1947 - 1953
The text of the GATT
Selected GATT publications
A chronological list of references to the GATT
GATT Secretariat
Palais des Nations
Gene va
March 1954
This bibliography is a list of books, pamphlets, articles in periodicals,
newspaper reports and editorials, and miscellaneous items including texts of
lectures, which refer to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. It covers
a period of approximately seven years. For six of these years - from the
beginning of 1948 - the GATT has been in operation.
The purpose of the list is a practical one: to provide sources of
reference for historians, researchers and students. The list, it must be
emphasized, is limited to the formation and operation of the GATT; for œasons
•»f length, the history of the Havana Charter and its preparation and references
to the proposed International Trade Organization, which has not been brought
into being, have been somewhat rigidly excluded, while emphasis has been put
en references that show the operational aspects of the GATT.
The bibliography is divided into the following sections:
the text of the GATT and governmental publications;
selected GATT publications; (the full list of GATT publications is
.obtainable from the secretariat on request)
a chronological listing of references to the GATT. This has been
subdivided into the following periods, the references being listed
alphabetically in each period:
including the Geneva tariff negotiations (AprilAugust) and the completion of the GATT
including the first two sessions of the GATT (March
at Havana, and August-September at Geneva)
including the .jru-ocy tariff negotiations and the
third session (April-August)
1950 to July 1951*
including the fourth session (February-April, 1950),
the Torquay negotiations (September 1950-April 1951)
and the fifth session (November-December 1950)
august-December 1951
including the sixth session (September-October)
including the seventh session (October-November)
including the eighth session (September-October)
This extended period brings together all the items concerning the
Torquay tariff conference.
- 2 -
Students of international commercial policies will undoubtedly be
familiar with the series of reports that have been made in recent years in
the United States en various aspects of United States foreign trade and
domestic economy, notably the Report on Foreign Economic Policies (Gray
Report) November 1950, the Report of the Materials Policy Commission (Paley
Report) July 1952, the Report of the Public Advisory Board on a Trade and
Tariff Policy (Bell Report) March 1953, and the Report of the Commission
en Foreign Economic Policy (Randall Report) January 1954, and such nonofficial studies as that concerning the United States Tariff and Trade
Agreements Act made in 1953 by the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
These reports and studies comment on the operation of the GATT as part of
or incidental to the matters under study. But since they are not primarily
concerned with the GATT, they are omitted from the bibliography.
Since its original publication in 1947 the text of the GATT has been
The up to date text of the GATT, containing all amendments, is published
fcy the GATT secretariat in Basic Instruments and Selected Documents of the
Contracting Parties. Volume I. This Volume, entitled, Text of the Agreement
and otfrer Instruments and Procedures, contains the texts of the General Agreement,
the Annecy and Torquay Protocols, the Protocol of Provisional Application, and
the Final Acts of Geneva and Torquay. (Available in English or French from the
secretariat or through United Nations sales agents, price $1,50 or the equivalent.
Sales No. GATT/1952-3).
The amended text is also obtainable in English from H.M. Stationery Office:
Provisional Conoolidated Text of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,
affd7Telcts~t7f-i^lrated Documenta—Cmd^-8048. September 1950. Price ls,6d.
The French text as amended is obtainable from the Imprimerie nationale,
Paris: Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce. Imprimerie
nationale, 1950, No. J.H. 007051.
The amended text in German is given in Allgemeines Zoll- und Handelsabkommen
(Stand Mai 1952) mit den kodifizierten Listen aller bisherigen ZolXzugest&idnisse.
>Deutsches Handels-Archiv (Bonn) 2 October 1952. See also-Imhoff, L.P. GATT.
Kommentar. C.H. Beck (Mtinchen) July 1952 (q.v.) .
The amended text in Spanish was published in Gaceta Oficial, Cuidad
Trujillo, Dominican Republic, 29 Abril, 1950. See also Lacarte, Julio A. Los
nuevos principios de cooperacion en el comercio mundial. Montevideo, 1949 (q.v.).
Governmental Publications
Australia: General agreement on tariffs and trade. Statement by
R.T. Pollard in House of Representatives, Canberra, Australia,
18 November 1947; Canberra, 1947, p.68. Pamphlet No. 58.
New Zealand: United Nations Conference on trade and employment,
Geneva, 1947. General agreement on tariffs and trade ....
Wellington, E.V. Paul. Government printer. 1948. p.74.
Pamphlet No, 42.
South Africa: Memorandum on the general agreement on tariffs and trade
concluded at Geneva on 30 October 1947. South Africa, 1948.
p.37. Pamphlet No. 37.
- 4 -
Report on the Geneva tariff negotiations, with text of
the general agreement on tariffs and trade, and supplementary agreements with the United States and Canada.
London, 1947. p.46. Cmd. 7258.
United Nations conference nn trade and employment, Havana,
1947-1948. General agreement on tariffs and trade, first
session of the contracting parties (held at Havana, Cuba,
28 February to 24 inarch 1948), documents relating to the
first session. London, 1948. p.31. Cmd. 7376.
Report on the Torquay tariff negotiations, with t^st of the
Torquay protocol .... London, 1951. p.17. Cmd. 8228.
Ivote: further references to United Kingdom official
statements will be found under Board of trade j'ournal in
the subsequent sections of this bibliography.
Analysis of general agreement on tariffs and trade, signed
at Geneva, 30 October 1947. Washington, 1947. p.207.
United States Department :f. State, Publication 2983.
Commercial policy series 109.
.analysis of protocol of accession and schedules to the
general agreement on tariffs and trade, negotiated at
Annecy, France, April - August 1949. Washington, 1949.
p,239. United States Department of otate. Publication
3651. Commercial policy series 120.
Analysis of Torquay protocol of accession, schedules, and
related documents to the general agreement on tariffs and
trade, negotiated at Torquay, England, September 1950 April 1951. p.474. United States Department of State.
Publication 4209. Commercial policy series 135.
Note; further references to United States official
statements will be found under publications and press
releases of the United States Department of State, and
also under Foreign commerce weekly in the subsequent
sections of this bibliography.
- 5-
The following is a short selection of GATT publications, designed for
the general reader. The complete list of publications is obtainable on request
from the secretariat. All are available in English or French, except where
stated otherwise, and are obtainable through United Nations sales agents or
from the secretariat.
The Attack on Trade Barriers: A progress report on the operation of the
GATT from January 1948 to August 1949. 32 pages. September 1949.
Price: $0.15. (GATT/1949-2). Spanish and German editions obtainable
from the secretariat only. The English edition is out of print.
Liberating World Trade: Second report on the operation of the GATT.
29 pages. June 1950. Price: $0.25. (GATT/1950-2). Spanish and German
editions obtainable from the secretariat only.
GATT in Action: Third report on the operation of the GATT. 32 pages.
February 1952. In addition there is a 12-page outline of the provisions
of the GATT, explaining the salient points of each Article. Price: $0.50
(GATT/1952-2). Spanish edition available through the Consejo Interamericano
de Comercio y Produccion, Montevideo, Uruguay; or from the secretariat.
German edition obtainable from the secretariat.
International Trade, 1952: An extensive report which presents the work
of the Contracting Parties against a comprehensive account of the main
developments in international trade since the War, with extensive
statistical material. Part One of the Report analyses the structure and
pattern of world trade in recent years. Part Two reviews the main
developments in governmental action - tariffs, quota restrictions,
subsidies and so forth, affecting the movement of world trade. Part Three
describes the work of the Contracting Parties since the beginning of 1952
and indicates some of the problems that lie ahead in 1953-1954. 124 pages,
June 1953. Price $1.50. (GATT/1953-2).
A New Proposal for the .Reduction of Customs Tariffs: A popular explanation
of the French plan for tariff reduction, which was completed at the
Eighth Session and submitted to governments. 16 pages. January 1954,
Price: $0.15. (GATT/1954-1). German edition in preparation.
Basic Instruments and Selected Documents: Two volumes containing a
compilation of documentary material were published by the secretariat
in May 1952. Volume I, Text of the Agreement and -ther Instruments and
Procedures, contains the texts of the General Agreement, the Annecy and
Torquav Protocols, the Protocol of Provisional Application, and the Final
Acts of Geneva and Torquay. It also contains the Rules of procedure for
- 6 -
sessions of the Contracting Parties (including procedures for intersessional
meetings), procedures for tariff negotiations, and lists of all the
Protocols and the signatories thereto. Volume II contains selected decisions,
declarations, resolutions, rulings and reports of the Contracting Parties,
as well as reports of Working Parties, up to May 1952. Volume I, 139 pages.
Price: $1.50; Volume II, 228 pages. Price: $2.00. (G^.TT/1952-3 and 4 respectively).
Two Supplements to Basic Instruments and Selected Documents have been
published. The First Supplement, published in March 1953,. contains important
decisions, resolutions, recommendations and Working Party reports which were
adopted by the Contracting Parties between May and October 1952. The Second
Supplement, published in January 1954, contains similar material for the period
November 1952 to December 1953, First Supplement. 109 pages. Price: $1.50
(GATT/1953-1). Second Supplement. 121 pages. Price: $1.50 (GÀTT/1954-2).
- 7 -
Balogh, Th. Britain and the Geneva tariff agreements. Bulletin of the
Institute of statistics (Oxford) 9, p. 417-429, December 1947.
