Kerala Gazette No. 38 dated 30th September 2014. PART III COMMISSIONERATE OF LAND REVENUE LAND FAIR VALUE NOTIFICATION THRISSUR DISTRICT Xncp-ج hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ _n5˛19713/2011. 2014 BKÃvv 25. 6˛3-˛2010-˛mw Xob-Xnbnse 515-˛mw \º¿ tIcf Akm-[m-cW Kk‰v {]Imcw Xr-»q¿ Pn√-bnse Xr-»q¿ Xmeq-°n¬ Dƒs∏´ `qan-I-fpsS \ymb-hn-e -k¿°m¿ {]kn-≤o-I-cn-®n-´p-≈-Xm-Wv.- F-∂m¬ Sn Xmeq-°n¬ Dƒs∏´ Ac-Wm-´p-Ic, Nmgq¿, Nnøm-cw, FS-°-f-Øq¿, Imc-ap-°v, Iq¿°-t©-cn, ]o®n, t]cm-aw-K-ew, ]p√-gn, ]pd-\m-´pIc, Xr»q¿, Duc-Iw, hn¬h´w F∂o hnt√-Pp-I-fnse GXm\pw k¿s∆ \º-cp-I-fn¬s∏´ kzIm-cy-`q-an 'k¿°m¿ `qan ' F∂v sX‰mbn tcJ-s∏-SpØn hne \niv-Nbn-®n-´p-≈Xpw, Nne k¿s∆/k_v Unhnj-\p-Iƒ°v \ymbhne \n›-bn-°m≥ hn´p-t]m-bn-´p-≈Xpw Nne hkvXp-°-fpsS ¢mkn^n-t°-j≥ sXddmbn tcJ-s∏-SpØn hne \n›-bn-®n´p-≈Xpw BWv. C{-]I - mcw D≈ `qan-Iƒ°v \ymb hne \n›b-n° - p-∂Xn\v `qan-bpsS ssIh-i-°m¿ ka¿∏n® At]-£-bn≥ta¬ Xr»q¿ AUojW¬ Xl-io¬ZmcpsS At\z-jW dnt∏m-¿´v {]Imcw \ymb-hne \nivN-bn-®v Cu Hm^o-kn¬ \n∂pw DØ-c-hm-bn-´p-≈-Xm-Wv. Sn k¿s∆/k_v Unhn-j-\p-I-fn¬s∏´ hkv-Xp-°ƒ°v ]pXp°n \n›-bn® \ymb hne Xmsg-]-d-bp∂ ¢mkn-^n-t°-j-\p-Iƒ {]Imcw XncpØn hmbn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. FORM ‘A’ (See Rule 4) NOTIFICATIONS Whereas, it is expedient to publish the Fair Value of the Land as required under Section 28A of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959 read with Rule 4 of the Kerala Stamp (Fixation of fair Value of Land) Rules, 1995 ; Now, therefore, it is hereby made known to the public that the Fair value fixed for the land mentioned against each serial numbers in respect of the land situated in the Survey/Re-survey Numbers of the Village and Taluk mentioned against each, shall be as shown against it in Column (11) thereof. (1) No. K.Dis.7500/14/B5. 31st May 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Aranattukara. Sub Re-Survey Sl. Survey Re-Survey Re-Survey Division Sub Div. No. No. Block No No. . No. (1) (2) 714 0 (3) (4) (5) (6) 10 .. .. .. 0 Name of Panchayath/ Local Body Municipality/ Panchayath/ Corporation Municipality/ Corporation (7) Corporation 1 Name Fair Value and Classification per Are by use No. of ` Ward (8) (9) Thrissur C 0 (10) (11) Residential plot 2,97,000 with Corporation road access 0 2 (2) No. K.Dis.9415/14/B5. 30th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Chazhur. Sub Re-Survey Sl. Survey Re-Survey Re-Survey Division Sub-Div. No. No. Block No. No. No. (1) .. (2) 281 (3) 4 (4) (5) (6) .. .. .. Name of Panchayath/ Local Body Municipality/ Panchayath/ Corporation Municipality/ Corporation Name Fair Value and Classification per Are by use No. of ` Ward (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Panchayath Chazhur .. Residential plot with Panchayath road access 75,000 (3) No. K.Dis.11252/14/B5. 2nd August 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Chiyyaram Sub Re-Survey Sl. Survey Re-Survey Re-Survey Division Sub-Div. No. No. Block No. No. No. (1) (2) .. 401 (3) 1 Name of Panchayath/ Local Body Municipality/ Panchayath/ Corporation Municipality/ Corporation (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) .. .. .. Corporation Thrissur Name Fair Value and Classification per Are by use No. of ` Ward (9) (10) (11) 32 Chiyyaram Residential 2,96,400 South plot with PWD road access (4) No. K.Dis.14580/13/B5. 8th October 2013. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Edakkalathur Sub Re-Survey Sl. Survey Re-Survey Re-Survey Division Sub-Div. No. No. Block No. No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) .. .. .. 4 Revenue Divisional Office, Thrissur. Name of Panchayath/ Local Body Municipality/ Panchayath/ Corporation Municipality/ Corporation Name Fair Value and Classification per Are by use No. of ` Ward (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 409 1, 4 Panchayath Tholur .. (10) (11) Wet land 6,000 (Sd.) Sub Collector. 3 ERRATUM NOTIFICATION No. B5-7122/2013/K. Dis. 30th June 2014. The fair value of the land comprised in Sy. No. 434/1 of Karamuck Village of Thrissur Taluk in Thrissur District finalized on 6-3-2010 (date) stands modified to the extent shown below: SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Karamuck. Name of Re-Sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Re-Sy. Re-Sy. Municipality/ Corporation/ Number Division Block No. Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Panchayath Sl. No. Sub Sy. No. Division No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) .. 434 1 .. .. .. Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (11) (7) (8) (9) (10) Panchayath Manalur 12 Samajam School Near Wet land Revenue Divisional Office, Thrissur. 15,000 (Sd.) Sub Collector. FORM 'A' [See Rule 4] NOTIFICATIONS Whereas, it is expedient to publish the Fair Value of Land as required under Section 28A of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959 read with Rule 4 of the Kerala Stamp (Fixation of Fair Value of Land) Rules, 1995; Now, Therefore, it is hereby made known to the public that the fair value fixed for the land mentioned against each serial number, in respect of the land situated in the survey/re-survey numbers of the Village and Taluk mentioned against each, shall be as shown against it in Column (11) thereof. (1) No. K.Dis.-4077/2014/B5. 13th March 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Koorkkancheri. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) .. 483 Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Corporation/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Panchayath Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1 2 .. .. .. Corporation Thrissur .. Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (10) (11) Commercially 9,50,000 Important plot 4 (2) No. K.Dis.9224/14/B5. 11th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Peechi. Sub Re-Survey Sl. Survey Re-Survey Re-Survey Division Sub-Div. No. No. Block No. No. No. (1) (2) 2001 1995 1997 2016 Name of Panchayath/ Local Body Municipality/ Panchayath/ Corporation Municipality/ Corporation Name Fair Value and Classification per Are by use No. of ` Ward (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1 1 1 1 .. .. .. Panchayath Pananchery 12 Mylattupara (10) (11) Residential 80,000 plot without vehicular access (3) No. K.Dis.15998/13/B5. 18th November 2013. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Peechi. Sub Re-Survey Sl. Survey Re-SurveyRe-Survey Division Sub Div. No. No. Block No. No. No. (1) Name of Panchayath/ Local Body Municipality/ Panchayath/ Corporation Municipality/ Corporation (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1940 3 .. .. .. Panchayath Pananchery Name Fair Value Classification and per Are by use No. of ` Ward (9) (10) (11) 16 Residential 98,800 Cheenikkadavu plot with Panchayath road access (4) No. K.Dis.3057/14/B5. 