F IRST L UTHERAN CHURCH PROGRESS VO L U M E # 2 1 · I S S U E # 4 A p r i l 2 0 1 4 A Monthly Newsletter of First Lutheran Church · Janesville,WI Repurposing the Church Pastor Jim Melvin I’m don’t usually like buzzwords, particularly made-up words that have recently entered the English language. They’re about as attractive to me as bedbugs. I have found that one of these words, however, has recently infested my own vocabulary, -- but this one I’ve found to be quite useful. The word is “repurpose.” It’s a pretty simple word with a straightforward meaning. It means to take any item or idea and put it to new use. For example, I’m thinking about repurposing my old tires by using them to fill some of the potholes in the street (which ruined the tires in the first place). In a throwaway culture like we live in, there are plenty of opportunities for repurposing. One of the things that has been recently discarded in our culture is the church. Many people would argue with me here. There are plenty of churches left in America. Some of them are even thriving. Despite our struggles at First Lutheran, I certainly don’t believe we’ve been tossed into the trash bin. But in general, I think that most churches have lost a strong sense of who we are or were and who we are supposed to be. It’s time to repurpose the church. This is nothing new. It’s exactly what Martin Luther set out to do back in 1508. He didn’t call it repurposing; he called it reforming. He saw that the church had become a self-serving institution that was becoming a barrier between God and people. He wanted the church to be a place where people had free access to God. Luther didn’t see reformation as a onetime event. He said that the church must constantly be reforming itself. Repurposing may be a fresher and more accurate way of describing our current situation, but it’s an idea true to Luther’s mission. The church that we baby boomers grew up with, and the church of our parents, was a community where Christians gathered to enjoy each other’s company and grow together in faith. It was the center of our lives and a source of nourishment for our families. Jesus Christ stood at the very center of that community. Today, not so much. For reasons too numerous and complicated to go into here, we’ve pretty much started to go our own ways. Many of us still come to church, though not nearly as many as even twenty years ago, but for few is it the center of life and family. Consequently our relationship with Christ has suffered. During this Easter season when we proclaim that all things have been made new, we can reflect about what resurrection means for the church. When I talk about repurposing First Lutheran Church, I’m not talking about turning our building into a coffee shop. Instead, how can we repurpose our lives and our community of faith so that they can keep proclaiming the eternal Good News of Jesus Christ in a way that matters and makes sense to the people who need to hear it? Repurpose. New word. Old message. Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Let him keep on rising in us! Easter Worship Lenten Worship April 2 & 9 10:00am & 6:30pm Lenten Suppers April 2 Spaghetti/Fettuccini Alfredo Bread Sticks Salad Dessert April 9 Baked Potato Bar Ice Cream Sundaes April 13 Palm/Passion Weekend April 17 Maundy Thursday 6:30pm worship Sanctuary April 18 Good Friday Worship 1:30pm-Sanctuary Stations of the Cross-Chapel, 12:30pm-3:00pm April 19 Easter Vigil 5:00pm April 20 Easter Worship 6:30am Chapel, 8:15 & 10:15am Sanctuary *Church office will be closed on Monday, April 21 Easter Flower Delivery Volunteers are needed to deliver Easter flowers to the homebound. Cards with addresses will be in the Gathering Space on Easter Sunday or if you know of some one who would enjoy a flower. This gives our homebound members a lot of joy! Thank you P AGE 2 P ROGRESS · F IRST L UTHERAN CHURCH · A PRIL 2014 From Peg Ekedahl A Grateful Thank You… Dear Members of First Lutheran Church, Ecclesiastes 3 begins with the very familiar words “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven”. In 1965 a folk rock group, the Byrds, took the biblical words of that passage and musically imprinted them upon the brain of this fifth