Bolivar NY Breeze 1940-1943

Entered at the Bolivar post office
as second-class matter
Established August 29, 1891, by
John P. Herrick
Editor and Publisher
The late Mark Graves was one o.'
the few men born In Allegany
county whose names have appearec"
In "Who's Who."
set by Mark
Graves, a farm boy of a largf
family, Is one that every young
man can ponder over with profit
Through study, untiring industry
and a clear cut conception of wha
a worth while life really can be
he became an outstanding figure in
the complex world of taxation.
He was never led from the
straight and narrow path of
Justice to the taxpayer, small and
large alike.
False gods and crack pot theories
never had a lure for him; he kep..
both feet on the ground.
Men with the vision of Mark
Graves are sorely needed today ir.
the world of business and finance.
No all wise, beaurocrat with a
closed mind was he! His rule was
to learn something new and useful every day, to keep in step with
a changing world.
Our country is calling for clea:
headed, virile, honest and fearless
men of the Mark Graves type
May their tribe Increase!—J.P.H.
Dr. James F. Hoffman of Bolivar is to be congratulated on his
graduation from the University o
Buffalo with the degree of Doctor
of Medicine. A graduate of the
Bolivar Central School and o'
Alfred University he decided tc
follow in the footsteps of hU
grandfather, the late Dr. Charier
F. Hoffman, who, for many years
was a successful practioner oi
medicine in Bolivar. Dr. Hoffman
is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James
P. Hoffman, well known residents
of Bolivar. After serving an internship at v the Sisters Hospital
in Buffalo, Dr. Hoffman will join
the armed forces of his country
as a First Lieutenant in the
Medical Corps.
The teachers and pupils of the
Ceres, New York School thank the j
Editor of the Bolivar Breeze for
publishing our school news this
school year.
Our school closed Thursday with
a picnic which was greatly enjoyed by all.
Pupils received report cards Friday.
We have 53 cents for the Red
Cross. This makes a total of $4.53
contributed by the pupils for this
work this year,
The upper room had !s9^f?> attendance for the month of June
and the lower room 98%.
Lower Room:
Lois Grey returned from California. We are glad to have her
with us again.
Final tests are finished again.
Ten of our number are on the
Honor Roll. • From the fourth
grade: Phillip Cole, Jean Flicker,
Kevin Macdonald, Douglas White;
from the third grade: Carroll
Richmond, Richard Torrey, Shirley
Torrey; from the second grade:
Harlean Gleason, Edward Flicker;
from the first grade: Barbara'
Marietta Loucks had 1007c attendance for this school year.
The following pupils are promoted to the fifth grade: Kevin Macdonald,
Phillip Cole, Douglas
White, Jean Flicker and Lois Grey.
The following pupils are promoted
to the fourth grade: Shirley Torrey, Carroll Richmond, Richard |
Torrey. The following are promoted to the third grade: Edwarcf
Flicker, Harlean Gleason.
following to the second grade:
Barbara Macdonald, Jerrie Lou
Torrey, Carley Smith. Ernestine
Gilliland and Gayle Torrey.
Upper Room
Adrian Torrey successfully completed the eighth grade and will
be eligible to attend Bolivar High
School next year. His Regents
marks are as follows: Silent Reading 86%, Arithmetic 94%, English
91%, Writing 85%.
The three seventh grade pupils
Regents in
Their percents a r e : Elaine Louctot
92, Dorr Richmond 86, Edwin Barrett 75.
Four of our pupils are on the
Honor Roll: Elaine Loucks. Dorr
Richmond, Roberta Babcock and
Richard Jordan.
The following pupils are promoted to the eighth grade: Elaine
Loucks, Dorr Richmond and Edwin
Barrett. The following to the
•everrth t r a d e : Roberta Babcock,
Irwin Babcock and Bruce Torrey.
The following to the sixth grade:
Marlene- Loucks, Wayne Torrey
Richard Jordan.
, Marlene Loucks had 100% attendane for this school year.
ALICE H. BAKER, Principal
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York