17th March 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Peechi. Sub Re-Survey Sl. Survey Re-Survey Re-Survey Division Sub-Div. No. No. Block No. No. No. (1) (2) (3) 1 3365 1 Name of Panchayath/ Local Body Municipality/ Panchayath/ Corporation Municipality/ Corporation Name Fair Value and Classification per Are by use No. of ` Ward (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) .. .. .. Panchayath Pananchery 16 Kannarakunnu (10) (11) Residential 62,500 plot with Panchayath road access 5 (5) No. K.Dis.3577/2014/B5. 5th March 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Peechi. Sub Re-Survey Sl. Survey Re-SurveyRe-Survey Division Sub Div. No. No. Block No. No. No. (1) Name of Panchayath/ Local Body Municipality/ Panchayath/ Corporation Municipality/ Corporation Name Fair Value and Classification per Are No. of by use ` Ward (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 2313 1 .. .. .. Panchayath Pananchery VIII Pothimada (10) (11) Residential 60,000 plot with Panchayath road access (6) No. K.Dis.19249/2013/B5. 27th December 2013. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Peechi. Sub Re-Survey Sl. Survey Re-SurveyRe-Survey Division Sub Div. No. No. Block No. No. No. Name of Panchayath/ Local Body Municipality/ Panchayath/ Corporation Municipality/ Corporation Name Fair Value and Classification per Are No. of by use ` Ward (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1 3506 2 .. .. .. Panchayath Pananchery Ward 13 Peechi (10) (11) Residential 1,48,200 plot with privte road access (7) No. K.Dis.19704/2013/B5. 28th December 2013. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Peechi. Sub Re-Survey Sl. Survey Re-SurveyRe-Survey Division Sub Div. No. No. Block No. No. No. Name of Panchayath/ Local Body Municipality/ Panchayath/ Corporation Municipality/ Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) .. 2114 3 .. .. .. Panchayath Pananchery Name Fair Value and Classification per Are No. of by use ` Ward (9) (10) (11) 13 Rocky land 74,100 Ambalakkunnu 6 (8) No. K.Dis.3473/2014/B5. 13th March 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Peechi. Name of Sub Re-Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey Re-Survey Re-Survey Division Sub Div. Municipality/ Panchayath/ No. No. Block No. No. No. Corporation Municipality/ Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 3504 2, 3 .. .. .. (7) (8) Panchayath Pananchery Name Fair Value and Classification per Are No. of by use ` Ward (9) (10) (11) .. Residential plot with PWD road access 2,00,000 (9) No. K.Dis. 8877/2014/B5. 11th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Peechi. Name of Sub Re-Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey Re-Survey Re-Survey Division Sub Div. Municipality/ Panchayath/ No. No. Block No. No. No. Corporation Municipality/ Corporation (1) (2) (3) 1996 (4) 1 (5) .. (6) .. .. (7) (8) Panchayath Pananchery Name Fair Value and Classification per Are No. of by use ` Ward (9) (10) (11) 12 Residential 85,000 Mylattupara plot with private road access (10) No. K.Dis.19704/2013/B5 (2). 28th December 2013. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Peechi. Name of Sub Re-Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey Re-Survey Re-Survey Division Sub Div. Municipality/ Panchayath/ No. No. Block No. No. No. Corporation Municipality/ Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 2113 4 .. .. .. Panchayath (8) Name Fair Value and Classification per Are No. of by use ` Ward (9) Pananchery 13 Ambalakkunnu (10) (11) Rocky land 74,100 7 (11) No. K.Dis.9296/2014/B5. 11th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Peechi. Name of Sub Re-Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey Re-Survey Re-Survey Division Sub Div. Municipality/ Panchayath/ No. No. Block No No. . No. Corporation Municipality/ Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1079 4,6 .. .. .. Panchayath Pananchery Name Fair Value Classification and per Are by use No. of ` Ward (9) (10) (11) 16 Mandanchira Residential 52,000 plot with Panchayath Road access (12) No. K.Dis.8326/2014/B5. 6th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Peramangalam. Name of Sub Re-Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey Re-Survey Re-Survey Division Sub Div. Municipality/ Panchayath/ No. No. Block No No. . No. Corporation Municipality/ Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) 3 (5) (6) 108 1 Name Fair Value Classification and per Are by use No. of ` Ward (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Panchayath Kaiparambu 13 Residential plot with Private Road access 2,00,000 (13) No. K.Dis.9414/2014/B5. 30th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Pullazhi. Name of Sub Re-Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey Re-Survey Re-Survey Division Sub Div. Municipality/ Panchayath/ No. No. Block No No. . No. Corporation Municipality/ Corporation (1) Name Fair Value Classification and per Are by use No. of ` Ward (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 557 4 .. .. .. Corporation Thrissur C Residential plot with Corporation Road access Revenue Divisional Office, Thrissur. (11) 2,75,000 (Sd.) Sub Collector. 8 ERRATUM NOTIFICATION No. K.Dis/9225/2014/B5. 8th July 2013. The fair value of the land comprised in Re-Sy. No. 269/1 of Puranattukara Village of Thrissur Taluk in Thrissur District finalized on 6-3-2010 (date), stands modified to the extent shown below: District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Puranattukara. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) .. .. Name of Re-Sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Re-Sy. Re-Sy. Municipality/ Panchayath Number Division Block No. Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (11) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) .. .. 269 3 Panchayath Adat .. Wet land Revenue Divisional Office, Thrissur. 15,500 (Sd.) Sub Collector. FORM 'A' [See Rule 4] NOTIFICATION No. K.Dis/20975/2013/B5. 8th July 2014. Whereas, it is expedient to publish the Fair Value of Land as required under Section 28A of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959 read with Rule 4 of the Kerala Stamp (Fixation of Fair Value of Land) Rules, 1995; Now, Therefore, it is hereby made known to the public that the fair value fixed for the land mentioned against each serial number, in respect of the land situated in the survey/re-survey numbers of the Village and Taluk mentioned against each, shall be as shown against it in Column (11) thereof. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Puranattukara. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) .. .. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) .. .. 266 7 Panchayath Adat Revenue Divisional Office, Thrissur. Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (9) (10) (11) .. Wet land 15,500 (Sd.) Sub Collector 9 ERRATUM NOTIFICATION No. K.Dis.7678/2014/B5. 8th July 2014. The fair value of the land comprised in Sy. No. 266/1 of Puranattukara Village of Thrissur Taluk in Thrissur District finalized on 6-3-2010 (date), stands modified to the extent shown below: District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Puranattukara. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) .. .. (3) Name of Re-Sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Re-Sy. Re-Sy. Municipality/ Panchayath Number Division Block No. Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) .. .. 266 1 Panchayath Adat .. Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (10) (11) Wet land Revenue Divisional Office, Thrissur. 15,500 (Sd.) Sub Collector. FORM 'A' [See Rule 4] NOTIFICATIONS Whereas, it is expedient to publish the Fair Value of Land as required under Section 28A of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959 read with Rule 4 of the Kerala Stamp (Fixation of Fair Value of Land) Rules, 1995; Now, Therefore, it is hereby made known to the public that the fair value fixed for the land mentioned against each serial number, in respect of the land situated in the survey/re-survey numbers of the Village and Taluk mentioned against each, shall be as shown against it in Column (11) thereof. (1) No. K.Dis.8911/2014/B5. 30th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Thrissur. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) .. 1602 Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (3) (4) (5) 1 .. .. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Corporation Thrissur 2 Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (10) (11) Residential 10,00,000 plot without Vehicular access (2) No. K.Dis.9297/2014/B5. 1st July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Urakam. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) .. 788 789 Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (3) (4) (5) 2 2 30 185 Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (6) (7) (8) (9) 3 Panchayath Cherpu 15 Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (10) (11) Residential plot with Panchayath Road access 45,000 10 (3) No. K.Dis.13327/2013/B5. 29th May 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Urakam. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) .. 1002 Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) .. 30 350 6 Panchayath (Cherpu) Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (9) (10) (11) 9 Ettumuna Wet land 8,000 (4) No. K.Dis.8324/2014/B5. 12th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Urakam. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) .. 154 Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 3 30 190 8 Panchayath Cherpu 15 Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (10) (11) Residential plot with Panchayath Road access 60,000 (5) No. K.Dis.8878/2014/B5. 11th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Vilvattom. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) .. 879 Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7 1 50 5 1 Corporation (8) Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (10) (11) (9) Thrissur 6, Ramavarmapuram Residential plot with Corporation Road access 1,90,000 11 (6) No. K.Dis.7908/2014/B5. 4th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Vilvattom. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) .. 508 Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (3) (4) (5) 2 50 3 Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (6) (7) 105 (8) Corporation Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (10) (11) (9) Thrissur 6, Ramavarmapuram Residential plot with Corporation Road access Revenue Divisional Office, Thrissur. 1,75,000 (Sd.) Sub Collector. Xncp-ج hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ _n5˛19713/2011. 2014 BKÃvv 25. 6˛3-˛2010-˛mw Xob-Xnbnse 515-˛mw \º¿ tIcf Akm-[m-cW Kk‰v {]Imcw Xr-»q¿ Pn√bnse Nmh°mSv Xmeq-°n¬ Dƒs∏´ `qan-If - psS \ymb-hn-e k - ¿°m¿ {]kn-≤o-Ic - n-®n-´p-≈X - m-Wv.- F-∂m¬ Sn Xmeq-°n¬ Dƒs∏´ ssX°mSv, he∏mSv F∂o hnt√- P p- I - f nse GXm\pw k¿s∆ \º- c p- I - f n¬s∏´ kzIm- c y- ` q- a n ‘k¿°m¿ `qan’ F∂v sX‰mbn tcJ- s ∏- S pØn hne \niv-N-bn-®n-´p-≈Xpw, Nne k¿s∆/k_v Unhnj-\p-Iƒ°v \ymbhne \n›-bn-°m≥ hn´p-t]m-bn-´p-≈Xpw Nne hkvXp-°-fpsS ¢mkn- ^ n- t °- j ≥ sXddmbn tcJ- s ∏- S pØn hne \n›- b n- ® n´p- ≈ Xpw BWv . C{- ] - I mcw D≈ `qan- I ƒ°v \ymbhne \n›b-n° - p-∂Xn\v `qan-bpsS ssIh-i° - m¿ ka¿∏n® At]-£b - n≥ta¬ Nmh°mSv AUojW¬ Xl-io¬ZmcpsS At\z-jW dnt∏m¿´v {]Imcw \ymb-hne \nivvNb - n-®v Cu Hm^o-kn¬ \n∂pw DØ-ch - m-bn-´p-≈X - m-Wv. Sn k¿s∆/k_v Unhn-j\ - p-If - n¬s∏´ hkv-Xp-°ƒ°v ]pXp°n \n›-bn® \ymbhne Xmsg -]-d-bp∂ ¢mkn-^n-t°-j-\p-Iƒ {]Imcw XncpØn hmbn-t°-≠X - m-Wv. FORM ‘A’ [See Rule 4] NOTIFICATIONS Whereas, it is expedient to publish the fair value of the land as required under Section 28A of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959, read with rule 4 of the Kerala Stamp (Fixation of Fair Value of Land) Rules, 1995; Now, therefore, it is hereby made known to the public that the fair value fixed for the land mentioned against each serial number in respect of the land situated in the Survey/Re-survey Numbers of the Village and Taluk mentioned against each shall be as shown against it in Column (11) thereof. (1) No. K.Dis.3698/2014/B5. 23rd June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chavakkad. Village—Thaikkad. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 31 3D .. .. .. (7) Municipality Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Guruvayur 6 Garden land 2,64,000 with road access 12 (2) No. K.Dis.1728/2014/B5. 18th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chavakkad. Village—Valappad. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 576 18 .. .. .. Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Valappad VI Wet land 4,00,000 (7) Panchayath Revenue Divisional Office, Thrissur. (Sd.) Sub Collector. Xncp-ج hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ _n5˛19713/2011. 2014 BKÃvv 25. 6˛3-˛2010-˛mw Xob-Xnbnse 515-˛mw \º¿ tIcf Akm-[m-cW Kk‰v {]Imcw Xr-»q¿ Pn√bnse apIp-µ] - pcw Xmeq-°n¬ Dƒs∏´ `qan-If - psS \ymb-hn-e k - ¿°m¿ {]kn-≤o-Ic - n-®n-´p-≈X - m-Wv.