NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A. [Sociology] PART–I, PAPER–I (Classical Sociological Tradition) Annual Examination, 2013 Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1. Write an essay on the development of Sociology in Western Countries. 2. Analyze Enlightenment and discuss its impact on thinking and reasoning. if'peh ns'kksa esa lekt'kkL= ds fodkl ij ,d fucU/ku fyf[k, A izcks/ku dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk rdZ ,oa fopkjksa ij blds izHkko dk foospu dhft, A 3. Evaluate the theory of social change as propounded by Karl Marx. 4. Examine the theory of Social Action of Max Weber. 5. On what facts are based Methodology of Durkheim ? Discuss. dkyZ ekDlZ }kjk izfrikfnr lkekftd ifjoÙkZu ds fl)kUr dk ewY;kadu dhft, A eSDl oscj dh lkekftd fØ;k ds fl)kUr dh leh{kk dhft, A fdu rF;ksa ij nq[khZe dk i)fr'kkL= vk/kkfjr gS \ foospuk dhft, A 6. Explain the concept of Residues as put forward by Pareto. 7. Critically analyse the theory of Surplus value of Karl Marx. 8. Define Authority and describe the types of Authority as given by Weber. 9. Describe the life and intellectual background of Vilfredo pareto. ijsVks }kjk fn;s x;s vo'ks"kks@ a fof'k"V pkydksa dh vo/kkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft, A dkyZ ekDlZ ds vfrfjDr ewY; ds fl)kUr dh vkykspukRed foospuk dhft, A lÙkk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk oscj }kjk fn;s x;s lÙkk ds izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A foYÝsMks ijsVks ds thou rFkk ckSf)d i`"BHkwfe dk o.kZu dhft, A 10. Write Short notes on any Two of the following :— fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k, %& (i) Collective Representation ¼lkewfgd izfrfuf/kRo½ (ii) Bureaucracy ¼ukSdj'kkgh½ (iii) Dialectics ¼}U}okn½ (iv) Social Facts ¼lkekftd rF;½ Examination Programme, 2013 M.A. Sociology, Part–I Date 16.07.2013 18.07.2013 20.07.2013 22.07.2013 24.07.2013 26.07.2013 30.07.2013 01.08.2013 Paper Paper–I Paper–II Paper–III Paper–IV Paper–V Paper–VI Paper–VII Paper–VIII Time 3.30 PM to 6.30 PM 3.30 PM to 6.30 PM 3.30 PM to 6.30 PM 3.30 PM to 6.30 PM 3.30 PM to 6.30 PM 3.30 PM to 6.30 PM 3.30 PM to 6.30 PM 3.30 PM to 6.30 PM Examination Centre A.N. College, Boring Road, Patna A.N. College, Boring Road, Patna A.N. College, Boring Road, Patna A.N. College, Boring Road, Patna A.N. College, Boring Road, Patna A.N. College, Boring Road, Patna A.N. College, Boring Road, Patna A.N. College, Boring Road, Patna NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A. [Sociology] PART–I, PAPER–II (Theoretical Perspective in Sociology) Annual Examination, 2013 Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1. Discuss the major levels of theorisation of Sociological theory. 2. What do you understand by Approach ? Differentiate between Approach and theory. lekt'kkL=h; fl)kUrksa ds lS)kUrhdj.k ds izeq[k Lrjksa dh foospuk dhft, A vfHkxe ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \ vfHkxe vkSj fl)kUr esa vUrj crkb;s A 3. compare the contributions of Radcliffe Brown and F. Nadel to structural theory. 4. Discuss the theory of Neo-functionalism as propounded by J. Alexander. 5. Explain structuralism and describe the anthropological structuralism of Levi Strauss. lajpukRed fl)kUr esa jSMfDyQ czkmu vkSj ,QŒ uSMy s ds ;ksxnkuksa dh rqyuk dhft, A tSÝh vysDtsUMj }kjk izfrikfnr uo&izdk;Zokn dh foospuk dhft, A lajpukokn dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk ysoh LVªkl ds ekuo'kkL=h; lajpukokn dk o.kZu dhft, A 6. Elucidate Foucault's concept of 'Madness and Civilization'. 7. Evaluate sources of conflict as described by collins. 8. What is Critical Theory ? Discuss its characteristics. 