ot - Shodhganga

tbe Urd.t«l lauo• bu a •»eoSal •S ladttcano• to'f
4evelOJ?lD& aatSOtlf llJce M.-1. Beatd• dY. . tb• •IU aatto•
, • teel.SDI ot lecurtty, bo11e'¥V limited, aDd h.oJ• to• a ll•tt•
tuture tlnwab the collective •ttona of all IIUJdftdt tbe VDSted
ttatton~, upaola11' thma&'b •• JNQndSJl&8 ·ot tu Qeheft1
.heebl.Jt alao at• th• • tMltaa ot ecaulltJ' wltb othept
much blcpr •ta1:ta., Po•
ot:A •,.U. aDd 10te Sn tbe A•aeb17
on • buS• ot eotnPl•t• equlltr. Apart traD thta,hpal bu tall
alona felt tbat her natloMl tMerute btoadlJ' coSRCS44t with
the aS. U4 Sdeala of tbe UDlted Batloaa
aM ehe baa
aouabt to Gt!lSM Ut!a tm»>I'taat traematloael tona to tNDOt•
ber aattolal SDt•Nitlt ft4h •
a.aurlt)'• •tatu Uti .,,..to
!ben 11 • dc:MdJt that lfeplllull tal&ell be ~~tmlrtnhtp
of the OGited •tJoDI, wb!oh 8lM • • able to aecare oo11 after
pro1ooae4 •dtlDSt qtdto aertoul~ and tl'ied to plar til acuve
a JOle ln Stu cot44 be rottlttl• tor a amallt 8WloPlft&t 1,ut4e.
locked OOGDtl7,
ttfCII , _...
ot bolatloft " - tbe
matn «&rNDta ot •r14 poUtsa. Sbe bu ct:)fte 110 Mt •••el~
out of a dt1Sre to contlillaie u aah • poaaDle to the
ob~eot:twa a1ut atnoeNlF oh•ftth•1 nob. u rattoallltbentSoJ\
world. pea" and rap&d dttw1oi1DC* ot the baclLweM nctona ot tbe
wollct, but al_, to actwna• hu owe interest•. POr lhe ._,.hes
U..t an eoiSw role ID tb• Uat.te4 lltlona woUld helP
her dllt!ftot atS.oad l4eotStr aM ele•ttQC h•
atatua sa the .,... or tbe world. ThSa WOUld sa tua
contztbate to both hott eooa:.dc 4emo)11aM aad .her aHt~rttr•
.Por· ODe• the major wor14 powen . . . . . uoMctoGI ot be•
tAtuoaUonal penooautr, tb• ._.. boWkt to ··~­
keen SnteM~~t tn her eoot~:alc &twl~paeslt u •.U • b• teauttJ'.
one of tbe maJor tteldl ot lfapal'• acts Yi'J In the Ulllt.S
laUou hu beGG tbe atmcll• ot tile people wader o;.loASal JGl•
to raaatn tbtdl"
She hal taileD IQ) a film atu4 •..S•t
ootonlalt. SA tbe UatW Netto• aad hal belA usociated wtth
almOtt all movea tor 4ecolonlMtSO~i.
lieJIIl • • ODe ot tal•
a-Pow.a •Mdl mov.a. tb• hlltodo reaolatton 'o the fttt..Ath
••alon ot the ua Gtneftl AaaesblJ ta »80 on the "DeelaNUOD
on tM GnnttDS ot lDdepeD4cmo• to Colontttl COlllltd• u4
PeoPl••• !be toU•tna par alona •ltb. :tt other Atro.Aala
mebeN ab• apoJJJO~ uotbeP. NtOlatJon on tbe J.mP.l•tDtatiOD
ot the DeoleratSoa r~•aat•t Co1on1a11e calltftl tor •tablSiblent
ot • s,_t•l eotmlttee ot r1 ...,.... to make IUis•ttoM tdld
NCOaA-*tlolll on the »•~N~• made Jo tht.a d!JteOttoa.
Bal*l ntae4 he.- •See Sn tba Uldted llatioiW ta aupJQrt ot
the atmasl• or th• Alpdao peoJl• ap:!Mt Pl'eaoh oolontd rule.
B•• rep...entative .U•d the PhDUb poU<=J ot s-.pat!oa of
.Alp$ with the utroJ01Stan ,.._. u • -.nUat•fldJ.J
101&01•• leJil blcee ON ot th•
18-lwe.- 4faft ""lutloA etch Jl'OJO••• 01
ot th
ecbl•vlOJ a -,elllaMAt aD4 .PHO.ral aetU.•d Of til• qhltSOA
sM alGA& Witrb 16 oa.• PO'HN IJODIOhd allObl'
r.-olatloa So tile Pint C.dttee of the a.neftl .-. . .1; a
1 Decah• llltfl caUtas tor NGOardtiOD ot· tbe lifJlt ot th•
ot &lpr&•••
A1pnao peoJl• to MtSo Qa1 aelt.ctetemma.tsoa. •• reaolatSo~
boHWI\ m014 aat lte adapt• b7 t:be oeneftl Ata«nblJ'. 1l.,al
110FIIe4 8GtiW11 tor tbe SDolUiOA Of fh A1piUD qlle~Uoft lA
the a,.ftda ot tbe Geneftl Ataebl1 .aJl4 MIOOI.a'ttd h9m.U •Stb
eftl7 move tor Al•rt•n tndependenue. Sbe waa _,Ill tlle 8& u-.
