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Monthly Report of activities conducted by the Department of Youth
1. Career Guidance and Motivational talk to schools
The office of Youth Affairs organized career talk events where we gathered young graduates
from Lamu County and visit some schools. We visited students of Lamu Girls Secondary school,
Faza Secondary School and Siyu primary School and gave career guidance to the candidates on
how to further their studies after primary and secondary education.
The exercise was conducted on 27th September 2014 at Lamu Girls Secondary School which was
attended by the County Youth coordinator, Assistant County Youth Coordinator and other young
graduates based in Lamu who were invited to offer their experiences in pursuit of various
We also had a chance to visit Faza Secondary School candidates and Siyu candidates on 01st
October 2014 to offer inspirational talks to the candidates with the aim of improving
performance of the schools. In attendance were the Youth Coordinator and his deputy.
2. Involvement of youth in the celebration of World Peace Day.
The office of Youth Affairs in conjunction with the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Culture
organized a series of event in the commemoration of International Peace day. In this discourse,
we mobilized talented youth to present their musical skits carrying the theme of ‘People’s Right
to Peace.’
Youth from Lamu East performing their Peace Music Audition during the World Peace Day at
Faza Boys Primary School on 2nd October 2014 where we managed to get top three artistes.
Youth at Mpeketoni town square perform on Peace Music Audition during the World Peace Day
where the top three youth emerged.
Youth in Lamu town perform on Peace Music Audition at Mkunguni square on 21st September
2014 where three winners emerged. The best three youth that emerged during the Peace Musing
Audition in Mpeketoni, Lamu town and Faza are going to the final concert that will be held in
3. Governor’s tour to Faza ward and Matondoni
His Excellence the Governor Issa Abdallah Timamy accompanied by County Executive Hon.
Kaviha and County Youth Coordinator from the Department of Youth Affairs toured Faza Ward
and Matondoni area. The tour kicked off on 25th -26th in Faza Ward and later on 28th September
2014 in Matondoni during which the Governor distributed Sports equipment to the youth in all
the villages we visited.
His Excellency the Hon. Governor Issa Abdallah Timamy, MCA Faza Ward Hon. Abbas Famau,
MCA Mkomani Ward Hon. Ali Bakari Mohammed, County Executive for Education Hon.
Kaviha, Sports Director Mr. Ndichu and the County Youth Coordinator Mr. Faiz Fankupi
distributing Sports equipments to the Youth
He promised them of the Government’s commitment to support the youth. He urged the youth to
keep away from the Drugs and other social evils especially violence where pangas and spears are
being used. He also urged the youth to form youth organizations in order to acquire funds and
other opportunities that are available in the County in order to transform their lives. The youth
assured the Governor that they are going to keep off Drugs and promote peace within their areas.
4. Needs Assessment and Capacity Building of the Youth on 30%
Government Tender Rules in Lamu West
The County Government of Lamu through the Department of Youth Affairs and the Department
of Sports conducted youth forums in four divisions of Lamu West constituency. The youth
forums were facilitated by the County Youth Coordinator and his deputy, together with the
Director of Sports and the sports officer.
Overview of the Youth Forums
The idea of holding youth forums was to involve the youth to get to know matters affecting their
well-being and formulate a comprehensive work plan which will take their inputs into account.
The office of Youth Affairs appreciate the fact that the youth populace in the county is of a
diversified background and that youth from different divisions rely on different means of
livelihood. Therefore, Office of the Youth Affairs saw it fit to conduct an assessment on the
needs of the youth from their respective divisions.
Apart from conducting need assessment survey, we also created awareness on the 30%
Government Tenders reserved for the youth, women and people with disabilities. Our desire to
build the capacity of the youth on government tendering process was motivated by the fact that
the young people fall victims of economic marginalization by well established business entities.
Henceforth, we found it prudent to uplift the status of the youth and enhance their ability to come
up with registered youth groups and open youth companies so that they are able to apply for the
tenders where necessary. It is our aim that after these forums useful information on tenders
would reach the youth and there would be many youth-owned enterprises applying for these
tenders in the government.
We also wanted to use sports as a tool for mobilization and taking their views on the
management of sports in the county. We also spread the message of Peace and Peaceful Coexistence among the youth in Lamu County. Majority of the participants were the Youth across
the four divisions whereas they were being mobilized by the Ward Administrators within their
The following table indicates youth turn-out in different location:-
NO. of
Participants M F
October 10, 2014
Witu, Pandanguo, Dide Waride, Moa and
Katsaka Kairo
55 youth
October 10, 2014
Mpeketoni town, Bahari, Hongwe and
Mkunumbi Wards
35 youth
October 11, 2014
Langoni, Mkomani, Gadeni, Kashmiri,
Bombay, Kandahari and India
80 youth
October 12, 2014
Matondoni and Kipungani
52 youth
October 12, 2014
Shella and Manda
21 youth
October 18, 2014
Mokowe and Hindi
35 youth
The Langoni/Mkomani youth listening to the Asst. youth Coordinator on 30% Government
tender rule while the Youth Coordinator distributing the Youth Tender Rules circulars
National Youth Council at the County level (NYC) Chairperson giving his inputs on the needs
for young people around Witu.