9. Critically discuss the theory of Symbolic Interactionism of G.H. Mead. Qwdks ds ^ikxyiu vkSj lH;rk* dh vo/kkj.kk Li"V dhft, A dksfyUl }kjk of.kZr la?k"kZ ds Jksrksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A vkykspukRed fl)kUr D;k gS \ bldh fo'ks"krkvksa dk foospu dhft, A thŒ,pŒehM ds izrhdkRed vUrZfØ;kokn ds fl)kUr dk vkykspukRed foospuk dhft, A 10. Write notes on any Two of the following :— fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k, %& (i) Structure-functionalism ¼lajpukRed izdk;Zokn½ (ii) Class Struggle ¼oxZ la?k"kZ½ (iii) Ethno Methodology ¼,Fkuks esFkMksykWth½ (iv) Post-modernism ¼mÙkj vk/kqfudrkokn½ NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A. [Sociology] PART–I, PAPER–III (Methodology of Social Research) Annual Examination, 2013 Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1. What do you understand by Social research ? Discuss its need in Sociology. 2. Give an analytical review of the concept of Positivism. lkekftd 'kks/k ls D;k le>rs gSa \ lekt'kkL= esa bldh vko';drk dk o.kZu dhft, A izR;{kokn dh vo/kkj.kk dh fo'ys"k.kkRed leh{kk dhft, A 3. Define Hypothesis and describe the characteristics of a good hypothesis. 4. Describe the problems that arise in the study of social phenomena. 5. Write a note on Tabulation, Discussion and Analysis of Data. ifjdYiuk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk ,d vPNh ifjdYiuk dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A lkekftd ?kVukvksa ds v/;;u esa gksus okyh dfBukb;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A rF;ks@ a vkadM+ksa ds lj.khdj.k] fo'ys"k.k ,oa O;k[;k ij fyf[k, A 6. Distinguish between Quantitative research and Qualitative research. 7. Define Case study method and explain its sources and merits. 8. Define Observation and describe its various types. 9. Explain sampling and discuss the types of Probability Sampling. la[;kRed 'kks/k ,oa xq.kkRed 'kks/k esa vUrj Li"V dhft, A O;fDrd v/;;u fof/k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk mlds Jksrksa ,oa xq.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A voyksdu dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk blds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A izfrp;u dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk laHkkO; izfrp;u ds izdkjksa dk foospu dhft, A 10. Write notes on any Two of the following :— fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k, %& (i) Schedule ¼vuqlp w h½ (ii) Interview ¼lk{kkRdkj½ (iii) Content analysis ¼vUrZoLrq fo'ys"k.k½ (iv) Uncontrolled Observation ¼vfu;fU=r voyksdu½ NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A. [Sociology] PART–I, PAPER–IV (Perspective of Indian Society) Annual Examination, 2013 Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. lHkhh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHk 1. Define Approach and evaluate the views of Lois Dumont in Indian Context. 2. Explain the importance of the study of Caste and Rural community in Indian Sociology. mikxe dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk Hkkjrh; ifjiz{s ; esa ywbZ M~;ew ks ds fopkjksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A Hkkjrh; lekt'kkL= esa tkfr ,oa xzkeh.k leqnk; ds v/;;u ds egÙo dks Li"V dhft, A 3. Compare Indological approach and Structural approach in Indian Sociology. 4. Examine Marxist approach in historical perspective. 5. Critically examine the views of D. P. Mukherjee on Indian Society. Hkkjrh; lekt'kkL= esa Hkkjrh; fo/kk mikxe rFkk lajpukRed mikxe dh rqyuk dhft, A ,sfrgkfld ifjiz{s ; esa ekDlZoknh mikxe dk ijh{k.k dhft, A Hkkjrh; lekt ij MhŒ ihŒ eq[kthZ ds fopkjksa dk vkykspukRed leh{kk dhft, A 6. Evaluate the civilizational studies of N. K. Bose and Surjit Sinha. 