grader enthralled with any Top 100 hit that played on her transistor radio. As a child I knew I liked the sound, but spent little time pondering the meaning of the words. As a woman just shy of age sixty, I frequently reflect on the many seasons of my life. Each season brought unique joy and blessings amidst the challenges of daily living. And, for most of those seasons, I had mental images of where life would lead me. Leaving home, graduating from college, teaching school, getting married, having children, and eventually working as a school administrator were all roles that seemed to “fit” into my seasons of life. Of course, as we all know, life is unpredictable, and we can be surprised by the Spirit at work in our lives. I have experienced the unfolding of such a surprise over the past few years. A simple invitation to come to Pastor Jim’s Wednesday morning Bible study class led to a four-year spiritual and educational journey via our synod’s Lay School of Ministry and our ELCA candidacy process. An official call to serve you at First Lutheran Church will allow me to be commissioned in the ELCA and installed as an Associate in Ministry, a new position in the life of our congregation. Associates in Ministry are not ordained, but as lay people we are commissioned by the ELCA to “work in partnership with laity, pastors, bishops, diaconal ministers, and deaconesses to serve the mission and ministry needs of this church”. Quite honestly, my precise job description is difficult to define. Most of the time, I am an extra pair of hands, a substitute, and a working partner with our talented FLC staff and volunteers who keep our ministries thriving. I love that each time I arrive at work is an adventure – an immersion into the daily journey of a faith community – and that my particular gifts contribute to our congregation’s mission. Serving at First Lutheran Church is truly a blessing in my life, made even more meaningful by the trust you are placing in me through the call process. We are promising to learn from each other, to walk together, and to nurture our congregational and larger-community ministries. Please know that I will need your prayers as I continue to grow in faith as this new, and unexpected, season of my life unfolds. Gratefully yours, Peg Ekedahl J ANESVILLE, W I P AGE 3 Church Council Meeting Summary First Lutheran Church – Church Council Meeting Summary February 18, 2014 Present: K. Dorscheid, T. Dorscheid, E. Engen, Garber, Hamilton, Larson, Liebetrau, Melvin, Shulta, Sunby, Wyss, K. McMullen, Parking Lot Project Update: (K. McMullen) Batterman is under contract and is proceeding. There has been one meeting since the FLC annual meeting and the color of the colored concrete has been chosen. Panels to be placed around the dumpster and HVAC will be closely matched with the color and pattern of the building. The process for completing the planning is 99% complete. Kevin will have the plans to review by Wednesday, 2-19-14 at 4:00 pm. List to contractors for bidding will be done on 2-20-14. All bids from contractors to be received by the close of business on 3-3-14. Kevin will have a meeting to review all bids by 3-6-14. The review will focus on the quality and dollar amounts of all bids. Replies will be made to all bids by 3-7-14. Kevin will review all information by 3-17-14. Kevin will present a recommendation to accept a bid at the Board meeting on 3-18-14. Treasurer’s Report: (Wyss) Income for January was $ 34,148 versus expenses of $ 64,442 resulting in a negative cash flow of $ 30,294. The budget projected a negative cash flow of $ 26,291. Income was $ 1,509 below the budget and expenses were $ 1,795 more than the budget. Big expense resulted from plumbing issues (frozen pipes in the boiler room). Executive: Officers were elected. President: Stuart Hamilton; Vice President: Steve Shulta; Treasurer: Brian Wyss; Secretary: Randy Sunby; Financial Secretary: Tina Liebetrau. We will make a better effort to communicate with the congregation. Notes from the council meetings will be included in each Progress. Youth, Family & Education: (T. Dorscheid) JOF to hold a Pancake Breakfast March 16th. Teacher Appreciation Sunday, March 16th. Palm SundayEaster Egg Hunt, April 