Official Premium List Belleville & District Kennel Club Inc. 53rd, 54th, 55th, 56th and 57th CKC Licensed Agility Trials All Breed - Limited Entry Friday, May 30th 1:30 pm Special Points and Distance (new class) instruction and Match. 4:30 pm: Points and Distance class, 2 Steeplechase followed by a Steeplechase Match / Money Run (Total Purse $500.00) Saturday, May 31st 2 Standards, 2 Jumpers With Weaves, and 1 Points and Distance Sunday, June 1st 1 Standard, 1 Jumpers With Weaves, 1 Points and Distance and 2 Steeplechase This trial will be held outdoors, on a grass surface. There will be 2 rings ( 100 x 120 ) operating alternately. No cover is provided in the case of inclement weather. These events are held under the rules of the Canadian Kennel Club Entries Open 8 a.m. March 1, 2014 Early Bird Special Applies to entries postmarked by May 1st, 2014 Entries Close 8 p.m., May 21, 2014 or when limit is reached. Great Location with Dry on Site Camping. West Riverside Park, Soccer Field A/B. Just off North Park Street Belleville, Ontario. Directions Hwy 401 From the East Exit 544 south on Hwy 37 (Cannifton Rd), Turn right at Bell Blvd,(cross the River, turn right onto North Park St. Turn Right at first roadway and follow signs for trial From the West Exit 543A south at Hwy 62, Turn left at Bell Blvd, turn left onto North Park St. Turn Right at first roadway and follow signs for trial. Agility Trial Entry Line Now Available Belleville & District Kennel Club Inc. Club Officers President: Vice President: Treasurer: Secretary: Patricia Hunt Sandra Esford Shelly Lyck Gail Giles Directors: Jeannette Tinsley, Joyce Koomans, Adrienne Almy, Gord Sutherland, Steve Esford Trial Committee Trial Chairperson: Trial Secretary: Treasurer: Committee Members: Christopher Spencer [email protected] Gail Giles 1523 Lazier Rd., RR#2, Shannonville, ON K0K 3A0 613-967-6577 [email protected] Shelly Lyck Sandra Esford, Steve Esford, Patricia Hunt, Linda McCaughen, Gord Sutherland, Jeannette Tinsley Canadian Kennel Club Officers Executive Officer Eastern Ontario Director Eastern Ontario Agility Rep Lance Novak 100-89 Skyway Avenue, Etobicoke, ON M9W 6R4 416-675-5511 Bob Rowbotham, RR# 4 Stirling ON K0K 3E0 613-395-4828 [email protected] Sandra Esford 1452 Wallbridge Loyalist Rd RR# 5,Belleville ON K8N 4Z5 613-962-1576 [email protected] Judges and Assignments May 30, 2014 Trial #1(PAD & SC) May 31, 2014 Trial #2 (STD & JWW) Sandra Esford Belleville, On. Sharon Dunsmore Pickering, On Trial #3 (PAD, STD & JWW) M. J. Thuot Sherbrooke, QC June 1, 2014 Trial #4 (STD & JWW) Trial #5 (PAD & SC) M. J. Thuot Sharon Dunsmore Entry Fees (Canadian Funds or U.S. Funds) Entry Fee per dog/per run: Early Bird (postmarked by May 1st) $22.00 Ear ly Bir d Deal all 8 runs/same dog: $160.00; additional runs $20 each Regular Fee: $25/run or 8 runs same dog $180.00; additional runs $23 each AFTER CLOSING TO DAY OF TRIAL ENTRY $35.00 PER RUN (cash only) Listing Fee per dog /per trial: ( if no CKC/ERN, Misc. Cert.#) $9.50 * all fees include the 13% HST All Fees Payable to: Belleville & District Kennel Club (B&DKC) Mail Entry to: Gail Giles, 1523 Lazier Rd., RR#2, Shannonville, ON K0K 3A0 Entry Line will also take entries for this trial, see ad. Tendering a dishonoured cheque in payment of entry fee shall be considered non-payment of fees. (6.2.1) **A Service Charge of $25.00 will be applied to all returned cheques.** Veterinarian on call: Emergency Clinic, Prince Edward Square Rossmore, ON, Pet Hospital of Hastings and Prince Edward 613-968-9956 All particulars called for on the entry form must be complete. Any telephone calls required to confirm information will be made COLLECT. Exhibitors must abide by errors made in entering their dog/s regardless of how or by whom the entries were made. No entry will be accepted unless accompanied by full entry fees. The B&DKC can not accept fax or phone entries and reserves the right to refuse any entry, subject to CKC rules. If because of riots, civil disturbances or acts beyond the control of the Trial Committee, it is impossible to open or complete the trial, no refund of entry fees will be made. All entry confirmation and judging schedules will be mailed or e-mailed as soon as possible after entries close. Attention U.S. Exhibitors: We will accept U. S. cheques (checks) as noted in entry fees. Due to the constantly fluctuating currency rates, discounted cheques will not be accepted. Personal cheques will be accepted; however, they must be made payable in U.S. funds in amounts noted under entry fees. Listing Fees A CKC listing fee of $9.50 includeing HST Can. or US per dog per trial is payable with the entry fee if the entry of the dog does not include a CKC individual