The Flour Mill MARGATE RD, RAMSGATE THE FORMER RANK HOVIS FLOUR MILL, RAMSGATE – A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY WITH PLANNING CONSENT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF 72 APARTMENTS AND 17 HOUSES Enter THE FORMER RANK HOVIS FLOUR MILL, MARGATE ROAD, RAMSGATE, CT11 7RR Home SUMMARY LOCATION Description Planning Schedule of Accommodation Gallery Due Diligence Proposal CONTACT US Summary • Planning consent from Thanet Council for: - 72 apartments - 17 houses • Part new build and part conversion of the listed Mill Building • Total consented area of 97,071 sqft (9,018 sqm) NIA • Planning consent to include 92 parking spaces (partially underground) on site • Site area – 0.94 ha (2.318 acres) • Ramsgate Town Centre within ¼ mile south of the site • Freehold previous Next THE FORMER RANK HOVIS FLOUR MILL, MARGATE ROAD, RAMSGATE, CT11 7RR Home SUMMARY LOCATION Description Planning Schedule of Accommodation Gallery Due Diligence Proposal CONTACT US Location The property is located with access and main road frontage taken from Margate Road to the northern edge of Ramsgate town Centre. Margate Road acts as a central road route from the site north to Margate, through Northwood and Westwood, and south to Ramsgate town centre within a mile. Ramsgate train station is within a 10 minute walk west of the site and connects directly to London St Pancras (1hr 15 mins) and Victoria (1hr 40 mins). Local rail connections provide links to Margate, Broadstairs and Canterbury. There is a bus stop adjacent to the site providing public transport direct to Margate and Ramsgate. The site occupies part of a larger island site which is predominantly residential, apart from the current use of the subject site which is vacant. The Westwood Shopping Centre within 1 mile north of the site also provides shopping, leisure and food and drink offerings such as Marks and Spencers, Boots, Gourmet Burger Bar, Nandos and a Vue Cinema. previous Next THE FORMER RANK HOVIS FLOUR MILL, MARGATE ROAD, RAMSGATE, CT11 7RR Home SUMMARY LOCATION Description Planning Schedule of Accommodation Gallery Due Diligence Proposal CONTACT US Description The subject site is a triangular shaped site located in a predominantly residential area. The site is bound by Margate Road on its eastern boundary, Station Approach Road on its south western boundary and Kings Road on its north western boundary. The site extends to approximately 0.94 hectares (2.318 acres) in size and is currently occupied by the original flour mill dating from circa 1865. The existing main access is taken off Margate Road to the south east corner of the site, with a secondary access off Kings Road to the north. The listed former flour mill building is vacant and occupies the south eastern section of the site and consists of a typical mill type property and an associated office building over ground and 4 upper floors. Both the mill and office buildings are grade II listed and are approximately 22,000 sqft (GEA) with an additional circa 10,000 sqft of buildings added at a later date. The south western section of site is occupied by a number of industrial type buildings associated with the flour mill and its operation. The northern part of the site is largely free of buildings and is currently hard standing. The topography of the site is such that there is a significant rise in ground level running from the southern to the northern end of the site. previous Next THE FORMER RANK HOVIS FLOUR MILL, MARGATE ROAD, RAMSGATE, CT11 7RR Home SUMMARY LOCATION Description Planning Schedule of Accommodation Gallery Due Diligence Proposal CONTACT US Planning The site has planning consent (ref: F/TH/07/0420) and listed building consent (ref:F/TH/07/0421) from Thanet District Council for development to provide: “…a total of 72 apartments and 17 dwelling houses comprising..”: • • • • • • • Change of use, partial demolition, extension and residential conversion of the main mill building Residential conversion of the ancilliary office buildings Erection of residential units to Kings Road and Margate Road frontages Erection of 2 apartments buildings of 3 to 10 storeys and 3 to 6 storeys in height A terrace of houses of 3 and 4 storeys in height Demolition of existing ancillary industrial buildings Provision of 92 car parking spaces, including underground parking for 48 vehicles. The Section 106 agreement has been agreed and with it is no requirement for affordable housing on site, until a 15% net profit is achieved on the development. From that point on there is a payment towards community infrastructure and facilities. The payment is a calculation based on total sales and costs, and can be found in the Fifth Schedule of the Section 106. , Please click here to download the Section 106 previous Next THE FORMER RANK HOVIS FLOUR MILL, MARGATE ROAD, RAMSGATE, CT11 7RR Home SUMMARY