Aesthetic Design and Development of Humanoid Legged Robot Mathew Schwartz,1 Soonwook Hwang,2 Yisoo Lee,2 Jongseok Won,2 Sanghyun Kim,2 and Jaeheung Park1,2 Abstract— This paper presents a new full sized humanoid leg robot that combines aesthetics and design theory with practical research goals in robotics. The research goal of the robot is to create human-like and compliant motion in multiple contact situations through the use of torque controlled joints. Low gear ratio and direct connections are used at each joint for low-friction and back-drivability but without explicit joint torque sensors. On the other hand, in creating human-like motions, not only technical specifications but also aesthetic design is important as the same performance of the robot can be perceived very differently depending on the design. The aesthetic design is, in this paper, achieved by the robot design process using an integrated design and frame through multi-axis CNC machining. The unique integration of the frame and design also drastically reduces parts and complexity of assembly for easy maintenance. In this paper, the design process and features are presented with range of motion, weight, and key aesthetic decisions. Compliant motion capability is demonstrated by experimental results. I. INTRODUCTION A well designed object simultaneously takes into account the aesthetics, functionality, durability, and usability. In robotic design, this means a design should account for visual meaning (aesthetics), the goal of the robot (functionality), how long it will last (durability), and how researchers will interact with the robot (usability). The robot presented in this paper is the result of these aspects considered together (Fig. 1). There are many reasons for good aesthetic design within the humanoids field. The most beneficial is within social robots in which the appearance of the robot directly affects a humans’ perception of its capability. In addition to the social aspect, both compliant motion and visual cues of the robots’ function are critical for safety when humans and robots coexist. In research of humanoid movement, at a minimum, robotic design must provide functionality of the structure and usability in the way of accessing vital parts easily. The weight and durability of the robot are difficult to balance and require thorough planning in regards to material and electronic selection, assembly, and proportion. As components wear or must be modified, the ability to quickly access vital electronics is necessary. Aesthetics have an important role within the field of motion control. Challenges such as speed and diverse terrain *This work was supported by the Advanced Institutes of Convergence Technology(Grant AICT-2012-P3-21) 1 Advanced Institutes of Convergence Technology, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea [email protected] 2 Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea. Jaeheung Park is the corresponding author. {jbs4104,howcan11,js1der,ggory15,park73} Fig. 1. DYROS (DYnamic RObotic System) Humanoid Leg Robot. can be easily quantified, however, it remains difficult to quantify the human perception of how well the robot moves. In this aspect, the qualitative performance of a humanoids’ walking style can be closely related to the research of social robotics. How much a humanoid looks like a human while walking can depend on the aesthetic design of the legs. In the field of design, it is known that by just changing the aesthetic of an object, the perceived usability will change [1]. Paolo Dario suggests in the field of personal robotics that the performance of a robot can be evaluated in the same way as a home appliance [2]. As industrial robots have been designed largely for manufacturing facilities and with minimum thought of integration with humans, the knowledge gained in these areas about design cannot be directly transferred [3]. In addition, [4] suggests the social robots which look mechanical are not designed as a commercial product and instead are designed for research. It is important to note that there may not be one specific design that succeeds above all in every category. As found in [5], the overall quality of aesthetic design is more important than the closeness to anthropomorphic appearance. Similarly, [6] has found a difference in the acceptance of a robots’ design based on the task the robot is performing. Advancements made in manufacturing, computer modeling, material properties, and electronics over the past 40 years have enabled researchers to develop more compact and able robots, such as the case of Honda P2 to P3 [7]. However, while current CAD/CAM