande Weerd G. Nat’l Merit Scholars/ACT Scores – Paul von Fischer H. 1:1 BHS Technology Update – Paul von Fischer V. ACTION ITEMS A. Consent Agenda – The consent agenda includes items approved with one motion. That motion will approve the recommended action for each item on the consent agenda. 1. Approval and/or correction of minutes of previous meetings 2. Approval and/or correction of the financial report 3. Approval of bills 4. Approval of personnel report 5. Approval of enrollment report 6. Approval of 2nd/Final Reading of Amended Policy INDA “Patriotic Exercises and Flag Display“ 7. Approval of 2nd/Final Reading of Policy JHCDB “Epinephrine Auto-Injectors” 8. Approval of 2nd/Final Reading Amended Policy JGD “Student Suspension or Expulsion” 9. 10. Approval of Surplus list Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between the Brookings School District and SDSU College of Education and Human Sciences 11. Approval of Special Board meeting Monday, September 29 at 5:00 @ MMS – Strategic Plan – Dr. Melmer B. Approval of bus bids C. Approval of MOU with ProBuild VI. VII. DISCUSSION A. First Reading of Amended Policy JECB “ Admission of Nonresident Students (Open Enrollment – SDCL 13-28-40 Through 13-28-47)” B. First Reading of Amended Policy EBBA “First Aid and Emergency Medical Care” ADJOURNMENT BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet COMMUNICATION ITEM Item: IV. A. Board Requests BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet COMMUNICATION ITEM Item: IV. B. Superintendent’s Report 1. Camelot Update 2. Enrollment Update 3. Invite to presentation “South Dakotas Talking – Education Funding” BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet COMMUNICATION ITEM Item: IV. C. 1. Financial Report – Business Manager BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet COMMUNICATION ITEM Item: IV. D. Dakota Prairie Elementary update – Paul Sahr/Mills Construction BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet COMMUNICATION ITEM Item: IV. E. Test Results Report – Michelle Vande Weerd Michelle will report on the 2013/2014 school year state testing scores and state SPI scores. BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet COMMUNICATION ITEM Item: IV. F. Young Readers South Dakota Festival of Books Report – Michelle Vande Weerd This presentation will detail the upcoming Young Readers South Dakota Festival of Books on September 25th. BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet COMMUNICATION ITEM Item: IV. G. National Merit Scholars/ACT Scores – Paul von Fischer Paul will be at the Board meeting to discuss these two great district accomplishments. BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet COMMUNICATION ITEM Item: IV. H. 1:1 BHS Technology Update – Paul von Fischer Paul will be at the meeting to update the board on the timeline to implement 1:1 at BHS. BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda The consent agenda includes items approved with one motion. That motion will Approve the recommended action for each item on the consent agenda. Any Board Member may remove an item from the consent agenda by asking that it be and have It considered as a separate item. Any item so removed from the consent agenda Shall be considered after other items on the consent business portion of the Agenda have been heard. Item: V. Consent Agenda A. 1. Approval and/or correction of minutes of previous meetings A. 2. Approval and/or correction of the financial report A. 3. Approval of bills A. 4. Approval of personnel report A. 5. Approval of enrollment report A. 6. Approval of 2nd/Final Reading of Amended Policy INDA “Patriotic Exercises and Flag Display” A. 7. Approval of 2nd/Final Reading of Policy JHCDB “Epinephrine Auto-Injectors” A. 8. Approval of 2nd/Final Reading of Amended Policy JGD “Student Suspension or Expulsion” A. 9. Approval of Surplus list A. 10. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between the Brookings School District and SDSU College of Education and Human Sciences A. 11. Approval of Special Board meeting Monday, September 29 at 5:00 @ MMS – Strategic Planning – Dr. Melmer BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 1. Approval and/or correction of minutes of previous meetings SCHOOL BOARD MINUTES Brookings School District #5-1 August 11, 2014 The regular August meeting of the school board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Marysz Rames in the Mickelson Middle School Library with the following members present: Steve Bayer, Van Fishback – via teleconference, Robert Jostad, Marysz Rames and Larry Rogers. Motion 2014-008 by Rogers, seconded by Bayer to approve the agenda as presented. All voted aye. Motion carried. Board requests: None. In the superintendent’s report, Dr. DeGroot discussed the following: Camelot addition; Work session topics which could include: activities handbook, K-3 upgrades and remodels and CTE/Wellness/Alternative program; The Little Red School House Award received by the district; Introduced Todd Foster – MMS Assistant Principal and Brant Ravenscroft – Transportation Director; Recognized Michelle Powers as Special Education Director of the year and discussed meeting dates for strategic planning. Paul Sahr from Mills Construction gave the board an update on the K-3 Building Project. Paul vonFischer, BHS Principal, gave the board a report on Dual/Concurrent Credit from SDSU. Laura Duba, Child Nutrition Director, gave the board an update on the changes to meals for the 2014-15 school year. Brant Ravenscroft, Transportation Director, gave the board an update on changes he has made to the transportation department. Financial Report: None. Motion 2014-009 by Bayer, seconded by Rogers to approve the following consent agenda: A. 1. Approve the minutes of the July 14, 2014 regular meeting. A. 2. Approve the following financial reports: JULY CASH REPORT General Fund: Beginning Balance: $6,239,909.74, Receipts: $1,130,232.19, Expenditures: $1,348,863.68, Ending Balance: $6,021,278.25. Capital Outlay: Beginning Balance: $2,135,182.44, Receipts: $20,499.25, Expenditures: $234,935.08, Ending Balance: $1,920,746.61. Special Education: Beginning Balance: $596,045.84, Receipts: $239,392.77, Expenditures: $271,730.01, Ending Balance: $563,708.60; Pension Fund: Beginning Balance: $695,893.30, Receipts: $2,221.42, Expenditures: $0.00, Ending Balance: $698,114.71. Bond Redemption (MS): Beginning Balance: $697,257.09, Receipts: $4,017.04, Expenditures: $0.00, Ending Balance: $701,274.13. Bond Redemption (4-5): Beginning Balance: $107,693.35, Receipts: $2,390.24, Expenditures: $0.00, Ending Balance: $110,083.59. Capital Projects: Beginning Balance: $13,949,079.93, Receipts: $4,661.57, Expenditures: $440,538.62, Ending Balance: $13,513,202.88. Food Service: Beginning Balance: $544,580.93, Receipts: 1 $175.87, Expenditures: $34,926.72, Ending Balance: $509,830.08. Enterprise Fund: Beginning