The bargain on preferences. The Times (London) 21 October 1947.
Concessions obtained from France at UN conference in Geneva. Foreign commerce
weekly (Washington) 29, p. 6-7, 30-31, 13 December 1947.
La France et les accords tarifaires de Genève. Documentation française, Notes
documentaires et études (Paris)N° 780, p. 1-18, 13 décembre 1947.
General agreement on tariffs - Report on the Geneva tariff negotiations.
Records and statistics (London) 2, p. 450-459, 22 November 1947.
Geneva and imperial preference. Statist (London) 146, p. 272-273,
13 September 1947.
The Geneva marathon. Banker (London) 82, p. 89-93, May 1947.
Geneva tariff talks. Agreement reached by seventeen nations £ on text of GATT/.
The Times (London) 25 September 1947.
Geneva trade agreement. CutB
30 October 1947.
in preferences. The Times (London)
Hoffman, Michael L. Britain approves bargain on tariff. Anglo-American
, agreement assures eighteen nation pact on most of world trade. New York
times, 17 October 1947.
Hoffman, Michael L. Tariff accords shaped at Geneva. New York times,
10 September 1947.
Hoffman, Michael L. Trade pact voted at Geneva parley. Nineteen nations
approve accord pending adoption of ITO charter. New York times,
25 September 1947.
Hoffman, Michael L. Twenty-three countries sign new trade pact. New York
times, 31 October 1947.
Horse-trading at Geneva. New statesman and nation (London) 33, p. 247-248,
12 April 1947.
Hutchesnn, H.H. Success of Geneva trade parley depends en U.S. tariff policy.
Foreign policy bulletin (New York) 26, p.2-3, 11 April 1947.
- 8 -
Lowering the U.S. tariffs. Empire concessions. The Times (London)
20 October 1947.
Lowering world tariffs. Agreement signed at Geneva. The Times (London)
31 October 1947.
MacGowan, H.P. The new general agreement on tariffs and trade. Foreign commerce
weekly (Washington) p. 3, 34-35, 29 November 1947.
Multilateral trade agreement between seventeen countries has wide application
here. Foreign trade (Ottawa) 2, p. 1002-1037, 22 November 1947.
Reduction of tariffs. U.S. and empire preferences. The Times (London)
13 October 1947.
Removal of world trade barriers. Geneva agreement on tariffs /published/.
The Times (London) 18 November 1947.
Report on the tariff negotiations at Geneva. Board of trade journal (London)
153, p. 2020-2022, 22 November 1947.
Report on the tariff negotiations at Geneva, April to October 1947. International survey, Central office of Information (London) 2nd. appendix, p. 1-6,
18 November 1947.
De tariefsbesprekingen te Geneve gee'indigd. Economische voorlichting
('s-Gravenhage) 41, p. 1817, 31 Oktober 1947.
The tariff agreements. National farmers union information service (London) 2,
p. 193-197, December 1947.
Tariff bargaining in Geneva. Statist (London) 145, p. 514-516, 17 May 1947.
Tariff cuts affect 60 per cent of US trade in twenty-three nation
Excerpts from text of GATT. New York times, 18 November 1947.
Tariff talks at Geneva. Empire preference. The Times (London) 15 May 1947.
Tariffs and trade. Economist (London) 153, p. 827-828, 22 November 1947.
Tariffs and trade. The Times (London) 18 November 1947.
Varga, E. The Geneva trade talks. New times (Moscow) p. 4-9, 16 M y 1947.
Wyndham White, Eric. Results of Geneva trade negotiations. United Nations
bulletin (New York) 15 October 1947.
9 -
L'aceord de Genève sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce du 30 octobre 1947.
Bulletin de législation comparée (Paris) 8, p. 3-51, 1er trimestre 1948.
Bazire, M. L'accord de Genève et nos exportations. Aviation marchande
(Paris), p. 4-6, avril 1948.
Ceylonese economic difficulties. Havana obligations relaxed. The Times
(London) 30 August 1948. / 2nd session^
The general agreement on tariffs and trade. First and second sessions of the
contracting parties. j_ A pamphlet/ prepared for the contracting parties by
the ICITO secretariat (Geneva), p. 20, November 1948 /also in French and
Geneva trade talks ended.
/2nd session^/
Financial times (London) 14 September 1948.
The Geneva treaty. Financial times (London) 17 August 1948. /2nd session^/
Hoffman, Michael L. Germany rejected at trading equal. New York times,
26 August 1948. /2nd session^/
Hoffman, Michael L. New trade policy on Germany voted. New York times,
7 September 1948. /2nd session^/
Hoffman, Michael L. Twenty-two nations convene to^enforce world trade code
of conduct. New York times, 16 August 1948. /2nd session^/
Modifications of_tariff agreement.
/2nd session^/
The Times (London) 15 September 1948.
Pakistan complaint. Trade discrimination by India alleged. The Times
(London) 24 August 1948. ^2nd session^/
Ramadier, P.
L'accord de Genève. Revue politique et parlementaire (Paris)
50, p. 3-10, janvier 1948.
Royer, Jean. Les accords douaniers de Genève. ^eXerpts from a lecture/ ICITO,
Genève, novembre 1948.
Tariff talks at Geneva. Preparatory timetable. The Times (London)
1 September 1948.
Trade role urged for German area. New York times, 24 August 1948. /2nd session^/
- 10 -
Twenty-one states and tariff talks. New York herald tribune, 15 September 1948.
/2nd session^/
U.S. and preferences. Trade with trust territories. The Times (London)
24 August 1948. /2nd session^
Western zones of Germany. U.S. proposal at Geneva. Financial times (London)
24 August 1948. /2nd session^/
Wyndham White, Eric. Results of Geneva trade_negotiations. IMted Nations bulletin
(New York) 15 October 1948. /2nd session^/
Acuerdo general sobre arancelss aduaneros y crmercio. Primer y segundo periodo
de tesiones de las partes contratantes. Revista de derecho internacional
(Habana) 56, p. 54-68, 30 septiembre de 1949.
The Annecy agreement. Nat-.onal farmers union information service (London)
5, p. 5-7, January 1950.
Annecy and th^ dollar gap. Banker (London) 91, p. 167-170, September 1949.
The Annecy conference. Commerce (Bombay) 79, p. 357-358, 27 August 1949.
The Annecy conference on tariffs and trade* External affairs (Ottawa) 1,
p. 14-20, October 1949.
The Annecy negotiations. Italian^economic survey (Rome) p. 1-3,'May-June 1949.
Annecy tariff reductions,, effects on British trade. The Times ((London)
10 October 1949.
Barriers to trade. Increase feared at Annecy. Financial times (London)
15 August 1949.
Cent quarante-sept ecoords tarifaires ont été conclus à Annecy. Le Monde
(Paris) 11 octobre 1949.
Concrete business benefits from Annecy. Foreign commerce weekly (Washington)
31 October 1949.
Coppola d'Anna, F. La liberalizzazione degli scamb:'., g."1, accordi doganali di
Annecy e l'aocordo générale sulle tariffe e sul commercio. Rivista di
politica economica (Roma) 39, p. r'72-1191, Dicembre 1949.
- 11 -
Coppola d'Anna, F. Le trattative multilateral! di Annecy. Rivista di politica
economica (Roma) 39, p. 335-341, Marzo 1949.
The curtain falls on Annecy. Economist (London) 27 August 1949.
Difficoltà e problemi délie trattative di Annecy.
3, p. 1, 23 Luglio 1949.
Industria lombarda (Milano)
Das Ergebnis der Zolltarifverhandlungen in Annecy . Neue Zurcher Zeitung
(Zurich) 10, 11 Oktober 1949.
The fight for freer world trade. Commercial opinion, journal of the Association
of Chambers of Commerce of South Africa, p. 261, 263, December 1949.
The general agreement on tariffs and trade. Background and guidance for press
and radio correspondents at Annecy. 1949. /Mimeographed. Includes an
historical survey by Winthrop G. Brown, US State Department^/
Gersmann, P. Den almindelige overenskomst om told og udenrigshandel, GATT.
National^konomisk tidsskrift (K^benhavn) 87, p. 381-384, 6, haefte 1949.
Gruson, Sydney. U.S. drops request to aid Tokyo trade /3rd session/. New York
times, 17 June 1949.
Hartler, H. GATT-forhandlingarna.
p. 7-9, 31 mai 1949.
Svensk utrikeshandel (Stockholm) N° 10,
Hoffman, Michael L. Annecy talks spur simplified tariffs. New York times,
5 May 1949.
Hoffman, Michael_L. Britainjproposes world price reins. New York times, 22
July 1949. /3rd session^/
Hoffman, Michael L. Cuba walks out of tariff parlay.- New York times,
11 August 1949. /3rd session^/
Hoffman, Michael L.
29 June 1949.
Italy hindering accord on tariffs. New York times,
Hoffman, hichael L. Parley at Annecy held trade guide. New York times,
15 August 1949. /3rd session^/
Hoffman, Michael L.
14 August 1949.
Parley on trade at Annecy closes. New York times,
Hoffman, Michael L. Stalling tactics at Annecy cue to delay on Havana Charter.
New York times, 1 August 1949.
- 12 -
Hoffman, Michael L. Tariff parley runs into obstacles. New York times,
17 April 1949.
Hoffman, Michael L. Thirty-ene nations publish duty cuts aimed at spurring
trade. New York times, 10 October 1949.