13th. Last day for JOF will be May 18th. Graduation Breakfast will be June 1st. VBS for 3 to 5 year olds will be held from June 16-19. The older children will have VBS in August. Witness: No report. Building & Grounds: No report. Worship: No report. Life Together: (K. Dorscheid) Game Day will be on March 1st. Lenten Suppers begin on Ash Wednesday, March 5th. Stewardship: February 16th minutes were attached to the agenda. Pastors Reports: Pastor Melvin looking forward to the Isreal trip during the Lenten season. (22 people). Pastor Naomi planning a trip to Turkey & Greece next year (Tracks of Paul). Installation of Peg Ekedahl will be on June 15th. P AGE 4 P ROGRESS · F IRST L UTHERAN CHURCH · A PRIL 2014 First Lutheran Church Foundation/Graduation The First Lutheran Church Foundation Board meet on February 20, 2014, the following donations were agreed upon: Wartburg Seninary ECHO Masterpiece Parish Nurse Fund Lutherdale Church Van Expenses Youth Meals 16:49 Homeless Teen Ministry Second Harvest TV Ministry Camera & Computer Website Outreach Total In Addition, First Lutheran Parking Lot Reconstruction Project to be Paid over 3 years ($20,000 in 2014, 2015, and 2016) $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $8,000.00 $ 500.00 $26,500.00 $60,000.00 Total Disbursements in 2014 $46,500.00 Parking lot commitments for 2015 Parking lot commitments for 2016 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 Graduation Pictures/Celebration If you will be graduating from high school in 2014 mark your calendars! First send us a picture to be printed in the June newsletter. You can email a picture or mail or bring one to the office by May 9, 2014. Your pictures will be returned to you. Questions please call Jeanie in the church office at 752-7434 x10. Graduation Celebration will be Sunday, May 18 at 9:15am, graduates will be honored at the 10:15 service. Please wear your gowns at service, no caps. J ANESVILLE, W I P AGE 5 Between Sermons Between Sermons From Peg Ekedahl, Ministry Associate In past months we have shared sites that, as adults, we find meaningful when trying to make sense of Scripture in the context of our complex world. This month our focus shifts to a resource that can be helpful for families and individuals who want to infuse faithful practices into their daily lives. Many of our synod churches use resources from Vibrant Faith Ministries. Vibrant Faith seeks to equip and empower families and individuals of all ages and stages to: TALK with each other about their faith PRAY together in ways that are comfortable and comforting RITUALIZE their important moments REACH OUT in service and support of others By logging on to http://vibrantfaithathome.org, a wealth of ideas are available for all ages. Free subscriptions provide seasonally-based activities around six major themes: caring conversation, ritual and tradition, prayer, Bible story, serving others, and learning about faith. Explore Vibrant Faith @ Home and uncover a variety of ways to engage family members in faith-forming activities. Below is an example of one way, found on this website, to engage Scripture. Reading Psalm 23 with God By Beth Beall Lectio divina (LEK-see-oh di-VEEN-uh) means “holy reading.” When we do lectio divina, we slow down and pay attention. Why? Because God is with us and maybe God wants to say something to us. In this activity, you’ll try lectio divina with a few verses from the Bible. 1. Begin with a prayer. Maybe you want to pray silently. If you’d like to use words, you might try these: “Loving God, I know you are always with me. Help me to read the Bible now with your eyes and to hear whatever you might want to say to me. Amen.” 2. Find a comfortable place to sit. From your Bible slowly read Psalm 23: 1-4. Then, sit quietly for a few moments. 1. Slowly read Psalm 23: 1-4 a second time. Is there a word or phrase that touches your soul, or that means a lot to you? If you’d like, write down that word or phrase. Again, sit quietly for a few moments. 