u th a reso lu tio n o f th i a c o n flic t toe mlwofl. only om* rofclwa, and th a t in the fa c t of the. pao;>la of ViiKasarmyr in Jobcjpc*s cas»s w~t r o t oving nil© clinca V> hi»cu Thia i s no Iflc'^tw tha m \m f but the s o tto r of lat«r,> tev?ii»i r« a .'i ,c.. j o b w ri x*r&ad ii*a 'n c U M t l w 1 of tha l.nrtw At iraaant tlr ; +i«k5 ‘ r aa tt»© f in a l itato** )6C 1 to tho a t of aaa i. hi* '.wopcr. * o! ^ o litio a l to r is l » H w A ta rri- In 19$3 he tawvsht a oaoa against HAttto fca a-MShinff I ’M , t? t ’w aaat of tfw b ^ r^ a ry , th a t %rs.a not h ia own. l a fa c t K&tata '*rr**m'*lly vna only am of tbo«a ao t>lr« .vbir, V»t tha oaae v?« bro^-ht aoainat him *a the pffT'»on rer? <nnihla fo r h i: ouhjoct*? la f'.ttc.ra oant’i n ; I jvJL u .* . i4t*ia drawing on <svla oo'WjuiM .vj oridenoc lac^mly «t>iwto* fro {Ait oo»«rt daoiaiena* Jobor* m * u%maxt <d tha o > a rad r.'-t e t r wen ordai*ad to %dtl)4sw« ia i,-no.>H?. th ia order ufctil 1X-A wten Je ter* e»we hia o tio e of I'u rtsw l*.-,v 1 ac'Jon. n*»ete *<** now tJn * i of theaa p«A» oaadin«e uirt knew th at ha canid not wi-.. •» t ’vwnafora x/rutsXiaA to withdraw a f te r tha harvoat i f Jobora would drop tha otjm. A fb iv t h i -. htox-fO aa a te li i l l Jobero died JT W but In .j*ril 19&> ha a weak in »'oa;*ital. Kty.^in ; th ,t Jobflc.-o nyJM v*\*. ly be auooaede by hia wife, who h.id v irtu a lly aaperienoe in ornr*t j«rs»»*“!tntfa# n tata wai» «ciljoldvr»4 ^ er.itlnu* jOio^ f i/vf an •h ill'd *a aida of V * atv m r f nsiti. hr* #<^ti rated to r»o VUbathe hea not '.surenad the enaa to t la day. hira. 4> wo* frw in te d b> ' o#>*h>8he* I ri* headline: <mrr t » vhol* of the «r k r p shh okhocHau, Valley V welt a* ovtrr wHTrourv'ilnj i t . U/n«AL4 *nd his Xim foilovrjd. etf’stjjntina is at.\tlule and t'*toc® irt nthi*v? «h*y ramined In spite of a,?,**.!» to return to the hendujwhi > uf tor • ►Uxithowija*^ de^th. Vj.t W - ' J. tar* ' ,:v.tK-Tsv '« e»*oo!rt wtiU th ird born «*u*, aXUr UUlU*. but naXilmv uuoc«»WI bec&uee (n eaiaally ) t!v«y i^ ritittia o d th e ir f a th e r 's n -d crli^ to hi* socand i l l , ehtbe cHIlarer. too* precede***. * , eucoeedwd * -tiit oaru . cut t>vo the taem» inder Ai»cu*i*ion (lakhei^UttC Ja i'liilApi ) to "«i» your*^* e r U vtt** H iillp i* (l& tm lag io r th* n»o- ont U*i lt* > l di£.4*te. ) . ‘ r ,V„?. l e f t 0«-tctf .oai, kill vent to U vs ir. the aowr.taine. k-JXU I **u* Vi9 f i r s t Dftiteer of V* ***> *fcV«* uentlv m * A Ciftor M r. M f M W I , W ire IMM !* • *enl«»» «v>n, 00*4 *r.A-~. " ' . hire .*uc- ' d hi* fflthurr, hut pi+frfoor.efid rtiw. mm of *»i*e%H—W. »»• %«• yeere *14 when »tlU pl di»dv *rid he wnfi t's* ri fitfu l heir, e di*c *t to* of el ittoon, ho**¥W, aa& did m t uuoc**tf to the riea&ttsne'iiy. MARS , «ooond won of t t i i l i p i , aieo gwedwmeed hia fa th e r. (JENEALOGY WO-1 4. v."’' " " rnt» nrt£ noart in lino sftw * 1 I'iOt'X.!,, t W V f he Jr.41 at tJW n.30 of ©IrjuUeri. Jrhero tUed la l ? 6 0 and m a cue- oooAjiI iry hit uif«r. I 11. in Jotujama'* ■“ i.int i til tilfl aon, fto t . t *olk'&T coualdw A xoalletie oholftoa for Ju» hoadBKmoftip* ” , tl.# fcwtb«r after lilt i : « rillac« bout on tho rjlatO.IU to tbs iSOlith O* •"k'Xi'JVTtC* 'i« 0 C ’>© hii*? « 9 Uibll» rad hi ?*»lf 'oo nroly in thmt cam ffinfl 1 » tho ri?>t iieirS mum of t>*? oting chiaf, it v«.: tHoujht Trnd-w to urine hiri ta -5 J i *vf otauola, m i n*cjrir<tl#<i jrtJ :Ao ;nit ■ **.«.JC duuth, Jotorc ait * 'Mltable ' . •. t V0 • JPtJU* tfotooiw’o .VitiKMKM UUVtKli aocided a^'lntt Jone -i, nuoii to £3io «!i-,^‘in of tils fatten; HotiHilj, J # Hi hi# »o:Ul «K»4sS hi ti»0 ii- W v' .JUO-WtfUiOtl* *> i > not w*Xi lived in t »V»ok,to.Ttf* howver, «oA iiJ uCLia ora »tiil too y o w j. •«**. ; * io c-r-oo last Ir li ’•*, it oat. ill .