CASPER SUITE CERTIFIED TRAINING Certified JSS Administrator (CJA) : 3 days $2,414.50 inc GST Code : CJA3DAY The Certified JSS Administrator course is designed specifically for advanced enterprise server administrators; this three-day course covers the many aspects of installing, configuring, and maintaining the JAMF Software Server (JSS) in complex environments on OS X, Windows and Linux. June 18th / 19th / 20th Certified Casper Administrator (CCA) : 3 days $2,414.50 inc GST Code : CCA3DAY This course is intended for current Casper Suite customers that are seeking advanced training in OS X management. This three-day course is a hands-on series of exercises in which challenges are presented to system administrators to demonstrate their proficiency through resolution. June 25th / 26th / 27th Certified Mobile Administrator (CMA) : 2 days $1,581.25 inc GST Code : CMA2DAY A certification course designed for Casper Suite administrators managing iOS devices; this two-day, hands-on certification course covers the many aspects of provisioning, deployment, and management required for an iOS rollout. The course is focused on building complete iOS workflows that are representative of the entire lifecycle of the devices in your organisation. June 23rd / 24th Combined Course $3995.75 inc GST $3,019.50 inc GST Certified Casper Administrator (CCA) : 3 days Certified Mobile Administrator (CMA) : 2 days Code : CCACMA Combining both the CCA and the CMA courses listed above - running as a five day block, with a $976.25 cost saving for enrolling in both at once. June 23rd / 24th Venue : Clifton’s Sydney, Level 13/60 Margaret St, Sydney NSW 2000 All courses include catering and refreshments. Contact us via our locations listed below to secure your place. ® Contact our dedicated National Sales Team : Customised procurement, deployment & support services for Education, Government and Business. CompNow National Sales New South Wales Crows Nest Ph: 02 9951 7979 Victoria South Melbourne Ph: 03 9684 3677 Victoria Keysborough Ph: 03 9554 6000 South Australia Norwood Ph: 08 7130 0022 [email protected] OFFICIAL IT SUPPLIER Prices and specs correct at publication. Contents subject to change at anytime. Onsite offer limited to 100kms from our offices. Limit one per school. Conditions apply. CASPER SUITE CERTIFIED TRAINING Casper Suite Essentials (CSE) : 2 days $1,498.20 inc GST Code : CSE2DAY Training Passes provide an easy, flexible way for any Casper Suite user in your organisation to attend the courses appropriate for them. Any staff member can attend any class at any time to start learning about the Casper Suite, renew their existing certifications, or simply refresh on the latest version of the software. June 16th / 17th Certified Casper Expert (CCE) : 4 days $2,414.50 inc GST Code : CCE4DAY This challenging four-day certification course is the pinnacle of Casper Suite accreditation for OS X management. The CCE is a highly interactive, advanced-level course designed for experienced Casper Suite administrators. The course consists of structured lessons and exploratory scenarios to increase your understanding of complex and modern workflows, validate and improve existing designs, and explore the boundaries of Apple device management in the enterprise. June 10th / 11th / 12th / 13th Training Pass $5,797.00 inc GST Code : 171-118-1200 Training Passes provide an easy, flexible way for any Casper Suite user in your organisation to attend the courses appropriate for them. Any staff member can attend any class at any time to start learning about the Casper Suite, renew their existing certifications, or simply refresh on the latest version of the software. Venue : Clifton’s Sydney, Level 13/60 Margaret St, Sydney NSW 2000 All courses include catering and refreshments. Contact us via our locations listed below to secure your place. CompNow and the Casper Suite Solution CompNow are Mobility and MDM specialists with a proven track record of managing fleets and roll-outs for tens of thousands of devices. As a reseller and integrator, CompNow have more Casper Suite certified technicians than any other company in Australia. Our install base stretches across Asia and New Zealand as well. We regularly run Casper Suite Training, and provide customers with installation Jump Starts and remote hosting. ® Contact our dedicated National Sales Team : Customised procurement, deployment & support services for Education, Government and Business. CompNow National Sales New South Wales Crows Nest Ph: 02 9951 7979 Victoria South Melbourne Ph: 03 9684 3677 Victoria Keysborough Ph: 03 9554 6000 South Australia Norwood Ph: 08 7130 0022 [email protected] OFFICIAL IT SUPPLIER Prices and specs correct at publication. Contents subject to change at anytime. Onsite offer limited to 100kms from our offices. Limit one per school. Conditions apply.
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