Sports Officer registering Matondoni and Kipungani youth during the Youth Forum at
Matondoni Mkwajuni square.
Youth Coordinator and Asst. Youth Coordinator addressing Mpeketoni youth on 30%
Government Tender Rules on 11th October 15, 2014.
The Needs Assessment and capacity building exercise on-going at Shella ward on 12th October
Hindi ward administrator giving opening remarks during the Youth Forum held in Mokowe.
The Need Assessment exercise going on at Mkunazini ground in Mokowe/ Hindi divisions on
18th October 2014.
The following are the needs of the youth gathered from their respective areas:Needs
1. Support on registration
This will enable the youth
of youth groups and
to be organized and
acquire Government
enterprises in order to
Tenders so as to create
apply for the tenders.
jobs to other youth.
2. Establishment of a
County Youth Fund
This will be money
All Divisions
All Divisions
budgeted specially for the
projects of youth and
which shall assist youth on
their sustainable
3. Procurement Office to
This will enable the number of
train the youth on the
youth groups to have more
30% Government
information on the 30%
Tender Rules for the
Government tender rules on
youth to acquire
youth and the requirements for
a group to apply for the
All Divisions
4. Technical support on
Enable the youth groups to
proposal writing to the
write more proposals and
existing youth groups.
acquire grants for their
All Divisions
activities in the County thus
effectiveness of the youth
programs running within the
5. Nurturing of youth
Exposing the talents of the
talents through talent
youth to different stakeholders
show and also through
so as to promote them in
getting donors and support
All Divisions
from well-wishers. Increase in
the number of youth
involvement on Sports and
shun away from drug abuse.
6. Creation of an
Enabling the youth to access
Witu, Mpeketoni, Mkomani,
information Centre for
information of different kinds
the youth to access
that are helpful to their daily
relevant information
affecting them.
7. Creation of a data base
Identifying youths of the
for the youth in the
county and classify them
according to their levels of
All Divisions
academic strength, talents, Jua
kali interest among others
8. Support youth groups
Opening of more cooperatives
dealing with economic
for youth groups and enable
activities such as:
them benefit from government
boda- boda, farming,
grants and facilities available
livestock keeping, bee-
for them
keeping among others
All Divisions
9. Opening of a sports
Availability of variety of
Mkomani, Langoni, Shella
sports in the area keeping the
youth busy as a way of getting
them rid of drug abuse
10. Trainings to the
To have a well managed
Witu, Mkomani, Langoni,
football coaches and
sports activities conducted by
Mokowe and Hindi
referees among youth
well trained coaches and
supervised by trained referees
11. Equip the youth
Having enough polytechnic
Mpeketoni, Mkomani,
polytechnics with
equipments for all students
adequate facilities and
and offering proper courses
addition of useful
relevant to the well-being of
the youth
12. Assisting youth with
Uplifting the standard of
small-scale agricultural living among the youth and
practices and poultry
creation of market to the
keepers to market their
products of the youth
Mpeketoni, Mkomani,
Matondoni and Langoni
13. Opening a youth
Creating more jobs to the
factory where
youth and promote industrial
industrial products
activities in the area and
from the area will be
creating market to their
14. Opening of a youth
Enhancing youth to acquire
Resource Centre in the
resources in abundance and
easy acquisition of youth
Mpeketoni and Amu
15. Provision of modern
Enabling youth to advance
Matondoni, Shella, Langoni,
fishing nets and other
their fishing practices with
modern equipments
modern facilities and help
necessary in fishing
them maximize their catch
16. Training youth on Jua-
To enable the youth groups
kali, entrepreneurship,
acquire skills relevant to their
life skills, youth
day to day life which shall
cooperatives and
have positive effect and boost
leadership skills.
sustainable development
All divisions
 The number of youth turn out for the forums was low in some areas and in a case of
Mokowe where the youth did not turn up since there was a burial for one of the fellow
youth thus making it hard for the Office to conduct the session. It then forced us to go
back and rearrange for another forum.
 Poor time management by the participants leading to insufficient time for the forum and
music auditions.
 Youth are unaware of the manner in which the National and County governments
conduct their activities.
 Maintaining gender balance among the youth participating in the forums was a challenge
since many participants were males especially in Mokowe and Hindi
Way forward:
 Ward administrators to conduct adequate mobilization for the effective facilitation of
youth events.
 There is need for civic education to the youth especially females.