Mlaft IDtPbeN who lA lHO celled upon. tbe Qeatftl A•aebl)' to
NGOsnlM tb• d&tll ot •elt•4etaDl-tlOA
tbt A1pftaD
peo,ple alit SmpleeDt lt thfOUfll • NtenndwA ullde tJI aupeh11ton.
etto.U for p1aotna soadrll
tl'UteeahlJ Q'8t-. ID Octobel' 3&t
Hepal liJcewl•• eapllOfted the DB
~r tb•
aloD& wt.tll other Atro.AISU membera lbe lfttNdlac8Cl a ..-olattoa
eQl'e1Jatns concern ove• oondltf.oM in the telftto'IJ' ot SOGth
Aftlaa. !be ,_,1atton ·SftvJtttt t:be soatb Afltiaaa Govenwa•
to ent•r toto •cotlatSon wlt:b tbe Ulllte4 tfatS.O• tor J;&acSac the
••mtorr tm4er the
Iatte,.ttoQil twat•abl» SJJt'-• Sht . .
aJ.ao ou ot the apoftiOl'll ot tbe 31-POWV r.-oSAUoA ot lt l'li~Gembtr
»•lt oalUAa qpon the J:l Meht S»e&dAl ~ttee tor aou1:b
•nsoa to vta&t aoat:b w•t Aftloa and ·~~tcrztbe evact1latloft
ot all mlUt&17 tore• ot soutb Ahtoe tree th• tanttoJ7' u
••11 aa the Nl-• of au JOUtloal prsaoaen. !be naolutsoa
diO oalled tor bol41A& ot PMIIIl •1eotton on ttl• bull ot
..,.,_, etooc .Stb 44 other svw. .,
Ul'dWftel •attea,. under 01
• • :toll.o1daa ,_•
mowt a nao1utlon condtmnJaa thtt senath Afrl.otm oove.-.Dt a.r
lta OODtSIUed ntala1 to COOJ)elah tA the tmplcoat.tSOA ot the
••••b17• • raoJ.utlolll•
38 Power naolutton ot
hpd. waa oDe
a ltowab•r
Plllt. to telf•detel'I.DlMtSon aDd
or tbe aJQDIOn ot the
2MB on SOGtb wet Atrtoa•e
wtdah arp4 aU
•tat• to Nfttdn ftorA aupplJID&. oSl 04 ••• to south AMoa.
ID MaJ l&e'l llel*l wu aDODI tbe fiOV8N ot a 79-PoWe• NIOllltiOD
on south w•t .AhSca Wlllob •tablllhed aa u.Mclber tJI CoUDcU.
tor aoutJb Welt Atftoa •ith pow•n to •ttdhlflter tiM t•Dltol'l
•Sth madlmD pal'tSo!petSon of the P*i»l• to 8Qa'tJ1e the to,
acbSew tndepebdeDce " ' June • • •
SeN aot•d u olll ot the IS" mel». . or tbe A4 Bat
Ccmttt• a~posn&ed bf the Gebeft1 Aaaebl7 Oft the qQUtSOD ot
ca.a so »A1. \'he NJOn wbA• JloldSDa &bat tbe relation ot
the Untte« Qqdam wStb tM SQltaate ·•• a W17 epeolll oattbt JJU1talate HSDI Mitber a CDlOAJ JIDI' a prouotoNle ID a
tbllllll • .,.• .-
NOCXIIOeDde4 tbat u a pn.NQldlite ot
aollltSon tbe Drltl8h PNS•aoe tn
UlJ'' toa
mut aca• to a .ntt..
IC a180 arpd tbe Uld.te4 HatSo• to Uda' So facdlltadll
nepttatSo• ttuoUfll tbe eatabltaet ot • 0004 Oftl_.
COnDitt•• lD Decebel'
tb• ffepalue ctel•pte •t•llllr
preaod to• the bt»l•eatatton ot tbe r~lo• .... 1t7
the 64 Ill cGmm!tMe 8114 appealed to tbe Gellel'll1 ~ueb.lF to
eatablllh • Good otftoea c:oramtttee.
Sepal wu llSill.J' CJPitScal ot Porta..S.•• tan.ue to
~lJ' •Stb tbe Genlft1
naolatton oa tnn~mtaetora til
into~~Datloll NPl'diDI ttl• racm.aelt•&OWNDc tenttorttl
aOBJD1•ten4 br h••• D'le
dfileaate attn'*'tted the
"'tubbon• •ttltude ot PoftU&al to tb• latter• m-.Nbap .,
NA!O and ta•cd otb•IA!O me'-n to ptNUC!e l'OftU&al to
ccaJ;lJ" With tile 0..1'81 Mltm'lF hiOJI&tlODI11
.,_. . ·
betoM the Geneftl1 .uaenblJ oA • lfovwaJael' . , , QAa Mllleadra
4•01t'ed Portu111•• nale In A.frlca aa a ttolalalc .__.. ot
ooJontalS.•. B• d«<o.Sbed ttl• fll..tso• ot l'Ortu...,•
ooJ»IdaU-, uoutttero Rbo4teSa, AJ*dbol4 U4 south
•• '**''*' .-
••t U.S•
couDtrl• tot' tttd•
a!Utarr at4 to lcnuaal. hPil •1110 pleade4lx. the tJQite4
Matlom tor tM tftdap.nd•nn of PS3J lll..S, ;&ranl•DOt
abO orltl<dae4 th• lifO
. SllfUllaftdt Bedlua.,..Dt\ BrtUth QQ.Sua aDd a.tU. She • •
ooe ot the mown ·of tbe
a-180la.Uoo ._,._. bJ" tlle
OeOHal AaacoltlJ" Sa .._ CODttenlDJ the att_,. t» ptJ'.Petuah
Nle in soatherA 'Rhocteeta ln wolattoa ot t'be
prtnotplu proola.IIM4 ' ' th•
us Cban•r and tb• DeolaatiOft
•cas•t COloAteJ.s..