•**! in JoMaw>*ntiurc, a:x« In ihflrtfoa In#it Ible, .iiO Man ohooa. mi 'aetitif hootaon*, *inc« it wa* folt that nhc fcsov tit* lo on4 t*w oroa and had tho awoop*. :.r„ » ility. ftvr htur aowth tho feoa/-inc.'?!? \1 1 1 ryf&rt tc •aooo*® lira*. oro lo thus a wxrolwJtine ooxsleo full hofcdhanrMp otatns. wliich 47 cu.xjuxdto' oa feL .i, ai..c of j vk .ui > : , icci*. t*a i:ia a/riae ic a 1 r K...axi«j .1 „-•,/.»♦*: w»r fu-i ur ti-u , ewajdtf-a -*a «asu ?i»a- «)* jui J*ia 0 4 y » c iV ha oatcrt, ext* la lito « irirtJ* I I ; evaay eonfltot laJfc<‘v. th*-. f-saily ui-r.jMM -xnt:*. /. A -xwo fori,JL dicir-3 v-u 2 Cia i«•»*,< aovatiip la **<*•• •rvod fu r r L U r counter. •o l * w *. jrc-irw, of yhluh Itfb^bjus ±ri .'X&iakhaoff fo r f i f t y abfctlio ^.^a* 3 t~o j*aw twenty .us '.jis v tfc. .•<* fjow -uca ..otiii„ a«„ujat* far a.n yoar. jsitici.t to, oa: «« l«a«t ^m xlr.. «it ir., J.xir ourar£l^ v-s thcro- iorc oomaldet‘<U>le 'j& vU-tuc u* xo;:^ aa-oci~,tio», «ad jcta ro~ i:~orcoc. by this obM oo cJ t*Lllticxml roLs aaeu u :— lly -waJ.iit.ulo to ftfcaothn of Uiuir «£ »• ax® nor- A ll jo b o re 'a ueno hi bia jftOTicuu wile hoc dlmi, <ii« dtsajhteru, hod amrlsd and ltfit iUtuO, aid . ^~>u,c.*0 Loi'v; llO fcit.llrl>n^, .aOLtCC tlXC r&lO tii*t tao.it ^ooplu loo ; f o r w w j to In taair olu «^ o , that oi‘ twado ai 1 Xfc.o fuc H iuu, _j eloucU to tlic 'i’*-i»ath04U«ka. h \ ii.c-l, ^ '..U f vix^; r 6 1 . «- of -ft* Joboro \km rolc.tod bj witau: ti» Id-txalaip and naxxiAjo to aoat all of t*io tivreo !Txr:.<lr©«? menibeee of hia oocTmnL%'9 no. t of f^iaw 46 tioe » » iuita distant jxxl did not aff'sM hia 6 u l m (ueooe- i&tloa with o ti^a um «• tftnawin. i mention thee* point* u*- Ctafik it la < uuiU. reasonable to uJL ii. tim oX . lokhokhe^f tStiLl* V-& uv »% C.f'ulil V«iit to WX-.W & iXJic «S Utt‘« i > t 4tU.'«llUg; ai) 'Jot head *tn&hi{>. Jobare und .AAatho ham both explicitly vcru.'.izr<jd vhstlior their ?..<rj&bctftcy le worth ull tiie trouble it (ffiaca* Jobere wsu boon. Ln IS 1 <an& m.* the fixjv oX li«» brothers, le ^^ndfatder me iJX i* >, t.<o flrut Swa&a&n of : .ofcrtokfrgrv^. 1 r*;-,vw Uixeoribed certain of the j^olitiCol evuat* tiiit took plaoe during Vhlllpl*s ss&lse» t;a» results of vMoli wore a part of Jobaru ’ e haorltaje, bat there was eastUur port which I have act yet aer.tianed, wlJLch, xucoording to ouxrent opinion In lakhokhOKj, Uu3 of jpesi 1 rfxirtiaoe ir Jobere'e life , wu* the definition of the bea«fciana.'iip oe given by Concrete information on Itdlipi ia soiree. Ms "illipl. .« died in l|?r- eo ti*it only *• few i& sd and oftar. not very lucid lnfor Jauta retietjbor his at «J1. Joao of «y infarction eoraee fro:; a written test wvLoh I oo^valeAiooed froa a» eld &umr c mjo ci the l>to w,-rM chief, wlo ola' te hive known ihlllpi intia*»teiy. thilipi le e»\id to tat*» hud an otitetftRdin^ recitation for hie knowledge of the law and for hie nklll lr. aettll>vj dio. utca. a we~ often o.sked to oaelet wei#:bearin& eklefe in ttielr delibsnlows mi difficult c. ae®. ia w&a appointed tut collect or for the whole of hi* 3>*p*rior chief *a wtrd - highly rea^onslUo Job *t a tirse bofcrc ounsuaeo end t,wi.«ral ews®e»es» of the necessity for receipts;. In 171C he 4* uohltTOd rxx*> wwo^.i fox hi* Jvajtwi of allic oouu, for U*w*> vorv *xrv±+Lx± u..-.jvj Jl l*.*ot «* *.t Che t im , 4j-jj '.***.• u 7 » * jwa; tiiloa tttetlao. u:i ;*. c.ffi v: viU. u .i-.tloa.il rap- It Vv-.v* 4.->t» tM • nxjjtli that atasjtd w!von h* ggew i tii M r :”rr-!T4fut*ywp la 1*1£. a oJ w: l« V j yx t » hi;. crj -.icoV^r, tho \>i<5©v of i'..< Jobcax. 1 tr ■ ’i.-i.o-* I* ’ "a. oojurtti- lufor -ti : w It . .c-:^o I::,., t3 V ^ftolttodly a«o Old with sn.va. ^ 2& <s f fotlrwwac. jf e»jch <*a oirVluotln • V .rt^-r, Jif/J&u, « t r ,, tn»t nornlly th» vijorr <J- •* HooAtin;; lmid, •« cr'oearain£ Jl»e troditioncil official «fcO«s fat* '■» »t> vtd'jfc tiie hw.