Hoffman, Michael L. U.S. agrees to air its ban on exports /to Czechoslovakia/.
New York times, 8 April 1949.
Hoffman, Michael L. U.S. - Italy agree on a tariff slash. New York times,
26 August 1949.
Hoffman, Michael L. U.S. - Italy impasse on tariffs broken. New York times,
24 July 1949.
Hoffman, Michael L. U.S. to propose new world action to relieve economic
unbalance. New York times, 6 July 1949.
Hoffman, Michael L. World trade unit drops British plan. Delay seen on
Havana Charter. New York times, 3 August 1949.
The Hull program at Annecy. New York times, 6 August 1949.
International trade and tariff discussions in progress. External affairs
(Ottawa) 1, p. 42-44, April 1949.
Israel's present position in relation to GATT. Economic news (Tel-Aviv) 2,
p. 75-78, December 1949.
Italien und die Zollkonferenz von Annecy. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich)
22 August 1949.
Lacarte Julio A. Los nuevos principios de cooperacion en el comercio mundial.
El acuerdo general sobre aranceles aduaneros y comercio y la carta de la
Habana para una organizaoion internacional de comercio. (Montevideo)
p. 372, 19^9._ /contains the full text of the GATT, but without post-1949
revisions_/ /_ supplemented in 1953 by a new edition, entitled El Uruguay
y el acuerdo general de aranceles aduaneros y comercio, prepared for the
parliamentary discussions preceding the accession of Uruguay^/
Leurquin, R. L'enjeu de la conférence monstre d'Annecy.
6, p. 387-388, 24 avril 1949.
Mercure (Bruxelles)
Macgowan, H.P. Concrete business benefits should flow from Annecy negotiations.
Foreign commerce weekly (Washington) 37, p. 7, 47-48, 31 October 1949.
- 13 -
Mantzoulinou, D.E.E dasmologike diaskepsis tou Annessi. Deltion emborikou
kai viomichanikou eplmélitiriou athinon (Athinai) 24, p. 363-369,
Oktovriou 1949. /Annecy conference^/
Many tariff- cuts range up to 50 per cent. New York times, 11 October 1949.
New agreement on tariffs. Ten more nations join Annecy pact. Financial times
(London) 10 October 1949.
New tariffs and old troubles. Economist (London) 9 July 1949.
News of ITO and GATT. American affairs (New York) 11, p. 25-31, January 1949.
Next round in tariff bargaining. Economist (London) 23 April 1949.
Olin, C E . Tullforhandlingarna i Annecy och deras konsekvenser for vart land.
Mercator (Helsingfors) 44, p. 743-744, 4 november 1949.
Olin, C.E. Tullforhandlingarna. i Annecy och deras konsekvenser for vart land.
Ekonomiska samfundets tidskrift (Helsingfors) 2, p. 218-227, N° 4, 1949.
Omkring Annecy-forhandlingene.
15 august 1949.
Norges utenrikshandel (Oslo) 27, p. 611-612,
Poker game with world tariffs. Economist (London) 18 June 1949.
Reducing trade barriers. The Times (London) 11 April 1949,
Removal of trade barriers. Aims of the Annecy trade conference. The Times
(London) 12 April 1949.
Les résultats de la conférence d'Annecy. Moniteur officiel du commerce et de '
l'industrie (Paris) 67, p. 2046-2052, 27 octobre 1949.
Results of the Annecy tarif negotiations. Canadian weekly bulletin (Ottawa)
14 October 1949.
Scope of Annecy agreements. Third round in 1950 ? Manchester guardian,
8 October 1949.
The spirit of Annecy. New York times, 16 August 1949.
Stabilizing prices. British proposal on Havana Charter. The Times (London)
22 July 1949.
Sveriges anslutning till allmanna tull- och handelsavtalet (GATT).
Kommerslella meddelanden (Stockholm) 36, p. 495-503, oktober 1949.
Talks on tariffs. Czechs protest against U.S. Financial times (London) 8 April
- 14 -
Tariff concessions negotiated by thirty-three countries last summer at Annecy
listed. Foreign trade (Ottawa) 6, p. 666-667, 15 October 19<+9.
Tariffs and trade - Progress of talks at Annecy. Commerce weekly (London) 11,
p. 3, 10 June 1949.
Tariffs reduced by thirty-one countries. Manchester guardian, 10 October 1949.
Towards freer, trade. Success of the Annecy negotiations. The Times (London)
10 October 1949.
Le trattative di Annecy. Rassegna economica (Roma) 4, p. 77-80, Maggio Giugno 1949.
Trente-six pays discuteront des tarifs douaniers. Le Monde (Paris) 9 avril 1949.
Two years work on tariffs. Economist (London) 15 October 1949.
Willoughby, Woodbury. The Annecy conference on tariffs and trade. Department
uf state bulletin (Washington) 21, p. 774-778, 21 November 1949.
Wyndham White, Eric. Progress at Annecy:
bulletin (New York) 1 August 1949.
an interim report. United Nations
Die Zolltarifverhandlungen in Annecy. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich) 7 Juli 1949.
Die Zolltarifverhandlungen in Annecy. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich)
11 August 1949.
1S5C - July 1951
Abschluss der vorbereitenden Handelskonferenz in Genf. Neue Zurcher Zeibung
(Zurich) 6 April 1950. /5th session^/
El acuerdo de Ginebra sobre aranceles y comercio. Junta nacional de economia
(La Habana) p. 224, 1950.
Alexandrowioz, C.H. International trade and tariffs at Torquay. World
Affairs (London) 5, p. 211-221, April 1951.
De algemexle overeenkomst inzake tarieven en handel. Economische voorlichting
('s-Gravenhage) 12 and 19 Mei 1950.
- 15 -
Amiet. Les résultats de la conférence de Torquay. Revue du ministère de
l'agriculture, Information écontmique et statistique (Paris) p. 177-179,
juillet 1951.
Anzilotti, E. L'accordo générale sulle tariffe doganali e il commercio caratteri e finalité. Jus gentium (Roma) 3, p. 97-110, Maggio-Agosto 1951.
Arents, R.A. Les résultats de la conférence tarifaire de Torquay.
commercial belge (Bruxelles) 65, p. 23-27, 25 juillet 1951.
The attack on tariffs. An account of postwar tariff negotiations and of the
general agreement on tariffs and trade. Barclays bank review (London)
May 1950.
Der Ausbau des general .agreement on tariffs and trade. Neue Ziircher Zeitung
(Zurich) 15 Dezember 1950.
Un autunno in cornovaglia .. e forse anche un inverno. Mondo eccnomico
(Milano) 5, p. 430-4-32, 10 Ottobre 1950.
Avant Torquay. Echo de l'industrie (Luxembourg) 29, p. 1,
2 septembre 1950.
L'avenir du GATT. Economie internationale (Paris) 17, p. 7-8, mai 1951.
Bareau, P. Tariffs and Torquay.
9 November 1950.
Listener (London) 44, p. 479-480,
.Die Bedeutung der Konferenz von Torquay. Neue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich)
6 Mai 1951.
Blankenstein, H. van. De conferentie inzake de tarieven te Torquay. Economischstatistische berichten (Rotterdam) 35, p. 952-953, 29 November 1950.
Blankenstein, H. van. Het einde van de conferentie te Torquay. Economischstatistisohe berichten (Rotterdam) 36, p. 294-295, 18 April 1951.
Breakdown in tariff talks - U.S. offer rejected. Manchester guardian,
3 April 1951.
Britain's dollar import restrictions. Financial times (London) 8 March 1950.
/5th session/
Die britische Zollpolitik im Rahmen des GATT. Neue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich)
11 Mai 1951.
Brown, William Adams. The United States and the restoration of world trade.
Brookings institute (Washington D.C) p. 572, April 1950. / Historical
background of ITO charter and GATT, detailed account of negotiations;
indicates relationship between ITO and GATT provisions; reviews first
two years of GATT»/
- 16 -
La clôture de la conférence de Torquay.
1er mai 1951.
Problèmes économiques (Paris) p. 1-2,
Code of standard trade practices recommended at Torquay. U.S. state department
daily bulletin, 26 December 1950.
Conclusion of international tariff negotiations at Torquay. Board of trade
journal (London) 28 April 1951, p. 888-890.
La conférence tarifaire de Torquay. Fabrimétal (Bruxelles) p. 345-347, 30
avril 1951.
La conférence tarifaire de Torquay.
p. 42-44, 25 mai 1951.
Bulletin commercial belge (Bruxelles) 65,
La conférence tarifaire de Torquay, 18 septembre 1950-21 avril 1951. Documentation française, Notes et études documentaires (Paris) N° 1616, p. 3-8,
27 mai 1951.
La conférence de Torquay. Problèmes économiques (Paris) p. 8-9, 24 octobre 1950.
La conférence de Toi quay. Problèmes économiques (Paris) p. 6-9, 5 décembre 1950.
La conferencia internacional de Torquay. Trabajo nacional (Barcelona) p. 859860, Noviembre 1950.
De conferentie te Torquay. Economische voorlichting ('s-Gravenhage) 45, p. 1-3,
12 Januari 1951.
Contracting parties to GATT end fourth session. Department of state bulletin
(Washington) 22, p. 613-615, 17 April 1950.