Registration number, PEN (Performance Event Number), ERN (Event Registration Number), or Miscellaneous Certificate Number (MCN). Eligibility: To be eligible to compete in this trial, a dog must be at least 18 months of age and registered with the CKC or eligible for registration with the CKC, have a PEN, an ERN or have a CKC MCN (Miscellaneous Certificate Number). Bitches in season are not permitted to compete in the trial however, entry and listing fees will be returned, providing a veterinarian’s certificate stating that the bitch was in season within the 10 day period preceding the trial is submitted to the Trial Secretary on or before the day of the trial. “It shall be the duty and obligation of the trial giving club to see that a judge, club official, volunteer, or any participant at an event held under these rules, is not subject to indignities of any kind. The Agility Trial Committee Chair shall promptly report to the CKC any infringement of this regulation, and the Discipline Committee shall have the authority to take such action as it deems fit, on receipt of a report indicating that this has occurred”. (4.1.3 t) Awards and Prizes: (for qualifying scores, only) Ribbons: Flat ribbons will be offered for all first to fourth place in each jump height in each class as well as for all qualifying scores. Rosettes will also be offered for any new title earned at this trial. Precincts of the trial: All grounds within 100' of the ring area or the fenced area of the grounds, whichever is less, shall be considered the trial grounds. Course Familiarization: Handlers in all classes are permitted to walk the course, without a dog, prior to the start of each class. There will be a 5 minute break between the end of the walk-through and the first dog on the line. Warm-up jump/s will be provided in proximity to the ring area. Move-up option: Dogs may be moved up to the next class between days, e.g. from Saturday to Sunday, by filling in the required move-up form and dogs may move from Excellent to Master Excellent between trials. No other move-ups will be permitted between trials on the same day. Exhibitor Information: Exhibitors, through submission of entry, acknowledge that they are knowledgeable of and will comply with the CKC Agility Rules and Regulations Effective Jan. 2014, a copy of which may be obtained by calling the Central Order Desk of CKC at 1-800-250-8040 Check-in will start Friday at 1 pm followed by PAD instruction and match. Trial 1 first dog on the line at 4:30 pm. Saturday and Sunday check in begins at 7:15 a.m., with the first dog on the line at 8:00 am. Points and Distance Instruction and Match This will start at 1:30 pm Friday. This will be offered free of charge to anyone already entered in any of the PAD classes. If you have not entered any PAD classes, you can still take part for a nominal fee of $15.00 payable on site. Steeplechase Money Run will be offered after Steeplechase 2 on Friday. To enter, a dog must have qualified in either SC1 or SC2. The top two dogs in each jump height will be selected. Dogs will jump their regulation height but the heights will be combined to create 5 divisions: Regular 8 & 12 , Regular 16 , Regular 20 & 24 ; Select and Vets 8 & 12 , Select and Vets 16 & 20 . $100.00 cash will be awarded to the winner of each division. Equipment familiarizations: There will be supervised contact equipment familiarization for Novice Dogs only each morning before the Novice Std class Food: No food during the day is available on the grounds, but available within 5 min. of the trial grounds. There is a barbecue dinner Saturday after the trial. The cost per person is $10.00. This includes a choice of salads and a barbecued hamburger or veggie burger. Classes Offered Regular, Selected and Veterans: Standard , Jumpers with Weaves, Points and Distance (PAD) and Steeplechase. Dogs may move laterally from Regular to Selected divisions. Dogs entering in Selected Class will not have the option of entering in Regular thereafter. Veterans Class: A dog 7 years or older may be entered in the Veterans class. The dog will retain its titles and qualifying score previously earned but may not revert back to the Regular or Selected Classes once it has run in the Veterans class. Novice class is open to dogs that have not acquired an Intermediate leg in the class entered. Intermediate class is open to dogs that have acquired the Agility Novice title, and to those dogs which have not yet acquired a qualifying score towards the Agility Excellent title in the class entered. Excellent class is for dogs that have acquired the Agility Intermediate title, but have not yet earned a qualifying score towards the an Excellent title in the class