-xjb'jr. ..inti feo *>?*>soMt hla Li !\la i'bwucv* awttsrj aa boundsury dispute with neighbouring hoadfton, WhotfciX and wivere to install a now road, and eo an, will be held over until tho return of th* headman hJatmlf. In oaeoa of taMQpMgr he may be askod to oooe hoae to .Jolw the problon, or hie deputy, if ouffioiratly 1.iterate, nay write to hie to oafc for instructions. Jobere bad a tftd* 0 uduoaticn, and wss thus able to MaumA a 'white oolUx job* aa clerk on the tsinee, tt ile f&mvm froa . ofcboi..hon; labourod at &euial taefcs or. the tdnaa, on fam e, in municipalitiea cr in industry, ie vug better paid, aare reep*oted esoZ freer to look out on the audsvn world and onjoy soae of its benefits than hi* corapatriots, '/ho were *o**o*ly literate, oould not understand nglish, nod to&refora regained out off frosr. the courccpolitaa life around thee. Jobcre worked at various clerical wind auall ad£inie-» trutive job* in :xw^h Africa va. U 1940 wlaen ho ined the xi tieh arqy, a* did oany iiasotho, and 'went up . orth'. ie *peut tir>* in i«oarth Afrtoa, the ; lddlo -ant end Italy, <k*s» of it a* a ;>ri»on*r of Mar. In 1946 h* wu* repatriated, and returned ’*Me to find hi* grantaothar sick and feeble. executed by M o *I<j>toaa*l Jobore therefore decided to re- Bain at hone, or at laart near '« » . jrearo of age. or dutioa were being ie vaa now forty alv Ilia wife had born hia five children, and •i&ht year* previously he tied been 'cjaaottod1* aa a headaan. ——-----—— — ...——....... .... .... nrrr-an »iw inmn — 1'-**—m m *■ m tm m m rntm *m * In 193Ct the colonial ^vwrnownt caliet1 for a rejlsi-rfcti'.m of all chiefs and h*udr«&tf wliooe msubers had syo%n ertrenely lars" dua to the custcu of 'plaoln#;', Jones (1551/ aaintain® that 'i.bout i of these tr;ailtlon.vl authorities not caaett*’., *M L« the position of ttooe who were wus aade eeou^e by afr.tolsi re«o^ niticm. (eee al*o App*r.llx 1) 51 RMNM factors were positive induoefaento for his to ranain in Lottotlio. In 194& Keaatoebetaebo died irul aiml t^iooualy Jotore's wife booorao seriously ill. A diviaer void that on tiffin*? of Jofcsrs's, vhowa Irunband hud diod in tho w:ix, woetod Joboro for haeaelft and tiwroforo bad :$.nn\ beer wl*h evil aedloine in it to Jobere's wife* Xhie mo daaoe- strated to the satisfaction o* all pc*eent uber; the sick vocdttod and produced » bundle of finows know ua 'lesika' wJiioh ht4 caused tiis dunams. *»t It was too late. Just before hor death Jaboxe's wife told hia that on no account uu*fc he aorry the wens* she had tre-toU inr boor, hut that ioewead he ahoul J ssnxry A&mt r^hatho : ooo, a sin. ;le wjuan of »\iual sduoa&lon to hlaaelft and belongin', to a resected fanily in a neurby villa.j*. '2 my wore oorried lutor that /ear. After a briaf period with a land rwurveyintf teas In Lesotho, Jobero becarse a court clerk, a pout Which eet hie on a career tftioh lad to his appointment as a provident of local ©carta in various porta of Lesotho* and vdtlsmtely ao president of tha appeal court at appeals fra tare* loool oourts. afeton&, vhloh dealt with He retired from this positlor. in 1<*&7» snd established ilneelf pextasuently in ' ekhokhOR#. :y the tirjo of his retirement Jobore’a eons had all died, the last in a &ine ivooidsrt. chlldxen, JhJLs wus one of tho zaajor dieappoin£kjmito in hie life. ilo ouoe said to • house. ’*1 have no children. 1 *butho had borne no you, of yllla^atre gathered at hia 1 do not voctft for >jyoe.U, for old, nor do 1 work for an hair. It lu for you that X I ,* * * & m ■ .'.