KEAS NATIONAL PROGRAMMES 2014 TERM THREE – “Baden’s Bunch” SCOUTING at its best, it’s who we are! A Message from the National Kea Leaders This term’s theme is “Baden’s Bunch”, and it is a real family focused time. We experience some of the things that were special to Baden Powell and helped him develop ‘Scouting for Boys’. We will have fun learning about the desert and different ways to communicate along with the significance of the butterfly to Baden Powell. We’ll learn to be really good spies and follow a trail, and do some Community Service. Keas will enjoy bringing their Dads or Father figure such as Granddad, uncle or neighbour along to enjoy some quality time together. On week 2, we are holding a ‘National Bring a Friend’ week, where National Office is offering free badges for those Keas and Leaders who bring one or more friends along and who decide to become a Kea or Leader. Term three is the time when we start to prepare our older Keas for transferring to Cubs. You should have heard about the Kea to Cub Link activity for your Zone. The Kea Leader’s role in this event is to ensure all your Keas that are moving to Cubs shortly are invited and attend the camp. You are also there to pass on any knowledge of the Kea to their future Cub Leaders and support the Cub Leaders in running the activities such as being the cooks or running bases. Don’t forget to keep track of what you are doing in your sessions each week, along with attendance, so you or another Leader (or a Parent Helper) can tick off sections of the Keas Bronze, Silver and Gold awards achievements along with their personal achievement Badges. Plan to take part in your Region’s Forums /Workshops if you are from the Lower South Island Region (13th and 14th September) and the Lower North Island Region (date to be confirmed at the time of producing these, but most likely 1st or 2nd weekend of October). The other three Regions are holding theirs in Term 2. Watch out for information in your regional newsletter and come along to meet other likeminded Leaders. There will be opportunities for you to give your opinion and share ideas along with getting up to date with the latest things happening in your section. Regional Forums / Workshops are a really important date on a Kea Leaders calendar. Organise someone to look after the kids and partner and join us for a fun time! We would love to receive some photos of you and your Keas in Action – no posing or standing around photos we want action shots and in the new uniform. If you don’t yet have the Magical World of Keas follow this link or contact your Regional Office and arrange for one to be sent to you. We hoped you have a fantastic ‘BP’ kind of term with loads of action and lots of FUN. This programme has been developed for the Kea Section with the School Year and ages in mind as listed below: Time Spent School Year Approx Age Start / Transition End Age Section Keas 2 years Year 1 5.5 years Start term 4 Year 2 Year 3 7.5 years Transition term 3 8 years Keas Award Scheme: We have included references to the Award scheme in the programme; please record all the Keas who participated in these activities so that they can work towards achieving the Bronze, Silver and Gold Kea Badge before being promoted to Cubs. A simple way would be to record on your programme sheet who attended the session and later on transfer the information to the Kea Record Card (included in the resource file) and also the Wall Chart so Keas can see their progress. Order the badges from Scouting Direct and present them at a special awards ceremony. If you need help understanding any of the instructions or need further information please contact your Zone Kea Leader or contact: Miriam Noble, Assistant National Kea Leader on 021519447 or [email protected] We value your comments and feedback so we can continually improve the quality of the programmes, so please let us know how you got on, what you liked and what didn’t work for you and any suggestions or ideas that you may have. Thank you to the Kea Leaders of the Upper South Island Region and Lower South Island Region for your contribution to these programmes both as part of the Kea workshops held during the 2013 Regional Forums and afterwards. Heather Guptill Miriam Noble National Kea Leader Assistant National Kea Leader [email protected] [email protected] 2014 TERM THREE – “BADENS BUNCH” Week Date Sub-theme Description 1 21 – 27 July B.P and the Butterfly Looking at BP and the significance of butterflies and bugs to start the term. 2 28 July – 03 Aug Who Is B.P? Bring a Friend Week Finding out about the man. Lots of games and activities for National Bring a Friend Week. 3 04 -10 Aug Spies and Secret Agents Learning to be a great Spy and Secret Agent. 4 11 – 17 Aug Lend a hand Helping your local food bank – either visit and help them out or join with your local Rover Crew and Venturers to collect items in your Community for the food bank. 5 18 – 24 Aug All about Family Looking at our Scouting family tree, our own family tree and learning to work in a team. 25 – 31 Aug When My Mum & Dad were Young Learning about the changes from when my Grandparents were young to the present day. 29 – 31 Aug Kea Cub Link Camp Senior Keas, Kea Leaders, Cub Leaders, Sixer and Seconders join together and work at getting to know each other, achieving the Cub Badge and learning more about what Cubs has to offer. 01 – 07 Sep Who Is Akela? Akela and the Cubs are visiting us this week and bringing along some Cub activities. 6 7 Learning what we have in Our Community to help and Support Others. Dad’s (or Father figures) Week. Senior Keas visit Cubs this week with Parents and Kea Leader. Our Community 8 08 – 14 Sep Cub Visit 9 10 15 – 21 Sep 22 – 28 Sep Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes Keep our Beautiful Community It Is Time Goodbye To Say Get out and about in your community, picking up rubbish from around your Scout Hall or other parts of your local area – in conjunction with Keep New Zealand Beautiful Week Join with the Cub Pack and families to say goodbye to our Senior Keas and wish them well for their Cub Adventures. Tonight is all about them as they fly off to Cubs during a meaningful investiture ceremony. SCOUTS New Zealand Page 2 KEAS NATIONAL PROGRAMMES 2014 TERM THREE – “BADEN’S BUNCH” JULY 2014 PROGRAMME 3.1 PROGRAMME 3.2 AUGUST 2014 PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 SEPTEMBER 2014 PROGRAMME 3.7 PROGRAMME 3.8 PROGRAMME 3.9 PROGRAMME 3.10 B.P and the Butterfly Who is B.P Spies and Secret Agents Lend a Hand All about Family When My Mum and Dad were Young KEA - CUB LINK CAMP Who is Akela Our Community – Dads Week Keep our Community Beautiful Time To Say Goodbye PROGRAMME 3.1 – “B.P and the Butterfly” Time Activity Summary description Leader Baden Powell used the disguise of butterflies and playacting to bluff the enemy. This week you have the option of visiting a butterfly or bug park or following the programme below. Read the background resource page to give you some insight into this subject or theme. You may like to invite a visitor along to show different butterflies or a family may have a swan plant they can share. A visit to see butterflies or bugs is covered in the Award Scheme under Outdoors Cornerstone (3C or Environment – Hold a Nature Observation Activity). You may like to get books out of the Library or check these websites for support and Colour in Butterflies (see Resources) Make a nature themed poster for them to be stuck onto or put them up onto the hall walls. OR Count the Butterfly pictures hidden around your Scout Hall and or Den. ( see Resources) Duty Leader Opening Opening ceremony Kea Leader Kea Badge Welcome to visitors and Parent Help Bronze Kea Badge Kea Song, Yell, Motto and Promise Introduce theme for this term and introduce visitors. Coming In Activity 5 mins 15 mins Game 5 mins African Trap Game (See the Magical World Of Keas) Parent Help Kea Leader Personal Development 1A OR Story See Resources – Talk about Baden-Powell's game of Bluff at Mafeking and about the Butterfly Maps Kea Leader Make a Butterfly Treasure Map - including the area in and/or around your Hall. Mark spots where you have hidden a code for Keas to find. Give them 12minutes to find all clues working as a team in Posses. OR Challenge Course – Make a challenge course inside using chairs, tables, ropes etc. Have some make believe parts like pretend barbed wire rolls. OR Go on a Butterfly or Bug Search –See what Butterflies or Bugs you can find around the Hall or have a speaker bring different Butterflies and Bugs to show the children. Kea Leader 20 mins Activity Chinese Wall (See the Magical World Of Keas) Parent Help Parent Help Time Activity 10 mins Game 5 mins Summary description Leader Dodge Ball (Bomb) Kea Leader Personal Development 1A OR Parent Help Closing Closing Ceremony Kea Badge Bronze Kea Badge Personal Development 3C Hand out notices for start of the term – see below. Talk about National Bring a Friend Week next week (Keas can bring an Adult and if they become a Leader they will get a badge for that as well). Thank parent helpers. Say a prayer or reflection. Kea Motto and Promise Finish with the Kea Yell In the trenches (see Resources) Kea Leader Notices Parents should get a Copy of the outline of your Term Programme (copy Page 2) Your term newsletter including information about National Bring a Friend Week, Father’s Day and Keep NZ Clean. Invitation for Dads and father figures to join us in the first week of September. Information for the Kea – Cub Link Camp for Senior Keas only. Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Page 4 Resources: Background Mafeking -Baden-Powell's game of Bluff When the siege of Mafeking began, the British regiment was outgunned, outnumbered, and cut off from the outside world by an army of more than 6000 Boer soldiers. But Baden-Powell was in charge of the defence, and he was an expert at the "Game of Bluff". The Butterfly Hunter Many years before Mafeking, B-P had disguised himself as a butterfly hunter in Dalmatia, and spied on the forts and defences of the enemy. Whenever he met an enemy soldier, `with my sketch book in hand, I would ask innocently whether he had seen such-and-such a butterfly in the neighbourhood, as I was anxious to catch one. Ninety-nine out of a hundred did not know one butterfly from another - any more than I did - so one was on fairly safe ground in that way, and they thoroughly sympathised with the mad Englishman who was hunting insects.' Baden-Powell, quoted by Hillcourt in Baden Powell: ‘The two lives of a hero’. What the officers did not notice was that Baden-Powell's sketches of butterfly wings included maps of their own forts and defences... Barbed Wire Soon B-P ran out of barbed wire to protect his soldiers' trenches. But he noticed that from a distance, all he could see was a soldier crawling under some invisible obstacle - he could not actually see the wire. So he told them to continue putting up posts and stringing imaginary wire between them. Then they would pretend to crawl under the new `obstacles' they had erected. The enemy had no way of telling that there was no wire in place. Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Page 5 Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Page 6 USE THESE PICS TO CUT OUT AND PUT AROUND YOUR SCOUT HALL/DEN Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Page 7 Resources: Game - In the Trenches: Split the Keas into two groups. Each group lies on their tummies facing each other on opposite sides of the hall behind a chalk line. There should be about 2 to 3 metres between each team. Give each Kea two or three ‘bombs’ (screwed up newspaper). On go, Keas have 3 minutes to fire their bombs at the ‘enemy’, (they must stay on their tummies and where they are), using any others that also come over their lines. The ‘army’ that has the most bombs behind their line is the winner. Bombs in no man’s land are not counted. You should have time for 4 or 5 games. Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Page 8 KEAS NATIONAL PROGRAMMES 2014 TERM THREE – “BADEN’S BUNCH” JULY 2014 PROGRAMME 3.1 PROGRAMME 3.2 AUGUST 2014 PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 SEPTEMBER 2014 PROGRAMME 3.7 PROGRAMME 3.8 PROGRAMME 3.9 PROGRAMME 3.10 B.P and the Butterfly Who is B.P Spies and Secret Agents Lend a Hand All about Family When My Mum and Dad were Young KEA - CUB LINK CAMP Who is Akela Our Community – Dads Week Keep our Community Beautiful Time To Say Goodbye PROGRAMME 3.2 –“Who was B.P” and National Bring a Friend Week Time Activity Summary description Leader This week we are finding out a little bit about ‘B.P’ and holding the National Bring a Friend Week. See resources for information regarding Bring a Friend. Some brief notes to help you, or look at the Magical World of Keas: What does B.P. stand for? Baden Powell. Why do we celebrate 22 February? The birthday of Lord Robert Baden Powell. What did Lord Baden Powell do before he started Scouting? He was an officer in the British Army. What article did he write for a newspaper? “Scouting for Boys.” Where was the first experimental camp held? Brownsea Island How many boys attended this camp? 20 What nationality is Baden Powell? British Why was Baden Powell famous? He held the town of Mafeking for 217 day against 9,000 Boers. What year did Scouting start? 1907. What movement did Baden Powell’s sister help start? Girl Guides. Coming In activity 5 mins 10 mins Colour in Baden Powell Picture (see Resources ) OR Duty Leader Letter Hunt (see Resources) Parent Help Opening Opening ceremony Kea Leader Kea Badge Welcome back to Term 3 Bronze Kea Badge Kea Song, Yell, Motto and Promise Introduce visitors. Game Advance / Retreat (see Resource sheet) Personal Development OR Scout Salute (see Resource sheet) Kea Leader or Parent Help 1A 20 mins How Scouts Began How Scouting Began Personal Development OR 2C Timeline – Make a timeline poster (perhaps made out of wallpaper or newsprint), of BPs life and Scouting (see resources). Hut – Let the Keas imagination run wild as they work together in their Posses to build a hut inside out of chairs and blankets and anything else you have available. Kea Leader Parent Help +Time Activity Summary description Leader 5 mins Song Teach Keas “Taps” Kea Leader Personal Development 3A See Resource Page or Magical World of Keas Game Sneak Up Granny (see Resources) Kea Leader Personal Development 1A OR Parent Help 10 mins Story Action Story “Who are Lord and Lady Baden Powell” Personal Development 3A See Resources 5 mins Closing Closing Ceremony Kea Badge Bronze Kea Badge Hand out notices for the older Keas invited to attend the Kea – Cub Link Camp (activity) if they haven’t already got it. Personal Development Make sure all Keas received the terms information given out last week. Thank parent helpers. 3C Say a prayer or reflection. Kea Motto and Promise Finish with the Kea Yell Ask any new Keas and Adults to stay behind with their parents and give out “Where does all the Mud Come From” (ask Adults to complete centre pull out and return next week), Group Information, Term Newsletter and Kea Badge Book. Get feedback and ask Keas to complete Page 2 of the booklet “The Kea Badge – A guide to becoming a Kea” and bring it back next week. 10 mins Ambidextrous Relay (see Resources) Kea Leader Kea Leader NB: Keep a record of new people who attended and what they took part in as this will go towards their Kea Badge, Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards if they join. Resources: National Bring a Friend Week: You should have received information through your Regional Newsletter regarding the National Bring a Friend Week. Keas and Leaders are encouraged to bring a Kea aged child or an Adult along to Keas this week. If a member brings an Adult that becomes a Leader, Scouting Associate or Adult Helper, they will get a Blue Bring a friend Badge, once they have been invested or are in the role in case of Adult Helper (Committee) for an extended amount of time. If a Youth member or Leader brings 1-2 friends, they get a Bronze Badge. If a Youth member or Leader brings 3-4 friends, they get a Silver Badge. If a Youth member or Leader brings 5 + friends, they get a Gold Badge. Every youth member and Adult that joins will be given a white badge. New Youth members must be invested for the recruiter and recruit to be given a badge. Badges are completely free. For those Kea who bring a friend along to Keas (for 1 or more nights) should have Personal Development 2 B (Life Skills, Bring a friend to Keas one night), marked off their Award Scheme. Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Page 10 Resources: Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Page 11 Resources: Game- Find BP Make’n’Do – Timeline Equipment: Sets of letters for Baden Powell. Keas that have finished could help other Keas. Make a timeline poster (perhaps made out of wallpaper or newsprint), of BPs life and Scouting. Have the timeline already drawn out on the paper and pictures cut out of magazines and printed off the net and from books. Discuss and get Keas to glue in the right place. Put it on the wall for all to see. Include an era in Scouts whether it be the first camp at Brown Sea Island to when Scouts, Cubs, Keas, Venturers and Rovers begun including World and New Zealand Scout Jamborees or even your own group’s history. Game - Advance/Retreat Song – Taps Equipment: Nil Day is done, gone the sun, From the sea, from the hills, from the sky; All is well, safely rest, God is nigh. Hide the Letters around the hall Give each Kea a pencil and piece of paper as they arrive. They need to write down the letters they find and work out the word. To make it easier for younger Keas you could write a small number next to each letter to signify the order they go in. Divided the Keas into two teams (cavalry and infantry). The cavalry and the infantry face each other across the hall. The leader calls out Infantry advance one step or cavalry advance two steps etc. The teams may pass each other but when the leader calls Infantry retreat they have to go back to the wall without being caught by the cavalry. All those caught change sides. The game finishes when there is only one infantry left. Game - Scout Salute (Form of Duck, duck, Goose) Equipment Nil Choose someone to be “it”. The Kea selected walks around the circle and taps another Kea (or Adult) on the shoulder. The two Keas salute each other and shake hands with the Left hand shake, at which point the Leader calls go. The Keas run in opposite directions to try and get back to the empty space left in the circle first. The person left out of the circle then continues the game by walking around the circle and tapping another Kea or Adult. Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes Game – Sneak up Granny Equipment Chair and item such as keys to go under chair Have a Kea at end of hall/den sitting on a chair facing in the other direction, with something under the chair such as a set of keys. On ‘ready’, the other Keas sneak up on the chair to try and grab the item under the chair without being caught. The person on the chair turns around regularly and Keas must not be seen moving so freeze as their head turns. The person to grab the item gets to sit on the chair next. Game- Ambidextrous Relay Equipment: Nil Form the Keas into a relay team, on go the first team member hops to designated place on their left foot, and then back again on their right foot. As they get back to their team they tag the next player who repeats this, continue until all have had a turn. SCOUTS New Zealand Page 12 Resources: Action Story - Who are Lord and Lady Baden-Powell? Lord Baden-Powell was born in England about 150 years ago! When he was an adult he wrote a book about camping, first aid, animals and lots of other things. He called this book “Scouting for Boys”. Lots of boys in England bought the book. They loved it so much, they started little groups called Boy Scouts. In the groups they did all the activities Lord Baden-Powell talked about in his book and they talked to their friends about how much fun it was. In just a little while, Boy Scout groups began popping up all over the world. Lord Baden-Powell had no idea how many boys there were in these groups so he decided to call them all together for a big party in London. He invited ‘anyone doing Scouting’ to come to the party. Was he ever surprised when eleven thousand boys showed up. But he was even more surprised by the small group of girls that came as well! Lord Baden-Powell stood in front of the girls and asked, “Who are you?” Together they replied proudly, “We are the Girl Scouts.” Lord Baden-Powell’s sister Lady Agnes Baden-Powell was at the party too. She smiled at the girls, and then turned to Lord Baden-Powell and said, “It looks like you’re going to have to have to write a book for the girls too.” “Hmmm. How about you doing it, Agnes?” replied Lord Baden-Powell. And so Lady Agnes Baden-Powell wrote a handbook for the girls. Over time younger girls wanted to join in the fun too, so the Brownies were formed. Just like the Boy Scouts, the Girl Guides and Girl Scouts spread all over the world! Give the Keas the instructions on what to do when certain words are spoken. Give the Parent helper this sheet so they can help remind the Keas when they should be doing their actions. The Keas should stand for this activity and should have a partner – if you have an odd number of Keas, the Parent helper or other Leaders can partner with one of the Keas. Have one leader read the story. Pause a bit when the Keas should be doing an action and/or do the action while reading the story. You should: Say, “Happy Birthday!” and blow out imaginary candles Say, “Yahoo!” with one hand raised in the air Bow Curtsy Make a bridge with a partner Do the Scout sign and say, “Be Prepared” Say, “Girl Power!” with fisted hands on hips Shake left hands with your partner Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Page 13 KEAS NATIONAL PROGRAMMES 2014 TERM THREE – “BADEN’S BUNCH” JULY 2014 PROGRAMME 3.1 PROGRAMME 3.2 AUGUST 2014 PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 SEPTEMBER 2014 PROGRAMME 3.7 PROGRAMME 3.8 PROGRAMME 3.9 PROGRAMME 3.10 B.P and the Butterfly Who is B.P Spies and Secret Agents Lend a Hand All about Family When My Mum and Dad were Young KEA - CUB LINK CAMP Who is Akela Our Community – Dads Week Keep our Community Beautiful Time To Say Goodbye PROGRAMME 3.3 – “Spies and Secret Agents” Time Activity Summary description Leader 00 Arrival activity Make a Spy ID for each Kea and Leader. Duty Leader Personal Development 2 C See Resources – you will need to have taken photos of each person the week before or take and print off as they arrive this week or ask each person to bring a photo. Parent Help Opening Opening ceremony Kea Leader Kea Badge Welcome to visitors and Parent Help Bronze Kea Badge Kea Song, Yell, Motto and Promise Introduce today’s Spy and Secret Agents theme (see resources). 5mins 15 mins 20 mins 15 mins 5 mins Game Kea Leader New Experience Spy Obstacle Course (see Resources) Parent Help OR OR Personal Development 1 A Catch the Spy (see Resources) Make n Do Invisible Ink Messages (see Resources) Kea Leader Personal Development 2 C OR Parent Help Game Name the Spy or Villain Kea Leader Personal Development 1 A OR Parent Help Closing Closing Ceremony Kea Badge, Thank parent helpers. Bronze badge, Say a prayer or reflection. (Kea) Personal Development 3.C Kea Motto and Promise Finish with the Kea Yell Reminder of arrangements for next week. Ask any new Keas to stay behind with their parents and give out “Where does all the Mud Come From” Group Information and Kea Badge Book if they don’t have it. Ask Keas to complete Page 7 and practise Page 5 and 6 of the Kea Badge Book. Code Cracker or Maker (see Resources) Hidden Message Kea Leader Resources: Spy ID: Equipment: Cardboard, markers and photos ink pad and possibly laminator. Method: Have a secret Agent I.D. card with a photo of the JS on it, you could use photos from magazines, the JSs pick one they like and dress it up with a marker to look like a spy (draw on glasses, moustaches and beards) or bring their own or take a photo and print on the night. Glue your picture onto an I.D. card An example is below. You can either cut out both sections, and paste the backs together - now you have a spy id card on the one side, and a "folded open" credit card on the other or laminate id card and cut out around it. Write the real name and code name of the spy on the inside. Write the real name of the spy on the outside of the ID card. Write in black and in CAPITALS. Paste a passport photo where indicated. With the aid of an ink pad, put a finger print on the bottom end of the card. Don't forget to set your signature on the back of the 'credit card'! If you like, you can laminate the card on both sides with self-adhesive laminate (from an office supply shop). Cut away the excess. Fold the card such that it looks like a credit card. Flip it open to reveal your true identity! Characteristics of a Secret Agent (Sounds just like our Keas!) There are certain character trades that are common amongst all spies. These aren't skills you can acquire, you must possess these characteristics if you want to be a top notch spy. • Guts! Spying is not for the feeble minded. You put yourself in unknown, and possibly dangerous, situations, with only your skills and wits to keep you out of harms way. If you want to know how to become a spy, ask yourself: do I have what it takes to be a spy? • Intelligence There's a good reason why they've called spying "intelligence". You need to learn many skills and abilities, and fast! Each new operation calls for different skills, cover and legend, and you must be able to learn and internalize them in days. • Creativity Spies find themselves facing all kinds of problems, each one calling for a fitting solution. Unfortunately, most of the time you cannot fall back on some super-duper gadget, issued by "Q", but you must make do with whatever you have at your disposal. Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Page 15 Resources: Game: Obstacle Course Equipment: use what you have available at your hall, below are some suggestions. Method: Keas go through the obstacle course as part to of their training to be a spy. In relay form Keas roll under the laser wire – Roll over two gym mats, Walk through a piranha filled river – walk between two ropes. climb over the netting – imagine climbing up and over a mesh netting, Dodge the bombs in the mine field – walk between ball ‘ bombs’, jump across the volcano – jump across volcano on carpet squares, run to a tree and back through obstacle course, tag next team member. Make n Do: Code Cracker or Maker Game: Catch the Spy Method: Cut a rectangle about 7 cm x 19 cm from recycled cereal box cardboard. Fold the rectangle in half so the long ends meet. Snip into the fold at 3 cm from each end. Unfold. Cut into each snip to make a 4 cm opening centre and running parallel to each short end. To make the code breaker, cut a 23 cm x 4 cm piece of card/paper to fit in the code maker's slots. Trim the sides of the code breaker so it will glide easily when you put it into the code maker. Write A through M to the left and N through Z to the right in the spaces. Write the code letters on the code breaker strip so they line up with your code maker alphabet. You can make several codes by sliding the code breaker up so each letter is aligned with a different letter. Write the top two letters that disappear in the new spaces at the bottom. Mark lines on the construction paper strip at the top to show how to line up the letters for the particular message you are sending, then be sure to tell the