Balance: $55,122.54, Receipts: $525.00, Expenditures: $9,028.80, Ending Balance: $46,618.74. Self Insurance: Beginning Balance: $510,599.90, Receipts: $315,856.06, Expenditures: $432,342.49, Ending Balance: $394,113.47. Trust & Agency: Beginning Balance: $509,000.49, Receipts: $26,081.68, Expenditures: $16,206.59, Ending Balance: $518,875.58. AUGUST UNLEADED/DIESEL GAS QUOTES Martin Oil-Unleaded $2.997, Diesel #1 N/A, Diesel #2 $3.306; Anderson Oil-Unleaded $3.0215, Diesel #1 N/A, Diesel #2 $3.3295; AgFirst Coop- Unleaded $0.00, Diesel #1 N/A, Diesel #2 $0.00; Vollan Oil – Unleaded $2.9430, Diesel #1 N/A, Diesel #2 $3.2995. JULY PAYROLL REPORT General Fund - $1,124,422.76 of which $905,600.03 contracts payable, $208,664.26 support services, and $10,158.47 co-curricular; Special Education $254,275.03; Pension Fund – $0.00; Food Service - $32,898.64; Enterprise Fund - $6,854.18; TOTAL PAYROLL - $1,418,450.61. A. 3. Approve the following bills: Checking Account #2, Fund 10, GENERAL FUND, ACCURATE LABEL DESIGN, SUPPLIES, 242.95, ALLEGRA PRINT & IMAGING/INSTY-PRINTS, SUPPLIES, 90.94, ALLIED INSURANCE, INSURANCE, 100.00, APEX LEARNING, SUPPLIES, 300.00, AREA II SUPERINTENDENT'S ASSOC, DUES, 100.00, ARGUS LEADER MEDIA, ADVERTISING, 12.58, BENCHMARK EDUCATION, SUPPLIES, 651.20, BEST WESTERN RAMKOTA HOTEL - PIERRE, LODGING, 272.97, BEST WESTERN RAMKOTA HOTEL, LODGING, 203.98, BORNS GROUP, MAIL SERVICE, 558.22, BROOKINGS CITY LANDFILL, SERVICE, 93.92, BROOKINGS DAILY REGISTER, SERVICE, 5,320.71, BROOKINGS ENGRAVING, SUPPLIES/SERVICE, 841.99, BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT 5-1, SERVICE, 1,181.75, CENTERPOINT ENERGY SERVICES, INC., SUPPLIES, 631.72, CENTRAL BUSINESS SUPPLY, INC., SUPPLIES/EQUIP/SERVICE, 898.60, CENTURY BUSINESS PRODUCTS INC, SUPPLIES, 90.00, CLITES ELECTRIC INC, SERVICE, 264.22, CNA SURETY, BOND/POLICY COVERAGE, 50.00, COLE PAPERS INC, SUPPLIES, 38,241.86, CREATIVE NOTEBOOK SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES, 687.50, CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING, SERVICE, 52.50, CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES INC, SUPPLIES, 267.12, DEKRAAI, KATHY , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 36.05, DEMCO, SUPPLIES, 369.33, DUST-TEX SERVICES, SUPPLIES/SERVICE, 76.70, DUTCHMEN FIELD CHAMPIONSHIP, SERVICE, 200.00, E-RATE COMPLETE, LLC, FEES, 3,000.00, EINSPAHR AUTO PLAZA INC, SUPPLIES, 276.41, ESD CONFERENCE, SERVICE, 1,300.00, FISHBACK INSURANCE AGENCY, INSURANCE, 50.00, FLAG STORE, THE , SUPPLIES, 442.50, GOPHER SPORT, SUPPLIES, 1,211.82, GROTH MUSIC, SUPPLIES, 397.20, HAMPTON INN-MITCHELL, LODGING, 535.00, HARLOW'S BUS SALES INC, SUPPLIES/EQUIP, 64.24, HAWKINS WATER TREATMENT GROUP, SUPPLIES, 978.07, HAWLEY INSURANCE SERVICES, INSURANCE, 238,328.97, HAYS COMPANIES, SERVICE, 3,000.00, HELSPER & MAHLKE, LEGAL SERVICE, 240.00, HOMESTEAD DO-IT CENTER, SUPPLIES, 2,276.34, HOMETOWN SERVICE & TIRE, SERVICE, 413.34, HUNGERFORD CHIROPRACTIC, SERVICE, 160.00, HY-VEE STORE , SUPPLIES, 23.12, JOHNSON CONTROLS, SUPPLIES/SERVICES, 159.41, JOHNSON, JOSHUA , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 89.17, KENNER PLUMBING & HEATING, 2 SERVICE, 1,005.72, KONE INC, SERVICE, 228.14, KRUSE, DWIGHT , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 140.00, LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS, SUPPLIES, 362.11, LAWRENCE LEASING, SERVICE, 3,226.11, LAWRENCE RAGAN COMMUNICATIONS, SUPPLIES, 26.95, LIBRARY STORE INC., SUPPLIES, 164.81, LODGE AT DEADWOOD, THE , TRAVEL, 1,028.00, LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC, SUPPLIES, 47.55, LUVERNE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, SERVICES, 100.00, MAHER, LORI , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 108.97, MARTIN OIL COMPANY, SUPPLIES, 7,078.00, MASTERCARD CORP, CREDIT CARD, 119,227.99, MCCARTHY, DAWN , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 31.19, MEYER, KELSEY , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 42.00, MIDWEST GLASS INC, SERVICE, 185.78, MIDWEST PEST CONTROL, SERVICE, 250.00, MIDWESTERN MECHANICAL INC, SERVICE/SUPPLIES, 1,500.00, MOULTON, STEVEN , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 154.69, MOVIE LICENSING USA, SUPPLIES, 1,863.00, NASCO, SUPPLIES, 146.43, NASP, INC., SUPPLIES, 367.00, NATIONAL FED-STATE HS ASSOCIA, SUPPLIES, 350.00, NEUMAN, SUSAN , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 42.18, NEXT GENERATION ASSESSMENT LLC, SUPPLIES, 2,185.00, NORTH CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL, REPAIRS, 2,809.21, NORTHWESTERN ENERGY, SERVICE, 1,000.19, NU-TECH, CARPET CLEANING-ADMIN, 436.50, OORLOG, CARRIE , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 269.00, PALOS SPORTS, SUPPLIES, 303.31, PERRY ELECTRIC INC, SERVICE, 2,982.50, PETTY CASH - ADMIN, SUPPLIES, 4,000.00, PRAIRIE GRAPHICS INC, SUPPLIES, 224.72, PRIMARY CONCEPTS, SUPPLIES, 126.39, PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE, SERVICE, 250.00, REALLY GOOD STUFF, SUPPLIES, 1,281.17, RIDDELL, SUPPLIES, 5,778.18, ROCHESTER 100 INC, SUPPLIES, 603.75, SASD "SCHOOL ADM SOUTH DAKOTA", SERVICE, 1,244.62, SCHMIDT JR, HAVEN , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 79.18, SCHOOL SPECIALTY-VALLEY DIV., SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT, 2,855.86, SD SECRETARY OF STATE, NOTARY BOND CHARGE, 30.00, SD TEACHER PLACEMENT CENTER, SERVICE, 420.00, ST LOUIS PARK SCHOOL DISTRICT #283, TUITION, 155.88, STAR LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANERS INC, SERVICE, 37.89, STATE OF SD PMB 0112, SERVICE, 60.85, STEPS TO LITERACY LLC, SUPPLIES, 74.85, STURDEVANT'S AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES, 95.88, SUBWAY-BROOKINGS, TRAVEL/SUPPLIES, 101.12, SUPREME SCHOOL SUPPLY, SUPPLIES, 94.95, TEACHER DIRECT, SUPPLIES, 451.42, THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR, SERVICE, 858.70, TOP NOTCH CLEANING SERVICE, SERVICE, 500.00, TP SERVICES INC, SERVICE, 1,533.28, TREETOP PUBLISHING, SUPPLIES, 63.25, UPS STORE #5064, SERVICE, 29.97, UPSTART, SUPPLIES, 125.19, VANDEWEERD, MICHELLE , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 81.40, VERIZON WIRELESS, SERVICES, 641.94, VEXROBOTICS, SUPPLIES, 97.39, W W TIRE SERVICE, SERVICE, 520.44, WAL-MART COMMUNITY BRC, SUPPLIES, 174.94, ZANER-BLOSER EDUCATIONAL PUBL, SUPPLIES, 4,676.33, Fund Total: 479,714.27. Checking Account #2, Fund 21, CAPITAL OUTLAY, BEHREND CONSTRUCTION, LABOR AND SUPPLIES, 459.00, COMBINED BUILDING SPECIALTIES, SUPPLIES, 3,816.00, DANCE SOPHISTICATES, EQUIPMENT, 48.00, DESIGN ARC, SERVICE, 4,285.05, FISHER TRACKS INC, SUPPLIES, 3,750.00, FOREMAN SALES & SERVICE, SERVICE, 16,800.00, GEOTEK ENGINEERING & TEST.SER. INC, SERVICE, 307.50, GUARANTEE ROOFING OF SD, SERVICE, 333.61, HANDER INC, SUPPLIES, 11,293.45, HAUFF MID-AMERICA SPORTS, SUPPLIES, 1,428.90, HEINEMANN RESTORATION INC, SERVICE/SUPPLIES, 5,830.00, HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT COMPANY, SUPPLIES, 2,052.00, 3 JOHNSON CONTROLS, SUPPLIES/SERVICES, 3,152.78, KENNER PLUMBING & HEATING, SERVICE, 3,709.09, M J DALSIN INC, SERVICES, 1,397.74, MASTERCARD CORP, CREDIT CARD, 84,026.43, MIDWEST GLASS INC, SERVICE, 4,460.21, OPE NIEMEYER FLOORING LLC., SERVICE, 7,493.00, PEARSON LEARNING GROUP, SUPPLIES, 115,364.33, RIDDELL, SUPPLIES, 3,041.00, RUDE'S HOME FURNISHINGS, SUPPLIES, 1,550.00, SCHOOL SPECIALTY-VALLEY DIV., SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT, 1,311.57, Fund Total: 275,909.66. Checking Account #2, Fund 22, SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND, ADVANCE, SERVICE, 2,204.35, ANDERSON, NICOLE , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 515.20, AYRES, LARRY , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 1,279.04, BORNS GROUP, MAIL SERVICE, 3.85, CAMBIUM LEARNING GROUP, SUPPLIES, 2,925.00, CHILDREN'S CARE HOSPITAL & SCHOOL, SERVICE, 3,632.00, CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY, SERVICE, 5,842.02, CHRISTIANSON, SHERRI , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 44.40, DISPLAYS 2 GO, SUPPLIES, 142.68, HAWLEY INSURANCE SERVICES, INSURANCE, 18,202.20, LODGE AT DEADWOOD, THE , TRAVEL, 292.00, MASTERCARD CORP, CREDIT CARD, 1,789.94, PEARSON ASSESSMENTS, SUPPLIES, 127.00, PHONAK, SUPPLIES, 1,080.00, PROJECT SEARCH PROMOTIONS, LLC, SUPPLIES, 240.00, SCHULZ, ANDREA , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 6.66, SD DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES, HOME AND COMMUNITY BASED , 7,286.74, VERIZON WIRELESS, SERVICES, 61.82, ZIMMERMAN, KYRSTEN , PROJECT SEARCH CONFERENCE, 56.00, Fund Total: 45,730.90. Checking Account #2, Fund 41, CAPITAL PROJECTS NEW K-3 SCHOOL, DESIGN ARC, SERVICE, 16,007.31, GEOTEK ENGINEERING & TEST.SER. INC, SERVICE, 4,462.00, MILLS CONSTRUCTION CO., SERVICE, 564,902.61, Fund Total: 585,371.92. Checking Account #2, Fund 51, CHILD NUTRITION, BORNS GROUP, MAIL SERVICE, 2.55, CFGEAR, SERVICES, 2,665.00, HAWKINS COMMERCIAL APPLIANCE SERVICE INC, FOOD SERVICE SUPPLIES, 39.11, HAWLEY INSURANCE SERVICES, INSURANCE, 27,000.83, INSTITUTIONS SERVICES, INC, SERVICE, 308.25, LANGLAND HOME CENTER, SUPPLIES/SERVICE, 90.00, MASTERCARD CORP, CREDIT CARD, 92.39, PETTY CASH - ADMIN, SUPPLIES, 300.00, SCHROEDER, NANETTE , TRAVEL/SUPPLIES/REIMB, 2.83, SNA (SCHOOL NUTRITION ASSOC), MEMBERSHIP, 38.25, Fund Total: 30,539.21. Checking Account #2, Fund 53, ENTERPRISE FUND, EINSPAHR AUTO PLAZA INC, SUPPLIES, 1,563.54, Fund Total: 1,563.54. Checking Account Total: 1,418,829.50. Checking Account #2, Trust and Agency Imprest Reimbursement, NAT'L FCCLA MEALS, DUNBAR JOLINE, 252.00, AAFCS MTG MEALS, DUNBAR JOLINE, 108.00, BG CK, DIV. OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, 821.75, IMPREST FUND Total: 1,181.75. Mastercard Credit Card ADVANCE AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES, 97.48; AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS, SUPPLIES, 774.15; AMERICAN, TRAVEL, 50.00; APL*APPLEONLINESTOREUS, SUPPLIES, 121.69; ARAMARK DAIRY BAR, SUPPLIES, 14.06; AVI SYSTEMS INC, EQUIPMENT, 45,287.00; BAUDVILLE INC., SUPPLIES, 2,779.38; BEST WESTERN HOTELS, TRAVEL, 212.48; BLACK HILLS CONOCO, TRAVEL, 65.00; BROOKINGS MUNICIPAL UT, UTILITIES, 3,683.53; BROOKINGS PIZZA RANCH, MEALS, 63.88; BROOKINGS UTILITIES, UTILITIES, 35,729.82; BUFFALO WILD WINGS, MEALS, 176.25; CALCUTRONICS INC, 4 EQUIPMENT, 349.17; CASEYS GEN STORE, TRAVEL, 1,360.14; CDL PRACTICE TEST, SUPPLIES, 39.95; CDW GOVERNMENT, EQUIPMENT, 4,258.20; CENEX, TRAVEL, 156.25; CENTRAL BUSINESS SUPPLY, SUPPLIES, 167.94; CODE FOUR ATHLETICS, SUPPLIES, 1,126.78; COLEMAN FACTORY OUTLET, SUPPLIES, 64.16; COLLINS SPORTS MEDICINE, EQUIPMENT, 2,090.82; COLOPHON BOOK ARTS SUPPLY, SUPPLIES, 111.20; COMFORT INN AND SUITES, TRAVEL, 347.52; DBC*BLICK ART MATERIAL, SUPPLIES, 5,912.29; DELTA, TRAVEL, 1,013.50; ERICA S CRAFT & SEWING, SUPPLIES, 33.81; EVERBIND, SUPPLIES, 838.19; FLINN SCIENTIFIC, EQUIPMENT, 1,835.46; FOLLETT, SUPPLIES, 2,737.95; FREESTYLE PHOTO, SUPPLIES, 5,034.11; GAS N MOR, SUPPLIES, 74.20; GAYLORD OPRYLAND HTL, TRAVEL, 798.26; GOLDEN ARTIST COLORS, SUPPLIES, 526.19; GOODE TO GO, TRAVEL, 20.08; GOPHER SPORT, SUPPLIES, 140.28; GRAFTOBIAN MAKE UP COM, SUPPLIES, 173.87; GRAYBAR ELECTRIC, SUPPLIES, 2,393.89; HANDI-MART, TRAVEL, 69.11; HENRY SCHEIN, SUPPLIES, 4,589.70; HILLYARD INC, SUPPLIES, 14,201.35; HILTON, TRAVEL, 686.44; HJ COLLEGIATE APPAREL, EQUIPMENT, 4,144.32; HOLIDAY INN XPRSS, TRAVEL, 250.00; HOMESTEAD BUILDING, SUPPLIES, 347.79; HOMETOWN SERVICE & TIRE, REPAIRS, 88.98; HUDL, DUES, 2,925.25; HY VEE, SUPPLIES, 246.79; IN *BROOKINGS DUMPSTER, UTILITIES, 927.07; INFOBASE LEARNING, SUPPLIES, 256.71; INTERSTATE OFFICE PROD, SUPPLIES, 446.79; J W PEPPER, SUPPLIES, 879.96; J WESTON WALCH PUBLISH, SUPPLIES, 32.00; JOANN FABRIC, SUPPLIES, 30.24; JUST FOR KIX, SUPPLIES,254.32; K & M, SUPPLIES, 1,865.87; KENNEDY INDUSTRIES INC, SUPPLIES, 194.88; L & L AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES, 2.13; LAUNDRY LOOPS INC, SUPPLIES, 197.00; LEGO IMAGINATION CTR, SUPPLIES, 15.99; LEWIS DRUG, SUPPLIES, 16.29; LOWES, SUPPLIES, 574.79; MAGNATAGVISIBLESYSTEMS, SUPPLIES, 446.58; MAKEMUSIC! INC., SUPPLIES, 565.80; MEMORY 4 LESS, SUPPLIES, 480.00; MF ATHLETIC & PERFORM, EQUIPMENT, 2,363.65; MHE*MCGRAW-HILL ECOMM, DUES, 750.60; MICHAELS STORES, SUPPLIES, 7.99; MIDWEST GLASS INC, SUPPLIES, 225.00; MIDWEST VOLLEYBALL, SUPPLIES, 2,082.16; MIXED, MEALS, 40.46; NASCO, SUPPLIES, 3,671.82; OMNITRON ELECTRONICS, SUPPLIES, 4,611.25; PAASCHE AIRBRUSH CO, SUPPLIES, 280.87; COTTRELLSE, SUPPLIES, 78.98; PAYPAL *SCHELDENORT, EQUIPMENT, 545.01; PCI*PATTERSON MEDICAL, EQUIPMENT, 1,550.84; PERFECTION LEARNING CO, SUPPLIES, 529.84; PETROMART TRAVEL PLAZA, TRAVEL, 33.57; PIERRE CLUBHOUSE HOTEL, TRAVEL, 123.69 ; PILOT, TRAVEL, 85.00; PIONEER REVERE, SUPPLIES, 286.50; PRESTWICK HOUSE, SUPPLIES, 80.97; PROMAXIMA, EQUIPMENT, 5,135.40; RADIOSHACK, SUPPLIES, 26.49; RENTAL DEPOT, SERVICES, 255.48; ROGERS ATHLETIC COMPANY, EQUIPMENT, 2,413.00; RUNNINGS, SUPPLIES, 626.09; SCHELDE NORTH AMERICA, SUPPLIES, 213.64; SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINES, SUPPLIES, 296.67; SF REGIONAL AIRPORT, TRAVEL, 40.00; SHELL OIL, TRAVEL, 24.53; SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES, 135.38; SPORTS IMPORTS, SUPPLIES, 160.23; SQ *QUILTS STITCHES, SUPPLIES, 154.75; SSI*SCHOOL SPECIALTY, SUPPLIES, 4,061.18; STARBUCKS CARD RELOAD, FRAUD, 200.00; TEACHERS HELPER, SUPPLIES, 12.78; TEAM EXPRESS, EQUIPMENT, 1,380.68; TERRY S VILLAGE, SUPPLIES, 65.99; THE JUMP ROPE STORE, SUPPLIES, 165.47; TPRS PUBLISHING INC., SUPPLIES, 65.00; USPS, SUPPLIES, 9.80; VARSITY SPIRIT FASHION, SUPPLIES, 78.45; VERNIER SOFTWARE, EQUIPMENT, 4,019.50; VWR INTERNATIONAL INC, SUPPLIES, 2,893.74; WAL-MART, SUPPLIES, 5 640.31; WEST SIOUX CERAMICS, SUPPLIES, 3,420.42; WILLIAM H. SADLIER, SUPPLIES, 222.11; WM SUPERCENTER, SUPPLIES, 