7. Discuss the contributions of Irawati Karve in the context of Indian Family. 8. Examine the viewpoint of Kumaraswamy sect on Indian tradition and Western modernism. ,uŒ dsŒ cksl vkSj lqjthr flUgk ds lH;rkewyd v/;;uksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A Hkkjrh; ifjokj ds lanHkZ esa bjkorh dosZ ds ;ksxnkuksa dk foospu dhft, A Hkkjrh; ijEijk ,oa if'peh vk/kqfudrk ij dqekjkLokeh lEiznk; ds n`f"Vdks.k dh leh{kk dhft, A 9. Write an essay on 'Dalit' in the context of Indian Society. Hkkjrh; lekt ds lanHkZ esa ^nfyr* ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A 10. Write notes on any Two of the following :— fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k, %& (i) Textual analysis ¼ewyikB&fo"k;d fo'ys"k.k½ (ii) Indian Sociology ¼Hkkjrh; lekt'kkL=½ (iii) Joint Family ¼la;qDr ifjokj½ (iv) Sanskritisation ¼laLÑfrdj.k½ NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A. [Sociology] PART–I, PAPER–V (Sociology of Change and Development) Annual Examination, 2013 Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1. Define Social Change and analyze different factors of Social Change. 2. Evaluate the Cyclic theory of Social Change. 3. What is Technology ? How does it bring about Social Change. lkekftd ifjorZu dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk lkekftd ifjorZu ds fofHkUu dkjdksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A lkekftd ifjorZu ds pØh; fl)kUr dk ewY;kadu dhft, A izkS|ksfxdh D;k gS \ ;g fdl izdkj lkekftd ifjorZu ykrk gS \ 4. Explain Social Development. How does society change due to socio–economic development ? lkekftd fodkl dh O;k[;k dhft, A lkekftd&vkÆFkd fodkl }kjk fdl izdkj lekt cnyrk gS \ 5. Discuss the changing concept of development in Sociology. lekt'kkL= esa fodkl dh ifjorZu'khy vo/kkj.kk dk fooj.k nhft, A 6. What is Underdevelopment ? Analyze the theories of Underdevelopment. 7. Elucidate Model of Development and critically examine the established models of economic development. v)Z&fodkl D;k gS \ v)Z&fodkl ds fl)kUrksa dh leh{kk dhft, A fodkl ds izfreku dh leh{kk dhft, rFkk vkÆFkd fodkl ds LFkkfir izfrekuksa dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A 8. Discuss the relationship between Culture and Development. 9. Examine the theory of Cultural Lag in the context of change and development. laLÑfr vkSj fodkl ds vUrZlEcU/k dk foospu dhft, A ifjorZu ,oa fodkl ds lanHkZ esa lkaLÑfrd foyEcuk ds fl)kUr dk ijh{k.k dhft, A 10. Write notes on any Two of the following :— fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k, %& (i) Industrialization ¼vkS|ksfxdhdj.k½ (ii) Cooperative Movement ¼lgdkfjrk vkUnksyu½ (iii) Sustainable Development ¼laiksf"kr fodkl½ (iv) Capitalist System ¼iw¡thoknh O;oLFkk½ NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A. [Sociology] PART–I, PAPER–VI (Comparative Sociology) Annual Examination, 2013 Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1. Evaluate the importance of the study of Culture in Comparative Sociology. 2. Describe the growth of Sociology in the historical context in the West. rqyukRed lekt'kkL= esa laLÑfr ds v/;;u ds egRo dk ewY;kadu dhft, A if'pe esa ,sfrgkfld lanHkZ esa lekt'kkL= ds fodkl dk o.kZu dhft, A 3. Define Pluralism and describe the nature of Religious and Cultural Pluralism. 4. Discuss the important key concepts of Comparative Sociology. 