BeJ&l hat atbptM u
...-nv atrob£ •talk! apta~t
raetal... Ba- hpNIIfttatlve SD . . Uldte4 RatiODI hll
re,_,_.,. coAdeJlld aoSalbm .. ftJQift&ftt to the Cl\al'tef ot
the Uld,•4 lattom • • ntolarllttoa oa llano
Rilla aa4 callei
·st • JOt•ntt.t tbrnt to tOrld paoe aa4 •tte•ntr. •• llM
tt•J.aied th• Jl• ot 4Ca•tlo ~UI'S•4HUGA a4. .e4 'b)' SOUb
.Atlloa to pn_. • diecuaesoo or the polto Qt apartbd4 sa
the Vadte4 Hatlona. sb• •• oa. ot til• IJODIOI'I
ot tb•
HIOiatloD a<topttld br the Qeaere1 Aaaablr Oil 1'1 lowmMr
oo t:U nocma.a.ttoa or the speolal Poittlcd. Q»altt•
upNMU, ooacam ow• soath ..,....••• r»n.NtpoDie to the ttl
•»»Mle to enct ftcfal 4llcrlm!MtloA. she aap,porte4 the J.o-
Pote• ftl01atton on tbe t,...tm.- ot JMOPl• ol Jadlaa oriaSD
tn fJOllttl .AtrlOif tboall a. ,.lt tbat the reaolaUon •• a»t
woMe4 atmnalF enoaata. lA Jaa. . lJGO lh• waa lmOIJI the
SJ atatu wbtcb addnaae4 •
1-''•" to the PnsSdeDt ot tM
the raotal l101Sclea pu'lna.e4 br south AIWSoa u DOt on17
and•• the Cbaner be al*» •
1Sebl• to 1H4 to aei'Soua Sntemattoral ._.JI'CWI•Io,.• hpal
lllQC8JiltS14• w&tb llo• obllpUODI
•1• toaanect attentiOn on th• tao..-IDaldUtaJ7 •JPeDdltuN
b7 SOUth Aft'loa anct til• ••t•taace al,_ bJ tile \lfllt•a Polen
tn bdl<ltDC taP hu anttal'S" .,....,..
Ia .iuDt
hpa1 pleact.d ta tbe speoS.S eoa.itt• on
.Aparthd4 tor • total tract• and tSQiftolal boJCOtt
•liS•' soatb
.Afltca br .U. lwr tb4SD& partnen alld 4toland that nothSfll bGt
•aotleldo euctlorw C01114 ooml"tl tbat eowatn to
ell.,... b•
In llaJt 29M ill tbe Special Coubltt.. Qe
caue« to~ a
P1b1Sclt7 cepatan to aroaae l'UblSo oplntoa
thtoUpat the wort4 aplnat
sbe. took •xoep\!on to
the w•t•m Pollen• retwtal to puttolpate ID tbe work ot the
speotal eorattu.. Sbe apsa aot•4 u • •»PP~'""'-" ot th•
a.p.S•l eoc.ttt•• on -APtafl:heS4 whlcib. aqlbttte4 eaother ftJOft
to tbt a.uetarJtta.Mnl sn JaM aao. e. ~ 4a,p10h4 tbe
tallue ot th Min tra&na partnen ot so•"' •trloa, lttd.WIIDI
thrM P•~ m-*•• ot tbeseourttp CoaDOil . . tlle tJnltM
A.Jnad:a• United stat• aD4 .rraaoe-. to eM.dlt bJt th• dtoSalolll
ot th•
.H•tSo•, aDd •qq•W
ateJW toWUC!I tUaeopaeumt
th•• PGW•• to ·tOe v..-
,.._south .&Mea.
'ftle 001m1·ttt..
oaUu tor ett"'tw poUttcat, IIOJ'al aM matedal ualltann
to the tt&btea •&U•t tbe JJOUoS• ot .,aftbeld and dao
aPpd tlle Stl0htal7~t~Dtftl to oonve• an lfttttnltSoall
oontennoe on •wl1t!eS4 in soath .&trta.
:ra ·leer lleJ*l
tsnt u tb• vto•cbal,_~ ot tbe
SJttoSal CCIInlt,.. on .Apartbd4 aDd 1at• ea •atnc Cbalmt.a.
-De B•P81•• npftlentatlvo ncntht! that 101e J'IO'fel'fQl
aountrSa were belplDa tb• poUc7 ot apal'thd4 to tte mal*laed
by tbel• ltaftklna d4 Snveataent aotlvltt•. R• fttttfttd to. tJw
conts..a edatenoe ot the tml.ewtQl Mdae sa sotttbera Rho4t~Sa
aG<t ot l'01'tQguele colonial!• u anoth•l' taCJtof" tavoartQa tbe
poUcJ• or Apartheid.. .At Actina CbaS•aa ot th• SJMhl
eo.tttee, ltepal aote4 with aettataotiOD the sovt.t Uldantl
tavoiUUl• resJ;OPI• to tho Geoanl
dltoblon to wa•ae
the CQaaSltee ·Uti •••••• npet over the ·adle1Pfa1 atttta&l
ot lallle s-•antm.t ~~tmbdl ot •• StCIQ.SiJ COUCil sn eolvJ.ftc
tb• Jft»bla ot Apartheid. fiGtl broull' oat tbe eCDJa'Jk
motSwatton lJ.tliad the Apertb•l4 »oUOJ' -Utt fttefftd to It ..
.. Plot to ..... cantSraue4
b7 the ••t•m wolld ow•
tn •• soat!Mm pan ot tbf
Atlican oontl.QeQt• !ht , . .• • 4e1eaat• ncaut.t • •JMSil
the f'Jab &Old aDd dliiDOD! mtat~ •
tnteftattoM1 PlOtt,..• on AJanitel4
mrtna the Jlltematlo-'
Year ft»JJ !GDaft Rtl\ta Ill Df8 tthlch wu itaa011'0fttec1 :ID tile
ntcsehr »••
lueJ. tllOnl with 40 otbar ooaati!'Su u.ked to• u .,._
••otSq or c:be seourJtr COUiloU to 011atlct• ttl• altaattoa
ruUltSoa trom the oontt,_,.. ot lllept trial ot 31 soatll
GellUfal Aaaenbl1 Ruolt&tloll on .ApartheSct ot
Atrlcant alld th•
aft4 deft-.
