14 cow page 8:Layout 1 10/24/2014 5:28 PM Page 1 The Cross Diamond Cornerstones... The foundation of our breeding program has been fertility, sound udders, quiet dispostions,overall structural integrity and easy maintenance... these cows aren’t delicate flowers-- they’re bold herd movers! ............................................................................................ Laurel 054-- High capacity, beautiful udder... this Medallion daughter is making a positive impact at Cross Diamond. She stands in the top 20% for both HerdBuilder and GridMaster indices. Dam of Lot 5. Robin 4135-- Dam of herdsires 987 & 8086. This legendary cow makes sustained performance look easy. She’s gentle, fertile, sound and beautiful. MPPA on 14 calves- 102. RRS 7049-- Long, angular and highly productive. Another Medallion daughter. MPPA 104. Clover 700-- Double bred Vaquero 5148-we appreciate the broodiness, volume and udder structure of this cow. MPPA 104.6. Dam of Lot 50. Beatrice 8089--Beautiful, functional and and an icon of calvability, calving ease and ME. This B571 X Rambo cow is paying her way. Dam of Lot 26. Cleo 7206--Beautiful cow... impressive producing ability... MPPA of 104.9 on 6 calves. Belle 4024- Longevity, plus great lifetime production. MPPA of 102.4 on 8 calves. Dam of Lot 203. Honey 9014- Hustler daughter who is fertile, easy calving and easy on the eyes. Dam of Lot 35. .8. 14 cow page 9:Layout 1 10/24/2014 5:26 PM Page 1 Lori 730-- Dam of Lot 18. A smallframed, high production cow. Her structure and low maintnance keep her in the herd year after year. Gypsy 7086-- Small framed, low input and easykeeping, with flawless udder structure, and incredible maternal ability and longevity. She’s the roadmap from the past and the pattern for the future. Several daughters are producing in the herd. Ms Casey 575-- Dam of herd bull, Peerless 9017 and Hustler 982. Dam of 9014 and 8089 cows on facing page. 575 is a portrait of efficiency-- she has longevity, structural correctness and sustainable performance locked in. MPPA on 14 calves- 103.3. Medallion 7214-- Dam of Lot 56. A long, correct Medallion daughter. Pillar 9190-- Dam of Lot 187. Top 2% for ME, top 7% for heifer preg. She’s sound, functional and attractive, too! Sandcher ry 125-Dam of Lot 115. A low maintenance, calving ease specialist. This 13-year-old cow is sound and going strong! Hannah 620-- Dam of Lot 32. A P375 daughter who has convenience covered! Moxie 9196--Sandman 4255 daughter-- low ME, high HPG; low input, high output. Dam of Lot 1. Ter ra 981-- A typical Terrace daughter-moderate-framed, easy-keeping and correct. Dam of Lot 98. .9. 14 herd sires pg 10:herd sires.qxd 11/1/2014 6:28 PM Page 1 REFERENCE SIRES BUF CRK MEDALLION N328 Born: May 27, 2003 TREND SETTER 71S6 MEDALLION BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 BUF CRK GOLD MEDAL L091 BUF CRK EILEEN 5521 BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 MRM 1431 8611 9109 ABSI 8180 BUF CRK EILEEN 4702 BUF CRK BARNEY 3474 BUF CRK BELGA 6114 BUF CRK BELGA 1040 BUF CRK BARON 2678 OLE SUNFLOWER 359 PB08 BFLO CR VC CHIEF 105 BFLO CR BELGA 149 HB 149 GM 54 CED BW WW 5 -3.3 59 YW 78 MILK 25 STAY 14 ME -2 Medallion has been an all-around herd sire for us. We’ve used him on heifers, as well as mature cows. We’ve been pleased with the capacity, easy maintenance, structure and muscling of the cattle. His daughters are feminine, with quality udders. Owned with Buffalo Creek & Cawlfield. BASIN TREND SETTER 71S6 SYNERGY X7838 Born: March 21, 2006 TRADITION 6707 Reg #: 1137741 RED BRYLOR NEW TREND 22 BASIN TREND SETTER 6074 BASIN ROSE F521 SSS BLACK TREND 13B MEADOW CK MS SEAMAN 31A LMAN NONE BETTER 9604 BASIN PRIMROSE 258 BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 BASIN PRIMROSE 2043 BASIN PRIMROSE 0854 BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 MRM 1431 8611 9109 GLACIER LOGAN 210 BASIN PRIMROSE H443 HB 148 NEBULA U311 GM 53 CED BW WW 5 -1.6 80 YW 117 MILK 24 STAY 14 ME -8 71S6, or “Stevie,” as we know him has been a great asset to our program. Stevie offspring are first rate for disposition and performance. The daughters are beautiful, nice-uddered and correct. Sons are growthy, well-made and gentle. EPIC R522 BROWN SYNERGY X7838 BECKTON EPIC R522K Born: March 26, 2005 Reg #: 922352 Born: Feb. 8, 2010 Reg #: 1042260 Reg #: 1384811 BECKTON EPIC D404 BECKTON EPIC K F075 BECKTON BELGA D483 KR BECKTON SAGA KJ B702 BECKTON KURUBA B508 PC BECKTON KAISER FD 9253 BECKTON BELGA A036 MB BECKTON NEBULA M045 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BECKTON LANA M809 EP BECKTON NEPTUNE R2 K065 BECKTON BELGA K285 JL BECKTON EPIC K1 K863 BECKTON LANA K253 DM BECKTON DOMINOR 9455 BKT SUFFEINA A828 DM BKT SUFFEINA 9493 TT BKT DORADO 8411 V BKT FIREFLY 8734 DR BECKTON TITAN 7965 BCH RCH CLAUDIA 2140 LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27 C-BAR & BROWN ABIGRACE T714 BROWN MS ABIGRACE L7730 LJC LANCER 806 LJC HANNAH 106 GLACIER LOGAN 210 LCHMN ABIGAIL E1013 HB 166 GM 53 CED BW WW 10 -3.0 48 YW 72 MILK 14 STAY 13 ME -17 Epic R522 is a sire for capacious, low maintenance, fertile, carcassquality type of cattle. His daughters have been a strong influence in the herd. HB GM CED BW WW YW 181 55 11 -6.8 82 27 STAY ME 16 2 We used Synergy in our AI program and are very pleased with the consistency of the calves. They are moderate-framed, well-muscled and well-built, with good structure and positive genetic predictions. BECKTON NEBULA U311 G Born: March 16, 2008 46 MILK 5L HARD ROCK 2188-09X Reg #: 1258785 Born: Feb. 1, 2010 Reg #: 1379707 BECKTON NEBULA M045 BECKTON NEBULA G S237 BECKTON LAKME LA06JL BECKTON NEPTUNE R2 K065 BECKTON BELGA K285 JL BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 BECKTON LAKME B370 HV 5L BLAZIN TIME 982-5044 5L DOUBLE BLAZE 1134-8576 5L TESS 5166-1134 OCC EMBLAZON 854E 5L SERENA X339-982 OCC EMBLAZON 854E BIEBER TESS 5166 BECKTON DOMINOR ZC M919 BECKTON TAMARA S565 DM BECKTON TAMARA F658 TP BECKTON DOMINOR Z E401 BECKTON BARMAID J012 CO RDD B TOPPER 1675 BKT TAMARA 8195 DN JORDONS RED ROCK 858N 5L LAKOTA 2606-2188 5L LAKOTA 1094-2606 JORDONS RED REMEDY 668L OCC VANESSA 871L 5L AVALANCHE 525-1014 5L LAKOTA 41C-1094 HB GM CED 132 50 5 BW WW -3.5 42 YW 76 MILK 22 STAY ME HB GM CED BW WW 15 -4 187 51 12 -4.5 A calving ease bull, who we appreciate for his definition of muscle, high stayability and overall correctness. This easy-doing bull has fit nicely into the program. Owned with Beckton Red Angus. . 10 . 56 YW 86 MILK 17 STAY ME 18 -2 A Double Blaze son who is easy-keeping, thick and sound-structured. His stayability and HerdBuilder index are in the top 1% of the breed. His offspring are bold-ribbed, moderate and good-doing cattle. 14 HERD SIRES 2, pg 11:HERD SIRES 2.qxd 11/1/2014 6:29 PM Page 1 5L TRADITION 795-6707 Born: FEB. 7, 2007 O C C LEGEND 616L 5L TRADITION 203-6145 5L HAZEL 1821-203 Reg #: 1187091 O C C EMBLAZON 854E O C C BLACKBIRD 632J 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 5L HAZEL 45-1821 JULIAN TWICE 6621 LCHMN GRANDCANYON 1244G BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 5L MARTHA 450-795 KRN REBA’S ROBIN MABES RAMBLE TUO 5L MARTHA TUO 41-450 5L MARTHA 1034-41 HB 58 GM 51 CED BW WW 4 -4.5 30 YW 40 MILK 24 STAY 6 ME -10 An outcross black, red gene carrier, Tradition has been an excellent addition to the program. We like the moderate frame, structural correctness and easy calving characteristics