NEWSLETTER JULY/AUG 2014 Welcome to Holy Trinity Jesmond We are a welcoming, evangelical, Anglican church with a diverse congregation gathered from across Newcastle as well as the local community. As a church we seek to be opened up to God and opened out to others. If you are new to Holy Trinity we would love to get to know you, so please get in touch with any of the team - our details are overleaf. This summer we look forward to holiday club, King David, a few of our favourite songs, and so much more... HOLIDAY CLUB 2014 Monday 21st-Friday 25th July Mornings:10.00am-12 noon at Holy Trinity For children aged 4-11 years - £2 per session PLUS MINI MEGA MAKERS MESSY CHURCH! with café space, toddler play and themed activities for under 4s with their parents or carers - free admission - more info at THIS AUGUST... join us to explore the Gospel According to David! Following on from his greatgrandmother, Ruth, David was a man of contr asts: singlemindedly committed to God, yet making some spectacular mistakes in his life. A story of big successes and big failures. He was so very human and yet is held up as a shining example in the ‘Hall of Fame’ of Hebrews 11, a man after God’s heart. We might remember him most for his battle with Goliath, but for much of his story, he either lives in the shadow of his brothers, or is constantly on the run from a vengeful King Saul. Even after becoming King of Israel, David was engaged in almost constant warfare to defend the kingdom: a great military conqueror, yet at times, unable to conquer his own desires and impulses. Yet David leaves us with an example of a passionate love for God and, of course, dozens of psalms, some of the most touching, beautiful poetry ever written. And through the best of the life of David we hear echoes of another: Jesus Christ, the ‘Son of David’ who comes as King to establish the new kingdom of God, and through whom the promises given to Israel are ultimately fulfilled. KIDSZONE: During August we are trialling new summer Sunday provision for our children. Over the first 4 Sundays there will be themed activities for all our children in the one hall space, apart from crèche, during part of the morning service. So we rest our invaluable CYPECS teams this month, if you are able to volunteer to help with a session please speak to Mark as soon as possible. Thank you! Summer is a fantastic time of year: sun, fun and relaxation. The bitter chill is finally shaken off, BBQs are dusted off and fired up, lawns are mowed, ice cream is consumed and drinks are iced. The summer warmth gives us a new lease of energy, driving us outside to rejoice with friends and family. At least that’s our aspiration with our unpredictable British weather! The Psalms remind us that God in his goodness created and maintains the seasons (Psalm 74). In this season of warmth, let’s celebrate and join in with creation that continually ‘sings for joy before the Lord’ (Psalm 98). A WEEK OF PRAYER The Psalms provide a perfect source of rich, deep, truthfilled songs to shed light and give life in this summer time. ‘Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness. Come into his presence with singing!’ Psalm 100.1-2 So this summer, for five Sunday evenings in August, we are exploring the psalms together. Each Sunday, various members of Holy Trinity will share their favourite Psalm as a talk, testimony or reflection. Come and join our summer celebrations as we encounter God’s word together through these ‘songs of the heart’! SUNDAY 6th - SUNDAY 13th JULY: please join us at different points and places this week to give thanks for Barney & Jude’s and to pray for the future. Full details are available on flyers at the back of church or at THIS YEAR marks the centenary of the start of the Great War. Over the next few years a small team at Holy Trinity are planning ways we and our local community can call to mind the events of so long ago which still exert a deep influence and hold profound meaning for so many. On the 100th anniversary of Britain joining the War, Monday 4th August at 7.30pm in Holy Trinity, there will be an opportunity to reflect with an hour of readings, pictures, prayers, music and silence. All are