JUBA DIOCESAN SECONDARY SCHOOL Update ! Good News and Protection! The ‘troubles’ in the country started before the end of last term, forcing the School to close a few days early. For the final session of the old school year, commencing on 6 January 2014, 120 students and 8 teachers reported for duty. By the end of that first week, the student numbers had risen to over 450, (out of 520), and almost all the teaching staff had returned! How we thank God for their courage and commitment. An ex-patriot friend of the School, Charlie Goldsmith, wrote: ‘I arrived back in Juba, and was delighted to see that JDMSS pupils were going to and from school as normal, and as well turned out as ever’. In addition, the School Compound and all its buildings have remained intact. Other open areas nearby had been claimed by displaced people but the school premises themselves were secure and open to students only – a very reassuring factor for them.! March 2014 17 Issue ! School building s Give thanks:! • That the school compound has remained secure and the buildings intact! • For a good end to the school year with good exam results! • That Registrations for next academic year are pouring in ! ! Please pray for:! • Peace and reconciliation in South Sudan! • Grace for students from different tribes studying side by side! • Funds for the Boys Washroom and new Classroom Block Forward With Confidence! End of year examinations took place in January determining who should proceed further. Marking began, reports were issued and almost all students had fulfilled their expectations to progress to the next school year. Some parents, fearful of a possible future unstable political situation, requested transfer forms to take their children to other countries, but alongside that, the majority are staying and new applications have been daily pouring in. The Headmaster is adamant that the School will be full and has had a set of desks made to equip another class when the new school year begins on 31 March.! bly - ers School Assem leading pray with student r te as dm ea H Juba Diocese! The School is administered by Juba Diocese. Our good friend the Diocesan Secretary, Rev Moses Kose Simon, has been sent to South Africa by the Archbishop to take some further training, His commitment to and interest in the School has been greatly appreciated. His responsibility has been distributed between the Rev Chaplain Soso, the Education Co-ordinator and Rt. Rev. Frazer Yugga Elias, Assistant Bishop of Juba, both of whom are committed to the work of the School.! 1 Coping with Changes! Revised dates for the school year have been set by the Government which have consequences:! 1. The School Certificate examinations are now scheduled for June. This may affect the timing of the Annual Prizegiving, usually held in October, as results may be delayed.! 2. For most of next term there will be in effect two ‘senior years’, with the older group working hard in the run up to their external exams. ! 3. More teachers are needed—additional and as replacements. Some are hoping to be secured from among the parttimers and others through a sifting of the applications already received.! ! ! In 2015 the Government has deemed that Secondary School education will become a 4-year course and a further 4 classroom block will then be needed.! The application for the School to become a Cambridge University Associate has been received and is waiting attention in Nairobi. brat with Yann Le ebedayo Tinate Z Girls Toile t Block Visitors obse rve a Scienc e Experiment Rev.Paul Taylor with Dr.Margaret Griffin The Home Front! A student at LSE, Yann Lebrat, doing a Masters degree about South Sudan, went out to Juba with Richard Dean last August. Yann is helping JDMSS by running a Half-Marathon in Bath. He would be grateful for any sponsorship, which will go towards the Boys Toilet Block. Please send any cheques to the Treasurer, address below. (The Treasurer is a friend of Yann’s and will keep him informed.)! ! Over 100 people gathered in Salisbury for a very successful ‘Eye Opener’ evening last November, with Baroness Cox the keynote speaker. She had recently returned from the Prize-giving and official opening of the Girls Boarding House in Juba and spoke of how amazed she was at the educational and boarding facilities now available at JDMSS. With all the suffering and poverty she had observed during her 40 visits to Sudan through the years of civil war, echoed now in the present ‘troubles’, she declared the School to be a ‘beacon of hope’ for the future of South Sudan. Thank you for your prayers and your gifts. Both are essential to the continuance of the school.! For further details of how you can help: Web site: www.jdmss.co.uk Cheques payable to: ‘SalisburyDBF (Juba School)’ Charity No. 240833 Bursaries: Mrs.Margaret Askew 46 The Pastures, Westwood, Bradford-on-Avon. BA15 2BH 01225 863350 Treasurer: Mr.Dick Beath, 58a, Combe Road, Combe Down, Bath. BA2 5HZ 07941 184487 Chairman Support Group: Cdr.Richard Dean, 93 Lyes Green, Corsley, Warminster. BA12 7PA 01373 832594! 2
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