•ent•ao• baD4114 down to the Sa ,Sola,Joa
of •• O.Deftll
•••••11 .a aeoul'lti COUDuU
NSOltatSo•• Sbe • • OM ot the •JOaiON ot Ole 48 P<Me•
rlllOltttloa on Apartheid 1\CbJt«\ bJ' tbe Oeftlll'lll M•eblr oa
88 IOvelter . . . !be 1'1101Dtl0o detlodh4 A»anbelcl DOt OQ\J
u • &N• thNat to sntenattonat peaoe att4 INtd\J' 11at a1ao
• aetSoa obltaale t:o the •nfV!ae ot tile rtllt ot •ett•
JeOJle of 8011th .ifdU. aD4
ooftdaoe4 .SOQCb Atrtoa ro• ta SU•aal ooODPlt!Oa ot llml1da
detelblbatSOD bp tbe OPJftSI.-4
tbo fttd8t mtaorltJ .ta aot&ba llbod•S..
lhown «ee eoncen at tlle \flolatfolll ot ••
aDd • • • • • to
t•mtoJial lnteczttr ot ..U rattonl _. tM btl P"•n. ""._ •t..,.DalJ' coftdaDilad the lnvuton ot 'IBJ»t&aa teft'ltol7 bJ'
Ill'hlt UDited ElDCtbl aDd Pl'aDie Sn liM aM deol1•4 th•
attepta by big powen to oontmat the Dntt•d Natle)DI wtth
(liS 118St1P\& tn ortte•
aatn tbeltt ob~ttot:tva bl' tJle aotiw
• • o~ tbreat, or f'o:ro•• fJhe •aa one ot tbe apo.QfiOn ot the
QIOltatton or 7 ltovelHtl' »at. •hlobt ftlltllauSDa ••
hiOluttona ot r. 4 aD1 e lbvehl\ oao• •~t~Sn aaU.e4 QJOD
J•nett BrStatn aDd Prance to wttlldniW thur toi'OU ·n. WIJI)ttaa
t•ftlt'Dl7t Aca:lA tAJUDe Jil'lt h.Pal &1lW •up.l1Jft to the
pmJIOhl to oonwne u . .rcencw •l*Cdal aeuJon ot t:b• GeMftl
All aablr to ooaet<~e• lh• a&tuattoa aF1•1Aa oat ot th• Anb11Nel ooAtUot. Br tllh tJM a.tl181 at •tald.IM.S 41plaMtlo
NlatSoDI With Jai'Ml. 1'4lU• atB:~ftClr OPP"illl toi'Otble
tenttoJT lJ7 t•ael, a.Je~ tJqGIIUJ'
atmJlQlv 4ep1oh4 ttattcatta dl,.ot•« towal'dl t:b• m.snotton ot
• atate•. 4tbCM&Il ..._,. atalkt oa the Aab.tanel ContlSot
OOCDJ)atlon of Bcn>tt&b
tb!OOPlli ftmaimd ortttcal ot •sre••• ••hPiw aotlo~tt bJ'
b•r ~ iQWOrt tw Jarael•t rtl&t to •mt u • Mtion ald
to't the latter•• ..Stille l'lfll'•t abe ..., bJt Srqllaatton.
alao onttcal ot til• .an1t IMlUaoaStr _ _ . Jerae&. lA
•&Utton. IQal bl.-4 the Bl1 S.W.n ,_ ea»llltlAI tbe
ot \bt Contllot
br dlfto\ ,..,ttetSoDI llet.w•n the oonae..,.d .pant• tb. .elwl.
JINeli ditt•reacea and tawved. tbe f'eiOlatton
Hes-1 ... bSPlJ' orltical ot tlle sovset snten.ntsoo In
the aftaln of HU&ai'J'• He~ oonoem allout the· ftlte ot Bcmcu7
out of a aull OOUI'ltl7'• aobeem aboa.t heJt own 1hedl:ll.
••o thta matte• OGe up 1Mton the ••~
of 0.
OeMral AlaebU' ill 1886 tbe BePil•• delepte 4elcflbe4
Rucarr aa a •)mbo1 ot the
ot a etall GOdh7 ••S•t
• bJa aDd pae~edll Mltflbou•.
ttaad on thta qaeaUon
•• aca•bat ditfeNDt ft'om the •tall4 tallln b7 moat ot the IDD!It
allp4 •tatet. \itdl.. like the otb•r aon..Upcl aut.., abe
eUo ebatalftl4 an moat ot the reao1uttoat aJDnsond br ••
¥Jtltern P<MeNt an\lke tbe, the ll)t on'U' eoftdeae4 soviet
aotlon tn Han•" so rather ltmnc •••• lBlt 111o wt:ed &a
ot two l'tl01utlo• Whtcb colldeft114 aovtd SDhntntfOil
tn llanaal7 aDtt dalan4e4 Janedlate wttttdrawa1 ot SOYlft t~
tftB bel' tewttD17. Jt . , a11o 1te ~ that wba ll.,al
abttaSned ft'om votSDc (fd.OAJ ttitb lt otbel'
on U. tint
us l"eeilGUon on
eaplalne4 l i u due to •dl.tf1cultJ' ot
h•• deleptlOil
aesoa mnsarsly ••••
the peao...llqpSaa ft4e ot
a.Jd, ••••• . -
*• UJdttd Batso•.
fm»>nana• to
aile hla
C:OIWittentlr IQPJOftM all OR peao..keepSDC ectSolW 8114
a4wcat•4 the atnnctbentlll ot the l*Qe lceeplaa mle ot tbe
UDitecl NatSOia• ID lilt ahe ta..,.4 the CftatSon of the
Onlte4 Hatlo&W ftnPgeltQJ' PoNe (UIBJPJ• ln the .elfth SeM!oll
ot th• General M•anb17 ln Octobe• lM'1 1M apeotelly atNWaed
the hHd on the put ot the U.nlte4 Hatloa to equip Stadt
bette• to meet aSttaatSont Wbidl .Ued tor ,.._.lret»iftl acUOil
at tbe ltwtaooe
tbe GeDthl AJaeblr. DA• ••c..uac t:bat
memhr a tat• 8hout4 apttton • ...U aeotloA ot tbdr aael
toraea to• ue bJ tbe tJDtW tfat!on~, •11• taWitl'ed tb• •• ot
VI torott tor peaceful aDS aoa.OCWD'batut ~- aadl at
••ou1'1AC a oeue.tsn &lnadJ •peed QJOn b7 tbe t>tlUprenu.