31.77; WORKHORSE, SUPPLIES, 233.80; WW GRAINGER, SUPPLIES, 73.87; XEROX CORPORATION/RBO, SERVICES, 5,241.96; Z WIRELESS, SUPPLIES, 94.98; TOTAL 205,136.75 A. 4. Approve the following personnel report: 1. Contract(s): a. Julie Abraham, Camelot/MMS, Gifted Teacher, $39,475; b. Nicole Linstad, Hillcrest, Special Ed Teacher, $37,537; c. Aimee Deckert, High School, Alternative Learning Center TA, $12.21/hr; d. Anne Rath, Camelot, Child Nutrition, $10.40/hr; e. Teri Kelley, Camelot, Special Ed TA, $11.91/hr; f. Sarah Weinkauf, MMS, Special Ed TA, $ 11.61/hr; g. Kurt Holland, BHS, Special Ed TA, $35,599; h. Penny Robinson, BHS, Ass’t Marching Band & Marching Band Color Guard Advisor, $3,819; i. Thomas E. Delaney, District, Bus Driver, $14.49/hr; j. Tonya Gaalswyk, Medary, Special Ed TA, $12.81/hr; k. Jacqueline Green, MMS, Special Ed TA, $11.91/hr; l. Stephanie Hovda, Hillcrest, Deaf Educator Teacher, $36,568 + Ass’t Gymnastic Coach $4,964 = $41,532; m. Caylee Costello, District, Bus Driver, $14.49/hr; n. Mike Starace, BHS, Ass’t Girls Soccer Coach, $4,583; o. Renae Jorgenson, District, Special Ed Secretary, $13.78/hr; p. Lauren Leischner, District, School Psychologist, $50,000; q. Jamilee Maier, Medary, Grade 2, $32,132; r. Tara Skinner, Medary, Grade 1 Teacher, $32,132; s. Heidi Carstensen, Medary, Title 1/Reading Recovery Teacher, $32,132; 2. Amended Contract(s): a. Bonnie Zeck, ECSE – MMS from part time to full time; b. Tara Seitz, removed ED; c. Lori Mohs transferred from Hillcrest to MMS ECSE d. Roxie Dahl, transfer Cashier/Cook from MMS @ $12.95 to Camelot Cashier @ $13.21; 3. Additional Hire(s): a. Boys Basketball Camp - Tate Broksieck - $120.00, Seth Fraser $160.00, Seth Moret $160.00, Zach Sell $160.00, Zach Treiber $145.00, Jared Vanderbush $160.00, Travis Engebretson $2,962.85, Jarrod Huntimer $1,531.28, Isaac Hansen $1,408.72 and Taylor Johnson $571.91. b. Gymnastics Camp – Rachelle Engbrecht $912.28. c. Bobcat Acceleration Camp – Jason Sebern $1,243.82 and James Hazelton $1,243.82. d. Girls Basketball Camp – Lauren Coughlin $210.00. Colleen Hieb $210.00, Sara Tvedt $210.00, Makenna Mahanke $200.00, Sidney Berreth $160.00, 6 Maddy Reed $110.00. Lynn Frederick $2,261.63, Mark Kreie $400.00 and Mandy Smidt $900.00. 4. Resignation(s): a. Darci Gundvaldson, District, Special Ed Secretary, effective end of 2013-14 school year; b. Becky Hanson, Camelot, Cashier/Kitchen Manager, effective July 25, 2014; c. Anneke Nelson, District, School Psychologist, effective July 24, 2014; d. Elizabeth Dahlheimer, Medary, Grade 2 Teacher, effective July 25, 2014; e. Rhonda Young, BHS, Special Education Teacher, effective July 28, 2014; f. Kari York, Special Ed TA, Medary, effective August 4, 2014; g. Barb Stangeland, Child Nutrition, Hillcrest, effective August 4, 2014 A. 5. Approve the following enrollment report: 1. Approve the Open Enrollment Application into the district for the following students: a. 14-15 (18-29) Note: There are 18 (Out of District) students for 2014-15 A. 6. Approve Rutland School District to pick up students at Casey’s C-Store at 6th Street West and Henry Ave. A. 7. Approve the 2nd/Final Reading Policy JFCH-R “Alcohol and other Related Drugs” A. 8. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Brookings School District and Brookings High School Softball Club. All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion 2014-010 by Rogers, seconded by Jostad to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Brookings School District and Brookings County Youth Mentoring Program. All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion 2014-011 by Bayer, seconded by Jostad to approve increasing the BHS Assistant Principal’s contract from 203 days to 218 days. Motion 2014-012 by Rogers, seconded by Jostad to table action item 2014-011 to approve increasing the BHS Assistant Principal’s contract from 203 days to 218 days. All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion 2014-013 by Bayer, seconded by Rogers to approve the following 2014-2015 budget and tax requests: 2014-2015 Budget General Fund $19,292,438 Capital Outlay $ 4,657,010 Special Education $ 4,266,185 Pension Fund $ 408,500 Bond Redemption (MS) $ 1,274,375 Bond Redemption (4-5) $ 484,000 Capital Projects $13,000,000 7 Food Service Enterprise Fund Self Insurance 2014 taxes payable 2015 request General Fund $ 1,465,000 $ 53,500 $ 3,750,500 $1.782 per $1,000 of AG valuation $4.252 per $1,000 of Owner Occupied valuation $9.106 per $1,000 of other valuation $750,000 OPT OUT Capital Outlay $3.00 per $1,000 of total valuation Special Education $1.478 per $1,000 of total valuation Pension Fund $ .30 per $1,000 of total valuation Bond Redemption (MS) $1,031,000 Bond Redemption (4-5) $490,000 All voted aye. Motion carried. The first reading was held on Policies INDA “Patriotic Exercises and Flag Display”, JHCDB “Epinephrine Auto Injectors” and JGD “Student Suspension or Expulsion”. Motion 2013-014 by Rogers, seconded by Bayer to have the board go into executive session with school attorney Rich Helsper at 6:56 p.m. to discuss legal matters pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 Subsection (3). All voted aye. Motion carried. President Rames declared the board out of executive session at 7:11 p.m. Motion 2014-015 by Bayer, seconded by Rogers to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 p.m. All voted aye. Motion carried. ____________________________________ Marysz Rames, President of the School Board ____________________________________ Brian Lueders, District Business Manager Published once at the total approximate cost of $245.25 8 B R O O K IN G S S C H O O L D IS T R IC T 5-1 - C A S H R E P O R T C A P IT A L O U T LA Y C A P IT A L P R O JE C T S K 3 B eginning B alance $6,239,909.74 $2,135,182.44 $596,045.84 $695,893.30 $697,257.09 $107,693.35 $13,949,079.93 $544,580.93 $55,122.54 $510,599.90 $509,000.49 $26,040,365.55 R eceipts: Local $412,182.24 $20,499.25 $18,938.77 $2,221.41 $4,017.04 $2,390.24 $4,661.57 $175.87 $525.00 $315,856.06 $26,081.68 $807,549.13 C ounty $9,402.95 State $567,673.00 $0.00 $70,378.00 $638,051.00 Federal $140,974.00 $0.00 $150,076.00 $291,050.00 $1,130,232.19 $20,499.25 $239,392.77 $2,221.41 $4,017.04 $2,390.24 $4,661.57 $175.87 $525.00 $315,856.06 $26,081.68 $1,746,053.08 $1,348,863.68 $234,935.08 $271,730.01 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $440,538.62 $34,926.72 $9,028.80 $432,342.49 $16,206.59 $2,788,571.99 $6,021,278.25 $1,920,746.61 $563,708.60 $698,114.71 $701,274.13 $110,083.59 $13,513,202.88 $509,830.08 $46,618.74 $394,113.47 $518,875.58 $24,997,846.64 21 P E N S IO N FU N D BOND R E D E M P T IO N 4 -5 G EN ER A L FU N D 10 S P E C IA L E D U C A T IO N BOND R E D E M P T IO N M M S July 2 0 14 22 24 31 32 41 FO O D S E R V IC E 51 E N T E R P R IS E FU N D 53 S E LF IN S U R A N C E 57 TR U ST & A G EN C Y TO TA L 71 & 76 $9,402.95 Loans/R epaym