2. Slowly read Psalm 23: 1-4 a third time. When you finish, talk with God either silently or out loud. Tell God what is in your heart. Perhaps God is trying to say something to you, too. 3. Finish your lectio divina by doing something called “contemplation” (con-tem-PLAY-shun). Contemplation means resting in God. You might want to read Psalm 23: 1-4 one more time, or not. Quiet your heart by taking a couple deep breaths. Rest for as long as you’d like. God your Shepherd has been with you as you’ve read these words form the Bible. God is with you now, and always. P AGE 6 P ROGRESS · F IRST L UTHERAN CHURCH · A PRIL 2014 Journey of Faith April - Bullying During the month of April, JOF will focus on Bullying! We will be talking about two bullies in the bible (Goliath – 1 Samuel 17:2-55 and Jairus’ RelativesLuke 8:49-56) and how they relate to our everyday lives. God’s word speaks loudly and clearly on the subject of bullying, and the stories are relevant to cyberbullying, school yard bullying, and neighborhood bullying. We pray that through the above stories that our children will feel a connection to these superheroes of God’s word and watching how their situations apply to today! We want kids to understand a little better the behavior of bullying as well as the behaviors leading up to it. We want our kids to be confident when facing a bully – not that they could win a battle with a bully, but that God is faithful and just and helpful to those who call upon him. We hope this brings great discussion on Sunday mornings along with discussion at home! Vacation Bible School Dates: June 16—19 Grades: Preschool aged children who have finished 1 year at Journey of Faith Times: 9:00 am—11:30 am Cost: Free! Join other 3, 4, 5 year olds for crafts, songs, and adventures in God’s Word. This year’s VBS, Cr4ocodile Dock is bursting with fund, friendships, and unforgettable learning! Friends and neighbors welcome! For more information please call Laurie at 752-7434 x 24 Easter Egg Hunt JOF will have their 4th annual Easter Egg Hunt for all grades on Palm Sunday, April 13. The children will be going to church this day and will be excused before the sermon. During that time, our children along with their shepherds, teachers, and adult helpers will hunt for eggs! We are looking for donations of candy to fill our eggs! Donations can be placed in the JOF office on 2nd floor or in the plastic container located in the JOF hallway on 2nd floor. All candy donations need to be in by Sunday, April 6. Thank you! J ANESVILLE, W I P AGE 7 Lunch is Served/Pageturners A special invitation to 9-12 graders to lunch with Pastor Naomi and Pastor Jim on Sunday, April 27 following the 10:15am worship. Meet in the Gathering Space to have lunch and conversation. The topic on April 27 will be talking with/to God” This is a time for conversation and questions about life, church, and faith. PAGETURNERS We meet on the first Thursday of the month. You can join us every month or just when you like the book! May Color of Water James McBride McBride retraces his mother's footsteps and, through her searing and spirited voice, recreates her remarkable story. The daughter of a failed itinerant Orthodox rabbi in Poland, fleeing pogroms, her family emigrated to America and ultimately settled in Suffolk, Virginia. Ruth married a black minister and founded the all- black New Brown Memorial Baptist Church. "God is the color of water," Ruth McBride taught her children, firmly convinced that life's blessings and life's values transcend race. Twice widowed, and continually confronting overwhelming adversity and racism, Ruth's determination, drive and discipline saw her dozen children through college. June Orphan Train Kristina Baker Kline Foster teen Molly is performing community-service work for elderly widow Vivian, and as they go through Vivian’s cluttered attic, they discover that their lives have much in common. When Vivian was a girl, she was taken to a new life on an orphan train. These trains carried children to adoptive families for 75 years, from the mid-nineteenth century to the start of the Great Depression. Although the girls are vulnerable, left to the whims of strangers, they show courage and resourcefulness. P AGE 8 P ROGRESS · F IRST L UTHERAN CHURCH · A PRIL 201 4 Parking Lot Presentation/Rummage Sale/Easter Flowers Parking Lot Presentation April 6 & 13 between services in the Chapel We hope you can attend one of the presentations. You