techniques allow for more complex three-dimensional parts, very few humanoids have taken advantage of machining techniques beyond the third axis. Many research robots use two-dimensional parts to assemble a three-dimensional structure or have used a minimum amount of three-dimensional machining and put casings on the robot for a desired aesthetic. However, even with casings the robots rarely have an aesthetic design that moves beyond rectangular shapes. Robots such as Saika-4 [8] and KHR-2 [9] used almost entirely two-dimensional manufacturing. KHR-3 [10] continued to use two-dimensional manufacturing, with the exception of one part, while using coverings to create a desired aesthetic, which remained relatively flat. Bonobo [11] used a variety of three dimensional manufacturing techniques which allowed the plastic coverings to act as support for the frame. However, in the aesthetic aspect, from front and side views maintains a relatively planar design. One of the most arbitrarily curved robots has been the adaptation of the KUKA-DLR-Lightweight-Robots into humanoid legs [12]. While this robot has few rectangular segments, the original design was not for a humanoid leg. Although there is a wide range of robot designs, it is not feasible to describe them all. Some, such as [13] are too small and limited to discuss manufacturing challenges. Others, such as Petman [14] demonstrate an impressive anthropomorphic humanoid that fits almost all aspects of the robot into a standard human size. However, as the intention of Petman was for the use of textiles, it is difficult to compare the robot casings designed for testing the textiles with design casings of existing robots. Full scale human proportions were considered alongside the motor selection. Through a CAD/RP/CAM process the aesthetic design of the robot was achieved through the frame, eliminating the need for casings. Multi-axis machining was used in order to reduce structural components and create a unique and minimalistic design. The closeness to an anthropomorphic figure is not necessarily the gold standard and as such DYROS Humanoid was not designed to replicate a human but to reference the proportions. The aesthetics are important to the goal and was approached by an interdisciplinary team of industrial design and engineering. On the other hand, our robot is developed to create compliant and human-like motion in multi-contact situations. The torque-controlled robots can have an advantage in creating these motions over position-controlled robots. While joint torque sensors can be used to create the torque-controlled joints as in [12], [15], [16], we choose not to use the joint torque sensors but to have low gear ratio and direct connection of motors to joints. This can provide low friction and back-drivability at joints so that the motor torques closely match the joint torques after gear reduction. This paper presents the design process and performance Fig. 2. Diagram of the link lengths used in the robot based off of an average Korean female. The lengths are adjusted slightly for simplicity in design and control. The joint order is listed on the left. metrics of the design in terms of weight, strength, range of motion, visual cues, and accessibility. The experimental results demonstrate the performance of torque-controlled joints during gravity compensation. II. METHODOLOGY A. Technical Concept The robot is designed as a torque-controlled robot with 12 DOF. A low reduction ratio of 50:1 is used for the motors which are directly connected to the joints. This gear ratio and direct connection are to provide minimum friction, as well as providing good back-drivability for compliant motion control without using joint torque sensors. A small motor size is chosen in order to maintain a thin leg. While the current robot consists only of legs, the technical specifications were chosen to include a full size upper body as well. The joint connections are, in order: Hip yaw, Hip roll, Hip pitch, Knee pitch, Ankle pitch, Ankle roll. B. Proportions As the robot was developed in South Korea, the average Korean female proportions [17] were taken as the baseline for creating the full scale legs. Link lengths and joint order locations are seen in Fig. 2. A larger distance between the two legs was used in order to avoid collisions between the legs as it is one of the most effective and easiest ways to overcome these collisions. There are two legs with 6 degrees of freedom each, 3 axis of rotation in the hip joint, 1 in the knee, and 2 in the ankle. C. Electronics As a starting point for motor selection we based our simulation robot on MAHRU [18]. The robot was