we’ve seen. HARD ROCK 09X 7U JULIAN TWICE 6621 POKE NEBP707 9116 1064 Born: Feb. 18, 2011 Born: May 26, 2006 Reg #: 1447375 BECKTON NEBULA M045 BECKTON NEBULA P P707 BECKTON LANA M809 EP BECKTON NEPTUNE R2 K065 BECKTON BELGA K285 JL BECKTON EPIC K1 K863 BECKTON LANA K253 DM 5L QUARTERBACK 1205-5337 HLH MS QB 6021 9116 HLH ABBIE 4224 6021 5L HERITAGE 1821-5985 5L SYBILLI 1593-1205 LCC ABOVE &BEYOND 1300J HLH MS CHATEAU 840 4224 HB 183 GM 55 CED 12 BW WW -6.7 45 YW 72 MILK 23 STAY 15 BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 7U JULIAN 3354 RCRA TABITHA BKT JULIAN 7526G BKT MARTA 9A13 JL RED KBJ SAM’S PROSPECTOR RCRA MS CARROUSEL BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 7U JULIET LOG 4437 7U LARY LOGAN 6806 BKT JULIAN 7526G BKT MARTA 9A13 JL GLACIER LOGAN 210 SOR SHSTLDYI RAM15-1786 HB 217 ME 2 Reg #: 1128705 GM 55 CED BW WW 7 -3.8 62 YW 88 MILK 8 STAY 20 ME 8 We’re very excited about this young herdsire from Hall Red Angus! His calves are deep, thick, moderate and have a quiet disposition, We’ve appreciated the quiet dispositions of the Julian Twice progeny. Take note of the 217 HerdBuilder index and 55 Gridmaster-- top 1% and 4% of the breed, respectively. These are good-doing cattle, with good carcass traits and overall practical performance. Owned with Right On Cattle Co. CRS DIAMND HUSTLER 982 5L FAMILY TRADITION 464-138X Born: April 22, 2009 BECKTON HUSTLER CN J102 BECKTON HALFMANNHUSTLER R588 BECKTON VERNICE F513 CL FCC RAMBO 502 MS CASEY 575 CASEY LADY 400 HB 109 GM 51 CED 16 BW WW -8.4 26 Reg #: 1332852 BECKTON HUSTLER C G407 BECKTON BELGA G355 NP BECKTON CLIPPER JM A124 BECKTON VERNICE A663 PC Born: FEB. 23, 2010 O C C LEGEND 616L 5L TRADITION 203-6145 5L HAZEL 1821-203 CV FOUR TIMES COPPER LASS 2392 MUE DYNAMO BP 116 MS. CASEY YW 54 MILK 14 STAY 7 5L AMBUSH 587-5292 5L FIREFLY 1932-464 5L FIREFLY 96-1932 ME 2 HB 105 A Hustler son who has proven himself as an easy-calving heifer bull. Great structure and impressive carcass quality follow naturally in this individual, as well. Owned with Right On Cattle. GM 51 VGW TOP PICK 130 MESSMER MILLIE 124P MESSMER MILLIE 9416 HB 169 GM 52 CED BW WW 5 -2.9 68 NEO-SHO MILLENIUM 065G VGW KURUBA-RAM 9308 BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 NODAKLADY POUNDMAKER MILK 4 STAY 16 YW 62 MILK 17 STAY 10 ME -5 CRS DIAMND EXT 0435 Born: April 10, 2010 Reg #: 1109534 BKT JULIAN 7526G BKT MARTA 9A13 JL LELAND MARIAS 271K MESSMER PANDORA 9976 YW 109 ROCKN D AMBUSH 1531 5L MS DYNAMO 54-587 GLACIER TUNDRA 908 5L FIREFLY 174-96 This sale sees our first set of Family Tradition calves. They are gentle and easy-doing-- just like their sire. Owned with Horsley Red Angus and 5L Ranch. MESSMER PACKER S008 Born: Feb. 12, 2006 BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 MESSMER JOSHUA 019P MESSMER PANDORA M186 CED BW WW 6 -0.7 40 Reg #: 1395593 O C C EMBLAZON 854E O C C BLACKBIRD 632J 5L NORSEMAN KING 2291 5L HAZEL 45-1821 ME -6 Packer is a widely used sire in the breed, and it’s not hard to see why. He combines low maintenance with high growth and cattle who perform well in the real world. EMULATION 31 ANKONY 8F78 LASS 8F275 EMULATION 31 PRIMROSE N BAR 9962 FCC RAMBO 502 PANHANDLE ROBIN 496 PANHANDLE SANDY 1072 CV FOUR TIMES COPPER LASS 2392 SANDMAN PANHANDLE LUCY 7088 HB 155 . 11 . Reg #: 1401721 EMULATION N BAR 5522 N BAR EMULATION EXT N BAR PRIMROSE 2424 GM 49 CED BW WW 7 -1.9 52 YW 83 MILK 16 STAY 14 ME 4 A black, red gene carrier who combines the maternal strength of both EXT and Rambo. We’ve been pleased with the long-sided, easy-moving, easy to work with offspring of this bull. We look forward to having daughters in production soon.
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