entered. Master Excellent class is for dogs that have acquired the Agility Excellent title in the class entered. PAD is a new game. It involves a point gathering component and a distance element within a 35 second time frame. STEEPLECHASE provides a fast paced course designed to test the dog’s ability to negotiate a jumpers style course while performing the A Frame and weave poles. The A and B levels have been dropped in both Novice and Excellent levels. The highest level is now called Master Excellent. More information on CKC Agility rule changes and summaries of the new classes, PAD and Steeplechase, is posted on the Belleville and District Kennel Club website. Schedule Two rings run alternately! th Friday, May 30 : Trial 1 (Small to Tall) Pad1, Steeplechase1, Steeplechase2, Money Run Judge S. Esford Saturday, May 31st Sunday, June 1st Trial 2 (Tall to Small) Judge: Sharon Dunsmore Trial 3 (Tall to Small) Judge: M.J. Thuot Ring 1 Ex JWW Int. JWW Ring 2 Novice Std Int. Std Novice JWW Ex Std Novice JWW Int JWW Ex Std Int Std Novice Std Ex JWW PAD 2 Trial 4: (Small to Tall) Judge: M.J. Thuot Ring 1 Novice JWW Int JWW Ring 2 Ex Std Int Std Ex JWW Novice Std Trial 5 (Small to Tall) Judge: Sharon Dunsmore SC3 SC4 Novice PAD Int PAD Ex PAD Height Divisions Handlers are responsible for entering the correct height division. The judge may request any dog be measured. Selected Class dogs will jump one height lower than the equivalent regular class height shown in the table below and dogs who measure 10” or below will jump 4” in the Selected Class. Veteran dogs may jump one or two heights lower. The following jump height divisions shall be use in all regular classes. 8 inches for dogs 10 inches and under at the withers 12 inches for dogs 14 inches and under at the withers 16 inches for dogs 18 inches and under at the withers 20 inches for dogs 22 inches and under at the withers 24 inches for dogs over 22 inches at the withers Obstacles: Agility obstacles meet the requirements of the CKC Agility Rules Note: A-Frame, Dogwalk, Teeter and Table have rubber surfaces and the tire is a breakaway self healing type. There will be no required position on the table and the count will be continuous. Six weave poles are in all Novice Classes. One bar jumps may be used at any level. A Frame is set at 5’ for dogs jumping 12” or less and for the Steeplechase class. The tire is set 4” less than the regular jump height. Electronic timing will be used at these trials. There will be two rings running alternately. Camping Limited overnight dry camping allowed at the trial site. No services but water will be available for fill-up Cost: $10.00/day. Generators Allowed. Accommodations in the area that will accept dogs. The group rates below are in effect until one month prior to the trial. Belleville: Comfort Inn, (closest to the trial) 200 North Park St. 613-966-7703 Group Rate = $105.00 plus tax, no fee for dogs. Includes breakfast. Trenton: Comfort Inn, (15 min. from Trial), Hwy 401 & Glen Miller Rd. 613-965-6660 Group Rate = $99.00 plus tax, no fee for dogs. Includes breakfast. Official Canadian Kennel Club Form - Agility Entry Fee $ Exhibition Only Friday May 30 Saturday May 31 Trial 1 PAD Trial 2 Trial 2 BBQ Total $ Trial 4 Trial 4 Height Division: Trial 5 8 PAD Standard Trial 5 PAD 4 Trial 3 Trial 3 JWW Standard Veterans Trial 1 Steeplechase 2 Trial 3 JWW JWW Selected Camping Fee Trial 1 Steeplechase 1 Standard Sunday June 1 Entered in Regular Listing Fee Trial 5 Steeplechase 3 12 16 20 Steeplechase 4 24 Ht at Withers Entered in the following Levels (check one for class below) Standard JWW Points and Distance (PAD) Novice Intermediate Excellent Novice Intermediate Excellent Novice Intermediate Excellent Master Excellent Master Excellent Master Excellent Note: Steeplechase is All One Level Breed Call Name Registered Name of Dog Check one and Enter # here: CKC Reg CKC Misc. Cert CKC ERN CKC PEN Place of Birth: Date of Birth Canada D_____M______Y_______ Elsewhere Listed Breeders Sire Dam Reg.Owners Owner s Address City Prov. Postal Code Name of Agent (if Any) Agent s Address Emergency Contact Mail ID to Owner Phone # Agent email address I CERTIFY that I am the registered owner(s) of the dog or that I am the duly authorized agent of the owner(s) whose name I have entered above. I have entered above and accept full responsibility for all statements made in this entry. In consideration of this entry, I (we) agree to be bound by the rules and regulations of the Canadian Kennel Club and by any additional rules and regulations appearing in the Premium List Signature of Owner or His Agent duly Authorized to Make this Entry Handler: Telephone
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