JODY MARSHALL DANCE COMPANY 2014 TIMETABLE Ph: 9448 4094 0418957965 Email: [email protected] Admin: Michelle Cooper 0418908417 Email [email protected] Unit 1/20 Mumford Place Balcatta 6021 CLASSES HELD AT WARWICK HALL BALCATTA STUDIO SATURDAY SATURDAY 8.45-‐9.30 9.30-‐10.00 10.00-‐10.45 Jnr Hoppers (1) Acro Junr Tumble Jnr Boppers TTA/TTB BALCATTA STUDIO 8.45-‐9.30 9.30-‐10.00 10.00-‐11.00 11.15-‐12.15 12.15-‐1.15 2.00-‐3.00 3.00-‐3.45 3.45-‐5.00 MONDAY Jnr Hoppers (2) Sat Beginner Tap 12's Jazz/Hip Hop 9's Troupes No 1 Jazz/Hip hop... 7-‐9'S 14/16's Jazz 14/16yrs Tap 16's Troupes 9.00-‐10.00 10.00-‐10.45 10.45-‐11.15 11.00-‐11.30 11.30-‐12.00 12.00-‐1.00 11.45-‐12.15 1.00-‐2.00 MONDAY 12's Musical Theatre 9's Musical Theatre 9's Break 12's Tap Troupe 12's Break 12's Troupes 14's Break 14's Troupes BALCATTA STUDIO SATURDAY 8.45-‐9.30 9.30-‐10.15 10.15-‐11.00 11.00-‐11.45 11.45-‐12.30 1.00-‐2.00 MONDAY 4.00-‐5.00 5.30-‐6.50 7.00-‐8.00 8.00-‐9.00 Beg / Jnr Acro Pre adv / Adv Acro Senior Jazz Senior Troupe 4.30-‐6.00 Intermediate Acro 8.00-‐9.00 Adult Tap (1) 4.00-‐4.45 4.45-‐5.30 5.30-‐6.15 6.15-‐7.00 7.00-‐8.30 Pre schoolers Beginner Tap Elem Bronze Pre Modern Jazz Senior Tap 4.00-‐4.45 4.45-‐5.30 5.30-‐6.15 6.15-‐7.00 TTA & TTB Pre Tap 1 & 2 Elem Silver & Gold Jnr Mod Jazz /Jazz 1 4.15-‐5.15 5.15-‐5.45 5.45-‐6.45 6.45-‐7.45 7.45-‐8.15 4.00-‐5.00 5.00-‐6.00 Pre Ballet Grade 2 Ballet 4.00-‐5.00 5.00-‐6.00 Primary Ballet Grade 3 Ballet 6.00-‐7.00 7.00-‐8.00 Grade 5 Ballet Intermediate 6.00-‐7.00 Adult Tap (2) 4.00-‐4.45 4.45-‐5.30 5.30-‐6.15 6.15-‐7.00 7.00-‐8.00 Jazz 2 Inter Bronze / Silver Theat Gd 2 ( Gd 5J) Pre Advanced Jnr Performers 4.00-‐4.45 4.45-‐5.30 5.30-‐6.15 6.15-‐6.45 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 9's Break 10.45-‐11.15 Grade 2 Ballet Grade 1 Ballet Sub Elemetary Pointe Elementary Boys Hip Hop TUESDAY 12's Break 11.30-‐12.00 Fees start at $110 per 10 weeks. Discounts apply on approval Family rates on approval Refunds are not issued but fees can be used in other genres. 11.15-‐12.00 12.30-‐1.00 9's Troupe No 2 Boys Street Tap 12.15-‐1.00 14/16 Musical theatre MONDAY TUESDAY Elementary Pointe Intermediate Sub Elementary Contemporary 4.30-‐5.15 5.30-‐6.15 4.00-‐5.00 5.00-‐6.00 Grade 1 Ballet Grade 4 Ballet 5.00-‐6.00 6.00-‐7.00 6.00-‐7.00 Grade 6 Ballet This contemp takes This place contemp of takes place of 12's lyrical class. Cant fit both. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Jazz 3 Inter Gold Jazz 4 Pointe BALCATTA STUDIO SATURDAY 4.00-‐4.45 4.45-‐5.30 5.30-‐6.15 6.15-‐7.00 WEDNESDAY 9's Lyrical 6's Lyrical Contemp Gd 5/6 Contemp Gd 2/3/4 THURSDAY Grade 5 Ballet Grade 6 Ballet Grade 4 Ballet Grade 3 Ballet 4.00-‐4.45 14's Break 11.45-‐12.15 Inter Gold Bar # could # re-‐arrange if possible.. trying to fit around ballet JODY MARSHALL DANCE COMPANY 2014 TIMETABLE Unit 1/20 Mumford Place Balcatta 6021 Ph: 9448 4094 0418957965 Email: [email protected] Admin: Michelle Cooper 0418908417 Email [email protected] REGISTRATION FEE: $50.00 one child $70.00 two children $100.00 3 or more children. INVOICING: Fees are calculated and payable by the term and once enrolled must be paid. Fees can be calculated and paid at Hme of enrolment otherwise invoices will be emailed or ready for collecHon the next Saturday aLer receipt of enrolment form. For any midweek only enrolled classes, invoices will be emailed or available from recepHon. Please collect invoices promptly and complete payment as directed on invoice within 2 weeks of enrolment. Any extended payment terms must be discussed with Miss Jody directly and informaHon will be recorded in accounts. Current discount rates will be available at Hme of enrolment. A trial class may be purchased prior to entering class, if enrolment follows the trial class is deducted from term fees. PAYMENTS: Cash payments paid to recepHon only, all other payments (cheque or noHficaHon of EFT deposits can be deposited in locked box at recepHon. Cheques will be accepted payable to Jody Marshall Dance Company only, with the following condiHon – Bank charges for returned cheques will be paid by the drawer. EFT payment is also encouraged. Please follow the direcHons on the payment advice slip on invoice. FORMS: Change of Details and Change of Class forms are available at recepHon. LIABILITY: All classes are taken at your own risk, no liability will be taken by any teacher at this Studio. EXAMS & COMPS: The Studio provides the opportunity to parHcipate in exams and compeHHons. Further details may be found in the Enrolment InformaHon Pack.
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