*J * n . *A M ao m 'w h t u h h am ®r.aa c ® / *l r. k "... *V III f « * •* 5* tar. *,>0ttdiJV? i'Or life utA 4gr taomaT. In edte at' this element of deajwAr JoWxe cujrriod out Ida duties with £?eat eneryy and detMMbastion. I have JumUouiKl t*V 'taantle' which Jobe*e Inherited froc. hi* erondfatiier. .ha set of «c*xrotuitions U l i ;i iuwfi budH. up In hie were an tbs v/iol« r u a ^ta tb ly of tJm ii*n«3boe»cy vclk fu lfille d r fd c h h e «d t »n a h i;» ’qy Jobwra i ' J l i p i ' s d a ir y ixtrd w *e a n l A U c d U a n o f h i s u i i c r s v i d i A g jwtA *u.v9 U r / o f n o lora eooion>do yar otlot*, nwterahip Jofcero of & such la r g s * oow m sdty that to o , t h r o w n I d a & o , ;i o r w « i t o f p r e s t i g i o u s £>oaitiaae proved h l r n e l f an nd a in :*/uUi adopt in the axi*s c u l t nr® Jo to re wbui c o r t d i i l i own in u se d a o d e m a g r i c u l t u r d llut porht^ 6 rnd uill. i ’a tl«e and a non wealthiest ijsthods, motet o u t s t a n d in g and w e ll- r a o b a r a o t r r l a id o , an d one o n w hich a l l cod in Lesotho had of vide ex'^vrleoos. m khakhorj£ <rf i d s that of Iokhotc. mg* rwaponalbl* t fc lc *. an d w h it * aynbol sobered ny infortxmta ore screed, was his Jmewleilij© of ar*d ssdll in t»— • »• ^sony tioaru of ebeezT&tion at Jobore'a oourt und detailed exaalnatloo of aaeoe in Which hu m s involvud, that hs had appar ently inherited his eymvdfatimr'* adeptnssc, and that auoh of hie politiaJ *trs?vth lay in his formidable reputation as a legal udvora ry. -lany of »gr inforaanto told ne Wait Very voxv definitely determ' fro 1 oocidttlng actions which they knew would provoke fdn bocau.-w thuy knew that if tho nattor o o i to oourt, Jobere's own or a hi^jer, they would eland Tory little chance of aucootu against hie. Kecorda of tho series of case* in widen Jobsxe and tutote oonfronted one another a'iow how carefully Jobers would prsparo Ids • tH V - n * ‘V v : ± 1 -r T 3L # »- ■ •. • ''•** -■• ~ - "V . .< ■- -• : . * v *. . a 4 «• 1 . x " '" » iV *& # ’* '• m ad m n tm fm r w i K 4 *1 M i miklt nmctst* vXt e>m W ifc a C s; ■ »—\iif i* i Ml ftiustc » tSlUfc j* ^ P 1 , ,• * • S. - v .- ,..f v ‘ - -. - -.< .. • • . . m >, ■■ • ■”4'-, r «%*«,• —J . . V" W • • <*V «>*. ■*--•• • »* *• * * * '1 ~ v*' -' T josiix CKdonniiy a Vai*j:%2 \ii wiAj} r * ***w' Tilt; VALUfi. it 11 * * * * * * /-* —w»u U.. J m 4Wr*Siiwi ^ - " «Ol tw A fe , s vN s k \ S « / «K* N * 55 ru%^u:witj sad lily vitnnsw u, and with what mthloaa «ooar.xj;* :« vyuld piofc holes mid find continuations in his • <j iunt’ e c . 00. .fabore «a« olo, “ly at ho;-, ia tho oourt uifeastlon and < ig e a r e d , both La th* reoortfa and in ;>oroon, to enjoy lstfitl confrontation. :Hs adversaries vsre nor- saully sideward und inarticulate by coagwirlwon, f A i l i n g which Joboro utilised to ths full In destroying thslr oass and substantiating his own. lthcsijh JoNore’ n ls^al espevtlae javo hln e uone* Lder* bis sjeaaur© of oerciv© power or.v hia aubJ*fotn, It a tod % certain xm sntaent : « a j those Wbo rJ so they had v..lid or.m»« but vton could not ri’wld the* a 2&iE*t hia. Xhars ic a real d is t in c t ly to be t n w Iwtvcci. thl» typo of situation and oaw is w*.ich political stxungth 1 ° based on eaacensttr, for Aifani&bla support is d ifficu lt to ^uartmtee Mldox the baol.s for co pllaaos ia coercicr. Ute the other haou Jobere'a authoritarian behaviour waa t : , * .tppreolsted by those who hed x& opccial axe to jrind a * .. It c o n fo r m with tar traditional ex>cctAtiai.* tta*, and aaln valued ^ <!' jseu of oesioe aid , redlct -billcy in © em s^iiV relations* »1*i final jmralirl I wish to draw between M l l y i *u* Jobcro M w m r .u their 1' volvsrsent In national ;>olltloe. 