simulated in the physics based simulation software RoboticsLab [19]. Contact consistent whole-body control framework was used for the robot control in the simulation [20]. The simulated robot weight was 71.295 kg: 40.245kg for the lower body and 30.05kg for the upper body. Both squat motion and walking motion were simulated. The squat motion was controlled up to a 141 degree bend of the knee joint. Squatting time was simulated at 1 second. Table I shows the results of the squat simulation. The TABLE I S QUAT M OTION S IMULATION R ESULTS Joint 1 2 3 4 5 6 Peak torque (Nm) 0 0 27.030 182.816 24.027 0 Peak velocity (rad/sec) 0 0 2.594 4.916 3.286 0 RMS torque (Nm) 0 0 11.205 85.094 10.053 0 RMS velocity (rad/sec) 0 0 0.832 2.491 1.135 0 ATI DAQ MINI85 FT sensors located above the foot and below the ankle motor. An IMU 3DM-GX3-25 is located in the upper housing with the computer. D. Design Concept After simulation to find the required motors, a simplistic box model was created with the proper placements of the motors. A common method for humanoid design is in maintaining this relatively box-like shape and using lightweight plastic casings to create the desired aesthetic. DYROS Humanoid was designed to integrate the frame and the design. The exclusion of coverings and an open frame design allow for more airflow in cooling the electronics. A combination of curved cylinders and plates are used to create a unique aesthetic while informing the observer of the intended human-like movement. Structural front plates act as a design component as well as a secondary heatsink. Through time invested in the multi-dimensional parts, both the aesthetic and structural components can be unified. Additionally, the assembly time, complexity of the robot, and maintenance difficulty are reduced. forward walking motion was controlled with a speed up to 0.3m/sec. In the walking simulation the COM position, foot position and orientation, and trunk orientation were controlled in the task space. The double support time was 0.3sec, single support time was 0.7sec, and the stride length was 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 meters, of which the largest RMS value in all scenarios was taken. Simulation results of the walking motion are seen in Table II. TABLE II WALKING M OTION S IMULATION R ESULTS Joint 1 2 3 4 5 6 Peak torque (Nm) 53.944 91.258 178.823 86.952 114.165 24.255 Peak velocity (rad/sec) 0.811 0.497 2.536 2.145 2.043 0.628 RMS torque (Nm) 16.869 46.224 68.671 48.540 30.220 6.562 RMS velocity (rad/sec) 0.187 0.252 1.124 0.873 0.780 0.231 The motors are chosen as the ones in Table III such that the peak torque in squat and walking simulation is approximately two times the continuous torque and less than the peak torque of each motor. All joints have a Kollmorgen motor and harmonic gear. The upper body consists of a computer with an Intel I7630m processor and 4Gbyte DDR3 RAM. The computer has additional safety features to endure vibration while also being compact. The computer runs roboticsLab as a realtime control software. An AS5145 absolute encoder is connected to the joint link and a RMB incremental encoder is connected to the motor. In order to control each motor at the same time, the Elmo gold solo whistle digital servo drive was selected as the motor driver. EtherCAT is used for fast communication between the motor drive and computer. The robot has two Fig. 3. Left: Initial design of upper link showing high stresses and specific weak points. Right: Revised design with thicker cylinder and integrated connection points. E. Stress Analysis After completing an initial design, a CAD model was created and basic structural analysis was run in ANSYS. A stress analysis with a payload of 30kg as a static load with the material set as AL7075 (yield strength of 503MPa) in a locked upright position gives a basic structural analysis. The largest stress recorded at that level was 3.1956MPa. To account for higher loads during walking, a static upright analysis with a 150kg load gives a safety factor of 5. In this scenario, the highest stress was 10.005MPa. The initial frame design passes with a safety ratio of 50.275. This safety ratio was higher than needed and allowed for modifications to the structure and design. Fig. 3 shows the weak points of TABLE III J OINT AND M OTOR S PECIFICATIONS Joint Max Cont. Output Power (W) Reduction Ratio Cont. Torque after reduction(Nm) Peak Torque after reduction(Nm) Speed @ 48V after reduction(rad/sec) Hip Yaw (1) 300 50 42.8 152.0 7.92 Hip Roll (2) 364 50 61.0 231.0 5.24 Hip Pitch (3) 427 50 77.0 307.5 6.13 Knee Pitch (4) 427 50 77.0 307.5 6.13 Ankle Pitch (5) 427 