Madina Institute South Africa Campus Address ICON BUILDING 7 th floor, Cnr Lower Long Street & Hans Strijdom Avenue Cape Town 8000, South Africa PO BOX 1232 Milnerton 7435, Cape Town, South Africa Phone Mobile Fax (+27) 21 421 9027/8 (+27) 71 350 3908 (+27) 21 696 8252/ (+27) 86 218 1411 Website: E-mail: [email protected] BBM.PIN: 28C956DE Office hours:8am to5pm. BANKING DETAILS Madina Institute ABSA BANK Branch No: 632005 Acc No: 4080940284 SWIFT CODE:ABSA ZAJJ Education Compassion Illumination 1 Who should attend Post-Grade 12 learners (Male or Female), who wish to take a year out before heading to university. Huffāz who wish to build capacity to explore the Qur’ān in Arabic and benefit from its immense beauty and profound wisdom. Post University Graduates who wish to take a one year break before they embark on a career. It is proposed that a one year intensive course designed under the guidance of Shaykh Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Husayni An-Ninowy and other Mashāikh, would equip the student-scholar with research tools to navigate their way through the Qur’ān and Sunnah. Admission Requirements: a) 12th Grade or equivalent. b) Proficiency in English c) Memorization of any one juz’ of the Qur’ān. d) Successful personal interview. International student interviews will be conducted via Skype, (where possible) e) Application Fee of R250 Medium of Instruction: The Program will be conducted in English. This is coupled with an intensive daily Arabic Program; moving from reading and writing to understanding the written Arabic Text. Course Fees: R36 000 per annum (R3 000 per month X 12 months) Bursaries: For deserving students who are dedicated to learning but unable to afford the fees, Madina Institute will facilitate bursaries. All applicants requiring financial assistance need to apply in writing to the Registrar of Madina Institute. accommodation Accomodation requests will be dealt with independently. Please email: [email protected] FAQ’S: Please consult: 10 9 Madina World Madina Institute Students around the world are connected to each other via the latest social network mediums such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype and Viber. The Global Madina Institute Family through it's Intensive Seminars connects students in Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, United Kingdom, and USA . The Madina Experience “ Information is beneficial if it leads to transformation” “ What good are you if you are only good to those who are good to you” “ Knowledge should be infused with the notion of enhancing human character” “ Judging people is not our domain, judging our self is” “ Once you understand the greatness of the Qur’an, then try and understand the greatness of the One who revealed it “ Shaykh Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Husayni An-Ninowy Find us on: 2 FOUNDATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES PROGRAM 2 0 1 5 Madina Institute offers a ground-breaking, one year intensive Ūşūl-ud-Dīn (Foundational Scholarship of Islamic Sciences) Program. This intensive, traditional program is designed to develop leaders who are schooled in the five foundational sciences of our Dīn. • Qur’ānic Sciences (‘Ulūm-ul-Qur’an) • Sunnah Sciences (‘Ulūm -ul-Hadῑth, Sῑrah, Shamā’il) • Jurisprudential Science and its Foundation in the four Madhāhib/ Schools of Thought (‘Ulūm-ul-Fiqh wal Uşūl) • Islamic Creed, Philosophy and Logic (Imāniyyāt /‘Ilm-ul-Aqīdah wal Mantiq) • Spiritual Sciences and Purification of the heart (‘Ilm-u-Tazkiyah wal Ihsān) Daily Intensive: • Arabic Language Intensive Program to negotiate classical texts (‘Al-Lughāt-ul-Arabiyyah) 3 about madinah Madina Institute … • Is a place where your spiritual journey will flourish and help you grow deeper into your faith and serve humanity. • Fosters academic excellence and manifests the line of truth and moderation commanded by the Qur’an and Sunnah • Understands that people can be seekers and believers at the same time. So whilst Madina Institute seeks to bring hope, growth and opportunity to all human beings, we are also a place of deep theological reflection. 8 Layout & Design The layout and design is based on a student friendly environment with optimum efficiency ratios and functional amenities. 1 Main Auditorium 2 Lecture Room 3 Lecture Room 4 Ablution Facilities 5 Prayer & Meditation Room 6 Foyer / Reception 7 Reception / Admin 8 Library / Resources Centre 9 Main Office / Boardroom 3 5 8 7 1 6 2 4 9 7 Facilities Madina Institute is based in the award-winning ICON BUILDING, located in the heart of Cape Town’s Central Business District, opposite the International Convention Centre (CTICC) and within walking distance to various Masājid and in close proximity to most public transport modalities. The Facility Houses • 124-seater Auditorium • 2 Air-conditioned Lecture Rooms • State of the Art Library and Resource Centre with Electronic Research Facilities • Prayer and Meditation Facility • Wifi Zones • Audio-Visual Studio • Boardroom 4 PROPOSED MADINA INSTITUTE FACULTY: Shaykh Muhammad bin Yahya al-Husayni an-Ninowy as Founder Director, will lecture at least three of the five foundational sciences. • Shaykh Seraj Hendricks (dean) • Shaykh Aminullah Abderouf • Shaykh Ebrahim Moos • Shaykh Fakhruddin Owaisi • Shaykh Riyadh Walls • Shaykh Abduragmaan Alexander • Shaykh Sayed Mufti Haroun Al Azhari • Shaykh Mukhtar Ahmed • Shaykh Muhammad Nour Aswad Al Halabi • Shaykha Nawaal Manie • Shaykha Tanzila Kauthar • Shaykh Abdurashid Brown • Shaykh Sadullah Khan • Shaykh Ahmad Saad-al-Azhari (Visiting Lecturer) 5 WHY ATTEND Madina Institute? •Authentic - based on the Qur’ān and the authentic Sunnah. •Academic - using modern and contemporary teaching methods to actively engage and develop students. •Accessible - intensive courses where students have the opportunity to work towards a degree in Islamic Sciences. •Accredited - by renowned Islamic Institutions (Insha’Allah). •Applicable - provides opportunities for holistic and functional education premised on Islamic Leadership principles. This foundational scholarship year will establish a solid academic base for every student of knowledge in attendance, Insha-Allah. Upon successful completion of this intensive year of study, the student will be a student-scholar, with a solid foundation in major Islamic Sciences and obtain the keys to further navigate through all the sciences of Islamic scholarship. 6 Leadership and Empowerment Themes To Be Presented By Renowned Scholars To enable the student to become a well-rounded positive contributor to their societies. FOUNDATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES 2 0 1 5 I s l a m ic economics ution i c t R e s o l ’w a h a D M et f o erment ho dology mpow Co n Le ade lE rship & Socia THE SUCCESSFUL STUDENT … Leadersh s k ill s ip M Islami c p s yc h o l o g y E e c t anagement t r a i n i n g i ve C omm u n i c a t i o n in the various fields of Islamic Sciences.
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