The Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute Alumni Association Newsletter Volume 4, Issue 3 THIS ISSUE Light of the World, Salt of the Earth Light of the World: The Carter Family By Glennell Munné, LPMI Class of 2012 A Deacon’s Story: Jim Patterson Diaconate Ordination tures Winter 2013 Pic- Thanks to our Sponsors Professional Development Thanks to our sponsors and partners! Links of Interest We ask all alumni to help invite qualified adult lay ministers to consider participation in the YEAR OF DISCERNMENT SAVE THE DATE LPMIAA Morning of Reflection Saturday, March 22, 2014 8:30 - 12:30 Christ the King, Tampa Email registration will be sent in February “By charity, we love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves for love of God. Charity, the form of all the virtues, ‘binds everything together in perfect harmony’" CCC 1844 (Col 3:14) As we have come to the close of the Year of Faith that celebrates the 50th anniversary of Vatican II and the 25th anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, let us turn to the message in Lumen Gentium that exhorts us to be a light unto the world and take instruction from the Catechism as expressed in the above article of faith. We must remember that the People of God are "Established by Christ as a communion of life, charity and truth... also used by Him as an instrument for The Carter Family: the redemption of all, and... sent forth Victoria, Charmaine, Courtney, John and Jonathan into the whole world as the light of the world and the salt of the earth." LG 2:9 As class after class was commissioned through the Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute, we saw many examples of individuals and families shining their light and salting the earth. Each of us is a gift to others, and it is in our self-giving that the essence of our nature lights and seasons the world. Not the least example of this can be seen in a newly commissioned couple, Dr. Charmaine and Mr. John Carter, LPMI Class of 2013. The LPMI Class of 2013 was divided into two meeting locations, one in St. Petersburg and the other in Tampa. Over a three year period, attrition took place and in the final year the class size reached critical mass, making it necessary to either combine both groups of students or defer graduation until the next academic year. This would mean that one group or the other would need to travel long distances to class each week. The decision would have to come from the student body: Time! Money! Family! Safety! There was a cry of “Oh, Holy Spirit Come,” and come He did. After everyone separated for break and many private prayers were offered, discernment by an LPMI couple tipped the scale for the Tampa venue. The Carter Family Tree has John, who is an attorney working all over Florida and other states; Charmaine, who is a physician who works in St. Petersburg; Courtney, 18 years old and a graduating senior at St. Petersburg Catholic HS, Victoria, “Tori,” a 16 year old senior at Article continues on page 2 Page 2 Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute Alumni Association Newsletter Continued from page 1 St. Petersburg Catholic HS; Jonathan, a 15 year old, sophomore at Jesuit HS who has golfing practice after school. In spite of these many demands, the Carters generously agreed to join the Tampa location. There would be times when the Carter vehicles crossed the Howard Franklin Bridge twice or more each afternoon to get one child or the other to a destination and then the parents back to LPMI class. This took family cooperation, love of the faith and true sacrifice. As the class of 2013 grew to know each other, the charity that the Carters had demonstrated on behalf of the group blossomed into mutual and genuine affection among every member. The retreat that year was a special time together as everyone recalled the many moments of sharing faith, concern, learning and self-giving as brothers and sisters in Christ. John was born in South Boston, VA. He was raised on a farm and attended the University of Virginia as an undergraduate and for law school. He practiced law for about 15 years before being promoted to lead as CEO to oversee $50 billion in assets for Management Company. Currently, John is a corporate lawyer and owns his own executive recruiting firm. Charmaine was born in Jamaica and immigrated to USA at age four. She is a physician who specializes in Internal Medicine, and has worked with Suncoast Medical Clinic in St. Petersburg since December 1993. They are the proud parents of the three children described above and will celebrate 20 years of marriage