welcome. Find us on Facebook: Holy Trinity Church Jesmond or Café HT Contact details: Coming up: Mark Wroe (vicar - usual day off Friday) Tel: 0191 2401017 Mbl: 07739 530577 Email: [email protected] Tim Sanderson (associate minister - usual day off Saturday) Tel: 0191 2819452 Mbl: 07592 720879 Email: [email protected] Fiddle Club Thursday 10th July 7.15-8.15pm in the Church Hall (More info from Carol Hirst) John Carr (assistant curate nsm - usual day off Saturday) Tel: 0191 274 0901 Mbl: 07730 911775 Email: [email protected] Splice of Life Film Night: Paths of Glory (PG) Saturday 12th July - 7pm at Barney & Jude’s Office: Alison Edwards (administrator) Tel: 0191 2813399 Mbl: 07703 797077 Email: [email protected] Alison usually works Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. World War One Hour of Reflection Monday 4th August - 7.30pm Holy Trinity Churchwardens: Margaret Nicholson & Mark Thomas Tel: 0191 2813399 Email: [email protected] Our ministry is also supported by Rev’d Colin Smith Tel: 0191 2679519 Email: [email protected] HT SUMMER WALKS! Bambrugh Circular (8.5 miles, moderate) Saturday 12th July - meet 9am at church Town Moor Circular (4 miles, easy) Thursday 31st July - meet 7pm at church TBC: Craster Circular Walk via Howick Hall Gardens (6 miles, easy) Saturday 16th August - meet 9am at church Sundays at 11.00am Sundays at 6.30pm 6th Jul: Communion Faithful Love Ruth 3 and John 12.1-8 6th Jul: Evening Worship Old & Young 1 Peter 5.1-11 13th Jul: Morning Worship Redeeming Love Ruth 4 and 1 Corinthians 13.1-13 13th Jul: Evening Communion Beginnings & Endings 1 Peter 5.12-14 and John 21.1-14 20th Jul: All Age Café Worship Mega Makers: Louder and Louder! Matthew 3.1-17, 4.17 20th Jul: Café HT Worship Mega Makers: Louder and Louder! Matthew 3.1-17, 4.17 27th Jul: All Age Café Worship Mega Makers: More and More! Matthew 28.16-20 27th Jul: Communion Letter From Malawi With Jes & Jane Bates 3rd Aug: Morning Worship with baptism Heart of a King I Samuel 16.1-13 3rd Aug: Evening Worship Songs of the Heart Sharing favourite Psalms 10th Aug: Communion King Size I Samuel 17.20-53 and Matthew 9.27-31 17th Aug: Morning Worship The King’s Speech I Samuel 24.1-22 24th Aug: Communion Fit for a King? 2 Samuel 12.1-13 and Matt 6.25-34 10th Aug: Evening Worship Songs of the Heart Sharing favourite Psalms 17th Aug: Communion Songs of the Heart Favourite Psalms and Luke 10.21-24 24th Aug: Evening Worship Songs of the Heart Sharing favourite Psalms 31st Aug: Evening Worship 31st Aug: All Age Worship Songs of the Heart The King’s Song Sharing favourite Psalms I Samuel 16.14-23 In term time, groups for children and young people aged 2½-14 meet during morning services and a crèche space is always available for younger children. Our CYFA group for 14-18s meets during evening services 6.30-7.45pm. NEW FOR AUGUST: Kidszone meets in the hall with themed activities for children during part of the morning service. Coastal Walk (3 miles, easy) Thursday 28th August - meet 7pm at Tynemouth ALL WELCOME! For more details please contact Hazel Juggins or check RLD WOC US FO S W NE JES & JANE BATES with sons Tom and Peter are visiting us on Sun 27thMon 28th July. They are speaking on Sunday evening and with us at Monday’s Prayer Hour. Monday Morning Prayer Hour 9.30am Each week in the side chapel BETH TASH is training as a pioneer minister in the Church of England, and she will be on extended placement with us from September until May 2015. The nature of Beth’s placement means she will be working with us for a significant period each week. We have been asked if we can provide her with board and lodging during her placement. A contribution towards the cost of this will be available. If you have a spare room and might be interested in offering it to Beth please contact Alison in the office. Thank you! THANK YOU to all who helped with Christian Aid Week this year, delivering, collecting and baking. We raised a total of £448.38. Holy Trinity, Churchill Gardens, Jesmond, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 1HB Barney & Jude’s, Greystoke Avenue, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 1PN
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