PARC NEWS Pioneer Amateur Radio Club of Fremont, Nebraska Volume 24, Issue 11 November, 2014 Inside this issue: Minutes 2 Silent Key 2 Skywarn 2 Christmas Party 3 Don’t Forget 3 More Minutes 4 SPECIAL • PARC Meeting Thurs. Nov. 20th • Hero’s / Gambinos • East Military Ave., Fremont • 6:30 Supper • 7:30 Meeting Your Officers For 2015 Seated: Sharon Martens, KB0TVB, Treasurer Dan Steinhoff, W7UP President Standing: Dave Theophilus, W0NRW Secretary Wes Chrisman, KD0PGV Vice President Treasurer’s Report November, 2014 Savings..................... $130.68 Checking ................. 1,850.40 TOTAL .................. $1,981.58 INCOME ......................... 0 EXPENSES: Hero’s Gift Cards ........ $20.00 Repeater Fund.......... $250.00 Picnic Meat & Buns .... $32.47 TOTAL ..................... $302.47 Chairpeople: Hospitality: Sharon Martens, KB0TVB Field Day: Wes Chrisman, KD0PGV Flea Market: Rich Mehaffey, KB0ARZ Picnic: Sharon Martens, KB0TVB & Dave Theophilus, W0NRW Christmas Party: Linda Kirchmann, W0ZIP & Jane Mehaffey, KB0ZUN Publicity: Dave Theophilus, W0NRW Education: Jane Mehaffey KB0ZUN Net Manager: Mel Cunningham, K0VLA ARES: Dave Theophilus, W0NRW Board of Directors: Bob Kirchmann, W0ICE Frank Veverka, K0AJA, Jim Sweeney, KB0DYY & 2 Officers Page 2 Pioneer Amateur Radio Club Minutes for October 23, 2014 The Pioneer Amateur Radio Club Meeting for October was called to order at 730 PM by President Darlene Hoffman, N0LOP. 21 people were present. Everyone introduced themselves. MINUTES and TREASURER’S REPORT: Because of the PARC picnic in September, there were no Minutes or Treasurer's Report to approve. MOTION to Pay Bills: No bills were submitted. HOSPITALITY: Sharon Martens, KB0TVB reported she would send a card to Kiel Eltiste, N0LVZ because of the death of his mother. EDUCATION: No report. FIELD DAY: No report. The next Field Day will be on June 27-28, 2015. FLEA MARKET: No report. The next Flea Market will be on July 11, 2015 in North Bend. PICNIC: No report. The next picnic will be on September 27, 2015. CHRISTMAS PARTY: After a discussion of possible sites, a vote was taken between the Office Bar & Grill in Hooper and Farmer Brown's in Waterloo. The Office Bar & Grill was selected with the party to be at 530 PM on Saturday, December 13. A count of people planning to attend will be taken at the November meeting. NET Manager: Mel Cunningham, K0VLA passed around sign-up sheets for Net Control duties and thanked everybody. ARES: Dave Theophilus, W0NRW thanked everybody for the rain/snow reports. The ARRL-NWS Skywarn Recognition event will be held on December 5-6. PUBLICITY: W0NRW had nothing to report. OLD BUSINESS: No new ideas to spend down the Treasury were submitted. (Continued on Page 4) PARC News Skywarn Recognition Day Hi Everyone, Skywarn Recognition Day 2014 is set for Dec. 6, 2014. The event starts at 00Z on Dec 6 (6 PM CST Dec. 5th) and runs 24 hours. Skywarn Recognition Day was developed by the National Weather Service (NWS) and the ARRL in 1999. This is the 15th year that this event has been held. The Valley NWS office and local HAMS have participated in every one of these events. This event celebrates the contributions that volunteer Skywarn Amateur Radio operators make to the National Weather Service. During this event, local amateur radio volunteer spotters and net control personnel operate several radio stations at the NWS office. They make contact with other NWS offices, and thousands of other amateur radio operators around the U.S. and world. Details of this event can be found at We would like another good turnout for this event. TLast year we had quite a few people visit the office and get on the radios to try yo make contacts. We have an HF radio here as well as 2 meter and 440 MHz, APRS radios. If you want, you can bring your own HF unit out here. If you have an antenna, that would be great too as we can set you up in our conference room. The address is 6707 N. 288th Street, Valley NE. Just take highway 275 to the