LOCATION Description Planning Schedule of Accommodation Gallery Due Diligence Proposal CONTACT US Schedule of Accommodation The proposal totals 72 apartments and 17 houses in a mixture of conversion of the existing listed mill building and new build. The apartments are allocated in 6 blocks and there are 92 car parking spaces associated with the residential accommodation, 48 of these being underground. The planning consent allows for a total of 97,071 sqft (NIA) of residential accommodation. A summary is as follows: Unit 1 bed apartment 2 bed apartment 3 bed apartment 4 bed apartment 1 bed house 2 bed house 3 bed house 4 bed house No 3 52 15 1 1 2 8 7 89 Total Sqm 181 4,784 1,528 132 63 208 876 1,246 9,018 Total Sqft 1,948 51,495 16,448 1,421 678 2,239 9,429 13,412 97,071 , Please click here to download a detailed schedule of accommodation previous Next THE FORMER RANK HOVIS FLOUR MILL, MARGATE ROAD, RAMSGATE, CT11 7RR Home SUMMARY LOCATION Description Planning Schedule of Accommodation Gallery Due Diligence Proposal CONTACT US Gallery previous Next THE FORMER RANK HOVIS FLOUR MILL, MARGATE ROAD, RAMSGATE, CT11 7RR Home SUMMARY LOCATION Description Planning Schedule of Accommodation Gallery Due Diligence Proposal CONTACT US Gallery previous Next THE FORMER RANK HOVIS FLOUR MILL, MARGATE ROAD, RAMSGATE, CT11 7RR Home SUMMARY LOCATION Description Planning Schedule of Accommodation Gallery Due Diligence Proposal CONTACT US Gallery previous Next THE FORMER RANK HOVIS FLOUR MILL, MARGATE ROAD, RAMSGATE, CT11 7RR Home SUMMARY LOCATION Description Planning Schedule of Accommodation Gallery Due Diligence Proposal CONTACT US Due Diligence , Click here to dowload Archaeological Report , Click here to download Building Survey , Click here to download Landscape Appraisal , Click here to download Phase 1 Environmental Survey , Click here to download Planning Statement , Click here to download Transport Statement previous Next THE FORMER RANK HOVIS FLOUR MILL, MARGATE ROAD, RAMSGATE, CT11 7RR Home SUMMARY LOCATION Description Planning Schedule of Accommodation Gallery Due Diligence Proposal CONTACT US Proposal Unconditional offers are sought. Proposals are to be submitted at the offices of Blenheim Bishop for the attention of James Winston. All offers should be clearly marked “The Former Rank Hovis Flour Mill Site, Margate Road, CT11 7RR”. All proposals should include the following: • • • • • Purchaser, including any relevant background and track record information; Board approvals, details of any outstanding approvals necessary to proceed with the purchase and likely timescales involved; Written confirmation of finance arrangements including details of any further approvals which may be required; Timetable for exchange of contracts and completion; Details of solicitors. The selection procedure will be based upon the level of offer, payment terms, funding, track record, and level of due-diligence carried out. All offers are to be accompanied with proof of cash funds in order to be seriously considered. There is no obligation on the vendor’s behalf to accept the highest offer made. previous Next THE FORMER RANK HOVIS FLOUR MILL, MARGATE ROAD, RAMSGATE, CT11 7RR Home SUMMARY LOCATION Description Planning Schedule of Accommodation Gallery Due Diligence Proposal CONTACT US Contact US James Winston Land and Investment T: 020 7290 2824 M: 07585 552958 E: [email protected] Jonathan Vandermolen Land and Investment T: 020 7290 2828 M: 07831 509965 E: [email protected] Blenheim Bishop 82 Park Street London W1K 6NH Created for Blenheim Bishop by Design for Life MISREPRESENTATION ACT: Blenheim Bishop for themselves and for the vendors of this property whose agents they are, give notice that – The particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers and do not constitute part of an offer or contract. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation and their details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct,, but any intending purchasers should not rely on them as statements of representations of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. Unless otherwise stated, all prices, rents, and other charges are quoted exclusive of VAT. Any intending purchasers or tenants must satisfy themselves independently as to the incidence of VAT in respect of any transaction. All plant, machinery, equipment, services and fixtures referred to in these particulars were present at the date of publication. They have not however been tested and therefore we give absolutely no warranty whatsoever in relation to this property or these particulars nor enter into any contract on behalf of the vendors. No responsibility can be accepted for any expenses incurred by the intending purchasers in inspecting the properties which have been sold or withdrawn previous
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