Jn l85, • • C30nti'I!Mte4 ftw mtUtal7 oftScoN '»
won Ulldel'
·uuste4 lflltJOM Obael'ftr omup tn L•bai'Dll.(UfJO&J.
ltepa1 at• endon•4 the UJ operation ta the
• • the blgtlt ,._..kMPlac operation orprtSae4 by the Ontt.C
S.tson~. Jn tbe tounb
of the .OUleJ'al
AeaanblJt canl4 sn sept...,. aGO, lle»dt •1oftl wttb 10 otbe
A~UD GOWltri... •JOOION a l'UO~al\Soa Oil' t.be aStaattoa
ln OOA&Ot nqtt•tSAI tile aecw..,.aentftl to ooattD&le to take
vllPfOUI aotlon sn acoordance •Sth pnvSoaa 01 Nlllolutto• ar.d
to ••S.t the ctntnt G>vern.a-.t ot •• CODaD Ill ,...,.,,_.
aft4 ma~ ot 1a •M ode•• Altl'»Qil lieJ8l ,.......
t•an1aatSoD ot the W.dttd ffat10DI Opel'atlOft Ia t:IMt
con.,, -.ob
~ 81 ~""'
tb•Nt De
»fat. In .t.• of the :JJDpJovaent tn l!taats.a
b . Wf.lUJIIDII• to OOJIUIIIe to ahaN tM
tSnaadQ ......_ If 1tle ma#Oft.tJ' QcddtKl to edMkl tb• VI
O»efttton. file I.,.Sete
•tatt4 that bll «MMIlti'J'
woa14 "'lbl4e .,. the deoS•torJt ot the Drd.te4 llltSona, 1br It
100W UJOA the letter •• the lrwtftlllent WhSctt W0\'44
the JMU'elta ot au raattona1 larp aDS . .11
hPil apln QQQtrtbuttd ftve mUlta.,- ottsoen to
on the J:Qdo.Pak UUStuJ" OblePVe Oaup ftlUowSa, tbe
••• til
took J&aea mte~Wt to the deltbtn'SOII
o"l' tlle q,uuttcm ot peaoe-kee»SDI opn:atloae htl4
sa tbe
speatal POlltloal c:caraatee sn revaahr ••• abo upct the
COnlrtfttea to
a nltable .,.ten ot ttftaDOSDa tbe P•a..
lee»lftl QJeNttora ot the United ffattoM ara4 felt tbat ttaancld
4ltft~Uea OOQld
abe aUo
mt be aol1184 tbao&h \021mtel7 aontfl.lMltSonl•
noarrmen«e4 aettt.na QP ot
•••w UDI'14 Ratto• at.roe.
at both nattoaal aDd lllte1'8at1oae1 lewl Sn o1'4e to
to ao\ nt~y and
••14• Ole
ettea•twlr. UbAe tawuJDa
collMtSw tsoaactal nspo•tb!llt)' 1'W auob·oJU&tiOIIIt lttptl
p1eado4 tor tbe atbpttoa ot a •Jftdal
••1• ot uteaaelll .,_eel
on the eblllt' of manba. atatea to 1*7• In the "'.,...tbtrd
an4GI8CJOn4 til•
peaCihkeeplftC oJeratSoas end
au. Vatted
SJJ:tportanae of VI
••"*' tbat ftJtatdllt7 on the
to condlaot tta peace.keeptna
op.nttoa., tor anr .._.,,. wtU taM awq t:be ettaatt..,._, ot
part ot
t•Plra the aane acne ·Ot
ooati4eaoe ftt<1m tile emauer nattotw it bu betn tDJPIN4 ap
the worlc! 1D«v 8ld lt •Ul
Motlwte4. Q' he• lateftat ln tatenatlonal ,peaoe 8114
aeOUJitJ aDd e<Dn:alo d.e.etOJJD• tbftHl• ft4lotton ot
es»endlbtre on •••••• Bepal 1111 actS'MlF partScl»ai14 Sa
the aaaualonl on dbefmllltnt ta tbe General AUtmb17 aaa mad•
••"Nl aaaau,tona fran till• to ume.
taJaNaJJ lll7t at a
ft.at COmml't•MeeUD~f abe •-ted ·tb.at the
coamtaason abcndA atw illrledSate ooawtc.teratson to tbe probl. .
ot aao1ear an4 oonwntlo1111 ..U.a1JIIIId ana aalled • • 4eltlllflaa
ot aaa._eat fttan the aollltSoa ot other ptUtto4 .Pft'blea.
the laeh •••ton (l969 Ooto!Mt•l while traDlQ.r aoUowlecJtSfll
the 1Smtted tole tllat abel could
probls ot aaam•ent,
tD the tolUtlon of the
•h• hope4 that the cr•• powen WOQld
oce• to ••• eon of pe.-aent: ·•arc••• on w.SO\ll aapecna fll
the pftl'blen !n tbe tote,...t ot »ean •• humabltr. She ta\VIIH4
a an4ad au naltattc approach to the oomplu pl'Oble ot
OQpport!ftl ttm,POra17 aWJpeDISOA
on • tltel buie ahe fa~ Ul&racd ot tbe • .....,..1» ot
tM l')Saaaa•ellt COoaiaa.toa aD! ita 8Ub-OCIDStte•• lft title
tblneenth eeaalon ot the u•eblJ (l988J ltepal eaasn ma441 a
p..aso•t• plea tor 4l••••.m:. J.n tiOVtabu »88 me IUJ>Jl0rte4
tbe pJrOp.wal tor a Na .-er rae.-soa Sn order to aaoeleate ••
proar•• sra tbia
lD her Qlroeob to
cUaa=••• lepal
a ball oo tb• • • ot
slle •• oae
of tbe ap.tnaoN ot tbe D-P••• rteOiatSon ot II tlovehr ldl
on tba qaeatlOP. of convenlna a ooafltnDCe tor the PGrs-• ot
adopU.na • oonventsoa on tbe pJObtbtttoa ot •• uw ot •at•r
aDd th~nuolea-r woapo•• .Slh; tawu.cl • wor14 M.wa-..nt
ooDteNQCft or &11 •tlom wlth tb• Pllftloi)Wttcm ot the People'•
Repabllo ot Cld.• In ''•
&aft • p10mS'*"
!D. lM4, tale tb• HePBl•• POPd&D
usnsat-, Xln!Pidbt Blata,; 4eo1.UI4
••••blr tbat
tb• 4eV4llo»SBI
sn hla 1peeoh
OOWlttt• liM
tn tile
1011 liM
a ._eted late,..t• S# dSaa._eDt• PeW· he boJe4 that tb•
Chat pera GOUld COAti'Sbllte tbe&DOMJ la¥114 M e rtlal' ot'
tor tbe 4e'tf40Plellt ot t.lllHn.wloped •un'd••
Jn the tweatSetb a•aloo (October JIM) In ttl• Plnt
CCIJidtt• lepa1 oelle4 tor the .,..,., attenUoa to m...unl
•al•• •tflPJ••
ot mo.piOl&tentton ot
she aupportt4 •• ~os•
ll.OI'&n4ta on rDD-pzoJ.Uentton IU1Itttte4 _. elaflt noa."tiM4 ,,
•-"" ot •• ntf,tltMO ._uon ntsasmeeDt ca.stt.. aid paru,.