will lean about what needs to happen with our parking lot and be able to ask questions. Lean about the plan, cost, and time schedule. We have approximately 13,500 square yards of paved surface on the church property. That is the equivalent amount of one mile of a two lane highway. Rummage Sale April 29 - 1-5pm, April 30 - 9am-Noon Donation accepted starting April 21, please take all donations to the storage room outside of Fellowship Hall. Help will also be needed for set up on April 28. If you can help call Carolyn Pergande at 756-3080 Share an Easter Flower The Seasonal Decorating Committee is hoping to add to the beauty and meaning of Easter by decorating the Church altar with Easter Flowers. If you would be interested in sharing a plant, please fill out this form and return it to the church office with $15.00 by Monday, April 7. (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) I wish my Easter Flower placed: In memory of _______________________________ In honor of _______________________________ GIVEN BY _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ GIVEN BY _______________________________ _____I wish to be an anonymous donor Also please check the appropriate response: _____I will pick up my flowers after the last service on Easter Sunday. *Flowers not picked up before Monday, April 21st will be given to the homebound. _____I wish my flowers given to the homebound. (We cannot guarantee who will receive flowers.) _____I can deliver to the home bound April 22nd-23rd. J ANESVILLE, W I P AGE 9 Financials FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH INCOME / EXPENSE SUMMARY February 28, 2014 ` CURRENT YEAR TO 2013 YEAR MONTH DATE TO DATE MONTHLY BUDGET ANNUAL BUDGET YR TO ANNUAL BUDGET BUDGET REMAINING 2014 YTD % OF ANNUAL BUDGET INCOME Pledges Special Funds/Env. Other Receipts Total Income 38,195 203 2,631 41,029 71,146 595 3,436 75,176 72,568 1,492 4,683 78,743 35,000 399 2,439 37,838 68,000 799 4,696 73,495 586,626 27,984 74,083 688,692 515,480 27,389 70,647 613,516 12% 2% 5% 11% EXPENSES Building & Grounds Budget Stewardship Budget Executive Budget Life Together Budget Witness Budget Worship Budget Youth & Family Budget Total Expenses 17,777 0 43,299 185 259 1,114 (621) 62,013 39,006 309 83,890 185 188 2,332 544 126,454 43,241 644 76,313 370 118 2,321 449 123,456 16,782 292 42,821 0 433 550 278 61,156 36,567 583 83,713 0 433 1,550 957 123,804 145,402 13,500 509,877 2,100 2,600 10,600 28,661 712,741 106,397 13,191 425,987 1,915 2,412 8,268 28,117 586,286 27% 2% 16% 9% 0% 22% 2% 18% Net Increase/(Decrease) (20,984) (51,278) (44,714) (23,318) (50,309) (24,048) FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Current Assets Checking - General Checking - Memorial & Gifts M&G FLCW Checking M&G Investment-Thrivent Annuity M&G Investment-Thrivent Stocks M&G-CD Investment M&G-Money Market Total Current Assets Fixed Assets Church Edifice Land Parsonage Equipment Furniture & Fixtures Total Fixed Assets LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE Liabilities State Tax Payable Church Mortgage Total Liabilities Funds Balance Total Funds Balance Total Current Liabilities P AGE 1 0 02/28/2014 (659) 48,827 4,550 97,074 13,742 36,152 8,055 207,741 4,421,660 38,000 95,500 90,043 84,477 4,729,680 4,937,421 1,101 46,377 47,478 4,889,942 4,937,421 P ROGRESS · F IRST L UTHERAN CHURCH · A PRIL 2014 Organ Crawl The MacDowell Music Club is planning an Organ Crawl on Saturday, April 12th. Six churches will be hosting mini organ recitals that afternoon where an organist will play music that features the church’s unique organ stops. We will start at 12:30pm, spend about 30 minutes at each church (crawling around in behind the organ pipes, if you so desire), and hope to be done by 5:00pm. The schedule is as follows: St. Patrick’s Catholic Church 12:30pm Lloyd Huschka, organist First Congregational Church 1:15pm David Newman, organist First Presbyterian Church 2:00pm Virginia Nitz, organist St. Mary’s Catholic Church 2:45pm Charlotte Hawley, organist First Lutheran Church 3:30pm David Frank, organist St. John Lutheran Church 4:15pm Ellen Westlund, organist Afterwards, we are planning to meet at O’Riley & Conway’s Irish Pub for supper, for those