on October 9, 2013. The Carter family came into the Catholic Church through the RCIA in January, 2006. Both parents were very active in the Protestant Church prior to becoming Catholic and believed that in order to be active participants in their new community of faith, it was essential to learn more about the Catholic faith. They determined the best way to get a sound theological foundation was through the LPMI. When asked, “What was the driving force behind their decision to pursue theological studies,” both John and Charmaine professed, “We both believe that we are called to serve in our parish in whatever capacity we can, because of our baptism. Now that we have been richly educated in the Catholic faith, we are willing to serve in any capacity that will enrich the Church. As our practicum, we developed the Greeters Ministry at the Cathedral, which continues to be very successful. John has recently been accepted to be an Aspirant in the Diaconate Formation Program of the Diocese. John will continue to be an active 4th Degree Knight of Columbus and a Eucharistic Minister." The discernment for the Diaconate deepened John’s faith in God and his relationship with Christ. He has found that he must rely on Christ in all things in order to serve others effectively. He says, “Personal spirituality is essential for helping others with their spiritual walk with Christ." John’s discernment classes led to a greater appreciation and understanding of the history, struggles, and impact of the world-wide Catholic Church. Charmaine is a Columbiette, a Eucharistic Minister, and a Lector. She began basic and advanced catechetical formation classes and will begin working with RCIA this autumn. Charmaine will obtain her Masters Degree in Theology along with John as they attend diaconate classes together. “With a better understanding of Catholic teaching, we have confidence to serve more fully in whatever ministry we enter into for the parish/diocese. We hope to encourage others to participate in life-long theological formation in order to do as much as they are able in the parish/Church,” says Charmaine. We join in prayer as we thank God for the Carters, for their ministry, and especially to ask God to bless their continued formation in the Diaconate. Curious about the Diaconate? More information can be found here on the USCCB web site: Volume 4, Issue 3 Page 3 A Deacon’s Story: Jim Paterson By Jim Paterson Jim Paterson and his wife Ann Celeste have been in the Tampa area since 1978. Jim worked as a biomedical researcher at the University of South Florida and the Tampa VA Medical Center for twenty-five years. Jim was commissioned in the LPMI program in 2002. In 2003 Jim & Ann Celeste moved to Detroit to work at Karmanos Cancer Institute where they lived for eight years. Sudden employment brought them “back home” in 2011. Jim and Ann have four children, two married, and two beautiful granddaughters bless their family. Answering the Spirit’s promptings to diakonia began in 1998 with the encouragement of Jim’s dear friend, Fr. Alan Weber, and through the Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute, and then continued in the Archdiocese of Detroit. His journey is finally being completed where it began in the Diocese of St. Petersburg. On July first of this year, Jim left the University of South Florida College of Medicine and Department of Pathology to take the position of Assistant to the Rector (Fr. John Holly, OFM, Cap) in the development office of St. Lawrence Seminary. Fortunately, with advances in modern technology, Ann Celeste and Jim do not Jim Paterson and Fr. Dennis Hughes need to relocate. Fr. John, whom Jim has known since seventh grade, has also played a major role in his discernment of Jesus’ call to the permanent diaconate. The grace of God that has poured out on Ann Celeste, Jim and his family is amazing! With God’s continued graces, Jim begin humble diaconal ministry to God’s People by serving at His Altar, by proclaiming His Word and through works of Charity at St. Peter the Apostle Community, Trinity, Florida. Jim knows that without the support, prayers and love of Ann Celeste, he could have never made this journey. Due to her holiness, the Spirit of God is constantly being revealed! SAVE THE DATE! The LPMIAA Morning of Reflection OME! S W ELC E SPOUS FREE! Christ the King Parish Saturday, March 22, 2014 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM Look for more information and an email invitation in February Please contact Rowena Wilkinson if you would like to assist [email protected] Page 4 Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute Alumni Association Newsletter The Ordination to the Diaconate in the Diocese of St. Petersburg took place on October 19, 2013 at The Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle in St. Petersburg, Florida. Those ordained (and their home parishes) included Kevin Dwyer (St. Paul, Tampa) Rudolph Fernandes (St. Ignatius of Antioch, Tarpon Springs) Robert Harris (St. Francis of Assisi, Seffner) Michael Holmes (St. Timothy, Lutz) Michael Menchen (St. Mary, Our Lady of Grace, St. Petersburg) James Paterson (St. Timothy, Lutz) Ramon Rodriguez (St. Joseph, Tampa) Photos by Rowena Wilkinson and Susie Ajoc Volume 4, Issue 3 Page 5 LPMI and the Diaconate By Deacon Peter André I was ordained to diaconal ministry with 19 other men in late June 1997. Our class was called by Bishop Favalora while he was still our ordinary here in St. Petersburg. During our formation, Bishop Favalora added ARCH to his title and took over in Miami. Bishop Lynch arrived about a year later and inherited our group of deacons in formation without knowing anything about any of us and, I learned recently, held an opinion shared by many bishops that the diaconate was a clericalization of the laity. Bishop Lynch has since changed his opinion. However, it was another 12 years before the next class of deacons was ordained in 2009. We have had new groups ordained every second year since then with a group anticipating ordination in 2015, and another in 2017. In 1999 the Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute was established, and in 2002, a year away from completing my studies for an MA in Theology, I began teaching in the academic portion of the Institute. Then, in 2006 I began working part time for the Office of the Diaconate as the Coordinator of Pastoral Field Education. From this unusual perspective, I was asked to share some thoughts about the relationship between LPMI and the diaconate. A bit of the history of that relationship might be in order. As the LPMI was being introduced, its initial applicants were told that if there was to be another class of deacons, LPMI or advance work in Deacon Peter André theology would be one of the requirements. As a result, many of the deacons in the 2009 class are graduates of the LPMI. With so much background on almost all of the candidates and a pretty impressive resume of her own, Sr. Marlene Weidenborner, the second Director of the LPMI, was asked to be a member of the Admissions and Scrutinies Board which evaluates admission of aspirants into formation and approves their continuing in the process at important milestones. Eventually, for a range of reasons, the LPMI requirement as part of the diaconate formation was dropped. One important reason was that four years of LPMI and four years of diaconal formation seemed like a long time to expect of candidates. In addition, while lay and ordained ministry are complimentary and overlapping in many areas, especially when speaking of diaconal ministry there are certain fundamental differences in formation. To this day however, LPMI is still seen as a big plus for men aspiring to be deacons. The relationship between the LPMI and the diaconate has evolved and changed over time. Several deacons are still involved in the LPMI program as instructors, year of discernment presenters, and theological reflection leaders. A number of LPMI graduates and participants are deacons or are involved in the diaconate. When most people think of the restored diaconate they picture Vatican II. In some ways, here in the Diocese of St. Petersburg, I think of the diaconate class of 1999. The LPMI has had a large and very positive effect on the ‘restored diaconate’ from the sharing of personnel to the initial formation of many of the current deacons, to the screening of the applicants. In his ordination homily to me and my class-mates, Bishop Lynch called on us to develop the gifts we possessed that were unique to lay people. Under Bishop Lynch’s leadership, both lay ministry and the diaconate have matured and flourished. I think that prophetic call to those of us minutes from ordination has been brought to fruition by our bishop by his establishment and support of the Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute to bring those gifts that are uniquely lay to the service and enrichment of God’s people, and the Church, including, in no small way, the diaconate. Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute Alumni Association Newsletter Page 6 THANKS TO OUR PARTNERS AND SPONSORS! SPECIAL CHARTER MEMBERSHIP Rosaries by Marlene Illanes Marlene makes beautiful custom rosaries. Please contact her if you would like to order some. Thank you for the rosary donations for the Morning of Reflection, Marlene. (813) 390-4798 [email protected] We invite all members to consider becoming a CHARTER MEMBER of the LPMI Alumni Association. Charter Members will be listed on the home page of our website and also recognized in our quarterly newsletter front page. Charter members will never have to pay annual dues again! Please use the registration form and send your check for $100.00 made payable to "LPMI Alumni Association" to Photos by Rowena "We can turn any event into a photo opportunity" On a budget? We can assist! Great photography at a great price! Rowena Wilkinson (813) 420-5675 [email protected] Susan Ajoc 560 23rd Ave. SE St. Petersburg, FL 33705 Charter Membership is a one-time, lifetime donation. Thank you for your commitment to the establishment of the LPMI Alumni Association. The latest action/adventure story of our favorite nun is now available at either in paper or on Kindle. Follow Sister Mary as she uncovers a plot against the Catholic Church from ultra-conservative cardinals intent on assassinating Pope Francis and replacing him with a pope of their choice who will take the Church back to the 1300s. This latest book is the fourth in the Sister Mary series by our own George Patterson, LPMI Class of 2002. George will donate a book for our Morning of Reflection door prizes, but you need not wait until then to read - order his books on Amazon at Thanks, George! Note to members: The LPMIAA decided to shift its membership year to July 1 - June 30. If you paid a membership for 2013, it is good until June 30, 2014. Thank you for your support! Dues are used for our Morning of Reflection. Volume 4, Issue 3 Page 7 Why do Pastors, Deacons, Catechists, Teachers, Principals, Youth Ministers, RCIA Coordinators, Adult Faith Formation Staff and Technology Coordinators Come to INTERACTIVE CONNECTIONS? “It helped me see the wide array of tools that are available for evangelizing in our digital world and to feel more confident in exploring these tools for the greater glory of God.” (Anonymous) “All of the workshops that I attended provided me with new insights and information that I am able to use in my ministry… I was able to make connections with other parish ministers from other parts of the country and look forward to continuing conversations and learning from them.” (Tammy Graves) Keynote Speakers: Bishop Frank Caggiano and Diane Lampitt 5th Annual INTERACTIVE CONNECTIONS Conference January 28 - 31, 2014 Orlando, Florida Tuesday evening, Jan. 28 - Keynote speaker and networking social Wednesday, Jan. 29 - Keynote speaker and workshops Thursday - Friday, Jan. 30 - 31 - optional attendance FETC Click here to see registration costs and full details: LPMI Alumni - please take advantage of this opportunity to update your skills and knowledge related to technology, catechesis, and evangelization. Contact Information Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute Dale Brown Associate Director, LPMI (727) 344-1611, ext. 5458 [email protected] Ruth Appel Administrative Assistant, LPMI (727) 344-1611, ext. 5827 [email protected] Judy Zink Coordinator of Theological Reflection (727) 344-1611, ext 5410 [email protected] Fax: (727) 374-0209 Please visit us on our Diocesan website at http:// dosp_lpmi.cathol INTERESTED in becoming more involved in the LPMI Alumni Association? Just contact us by email at [email protected] or Download our Alumni Membership Form and Membership Card here. Are you a speaker on any ministry topic? Let us know! Complete this online survey and we will add you to our speaker listing. See speakers who have already signed up here: Visit our Alumni Association web site! Alumni Association Contact Information President Claudia McIvor [email protected] (727) 526-2154 Treasurer Susie Ajoc [email protected] (727) 403-9325 Secretary Theresa Adams [email protected] Membership Christine Grieco [email protected] (727) 519-3360 Newsletter Editor Claudia McIvor [email protected] (727) 526-2154 Assistant Copy Editor Erin McIvor [email protected] (727) 452-8102 Here are some new resources on the LPMI web site, too. Perfect for printing and distributing in your parish! LPMI Fact Sheet 2013 LPMI Overview 2013 Your LPMIAA Board for 2013-2014 Claudia McIvor, President Susie Ajoc, Treasurer Theresa Adams, Secretary Chris Grieco, Membership Chair Claudia McIvor, Newsletter Editor Doris Cimino Marlene Illanes Chris Middendorf Glennell Munné Rowena Wilkinson
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