culal"lf tba propoeal tbat • treatJ on ra:u-.proUtefttloa .tao\ll4
'b• toU•4l4 bJ teftdble atepa to 1\alt
~ ~~aca••
nee. In
hla apeedl tn tb• rtra• caantttn on 18 OotoMr »Gdt the
Hepl1en ctld.epte
ruclear p•n abo\114
*• ltdlan euapatt.on that tbe mr»
HnOGIIOt • •
nuoleer OQQWtJ tor • ..-so
the IDol•r
~·n WOUld
tm:entton ot aoqutrtar
of tSIDe dor!Da tt.bldl
))lOW t:helr GIDMrltJ' by takl- •t8JI
to deat101 theJP exSatiDC ruoleat
a4wcate ot the ftPNII•atJoa
ot the P•»l•'• ltep.t~llo ot Cbtaa tn the Uld.t.S ltatto•• ,_.
the Wl7 t.qtmlllC ot hftl' aaoctatSoo •ltb ~ Ualted lflltSolWt
1be hd 'been aoaetetentl.J »l•dSAI m tbe replaoeent or tbe
tfepal bu beta a etroA&
lU<aiDtaA& Cht~a Sn tbe Uldt..t llatSoDI bJ tb• ho»le1 1 RtPubl.So
•ll• •"P»>ite4 the mow toJII' the
lear •"- nazt
Snc1Wtlon ot the qu~Uoo ot
Republic ot ebt•
sa the
apnda of the a.aen1
th• Peo»l..•
Hepat•a ataad on t'tl• t.•aue hU Mtn SatlatmO.S. br her <lNift to
uoasoUdate world peace 'br aldoa •• Uldtl4 lflttona • tlalr
Qlllwnal or~atlon lAd ·~ • aQOCetatf4 aolUtton ot
tbe proble ot dlaam.- thtoGfl tb• ~Jehtlon ot the
Peld.aa res=e It may be d-'ett a1H u 'btdaa paJ'tlJ' motl~ttd
b~ an WlGJIP._.d OODOelll tor ~ OWJl •eeurS'Y u wen • be~
fONSCft JQUOJ obSeottw ot 1bJiatal e aub.aJita tit hliOIW&
ell4 Qat--.
rtepal•a oontrtbuuon to aacuaton tn tbe UDIW ttatso•
on eoomm&o aoa aootal laauea - . htD b7 m ••• IMIIt'dttoaDt.
She hal 88800hted h•nelt with maQJ lmJUltftt !nittattv• to
cullers• the aaope ot the Ull con.tdtRitSOn to aoolo-eoorD~lo
propest. a. atud ... jpftmod , , • cteat.•• to prcaote
Sntemattonal oo-opeatJ.on toJt tiM eoonam!c developael'lt ot .....
ct.ftl.Ol*l aot.tlltrl• aDd al!lllMt• the aettowt thnat to PJ~Qe an4
•eou..Str 11hloh
4ewlope4 -
the ewi'-WideniDS MOJado
caP betwe.n
4eWlOP1rta RatioM , ....
\thUe o1o1e1r oo-o»enttoa•Stb otbe• dewlOJla& cats.•
ot Aft'Soa, -AaSa aid LaUn ••da on 4t1Qb mat'-1'1 u tbta ..,.,SOD
ot a 01 Capital Developumt PW14 m •4•DdD,sloD&-tea 10.
tatenat s.oana to the develOJIAs OOIUltrt-. tn.tor ' ' the
toOnomtolll' adWDeed e»\U\t:J'lea ot oa. ,.. a•• ot tbetl' nattoMl
lnocae aM
meat Pro&faJl..
of tbe UN 'f•chntcal AUSI,aace H4 DewlQP.
1fapa1 h•
aa:.pte4 an QPft*Ol\ dtflerent tireD that
ot mar;r othon bJ St»baatalna "•• MM ·tor epeolat attenttOil w
the lal'lllwloeked oouatnea. •• ta10t&h4 hlfODal co.openttoa
aa an etteotlte atraear of UwlOPI-* aat aQJOne4 the
vartoaa aovea to• atreaatbenlAa tale UN reaSOnal eaonamia
oommt,aeloaa tbftMl" deoentralt.aatson.
. BdDS OM of the l ...t 4eVItlOJH . .DI tbe 4eftlopSq
ClCKIMJISea, AQ&l baa 4Sa»J.Qe4 an ....men to obtain the
t.moea ot ua
h• wrtou
eD4 addae on aome ..,.._ ot publlo attntDS.atfttloa
apecta1tatts to
tln.-oull !a.tttattona like OPSX al*t UNII'. Sbe ad.l0cate4 tbe
Ol'aattoa of e l8•national ••snsatnUw raaobt.DafV to• eat~~
purpMea. lltlt he,. entbwas. . tor &u'et.an peJ.i10mel to mn ller
iMtaltl'!a, • • • eto. 1 • • JDt ~bared bF JltiUIF oouatdu who
ta-.nct ontr their 1f1Di'e4 •• to ,._,o soclS,eno• oacbw..,
ieoaue .ot her land-laobd poaStloo 18Jil'• .oo...So
developnent l••Plr 4epeQ48 aJOn actequte tnraatt tacll&tl•
wldcb aN vital to'l! tUwnlthatloa ot be_. toftlaa trade. sbe
b811 tbenton, been partl.ulal'lY aotlw
nbllll' • • p-'4. .