Highway 64 Valley Exit (The one that goes to Leshara). Head west until you get to the building next to the radar (Looks like a big volleyball on a tower). Thanks much and 73 , (KB0QXF) Brian E. Smith Warning Meteorologist, Nat’l Weather Serv. Omaha/Valley Silent Key, W0GAJ Carl Johnson, W0GAJ, became a silent key on October 27, 2014. He was 84 years old. He passed away of a heart attack at Fremont Health Center. Carl was an active member of PARC for many years. But recently was not around very much because of declining health. Carl is survived by his wife, Betty, and two daughters, sons-in-laws and grandchildren. May you rest in peace, Carl. We will miss you. PARC News Page 3 PARC Christmas Party Saturday December 13 5:30 pm Office Bar & Grill Hooper, NE We will have a choice of 3 meals: 12 oz. Prime Rib for $15.39 plus tax & tip Steak & Shrimp $15.39 plus tax & tip 3 Pc Boasted Chicken $9.80 plus tax & tip IMPORTANT: Please RSVP to Jane KB0ZUN; [email protected] or Sharon KB0TVB; [email protected] by Nov. 21st The restaurant wants a close head count. Thank you. Don’t Forget November PARC Meeting Is 3rd Thursday, November 20th P IONEER A MATEUR R ADIO C LUB OF F REMONT , N EBRASKA Darlene Hoffman, NØLOP, Editor 2411 County Road 15 Colon, Nebraska 68018 Phone: 402-628-2038 Email: [email protected] W E’ RE ON THE WEB! W W W . K 0 J F N. C O M President—Darlene Hoffman, NØLOP V. President—Mel Cunningham, KØVLA Secretary—Dave Theophilus, WØNRW Treasurer—Sharon Martens, KBØTVB Board of Directors: Jim Sweeney KBØDYY Bob Kirchmann WØICE Frank Veverka, KØAJA And 2 Officers Committee Chairs: Hospitality: Sharon Martens Field Day: Jarad & Wes Chrisman Flea Market: Rich Mehaffey Picnic: Dave Theophilus & Sharon Martens Christmas Party: Jane Mehaffey & Sharon Martens Publicity: Dave Theophilus Education: Jane Mehaffey Net Manager: Mel Cunningham ARES: Dave Theophilus MEMBERSHIP DUES: Yearly PARC Dues are $10 for the first member of a family and $3 each additional member if paid between Jan. 1 and March 1. Dues are prorated at $1 per month after March 1st for new members. Previous year member’s dues remain $10 whenever they are paid. Life membership is $200. SEND TO: Sharon Martens, KBØTVB 2316 E. First St Fremont, NE 68025 Minutes Continued From Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: The following people volunteered and then were selected to be the PARC officers for 2015: President – Dan Steinhoff, W7UP; Vice-President – Wes Chrisman, KD0PGV; Secretary – Dave Theophilus, W0NRW; Treasurer – Sharon Martens, KB0TVB Jim Sweeney, KB0DYY agreed to serve again on the Board of Directors. The current Committee Chairs agreed to serve again, with the addition of Linda Kirchmann, W0ZIP to help with the Christmas Party. Rich Mehaffey, KB0ARZ announced that he brought cables from Don Cook's estate for people to help themselves. The estate donated $25 to PARC and it will be used to purchase prizes at the next Flea Market. A scope from the John Beranek, KC0KKE estate was given to KD0PGV to help with repeater upkeep. DRAWING: The winner of the $10 Gambino's Gift Card was Frank Veverka, K0AJA. The meeting was adjourned at 805 PM. PROGRAM: Wes Chrisman, KD0PGV then gave a presentation on the new Yaesu Analog/Digital repeater that he has purchased and will install on the Winslow tower on 145.265 MHz. KB0TVB asked that the meeting be reopened, which was done at 820 PM. She then made a motion that $250 be given to KD0PGV to help support the new repeater. Lance Hoffman, WN0L seconded the motion which was approved. The meeting was adjourned for the final time at 822 PM. Respectfully submitted, Dave Theophilus, W0NRW November PARC December PARC * Christmas Party—Dec. 13, Office Bar & Grill, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Meeting is 3rd Thursday because of Thanksgiving Continue ways to spend down the Treasury Renew Meeting location with Hero’s January PARC * New Officers Begin * 2015 Dues are
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