ent $0.00 TO TA L R EC EIPTS TO TA L EX PEN D ITU R ES: Loan Paym ent $0.00 EN D IN G C A SH B A LA N C E: B R O O K IN G S S C H O O L D IS T R IC T 5-1 - C A S H R E P O R T C A P IT A L O U T LA Y C A P IT A L P R O JE C T S K 3 32 41 B eginning B alance $5,688,828.68 $2,161,636.53 R eceipts: Local $690,196.83 $12,601.94 C ounty $20,986.81 $5,750.88 $26,737.69 State $543,100.00 $72,534.00 $615,634.00 Federal $76,575.00 $161,558.00 $238,133.00 21 P E N S IO N FU N D BOND R E D E M P T IO N 4 -5 G EN ER A L FU N D 10 S P E C IA L E D U C A T IO N BOND R E D E M P T IO N M M S July 2 0 13 22 24 $572,213.71 31 $682,227.68 $598,935.81 $113,136.59 $1,685.84 $2,653.89 $1,375.45 FO O D S E R V IC E 51 $0.00 E N T E R P R IS E FU N D 53 S E LF IN S U R A N C E 57 TR U ST & A G EN C Y TO TA L 71 $463,507.93 $46,543.14 $38,148.90 $502,008.67 $10,867,187.64 $364.72 $0.00 $24,264.62 $13,474.65 $746,617.94 Loans/R epaym ent $0.00 TO TA L R EC EIPTS $1,330,858.64 $12,601.94 $239,842.88 $1,685.84 $2,653.89 $1,375.45 $0.00 $364.72 $0.00 $24,264.62 $13,474.65 $1,627,122.63 TO TA L EX PEN D ITU R ES: $2,046,047.05 $168,741.49 $293,930.05 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $65,146.92 $9,494.12 $22,136.00 $17,391.36 $2,622,886.99 $4,973,640.27 $2,005,496.98 $518,126.54 $683,913.52 $601,589.70 $114,512.04 $0.00 $398,725.73 $37,049.02 $40,277.52 $498,091.96 $9,871,423.28 Loan Paym ent $0.00 EN D IN G C A SH B A LA N C E: G as Q uotes forA ugust G as Inform ation M artin A nd erso n O il A g F irst C o o p V o llan O il U nleaded $ 2.997 $ 3.0215 $ - $ D iesel# 1 $ - $ - $ - $ D iesel# 2 $ 3.306 $ 3.3295 $ - $ 2 .9 4 3 0 3 .2 9 9 5 9 BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 2. Approval and/or correction of the financial report BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Item: V. A. 3 Consent Agenda Approval of bills BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 4. Approval of personnel report 1. Approve Contract(s): The Superintendent recommends the School Board approve the following for 2014-2015 school years unless otherwise noted: a. Vickie Thompson, MMS, Special Ed TA, $11.61/hr; b. Tammy Herrick, MMS, Special Ed TA, $12.81/hr; c. Shelli DeHaven, MMS, Cross Country Coach, $1,485; d. Mavhu Chidaushe, BHS, Ass’t Boys Soccer Coach, $2,546; e. Jennifer Schultz, MMS, Child Nutrition, $10.40/hr; f. Joan Robinson, Hillcrest, Child Nutrition, $10.40/hr; g. Jacob Foley, District, Bus Driver, $14.49/hr; h. Ursula Garrett, BHS, Special Ed Teacher, $47,658; i. Brittany Brown, BHS, Ass’t Competitive Cheer Coach, $2,546; j. Diana Christiansen, BHS, Ass’t Choir Director, $2,546; k. Maggie Minett, BHS, Ass’t Boys Soccer Coach, $2,546; l. Travis Whitehead, BHS, Ass’t Girls Soccer Coach, $3,055; m. Haley Wetzler, MMS, 7th Gr. Ass’t Volleyball Coach, $1,273; n. Brian Mahaffy, District, Bus Driver, $; o. Lindsey Kleinjan, MMS, Grade 6 Reading Teacher, $28,659.58; p. Crysta Denginger, MMS, Grade 8 Ass’t Volleyball Coach, $1,273; 2. Approve Amended Contract(s): a. Camrin Vaux, add ED Wellness Coordinator, $5,092; b. Lisa Weier, MMS, remove HD Winter Sideline Cheer; c. Daniel Berg, BHS, added Theatre Tech, $2,546; 3. Approve Lane Change Contract(s): a. Laura Quail from MA+15, $45,399 to MA+30, $49,727; b. Ann Borns from MA+15, $50,244 to MA+30, $51,319; c. Sharon King from MA+30, $50,350 to MA+45, $51,427; d. Jessica Enderson from MA+15, $37,647 to SPEC, $40,875; 4. Approve Additional Hire(s): a. Brad Nupen, $2,000 b. Ron Stary - Summer Camp: $1,613.00 c. ACT Prep: Rebecca Ekeland – Reading - $339 Rebecca Ekeland – English - $339 Amanda Neville-Coble - $400 Todd Jorgenson - $339 Gwen Yseth - $85 Christine Boever - $339 d. Vonda Bjorklund – Health Curriculum - $310 5. Approve Resignation(s): a. Kurt Holland, BHS, Special Ed Teacher, effective August 15, 2014; b. LeAnn Henslin, MMS, Grade 6 Teacher, effectively Sept. 25, 2014; BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 5. Approval of enrollment report 1. Approve the Open Enrollment Application into the district for the following students: a. 14-15 (30-32) Note: There is 40 (Out of District) Student for 2014-15 BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 6. Approval of 2nd/Final Reading of Amended Policy INDA “Patriotic Exercises and Flag Display Consider this your Second/Final Reading. No changes have been made since the August Board meeting. I recommend you approve. Policy: INDA BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT 5-1 PATRIOTIC EXERCISES & FLAG DISPLAYS The American flag will be flown from the mast at each school every day that school is in session. The principal of the attendance center is responsible for flying the flag on school days. A small flag shall be provided for each classroom. The District shall provide all students the opportunity to salute the United States and the flag each day by reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States. A student may choose not to participate in the salute to the United States and the flag; however, a student who does not participate in the salute shall maintain a respectful silence during the salute. The national anthem may be sung during any school day or school event. Observation and commemoration of special days and events will be considered a valuable part of the instructional program of the school. Legal References: SDCL 13-24-17 (Flagpole required) SDCL 13-24-17.2 (Right to post flag, recite pledge of allegiance and sing national anthem) 1st Reading: 08/11/2014 2nd/Final Reading: 09/15/2014 BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 7. Approval of 2nd/Final Reading of Policy JHCDB “Epinephrine Auto-Injectors” No changes have been made to this policy since the First reading in August. I recommend you approve. Policy: JHCDB BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT 5-1 EPINEPHRINE AUTO-INJECTORS The District may acquire and maintain a stock of epinephrine auto-injectors pursuant to a prescription issued by an authorized health care provider for use in an emergency situation of a severe allergic reaction causing anaphylaxis. All epinephrine auto-injectors must be stored in a locked medicine cabinet, managed by the school nurse or school personnel trained in administration of epinephrine auto-injector or administration of medication. Epinephrine auto-injectors to be stored and/or administered must be in a pharmacy labeled container. The label must specify the name of physician/licensed health care provider, the date of the prescription and the directions for use. No school employee, other than the school nurse, shall be required to be trained by a licensed health care profession for the purpose of being trained in the administration of epinephrine autoinjectors, or shall be required to administer epinephrine auto-injectors, without the employee’s prior written consent. Any school nurse, or other designated school personnel authorized by the School Board, may: 1. administer an epinephrine auto-injector to a student in accordance with a prescription specific to the student on file with the school; 2. administer an epinephrine auto-injector to any student during school hours if the school nurse or designated school personnel believe that the student is experiencing anaphylaxis in accordance with a standing protocol from an authorized health care provider, regardless of whether a student has a prescription for an epinephrine autoinjector or has been diagnosed with an allergy. 