taatt b1 laat-looW S'-t• la the United !tatto• aD4 ttl
8pecSaliae4 SMtltr.tUona 1Ske UMC'UD al.l4 'CCAPI•
a.pal baa hta
tn the tol"4fftoM ot the ataucll• oamed ftt Sa the wodd.
orptdatton b7 the deftlopSfttl leM.looQ& «Mlll'rl• tor th.Sl'
rtlllt to ·~We and Wlnlttloted t1'a111S'•
toOl\ after he~ tnt17 snto •• Untt:o4 NaU.O• •••• alone
Atpntltan tn4 Leoa, took the !atttatlve In .aqlldntl·lll the
coamJ.t$" on taS.t17. and fade ot the 'RCAPI •ltb tlie problaa ot
the land-looked states, \'be J"ant1117 1118 naollttlon ot the
cannstt.. on tn4ati'J and tncte
wldcb wu .&DCO'tJQnt..S to
the htol't of Vle llQQDaCDlo aDd soolal C01100Sl beafaa the baaSI tor
3987. '!bil
resolution hOO&ldaed. "tho oaect ot the 1ancs-10oW QOttfttrtea. ••
aclaqaa'• trDMlt taoilltS• ln promotSD& JlltenaUonal tacle•
the Genetal A8Sf.lmblJ PU01Ution ot 80 PelaNai'J
ot tb• • • • states to alv. f141
reoogoStton to the Medii of th•1•n&.1oollo4 member statu la
the mattu at tRDtSt trade aDd Mf.»N tbe adeqUate taoS11tlel
ln te~~D~ ot taurnattonal 1• aD4 »Notice In tbh .-.caM
beal'lnc Sn tdfttS the f'Gtllre :NqUNteMI ot tbet.• ctaftlopntmt.
aD4 1lWSte4 the fPftl'l'lltMt
'loptb• with tlve oth• lu&.looW
armntl'l•• Atlumlatan.
..tutl'l8f ]k)lldlt OMcboa1ovakla aDd PaNPYt abe movtd. aD
. .Ddaent deaAdlDi a ttadJ of tba ;prot»1• ot tree aooesa to the
•• to• 1......_looke4 atate bJ a Qf)afehlft ot Jlaai.POtentt•l'hl•
!bta recocnmandattoa •• erWb11Ut4 bJ ttl• Gaftenl .AeaeblJ' tn
hN1tttJoo ot
m hbmat7 1917.
vnu• tb• tfmlt ot
HIOlGtSon the us COntenD48 on the Law of the sa • • bel4 to
oeaeva tD 1888. on • • eve
ot tbs.• coatennoe a
COftftNDOe of l3 Lafttf.t.oob4 ooutd• tft0ltt41111 lepat W. .
coD¥tned In h\)NaJ7
as wblob n'bdtttd •
COnfen004 nqa.eatiDJ
lll8tt0ftftd\'a to tbe
.Uia.tton ot tbe ••vea prSMI»l•
br tt•.
Repal aaesn uttUaed tbe l9fa UaDS.la u ms.tel'ld
conference on Aa!Ul 'Bcol'Ddc eo-operation to atrast tbe
Smp»rQnoe ot free aD4 uueatdote4 tNMits taollltlea toJJ tbe
lud-10oke4 GOUDtrJ•• loal &lORa with oth•r MtaD 1_.1oolla4
a utea Jhned the urpnt hle4 top an tntefQ8ttoaal oooventiOit
on the tlliJied on the ~ that tbe •at•tiDI bUatenl
aar. .enu n&Qtatsnc
adlqaate. On the
thDitt traM In •• r.c~oa
••'" aot
ot tbe ICAPB U!Dittedal
COAfeNDOe he14 lD Uai'Gh 1804 at !tbenn the NJreaeatatiVtl
of Nepa11 Atfl\aPSitan aDtt LIOI
conwntton on fnnslt
»M»afld a Dtaft
coNDtlftl ot GO a..Uol• to•
oonatct.ftttloo 'V the UnSte4 ttatloM CODterenoe
••had on the 4CW!e1ler
!nde eftll
su~tt• awotnt~t~
by tile UKCUD I to QOntldflr tbe P1'C»»>•a1 tor tbe toam4atlon ot
an tntft'l'natto1181 .coaventton on tbe tranatt rSabtl of 1...S.l.OoW
atiatea. !be sub-COrltrdtt• a<bptect .Silt prtnoSPlM relatllll to
the s•Htts ot tbe 1aad-l0e1re4 cou.atrSea wldoh •••• JAt•
iDOOI'JIOrated Slltb tbe
fn4e ot
p,._ta• or
on the 1'N•It
statea. At t:h• reqaeat ot tbtl
tbe atomasy.O.Mftl appotllt«t a !WutJi-tov •••• 'BJG)eft .
COilaltt• np...-enunc thelaD.'t•'lookedt tnMSt and otbtl'
u np»>ft•• ot thta CODIJJStt..
wlddl ;pnpand • _. dntt oc.nwentSon on the baah ot the tehtl'aft
daft pnpanct bJ' hpa1 toptbeJP wStb At••nt•tan an4 ldi&M•
!be Draft COilwntton
b7 tbe Qlmlttte• of 16 waa
OCUWldefe4 b1 the 'Uti CODtenPH ot PluipolentSad• OD tbe
tnaalt !raft o~ La&lt't-lOQW Coa!*rl• held SA Chtfte91l SD 1811
Wht.dl ftnallJ a(bpt-' the C»AWAtSOft Oft tbe fftntfSt fra4e
·IAI'Id-lookl4 stat• oa a Jla\~ • • •
tn ber ea»>Wtll ot
rl#ltl ot lUJd-looM4 •'-'•• Bepal nodw4 aD eftOOGNsi"'
NII10Me tfCII moat of the ..-.-. tncla.dfq _ . . , aU 'the
aoumd•• oa. mall)' taauee
the tfepaleae
_.e into tbarp .CODtUot wtth the
lle\4 ~ two
of lutr oloa•t ndabboaN .. Jftdla aftd Paldatea. ln tht 10111
dtloatlo• ·OWl' tb• Df'aft COJWenttoa Sn 'botll Ole c:oealtt• or
M aa4 th• CoftttftDM ot PleDSJOt•nttal'lea RQd aote4 •
•»a--.n ot tbe laact.loaW eQ.Iltrt.• ot All.. .tfttloa an4
Latin ..,....