5. Write an essay on pre-requisites and characteristics of Comparative Method. cgqyokn dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk /kkfeZd ,oa lkaLÑfrd cgqyokn dh izÑfr dk o.kZu dhft, A rqyukRed lekt'kkL= ds egRoiw.kZ dsUnzh; vo/kkj.kkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A rqyukRed i)fr dh iwoZ&vko';drkvksa ,oa fo'ks"krkvksa ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A 6. Define Theory and describe the utility of Sociological Theory. fl)kUr dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, ,oa lekt'kkL=h; fl)kUr dh mi;ksfxrk dk o.kZu dhft, A 7. Describe the contributions of Indian Sociologists to Comparative Sociology. 8. Discuss the debate in relation to Ideology and theories on 'Sociology for India'. 9. Examine the contribution of Radhakamal Mukherjee to Regional Sociology. rqyukRed lekt'kkL= esa Hkkjrh; lekt'kkfL=;ksa ds ;ksxnkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A ^Hkkjr ds fy;s lekt'kkL=* esa fopkj/kkjk vkSj fl)kUrksa ls lEcfU/kr fooknksa dh ppkZ dhft, A izknsf'kd lekt'kkL= esa jk/kkdey eq[kthZ ds ;ksxnku dh leh{kk dhft, A 10. Write notes on any Two of the following :— fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k, %& (i) Class ¼oxZ½ (ii) Structural Disorganization ¼lajpukRed fo?kVu½ (iii) Cultural Variability ¼lkaLÑfrd izdkjkUrjrk½ (iv) Consequences of modernity ¼vk/kqfudrk ds ifjHkk"kk½ NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A. [Sociology] PART–I, PAPER–VII (Sociology of Region) Annual Examination, 2013 Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1. What is Diversity of Region ? How do Ethnicity and Language promote diversity. 2. Describe the Cultural and Sociological construct of a Region. {ks= dh fofo/krk D;k gS \ u`tkrh;rk vkSj Hkk"kk fdl izdkj fofo/krk dks c<+krk gS \ {ks= dh lkaLÑfrd ,oa lekt'kkL=h; jpukvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 3. Define Sociology of Region. Explain the need for its study. 4. Describe the role of Folklore in the study of Sociology of Region. 5. Examine the importance of indigenous data as a source of data in sociology of region. {ks= ds lekt'kkL= dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A blds v/;;u dh vko';drk crkb, A {ks= ds lekt'kkL= ds v/;;u esa tujhfr;ksa dh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu dhft, A {ks= ds lekt'kkL= esa vk¡dM+ksa ds lzksr ds :i esa Lons'kh vk¡dM+ksa ds egÙo dh leh{kk dhft, A 6. Write an essay on Regional Economy. 7. Distinguish between Insider and Outsider in Sociology of Region. 8. Explain the theoretical aspect of the concept of community. 9. Briefly describe the various methods of study of Sociology of Region. {ks=h; vFkZO;oLFkk ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A {ks= ds lekt'kkL= esa vUnj rFkk ckgjh ds vUrj dks Li"V dhft, A leqnk; dh vo/kkj.kk ds lS)kfUrd i{k dh O;k[;k dhft, A {ks= ds lekt'kkL= dh fofHkUu v/;;u fof/k;ksa dk laf{kIr fooj.k nhft, A 10. Write notes on any Two of the following :— fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k, %& (i) Dalitodhar (Subaltern) Dimension ¼nfyrks)kj ifjiz{s ;½ (ii) Social Movement ¼lkekftd vkUnksyu½ (iii) Ethnicity ¼u`tkrh;rk½ (iv) Race ¼iztkfr½ NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A. [Sociology] PART–I, PAPER–VIII (Gender and Society) Annual Examination, 2013 Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1. Give a Sociological analysis of the difference between sex and gender discrimination. 2. Explain the major feminist theories of Women Liberation. Çyx vkSj Çyx&Hksn ds vUrj dh lekt'kkL=h; O;k[;k dhft, A fL=;ksa dh eqfDr ds izeq[k ukjhoknh fl)kUrksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A 3. How is Feminist movement in India different from feminist movement of western countries ? Explain. Hkkjr dk ukjhoknh vkUnksyu if'peh ns'kksa ds ukjhoknh vkUnksyu ls fdl izdkj fHkUu gS \ O;k[;k dhft, A 4. Discuss the theory of Cultural Division of labour propounded by Ann Oakley. ,Uu vksdys }kjk izfrikfnr lkaLÑfrd Je foHkktu ds fl)kUr dk foospu dhft, A 5. Describe invisible and domestic work of women. 