1 h*ive oentiwwd that MiVllpi wsa appointed to t>w i&ticnai Council which w i :i up to dual *lt h natlm ra sffcira in consultation with th* oeionlal «nY.)mPHi*.t. the present riee Johere assisted lnl«tcrt Chief Jonathm , to set up the Basutoland SaUonal Psarty in 195"* Whioh wua Mentioned at Joboro's fu w r a l by th* itelae M u ls t e r 'c re^rvsentatlvs and recosnisrd luy a oash contribution towards tho ooat of saying 54 aouj-jo* for Ud> vue bovn In Y)2 > In a to the oo.it of .‘lekhofchoufl. about, tuo ollor Iter f u t ^ r u m a relatively wealthy «aad educated a»si: irfio t>mt Isor to ochool at first in Leootho uod later 1a IteUJl at )1aciiflbUl» uhera obt w a t ae far aa aid . 6* Until her CKjrri&jo **>>e wocteed in : aeeru eitfe a wooes'a ipetxijs l N f l h K ,« d alao a** heeSlcv : . ; aoaa tiae at boas tnlj4»tf tom -ju tiw r. ___,.,i® twenty oi„ M. /kk, alia oracled* Johur ftMQT school 3be want to jburu U> buy o«rL>I t p arts of har trouaeoou «&d t V ** Mu* a uhitc yaddin^ . .*Jw.tho conc' to har huaban.:*r. houaehol. aa a nature, and relatively eell-ottacutod and travelled wsoan with a num ber of ldeaa of her own about how thin. a *A»$ht to be assnload* Un one level t) ond ha often sought !wu fore nhe w o har huafeuad's peer vice on praotioal natters tnwh aa oov to phraae a letter, the ; rocise neaalag of a w litas naearvpr, calculation* of >{UAntltloe and coata of c ^ 4 a*d fertiliser, how to ro.A a ®a" aede V an. :sr. vovr. ,0, v.*d «*> In this u«y aha :aa hrou2f»t Into tha w s h z t ehlp affaire, but in a peripheral rfilo. Jcbnra aijtoaiv* : .d never oonault h«sr on the broader lr.:.wa of tbe baa*JWU . J.*/ * aa tl* Bottle-ent of disputes w»d the allocation * l"Q the tine of hl^ death ehc wua In oor.g)lote I*, u e. s#.wb of hia financial oit,uiti:-n. In the najorlty of household*.' In cikhakhrav; the sAla of aother takoa pjHjo«d«noe, in a certain eenuo, ever the rdlo of wife. It la aa a cioti*w* that a vwaun uchlevee full 55 ./oocofcptte as a v*ife. \tTOnrz1 v&etorU* *ahton (196?166) 'jurtac with aj^- ¥♦« In 1*1.2 ( “‘♦49)* ”l> w uxrrie* her la order that «Cx* nay <£*^ndvitly aewnrlit'h tV; ftaoctlanu of m toruity rattan* t h « t« find tHgyirKW* vlth bar or to give t w a n y .". m fon; <*» » js chlldv**-. wr.lv ^ w r Imabaul le CO— lit at acrrk, 'tut unbare 4f «it>*or?ty It w ry w a l l . JJ» »:«n e ell the nc.icr ceciiiose ootioercinc ti*e doneotic eoonnuvl otior internal arr;;jvs»aente, an v.y in ,«-tuxx*ntAc valatUmfelpft. »*31 a* rujul^tlr^; '* will not w ranlly tum ult -**,4 kte wife on wittere of any l^o x t; j*jo tdt&tvwr. With t W birth of h n' flrot ohllct, Lerfjwr, a vctti* e»t*bliiih«e a f)uu>i<i cf tor o>» ir. vttlo^ t‘*» tr.nhand I%t w ; l U i l M fiu*isoe, U»t a* tta* s. m velf«x% ul nl« Qfcildron. la- turn ha tar a gre*.t Inteveot la tha ,*coonl l«'ly the etatue of a wife la iioieaaely Lnarw.~«ti when utio haa cM li’rti , for alw has uma oauiblltthod a ':k*ujo* within vfiich aha le tha u i a Mildor or ttutijoalty. ha than baa a ri«ht to bo consul tod L j bar tftuUtnd oa all twttora relating to tha affairs of har hoaaa* 2 hav* mu4 e thle lljr^aalon In ardor to ahov th. t rahatto'n rol^ttoiuihl^ with bar r*a w h m 4 » Jha had no ohildTaa ..ad ti» refor* did not loallfjr far the reapoot and a»*tunau^ /“rantod to wothere. In addition, tier failure to ,*raduoe an neir for ha* fiuaband wee nude nor© narlouti b eca u ** th* auccaeaion to tl» Uaa&aanahlp waa inw lm . un too othor hand -Abatho** ability to ooapnMraad butr i(U8band*e problorrve s-rid u> d v e piraotlcal aarluo on thais waa a voluablo uaoot which tya.ro bar m lnfluonoo not nor- aally enjograd by w .;«m 55 •uoooyiftfRO* na a wif #, /auto#- (1<K*7 >66) ;uoteo with zp~ ..rmr.\1 idtkelm v*wi vrot* In { ■ "Or* uarriea her lii order ttot tftu a*y «tanlntly w w U t * 1 1#w ftewMane of wr.tewdty r.nthor ih r. t** find hwjr^lr,^^ vith H r or to give tefoav «ha ‘ herr any ,". < iiiM w , «nl**v hr.