Contracting parties to GATT end fifth session. Department of state bulletin
(Washington) 24, p. 35-36, 1 January 1951.
Coppola d'Anna, F. Lights and shadows of the Torquay conference. Review of
the economic conditions in Italy (Rome) 5, p. 183-190, May 1951.
Corse, C D . The general agreement on tariffs and trade. Department of state
bulletin (Washington) 22, p. 762-764, 15 May 1950.
Danemark und die Zollverhandlungen von Torquay. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich)
21 September 1950.
Eichhorn, F. Das Genfer allgemeine Zoll- und Handelsabkommen (GATT) und
Deutschland. Aussenhandelsdienst, Beilage 3 (Dusseldorf) p. 1-10, 27 April
Die Escape Klausel VGT der Kenferenz VCT. Torquay. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich)
17 November 1950.
- 17 -
ïorty-f-ive countries discuss tariffs at Torquay. Review of opening speeches.
Commerce (London) 15 November 1950.
France confounds tariff conferences. Paris reserves right to alter duties.
New York times, 13 October 1950.
Free-trading hope gaining in Geneva. New York times, 5 April 1950. /5th sesslaiV
Freeing trade. Financial times (London) 28 September 1950. /opening of
Torquay conference^/
Fucito, 0.
La quinta sessione delle parti contraenti del GATT. • Vita doganale
(Napoli) p. 207-210, Maggio 1951.
Le GATT - general agreement on tariffs and trade - accord général sur les
tarifs douaniers et le commerce. Bulletin de l'union de banques suisses
(Zurich) N° 2, p. 13-15, juillet 1951. "
- GATT_conference discussions. Board of trade journal (London) 23 December 1950.
/5th session^/
General agreement on tariffs and trade - international conference at Torquay.
International survey, Central office of Information (London) p. 27-30,
3 November 1950.
Gonzales, A.D.
en Torquay.
Informe sobre la conferencia de aranceles y comercio celebrada
Imprenta nacional (Montevideo) p. 38, 1952.
Goodbye to all GATT. Economist (London) 160, p. 901-902, 21 April 1951.
Handelsprobleme auf der Konferenz von Torquay. Neue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich)
1 November 1950.
Hexner, E. The general agreement on tariffs and trade and the monetary fund.
International Monetary Fund staff papers (Washington) 1, p. 432-464,
April 1951.
Hobson, Oscar R. Talking turkey at Torquay. News chronicle (London)
25 September 1950.
Hoffman, Michael L. Boca is watched at tariff parley. New York times,
30 September 1950.
Hoffman, Michael L.
8 October 1950.
Britain asking U.S. for lower tariffs. New York times,
Hoffman, Michael L. British— U.S. tariff talks break down. Sunday Express
(London) 1 April 1951.
- Id -
Hoffman, Michael L. Demand for easing of curbs strikes at sterling system.
Mew York times, 13 November 1950.
Hoffman, Michael L. French now seek new tariff duties. New York times,
8 November 1950.
Hoffman, Michael L. _Geneva pact_kands limit trade curbs. New York times,
30 March 1950. /5th session^/
Hoffman, Michael L. Long tariff
28 September 1950.
talks opening in Britain. New York times,
Hoffman, Michael L. New trade curbs will be reviewed.
2 April 1950.
New York times,
Hoffman, Michael L. Ninety-one tariff talks set in Torquay parley. New York
times, 5 October 1950.
Hoffman, Michael L. Paris, Rome peril Europe trade gain. Torquay tariff
parley stymied as Fiance and Italy cling to protectionist habits. New York
times, 2 November 1950.
Hoffman, Michael L. Pool plan to face stiff tariff fight. New York times,
4 October 1950.
Hoffman, Michael L. Tariff reductions bring trade truce to much of world.
New York times, 21 April 1951.
Hoffman, Michael L. Trade parley at Geneva turns to failure to honor tariff
pact. New York times, 5 March 1950. /_5th session^/
Hoffman, Michael L. U.S. takes back bid to have Japan restored to equality
in trading. New York times, 7 November 1950.
Hoffman, Michael L. U.S. upheld in rise of felt hat duty. New York times,
11 November 1950.
Inquest on trade_restrictions. Economist (London)
/5th session^/
18 November 1950.
The international tariff negotiations. Statist (London) 7 October 1950.
Die internationale Handelskonferenz in Genf. Neue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich)
23 Marz 1950. /4th session^/
Macgowan, H.P. The reciprocal trade agreements program. Foreign commerce
weekly (Washington) 44, p. 3-5, 27-28, 30 July 1951.
- 19 -
Meyer, l.H.P. Die Zollverhandlungen in Torquay." Nachrichten der deutschen
Industrie-Messe (Hannover) p. 3-4, 1 Januar 1951.
Mickwitz, E. v. Der Ausbau des Genfer Abkommens iiber Zolle und Handel. 2 Teil.
Europa-Archiv (Wien) 5, p =,_2879-2885, 5 Marz 1950. /With bibliography
compiled by Hermann Volle^/
One hundred and forty-seven new tariff concessions. Manchester guardian,
23 April 1951.
The outcome cf Torquay. National farmers union information service (London) 5,
p. 124-126, June 1951.
Parboni, S* I risultati della conferenza di Torquay. Moneta e credito (Roma)
4, p. 221-232, trimestre 1951.
La position actuelle d'Israël par rapport à l'accord general douanier et
commercial. Nouvelles économiques d'isra'jl (Tel-Aviv) p. 111-114, novembre
La position américaine à Torquay. L'économie (Paris) 27 juillet 1950. .
La position française t. Torquay.
L'économie (Paris) 266, p, 6-7, 14 septembre
Posso, H. Das Genfer Handelsabkunmen. Schweizer Monatshefte (Zurich) 30,
p, 3<v5-351, September 1950.
Posse, H. Gedanken zu Torquay, Volkswirt (Frankfurt a. Main) 4, p. 13-14, •
. 3 November 1950.
Posse, H» Ver der Zollkonferenz -- Gnmûsatze des Genfer allgameinen Zo.ll- und
Handelsabkommens. Volkjgwirt (Frankfurt a. Main) 4, p, 12-13, 23 .'.":.:.. ICoOc
P-sse, H.
Ver der Zollkonferenz. Volkswirt (Frankfurt a. Main) 23 August 1950.
Posse, H. War Torquay ein Erfo.lg ? Volkcvirt (Frankfurt a. Main) 5, p. 15-16,
4 Mai 1951.
Purchase tax and Torquay. The Times (London) 8 November 1950. /5th sessionJ
Préparatifs à Torquay.
L'économie (Paris) 20 juillet 1950.
Proclamation of results of Torquay tariff negotiations. Department, of state
(Washington), press release N° 471, &• June 1951.
Reduction on tariff barriers at Torquay - .'.nternational comments on its success
and failures, Wirtschaftsdlenst, English edition (Hamburg), 31, p. 1-2,
April 1951.
- 20 -
Results of the Torquay tariff conference. British export gazette (London)
p. 100, May 1951.
Results of Torquay tariff conference under GATT. Department of state
(Washington) press release N° 365, 7 May 1951.
Results »f Torquay tariff conference under GATT. Department of state bulletin
(Washington) 24, p. 816-817, 21 May 1951.
Results of Torquay tariff negotiations. Board of trade journal
p. 993-995, 12 May 1951.
Roid, G.C. Spillfekteri i Torquay. Norges utenrikshandel (Oslo) 28, p. 883-884-,
1 desember 1950.
Schauenburg, W. v. Torquay im entscheidenden Stadium. Vtlkswirt (Frankfurt a.
Main) 5, p. 9-11, 26 Januar 1951.
Second phase at Torquay. The Times (London) 2 Nrvember 1950. ^5th session^/
Sinn, M. E. Fourth session of the contracting parties to tlK» general agreement
on tariffs and trade. Department of state bulletin (Washington) 23, p. 150153, 24 July 1950.
Straining at GATT. Ec»nomist
(London) 163, p. 6-8, 5 April 1.952.
Die Tagesordnung der Konferenz von Torquay. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich)
10 November 1950. /5th session^/
Tariff bargaining goes slow. The future of GATT. Economist (London) 18
November 1950.
Tariff negotiations at Torquay completed. Foreign commerce weekly (Washington)
43, p. 4, 28, 28 May 1951.
Tariff talks open at Torquay. Mr. Wilgress attacks protectionism.
times (Londtn) 29 September 1950. "
Tariff talks at Torfuay. British trade journal and export world (London)
p. 130, 134, July 1951.
Tariffs at Torquay. The Times (London) 4 January 1951.
Tariff talks. Session's_ work summarised. Financial times (London) 21 December
1950. ^5th session^/
Tariffs and preferences. The Times (London) 11 May 1951.
- 21 -
Tariffs and trade. Manchester guardian, 28 September 1950. /opening of Torquayconference^/
Terugblik op de conferentie te Torquay. Economische voorlichting ('s-Gravenhage)
45, p. 6-8, 8 Juni 1951.
Third round of tariff negotiations under GATT. Department of state bulletin
(Washington), 28 November 1949. Supplementary announcement, 29 May 1950.
Toldforhandlingerne i Torquay. Finanstidende (K^benhavn) 36, p. 10-12,
4 oktober 1950.
Tollforhandlingene i Torquay 1951 - oversikt over de norske tilbud. Norges
industri (Oslo) 33, p. 109-117, 30 april 1951.