~·· QPIQilo'b
to the wbole fleatSoa ot
t81Wit IS&1lta of laaa.10oa4 stat• oectHcl aftKUld • • n:tUoD
tbat aadl rl&btl •••• aot tttawun• fftll the t..-St qoUMJiel
lMJt d&bb attS•.ct br PdacSPl• of lntenatlOnal laW aDd
pftotio•• She po!Ated. oat Ulat all ooaatn• nMtt.S tl'8mtt
tad1tU• tl'<ID other oauntrJ• aDd even ..,. laftd-.10GW
ao\UltrSII Uke SWttaerlaal eft4 CaeahoalowJLia weh dtd
thftllt ooaotlt•
ro.· coutal
pleaded tor the t.ncl•toa ot tbe »•blet •t tbt
laad-1ocke4 atetea in tbe . , . _
tlllalAD 11. It waa paJtl,
at her tnt.tJatsve t:bat th• Alcten Charte• aa:.pt.t at ••
tatnsatusal MettSng ot the ltf.hotl» ot 'If• ta October JSW tool
tnto aceotmt the epectal pft)b1.,. ot taatt.tooke4 countrt·•· At
tb• UltCf.AD It bt14 SA
DelbS Sn Pebrua,..arct.l
•lOA& with tdaht otber laM-locW eouratrt.•• aponaoNd • ffftft
I'UOlUtloD Wldel'11rdq tb• lard-looW PNltSOD of . . . 4eve:IOP.
<0\'llltna u "a factor
JmSbltSDa tbe _,..loa ot
tra4• Ud ,eoonomSo cteftlopaent ot
count'fl• •. •• t-row••
draft re1o1DtSOn .Uect to• •JeOtal tHttment ot the ttewloPIDI
ooaatd• u .._ l..,t devalOJecl. .,.Iii the davelOP.
to ratltJ the aea
c:onwutloa_ JD aoCI)rdalloe with tbct ttMl retolut!on of "*"D JJ.
sna <:OUAtrt••·
Zt Uce4
au etakl
• II'OQP of • ..,.. .., appot.atd to cafli*J • ' • oamptlbtm~lw
e...snatson ot, and rcort UJODt the epeoJat pJO'ble• SAwlftd
Sn the ptOmOttoa ot the tade U4 econcaSc 4evalopsaa ot land.
GOUDtrt•• !he l.lalen Chart• tm4 the
UICUD 11 marked a hlc cbaDc• la lel)al•a o.Satattoa r.l•ttnc
to the PNb14111 ot the dawlopf.Qg 1an4-1oobd
stet•• -.._.
Nepal'• appmaob tn lltf.CSI bact been l•rcelJ' 1•.-lt tn lttrl••
tt •"" eaonomJc 1n orlentatton. lltJil'• aohl•.-.-a ID • •
t1el4 ot •eaoanltloll &Od estflftiSoa ot the rtatlt• ot the ltlld1ooke4 atat• bave rtal1F ,.., aot..,nhJ. •• bu ' • •
Roo••M r»t ontJ tn toGutac the atteauon ot the world
toma on the pmlQ.aa taotna 'tb• 4flftlO»SAI land-lOOW
a.t.SolWt bat a1ao to obtaSOIDs
hcOI#dtSOa ot
tn•lt rtfllta tbtOatfl the •m»tton ot an SateJMtlODil
!but the ODitt« httona baa JflQ¥14e4 ftepal u tmporlaDt
toND to
her vt.bl
sat•._• sn Ot• tanv ot
nattoaa. Ber mtmhrlblp ot tlle UaSt•tS tfatJOM • • Ita wrSou
•c.enol• baa aooe • loaa ••r tn ••• t.-cb tor
1ntenattom1 ttttntttr aD4 haa allo tmprte4 to her • . . . . •t
!bmu{lb her Smpo'I'IUt aontd'button to tbe U!l etto.W
"""CDStton ot t'be rtatsts ot deWloJSD&
J.antt.lOcW oouatrS•, aottw parttolpatJoa Sn wnou • •
to aatn tD.ter~attonal
acataat colODSalS• aD4 raotalt-. aDtl dMJ afttS auatalned
tfttehtlt sa 4harmeent, tfl PtH•kH»>na OJ4tfttlo.., ...-••••
tatton ot the PeoPle•• Repalato ot ChSna SD tb• Uftlte4 HatlonJ
efld aoct<J-eoonom.lo 4e"lopaeat tb,..all tot•JMtlonal CCMOPtfttloftt
Nepal bU edUUloed hw tDt•rnatSOMl preatl,.. , flbe hal alto
4«*>nttrated ber oa»aoitJ to teh t,. •tw
••••• •StlloQt
tar or tav:Mlr.
st•'• •• .- llaltlt •ttb her
otb•• •a11 Mew
tn peaotd\11 • • ot .....
UDlttr. _.,
bed and ooeatl tlool"t and Joelaftl! wltb her oonoem •ltb
co....Son on htent ot '•mtorsal s-.
ahe bU rot oorltSM4
ller role Jn tb• Uatt4t4 NatloDI to a »&rlloQla.,. field otQ'., M
• 1'88U1t ot
tbt.a abe llal nooeHtd sn pmjeottaa be Jaaae
•• • .all, JW.Ja.d.taoect •ttoA tttPJOrtlna the ••• ot paoe antt
tJWtte to the 10!l4 to ceneftl::;,Dtt that ot tbe •oouttJ ot ·
111111 •tatu M4 tbet• eoorDdo aftlopiMDt tbfOQ• • •
UAite4 U.tiOGI In pal'ttoutar. iie elfttSoa u one ot tha
mden ot the teourttr coanclt '-" t•raeat mmbe ot
( poll..S ln tbat •••Son) i.n Dloeb•_. • • •7 be taM!l •
ncoanttson ot
tb!t • • • b~ tb•