3. prior to administering an epinephrine auto-injector made available by the school, each designated school personnel shall be trained by a licensed health care professional: a. recognize the symptoms of a severe allergy or anaphylactic reaction; b. know the procedure for the administration of an epinephrine auto-injector; c. know the procedure for storage of an epinephrine auto-injector; and d. know the emergency care and aftercare for a student who has an allergic or anaphylactic reaction. Pursuant to state law, no administrator, school nurse, or designated school personnel, the District or the School Board, that makes available or possesses or epinephrine auto-injectors pursuant to law, may be held liable for any injury or related damage that results from the administration of, self-administration of, or failure to administer an epinephrine auto-injector that may constitute ordinary negligence, however, this immunity does not apply to an act or omission constituting gross, willful, or wanton negligence. The District, through the student handbooks and such other means as identified by the Superintendent, shall notify the parents or guardians of each student about the policy. Legal References: ARSD 20:48:04.01:09 (Training required for delegated prescription medication administration) SDCL 13-33A (School health services) Cross References: JHCD: Administration of Medications to Students JHCD-E: Consent for Medication Administration Form JHCDA: Student Self-Administration of Asthma or Anaphylaxis Medication JHCDA-E: Authorization for Asthma or Anaphylaxis Self-Administered Medication 1st Reading: 08/11/2014 2nd/Final Reading: 09/15/2014 BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 8. Approval of 2nd/Final Reading of Amended Policy JGD “Student Suspension or Expulsion” No changes have been made to this policy since the First Reading. I recommend you approve. Policy: JGD BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT 5-1 STUDENT SUSPENSION OR EXPULSION Serious breaches of standards of behavior may result in suspensions or expulsions from school. A principal is authorized to suspend pupils for not more than ten school days and a Superintendent is authorized to suspend pupils for not more than 90 days. The period of expulsion may extend beyond the semester in which the violation, insubordination, or misconduct occurred. Any expulsion for consumption or possession of beer or alcoholic beverages may not extend beyond ninety school days. Any student bringing a firearm, or air gun, whether or not the firearm or air gun is designed, adapted, used, or intended primarily for imitative or noisemaking purposes, or any dangerous weapon to school, except as authorized by law, shall be expelled for not less than twelve months and will be referred to law enforcement authorities. The Superintendent shall have the authority to decrease the length of expulsion on a case-by-case basis. This policy shall be implemented in a manner consistent with IDEA and Section 504. A suspension may be imposed, but is not limited to, when a student's behavior creates a threat to his own or other's safety or imposes a threat to property or premises or creates a serious disruption of the school environment. Behavior such as fighting or committing an assault on another; stealing; vandalism; possessing weapons, explosives or other prohibited materials; making a false alarm or terroristic threat; lewd or threatening behavior or language; possession of drugs; or possession of beer or alcoholic beverages on the school premises or at school activities may result in suspensions. Hearing procedures as established by state regulations will be followed for all students who receive long-term suspensions or expulsion. * In case of a suspension by the Superintendent for more than ten school days, the Superintendent will schedule a hearing before the Board of Education and the hearing shall be scheduled within ten (10) school days of the first day of the student’s suspension. ** Additional procedures mandated by state and federal law apply to special education students. NOTE: Statute states that no school board may impose a lesser consequence than those established in SDCL 13-32-9 but may by board policy adopt more strict consequences for adjudication, conviction, informal adjustment or court-approved diversion program, or a suspended imposition of sentence or suspended adjudication of delinquency, for possession, use, or distribution of controlled drugs or substances or marijuana. Statute also says the suspension “may” be reduced and the student “may” be allowed to practice during the period of suspension. To avoid discriminatory application, it is ASBSD’s recommendation that the Board decide, for policy purposes, if the suspension period is to be reduced upon the student meeting the requirements, and if reduced to what extent, and whether the student may participate in practice during a period of suspension. Suspension from Extra-Curricular Activities: First offense: if a student is adjudicated, convicted, the subject of an informal adjustment or court-approved diversion program, or the subject of a suspended imposition of sentence or suspended adjudication of delinquency, for possession, use, or distribution of controlled drugs or substances or marijuana, or for ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise taking into the body any substance as prohibited by statute, the student shall be suspended one year which shall be reduced to thirty calendar days if the student participates in an assessment with a certified licensed addiction counselor. If a suspension for a first offense is reduced to 30 calendar days, the student is also ineligible for a minimum of two South Dakota High School Activities Association sanctioned events upon completion of the reduced suspension period. Students who are ineligible to participate in activity events, competitions, and performances shall be allowed to participate in practices. Second offense: If a student is adjudicated, convicted, the subject of an informal adjustment or court-approved diversion program, or the subject of a suspended imposition of sentence or suspended adjudication of delinquency, for possession, use, or distribution of controlled drugs or substances or marijuana, or for ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise taking into the body any