who would so desire. We need an exact head count for supper to reserve the space. If you know that you will be attending the supper following the organ crawl, please call either Carol Fosshage at 756-5856 ([email protected]) or Charlotte Hawley at 752-9133 ([email protected]). We would love to have you join us for all or part of the afternoon festivities. P AGE 1 1 P ROGRESS F IRST L UTHERAN C HURCH · A PRIL 2 0 1 4 Book & Cinema Group/Memorials/CROP Walk/Altar Guild Book/Cinema Group Invictus The movie for April is Invictus, the inspiring true story of how Nelson Mandela joined forces with the captain of South Africa’s rugby team to help unite their country. The 2009 film stars Morgan Freeman as Mandela and Matt Damon as the team captain. Directed by Clint Eastwood, it portrays the events in South Africa before and during the 1995 Rugby World Cup, which was hosted in that country following the dismantling of apartheid. We’ll meet Wednesday, April 9, at 7:30 p.m. at 1841 N. Hawthorne Park Drive. (That’s a week earlier than usual because of Holy Week.) February 2014 Memorials Meint Bakker Music: Chancel Choir. Suzy Roehl Children’s Ministry: Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Roehl. Norma J. Selgren Children’s Ministry: Dr. Philip Selgren. Gifts Received GIFTS Men’s Shelter Men’s Bible Study. 16:49 Men’s Bible Study. We have approximately 13,500 Join the 37th Annual Janesville CROP Hunger Walk/Run/Rock Sunday, April 27, 2014 Cargill Untied Methodist Church Registration 1:00pm Walk 1:30pm Bring a non-perishable food item! J ANESVILLE, W I Altar Guild Meeting Tuesday, April 8 7:00pm Gathering Space Consider joining! This is a very valuable ministry and very easy commitment. Come to the meeting and find out more! P AGE 1 2 Church Office: (608) 752-7434 8 am - 4 pm weekdays FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Fax machine: (608) 752-7342 612 North Randall Avenue Janesville, WI 53545 E-mail: [email protected] Sunday Worship Sanctuary……………………8:15 a.m. & 10:15a.m. Saturday Night Worship ............................ 5:00 p.m. Pastor Jim Melvin (Senior Pastor) Pastor Naomi Garber (Administrative Pastor) Eric Engen (Youth Minister) Peg Ekedahl (Ministry Associate) Lisa Larson (Business Administrator) Laurie Sheldon (Christian Education Director) Jeanie Pomplun (Administrative Assistant) David Frank (Organist/Pianist) Jan Knutson (Grace Notes & Chancel Choir Director) Renee Engen ( Middle School Ministry Coordinator) Jude Tropp (Custodian) Brandon Wasson (Sunday Morning Coordinator) Megan Rudkin (Nursery Coordinator) Becky Saterbak (Masterpiece Coordinator) April Readings Fifth Lent Ezekiel 37:1-14 Psalm 130 Romans 8:6-11 John 11:1-45 April 13 Palm Sunday Isaiah 50:3-9a Psalm 31:9-16 Philippians 2:5-11 Matthew 26:14--27.66 April 20 Easter Sunday Acts 10:34-43 Psalm 118:1-2, 12-14 Colossians 3_1-4 Matthew 29:1-10 April 27 Second Easter Acts 2:14a,22-32 Psalm 16 1 Peter 1:3-9 John 20:19-31 Church Council, third Tuesday..……………………....7:00 pm Buildings & Grounds Board, second Monday..……….6:00 pm Executive Board, third Tuesday.……………………....6:00 pm Stewardship Board, second Sunday…………..……….11:15 am Worship Board, second Tuesday………..………….….6:00 pm Witness Board, fourth Tuesday………….…………….6:00 pm Youth Board, third Tuesday…………………………...6:00 pm FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH WEB PAGE www.flcj.org February Attendance 2/3 9/10 16/17 23/24 Total 5:00 56 56 60 75 247 8:15 102 90 115 116 423 10:15 159 149 199 253 760 SS 85 90 98 92 365 Totals 402 385 472 536 1795 April 6 MAY PROGRESS DEADLINE: FRIDAY, April 11, 2014 J ANESVILLE, W I Staff Email Addresses Pr Jim Melvin Pr Naomi Garber Lisa Larson Laurie Sheldon Jeanie Pomplun Eric Engen Renee Engen Peg Ekedahl Becky Saterbak [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Simply Giving: An automated giving program hosted by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans designed to help you contribute your offering on a regular basis without the hassle of envelopes, checks and stamps. Your weekly or monthly pledge is made through a pre-authorized withdrawal from your bank account directly to the church’s bank account on the dates you specify. This amount can be changed at