INTERNEWS IN SOUTH SUDAN Location Internews has been working since 2006 to build and strengthen the independent media sector in South Sudan, including managing a network of four community radio stations across the country. In addition, we support Eye Radio, 98.6FM in Juba, together with our South Sudanese partner, Eye Media. Following the conflict that broke out in December 2013 which displaced more than 1 million people, Internews started four Humanitarian Information Services (HIS) to provide people access to vital information. We continue to build strategies and partnerships to reach more communities through our radio network, new emergency Radio in a Box (RIAB), and HIS Mini-Media (Boda Boda Talk Talk – BBTT) projects. Melut/Mabec/Pallouch UNITY Abyei Nhomlaau 88.0 FM SUDAN Malualkon WESTERN BAHR EL GHAZAL NORTHERN BAHR EL GHAZAL Fashoda/Ulang/Kodok Wao Shillouk New Fangak Mayendit Kwajok Nasir Ayod Sobat 88.0 FM WARRAP Leer Radio stations (currently off air) CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Nuer 94,046 (2) 95,896 (2) 24 hours per day, 7 days per week Currently off air since Feb 2014 (3) June 2010 2007 NHOMLAAU 88.0 FM Arwerial County, Lakes State Approx. 100 km radius Approx. 20 km radius Dinka, @ 10% in English and Arabic Dinka 207,435 Emergency response to provide critical information needs to the 98,460 IDP and host community members, with the large majority having fled from Jonglei state. (2) Approx 100km radius Boda Boda Talk Talk (BBTT) Humanitarian Information Service (HIS) Planned assessments of either BBTT or Emergency Radio-in-a-Box 200 km Mingkaman Bor ETHIOPIA EASTERN EQUATORIA Eye Radio 98.6FM Yambio Juba IlemiDreieck Feb 2014 Malakal POC site, Upper Nile State BBTT - TONG PING 167,226 (2) BBTT is a mobile broadcasting system that roves around the site to 16 different “Listening stops” over 2 days. Broadcasts are also played in 4 static locations each day. Nuer Arabic 8 hours per day, 5 days per week SOBAT 88.0 FM Off air since May 2014 due to conflict Sept. 2011 UNITY STATE Mayendit Population in need: Currently inaccessible Bentiu POC site Population in need: 36,000 IDPs (Bentiu) + 37,600 (Nhaildu) JONGLEI STATE New Fangak Population in need: 46,000 displaced; 55,000 host* Ayod 65,000* UPPER NILE STATE Fashoda / Ulang Population in need: 65,000* Melut / Mabec / Pallouch Population in need: 22,192 spread across 3 camps and 3 collective centers.** Estimated 16,500 IDPs 14,520 IDPs (4) Two unique 20-minute programs produced per week, broadcast more than 100 times per week. 1: With news roundups in 5 additional languages. Potential assessments of either BBTT or Emergency Radio-in-a-Box Population in need: BBTT - MALAKAL 101,307 (2) UGANDA Two unique 20-minute programs produced per week, broadcast more than 100 times per week. Site is divided into 5 sub-POC blocks, and a new POC has been constructed. Boom Box Talk Talk relies on Listening Groups, NGOs and market traders to play the program on speakers. Communications with Communities (CwC) BBTT toolbox helps outreach workers reach remote sites. Nuer K E N YA 11,455 in POC1 / 1,635 in POC2 South Sudanese / 1,398 POC2 Foreign Nationals. Juba, Central Equatoria State Approx 100km radius CENTRAL EQUATORIA Nuer / Arabic Dinka Nasir, Upper Nile State Torit D E M O C R AT I C REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO MINGKAMAN 100FM Malualkon, North. Bhar el Ghazal State Nov. 2009 Emergency Radio-in-a-Box 100 km Juba Arabic and English (1) Turalei, Warrap State Mingkaman 100FM Planned Coverage of Repeater Expansion of Eye Radio 0 km Juba, Central Equatoria State BBTT is a mobile broadcasting system that roves around the site to 16 different “Listening stops” over 2 days; broadcast played at static locations all day, at IMC inpatient and outpatient clinics, MSF inpatient clinic, Magna vaccination tent. Scoping for more sites underway with plans for listening groups targeting outreach workers.The community from Tong Ping is being moved to POC3 near UN House, which is planned to house all 14,000 people. BBTT is expanding to this site as well. 11 hours per day, 7 days per week LAKES WESTERN EQUATORIA BBTT - UN HOUSE NAATH 88.0 FM Approx 100km radius JONGLEI Rumbek On air since Leer, Unity State 2007 Approx coverage area Hours on air Approx 60km radius MAYARDIT 90.7 FM Planned Repeater Expansion of Eye Radio Listeners Juba, Central Equatoria State 8 hours per day, 5 days per week Naath 88.0 FM Wau Radio stations South Sudan Mayardit 90.7 FM Aweil Contents Malakal Bentiu Turalei Broadcast languages EYE RADIO 98.6FM UPPER NILE SUDAN Coverage area Two unique 20-minute programs produced per week. Assessment conducted: May 28-30, 2014 2: Forcier Consulting, "South Sudan National Audience Survey: A Nationally Representative Assessment on Radio Listening Habits with Key Findings in Five Booster Areas for Internews Stations," Sept. 2013. Forcier Consulting: "Assessing Information Needs for Internally Displaced Persons: Wave Two Survey on Access to Media in Tong Ping Protection of Civilians Site," May 2014. Wao Shilluk / Kodok / Lul Population in need: estimated 40-60,000 3: Planning to restart broadcast with Emergency Radio-in-a-Box by September 2014. *UNOCHA South Sudan Crisis Situation Report, 23May 2014 4: 96% report listening to BBTT. ** IOM CCCM state report, 29May2014 Visual Thinking Comunicación y Creatividad
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