Torquay conference. New York times, 23 April 1951.
Torquay conference /editorial/. New York times, 10 May 1951.
The Torquay conference. External affairs (Ottawa) p. 193-197, June 1951.
The Torquay conference. Economist (London) 30 September 1950.
Torquay conference and world trade: 1. reduction of barriers; 2. control of
restrictions. The Times (London) 25-26 September 1950.
The Torquay negotiations. National farmers union information service (London)
5, p. 229-231, December 1950.
Torquay, 1950. The historical background. Reserve bank of New Zealand,
statistical summary (Wellington) p. 95-97, September 1950.
The Torquay protocol. World's paper trade review (London) p. 1742-1743,
14 June 1951.
Torquay tariff agreements. Further freeing of world trade. Financial times
(London) 23 April 1951.
Torquay tariff conference terminates. Department of state (Washington) press
release N° 298, 20 April 1951.
Torquay tariff agreements. Imperial preference almost untouched. Manchester
guardian, 23 April 1951.
Torquay tariff talks ended. General agreement extended. The Times (London)
23 April 1951.
The Torquay trade talks. Manchester guardian., 27 March 1951.
- 22 -
Trade after Torquay.
Banker (London) 95, p. 278-283, November 1950.
Trading after Torquay.
Journal of Oommerce (New York) 14 May 1951.
Trouble at Torquay /editorial/. Financial times (London) 13 November 1950.
U.N.__trade and tariffs. Torquay agenda. Manchester guardian, 8 November 1950.
/5th session^/
Die vorbereitende Handelskonferenz in Genf. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich)
30 Marz 1950. /4th session^/
Weiss, Leonard. Contracting parties to the general agreement on tariffs and
trade: fifth session. Department of state bulletin (Washington) 24, p. 415418, 12 March 1951.
Will tariff talks ease world trade ? Record (Melbourne)
p* 9, 29 September 1950.
Wyndham White, Eric. Après Torquay. Economie internationale (Paris) 17,
p. 4-5, juin 1951.
Wyndham White, Eric. Las negociaciones de Torquay y sus perspectivas de
future Revista de la boisa de comercio (Montevideo) 53, p. 12-14, Julio 1951.
Wyndham White, Eric. Tariff revisions to be made at Torquay meeting. United
Nations bulletin (New York) 1 June 1950. .
World trade conference - 600 delegates at Torquay. The Times (London)
29 September 1950.
Zwischen Bilana der Konferenz von Torquay. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich)
30 Dezember 1950.
1951 ; . August-December
Aocord general sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce. Principales recommandations de la sixième session. Moniteur officiel du commerce et de
l'industrie (Paris) p. 3043, 20 décembre 1951.
Actions taken on strengthening administration of GATT. Contracting parties
end sixth session. Department of state bulletin (Washington) 647, p. 829833, 19 November 1951.
De algemene overeenkomst inzake tarieven en handel. Economische voorlichting
('s-Gravenhage) p. 1-2, 30 November 1951.
- 23 -
Bewahrungsproben der Welthandelsorganisation.
10 November 1951.
Neue Zurcher Zeltung (Zurich)
Brzosniowsky, I. Das Wiederaufleben der Zollpolitik. Mittejlungen des
Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Instituts der Gewerkschaften (Kchin) 4, p. 7-11,
November 1951.
British tariff policy - Early review of the work of the general agreement.
The Times (London) 20 September 1951.
Can GATT take the strain ?
October 1951.
British export gazette (London) 44, p. 66-69,
Coppola d'Anna, F. L'accordo générale sulle tariffe doganali e sul commercio
(GATT) (Roma) p. 475, 1951. /_ Historical background, examination of each
article and protocol of GATT, text of GATT in French, indexa
Drapier, J. Un obstacle à l'intégration de l'Europe - le GATT. Europe unie
(Bruxelles) p. 14-15, décembre 1951-janvier 1952.
Eichhorn, F.
Internationale Erleichterung der Handelswerbung; GATT-Entwurf
fiir ein internationales Abkommen. Mitteilungen der Bundesauskunftsstelle
fur den Aussenhandel (Koln) 7 Dezember 1951.
Fink, P. Das GATT.
Dezember 1951.
Oesterreichische Monatshefte (Wien) 7, p. 726-728,
La France propose un abaissement général de 30 pour cent sur les tarifs
douaniers. Le Monde (Paris) 21 septembre 1951.
GATT: la France propose une réduction de 30 pour cent en trois ans. Tribune
de Genève (Genève) 21 septembre 1951.
GATT: proceedings of sixth session. International survey, Central office of
Information (London) p. 67-69, 30 November 1951.
GATT und Amerikanische Kaseimportrestriktionen.
2 November 1951.
Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich)
Hoffman, Michael L. Canada criticizes British on trade. Purchase taxe held
violation of general agreement. New York times, 22 September 1951.
Hoffman, Michael L. Czech trade halt by U.S. is approved. New York times,
28 September 1951.
Hoffman, Michael L. Nations are split over import bans. Discussions at Geneva
find Canada strong for removal of restrictions. New York tjmes, 9 October
- 25 -
Schweinitz, H.U. v. Die Bundesrepublik auf der VI. GATT-Tagung in Genf.
Aussenhandelsdienst, Ausgabe B (Diisseldorf) 5, p. 1-2, 6 September 1951.
Die Schweiz und das GATT. Mitteilungen der Oesterreichischen Handelskammer
in der Schweiz (Zurich) 5, p. 7-8, Dezember 1951.
Die sechste Tagung des GATT. Neue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich) 16 September 1951.
Die sechste Tagung des GATT. Neue Zvircher Zeitung (Zurich) 5 November 1951.
La sixième session des parties contractantes. Bulletin mensuel, comité international des échanges (Paris) p. 3-7, 22, octobre-novembre-décembre 1951.
The smell of cheese /editorial/. New Yrrk times, 15 September 1951.
Survey of sixth session of contracting parties to the general agreement on
tariffs and trade. Board of trade journal (London) p. 957-959, 10 November
Tariffs' effect on trade. Conference opened at Geneva. The Times (London)
18 September 1951.
Thirty countries meet at Geneva to discuss general agreement on tariffs. Beard
of trade journal (London) 29 September 1951.
Trade talks_at Geneva: _some lively issues. Manchester guardian, 17 September
1951. /6th session^/
U. K. utility goods system:
21 September 1951.
GATT criticisms. Financial times (London)
U.S. curb on cheese scored at Geneva. New York times, 18 September 1951.
This week's GATT meeting. The Times (London) 17 September 1951.
Wyndham White, Eric. UN, tariffs and trade. Uphill (London) p. 76-79,
De zesde zitting van net GATT te Geneve. Economische voorlichting
('s-Gravenhage) p. 9-10, 19 Oktcber 1951.
- 26 -
Agenda for GATT. Economist (London) p. 117-118, 11 October 1952. /7th session^"
Det allmanna tull- och handelsavtalet (general agreement on tariffs and trade)
Svensk handelspolitik (Stockholm) p. 14-15, 1952.
Bilan des négociations tarifaires de Genève. Problèmes économiques (Paris)
p. 1-3, 22 janvier 1952.
Bilancio del GATT. Mondo economico (Milano) p. 10, 22 Novembre 1952.
Blankenstein, H. v. De sevende vergadering der verdragsluitende partijen van
de algemene overeenkomst inzake tarieven en handel. Economisch-statlstische
berichften (Rotterdam) 37, p. 904-906, 26 November 1952.
Britain's attitude to GATT. Financial Times (London) 20 August 1952.
Das Britische Commonwealth und das GATT. Neue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich) 21
November 1952.
Can tariffs be reduced ? Manchester guardian, 19 August 1952.
Une conférence dont on n'a pas parlé. Tribune de Genève (Genève) 20 novembre 1952.
D^n't get out of GATT. News chronicle (London) 23 June 1952.
Eichhorn, F. Internationale Zollabbau: sohwebende Plane fur eine internationale
Senkung und Nivellierung der Zolle. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gruppe der
internationalen Handelskammer (Bonn) Marz 1952.
Die europaische Montanunion und das GATT. Neue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich)
11 November 1952.
•Une évolution à surveiller. Journal de Genève (Genève) 2 décembre 1952.
Exel, A. L. v. General agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT). Seventh session,
Geneva, 2 October-10 November 1952. Ekonoml dem kenangen Indonesia
(Djakarta) January 1953.
B^rsen (K^benhavn) 2 oktcber 1952.
GATT and the Commrnwealth preferences. The Times (London) 17 October 1952.
GATT at the crossroads. The times review of industry (London) p.' 85,
September 1952.
- 27 -
Il GATT discute a Ginevra. Monda economico (Milano) p. 3, 18 Ottobre 1952.
Le GATT et l'Europe.
Nouvelles de l'Europe, décembre 1952.
GATT meeting marked by prompt action on economic problems. Foreign commerce
weekly (Washington) 24- November 1952.
Le GATT - ouverture de la septième session. Fabrimétal (Bruxelles) p. 812-815,
13 octobre 1952.
GATT resolution - tolerance for prior controls urged. Foreign commerce weekly
(Washington) 8 December 1952.
GATT - review of seventh session at Geneva. Commerce and industry (New Delhi)
26 November 1952.
Das GATT und die Ausweichklausel.' Neue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich) 23 Januar 1952.