substance as prohibited by statute, the student shall be suspended one year. The one year suspension for a second offense shall be reduced to 60 calendar days if the student completes an accredited intensive prevention or treatment program. If the suspension for a second offense is reduced, the student is also ineligible for a minimum of six South Dakota High School Activities Association sanctioned events upon completion of the reduced suspension period. Students who are ineligible to participate in activity events, competitions, and performances shall be allowed to participate in practices. In order for events to count toward the minimum number of events for which the student is ineligible following a reduction in the suspension for a first or second offense, the student must participate in the entire activity season. Failure of a student to complete the entire activity season results in the student being ineligible for one year from the date of adjudication, conviction, the subject of an internal adjustment or court approved diversion program, or subject of a suspended imposition of sentence or suspended adjudication of delinquency. A suspension that is not completed by the student during one activity season carries over to the next activity season in which the student participates. Third offense: Upon a third or subsequent adjudication, conviction, diversion, or suspended imposition of sentence for possession, use, or distribution of controlled drugs or substances or marijuana, or for ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise taking into the body any substances as prohibited by statute, by a court of competent jurisdiction, the student is ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activity. Legal References: Cross References: SDCL 13-32-4 (School board to assist in discipline) SDCL 13-32-9 (Suspension from extracurricular activities) SDCL 22-42 (Controlled Substances and Marijuana) ARSD 24:05:26.01 (Special Education Student Expulsion) SDCL 13-32-4.2 (Procedure for suspension) SDCL 13-32-5 (Injury to school property as grounds) SDCL 13-32-7 (Possession of firearms on premises) SDCL 22-11-9.2 (Falsely reporting a threat) SDCL 22-14A-24 (Use of substance or device to communicate felonious threat) SDCL 22-14A-25 (Use of hoax substance or device to cause fear) ARSD 24:05:26 (Special Education Student Suspension) ARSD 24:07 (Student due process) Public Law 103-382 (Improving America's Schools Act of 1994) JFA: Student Due Process Rights IGD: Cocurricular and Extracurricular Activities IGDI: Interscholastic Athletics JFCH: Alcohol and Other Drug Use by Students JFC: Student Conduct 1st Reading: 08/11/2014 2nd/Final Reading: 09/15/2014 BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 9. Approval of Surplus list Find attached a Surplus list. I recommend you approve. Surplus Auction is Thursday, September 25 @ 10:00 a.m. Brookings School District Surplus Items 2014 Riding Chariot Floor Vacuum Large Standing Floor Fan 4 children tables 2 Window Air Conditioners Mop Bucket 2 Pairs of Large Stereo Speakers Plastic Stacking Chairs (Few Dozen) 2 Magazine Racks 13 Computer Desks Large Metal Teacher Desk Several Counter Tops Pencil Bookshelf 5 Children's Chairs Large Aquarium 2 Rolling Shelves Childs Toy Kitchenette 6 Weight Benches Squat Rack Dumbbell Rack 2 Rolling TV Carts Childs Blow-up Air Toy Plastic Drawer Unit Large U.S. and World Wall Map Projector Screen TV Floor Fan Box of 300W Light Bulbs CB Radios Decorative Tree Wooden teacher’s desk Miscellaneous shelves BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 10. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between the Brookings School District and SDSU College of Education and Human Sciences. Please find attached our annual renewal of “MOU” with SDSU for our Kindergarten program held on Campus. I recommend you approve. BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Consent Agenda Item: V. A. 11. Approval of Special Board meeting September 29, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. @ MMS – Strategic Plan – Dr. Melmer. BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Item: V. B. Approval of bus bids We received the following bids for a 14 passenger bus w/wheelchair lift and a 71 passenger bus: Trucks of Bismark, Inc. 14 Passenger w/wheelchair lift 71 Passenger conventional bus If both are purchased - $ 62,650.00 $ 86,200.00 $148,850.00 Harlow’s Bus Sales, Inc. 14 Passenger w/wheelchair lift 71 Passenger conventional bus If both are purchased - $ 58,036.00 $ 79,942.61 $137,978.61 North Central Bus & Equipment Inc. 14 Passenger w/wheelchair lift 71 Passenger conventional bus If both are purchased - $ 59,190.00 $ 82,328.00 $141,518.00 Foreman Sales and Service Inc. 14 Passenger w/wheelchair lift 71 Passenger conventional bus If both are purchased - $ 53,899.00 $ no bid $ no bid I recommend the district go with the low bid from Foreman Sales and Service inc. for the 14 passenger bus with a wheel chair lift in the amount of $53,899.00 and the low bid from Harlow’s Bus Sales Inc. for the 71 passenger conventional bus in the amount of $79,942.61. BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet ACTION ITEM Item: V. C. Approval of MOU with ProBuild This memorandum will allow the school district to build the house at no cost to the district through a partnership with ProBuild here in town. If you have any questions, please let me know. I recommend you approve. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING, which is binding as to both parties, is entered into this _____ day of _______________, 2014, by and between the BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT #5-1 (hereinafter referred to as "School") and PROBUILD (hereinafter referred to as "Supplier"). WHEREAS, the School operates a residential construction course as part of its curriculum and in the past has purchased building supplies, including lumber, for the construction of a house; WHEREAS, the School has then offered the house for sale at auction and sold it on the open market; WHEREAS, Supplier desires to provide all building supplies necessary for the completion of a house as hereinafter set forth and therefore, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Brookings School District, by and through its residential construction course, will provide the following: a. A location on School District grounds where the house can be constructed; b. Will build a house meeting plans provided by Supplier; c. Will provide a qualified course instructor that will be in charge of monitoring the students during the construction of the house and to act as the construction foreman. The instructor will furthermore monitor the class to see that the house is built according to generally accepted building practices and consistent with applicable building codes; d. Will make no changes to the plan or design of the house without the permission of Supplier; e. Will pay all onsite expenses related to the construction of the house, including utility expenses as well as any expenses necessary to keep the house heated; f. Will provide a trailer to store trash and will pay any and all dumping fees; the specifications and g. Will provide liability insurance covering the students working on the site on the School District property; h. Will provide the tools and equipment to complete the project; i. Will provide a timeline for completion of the project with checkpoints to monitor progress on the project; and j. Will make every reasonable effort to complete the project in a timely manner and at a timeframe agreed upon by both parties. 