- tacbaud ie a^KAKtt at vuxfe, bur *rhcv« wrt* Affitjr tr- way I* aaJcoa till the aojcnr teelslaue o*>iM»»Yln£ tha flontotit t^joaaMy -W c t » r intaxnal arrurvoeaante, an weJI a« rajulatiik. vfxiru-v*>.»»aAo tsJUtios. Up*. 5b will rot noraolly oeuuiult illa vd'e ooi wxttore of any itn* ortaace nhat«vvr. With t *e birth oi hev firot child, hovevwr* a vkw n eaUbliehee a of her osn tr tdtleh tha hnabmna hae very lU lted ir£lu#uoat but at tua .wiio tlae b» i»e s sre*i interest in tha \*ifMra ui hie Uiiliirw.'. '.©aca'Uuv'ly the afc>tua of a wife ia iane&aaly iwitf*KU»ed Ntwu jho had ohilfttft , for «he has U * 4 eaUUxiitooail a ^locoe* tdthln vfiioh ahe le tha n^ln .toller of authority. he then W a rirht to be eonealtod by tax iautead OQ All aatfcer* relfttln*; to the affaire of hex tevee* X Uava w*t/le thie itl g m il w in ante* to ahov th t i■abathr>*a mlatieaahlp vith bar h&uHio* <**n m e trial. Jtm had oa otvU'lren «*A therefore Jid net qualify t<x* the re- apcot vjrtd a«tanoqy frrantod to mothers. In addition, her failur* to .roduce an huir for her hxiband mm Bade anro aerio^e beotawte U « succveulon to tho ije^baKmi'iip vaa irv vuiwu. v.tj u-.w? othor hand >labat£w*<| ability to oocvroh*w*3 fwr husband*a problem. and u» gjlee juwitleal aavioa *» thea iam a vuiuahlo usaot which *33v» bor an influence »ot nor* nally r„ijoyv b^ wuaaen. % X mvd.1 doocribo iu ©•'*» dot&il in later OhxpUtr how i&batho •»ta«)Xiafcu?<\ how orjani vttlouw 1a tha go -amity end uj;-d ti no a* fur i-i* wltM > -t.ic > : , exurol ;•» • r loflueac*. Il» y«*r Wif'X'* 5 bttgau **© »«e.rt3h Ln U«o oorwertlty ®hs hew) •oto&ll<afe»d a butoJv*y ajvl bwc* *©lll:v; Qttturprloo in oa of tha .‘She had cvanainsctod a «olX-Vixr':/v.-d v*3 ut*bl« gpwrdau, wwr twa uCAva La nxtont, in ’iiioh oho Yariot^r oX a**d frui s. *srwoo. ajtw ft !& > , .?» noId tint* «ur~ yXua to hwr nai^Kfemm tnA to **> »1* ttw tho n^i^bourins At All vLae* Maltatr<0 ixu. iwi y*uu# eon .md oirlo* wo-r-JLw* X^i iau* hjujo sad a^aX««.i£u her witi k$r <3 rdaa, *n . thi« ha* i'ttrtliar rusiuto.* tho dflMtttl# ftwrnnrtra or* tor tin®, if All ImO ..out*.; L\ • okhaUwv che Xb probably thu lorat u«jau uj th* uasiMil anduoan daily »»&Xxm# tfblch oocq>X«« ouwr *waoc with t a w auoh &s foto:Jj3l *it*r, firoosd, •ifid viid SuU.£ uud with ooo/.U:j end lo3kl2& u h ll -£■% U St WIN U;', t»MW, of oth.xr vans in &bat> *• oaitir- 41f freed fro® that ok’ioW^a; la t^neo » ,V r re c ru it tfw h:^d i»i-a oducdtlaa ocd wid-w: or^oariursrtaj aha lacked ahtl» dree.} uad aki* had relatively ^joro tiro to ho rsdf. la^ot-.rfiico V "3»o t*u»6'> fbotoro wi. 1 otsarj* ,ut tho linousalon of l'.*b&tho s* iwnadwtfi ^roowtrL*. nftor Jobexo'a ftamral iicbatho confined w m i f to her nauoo and did no work for a aont :• imr by ousw» . *Iua itk rw „uirad of vuxiawo fociaXo uffXnos cxino to asuiut *ea* ■ -.'onsj «n> hirol by Ivor w*.die ot’vora ore tiie children of :>oor ntlaUVM . 57 Amine thia occrlod. durirtr this tloa. Life In the coasunity wna also natad Thara w n no cwaurt bearin'* on.* ablic aaetias» of any kind# attended. driJ&e war« lev end jnwrly tmm Paoplo tondori to roanin tuietly \t hor-w mtfrwsr than to viait on<’ another os la ooewwn nt tM * tJao of year when is? llttlo a-rlcpitlt**r'l wna-»r. It ia *lsio®t i^v. tvw^lHlo to d^asrib* It* oon«Tr®Vi VmiB tho atwosrphcrr* which TmrvalVwl In Kokbaktooog at t?iia ttrsn#. foaf inlrTiwwiii; jad \#%it -.vst a tt?so ■ *x*>l‘j foil like irfor 2 oewrvor- •Btlon. A lth w ^i Joberw waa not anlw raaily likod he w » gmn- orally xaapoetad btk? wnfi fear*d. tho *Ui,y aua* i*i •want. without q-*a«tion ho wsi5 his da.ih w&a a •ac^o.T aaaaaalty s m s / w s j lew* Uiat aooo of th* ;»osible euccosaora to Uia yoaiiichi ooul«l > W th* r 3 lo h* had. Jobem know it tM , and juuvs vefoKv aa <Ji»d -it? jffvUtt.v that the hood* Mauahiy iMittiu diu c*XK, oi'Ui- hi*; . About a aonth mft<nr tho funeral tha jwtKw nan of the 'ftebethoana <*«3oert t** ♦ tho •owner ’ of Uv» >io«r<te owihlTj, osamblad la KoUhUmmi{ to apr<otnt & new headman. In tho abetvno* of « ao'i of iw he idn -r it la c.u-;tor cry to appoint Xm wiiiv >u *,totint boidjaa.'i' if it ia fali that oho o%n o*da^natel? dlaoHoi- « tbn Action o£ idus ^oitior*. 