..Das GATT und die Einfuhrbeschrankungen.' Neue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich)
18 Januar 1952.
Groot-Brittannië, Japan en het GATT. Economische voorlichting ('s-Gravenhage)
p. 1-2, 12 September 1952.
Grossbritannien und das GATT. Neue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich); 2\9 Dezember 1952.
Grossbritannien und die Zukunft des GATT. Neue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich)
17 August 1952.
Heymann., H. Japan and the GATT. Swiss review of world affairs (Zurich) 2,
p. 18-19, October 1952.
Hoffman, Michael L. Belgium will free imports from U.S. New York times,
2 November 1952.
Hoffman, Michael L. Five allies warn U.S. cf trade reprisal. The Netherlands
first to act against congress' barriers to some of their products. New York
times, 29 October 1952.
Hoffman, Michael L. Japan nearer bid from tariff unit. Members of general
pact reluctantly start her return to world trading group. New York times,
11 October 1952.
Hoffman, Michael L. Paris offers west a tariff cut plan. New York times,
24 December 1952.
Hoffman, Michael L. Pool nations gain tariff concessions; general agreement
is modified to let group form common coal and steel market. New York times,
11 November 1952.
28 -
Huffman, Michael L. Pool nations push trading area plan. Ask for release
from their obligations under general agreement an tariffs. New Ycrk times,
8 October 1952.
Hoffman, Michael L. Twelve-nation parley en tariffs closes: notes progress on
new French plan. New Yflrk times, 28 July 1952.
Imhoff, L.P. GATT; allgemejnes Ztdl und Handelsabkommen. Konmentar. C.H. Beck
(Munchen) Juli 1952. XVI, 294 p. /Historical background, examines each GATT
article in English and German texts, compares with equivalent Havana Charter
Imperial preference /GATT/. Financial times (London) 29 September 1952.
Importante décision pour l'avenir de l'Europe.
nGvembre 1952.
Tribune de Genève (Genève) 11
Jaechia Enrico. Low tariff club. Mondo economico (Milano) 11, Ottsbre 1952.
Jaechia Enrico. Piani ed intenzioi in campo tariffario. Monde/ economico
(Milane) Dicembre 1952.
Japan^s application to accede to GATT. Board of trade journal (London) 25
October 1952.
Japan applies to GATT. Manchester guardian, 11 October 1952.
Japan's entry to GATT. Financial times (London) 29 October 1952.
Japan and the GATT. Swiss .review of world affairs (Zurich) October 1952.
Japan und das GATT. Neue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich) 21 August 1952.
Japan, Grossbritannien und GATT. Mltteilungen der Bundesauskunftsstelle fiir
den Aussenhandel (Kbln) 16 September 1952.
Kchler, R. GATT - ein Ordnungsversuch im Welthandel. Arbeit und Wirtschaft
(Wien) 5, p. 15-17, 1 Januar 1952.
Kiing, Emil. Das allgemeine AbkGmmen uber Zolle und Handel (GATT) mit einem
statistiachen Anhang des Instituts iïher die Veranderung der Zollbelastung
schweizerischer Exportguter in den wichtigsten Absatzlandern. Zurich,
Polygraphischer Verlag, October 1952. X, 173p. tables. (St. Gallen, Handels-hochschule. Schweizerisches Institut fiir Aussenwirtschafts und Marktforschung.
Veroffentlichungen. 13.)
L'Huillier, J.A. L'expérience de l'accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et
le commerce. Revue économique et sociale (Lausanne) 10, p. 123-137, avril 1952.
- 29 -
Low tariff club, À Council of Europe contribution to the study of the problem
of lowering customs barriers as between member-countries. Council of
Europe (Strasbourg) p. 118, 1952.
Meade, James E. Bretton Woods, GATT and the balance of payments; a second
round ? Three banks review (Edinburgh) N° 16, p. 3-22, December 1952.
Martin, E.G. Once in GATT, always in GATT - the complications of complexity.
American bar association journal (Chicago) 38, p. 373-375, May 1952.
La politique commerciale et la septième conférence des pays du GATT. Kredietbank, bulletin hebdomadaire (Bruxelles) 7, p. 349-350, 356, 9 novembre 1952.
Review of seventh session at Geneva (GATT).
26 November 1952.
Commerce and industry (New Delhi)
Schwainitz, H.U. v. Aktuelle Aufgaben des GATT. Aussenhandelsdienst, Ausgabe
B (Diisseldcrf) 5, p. 1-2, 13 Màrz 1952.
Schweinitz, H.U. v. Bilanz der VII. GATT-Tagung in Genf. Mitteilungen der
Bundesauskunftsstelle fiir den Aussenhandel (Koln), November 1952.
Schweinitz, H.U. v. Ergebnisse der VII. GATT-Tagung in Genf. Aussenhandelsdienst (Koln) 27 November 1952.
Schwenger, R.B. GATT - Seventh session. Foreign agriculture (Washington) 17,
p. 30-31, February 1953.
Septième session des parties contractantes à l'accord général sur les tarifs
douaniers et le commerce. Moniteur officiel du conmerce et de l'industrie
(Paris) 13 novembre 1952.
Seventh session of GAIT. Foreign news survey (London) 24 November 1952.
Seventh session of GATT. International survey, Central office of information
(London) 116, p. 35-36, 27 November 1952.
Seventh session of GATT. The Times (London) 26 November 1952.
Seventh session of GATT closes. U.S. State Department press release (Washington)
N° 865, 10 November 1952. Also published in Department of state bulletin
(Washington) 27, p. 876-879, 1 December 1952.
Simpler standards urged for export documentation at GATT session. Foreign
commerce weekly (Washington) 1 December 1952.
Simplified forms in trade awaited. New York times, 7 December 1952.
Den syvende m^desamling mellem de kontraherende parter i GATT. Udenrigsministeriets tidsskrift (K^benhavn) 33, p. 665-668, 1 december 1952.
- 30 -
Survey of seventh session of contracting parties t« the general agreement on
tariffs and trade. Board »f trade journal (London) p. 929-931, 15 November
Trade policy /GATT/. Financial times (London) 4 February 1952.
Wyndham White, Eric. The general agreement •n tariffs and trade. Pakistan
commerce (Karachi) p. 28-37, February 1952.
Wyndham White, Eric. Work of GATT's seventh session - a successful meeting.
United Nations bulletin (New York) 13, p. 520, 1 December 1952.
Die Zukunft des GATT. Neue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich), 17 November 1952.
De zevende zitting van het GATT. Economische voorlichting ('s-Gravenhage) 46,
p. 6-7, 14 November 1952.
Accordo générale sul ctmmercio e sulle tariffe, «ttava sessione annuale.
Notiaiario della confederazjone générale dell industrie italiana (Roma)
5 Ottobre 1953.
Accordo générale sul commercio e sulle tariffe ^/GATT/, Notiziario della
confederazjone générale dell industria italiana (Roma) 20 Dicembre 1953.
/summary of address by J. Royer to the Federation des Industries Beiges,
2 December 1953^/
Acque mosse per il GATT. Il mondo economico
(Milano) 31 Ottobre 1953.
Die achte GATT-Tagung. Kritik an den amerikanischen.Einfuhrbeschrankungen fur
Milçhprodukte. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich) 7 Oktober 1953.
Die achte Session des GATT: Ruckblick und Ausblick. Neue Zurcher Zeitung
(Zurich) 3 November 1953.
Die achte Tagung des GATT in Genf. Gr«ssbritanien und die Verpflichtung der
Meistbegunstigung. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich) 25. September 1953.
Action on the waiver. The Times (London) 2 November 1953.
L'adhésion provisoire du Japon au GATT. Etudes et informations, moniteur officiel du commerce et de l'industrie (Paris) 12 novembre 1953.
Admission to GATT vital for Japanese trade. Glasgow Herald (Glasgow) 23
February 1953.
- 31 -
Agreement on tariffs. Times weekly review (London) 17 September 1953.
Amerikanische Exportsubsidies im Kreuzfeuer des GATT. Neue Ziircher Zeitung
(Zurich) 9 Oktcber 1953.
Aspetti del problema tariffaric, Estarl (Rcma) 15 Ag-jsto 1953.
Attende GATT - sessrns fasit, Norges utenrikshandel (Osl?) 1 desember 1953.
Australia's desire for GATT review. The times review of industry (London)
Octcber 1953.
Avant la huitième assemblée des pays du GATT. Kredietbank, bulletin hebdomadaire (Bruxelles) 6 septembre 1953, reproduced in Problèmes économiques
(Paria) 15 septembre 1953.
Die belgischen Importrestriktionen aus Dollarlandern. Neue Ziircher Zeitung
(Zurich) 16 Oktober 1953.
Bilan du GATT. L'économie (Paris) 23-26, 5 novembre 1953.
Brettçn Woods, GATT and related topics, Reserve bank cf New Zealand bulletin
(Wellington) various dates from September 1950, June 1952 to April 1953,
republished as a pamphlet in July 1953.
Britain alarms Dutch traders. Economist (London) 26 September 1953. /British
tariff protection on agricultural products^/
Britain and GATT. Financial times (London) 26 September 1953.
Britain and GATT. Modified waiver on strict terms. Manchester guardian, 26
October 1953.
Britain's demarche at GATT. Economist (London) 12 September 1953.