2. That the Supplier will provide as follows: a. Provide materials at the expense of the Supplier for the construction of the home between 1,200 to 1,500 square feet; b. Design the home and provide a buildable drawing to the instructor; c. Make all decisions regarding design and materials of the home and clearly communicate to the instructor in a timely manner; d. Ensure that the design of the home and construction techniques required are within the scope of the school curriculum through communication with the instructor; e. Not alter the plan or design of the house after the starting of the project without the agreement of the instructor; f. Select, coordinate and pay any and all subcontractors for plumbing/HVAC, electrical, taping and texturing; g. Will assume all responsibility for the promotion and sale of the home; h. Will allow the School District to hold an open house at the completion of the project to highlight the accomplishments of the students; and i. Will be allowed to provide additional labor to catch up on the project if the project should fall significantly behind schedule. 3. The parties further agree that upon completion of the project, the Supplier will pay to have the home removed from the school site and delivered to a lot of its choosing. From and after the time the home is removed, the School District will have no further responsibility of any nature relating to the house. Dated this ______ day of _________________, 2014. BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT #5-1 BY: ITS: DR. ROGER DEGROOT SUPERINTENDENT Dated this ______ day of _________________, 2014. PROBUILD BY: ITS: GENERAL MANAGER BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet DISCUSSION ITEM Item: VI. A. First Reading of Amended Policy JECB “Admission of Nonresident Students (Open Enrollment – SDCL 13-28-40 Through 13-28-37)” Consider this your First Reading of revised Policy JECB. There are only a few small changes to this policy. No action necessary. BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet DISCUSSION ITEM Item: VI. B. First Reading of Amended Policy EBBA “First Aid and Emergency Medical Care” Please note two or three changes to this policy. I recommend you approve. Policy: EBBA BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT 5-1 FIRST AID AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE No treatment of injuries except first aid and life sustaining emergency care will be permitted in the schools. First aid is that immediate help given by the best qualified person at hand in case of accidents or sudden illness. It is the policy of the Brookings School Board not to comply with directives from parent(s)/guardian or others that life-sustaining emergency care should not be provided to any particular student in need of such care while under the control and supervision of the school. "Life-sustaining emergency care" means any procedure or intervention applied by appropriately trained school staff that may prevent a student from dying who, without such procedure or intervention, faces a risk of imminent death. Examples of life-sustaining emergency care include (but are not limited to): efforts to stop bleeding, unblocking airways, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and/or individually designed medical resuscitation plans. Any person who in good faith provides emergency care or assistance without compensation at the place of the emergency or accident will not be liable for any civil damages for acts or omissions in good faith. Treatment of injuries occurring outside school jurisdiction is not the responsibility of school employees. Each student in the district will be required to have a completed, and signed by parent(s) or guardian, emergency procedure form at the beginning of each school year. In all cases where the nature of the illness or injury appears serious, the parents/guardian will be contacted if possible., and the instructions on the student's emergency consent form followed. Thus, in extreme emergencies, arrangements usually may be made for a student's immediate hospitalization might be necessary whether or not the parents/ guardian can be reached. No young child who is ill or injured will be sent home alone, nor will an older child unless the illness is minor and the parent(s)/ guardian has been informed in advance. For the purpose of this policy, a young child will be a student who is twelve (12) years of age or younger. Administration of invasive and related medication are to be performed by a registered nurse or LPN only. Illness-Emergency Transportation The child should be taken or sent to the local school nurse, or if the nurse is absent, to the local administrator. The person or persons listed on the Emergency Procedure Form should be contacted to pick up and take the student home. If this person cannot be located, the building administrator will attempt to locate some relative who might assume responsibility for the child and this person will pick up and take the child home. If no one can be located and there is no one at the child's home, the school will keep the child at school unless the illness is severe, and then the child will be taken to the clinic or hospital. A reasonable effort will continue to be made to contact the parent(s)/guardian. It will be the policy of the Board that: Supervision and care will be provided for pupils who have a medical problem that requires, or might require, regular or emergency treatment. The level of supervision and possible treatment is to be determined at a meeting attended by the parents/guardian, the teacher of the pupil, the principal of the school concerned, and the medical health officer (or nominee). A signed statement by the pupil's physician stating the physician's recommendations is to be made available at this meeting. A member of the school staff will be required, when necessary, to undertake such training as will ensure adequate supervision and treatment. 1st Reading: 2nd Reading/Adopted: Reviewed: 1st Rev. Reading: 05/9/1994 06/13/1994 05/13/2013 09/15/2014 BROOKINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2014, Input Sheet Item: VII. Adjournment
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