'abetbataui* iaoldod Vut .ho abulia* a iuaiificuUona wart? ®uf- fijiyj.t and chajr amwMiwad t'Mic daci;uwu at ..4 } lor;* Eltqft >4ilu.:i ii«id *i«u«faliln.i iu»or wiio **Ui to Ite tt^oxutid ucoopt OX OPIOM fcVO twuiw*,. ual to to di««wntin,; vr>icc waa hoard - that :,f the v illi,;* wadaan, who that Hehatho 5- was m oafcuidwr, & ’ . olu’ and « :oui<J thoreforo lx> sa4*at*d« ;;,!« otojocU « was isnorou but <wb 1 »h*li bU ui cl^u: in tho flrjrfL ci -vtar, it -..hi lit. linal aot in ttm i-u»Ua.l«Vlon of Kafcatho **« for tho *. .Ahathomfc*® to ttiso Imh. to tho ward cblei' at Jt. JoruolMi, to pcoaont tu* with an o*. *jid to r e c a s t JJU* to grjBtt* her ruam sm Vus rightful oucooaaar to >m x huoU*Ad. Ait* «uty v^in entiu u»d to otobol« *; abathojau. (eo® :anaal« OtJ l )» out to this < 3L j* fiftaon aobths lute-, it U&a not boat: OtkXCiOu out* 'A a ia.ifc ra con i WmU i- V«K.U ^ Id.* «OU« to U th^t o w W lc L*d a^yClii— > — at fu rtiw * Jobaxe Jvd aj>j>o,lrt*J ;:ot«belo as a nuN1— MDMt or; tho lVJO'n. to th* sooth of the vallay owr an 4 uriT*r -fur tbs iaath of C :\let iebaasa^ ir. l th« ?66 f’jtololo was j,^s oSailed a t 1 „ . > v tc t’-va chiof’a widow, . j «eaaa<iod her husband us ccllii,. chief. ttrtabelo fcoo--jiJ Uj .iinca tha old iaty w*a blind aLlaf. cauiu-'tir;„ £Le JffU ee of tho oSUa£fci.Ujai*» in h»r z~~ts* ( .•- could u : m x t of ccuraa* tU lo^Ai ciittl > :^u so *«o «wu» not tijenealocleally e lig ib le .) *..'ju Jobocs lafor&id bi» ttv-t ha -ouli litse to aco© »*id a t * , Li tla heatfJBdnj i^ oi. oV.booc to It arn tbc wajre of ot«lx.lc rvvliod th.,t lie it.,4 no ir.tauttoa of 4aaadJA£ hit* wou, •, o is » yo licw ^^, to bacatae a *nnxv<Mi* I! ■ iU lUt^vVva .Uptown;. if* j<MTO U»lope. Lotanes# Kml«?* IWVCM : inaicoo *KJbathoaaa f-li.tetk.azie rtotainc •lbot« ?awoj8w»ao.lc hdl oerune ’TY^'iwirw ..aacliwtoe Jastts^sinonc; liinmn itonrat tiXMBUO xtial .'Ala'kii-v.06 » -e gt, . -J) rAteaaunonr,' ^0<MPO «ako© in thy bouauaold #f hia oa.io* ■ohuQ 4t«T« tetabola’ a >l<*oi:>J©n m * ua&:.r<,t«s»dible on eooncnto >»i*oa SIkM hrmi ‘tetsiag !2iD&£he*30lo Pull ^©OClRaESfttuio > « & ** i^meadSmeea ?4JLb» Toxvla, ai»o© Joba ;*« >olieamvi *w not aosily eaqalsed* it van iM tloaU y .ardso jc«* <ma who v;Kt©£ Hia son to ouooeed •<»** tm i to ttta boa&s juftij> in %w «M»:iloar V -^bothoana* therefore decided aot to a? *olnft hi# om f w l*0i: of cxt»jrl*B-*: ;avl rili. l^iior la &t 1« ict a z <: ’im m &t, of hlo of lodttl ^©bloae. It oaalM : th t had h* x x ia tja n a the t.«©U...„aajey w^.out*.? by Jobero ■al‘fHVroi ~*m>irtati ■i-ioL'Wi* polatod Siea&eaii* .it., ho would r .ve b m *jp- J-Un*; ’or u-. ..ill® ha ooii- tlotto^ .ito hili ,/alltH* J9S&U 114 41 &*i 1* Tv> f l U v » 8 of V. a toftU -ml tfva.. X*»c\o\ urv'j 1;- 3! .-vl * a* vt o» v. *ua . 1 .4 iAtuX %!» m a llvlu: JLu hate# M t» - -tr* j t m saw JUMttdSjr ia vir^«lt'iokaa IxkIXv„; a*<d oooupiod M s two th» vSll.. •<» tm t tntcm# u>> awno4 hia u u u«a*Ni after uu» orl&to&l InJj^bitoat - for tt* wuni ■aaaa *to» pit^» of p»or r^oyio’ - iu t.iito of toe fact that to« relatively wnlvny • uili. 1 iiourl^ttMl in t>*i« • 'h**i of tN> ftoyar ▼1 1 1 ;, e« of of aaottmt 3t2®Jlc.*. ©kho.' '^r rr# t h m f m ’.Ixt fourth, » » U v r 4 , « • « ,M h lifthnd cJ^v In lf37 to catoor for nave a&art «*<• for tha c w r flw of married tons «tw> ©cold not, or **!J!. rot *4*-^ to, fiatf anitc ’ilo 'batWJLnj cites near t'>« fcareoteesda of thoir ftttw n. Jja the Lw t /e-r a fov ^oo^a !