.- t,i] ,r'' :l : BRAC Institute of Governance and Development BRAC UNIVH,RSITY Master of Development Studies (MDS) September 02,2014 Admission Test Result, h' all 2014 O.t tn. t"S;-f th" *riaten icst urra Vlu" fottowing canaiaates havc been selectcd for admission into the MDS program for fall 2014. Selected candidates are requested to deposit their admission fee (Tk. 2O,OOO|-) by September O9, 2OL4. They ere also advised to contact the Ad.mission and Registrar Office, Room No. UB 60,403, 4t}r Floor, BRAC University Building# 0,6, with their certificatcs, mark sheets (original and photocopy) and 3 copies of recent passport size photographs before paying thc fees. SL APPLICATION ID sl_o1qqeqs6 | yuunu\4AD 1 966r3249s6 2 - 1053696344 J Cgftgzoaz 4 5 6 7 __]s1 RAQUIEUL HA*SAN I MARIUM KAWSER i SUnaON FRANCIS GOMES I rAnzeue sHAHNAZ yi?zoe _]gluu,o\!MAD RAIIB HossAIN -i22e2ia!!1 ] y,o sryaBFUDDINSAIF ANSARI 3946389897 i 4e_U _Q!_s2B766tL | !:_Ho.yon_vBY ADNAN ZAMAN 845:e2o?LtrZ l UeuryqR SHEIA B4!H\4IAN B 9 3914038563 Lo 11 4559as1p+a l2 l3 8535796894 t4 369972sQ1O 15 229531!915 _ t65t294609 _ I SAIMA KARIM 6248s5703s -[zt44crTlo$s4rl{ [Jewao HossAIN t6 950849 1539 5992965741 7017312962 6593907 177 4620736147 4590667636 -17 1B Le_- 20 21* 22 23 24 25 26 APPLICANT NAME _ KIIAI{ SHIFAT ARA TAMANNA MAJID NISHA CHAKMA iro]44 JlOc4rlE RAKIB MOHAMMAD AVI eqouil-Au el zavoen PRIAM WAHtrED FARAH TANZIR rAHvttNA AKTER NAHID SATIAR 2-24t6182_ ienEtutl._aqME! 6730912660 SAAD HAMMADI BABUI SALSABIL MASHUR RAHMAN 3594478OO7 2992909729 t/ z- The following candidate has been selected for admission zrnd is required to take a remedial English course (English for Academic Purpose) o.ffered by the BRAC Institute of Languages (BIL) of BRAC Univcrsity along with regular MDS courses as an additional requircmcnt for obtaining the MDS degree. The czrndidate has to pass the English for Acadcmic Purposc (EAP) coursc within consecutive two semesters. Bcing Unsuccessful in this course will cause canccllation of the admission. EAP class will start from September L9, 2OL4. Last date of registration is on September 18, 2O\4. For details, contact the BRAC Institutc of Languages (BIL) officc on Level-14. SL 1 2 .-) 4 5 6 7 ID I APPLICANT NAME 6266746584 I JENNY MILDRED D CRUZE 8128646411 i I,IO. NAZMUS SHAYDUT 3O3r rOr3s4 lnelnueA MAHMUD KHAN 219so9er67 I SATYKI ROY 7736888490 i MAHMODUL HASAN SOJIB APPLICATION l7lgral7e2s 4t49865386 I BrPUL PRo*MrrllEqs_lIJANGMA | I<.U.ASADUN NOOR Withheld: epir,rdarroN rD I nerlrcaNT NAME 9254739664 | REZA MD KAMRULHOQUE M4Lo\? Dr. Md. Zohurul Islam Acadcmic Coordinator IIIGD, tSItAC University Contact at: Phone: 04478444O53 Ext: 5058 E-mail: tarikul. alam@bracu. ac. bd
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