message's recipient at which line to arrange the code breaker. Equipment: Nil Method: Keas form a long line with palms up at one end of the hall. One Kea moves along the line slapping their hand onto the offered hands saying Kea, Kea, Kea, SPY. On ‘SPY’ they immediately run off to the opposite end of the hall with the spy in hot pursuit. If they make it to the end of the hall without being tagged the spy moves to the middle of the hall and the first Kea has to the count of 5 to get passed the SPY. Repeat. Game: Name the Spy Equipment: Balloon with face drawn on. (Have extra balloons in case needed) Method: The Keas are to say their name (their secret code name) and hit the balloon to another Kea. The balloon is passed around until all Keas have introduced themselves. You could also make up names of Villains e.g. Bob the Bandit. Game: Hidden Message Equipment: Messages hidden around the hall (in reverse), mirrors. Method: Keas must look around hall for hidden messages. Once message found and worked out using the mirror, Keas go to leader and answer the question, must answer 3 to win. Messages are Keas Questions: How old do you have to be, to be a Kea? What afternoon do Keas meet? What is the Kea Motto and Promise? Etc. Make n Do: Invisible Ink Message Equipment: Lemons, (squeeze as need juice), cotton buds, paper and iron Method: Using lemon juice, write an invisible message and allow drying time. Use an iron to read them. Your messages could be the Kea Motto and Promise or anything your Keas are capable of writing. (Read them at the end of the night.) You can also pair the Keas up so they can read each other’s message. Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes Equipment: Scissors, markers, ruler, construction paper, recycled cereal boxes. Hold on to the Code Crackers for Week 8. Make sure they are named. Interesting Information Cryptography is the study of making and decoding secret messages. When you substitute one letter for another letter you are actually using a cipher. A code is technically a message in which one word substitutes for another word. SCOUTS New Zealand Page 16 KEAS NATIONAL PROGRAMMES 2014 TERM THREE – “BADEN’S BUNCH” JULY 2014 PROGRAMME 3.1 PROGRAMME 3.2 AUGUST 2014 PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 SEPTEMBER 2014 PROGRAMME 3.7 PROGRAMME 3.8 PROGRAMME 3.9 PROGRAMME 3.10 B.P and the Butterfly Who is B.P. Spies and Secret Agents Lend a Hand All about Family When My Mum and Dad were Young KEA - CUB LINK CAMP Who is Akela Our Community – Dads Week Keep our Community Beautiful Time To Say Goodbye PROGRAMME 3.4 – “Lend a Hand” Time Activity Summary description Leader This week we are lending a hand to others in our Community who are needing a hand and finding out about and helping at a food bank in your area. This may require Parent Help for carpooling and assistance to take part in one of the activities. Your local Rover Crew and Venturer Unit are available to help with organisation and collection. Here are some suggestions: Visit the local food bank to find about what they do and help pack some boxes of food. Ask Keas to take a tin of something (in good condition) or a gold coin to donate towards the food bank. We recommend that Parents bring Keas directly to the food bank rather than you having to organise to get everyone there. To assist with this you will need to contact the organisers of the food bank and offer your assistance. Your local Rover Crew and Venturer Unit are also happy to join you and help so contact your Regional Office to find out the contact details for the Leader. Make sure you invite your local paper along or take photos and give them to the paper along with a short report. Contact your local Rover Crew and Venturer Unit to ask for assistance to do a collection for the local food bank. This could be outside your local supermarket (roster members of your group (Keas, Cubs, Scouts, along with the Rovers and Venturers on between 4pm and 7pm on one night of the week asking people to donate to the local food bank. Have them delivered the next morning. Once again, make sure you invite your local paper along or take photos and give them to the paper along with a short report. Contact your local Rover Crew and Venturer Unit to ask for assistance to organise a collection for the local food bank. We recommend that you involve your local fire brigade, police or ambulance (flashing lights and sirens help bring attention), and collect around the streets of your community. Use your local radio and newspaper for publicity and put a small notice in every letter box (Foodbank Collection between 4pm and 7pm Thursday night in your street organised by the XYZ Scout Group. Listen for the horns and please donate a can or packet of something.). You will require trailers and cars with flashing lights, (Parents could help with this), fluro vests for safety and an organised plan. This can be done in rural areas by visiting each farm (your friendly Rural delivery person may deliver notices for you. Invite the local Food bank coordinator to Keas to join in the afternoon’s program and tell the Keas what they do and why they need a helping hand. Ask Keas to bring a tin of something (in good condition) and /or a donation towards the coin trail for the food bank. See programme below for this option. Time Activity Summary description 00 Arrival activity Make a Coin Trail and decorate the donation boxes: 1A Duty Prior to the Keas arriving draw a coin Trail line on the floor and place Leader on the other side of the room a couple of boxes (such as banana) Parent along with felts, crayons, paint and brushes. Get the Keas as they Help arrive to put their coins on the trail and food in the boxes and let them decorate the boxes with handprints and their names, along with the name of the Kea Club. Opening Opening ceremony Kea Badge Kea Song Bronze Kea Badge Kea Yell Kea Motto & Promise Welcome any visitors Explain that this week are focusing on helping others. At some time in everyone’s life they need a helping hand and if we help each other it helps to make us all feel good. Community 5 mins 10 mins 20 mins Kea Leader Game Rain, Thunder and Lightning (see Resources) Personal Development 1A OR Make n Do Make a Whirlygig: (see Resources) Personal Development 2C Kea Leaders OR Parent help OR Community 1F 5 mins Leader Song Personal Development 3A Kea Leader Find a Group (see Resources) Hear about the local Food bank from your Food bank visitor. Help to load the boxes into their car and get a photo giving a helping hand. I’m A Little Kea (Tune I’m A Little Teapot) See Magical World of Keas Visitor Kea Leader OR Kea Smile (Tune John Brown’s Body) See Magical World of Keas OR BP Feeling See resources 15 mins 5 mins Game Cat and Mouse (See Magical World of Keas) Personal Development 1A OR Kea Size Tic Tac Toe Parent Help Closing Closing Ceremony Kea Badge Prayer / reflection / thanks / Kea Yell Kea Leader Bronze Kea Badge Notices (Make sure Kea brings Family Member next week Theme is When My Mum and Dad were Young Personal Development 3C Ask to meet with new Keas and Parents afterwards. Are they enjoying themselves? Would they like to join Keas permanently? If so – tell them of plans for an investiture ceremony in two weeks. Organise the purchase of a uniform and payment of a registration fee (most Groups charge a fee that covers an investiture pack and woggle along with the Group scarf). If the keas aren’t enjoying themselves ask why, tell them what is coming up next week, Parents may like to become a Leader, suggest they continue to attend for the last of their 4 free weeks. Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Kea Leader Page 18 Resources: Game: Rain, Thunder and Lightning Equipment: Nil Method: Keas scatter around and stand on their spot. There are three commands that can be called out – rain means they slap their thighs quickly; thunder means they stamp their feet; lightning means they have to run to change places with another Kea. Things can be made tricky by sometimes calling out rain and thunder in quick succession. Game: Find a group Equipment: Nil Method: Leader calls out a number and Keas have to form groups of that number. Leader may also call out a shape. Remind Keas to be caring towards each other and try to include everyone. Make n Do: Whirligig Equipment: String and buttons Method: Thread the string through the button holes (you may need a needle to do so) and tie with a reef knot of course. This is the sort of toy the Kea granddad would have made to play with when he was a boy. Game: Kea size Tic Tac Toe Equipment: Chalk Method: Divide Keas into 2 teams (Posses) (or if you have 20 or more Keas you may need to divide into 4 teams), ‘noughts’ and ‘crosses’, draw a Kea sized Tic Tac Toe grid on the floor with chalk (two if you have 4 teams). The teams take turns pick a square ‘noughts’ make a circle with their body and ‘crosses’ make an X with their body. The aim is to get three in a row. This is basically a Kea sized game of Noughts and Crosses. Song: - I’ve got that BP feeling (Point to each part of the body when it is named.) I've got that BP feeling up in my head, Up in my head, up in my head I've got that BP feeling up in my head. Up in my head to stay. I've got that BP feeling down in my toes, Down in my toes, down in my toes, I've got that BP feeling down in my toes. Down in my toes to stay. I've got that BP feeling deep in my heart, deep in my heart, deep in my heart I've got that BP feeling deep in my heart. Deep in my heart to stay. I've got that BP feeling up in my head, Down in my toes, deep in my heart, I've got that BP feeling all over me, All over me to stay to stay. Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Page 19 KEAS NATIONAL PROGRAMMES 2014 TERM THREE – “BADEN’S BUNCH” JULY 2014 PROGRAMME 3.1 PROGRAMME 3.2 AUGUST 2014 PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 SEPTEMBER 2014 PROGRAMME 3.7 PROGRAMME 3.8 PROGRAMME 3.9 PROGRAMME 3.10 B.P and the Butterfly Who is B.P. Spies and Secret Agents Lend a Hand All about Family When My Mum and Dad were Young KEA - CUB LINK CAMP Who is Akela Our Community – Dads Week Keep our Community Beautiful Time To Say Goodbye PROGRAMME 3.5 – “All about Family” Time Activity Summary description Leader 00 Arrival activity Make A Large Mural in the shape of a Kea using Magazines Theme “What does belonging to Keas mean to you?) Duty Leader Parent Help Magazines, Glue, Pencils 5 mins 10 mins 20 mins 10 mins Opening Opening ceremony Kea Badge Kea Song Bronze Kea Badge Kea Yell Kea Motto & Promise Welcome to any visitors Outline of the evening Kea Leader Game Sew a Kea Posse – (see Resources) Kea Leader Personal Development 1 A OR Parent Help Make n Do Make a Kea Family Tree Kea Leaders Personal Development 2 C Have a Large tree drawn and painted on a large piece of cardboard. Keas to Glue Photos of themselves onto the Kea (see Resources) and write their name, age, school, when they started Keas along with why they enjoy Keas and a little about themselves. They then stick the whole thing onto the tree. Parent Help Activity Scouting Family Tree: Kea Leader Community 2 D Look at the Scouting Family and what each section does different to Keas such as: Kea Leader Wrap (see Resources) Keas don’t cook on fires, Cubs cook on Hobo Stoves, Scouts and Venturers cook on open fires. Talk about ages and activities each section does. You may have some photos to show or various activities from all sections. 10 mins Game Keas in the Nest (see Resources) Kea Leader Personal Development 1 A OR Parent Help A Kea Story (see Resources) Time Activity Summary description Leader 5 mins Closing Closing Ceremony Kea Leader Kea Badge Prayer / reflection / thanks / Kea Yell Bronze Kea Badge Motto and Promise Personal Development 3C Notices Family week next week and Kea Investitures. Encourage Keas to bring their family with them. Siblings need to have an Adult with them. Ask to speak with Keas to be invested next week and their Parents. Check everyone has a uniform or have ordered one. Discuss the ceremony and their part in it. Next week: Due to our investiture ceremony next week, we are holding a family week next week. We will be taking part in some activities and games from when Mum, Dad and Grandparents are young. Make sure family members of those Keas being invested are in attendance. Check you have ordered an Investiture Pack for those being invested along with a woggle and check you have enough Group Scarves ready. Remember other sections may be doing the same so one order can be done for all. Keas require a uniform shirt (grey or blue) to be invested. Next week will be a full on week so make sure you have your Parent Help ready to go. Resources: Game: Sew a Kea Posse Equipment: A long piece of string (cord, wool or thin rope) Method: With a very long string and Keas in a line, Keas pass end of string through one sleeve of their shirt and out the other (first Kea holds on to the end so it doesn’t go all the way thru. How many Keas can we thread in a minute? Game: A Kea Story. Equipment: Nil Method: Keas seated in a circle. Leader starts the story – “My mother went shopping and she bought a carrot.” Next Kea says “My mother went shopping and she bought a carrot and ……. (adds something) Continue. When we get lost and mixed up you can start again. Game: Kea Leader Wrap Equipment: Some cheap toilet paper Method: Keas working together in posses wrap a Leader (one per posse) in toilet paper in a relay race. On go first Kea runs with toilet paper and wraps the Leader with Toilet paper for 20 seconds (timed by Parent Help or Leader), drops toilet roll and runs back tags next Kea who continues wrapping the Leader for 20 seconds. Game continues for 5 minutes or until Leaders are wrapped like a Mummy. NB: Don’t buy too cheap a toilet paper as it will keep breaking. Game: Kea in the Nest Equipment: Bean bags and a bucket per team (per team). Method: Keas in relay form, are trying to get the Kea (Bean bag) in the nest (bucket). The Keas get three tries, then collects the bean bags and hands them to the next Kea in line. You can count the Keas in the nest or just the first team to finish. Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Page 21 Resources: Keas for Tree Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Page 22 KEAS NATIONAL PROGRAMMES 2014 TERM THREE – “BADEN’S BUNCH” JULY 2014 PROGRAMME 3.1 PROGRAMME 3.2 AUGUST 2014 PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 SEPTEMBER 2014 PROGRAMME 3.7 PROGRAMME 3.8 PROGRAMME 3.9 PROGRAMME 3.10 B.P and the Butterfly Who is B.P. Spies and Secret Agents Lend a Hand All about Family When My Mum and Dad were Young KEA - CUB LINK CAMP Who is Akela Our Community – Dads Week Keep our Community Beautiful Time To Say Goodbye PROGRAMME 3.6 – “When my Mum and Dad were Young” Time Activity Summary description Leader This week is a real family week, where we invest our new Keas and we have lots of games and activities for families to take part in that come from our Parents and Grandparents day. Make an expectation that all visitors and Keas will take part in all activities. Make sure you are well prepared with the coming in activity set up, have archway or bridge set up, and Investiture Packs and Scarves set out and ready with all Leaders and Parent Help ready to go with all activities 20 minutes before start time. Have the Parent Help look after the Coming In activity while Leaders meet and greet and direct attendees to an activity. Please note that this week Keas will be slightly longer than normal. Coming In Meet and Greet: Have two Leaders at the door to meet Kea Leaders and greet families Parent Help Direct to one of the hopscotch games. Hopscotch: (Kea Silver Badge Community 3 B) 5 mins Set up Hopscotch games using chalk around the Hall inside and outside – 1 for each Posse. Have different coloured stones or small wooden blocks for each person. Have one set up for the Adults and encourage them to join in. Allocate an Adult for each Hopscotch game to explain rules and where the game comes from. It is best to have no more than 6 at each game or the children will get bored. Opening Opening ceremony Kea Badge Bronze Kea Badge Investiture Kea Leader Kea Song Kea Yell Kea Motto & Promise New Keas to be invested and other family members sit or stand outside the Kea Circle. 10 – 20 mins Chalk Small coloured rocks or blocks Introduce any special visitors. One Leader to gather Keas to be invested and their Kea Leaders families on the other side of the archway or bridge while the Kea Circle is on the other side. Other families and possibly special dignitaries such as the Mayor, councillors, School Principals and teachers and other important people. NB: Don’t forget to invite your Zone Kea Leader, Group Leader and possibly other Section Leaders. See Resources or Magical World of Keas. 35 mins Activity Personal Development 1 A And Personal Development 2 E (if family in attendance). 5 mins Closing Ceremony Bronze Kea Badge Kea Badge Choose 3 or 4 Activities or Games from the list below for all family members to take part in. The main purpose is to have fun and celebrate families, while experience some of the games and activities from the past. Depending on numbers it may be a good idea to split into 2 or 3 to make it easier to manage. Balloon Game – Balloon tied to ankle of the Kea or visitor. The idea of the game is to pop everyone else’s balloons while stopping yours from being popped. Make Butter (see Resources) Kea Leader Duty Leader Parent Helpers Make Ice Cream (see Resources) Vacuum Cleaner Game (see Resources) Newspaper Hockey (see Resources) 3 legged race Relay over an Obstacle Course Any favourite game such as Duck Duck Goose. Give our Bring a Friend Badges Kea Leaders Prayer / reflection / thanks / Kea Yell Motto and Promise Thanks to visitors for coming Ask to see Senior Keas and their Parents who are going to this weekend’s Kea Cub link Camp to ensure all knows when, where, how and what. Kea Cub Link Camp: Contact your Zone Kea Leader for information regarding the Kea Cub Link Camp in your Zone. By doing it in your Zone there is good support you as a Leader and for your Keas heading to Cubs and the best part is being able to network with other Leaders or for the children, Keas also in the same position as them that they might experience Cub Camps and later Jamboree with. Cub Leaders and Sixer and seconder Leaders must be involved to make this a success. See the Kea – Cub Link Camp resource which is available by signing into the SCOUTS New Zealand website and clicking the Kea Button at the top and look under Resources or Downloads, or by asking your Regional Office to send it to you (there will be a small cost to the Group). Don’t forget to get an article in your local paper with photos and also load a photo and short description onto the Kea Facebook Page (Scouts New Zealand Kea Section). Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Page 24 Resources: Investiture: Keas and their families, are asked to assemble on the other-side of the arch / bridge and one by one you will be sending a Posse Leader (of the Posse the Kea will be joining) to lead the Kea and their family to come through the arch or over the bridge where we will be investing them (in alphabetical order) with the support of their families. Explain the reason / meaning for archway / bridge. All those in the circle are asked to come to attention. Call the first Kea to be invested “John (Posse Leader) will you please go over the bridge (or through the arch) to invite Mark and his family to come and join the Kea Circle.” The Posse Leader then goes over the bridge or through the arch and asks the kea and his family to follow them to come into the Kea circle. They stand infront of the investing Leader with their family in a half circle around the back of them. Those in the circle should be at attention. NB: Please take time to show the Posse Leader(s) what to do and say the week before and check when they arrive that they remember what to do. You will probably need to go over it again with them. The Investing Leader asks “ Name are you ready to become a Kea?” The Kea answers “yes”. The Investing Leader asks “ Everyone please make the Scout sign” (this does not include non uniformed or non invested people). “Name do you know your Kea promise? Lets all say it together: I share, I care, I discover, I grow. Now we will say our Kea motto together – I will try to share my fun and help others” Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes Secure the scarf around the neck of the Kea with the Leather Kea Woggle and shake the Keas hand with your left hand while saying some words of encouragement and welcome. Another Leader or the Investing Leader then hands them the Kea investiture Pack and says “Welcome to the worldwide brotherhood of scouting” The Kea then shake the other Leaders hands (if any) “ Please turn around and salute the circle and they will salute you back as a welcome” The newly invested Kea is then asked to stand in the circle with their posse. The family is asked to either stand / sit in allocated area for guests. The next Kea is called and ceremonies continue until all Keas are invested. NB: This does take a while if you have a number of Keas to invest, but remember this is a Scout Ceremony and it should it’s importance. SCOUTS New Zealand Page 25 Make n Do – Butter: Ice Cream Continued: What is Butter Anyway? When raw milk is left to stand, it separates into skim milk and cream. The cream has proteins and fats in it. When you shake the cream, all the fat globs stick together and make butter. The liquid part has the proteins and that’s the buttermilk. What You Need A jar (a jam jar is a good size or even a baby food jar for just a small amount) and cream. How to Do It: Fill the jar about quarter or halfway with the cream and screw the lid on and shake. Keep shaking! You can also roll the jar across the floor or table, just to change things up a bit. After a few minutes, you’ll have whipped cream. After about 10 minutes you’ll notice a more solid blob forming. When your butter is formed, drain off the buttermilk. Rinse the butter and press it into cheesecloth or a coffee filter to dry it and remove the last of the liquid. Add a little salt if you like. Eat it right away, or put it in the fridge to send home with the Keas later. Tips: 1/2 cup milk will make about 1 scoop of ice cream, so double the recipe if you want more. But don't increase the proportions more than that -- a large amount might be too big for kids to pick-up because the ice itself is heavy. Vacuum Cleaner Game (relay) You require: Newspapers (1 per team) (rolled up to make a stick approx 57cm long, tape edges. Ice cream containers (1 per team), cones (or similar) to make obstacle courses. Divide Keas into even teams. First Kea puts one end of stick into ice cream container. On “GO” they race from one end of the hall and back zigzagging through the obstacle course. Next Kea them goes until whole team has had their turn and sits down. Vacuuming is finished! NB: Don’t forget to involve all Adults as well. Ice Cream: What you'll need: (per person) 1 tablespoon sugar 1/2 cup milk or half & half 1/4 teaspoon vanilla 6 tablespoons rock salt 1 pint-size plastic food storage bag (e.g., Ziploc) 1 gallon-size plastic food storage bag Ice cubes How to make it: Fill the large bag half full of ice, and add the rock salt. Seal the bag. Put milk, vanilla, and sugar into the small bag, and seal it. Place the small bag inside the large one, and seal it again carefully. Shake until the mixture is ice cream, which takes about 5 minutes. Wipe off the top of the small bag, and then open it carefully. Enjoy! Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Page 26 Resources: Newspaper Ice Hockey: KEYS TO SUCCESS: An oldie, but a goody - particularly with the younger crew Do your best to pair up competitors with people of similar caliber. If number 4 on one team is you’re most athletic, enthusiastic, win-at-allcosts guy, make sure number 4 on the other team isn’t the timid new girl. SET UP: Two goals are required at each end of the room. Prepare two rolled up newspapers, firmly wrapped and taped with mask or gaff tape. Freeze water in a ‘salmon’ size can and ease out just prior to the game to use as the ‘puck”. Split the group into two teams and number them off, starting at 1. Make sure each person knows what number he or she is and that there is a corresponding number on the other team. A fast game is a good game. Give them a 60 second time limit before sending them back and calling a different number. The hockey stick must be dropped the moment a new number is called and the player run straight back to their place in line. GAME ON: Newspaper hockey is exactly what it suggests: playing hockey with a newspaper. The only difference is, instead of having the whole team on the field at one time, teams are lined up along the sidelines, given a number each and then when their number is yelled out by our leading referee, they dart from their spot, pick up the make-do hockey stick (rolled newspaper), and start hitting the puck toward their teams goal. So when a number gets called, a person from red team and the corresponding person from blue team dart out and dual. Be sure to give points for every successful goal scored. A goal is scored when the puck is hit under the chair between the front two legs (not the side). Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Page 27 KEAS NATIONAL PROGRAMMES 2014 TERM THREE – “BADEN’S BUNCH” JULY 2014 PROGRAMME 3.1 PROGRAMME 3.2 AUGUST 2014 PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 SEPTEMBER 2014 PROGRAMME 3.7 PROGRAMME 3.8 PROGRAMME 3.9 PROGRAMME 3.10 B.P and the Butterfly Who is B.P. Spies and Secret Agents Lend a Hand All about Family When My Mum and Dad were Young KEA - CUB LINK CAMP Who is Akela Our Community – Dads Week Keep our Community Beautiful Time To Say Goodbye PROGRAMME 3.7 – “Who is Akela” Time Activity Summary description Leader After the Kea to Cub Link Camp on the weekend, we are inviting Akela and the Cubs (or just the Sixer and Seconders), to join us for some activities so the Senior Keas feel comfortable within their own environment. Next week they will attend Cubs and Keas as part of their transition into the Cub Pack. 00 Coming In Get Akela to come with a Coming In activity Akela activity Parent Help 5 mins Opening Opening ceremony Kea Leader Kea Badge Welcome Akela and other visitors. Bronze Kea Kea Song, Yell, Motto, Promise Badge Discuss what will be happening this evening Cub Badge 10 mins Game On The Bank In The River Kea Leader Personal OR Development 1A Captains Coming 20 mins Make n Do New Experiences OR Cub Badge Keas take part in Cub Activity with Akela Akela with the help of a Parent Helper and Kea Leaders help cook Chocolate Chip and Banana in Tin Foil in an oven or some other activity Akela chooses. Remember Keas do not cook open fires and Cubs cook over hobo Stoves so Cubs may work with Keas to cook on a Hobo stove (Fires should be already burning and ready for the Hobo Stove prior to this activity). Keas and Cubs should all have closed in shoes for this activity. Akela Kea Leaders Parent Helpers 10 mins Game Personal Development 1A Closing Kea Badge Bronze Kea Badge Ask Akela to bring a game to play. Akela Parent Help Closing Ceremony Kea Leaders 5 mins Prayer / reflection / thanks / Kea Yell Motto and Promise Thanks to Akela and the Cubs for coming A reminder to bring Dad next week. Ask to see Senior Keas and their Parents about visiting Cubs next week. Resources: Game: On the River on the bank Either stretch a rope out in a long line or draw a line with chalk down the length of the hall. The leader explains that one side of the line is the "river" and the other side of the line is the "bank". It is essential to be at the right spot at the right time (can make up story about scorpions on the bank at some times and piranhas in the river at others). Players then line up, on the bank. The Leader then shouts out one of two commands - "river" or "bank". If the Leader calls "river", players must jump forward across the boundary line into the "river". If the Leader calls "bank", players must jump back to the "bank". The Leader can call bank or river multiple times in a row. If a player jumps when they are not supposed to (or fails to jump in an adequate amount of time), they are eliminated from the game. (it can be helpful to have another leader (or Parent Help) help judge who should be out. Game: Captain's Coming The players assemble in the centre of the playground or in the hall. If outside make some boundaries about the size of the hall. The leader calls out various commands (see below). Explain the actions prior to the start of the game. Include Cubs. The last person to follow the instruction is out. Continue until there is one left. The Commands : Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes Bow – everyone races to the front of the room. Stern – everyone races to the back of the room. Starboard – everyone races to the right of the room. Port – everyone races to the left of the room. Captain’s coming – everyone stands tall and salutes. Scrub the decks – mime scrubbing on hands and knees. Climb the rigging – everyone pretends to climb a rope ladder. Man the lifeboat – find a partner and hold both hands. Anyone without a partner is out. SCOUTS New Zealand Page 29 KEAS NATIONAL PROGRAMMES 2014 TERM THREE – “BADEN’S BUNCH” JULY 2014 PROGRAMME 3.1 PROGRAMME 3.2 AUGUST 2014 PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 SEPTEMBER 2014 PROGRAMME 3.7 PROGRAMME 3.8 PROGRAMME 3.9 PROGRAMME 3.10 B.P and the Butterfly Who is B.P. Spies and Secret Agents Lend a Hand All about Family When My Mum and Dad were Young KEA - CUB LINK CAMP Who is Akela Our Community – Dad’s Week Keep our Community Beautiful Time To Say Goodbye PROGRAMME 3.8 – “Our Community – Dad’s Week” Time Activity Summary description Leader This week we are inviting dads or Father figures (Granddads, Uncles, neighbour, family friend) to join us for a fun activity using our Code crackers from Week 3 and some tracking tools to find out about our local community. For some of you this activity may need to be run in and around your hall but it really is a great opportunity to get the Dads out there with their children learning together and having fun. Maybe some of these Dads will enjoy themselves so much that they may want to do it every week and become a Leader. Coming In Crack the Code: Duty Leader Using the Code Cracker we made in Week 3 (or possibly you may need materials available to make one at this time), Keas and their Dads need to crack your Code. Parent Help As they arrive have tables set up with a couple of Codes typed on paper for them to figure out. Suggestions are ‘Keas are Super Cool’, ‘Keas love having Dads joining us tonight’ ‘Keas make great Special Agents’. 10 mins Opening Opening ceremony Kea Badge Bronze Kea Badge 40 mins Activity New Experiences (Local Team Challenge) OR Personal Development 2E Kea Leader Kea Song Kea Yell Kea Motto & Promise Welcome Dads and explain the evening’s activity. Community Treasure Hunt: Prepare during the week a Treasure Hunt around your local community or Hall. The trail prepared should allow Keas and their Dads to discover information about your local area. Put together Codes to help them answer questions about their community that only they can find by finding that place. You could also use some tracking markers as well. Due to having only 40 minutes allocated for this activity, make sure it is achieve able in this time limit by doing it a day or two before yourself. Some suggestions for questions (in code): What coloured door does 8 High Street have? How many people are there in the mural outside the What price is 91 petrol at the BP Service station? When was the Fire Station Built? Name one special in the window of the local Supermarket or Superette. Kea Leader Parent help Dads Town Hall? 10 mins Closing Ceremony Bronze Kea Badge Kea Badge Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes How many lampposts are there in this street? Include Dads Prayer / reflection / thanks / Kea Yell Ask to see Senior Keas and their Parents to talk about Cub pack visit this week. (Make sure at least one of your Kea Leader attends the whole time with them and their Parents. Parents need to stay to see what Cubs is about and meet the Cub Leaders). Kea Leaders Motto and Promise Thanks to Dads for coming and taking part Discuss plans for next weeks Keep our Community Beautiful activity. SCOUTS New Zealand Page 31 KEAS NATIONAL PROGRAMMES 2014 TERM THREE – “BADEN’S BUNCH” JULY 2014 PROGRAMME 3.1 PROGRAMME 3.2 AUGUST 2014 PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 SEPTEMBER 2014 PROGRAMME 3.7 PROGRAMME 3.8 PROGRAMME 3.9 PROGRAMME 3.10 B.P and the Butterfly Who is B.P. Spies and Secret Agents Lend a Hand All about Family When My Mum and Dad were Young KEA - CUB LINK CAMP Who is Akela Our Community – Dad’s Week Keep our Community Beautiful Time To Say Goodbye PROGRAMME 3.9 – “Keep our Community Beautiful” Time Activity Summary description Leader This week we are helping to keep our community beautiful as part of the ‘Keep New Zealand Beautiful’ campaign week. Look at the website or contact your local council office to give you ideas of what you can do to make your community more beautiful. You may like to join your whole group in this activity as part of our community service modules. There are Grants available that can help you doing this. Ideas include: Grab lots of rubbish bags and disposable gloves and clean up the rubbish around your local park, picnic area, lake, river beach or another area in your community. Take back supermarket trolleys and generally give your community a spring clean. Wear your uniform so people know who you are. Plant some plants in one of the above areas to beautify it. Paint a mural or building to help make your community beautiful. See the knzb website for details of the ‘Wall Worthy’ Competition. Resene may be able to sponsor you doing this. Hold a big working bee at your own Scout Hall. Hold a big spring clean! Tidy up around and inside it. Clean it from top to toe. Spruce it up with new gardens and a paint job and make sure it has an up to date Scouts sign to let everyone know you are there. It might be a good time to look at your quartermasters store and repair and replace items. Your Group may want to allocate each section a job. Your Committee should be able to get grants or sponsorship (Resene for paints) to help fund this project. Finally don’t forget to get an article in your local paper and upload a photo and description to the Kea Section Facebook page (Scouts New Zealand Kea Section). Keas taking part should have the Award Component of either Outdoors 3B (Environment, Pick up Litter) or Community 2D (My Community, Take part in a combined activity) or Community 2 F (My Community Activity in your Community with your Kea Club). Next week: To prepare for next week’s programme and ceremony we recommend that you: Discuss with the Kea Club and their parents the importance of attending next week – don’t forget to bring a plate of party food. Mention that Keas will be an hour and a half next week. Discuss with the Keas moving to Cubs and their Parents to give them an idea of the ceremony and their part in it. Emphasise the importance of the family being there and joining in. Plan with the other Kea Leaders and the Cub Leaders to ensure you have everything sorted and in place to make this a special night for your Keas moving to Cubs. Make sure Investiture packs, woggles, badges and flight certificates are ordered at least a week in advance and have certificates written out prior to arriving next week. Let your Parent Helps know what you need them to do. Source the Pot plants, ferns or greenery to make the archway or bridge special and have it set up before Keas or Cubs arrive. KEAS NATIONAL PROGRAMMES 2014 TERM THREE – “BADEN’S BUNCH” JULY 2014 PROGRAMME 3.1 PROGRAMME 3.2 AUGUST 2014 PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROGRAMME 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 SEPTEMBER 2014 PROGRAMME 3.7 PROGRAMME 3.8 PROGRAMME 3.9 PROGRAMME 3.10 B.P and the Butterfly Who is B.P. Spies and Secret Agents Lend a Hand All about Family When My Mum and Dad were Young KEA - CUB LINK CAMP Who is Akela Our Community – Dad’s Week Keep our Community Beautiful Time To Say Goodbye PROGRAMME 4.10 – “Time to say Goodbye” Time Activity Summary description Leader This week we are joining with the Cub Pack for a fun party night to celebrate our Senior Keas progressing to Cubs. In some Groups this will include other sections as well. Get everyone to bring a plate of party food, play some old fashioned games and set aside time to have the special investiture ceremony of Keas into Cubs, so they straight into Cubs next term, already having achieved their Cub Badge so they can hit the ground the running. You will most likely need to