- F-∂m¬ Sn Xmeq-°n¬ Dƒs∏´ Bº-√q¿, sIm‰-s\-√q¿, ]d- ∏ q- ° - c , ]cn- b m- c w, ]qaw- K - e w, s]md- Ø n- t »- c n, ]pØ- © n- d , sX°pw- I c F∂o hnt√- P p- I - f nse GXm\pw k¿s∆ \º-cp-I-fn¬s∏´ kzIm-cy-`q-an 'k¿°m¿ `qan ' F∂v sX‰mbn tcJ-s∏-SpØn hne \niv-N-bn-®n-´p-≈Xpw, Nne k¿s∆/k_v Unhnj-\p-Iƒ°v \ymbhne \n›-bn-°m≥ hn´p-t]m-bn-´p-≈Xpw Nne hkvXp-°f - psS ¢mkn-^n-t°-j≥ sXddmbn tcJ- s ∏- S pØn hne \n›- b n- ® n´p- ≈ Xpw BWv . C{- ] - I mcw D≈ `qan- I ƒ°v \ymbhne \n›b- n - ° p- ∂ Xn\v `qan- b psS ssIh-i-°m¿ ka¿∏n® At]-£-bn≥ta¬ apIp-µ-]pcw AUojW¬ Xl-io¬ZmcpsS At\z-jW dnt∏m¿´v {]Imcw \ymb-hne \nivN-bn-®v Cu Hm^o-kn¬ \n∂pw DØ-c-hm-bn-´p-≈-Xm-Wv. Sn k¿s∆/k_v Unhn-j-\p-I-fn¬s∏´ hkv-Xp-°ƒ°v ]pXp°n \n›-bn® \ymbhne Xmsg -]-d-bp∂ ¢mkn-^n-t°-j-\p-Iƒ {]Imcw XncpØn hmbn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. FORM ‘A’ [See Rule 4] NOTIFICATIONS Whereas, it is expedient to publish the fair value of the land as required under Section 28A of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959, read with rule 4 of the Kerala Stamp (Fixation of Fair Value of Land) Rules, 1995; Now, therefore, it is hereby made known to the public that the fair value fixed for the land mentioned against each serial number in respect of the land situated in the Survey/Re-survey Numbers of the Village and Taluk mentioned against each shall be as shown against it in Column (11) thereof. (1) No. K.Dis.9221/2014/B5. 20th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Mukundapuram. Village—Amballur. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 794 2 .. .. .. (7) Panchayath Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Alagappanagar .. Residential Plot with Panchayath road access 40,000 13 (2) No. K.Dis.10377/2014/B5. 11th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Mukundapuram. Village—Kottanellur. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 484 2,3 .. .. .. (7) (8) Panchayath Velookara Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (9) (10) (11) XV Residential Plot 1,00,000 Ambanipokkam with Panchayath road access (3) No. K.Dis.7343/2014/B5. 30th May 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Mukundapuram. Village—Parappukkara. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1146 5,9 .. .. .. Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Parappookara 12 Residential Plot with NH/PWD road access 2,00,000 (7) Panchayath (4) No. K.Dis.8721/2014/B5. 11th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Mukundapuram. Village—Pariyaram. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1007 1 .. .. .. (7) Panchayath Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Pariyaram 06 Changankutty Residential Plot with PWD road access 1,00,000 14 (5) No. K.Dis.7342/2014/B5. 30th May 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Mukundapuram. Village—Poomangalam. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. No. Corporation (1) 1 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 338 2 .. .. .. Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Poomangalam .. Residential Plot with Panchayath road access 80,000 (7) Panchayath (6) No. K.Dis.7341/2014/B5. 20th May 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Mukundapuram. Village—Porathissery. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. No. Corporation (1) 1 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 727 2 .. .. .. Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Irinjalakuda 39 Wet land 1,500 (7) Municipality (7) No. K.Dis.11256/2014/B5. 4th August 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Mukundapuram. Village—Puthenchira. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 138 11 .. .. .. (7) Panchayath Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Puthenchira .. Residential Plot with Private road access 32,500 15 (8) No. K.Dis.10532/2014/B5. 11th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Mukundapuram. Village—Puthenchira. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 239 7-1 .. .. .. Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Puthenchira .. Residential Plot with PWD road access 1,00,000 (7) Panchayath (9) No. K.Dis.7340/2014/B5. 30th May 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Mukundapuram. Village—Thekkumkara. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 780 775 .. .. .. .. (7) Panchayath Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Vellangallur 12 Residential Plot with out vehicular access 35,000 Revenue Divisional Office, Thrissur. (Sd.) Sub Collector. Xncp-ج hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ _n5˛19713/2011. 2014 BKÃvv 25. 6˛3-˛2010-˛mw Xob-Xnbnse 515-˛mw \º¿ tIcf Akm-[m-cW Kk‰v {]Imcw Xr-»q¿ Pn√bnse sImSp-ß√ - q¿ Xmeq-°n¬ Dƒs∏´ `qan-I-fpsS \ymb-hn-e -k¿°m¿ {]kn-≤o-I-cn-®n-´p-≈-Xm-Wv.- F-∂m¬ Sn Xmeq-°n¬ Dƒs∏´ s]cn-™-\w, ]p√q‰v F∂o hnt√-Pp-I-fnse GXm\pw k¿s∆ \º-dp-I-fn¬s∏´ kzIm-cy-`q-an ""k¿°m¿ `qan'' F∂v sX‰mbn tcJ-s∏-SpØn hne \niv-N-bn-®n-´p-≈Xpw, Nne k¿s∆/k_v Unhnj-\p-Iƒ°v \ymbhne \n›-bn-°m≥ hn´p-t]m-bn-´p-≈Xpw Nne hkvXp-°-fpsS ¢mkn-^n-t°-j≥ sXddmbn tcJ-s∏-SpØn hne \n›-bn-®´p-≈Xpw BWv. C{-]I - mcw D≈ `qan-Iƒ°v \ymbhne \n›b-n° - p∂Xn\v `qan-bpsS ssIh-i° - m¿ ka¿∏n® At]-£b - n≥ta¬ sImSp-ß√ - q¿ AUojW¬ Xl-io¬ZmcpsS At\z-jW dnt∏m¿´v {]Imcw \ymb-hne \n›vN-bn-®v Cu Hm^o-kn¬ \n∂pw DØ-c-hm-bn-´p-≈-Xm-Wv. Sn k¿s∆/k_v Unhn-j-\p-I-fn¬s∏´ hkv-Xp-°ƒ°v ]pXp°n \n›-bn® \ymbhne Xmsg-]-d-bp∂ ¢mkn-^n-t°-j-\p-Iƒ {]Imcw XncpØn hmbn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. dh\yq Unhn-j-W¬ Hm^o-kv, Xr»q¿. (H∏v) k_v If-IvS¿. 16 FORM ‘A’ [See Rule 4] NOTIFICATIONS Whereas, it is expedient to publish the fair value of the land as required under Section 28A of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959, read with rule 4 of the Kerala Stamp (Fixation of Fair Value of Land) Rules, 1995; Now, therefore, it is hereby made known to the public that the fair value fixed for the land mentioned against each serial number in respect of the land situated in the Survey/Re-survey Numbers of the Village and Taluk mentioned against each shall be as shown against it in Column (11) thereof. (1) No. K.Dis.16521/2013/B5. 18th November 2013. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Kodungallur. Village—Perinjanam. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey Divi- Survey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 178 5 .. .. .. Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Perinjanam ... Residential Plot with NH road access 50,000 (7) Panchayath (2) No. K.Dis.8152/2014/B5. 9th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Kodungallur. Village—Perinjanam. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey Divi- Survey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 266 1 .. .. .. Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Perinjanam .. Residential Plot with Private road access 65,000 (7) Panchayath (3) No. K.Dis.9847/2014/B5. 