•*,■» atqpMiel oai been uiiooatod altos la toe prrriouoiy v?J^i.aaitec, oreo to * 'Oe reader ohrmld rwfer to , OA IUPIXJA tht aoitfch~aa*t of Itaia'cuXfffWR?1.. tait thla aom.4 to bo uuinly for social awurona, t'y* ayjiJlowata waluin^ prlva/ay a\»3;ru and finding ««m tha i»l 11v.iiy npmtsna layout of Hhatanstlg to # rafrtriotivo. Bn Kawtifc. riM o rijlm l HajwitJa la naid to h w thoaa Ik,u»ii k«lon<»d to oil* of v « ) » whiah fl«*l bofora tha adrorsoa of Choka# Una tafSmant iwyj ftipatja tepw^t with hin tha oklll of Jjean wftrfri/vt and uaod to jraduoa hoaa ani aywrs fraca tha •aaltln of a loc-.l aVvw, alt'ow’h 7 knov of *» such atx>* tft tha &ra. Ka ^ tj a aurric^ locill;,. arUblishad tvo hcxwaa, snd ftethnrad fi-ra sons aad n w n il daachtaare. Tha fov&udt af orv> of tha d^ u^tara aaxviad uaroriloctlly anS fou»4 sd a llaa v«;ioh In still m il eayaaaantm In 1oirh^'-hor.e. -jrerjlfiln- *t»rt frrr a n*v lino*3»* fcrt Itn haon m l l s s d * rtw tial has not «vsy fwr* thalr n a H nom v iU n «« fm* aataW iha* aooth of t m w l l e x . this v w a on t*s ?lrtovt to * & 1k t hn '‘apotJ~ •vr'a-ra tc b* in «« (vS'wvnrt at*ta a*’ daaaerriaitlrm. 3n tha Inst .rcnorttlon, at l s « t . tha *U a a of thl* l i ’ » hrra «at v i 'A Jlaarw a a i yf*aa fcr.v;io i’-tfc*. Of niaa u w «h el.4a ia tha Y i l l * £ ) only trfo ha** a I j ha. < 4 * , *md on«» af a iUjaca?Mi*u»t of t »t Man who tx^jo f*tu ia *uid to o U iio t tha is aot a *yatjs, but aic&rllsa*iljr* 3 » <«* t^a plateau) tusij: uoii aaj ^ Vr o.iilltf»ti <Liu in *ina cuuoi.totiU, of alow jt w w titv ftisoeoaa, or, &a raoo .tiy, awdaar.l^ and lna»» llloaol; to tiw nijftt. A io phcnowauon Is explained loooily i# ***** * /* * • (1U . « i\iiJ4• »«*< n ■Ik ■ ***. >|CUfc, ""U fa , «*i, SI a* ’had luck*, or udtchorui't, o> nm» usually both. 14 imv building have boon arectad In in Msyotja for wmx* years. It is & or wiAsms and amll children. Of «I1 ti» vill*$Mi it is the n a s i occrpact said ths o u t hoaodaneoutt fcinshlpwiss. « w pooplo any tnsy f o not like Hapetjaa to octet their houses lost they Urine tho spirit of their nialar turn with than. njlutiYoly flow Tlslfcurs. lih w ia t , ha 'apetju u t k K c U 1 onoe soloed, if inpotJas :u w this kind of reputation, do not younc m u avoid tho d u^htors of tho plaoo? X was told that ti* old r»oo<pi« a n t * apoaial nedicias to divert t » younc e«s»'s attsntion frrv. this feature. In fact, no oaooe of spinsters beJUv loft on the obeli trc recalled. In spite ol its ar.tl ;ulty» f-.«rrofaro? ha .'iupotja is not proaimtit in ooraualty affairs. tartly this any ho aeoribed to its reputation, w5J.oii io ooonocted, probably as both cause and rtouli, with itr isolation sad anOAp^ul^tlon, and ^ r t ly it Is duo ths laoffc of nat»u» non. Thu position of iUtunonorvc was, until 1 > V , aa«bl<;uou:. fee people tjsve tiadr ello^^unoo to :»atetc, pijysioally estabiiohed in tho area of ly Job:ue) ' *!c t liefore yet wore hillpi (and subsequent 'illipi was d.-ced in .akliok tone, }tovavw, t'w dosoeudunts of Motoall* (sea *neal<» a&T I I ) were living in ttstua&none. l*dty t 'O loeoendontu of these uncvstOJfB ooajiriue 1 C out of 23 fuoilies llvlu in Ksrturaonon, , and ro{jard thuwwlnw as aotabonr of a single Author Devitt Paul Name of thesis The Politics Of Headmanship In The Mokhokhong Valley. 1969 PUBLISHER: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg ©2013 LEGAL NOTICES: Copyright Notice: All materials on the U n i v e r s i t y o f t h e W i t w a t e r s r a n d , J o h a n n e s b u r g L i b r a r y website are protected by South African copyright law and may not be distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise published in any format, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. 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