Britain's trade policy. The Times (London) 16 September 1953. /GATT waiver^/
British tariff policy. Mr. Thcrneycroft's case. The Times (London) 25
September 1953.
Brown, Winthrop G. How and why GATT w^rks. Anglo-American new3 (London)
December 1953. /Speech given at American Chamber of Commerce, London,
25 November 1953^
The business world, the GATT at Geneva. Eastern economist (New Delhi) 2
October 1953.
Cederbalk S. Ni frist for GATT ? /Another term for GATT jj
handel (Stockholm) p. 10-11, 30 September 1953.
Svensk Utrikes-.
- 32 -
Il commercio intemazianale nel 1952 secondo un récente rapporte? del GATT.
Rassegna economica (Roma) Luglio-Agosto 1953.
Il commercio internazionale nel 1952. Un nuovo rapporto del GATT. Notiziario
commerciale (Milano) 15 Settembre 1953.
Concession to Britain:
26 October 1953.
GATT decision on import duties. The Times (London)
La conférence douanière de Genève a ouvert de nouveaux horizons. Le Monde
(Paris) 28 octobre 1953.
Une conférence sur le GATT. L'usine nouvelle (Paris) 17 décembre 1953.
/Based on address by J. Royer, under the auspices_pf tho Comité d'action
et d'expansion économique, Paris, 8 décembre 19SZ_J
La conférence mondiale sur les tarifs douaniers. LTexportatsur français (Paris)
octobre 1953.
Coppola d'Anna, F. Revisionary trends and apprehensions regarding GATT's
future. Review of the economic conditions in Italy. Banco di Roma,Vol. VII
N° 6, November 1953.
Corlett, M. E. What GATT gain for Canada ? Financial Post (Toronto) 47:17,
p. 25, 25 April 1953.
Decisions at Geneva conference on general agreement on tariffs and trade.
Board of trade journal (London) 7 Nrvember 1953.
/Survey of 8th session^/
"Dumping" by Japan. Safeguards sought at Geneva talks. The Times (London)
16 February 1953.
Den 8. m^desamling mellem de kontraherende parter i GATT. Udenrigsministeriets
Tidsskrlft (K^benhavn) 20 november 1953.
Eichhorn, F. Die Ergebnisse der VIII. GATT-Tagung. DWD-Sonderblatt, Beilage
zu den Nachrichten fur Aussenhandel (Kbln) 3 November 1953.
Eichhorn, F. Internationale Erleichterung der Handelswerbung. Ein internationales Abkommen zur Erleichterung der Einfuhr von Warenmustern und
Werbematerial als Ergebnis der VII GATT-Tagung. Mitteilungen der Deutschen
Gruppe der Internationalen Handolskammer (Bonn) Januar 1953.
EighlhGATT session closes in Geneva. Foreign commerce weekly (Washington)
2 November 1953.
Eighth session of the contracting parties. Bank of India bulletin (New Delhi)
December 1953.
- 33 -
Eighth session of the GATT. Extracts from delegates' addresses. Commerce
(Bombay) 31 October 1953.
Franken, N. Verlaging van invoerrechten in de jaren na 1945. Economist
(Haarlem) 101, p. 177-200, Mart 1953.
Der franzosische Zollabbauplan vor dem GATT. Neue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich)
18 Oktober, 4 November 1953.
Full review of tariffs. Urgent call at GATT talks. The Times (London)
19 September 1953.
The future of GATT. World trade (international Chamber of Commerce, Paris)
September-October 1953.
GATT. Svensk Utrikeshandel (Stockholm) p. 10, 15 juli 1953. /Review of
address by Eric Wyndham White at_ the Congress r>f the International Chamber
of Commerce, Vienna, June 1953^/
Commerce (Bombay) 12 September 1953. /Agenda of the 8th session^/
GATT and imperial preference. Manchester guardian, 15 September 1953.
GATT and its problems. Statist (London) 3 October 1953. /Agenda of the 8th
GATT:s attonde session. Svensk Utrikeshandel (Stockholm.) 16 November 1953.
Das GATT aus schweizerischer Warte. Naue Ziircher Zeitung (Zurich) 29 Oktober
Le GATT, arbitre de la convertibilité. Echo de la Bourse (Bruxelles) 24
septembre 1953.
GATT committee completes report on accession of Japan. Board of trade journal
(London) 21 February 1953.
GATT compromise. The Times (London) 26 October 1953. /U.K. waiver^/
GATT convention on samples. Manchester guardian, 2 February 1953.
GATT, its achievements and failures, Commerce (Bombay) 10 October 1953.
Die GATT-Konferenz in Genf. Basler Nachrichten (Basel) 15 September 1953.
/8th session agenda^/
GATT or no GATT. Journal of commerce (New York) 20 March 1953.
- 34 -
GATT prepares for September. Economist (London)
18 July 1953.
GATT - rapport on den internationale handel 1952. Udenrigsministeriets
tidsskrift (Kjtfoenhavn) 21 august 1953.
GATT recommendations on import formalities. Board of trade journal (London)
p. 200, 31 January 1953.
GATT: reprrt on the accession of Japan. International survey, Central office
of Information (London), p. 23-24, 26 February 1953.
GATT review sought: Australia wants changes. Sydney morning herald, 28 August
GATT revision delayed till next year. Member nations await U.S. decision on
foreign trade policy. British export gazette (London) 66-67, October 1953.
GATT-Tagung und neue Handelspolitik, Frankfurter Rundschau (Frankfurt a.. Main)
19 September 1953. /summary of Dr. Erhard's speech at 8th session^/
Das GATT und die amerikanische Handelspolitik, N^ue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich)
17 Juni 1953.
GATT-Verhandlungen entscheidend fur die Fertigwarenindustrie. Oesterreichischer
Volkswirt (Wien) 36, p. 1-3, 18 August 1953.
Das GATT vor grundsatzlichen Auseinandersetzungen. Neue Zurcher Zeitung
(Zurich) 13 September 1953. /.8th session agenda^/
GATT waiver for Britain, decision on agricultural products tariffs. Financial
times (London) 26 October 1953.
GATT's eighth session and the future. Economic weekly (Bombay) 12 December 1953.
General agreement on tariffs and trade. Reserve bank of New Zealand bulletin
(Wellington) p._171-172, November 1952; p. 187-199, December 1952; p_^ 5-7,
January 1953. /See also under Bretton woods, GATT and related topics/.
General agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT); a background note. Royal
institute of international affairs, "information department memorandum
(London) 13 November 1953.
Gerritzen, F.H. De t<. ekomst van het GATT. Ec n^misch-statistische berichten
(Rotterdam) 26 Augustus 1953.
Grossbritanni-n und das GATT, Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich) 16 Oktober 1953.
Grumbling at GATT. Economist (London) 5 September 1953.
- 35 -
Guarded optimism on future of world trade. Manchester guardian, 14- July 1953.
/Review of GATT report, International Trade 1952^
Hagemann, W.: Die Ergebnisse der VIII. GATT-Tagung. Bulletin des Presse-und
Informationsamtes der Bundesreglerung| (Bonn) 11 November 1953.
Hrvff man .Michael L„ Extension of pact on tariffs backed. Thirty-one nations
for continuation - Australia, New Zealand and India defer stand. New York
times, 8 October 1953.
Huffman, Michael L. Europe opposing Britain on tariffs. New York times, 23
October 1953.
Hoffman, Michael L. Few nations fight U.S. import curbs. New York times,
3 October 1953.
Hoffmen, Michael L. GATT gives Britain tariff concession. Permission to
increase duties n imports from Europe is subject to restrictions. New York
times, 25 October 1953.
Hoffman, Michael L. Geneva trade unit helps Japan's bid. New York times,
16 February 1953.
Hoffman, Michael L.
1 October 1953.
Hoffman, Michael L.
24 October 1953.
Gloves taken off at tariff parley. New York times,
Japan is admitted to GATT program. New York times,
Hoffman, Michael L.
Three nations oppose British tariff bid. Plea for
imposts on produce from non-Commonwealth areas heard in Geneva. New York
times, 22 September 1953.
H.'ffman, Michael L. Trade body hears Japan's bid to join. U.S. supports
Tokyo's appeal for provisional membership. New York times, 23 September 1953.
Hoffman, Michael L. Trade truce fate up in Geneva talks. Thirty-three nations
consider extension of 6-year eld agreement. Alternative is tariff war. New
York times, 18 September 1953.
Hoffman, Michael L. _ /Jorld trade high, but trails output. New York times,
14 July 1953. /Review of GATT report, International Trade 1952/
Howe, C D . L'avenir du GATT, Economie internationale (Paris) 1-12, septembreoctobre 1953.
La huitième assemblée des pays du GATT. Kredietbank, bulletin hebdomadaire
(Bruxelles) 6 septembre 1953.
- 36 -
La huitième session du GATT:
(Genève!^ 5 novembre 1953.
son double rôle international.
Journal de Genève
La huitième session du GATT est ouverte. Echanges internationaux (Paris) 19,
novembre 1953.
Huitième session du GATT. Moniteur officiel du commerce et de l'industrie
(Paris) 8 octobre 1953.
India and the GATT.
Indian finance (Calcutta) 4 July 1953.
International trade, GATT and Imperial preference. Manchester guardian, 15
September 1953.
Japan and GATT. Economist (London) 21 February 1953.