any time just by calling the church office. For more information about the security of this contribution option, go to www.flcj.org to download a form or call Jeanie at the church office 752-7434, ext. 10 and ask to have enrollment forms sent to you. P AGE 1 3 First Lutheran Church Monthly Calendar April 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 8:30 50+ Aerobics/#302 4:30 4-HDrama/FH 6:00 Caregiver Group/ #301 8:30 Mission Sew/FH 8:30 50+ Aerobics/ #302 10:00 Bible Study/ Office 10:00 Worship/ 10:30 FLCW Board Mtg/FHL 5:00 Grace Notes/SA 5:30 Lenten Supper/ FH 6:30 Worship/SA 7:00 SLAM/YR 7:00 Shift 7-8/Gym 4:30 Yoga/CH 6:00 Pageturners/GS 6:30 Recovery/301 12:30 LSS New Moms Support Grp/FHL/ 5:00 B4H/Gym 10:30 Yoga/CH 5:00 Worship/SA/ Communion 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8:15 Worship/SA 9:00 Masterpiece/YR 9:15 Coffee Hour/GS 9:15 Choir Practice/CR 9:15 Parking Lot Presentation/CH 10:15 Worship/SA 10:15 Journey of Faith 4:00 Confirmation/GS 9:00 Quilters/FH 1:00 Daylillies/CR 6:00 JAM/CH & Gym 6:00 Mission 56/YR 6:00 Bible Study/GS 6:00 Boy Scouts/FH 6:00 4H Sew/Art Rm 8:30 50+ Aerobics/#302 9:15 Mary Circle/FHL 4:30 4H Drama/FH 6:00 Recovery/301 6:00 Worship Board/OF 7:00 Altar Guild/GS 8:30 50+ Aerobics/ #302 10:00 Bible Study/OF 5:00 Grace Notes/SA 5:30 Lenten Supper/ FH 7:00 SLAM 9-12/YR 7:00 Shift 7-8/Gym 3:00 Second Harvest/ FH/Gym 4:30 Yoga/CH 7:00 Badger 4H/FH Progress Deadline 12:30 LSS New Moms Support Grp/FHL 5:00 B4H/Gym 8:00 Men’s Bible Study/GS 10:30 Yoga/CH 5:00 Worship/SA/ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9:00 Quilters/FH 1:00 Daylillies/CR 6:00 JAM (K-4)/CH 6:00 Mission 56/YR 6:00 Bible Study/GS 6:00 Boy Scouts/FH 6:00 Heart N Hand Quilters/301 6:00 Build & Grounds Bd/OF 8:30 50+ Aerobics/#302 4:30 4H Drama/FH 5:30 LSS Training/302 6:00 Executive Bd/301 7:00 Church Council/ #301 8:30 50+ Aerobics/302 Maundy Thursday 8:30 Mission Sew/FH 6:30 Worship/SA 10:00 Bible Study/ 6:30 Recovery/301 Office 5:00 Grace Notes/SA 7:00 Shift 7-8 Gym/ 7:00 SLAM 9-12/YR 5:00 Worship/SA/ Communion 12:30 Stations of the Cross/CH 1:30 Worship / SA 21 Palm Sunday 8:15 Worship/SA 9:00 Masterpiece/YR 9:15 Coffee/Hour/GS 9:15 Choir Practice/CR 9:15 Parking lot Presentation/CG 10:15 Worship/SA 10:15 Journey of Faith/ Easter Egg Hunt 11:15 Stewardship Bd/ GS 20 Good Friday Easter Vigil 22 23 24 25 26 9:00 Quilters/FH 1:00 Daylillies/CR 6:30 Sunrise Service/CH 6:00 4H Sew/Art Rm 8:15 Worship/SA 6:00 JAM(K-4)/CH 9:15 Fellowship Coffee/ 6:00 Mission 56/YR GS 6:15 Bible Study/GS 10:15 Worship/SA 6:00 Boy Scouts/FH 8:30 50+ Aerobics/#302 4:30 4H Drama/FH 6:00 4H Dance/Gym 6:00 Witness Bd/OF 7:00 Senior Housing Bd/302 8:30 50+ Aerobics/ #302 10:00 Bible Study/ Office 5:00 Grace Notes/SA 7:00 SHIFT 7-8/Gym 7:00 SLAM 9-12/YR 4:30 Yoga/CH 6:30 Recovery/301 12:30 LSS New Moms Support Group/FHL 8:00 Men’s Bible Study/GS 5:00 Worship/SA/ Communion 27 28 29 30 8:15 Worship/SA 9:00 Masterpiece/YR 9:15 Fellowship Coffee/ GS 9:15 Choir Practice/CR 9:30 Bible Study/CH 10:15 Worship/SA 10:15 Journey of Faith (Sunday School) 9:00 Quilters/FH 1:00 Daylillies/CR 6:00 Bible Study/GS 6:00 JAM (K-4)/CH 6:00 Mission 56/YR 6:00 Boy Scouts/FH 8:30 50+Aerobic 4:30 4H Drama/FH/ 8:30 50+ Aerobics/302 Room Key: #301& #302 = 3rd Floor 8:30 Mission Sew/FH CH = Chapel 10:00 Bible Study/ LL = Library Lounge CR = Choir FH = Fellowship HallRoom Office FH = Fellowship Hall CH = Chapel 5:00 Grace Notes/SA FHLGroup = Fellowship Hall HG = Home 7:00 SHIFT 7-8/Gym Lounge SA = Sanctuary 7:00 SLAM 9-12/YR GS = Gathering Space Easter P AGE 1 4 HG = Home Group SA = Sanctuary SR = Senior Housing YR = Youth Room #225 = 2nd Floor #301& #302 = 3rd Floor P ROGRESS · F IRST L UTHERAN CHURCH · A PRIL 2014 NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PAID JANESVILLE, WI PERMIT NO. 149 Deliver No later than April 1 Church phone (608)752-7434 Cell Phone Jim: 774-8616 Naomi: 701-388-4788 Youth Minister Eric Engen: 290-7083 The purpose of First Lutheran Church is to Reach, Nourish, and Empower people with the Good News of Jesus Christ. APRIL 2014 Easter Sunday, April 20 Sunrise Worship 6:30am 8:15am & 10:15am Worship
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