6. State the relationship between economic growth, development and women empowerment. efgykvksa ds vn`'; ,oa ?kjsyw dk;ks± dk o.kZu dhft, A vkÆFkd o`f)] fodkl rFkk efgyk l'kfDrdj.k esa lEcU/k crkb, A 7. Describe the status of widows in the Vedic period. oSfnd dky esa fo/kokvksa dh fLFkfr dk o.kZu dhft, A 8. Narrate briefly the position of women during the periods of Sutras, Smritis and Epics. 9. Analyze the position of women during Medieval India. lw=ks]a Le`fr;ksa rFkk egkdkO;ksa ds nkSjku efgykvksa dh fLFkfr dk fooj.k nhft, A e/;dkyhu Hkkjr esa efgykvksa dh fLFkfr dh O;k[;k dhft, A 10. Write notes on any Two of the following :— fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k, %& Production-Reproduction ¼mRiknu&iqu#Riknu½ Dowry ¼ngst½ Purdah System ¼inkZ izFkk½ Fundamental Rights ¼ekSfyd vf/kdkj½ (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A. [Sociology] PART–II, PAPER–IX (Environment & Society) Annual Examination, 2013 Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. dss vad leku gSa A fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa d 1. Define Alienation and explain Marxian theory of alienation. 2. What is Environmental Sociology ? Critically explain theoritical perspectives of Environmental Sociology. ijk;kiu dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk ijk;kiu ds ekDlZoknh fl)kUr dh O;k[;k dhft, A i;kZoj.k lekt'kkL= D;k gS \ i;kZoj.k lekt'kkL= ds lS)kfUrd n`f"Vdks.kksa dk vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft, A 3. Define Naturalism and describe its characteristics. 4. Explain Pollution and describe its different types. izÑfrokn dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, vkSj bldh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A izn"w k.k dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk mlds izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 5. Describe with examples the major types of pollution in India. 6. Critically evaluates Malthusian theory of Population. 7. Define Displacement and describe its characteristics. 8. Describe the relationship between Technology and Society. 9. Write an essay on Environment and Development. Hkkjr esa izn"w k.k ds izdkjksa dk lksnkgj.k o.kZu dhft, A ekyFkl ds /kula[;kk fl)kar dk vkykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft, A foLFkkiu dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk bldh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A izkS|ksfxdh vkSj lekt esa lEcU/k crkb;s A i;kZoj.k vkSj fodkl ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A 10. Write notes on any Two of the following :— fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k, %& (i) Sanitation ¼LoPNrk½ (ii) Environmental Issue ¼i;; eqí½s (iii) Land Pollution ¼Hkwfe izn"w k.k½ (iv) Tourism ¼i;ZVu½ NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A. [Sociology] PART–II, PAPER–X (Ethnicity Pluralism & Nation) Annual Examination, 2013 Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1. Define Ethnicity and show its relationship with culture. 2. Do you think that Ethnicity affects society ? Give your opinion. iztkfrokn dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk laLÑfr ls bldk lEcU/k crkb;sA D;k vki le>rs gSa fd iztkfrokn lekt dks izHkkfor djrk gS \ vius fopkj nhft, A 3. Analyze the causes and consequences of Tribal Movements in Bihar. 4. Define Cultural Diversity and describe its characteristics. 