A journey to world class health facilities June 2014 In 2008, the CDHB developed its Health Services Plan & Vision 2020 We asked the question What do we want our health system to look like in the future? Insert the kings fund image (the cartoon, circles) A sustainable health system needs: • Services that support people to stay well • Services close to, or in home • Highly functional primary care (general practice teams) • Secondary care (hospital-level) freed up to support an efficient primary service • Certainty about facilities Impact of quakes The 2010/2011 earthquakes damaged most Canterbury health facilities, increasing the need for new facilities and putting pressure on staff and patients. • 12,000 hospital rooms damaged • 105 acute inpatient beds lost • 630 rest home beds lost. At present we are creating new and redeveloped health facilities across Canterbury: • A new Integrated Family Health Centre in Kaikoura. • A new Health Hub in Rangiora. • A $650m + investment in Christchurch city health facilities – a centre for older person’s health at Burwood Health Campus and a state-of-the-art acute services building on the Christchurch Hospital site. • New facilities at Ashburton. • Over $600m earthquake repairs and seismic strengthening across all our facilities. • Health Precinct. Making do Right now we are doing the best we can: • Temporarily relocating staff and patients so that various areas of the hospital can be repaired or demolished • Using some private operating theatres to maintain capacity until new theatres are ready • Rebuilding some critical infrastructure • Doing noisy seismic strengthening Thank you Shear Wall under the new CHOC – being ‘scabbled’ as part of seismic strengthening What’s on the drawing board? • Concentrate aged care at Burwood Health Campus • Build a new Acute Services building at Christchurch Hospital • New outpatient and dental facilities • Repair other facilities • Eventually refurbish and alter Parkside • Shift helipad to the roof of Christchurch Hospital In the beginning ….. user groups began to brainstorm a patient-centred hospital at the Design Lab. The Design Lab Planning has involved: • Developing new models of care • New ways of working together – integrating services • So we can provide safe, quality care & save patients’ time From brainstorm…… ….to cardboard mock-ups. Then the construction of a high-fidelity ward Burwood Health Campus Artist’s impression of the Burwood Health Campus front entrance Progress at the Burwood Health Campus The concrete pillars and foundations of the Back of House building are in place. Construction at Burwood Health Campus is progressing well. Artists impression: Concrete pillars going up for the Back of House and first ward blocks. By 2016, it will look like something this: Artist’s impression – arrow showing new main entrance At Burwood Health Campus we will have: • New outpatient reception area Artist’s impression • Three three-storey ward blocks • Comfortable patient lounge Artist’s impression • Extended radiology department. • New outpatient unit capable of managing up to 80,000 outpatient visits a year. • Ward staff base (picture below). Artist’s impression • 230 inpatient beds Artist’s impression of an assessment, treatment and rehabilitation room Artist’s impression of the new main entrance at Burwood Health Campus All new facilities on the Burwood Health Campus will be commissioned between December 2015 and March 2016 Christchurch Hospital Artist’s impression of the new Acute Services building at Christchurch Hospital Progress at Christchurch Hospital: Teams appointed to lead the design and manage the project alongside DHB staff and user groups. By 2018, we will have a new Acute Services Building: • Modern, purpose built operating theatres • Around 400 inpatient beds, including purpose-designed spaces for children • An expanded intensive care, radiology and emergency department And a rooftop helipad Building design Façade: a mix of glass, glass with fritting, and aluminium panels for solar conservation and aesthetics. Artist’s impression of the new acute services building – due for completion in 2018 Artist’s impression Artist’s impression of the new Acute Services Block, from Riccarton Ave Form: a three-storey podium above the seismic base isolators that includes clinical services, including ED, theatre, ICU and radiology, and plant. Above this are six floors of ward accommodation (inpatient beds). Health planning and building stacking HELIPAD EL EVEL EL EVEL 4.20m IPU IPU FUTURE 4.20m 5.20m 4.20m 4.20m FUTURE IPU IPU FUTURE 4.20m 47.70m IPU CHOC IPU FUTURE CHILD IPU CHILD IPU FUTURE 4.20m EVEL IPU CRITICAL CARE CLINICAL ADMIN & SUPPORT PLANT 4.50m EL FUTURE PERIOP / CSSD SUPPORT CSSD PLANT ICU / HDU / PICU 4.50m EVEL IPU OR / CSSD CHANGE ROOMS AMAU MHAAU CAAU RADIOLOGY OAAU CARPARK project consultant list: civil & structural services quantity surveyor Holmes PLANT / SHELL OPERATING SUITES EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 4.50m VEL PLANT PLATFORM IPU 3.80 EL EL HOLDING BAYS PLANT Project Title Sheet Title Christchurch Hospital Acute Services Building Proposed Departmental Stacking Diagram N Revision A DISTRIBUTION Issue - Date ----.--.-- PRELIMINARY DESIGN Project Number Original Scale: BECA design Katoa drawn Katoa PWC check Katoa 1:500@A1 Date Printed: 15/08/13 1:1000@A3 N.T.S 0 10 20 30 40 50mm original scale @ A3 Revision Drawing Number SK-04-100 13301 - 7001 notes: do not scale from drawings. all data to be verified on site prior to commencement of work. 04 copyright: chow:hill architects limited © Acute services building – Lower Ground Floor Acute Services Building – Ground Floor Acute Services Building – Ward layout Acute Services Building – Children’s Inpatient Unit Traffic Flows: planners are working on the best possible solution to handle the traffic flows around the hospital. Landscaping: 100 trees to be planted and sympathetic landscaping to be done on northern aspect of river. •Before construction starts about 45 trees to be removed. • Of the 45 trees in CDHB land eight are damaged / dying and need to be removed. •7 trees on Hagley park have been identified by CCC arborists as probably requiring removal due to damage or proximity to boundary. Working CCC on options. •Working with Council on planting 100 large grade trees and relocating daffodils from CDHB land to Hagley Park. •Pruning and tree removal to be carried out by experienced arborists. Next steps: • Preliminary design has been signed off and teams are starting work on developed design. • User Group input for this stage ends in October and health planners finish the developed design in December. • Working with the Council before going out to tender for enabling works e.g: preparing ground for foundations, fencing, signage, clearing site. • Securing land-use planning approval for the Acute Services Building and supporting infrastructure, such as car parking. • Seeking consents for storm water discharge, earthworks etc. • Exploring building a Bailey bridge from Rolleston Ave to separate construction vehicles from public and ambulances. • Site preparation starts in September, including tree removal. • Start building in early 2015. • Planned completion in 2018. The Health Precinct The Health Precinct will be a creative and inspiring campus that integrates world class healthcare, research, education and health-related services. It will accelerate economic growth and inner city renewal. A place where people want to work and socialise. Car Parking, energy centre and outpatients Artist’s impression right, shows proposed redevelopment of the former Deloittes building in the Health Precinct. The challenge ahead • Starting in September, the next 4 / 5 years of construction on the Christchurch Hospital site will be noisy and disruptive. • Traffic and parking will be challenging. The good news By 2018, the people of Christchurch, Canterbury and the wider South Island will have access to state-of-the-art health facilities designed to deliver the right care, to the right person, at the right time. For more information or if you have any questions please email the Facilities Development team: [email protected] Follow progress on our website cdhb.health.nz You’ll find a wealth of information on the projects, photos, videos, more artist’s impressions. There’s a webcam at Burwood tracking progress and cameras will also be installed on the Christchurch site.
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