allow for this week’s programme and possibly adjust the start time to fit in with the Cub Pack. See below for ideas for an awesome investiture ceremony – and don’t forget to include family – they are flying up as well, keep them involved. Coming In 30 mins Investiture Ceremony Leader meet and greet families and Keas and Cubs. Food to go to kitchen – have a couple of Parent Help (whose children aren’t going to Cubs) to be in charge of the food (heating and setting out). Leaders Parent Help Keas that are flying up to Cubs directed to table where they make a handprint wing and attached to the Kea Club Koa Kea Poster on wall with their name written on it. (see resources). Everyone else directed to another part of the room to put together their paper cup for a game later,(see resources). Gather the Cubs and Cub Leaders in a circle in front of the flag as they would normally. Cub Leaders Gather the Keas and Kea Leaders in a circle on the other side of the archway or bridge (see Resources). Kea Leaders Ask the families to be seated. Have seats organised so that everyone can see but particularly have the families of the Keas flying to Cubs in reserved seating – make them feel important and realise that this is an important occasion. The Cub pack should start by doing an opening ceremony and flag break. Akela asks one of the Sixer Leaders to bring the first Kea to be invested into Cubs (alphabetical order is fairest). “John, please could you go over the bridge and bring Peter Brown into the Cub Pack circle”. John goes through the arch or bridge and waits on the other side for the Kea Leader to say her words (see below), and then brings Peter into the circle, where both John and Peter stand in front of Akela, where Akela asks for Peter’s family to come forward and stand behind Peter Cub Leaders Cub Leaders Need: Badges Certificate Investiture pack. and John. Peter is then invested into Cubs, receives his Cub badge and Sixer woggle put in place of his Kea woggle. Akela presents Peter with his certificate and Cub Investiture Pack before shaking hands. Akela asks Peter to turn to the Cub Pack and asks the Cubs to Salute Peter, who returns the salute, as a sign of acceptance into the Cub Pack. John then takes Peter back to stand next to him in the circle with the rest of his new Six. The family are asked to sit down. And Akela asks the next Sixer to bring the next Kea forward to be invested. Continue until all have been invested into Cubs. 30 mins Games When Akela asked John to bring Peter into the Cub Pack circle, the Kea Leader asks the Keas to form an opening in the circle near the archway/ bridge and asks Peter to come forward. The Kea Leader then gives a short farewell speech such as “Peter, today we farewell you to Cubs. You joined our Kea Club 18 months ago and in that time you have been on two Kea Sleepovers, a Kea hike, taken part in two Anzac Parades and many other activities, earning you the Gold Kea Award and 8 Personal Challenge Badges. We thank you for being a great member of our Kea Club and will remember you for the way you looked after other people. I present you with your Kea Flight Certificate and ask you now to go with John to be invested as a Cub. (Present the Certificate (also any badges earned but not yet presented) and shake hands). Encourage all to take part in the games – here are some suggestions (see Resources): Kea Leaders Need: Flight Certificate Any Badges earned but not presented. Kea Leaders Newspaper Hockey Paper Cup Water Relay Balloon Stomp Captain’s Coming Rob the nest 20 mins Food Allocate 2 or 3 Parents to have the food and drinks ready Parent Help straight away at the end of games and to ensure everything is cleaned up afterwards. If you have finger food or purchase paper plates it is a quick clean up. 10 mins Closing Kea Badge Bronze Kea Badge Closing Ceremony Prayer / reflection / thanks / Kea Yell, Motto and Promise Grand Howl etc. Thanks to Akela and the Cubs for coming and farewell Kea Leaders for the term. Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes Thanks to all the families for joining the evening. A reminder about starting time and day for Keas and Cubs next term. SCOUTS New Zealand Page 34 Resources: Game - Newspaper Ice Hockey: An oldie, but a goody - particularly with the younger crew SET UP: Two goals are required at each end of the room. Prepare two rolled up newspapers, firmly wrapped and taped with mask or gaff tape. Freeze water in a ‘salmon’ size can and ease out just prior to the game to use as the ‘puck”. Split the group into two teams and number them off, starting at 1. Make sure each person knows what number he or she is and that there is a corresponding number on the other team. 1. Have enough balloons already blown up for everyone with about 1 metre of string tied to each one. 2. Each person ties a balloon to his or her ankle. 3. On go players try to pop each other’s balloon. Once your balloon is popped you are out of the game and must go to the side. 4. The winner is the last person with their balloon still intact. NB: You could play many different games with balloons – let your imagination run wild! Game - Rob the Nest: GAME ON: Newspaper hockey is exactly what it suggests: playing hockey with a newspaper. The only difference is, instead of having the whole team on the field at one time, teams are lined up along the sidelines, given a number each and then when their number is yelled out by our leading referee, they dart from their spot, pick up the make-do hockey stick (rolled newspaper), and start hitting the puck toward their teams goal. So when a number gets called, a person from red team and the corresponding person from blue team dart out and dual. Be sure to give points for every successful goal scored. A goal is scored when the puck is hit under the chair between the front two legs (not the side). KEYS TO SUCCESS: Do your best to pair up competitors with people of similar caliber. If number 4 on one team is you’re most athletic, enthusiastic, win-at-allcosts guy, make sure number 4 on the other team isn’t the timid new girl. A fast game is a good game. Give them a 60 second time limit before sending them back and calling a different number. The hockey stick must be dropped the moment a new number is called and the player run straight back to their place in line. Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes Game - Balloon Stomp: Equipment Small Balls or Bean Bags (enough for one per player) these are the eggs. Enough Hoops or ropes formed into a circle for one per team and one extra. (Nest) Instructions: Split players into equal teams (3 to 6 teams is a good number). Number each player within the teams. Place all ‘Eggs” into a ‘Nest’ in the middle of the playing area. Spread the other nests in a circle around but away from the central nest. The Leader starts by calling a number. All players with this number run to the central nest and take 1 egg back to their nests. Leader continues to call numbers until all eggs have left the central nest. Once all objects from the central nest have gone runners may “rob” the nests of other groups. The game is won when either one team has all the eggs or the Leader says stop and the winner is the team with the most eggs. Changes of number can be called at any time – if a new number is called during the middle of play runners must place eggs they are holding on the ground and return to their nests so the new player can take over. All eggs are returned to the central nest following a win and the game begins again. SCOUTS New Zealand Page 35 Resources: Game: Captain's Coming Game: Paper Cup Relay The players assemble in the centre of the playground or in the hall. If outside make some boundaries about the size of the hall. The leader calls out various commands (see below). Explain the actions prior to the start of the game. Include Cubs. The last person to follow the instruction is out. Continue until there is one left. The Commands : Bow – everyone races to the front of the room. Stern – everyone races to the back of the room. Starboard – everyone races to the right of the room. Port – everyone races to the left of the room. Captain’s coming – everyone stands tall and salutes. Scrub the decks – mime scrubbing on hands and knees. Climb the rigging – everyone pretends to climb a rope ladder. Man the lifeboat – find a partner and hold both hands. Anyone without a partner is out. Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes To make paper up see plan on next page. If possible play this outside. Split everyone into equal teams of 6 – 10 people including an all-Adult team. A good way to do this is get everyone to get into a line shortest to tallest – one Adult line and one line for children. Then number each person by the number of teams you have. Using the cups they have just made transport water from one container (ie bucket) to another similar size bucket. Have something available to take water out of first bucket and pour into the cup. Put the timer on for 7 minutes. On stop the winning team is the one with the most water in their bucket. You may need to use a ruler to measure depth. SCOUTS New Zealand Page 36 Keas – 2014 Term 3 Programmes SCOUTS New Zealand Page 37
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