5. Examine the causes of the emergence of Tribal Consciousness. fcgkj esa tutkrh; vkUnksyuksa ds dkj.kksa ,oa ifj.kkeksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A lkaLÑfrd fofHkUurk dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk bldh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A tutkrh; psrurk ds mn~Hko ds dkj.kksa dh leh{kk dhft, A 6. Define Nationalism and describe the background of its emergence. 7. Define Social Tension and explain its causes. 8. Explain the nature and characteristics of Ethnic Conflict. 9. What is Colonialism ? Describe its emergence in Asia. jk"Vªokn dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk blds mn~Hko dh i`"BHkwfe dk o.kZu dhft, A lkekftd ruko dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk blds dkj.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A iztkrh; la?k"kZ dh izÑfr ,oa fo'ks"krkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A mifuos'kokn D;k gS \ ,f'k;k esa blds mn~Hko dk fooj.k nhft, A 10. Write notes on any Two of the following :— fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k, %& (i) Migration ¼iyk;uokn½ (ii) Nation ¼jk"Vª½ (iii) City ¼uxj½ (iv) Multicultural Society ¼cgqy&lkaLÑfrd lekt½ NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A. [Sociology] PART–II, PAPER–XI (Popular Culture & Mass Communication) Annual Examination, 2013 Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1. Define Popular Culture and describe theories of Chicago school on popular culture. yksdfiz; laLÑfr dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk yksdfiz; laLÑfr ij f'kdkxks Ldwy ds fl)karksa dk fooj.k nhft, A 2. Trace the relationship between leisure, recreation and mass media. 3. Describe the evolution of Radio, Television in the field of Information Technology. foykl] euksjt a u vkSj yksdfiz; laLÑfr ds lEcU/k dks js[kkafdr dhft, A lwpuk rduhd ds {ks= eas jsfM;ks] Vsfyfotu ds fodkl dh ppkZ dhft, A 4. How does and to what extent mass media affect popular culture ? Explain. 5. Examine the relationship between Mass Media and Multinational Companies. 6. Discuss the social utility of Mass Media. dSls vkSj fdl gn rd tulapkj yksdfiz; laLÑfr dks izHkkfor djrk gS \ Li"V dhft, A tulapkj ,oa cgqjk"Vªh; dEifu;ksa ds lEcU/k dh leh{kk dhft, A tulapkj dh lkekftd mi;ksfxrk dh foospuk dhft, A 7. What do you understand by narrow Parochialisation ? Is it different from Universalisation ? ladh.kZ LFkkuh;dj.k ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \ D;k ;g lkoZHkkSfedj.k ls fHkUu gS \ 8. Eluciadate the impact of Global Culture on Youths. 9. How is Popular Culture reflected in Festivals ? Descirbe. ;qokvksa ij oSf'od laLÑfr ds izHkko dh leh{kk dhft, A mRloksa esa yksdfiz; laLÑfr dSls izfrfcfEcr gksrh gS \ mYys[k dhft, A 10. Write notes on any Two of the following :— fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k, %& (i) Commercialization of Folk Culture ¼yksdlaLÑfr dk O;olk;hdj.k½ (ii) Media and social policy ¼lapkj ,oa lkekftd uhfr½ (iii) Popular Culture and Identity ¼yksdfiz; laLÑfr ,oa igpku½ (iv) Social Marketing ¼lkekftd cktkjhdj.k½ NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A. [Sociology] PART–II, PAPER–XII (Globalization & Society) Annual Examination, 2013 Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1. Discuss the historical, social and cultural perspectives of Globalization. 2. Describe the relationship between Capitalism and Globalization. oS'ohdj.k dh ,sfrgkfld lkekftd vkSj lkaLÑfrd lanHkksZ dh foospuk dhft, A iwt a hokn vkSj oS'ohdj.k ds lEcU/k dh foospuk dhft, A 3. What is Cyber Crime ? Discuss. 4. Evaluate the impact of Globalization on Media. 