50 77.0 307.5 6.13 Ankle Roll (6) 209 50 21.45 76.5 15.73 Fig. 4. Left: The first design iteration with two rotations showing an intersection of the link connections. Right: The revised design with a larger range of motion. the design and the modification. The second design iteration unified the connection of the cylinders to evenly distribute loads and strengthened weak areas. The second design with a 30kg load showed a 5.7015MPa stress and the 150kg load gave a 16.618MPa stress. The final safety factor is 30.268, above any future estimates. TABLE IV L INK W EIGHTS B EFORE AND A FTER D ESIGN I TERATION Part Upper Link Plate Upper Link Cylinder Lower Link Plate Lower Link Cylinder Total: 1st Design 583.7(g) 516.78(g) 670.32(g) 411.97(g) 2182.77(g) 2nd Design 402.46(g) 767.82(g) 515.22(g) 410.15(g) 2095.65(g) F. Design Iteration The links were given constraints in SolidWorks to view the range of motion. While the initial design of the structure provided the desired range of motion on each individual axis, a rotation on more than one axis at the same time showed interference by the link connections. The range of motion was extended by modifying some connections to the motors (Fig. 4). In line with the stress analysis, some parts were modified for their aesthetics as well as structure. The cylinders on the upper link were thickened from 18mm to 22mm to provide a stronger and more balanced visual weight to the solid front plate. The upper link plate was then reduced from 10.71mm to 7.99mm thick. The lower link cylinders remained almost the same, while the front plate was also reduced. Table IV shows the second iteration was stronger, more aesthetically consistent, and decreased in weight. G. Manufacturing Many approaches to manufacturing humanoids in regards to both material and process have been used. While [9] and [10] use almost entirely two-dimensional manufacturing processes, others such as [11] uses a combination of CAD/CAM techniques to create molds and plastic parts. [8] uses A2017 for the frame and [21] uses casting to create magnesium alloy links. Due to our designs’ free form shape, either multi-axis machining or various casting methods were required, such as the investment casting done in [22]. However, the general rule of investment casting tolerance starting at +/- 0.010” for a part dimension of 1” without secondary operations [23] is outside the required tolerance for this application. For the links, a heat treated aluminum alloy (AL7075) was used with multi-axis machining to 0.002” tolerance. The final parts were anodized for aesthetics and durability. Two designs were manufactured for the foot, one with a curve that can allow the robot to walk in a heel-toe manner, and one that is flat for initial stages of research. The curved foot was machined out of stainless steel for strength under the load of the robot while the flat foot was machined with the same AL7075 as the links. The upper body was designed to temporarily hold electronic components with the intention of replacing it in the future. For parts with text written, a water jet cutter was used. Fig. 7. Two bolts are needed to detach the sidebar and easily change electronics or fix broken wires. Fig. 5. Side and front view of the robot design with red highlights showing the tangent line of the front plate and cylinder to the motor connections and blue line showing the protrusion of the upper link vs. lower link. on the upper link and the larger protrusion of the upper plate create a similar aesthetic to human proportions. Fig. 5 shows the visual tangents in red, as well as the curvature of the robot in different views. Through 3D design programs multiple color combinations were visualized before anodizing the final parts (Fig. 6). The two toned colors, black and red, were selected to create focal points on the elements of most interest such as the curved plates and rear cylinders. The color combination creates a unified look of these separate pieces. The black coloring was applied to the motor casings to detract from their size. In a practical manner, the brighter red color on the links is important for the visual understanding of how the links are moving through space during gait. B. Parts Fig. 6. Visualization of color combinations for the robot. III. RESULT A. Overview The final design of the robot consisted of smooth connections both physically and visually. The flat mounting plates that connect the links directly to the motor follow the tangential lines created by the curve of the front plate and rear cylinders. From both the front and perspective view, the frame creates a fully three dimensional shape. The robot