Japan and GATT:
admission, but no vote.
Japan's attitude to GATT.
7 September 1953.
Manchester guardian, 24 October 1953.
Original approach modified.
Financial times (London)
Japan und das GATT. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich), 31 Januar 1953.
Japan und das GATT. Kontroverse an der GATT-Tagung.
(Zurich) 24 September 1953.
Neue Zurcher Zeitung
Japan wins vote at Geneva. The Times (London) 24 October 1953.
Japan's application to join GATT. Mr. Thorneycroft urges postponement.
Financial times (London) 24 September 1953.
Japan's entry into GATT. Commerce (Bombay) 21 February 1953.
Japan's entry into GATT. Clash of opinion in Geneva debate. Financial times
(London) 26 September 1953.
Japan's entry into GATT. United Kingdom would not back application. Financial
times (Lonaon) 19 September 1953.
Japan's future with GATT. British opposition. The Times (London) 24 September
Japanese trade_. Manchester guardian 29 January 1953. ^Japan's request for
Junker, R.G. Une assurance vie: le GATT. L'Activité (Paris) 15 décembre 1953.
/Based on address by Jean Royer, under the pvspices of the
Comité d'action et d'expansion économique. _?aris, 8 December 1953^/
- 37 -
Kampf urn die Zollzugestandnisse. Vor der Genfer GATT-Konferenz - Unklare
Haltung der USA. Schweizerische Handelszeitung (Zurich) 13 August 1953.
Kover, J.F. Les pays du GATT vont consolider pour un an leur échafaudage de
tarifs douaniers. Le Monde (Paris) 16 septembre 1953.
Liebich, F.K. German-South African c?mmercial relations and GATT.•Volkswirt
(Frankfurt a. Main) special number,. 24 October 1953. /reproduced in English,
Dutch and German^/
More and freer trade, Tablet (London) 31 October 1953.
Mr. Thorneycroft's tariff plea. Obligations causing UK.real difficulties.
Financial times (London) 25 September 1953.
Must India withdraw from GATT ?
Commerce (Bombay) 4 July 1953.
Les négociations tarifaires de Genève. Quelques manifestations du protectionnisme anglais. La libre Belgique (Bruxelles)23 septembre 1953.
Opening sallies at GATT. Request for the waiver. Economist (London) 26
September 1953.
Royer, Jean. Pfund-Dollar-Vereinbarung und GATT. Wiederherstellung einer
widerstandsfahigen Weltwirtschaft. Nachrichten fur Aussenhandel (KSln)
25 November 1953.
Le plan français d'abaissement général des tarifs douaniers. Moniteur officiel,
du commerce et de l'industrie (Paris) 3 décembre 1953.
Politics in GATT. Financial times (London) 22 September 1953.
Posse, H. Es Wachst das GATT mit seinen grbsseren Zwecken.
(Frankfurt a. Main) 7, p. 9-10, 3 Januar 1953.
Preferences and Europe. Economist (London)
19 September 1953.
President of Board of Trade outlines U.K. attitude toward international trade
prlicy at Geneva. Board of trade journal ILondon) 26 September 1953.
President's statement on decisions at GATT session. Board of trade journal
(London) 31 October 1953.
Progress of GATT. Needs of world trade. The Times ^London) 14 July 1953.
/Review of GATT report, International trade 1952_1/
Les projets internationaux de réduction des tarifs douaniers. Bulletin du
conseil national "u patronat français (Paris) 20 avril 1953.
- 33 -
Protektionismus ^-der Freiheit ? GATT-K-nferenz in Genf stent vor grundsatzlichen
Entscheidungen. Die Zeit (Hamburg) 1 Okt'ber 1953.
Report on the work and findings of GATT. Food and agricultural organization,
committee ^n conmodity problems (Rome) p. 9, 20 March 1953.
Les restrictions américaines sur les importations des produits laitiers sévèrement critiquées. Tribune de Genève (Genève) 7 octobre 1953.
La revisione dell accordo tariffario internazionale. Relazioni internazionali
(Milano) 31 Ottobre 1953.
Rickebacker, Kurt. GATT in Ruhestellung. Volkswirt (Wien) 12 September 1953.
Roeper, Hans. GATT-Tigung in der Endphase. Frankfurter allgemeine Zeitung
(Frankfurt a. Main) 19 Oktcber 1953.
Royer, Jean. L'accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce. Industrie, revue de_ la fédération des industries belges (Bruxelles) p. 350-353,juin
1953. /MISO mimeographed, 5p,, obtainable from the GATT secretariat^/
Royer, Jean. Conférence donnée à Bruxelles, 2 décembre 1953 au siège de la
Fédération des industries belges. /Mimeographed. 14 p., obtainable from
the GATT secretariat^/
Royer, Jean. Conference, 'das allgemeine Zcll- und Han^elsabkommen unter
besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Frgebnisse und Auswerkungen der 8^1'agung
auf die kiinftige Entwicklung1 given in Koln,_23 November 1953. /KimeogT&vhecL,
17 p., obtainable from the GATT secretariat^/
Royer, Jean. Conference donnée à la salle Pleyel^ Paris, sous les_ auspices du
Comité d'action et d'expansion économique. 8_ décembre 1953. /Mimeographed,
15 p., obtainable from the GATT secretariat^/
Royer, Jean. Le GATT et le dével'ppement des échanges agricoles. Fédération
internationale des producteurs agricoles, sixième assemblée générale ordinaire (Rome) 6 juin 1953, /Also mimeographed, 4 p . , obtainable from the
GATT secretariat^/
Sieg des guten Willens: bedeutsame Eigebnisse der Genfer Tagung des GATT.
Auasenhandelsdienat, Deutsche Wirtschaftsdienst G.m.b.H..(Koln) 29 Oktoter
Strukturwandlungen im Welthandel. aus einem Tatigkeitsbericht aes GATT.
Neue Zurcher Tsitung (Zurich) 15 Juli 1953.
A suspect waiver. GATT doubts about Britain. Manchester guardian, 26
September 1953.
- 39 -
Svec, Dr. Karel. Increasing disunion among the contracting parties of GATT.
Zahranicni obchod. /Foreign trade/ (Praha) December 1953.
Tariff negotiators' task at Geneva. Extending life of GATT concessions.
Financial times (London) 18 September 1953.
Tariff talks to-morrow. Geneva meeting of GATT. U.K. seeks some higher
protective duties. Financial times (London) 16 September 1953.
Tariffs under GATT. Barclays bank review (London) November 1953.
Tendances de la politique commerciale: vers une revision des problèmes fondamentaux du commerce international ? Lloyd anversois (Anvers) 16 octobre
A testing candidature. The Times (London) 16 February 1953. /Japan's
application te accede^/
Towards freer trade ? Next steps in agreement on tariffs. The Times (Londcn)
11 September 1953.
Tullkonferensens uppgifter och utsikter. Goteborgs Handels-och Sj&fartstidning,
17 September 1953.
Ueberwundene GATT-Schwierigkeiten. Volkswirt (Frankfurt a. Main) 31 Oktober 1953.
Umwolkte GATT-Konferenz, Volkswirt (Frankfurt a. Main) 3 Oktober 1953.
/Extension of life of the^schedules^/
U.K. farm tariffs plea to GATT. Increase on some non-Commonwealth goods.
Financial times (London) 23 September 1953.
U.S. restrictions en imports. "Deep concern" of GATT members. The Times (London)
7 October 1953.
Vakuum i GATT. Nrrges Iltenrikshandel (Oslo) 15 Oktober 1953.
Valnisanin, M. The slogan of "Trade not aid" as seen through the GATT.
Review of international affairs (Belgrade) 4-, p. 22-23, 16 January 1953.
Vcr der Revision des GATT.
Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich) 21 Oktober 1953.
Vorbereitung der achten GATT-Session. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich) 16 August
- 40 -
Wilcox, Clair. Trad© policy for tbe fifties. American aconomlo review
(Menasha) May 1953.
Wilgress, Dana L. The future «f the general agreement en tariffs and trade;
address to the annual convention »f Canadian manufacturers' association,
27 May 1953. /Distributed by the Canadian department of external affairs,
Wilgress, Dana L. ' International economic cooperation: address to the Council
of the international Chamber of commerce (Toronto) 17 February 1953._
/Distributed by the Canadian department »f oxternal affairs, Ottawa^/
Das allgemeine Abkommen iïber Zolle und Handel. Herr Wyndham White spricht in
St. Gallen. Die Tat (Zurich) 26 November 1953. ^Address by Eric Wyndham
White, St. Gallen, 24 November 1953_7
Wyndham White, Eric. Reduction «f trade barriers. International Chamber of
Cc-MTierce (Vienna) 21 npril 1953. /An address^/
Welthandel und GATT, ein Vortrag von Wyndham White in St. Gallen. Neue Zurcher
Zeitung (Zurich) 25 November 1953. ^Address by Eric Wyndham White, St. Gallen,
24 November 1953_v/
Working for a compromise. Japan's admission to GATT. Manchester guardian,
25 September 1953.
Wyndham White, Eric. Address delivered at the Handels-Hochschule, St. Gallen,
24 November 1953. /Mimeographed. 12 p. tbtainable from the GATT secretariat^/
Die Zahlungsbilanzproblem an der GATT-Konferenz. Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich)
6 Oktober 1953.