4th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Kodungallur. Village—Pullut. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey Divi- Survey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) .. 113 1 .. .. .. Revenue Divisional Office, Thrissur. (7) Municipality Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Kodungallur Naikulam XVIII Wet land 7,500 (Sd.) Sub Collector. 17 Xncp-ج hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ _n5˛19713/2011. 2014 BKÃvv 25. 6˛3-˛2010-˛mw Xob-Xnbnse 515-˛mw \º¿ tIcf Akm-[m-cW Kk‰v {]Imcw Xr-»q¿ Pn√-bnse Xe-∏n≈n Xmeq-°n¬ Dƒs∏´ `qan- I - f psS \ymb- h n- e - k ¿°m¿ {]kn- ≤ o- I - c n- ® n- ´ p- ≈ - X m- W v . - F- ∂ m¬ Sn Xmeq- ° n¬ Dƒs∏´ AIXn- b q¿, sNdp-Xp-cpØn, Nnda-\-ßmSv, tZi-aw-K-ew, Ff-\m-Sv, ISh-√q¿, I-≠mW-t»cn, IWn-bm¿t°mSv, Icn-°mSv, I-cn-b-∂q¿, Ipdpae, aW-en-Ø-d, s\Sp-ºpc, s\√p-hmbv, ]mºm-Sn, ss]¶p-fw, ]ßm-c-∏n-≈n, s]cp-ºn-em-hv, sX°pw-I-c, hc-hq¿, sh≈m-‰™q¿, sh-≈d - ° - m-Sv, shßm\-√q¿, hS-°m-t©cn hnt√-Pp-If - nse GXm\pw k¿s∆ \º-dp-If - n¬s∏´ kzIm-cy-`q-an k¿°m¿ `qan F∂v sX‰mbn tcJ-s∏-SpØn hne \niv-N-bn-®n-´p-≈Xpw, Nne k¿s∆/k_v Unhnj-\p-Iƒ°v \ymbhne \n›-bn-°m≥ hn´p-t]m-bn´p-≈Xpw Nne hkvXp-°f - psS ¢mkn-^n-t°-j≥ sXddmbn tcJ-s∏-SpØn hne \n›-bn-®n´p-≈Xpw BWv. C{-]I - mcw D≈ `qanIƒ°v \ymbhne \n›b- n - ° p- ∂ Xn\v `qan- b psS ssIh- i - ° m¿ ka¿∏n® At]£- b n≥ta¬ Xe- ∏ n≈n AUojW¬ Xl-io¬Zm-cpsS At\z-jW dnt∏m-¿´v {]Imcw \ymb-hne \nivvN-bn-®v Cu Hm^o-kn¬ \n∂pw DØ-c-hm-bn-´p-≈-Xm-Wv. Sn k¿s∆/k_v Unhn-j\ - p-If - n¬s∏´ hkvX - p-°ƒ°v ]pXp°n \n›-bn® \ymbhne Xmsg-∏d - b - p∂ ¢mkn-^n-t°-j\ - p-Iƒ {]Imcw XncpØn hmbn-t°-≠X - m-Wv. dh\yq Unhn-j-W¬ Hm^o-kv, Xr»q¿. (H∏v) k_v If-IvS¿ FORM 'A' [See Rule 4] NOTIFICATIONS Whereas, it is expedient to publish the Fair Value of the Land as required under Section 28A of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959 read with Rule 4 of the Kerala Stamp (Fixation of fair Value of Land) Rules, 1995. Now, Therefore, it is hereby made known to the public that the Fair value fixed for the land mentioned against each serial number, in respect of the land situated in the Survey/Re-survey Numbers of the Village and Taluk mentioned against each shall be as shown against it in Column (11) thereof. (1) No. K.Dis.9322/14/B5. 11th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Sl. No. (1) Sub Division No. No. Sy. (2) (3) Village—Akathiyur. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (4) (5) (6) 13 392 2 (7) Panchayath (8) Porkulam (9) Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (10) (11) Residential plot with Panchayath road access 75,000 18 (2) No. K.Dis.8155/14/B5. 9th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Cheruthuruthy. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) Re-sy. Block (4) Re-sy. No. (5) Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ (6) (7) (8) (9) 774 Special grade Panchayath Vallothol Nagar Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 1,00,000 with Panchayath road access (3) No. K.Dis.9418/14/B5. 8th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Chiramanangad. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) 696 3 Re-sy. Block (4) Re-sy. No. (5) Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ (6) (7) (8) (9) Panchayath Kadangode 16 Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (10) (11) Residential plot with Panchayath road access 75,000 (4) No. K.Dis.957/14/B5. 18th March 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Desamangalam. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 8 1 .. .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (7) Panchayath (8) (9) Desamangalam 5 Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (10) (11) Wet land 9,000 19 (5) No. K.Dis.9865/14/B5. 11th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Desamangalam. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 175 4 .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Panchayath Desamangalam 7 Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (10) (11) Residential plot with Panchayath road access 60,000 (6) No. K.Dis.10116/14/B5. 11th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Elanad. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1212 1 .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Panchayath Pazhayannur .. Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 10,000 without vehicular access (7) No. K.Dis.9571/14/B5. 8th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Kadavallur. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 520 1 .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Panchayath Kadavallur 2 Vadakku muri Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 1,00,000 with Panchayath road access 20 (8) No. K.Dis.8323/14/B5. 10th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Kandanassery. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 672 5 .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Panchayath Kandanassery 1 Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 1,60,000 with Panchayath road access (9) No. K.Dis.9975/14/B5. 9th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Kaniyarkkode. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 687 11 .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Panchayath Thiruvilwamala .. Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 12,350 with Panchayath road access (10) No. K.Dis.9976/14/B5. 2nd August 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Karikkad. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 725 40 .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Panchayath Kadavallur 12 Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 90,000 with Panchayath road access 21 (11) No. K.Dis.8669/14/B5. 12th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Kariyannur. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (6) (7) (8) (9) Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) 753 12 .. .. .. Panchayath Erumapetty 17 Residential plot 45,000 with Panchayath road access 753 13 .. .. .. Panchayath Erumapetty 17 Garden land 24,000 with road access Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (5) Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) (12) No. K.Dis.636/14/B5. 11th March 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Kurumala. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 360 .. .. .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (7) Panchayath (8) Chelakkara (9) Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) XV Residential plot 37,500 Kurumala with Panchayath (Vattulli) road access (13) No. K.Dis.8148/14/B5. 10th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Manalithara. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 621 4 62 264 Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (6) (7) (8) (9) 4 Panchayath Thekkumkara .. Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 25,000 with Panchayath road access 22 (14) No. K.Dis.9472/14/B5 (C5-7784/14). 4th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Manalithara. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) .. .. .. 65 58 3 Panchayath Thekkumkara .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 30,000 with Panchayath road access (15) No. K.Dis.7676/14/B5. 31st May 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Nedumbura. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) .. 495 2 .. .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (7) (8) Panchayath Wadakkanchery (9) X Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 55,000 with Panchayath road access (16) No. K.Dis.7119/14/B5. 19th May 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Nelluvai. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1 646 1 .. .. .. Panchayath Erumapetty 16 Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 1,33,000 with Panchayath road access 23 (17) No. K.Dis/9286/14/B5. 3rd July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Nelluvai. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 735 A/9, A/10, A/11 .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Panchayath Erumapetty 16 Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Garden land with road access 37,000 (18) No. K.Dis.6313/14/B5. 30th April 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) 734 Village—Nelluvai. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (3) (4) (5) B/20 .. .. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Panchayath Erumapetty 16 Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (10) (11) Hilltract with road access 12,000 (19) No. K.Dis/9287/14/B5. 2nd July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) 735 Village—Nelluvai. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) A/29, A/30, .. .. .. Panchayath Erumapetty 16 Garden land with road access 24,000 24 (20) No. K.Dis.4196/14/B5. 25th March 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Pambadi. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) .. 347 Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (3) (4) (5) 4 .. .. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Panchayath Thiruvilwamala V Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 84,000 with PWD road access (21) No. K.Dis.9850/14/B5. 11th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Painkulam. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) .. 848 Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (3) (4) (5) 4 .. .. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ (6) (7) (8) (9) .. .Panchayath Panjal IV Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (10) (11) Garden land with road access 50,000 (22) No. K.Dis.7346/14/B5. 29th May 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) .. 968 Village—Painkulam. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (3) (4) (5) 8,9 .. .. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Panchayath Panjal V Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 35,000 without Vehicular access 25 (23) No. K.Dis.10115/2014/B5. 2nd August 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Painkulam. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) .. 584 10, 12 .. .. Re-sy. Block Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (6) (7) (8) (9) Re-sy. No. .. Panchayath Panjal 2 Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Garden land with road access 75,000 (24) No. K.Dis.3203/2014/B5. 31st March 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Pangarappilly Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 524 1 .. .. .. Panchayath Chelakkara XII Residential plot 14,820 with Panchayath road access 2 527 8 .. .. .. Panchayath Chelakkara XII Residential plot 9,880 without vehicular access 3 528 8 .. .. .. Panchayath Chelakkara XII Hill tract without 9,880 road access Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (7) (8) (9) Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) (25) No. K.Dis.7122/2014/B5. 19th May 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Pangarappilly. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 625 2 .. Re-sy. Block Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (6) (7) (8) (9) Re-sy. No. (5) .. .. Panchayath Chelakkara .. Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Hill tract without 20,000 road access 26 (26) No. K.Dis.8153/2014/B5. 12th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Perumbilavu. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) .. 334 .. .. Re-sy. Block Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ Re-sy. No. (5) (6) .. .. (7) Panchayath (8) Kandavallur (9) 12 Althara Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 2,00,000 with Panchayath road access (27) No. K.Dis.10056/2014/B5. 11th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Thayyoor. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) .. 838 5 .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Panchayath Velur .. Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 24,000 with Private road access (28) No. K.Dis.8154/2014/B5. 4th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Thekkumkara. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 941/1 941/2 942/1 1189/2 .. .. .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (7) Panchayath (8) Thekkumkara (9) .. Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 50,000 with Panchayath road access 27 (29) No. K.Dis.7675/2014/B5. 31st May 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Thekkumkara. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) .. 1248 1 .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Panchayath Thekkumkara .. Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 60,000 with Panchayath road access (30) No. K.Dis.7345/2014/B5. 29th May 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Thekkumkara. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) .. 1106 1 .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Panchayath Thekkumkara .. Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 70,000 with Panchayath road access (31) No. K.Dis.9417/14/B5. 2nd July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Thekkumkara. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) .. 1259 .. .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Panchayath Thekkumkara .. Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 80,000 with Panchayath road access 28 (32) No. K.Dis.4194/14/B5. 11th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Sl. No. (1) Village—Varavoor. Sub Division No. No. Sy. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 475 1 36 212 5 (7) Panchayath (8) Varavoor (9) 1 Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Wet land 70,000 (33) No. K.Dis.3697/14/B5. 18th March 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Sl. No. (1) Village—Varavoor. Sub Division No. No. Sy. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 705 3 36 57 2 (7) Panchayath (8) Varavoor (9) VIII Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 52,500 with Panchayath road access (34) No. K.Dis.9295/14/B5. 19th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Sl. No. (1) Village—Vellarakkad. Sub Sy. Division No. No. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 814 1 .. .. .. (7) Panchayath (8) Kadangode (9) .. Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 80,000 with Panchayath road access 29 (35) No. K.Dis.7501/14/B5. 30th May 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Vellarakkad. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1 705 1, 3 .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (6) .. (7) Panchayath (8) Kadangode (9) 10 Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Wet land 40,000 (36) No. K.Dis.9973/14/B5. 9th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Vellarakkad. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 203 2 .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Panchayath Kadangode .. Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 60,000 with Private road access (37) No. K.Dis.7647/14/B5. 29th May 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Vellattanjoor. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 180 2 .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (5) .. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation/ (6) (7) (8) (9) .. Panchayath Velur .. Classification by use (10) Wet land Fair Value per Are ` (11) 7,800 30 (38) No. K.Dis.9226/14/B5. 11th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Venganellur. Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) .. .. .. 72 29 Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Division Panchayath Municipality/ No. Corporation (6) (7) (8) 1 Panchayath Chelakkara Name & Classification Number by use of Ward (9) III (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Wet land 10,000 (39) No. K.Dis.8149/14/B5. 6th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Wadakkanchery. Name of Re-sy. Corporation/ Local Body Name & Sub Municipality/ Panchayath/ Number Division Panchayath Municipality/ of Ward No. Corporation Sl. No. Sub Sy. Division No. No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1597 5 .. .. .. Re-sy. Block Re-sy. No. (7) Panchayath (8) Wadakkanchery Revenue Divisional Office, Thrissur. (9) XIII Classification by use (10) Fair Value per Are ` (11) Residential plot 80,000 with Panchayath road access (Sd.) Sub Collector. Xncp-ج hn⁄m]\w \º¿ _n5˛19713/2011. 2014 BKÃv 25. 6˛3-˛2010-˛mw Xob-Xnbnse 515-˛mw \º¿ tIcf Akm-[m-cW Kk‰v {]Imcw Xr-»q¿ Pn√bnse Nme°pSn Xmeq-°n¬ Dƒs∏´ `qan-I-fpsS \ymb-hn-e -k¿°m¿ {]kn-≤o-I-cn-®n-´p-≈-Xm-Wv.- F-∂m¬ Sn Xmeq-°n¬ Dƒs∏´ I√q¿ hS-°pw-ap-dn, Ing-t° -Nm-e-°p-Sn, Ing-°p-ap-dn, sImS-I-c, apcn-ßq¿ sX°p-apdn F∂o hnt√-Pp-I-fnse GXm\pw k¿s∆ \º-cp-I-fn¬s∏´ kzIm-cy-`q-an ""k¿°m¿ `qan'' F∂v sX‰mbn tcJ-s∏-SpØn hne \niv-N-bn-®n-´p-≈Xpw, Nne k¿s∆/k_v Unhnj-\p-Iƒ°v \ymbhne \n›- b n- ° m≥ hn´p- t ]m- b n- ´ p- ≈ Xpw, Nne hkv X p- ° - f psS ¢mkn- ^ n- t °- j ≥ sXddmbn tcJ- s ∏- S pØn hne \n›-bn-®n´p-≈Xpw BWv. C{-]-Imcw D≈ `qan-Iƒ°v \ymbhne \n›b-n-°p-∂Xn\v `qan-bpsS ssIh-i-°m¿ ka¿∏n® At]£-bn≥ta¬ Nme°pSn AUojW¬ Xl-io¬Zm-cpsS At\z-jW dnt∏m¿´v {]Imcw \ymb-hne \n›bn-®v Cu Hm^o-kn¬ \n∂pw DØ-c-hm-bn-´p-≈-Xm-Wv. Sn k¿s∆/k_v Unhn-j-\p-I-fn¬s∏´ hkv-Xp-°ƒ°v ]pXp°n \n›-bn® \ymbhne Xmsg- ]d-bp∂ ¢mkn-^n-t°-j-\p-Iƒ {]Imcw XncpØn hmbn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. dh\yq Unhn-j-W¬ Hm^o-kv, Xr»q¿. (H∏v) k_v If-IvS¿. 31 FORM ‘A’ [See Rule 4] NOTIFICATIONS Whereas, it is expedient to publish the fair value of the land as required under Section 28A of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959, read with rule 4 of the Kerala Stamp (Fixation of Fair Value of Land) Rules, 1995; Now, therefore, it is hereby made known to the public that the fair value fixed for the land mentioned against each serial number in respect of the land situated in the Survey/Re-survey Numbers of the Village and Taluk mentioned against each shall be as shown against it in Column (11) thereof. (1) No. K.Dis/9289/2014/B5. 11th July 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chalakkudy. Village—Kallur Vadakkumury. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1270 .. .. .. .. Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Kadukutty .. Wet land 25,000 (7) Panchayath (2) No. K.Dis/7909/2014/B5. 9th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chalakudy. Village—Kizhakke Chalakudy. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 479 14 .. .. .. (7) Municipality Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Chalakudy .. Residential plot with Municipal road access 4,30,000 32 (3) No. K.Dis/9222/2014/B5. 23rd June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chalakudy. Village—Kizhakke Chalakudy. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 431 432 9 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. (7) (8) Municipality Chalakudy Name & No. of Ward Fair Value per Are ` Classification by use (9) (10) (11) .. Residential plot with Municipal road access 6,00,000 (4) No. K.Dis/8151/2014/B5. 4th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chalakudy. Village—Kizhakkumury. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 930 1 .. .. .. (7) Panchayath Name & No. of Ward Classification by use (8) (9) (10) Koratty .. Residential plot with Panchayath road access Fair Value per Are ` (11) 37,500 (5) No. K.Dis/7907/2014/B5. 11th June 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chalakudy. Village—Kodakara. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1691 20 .. .. .. (7) Panchayath Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Kodakara .. Residential plot without vehicular access 40,000 33 (6) No. K.Dis/4751/2014/B5. 31st March 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chalakudy. Village—Kodakara. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 26 3 .. .. .. (7) Panchayath Name & No. of Ward Fair Value per Are ` Classification by use (8) (9) (10) (11) Kodakara .. Residential plot with Panchayath road access 75,000 (7) No. K.Dis/7339/2014/B5. 30th May 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chalakudy. Village—Kodakara. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 1684 15 .. .. .. (7) Panchayath Name & No. of Ward Fair Value per Are ` Classification by use (8) (9) (10) (11) Kodakara .. Residential plot with Panchayath road access 1,00,000 (8) No. K.Dis/3628/2014/B5. 5th March 2014. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chalakudy. Village—Muringoor Thekkummury. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 331 10 .. .. .. Revenue Divisional Office, Thrissur. (7) Panchayath Name & No. of Ward Fair Value per Are ` Classification by use (8) (9) (10) (11) Koratty 15 Residential plot with Panchayath road access 37,500 (Sd.) Sub Collector. 34 Xncp-ج hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ _n5˛19713/2011. 2014 BKÃv 27. 6˛3-˛2010-˛mw Xob-Xnbnse 515-˛mw \º¿ tIcf Akm-[m-cW Kk‰v {]Imcw Xr-»q¿ Pn√bnse Nmh°mSv, sImSp-ß√ - q¿, apIp-µ-]p-cw, Xe-∏n≈n, Xr»q¿ F∂o Xmeq-°pIfn¬ Dƒs∏´ `qan-I-fpsS \ymb-hn-e -k¿°m¿ {]kn-≤o-I-cn-®n-´p-≈-Xm-Wv.F-∂m¬ Sn Xmeq-°n¬ Dƒs∏´ he-∏m-Sv, ]p√q-‰v, s]md-Øn-t»-cn, ]ßm-c∏ - n-≈n, Imc-ap-°v, ]pd-\m-´p-Ic F∂o hnt√-Pp-If - nse GXm\pw k¿s∆ \º-cp-I-fn¬s∏´ kzIm-cy-`q-an ""k¿°m¿ `qan'' F∂v sX‰mbn tcJ-s∏-SpØn hne \niv-N-bn-®n-´p-≈Xpw, Nne k¿s∆/k_v Unhnj-\p-Iƒ°v \ymbhne \n›-bn-°m≥ hn´p-t]m-bn-´p-≈Xpw Nne hkvXp-°-fpsS ¢mkn-^n-t°-j≥ sXddmbn tcJ-s∏-SpØn hne \n›-bn-®´p-≈Xpw BWv. C{-]I - mcap≈ `qan-Iƒ°v \ymbhne ]pXp°n \n›b-n° - p-∂Xn\v `qanbpsS ssIh-i° - m¿ ka¿∏n® At]£-bn≥ta¬ _‘-s∏´ AUojW¬ Xl-io¬Zm¿am-cpsS At\z-jW dnt∏m¿´v {]Imcw \ymb-hne ]pXp°n \n›vN-bn-®v Cu Hm^o-kn¬ \n∂pw DØ-c-hm-bn-´p-≈-Xm-Wv. Sn k¿s∆/k_v Unhn-j-\p-I-fn¬s∏´ hkv-Xp-°ƒ°v ]pXp°n \n›-bn® \ymbhne Xmsg-]-d-bp∂ ¢mkn-^n-t°-j-\p-Iƒ {]Imcw XncpØn hmbn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. dh\yq Unhn-j-W¬ Hm^o-kv, Xr»q¿. (H∏v) k_v If-IvS¿. ERRATUM NOTIFICATIONS (1) No. K.Dis/1728/2014/B5. 20th June 2014. The fair value of the land comprised in Sy. No. 576/18 of Valappad Village of Chavakkad Taluk in Thrissur District finalized on 6-3-2010 (date), stands modified to the extent shown below: SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chavakkad. Village—Valappad. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body/ Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) .. 576 18 .. .. .. (7) Panchayath Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Valappad VI Wet land 4,00,000 (2) No. K.Dis/9847/2014/B5. 3rd July 2014. The fair value of the land comprised in Sy. No. 113/1 of Pullut Village of Kodungallur Taluk Thrissur District finalized on 6-3-2010 (date), stands modified to the extent shown below: SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Kodungallur. Village—Pullut. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body/ Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) 113 1 (4) (5) (6) (7) Municipality Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Kodungallur Naikulam XVIII wet land 7,500 35 (3) No. K.Dis/7341/2014/B5. 29th May 2014. The fair value of the land comprised in Sy. No. 727/2 of Porathissery Village of Mukundapram Taluk in Thrissur District finalized on 6-3-2010 (date), stands modified to the extent shown below: SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Mukundapuram. Village—Porathissery. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body/ Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 727 2 .. .. .. (7) Municipality Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Irinjalakuda 39 Wet land 1,500 (4) No. K.Dis/3203/2014/B5. 31st March 2014. The fair value of the land comprised in Sy. No. 524, 527, 528 of Pangarappilly Village of Talappilly Taluk in Thrissur District finalized on 6-3-2010 (date), stands modified to the extent shown below: SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Talappilly. Village—Pangarappilly. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body/ Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 524 1 .. .. .. 2 527 8 .. .. 3 528 8 .. .. (7) Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8) (9) (10) (11) Panchayath Chelakkara 12 14,820 .. do. do. do. .. do. do. do. Residential plot with Panchayath road access Residential plot without vehicular access Hill Tract without road access 9,880 9,880 (5) No. K.Dis/7122/2013/B5. 30th June 2014. The fair value of the land comprised in Sy. No. 434/1 of Karamuck Village of Thrissur Taluk in Thrissur District finalized on 6-3-2010 (date), stands modified to the extent shown below: SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Karamuck. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body/ Name & Fair Value Sl. Survey DiviClassifiSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. of per Are No. No. sion cation by Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ Ward ` No. use No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 434 1 .. .. .. (7) Panchayath (8) (9) (10) (11) Manalur 12 Samajam School Near Wet land 15,000 36 (6) No. K.Dis/8023/2013/B5. 7th August 2014. The fair value of the land comprised in Sy. No. 432 of Karamuck Village of Thrissur Taluk in Thrissur District finalized on 6-3-2010 (date), stands modified to the extent shown below: SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Karamuck. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body/ Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) .. 432 .. .. .. .. (7) Panchayath Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (8 ) (9) (10) (11) Manalur 12 Samajam School Near Wet land 15,000 (7) No. K.Dis.9225/2014/B5. 8th July 2014. The fair value of the land comprised in Sy. No. 269/1 of Puranattukara. Village of Thrissur Taluk in Thrissur District finalized on 6-3-2010 (date), stands modified to the extent shown below: SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Puranattukara. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body/ Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) .. .. .. .. 269 3 Panchayath Adat Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (9) (10) (11) .. Wet land 15,500 (8) No. K.Dis.7678/2014/B5. 8th July 2014 The fair value of the land comprised in Sy. No. 266/1 of Puranattukara Village of Thrissur Taluk in Thrissur District finalized on 6-3-2010 (date), stands modified to the extent shown below:. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Thrissur. Village—Puranattukara. ReName of Sub ReRe- Survey Panchayath/ Local Body/ Sl. Survey DiviSurvey Survey Sub Municipality/ Panchayat/ No. No. sion Block No. Division Corporation Municipality/ No. No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) .. .. .. .. Revenue Divisional Office, Thrissur. 266 1 Panchayath Adat Name & No. of Ward Classification by use Fair Value per Are ` (9) (10) (11) .. Wet land 15,500 (Sd.) Sub Collector.
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