5. Define Corporate Social Responsibility and explain its nature and characteristics. lkbcj vijk/k D;k gS \ foospuk dhft, A ehfM;k ij oS'ohdj.k ds izHkko dk ewY;kadu dhft, A dkjiksjVs lkekftd mÙkjnkf;Ro dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk bldh izÑfr ,oa fo'ks"krkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A 6. Describe the relationship between Market and globalization. cktkj ,oa oS'ohdj.k ds lEcU/k dk o.kZu dhft, A 7. Write an essay on Consumerism and Globalization. 8. Examine the role of religion in Globalization. 9. Elucidate the ill-effects of Globalization in Indian context. miHkksDrkokn vkSj oS'ohdj.k ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A oS'ohdj.k esa /keZ dh Hkwfedk dh leh{kk dhft, A Hkkjr ds lanHkZ esa oS'ohdj.k ds nq"izHkkoksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A 10. Write notes on any Two of the following :— fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k, %& (i) Modernity ¼vk/kqfudrk½ (ii) Outsourcing ¼vkmVlksflZx a ½ (iii) NGO ¼xSj ljdkjh laLFkk,¡½ (iv) Public Policy ¼tuuhfr½ NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A. [Sociology] PART–II, PAPER–XIII (Rural Society in India) Annual Examination, 2013 Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1. Distinguish between Rural Sociology and Urban Sociology. 2. Describe Indian rural society as little community. xzkeh.k lekt'kkL= ,oa uxjh; lekt'kkL= esa vUrj crkb;s A Hkkjrh; xzkeh.k lekt dks y?kq leqnk; ds :i esa of.kZr dhft,A 3. Define Rural Structure and describe the characteristics of Indian Rural Social Structure. 4. Describe the types and characteristics of Joint family in Rural India. 5. Explain agrarian relations in Indian rural community. 6. Describe the nature and characteristics of Indian economic development. xzkeh.k lajpuk dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk Hkkjrh; xzkeh.k lkekftd lajpuk dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A xzkeh.k Hkkjr esa la;qDr ifjokj ds izdkjksa ,oa fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjrh; xzkeh.k leqnk; esa Ñf"kd lEcU/kks dh O;k[;k dhft, A Hkkjrh; vkfFkZd fodkl dh izÑfr ,oa fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 7. Critically evaluate the measures adopted for the removal of poverty in India. How for these have been successful ? Hkkjr esa fu/kZurk&fuokj.k ds mik;ksa dk vkykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft, A dgk¡ rd ;s lQy jgs gSa \ 8. Define Caste System and examine its characteristics. 9. Evaluate the implementation of Community Development Project in India. tkfr O;oLFkk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, ,oa bldh fo'ks"krkvksa dh leh{kk dhft, A Hkkjr esa lkeqnkf;d fodkl ;kstuk ds dk;kZUo;u dk ewY;kadu dhft, A 10. Write notes on any Two of the following :— fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k, %& (i) Indian Village ¼Hkkjrh; xk¡o½ (ii) Peasant Society ¼Ñ"kd lekt½ (iii) Land Reform ¼Hkwfe lq/kkj½ (iv) Revolutionary Movements ¼ØkfUrdkjh vkUnksyu½ NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A. [Sociology] PART–II, PAPER–XIV (Urban Society in India) Annual Examination, 2013 Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1. Examine the ideas of Marx on urban way of life. 2. Discuss in brief the different theories on growth of Cities. uxjh; thou 'kSyh ij ekDlZ ds fopkjksa dh leh{kk dhft, A 'kgjksa ds fodkl ij fofHkUu fL)kUrksa dh laf{kIr O;k[;k dhft, A 3. Evaluate the contributions of George Simmel to Urban Sociology. 4. Describe the major characteristics of Urbanization in India. 5. Write an essay on Urban Sociology in India. uxjh; lekt'kkL= esa tktZ flesy ds ;ksxnkuksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A Hkkjr esa uxjhdj.k dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjr esa uxjh; lekt'kkL= ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A 6. Examine the important bases of Indian urban centres. 