SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 3 DECEMBER, 1918. 14307 Maj. W. H. Harwell, M.D. • 15th Feb. 1918. " Temp. Maj. A. Liebaert. 28th Feb. 1918. Oapt. C. T. D. TJrquhart. 4th Jan. 1917. Temp. C'apt. J. B. K. Tough. 31st Mar. 1917. Capt. D. Melville. 29th Dec. "1917. Capt. J. M. Macdonald. 8th Jan. 1918. Quarter-Masters: — Hon. Oapt. H. V. Potter. 18th Feb. 1918. Hon. Lt. H. P. Sheridan. 18th Apr. 1918. 'Dental Surgeons: — Lt. W. 18. -Murdock. 22nd Feb. 1918. Maj. C. M. Brothers. 13th Apr. 1918. The undermentioned to be temp. •Capts. : — Alexander Jameson MoClymont. 10th May 1918, with seniority from 1st Nov. .1914. •Herbert Bowen Maxwell. 27th Mar 1918, with seniority from 28th Mar. 1917. Morris Schwartz, M.B. 22nd Apr. 1918. Ephraim Benjamin Woolff. 20th May 1918. Louis Godfrey Irvine, M.D. 7th Apr. 1918. James Harpur, M.B. 29th Apr. 1918. Robert Stevenson, M.B. 4th May 1918. William Milne Tough, M.B. 14th May 1918. William Harry Hunter, M.B. 17th May 1918. Donald MoCully. 1st July 1918. Dental Surgeons: — Charlton Edmund Rice. 17th Apr. 1918. Julius Figdor. 1st June 1918. Temp. Lt. (actg. Capt.) F. H-. Robinson, attd. Durh. L.I.-, to be temp. C'apt. (without the pay. o>r allowances of that rank) whilst empld. as a Brig. Musketry Officer. 13th Nov, 1918. The undermentioned temp. Lts. (actg. C'apts.) relinquish their actg. rank. '1st July 1918:— . . H. B. Sharpe. E. N. -Erskine, M.C. H. Pearson. J. W. G. Cleverly. V. Lambert. . The undermentioned to be actg. Capts.: — Whilst comdg. Trench Mortar.Batts.: — Temp. Lt. J. A. Procter, Notts. & Derby. R., from 7th Feb. to 18th May 1918. Lt. E. R. D. Hoare, G. Gds., Spec. Res., from 18th Mar. to 23rd Sept. 1918. Temp. Lt. C. D. Trimble, S. Staff. R., from 23rd Mar. to 17th Oct. 1918. . Temp. Sub-Lt. F. C. Richardson, R.N.V.R. 7th Sept. 1918. 2nd Lt. H. G. Clarke, Glouc. R., Spec. Res. 21st Sept. 1918. Lt. R. J. Pinto., M.C., C. Gds. 24th Sept. 1918. Lt.* J. W. Lyon, R. Be. Fus., T.F. 5th Oct. 1918. Lt. C. C. Heard, L'pool R., T.F.. whilst empld. as Field Engr., Divnl. Tramway. 19th Sept. 1918. Temp. Lt.-A. Turnbull; M.C., Geii. List, whilst empld. as Officer i/c Sigs. 12th Oct. 1918. Lt. R. W. E. Bunn, Glouc. R., T.F., whilst empld. as Asst. Instr., Bomb and Trench Mortar School. 5th Nov:'1918. Harry Edmund Vale Bayliss to be temp. Qr.-Mr., and to be Hon. Lt. 17th Apr. 1918, with seniority from 1st Sept. 1917. Lt. L. R. B. .Granger, K.O. Sco. Bord., T.F., to be actg. Capt. (without the pay or allowances of that rank) whilst empld. as Comdt., N.C.O.'s School of Inst.i. 1st Aug. 1918. MEMORANDA. Lt.-Col: C'. H. Wilson, h.p. list, retires on ret. pay. 4th Dec. 1918. Temp. Lt.-C'ol. L. P. Phillips relinquishes his commn. on ceasing to be empld., and is granted the hon. rank of Lt.-Col. 4th Dec. 1918. Maj. W. B. Ritchie, D.S.O., S. Lan. R., relinquishes the temp, rank of Lt.-Col. on ceasing to comd. Eastern C'omd. Depot, Shoreham. 1st June 1918. Maj. P. G. Phillimore, h.p. list, retires on ret. pay. . 26th Oct. 1918. Temp. Maj. M. M. Weekes resigns his commn., and is granted the hon. rank of Maj. 4th Dec. 1918. The undermentioned temp. Lts. relinquish their commns. on ceasing to be empld., and are granted the hon. rank of Lt. : — ..T. H. Williams. 19th Nov. 1918. D. O.. Dykes. 1st Dec. 1918. S. Midgeley. 1st Dec. 1918. : The undermentioned to be temp. Capts. : — 2nd Lt. K. B. Hartley, Lond R., T.F., whilst empld. as Officer in charge of Studio, Cinematograph Trg. Staff. 6th Oct. 1918. "Lt. M. Stacey, R. Muns. Fus., whilst empld. as Co.'Gomdr. at an N.C'.O.s' iSchool of Instn. 15th Nov. 1918. Lt. J. B. Salmond, R. Highrs., T.F., whilst empld. as Area Anti-Gas Officer. 4th Dec. 1918. Temp. Lt. C. E. RandeJl, Midd'x R., is transfd. to Gen. List for duty with A. Sig. Serv. 28th Sept. 1918. Temp. 2nd Lt. J. Moffat to be temp. Lt., and to1 retain the temp, rank of Capt. whilst graded as a Staff Capt. 1st July 1917. 2nd Lt. F. W. M. Duplock, York & Lane. R., to be temp. Lt. for service with W. Afr. Frontier Force. 2nd Oct. 1918. Temp. Lt. M. Butler, from Wilts. R., to be temp. Lt. for service with Ind. Army Res. of Off. (on prob.). 24th Oct. 1918, with seniority from llth iMar.. 1917. Temp. Hon. Lt. M. Salmon relinquishes •his commn. on ceasing to be empld., and retains his hon. rank. 30th Nov. 1918. 2nd .Lt. A. Burgess, D.iS.O., h.p. list, retires on ret. pay on account of ill-health caused by wounds. 9th Aug. 1918. (.Substituted . for the notification' in the Gazette of 8th Aug. 1918.)
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