7. Describe the class structure in Urban India. 8. Distinguish between urban and rural way of life. 9. Define slum and explain the problems of slum dwellers. Hkkjrh; uxjh; dsUnzksa ds egRoiw.kZ vk/kkjksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A uxjh; Hkkjr esa oxZ lajpuk dk o.kZu dhft, A 'kgjh rFkk xzkeh.k thou 'kSyh esa vUrj Li"V dhft, A xanh cLrh dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk xUnh cLrh ds fuokfl;ksa dh leL;kvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 10. Write a note on Migration. izokl ij ,d fyf[k, A NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A. [Sociology] PART–II, PAPER–XV (Sociology of Religion) Annual Examination, 2013 Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1. Define Religion and show its relationship with other social institutions. 2. Describe the concept and characteristics of religious experience. /keZ dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk vU; lkekftd laLFkkvksa ls bldk lEcU/k crkb;s A /kkfeZd vuqHkwfr dh vo/kkj.kk ,oa fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 3. Examine Durkheim's theory of religion. 4. Elucidate Marx's views on religion. 5. Discuss the significance of cardinal principles of Islamic religion. nq[khZe ds /keZ ds fl)kUr dh leh{kk dhft, A ekDlZ ds /keZ ds fl)kUr dh leh{kk dhft, A bLyke /keZ ds vk/kkjHkwr fl)kUr ds egRo dh foospuk dhft, A 6. Explain the tenets and characteristics of Christianity. 7. Describe the significance of Sacred knowledge in Hindu religions. 8. Write an essay on the problem of Communalism in India. 9. Examine the relationship between Secularisation and Caste in India. blkbZ /keZ ds fl)kUr ,oa fo'ks"krkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A fgUnw /keZ esa ifo= Kku ds egRo dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjr esa lkEçnkf;drk dh leL;k ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A Hkkjr esa tkfr rFkk ykSfddhdj.k ds lEcU/k dh leh{kk dhft, A 10. Describe the history of religious movement in India. Hkkjr esa /kkfeZd vkUnksyu ds bfrgkl dk o.kZu dhft, A NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A. [Sociology] PART–II, PAPER–XVI (Education & Society) Annual Examination, 2013 Time : 3 Hours Full Marks : 80 Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A 1. Define Sociology of Education and describe its subject matter. 2. Define Functionalism and describe its theories in brief. f'k{kk ds lekt'kkL= dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk blds fo"k; oLrq dk fooj.k nhft, A izdk;Zokn dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk blds fl)kUrksa dk laf{kIr fooj.k nhft, A 3. Comparatively discuss the conflict theories of Marx and Veblen. 4. Describe the intellectual bases of Symbolic Interactionism. 5. Examine the role of state in the expansion of Education. ekDlZ ,oa osoysu ds la?k"kZ&fl)kUrksa dh rqyukRed foospuk dhft, A izrhdkRed izfrfØ;kokn ds ckSf)d vk/kkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A f'k{kk ds foLrkj esa jkT; dh Hkwfedk dh leh{kk dhft, A 6. Evaluate the role of School in educational system. 7. Describe Language as a means of Learning. 8. Analyze the role of curriculum in education. 9. Discuss the role of Teacher as a change-agent. f'k{kk O;oLFkk esa fo|ky; dh Hkwfedk dk ewY;kadu dhft, A lh[kus ds ek/;e ds :i esa Hkk"kk dk o.kZu dhft, A f'k{kk esa ikB~;p;kZ dh Hkwfedk dh O;k[;k dhft, A ,d ifjoÙkZu&dÙkkZ ds :i esa f'k{kd dh Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft, A 10. Write a note on Education and social change. f'k{kk vkSj lkekftd ifjoÙkZu ij ,d fyf[k, A
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