leg takes design influence from the human as the thigh muscle in a human is larger than the calf. In this robot, however, the direct connections of the motors prevent the actual structure from achieving the same proportions. For example, the two motors directly connected at the ankle joint make the ankle larger than the knee. While the three planar joints on the side view are equal in size, a combination of the thicker cylinder Motors of the joints are encased in units directly attached to the frame by screws. The complex parts minimized connections required in assembling the legs. The upper link structure is made up of 8 pieces and 27 screws, while the bottom consists of 10 pieces and 32 screws. Additional screws are used in the connection of the structure to the motors and encoder casings. The total weight of the robot with the flat aluminum foot is currently 54.635kg. However, 15.84kg is the temporary upper body. The lower body is 38.795kg, slightly under the estimated 40kg used in the motor selection and simulation. Of this weight, 26.112kg are the structural components while the rest is made up of screws and electronics, such as the motor, making the integrated frame and design 67% of the lower leg weight. The stainless steel feet are 1.555 kg while the flat version in aluminum is 0.318 kg. C. Accessibility An important feature of the design is the easily accessible motor drivers as the electronics and wires are likely to degrade over time. The side bar is held in place by two screws as seen in Fig. 7. The removal of these two screws provides easy access to the motor drivers for the link. Additionally, the use of multi-axis machining allowed for interference as well as the adjacent leg. TABLE V J OINT L IMITATIONS OF S TRUCTURE AND ACTUAL Joint Hip Knee Ankle Fig. 8. Schematic of upper link. The connection for the heatsink is part of the front plate. Three bolts hold the heatsink and electronics in place. Fig. 9. Top: Flat foot for early research annotated with bolts, f/t sensor, and steel plate. Bottom: Curved design for future research annotated with side holes for mounting a plate. Right: Top view of curved foot design showing 8 holes for quick changing of foot design. Y(1) R(2) P(3) P(4) P(5) R(6) Structural (Computer) Minimum Maximum −∞ ∞ -109.95 109.95 -104.69 35.91 -101.74 130.94 -89.43 40.01 -43.12 106.21 E. Experiments The back-drivability and compliant motion are demonstrated by the experiment of gravity compensation. The robot stands on the right foot compensating for its own weight in Fig. 10 (a). (a) (b) Fig. 10. the design to integrate the mounting bar for the heatsink. This bar reduced the number of extra brackets required to secure the electronics. Both the thigh and shin have three holes in which the electronic assembly is easily attached and detached (Fig. 8). By optimizing the connections, the entire front panel is able to act as a secondary heatsink for the electronics. The foot is attached to a steel plate that separates the foot and the FT sensor. By removing the 6 bolts, the foot is easily switched. As the curved foot is designed for heel-toe rolling in the future, two threaded holes are available for mounting a flat plate to aid in stability at early stages of research. Fig. 9 shows the two designs and the configuration of the FT sensor, foot, and steel plate. D. Range of Motion The range of motion desired was that of a normal human. In the physical robot, the limiting factors for much of the range of motion is in the wiring and interference with the adjacent leg. Table V shows the structural range of motion as measured through computer modeling programs and the actual range of motion after assembly accounting for wire Actual (Physical) Minimum Maximum -47.3 46.5 -33.4 111 -103.1 31.6 -21.5 121.1 -83.6 35.3 -42.5 67.8 (c) Snapshot of the experiment. Then, a person held the left foot and moved it to a certain position approximately at 1 second and then moved it back to the original position approximately at 7.5 seconds as shown in Fig. 10 (b) and (c). During the experiment, another person held the body of the robot as there was no balancing controller, only gravity compensation. Fig. 11 shows the plots of data during the experiment. The values of x, y, z represent the position of the left foot and the measured force in Cartesian coordinates are denoted by Fx, Fy, and Fz, respectively. The x, y and z directions correspond to the Ventral, Lateral, and Cranial directions of the robot. The force sensors are used only to measure how much forces are applied during the movement by the person. It was not used for force control. From the experimental data in Fig. 11, it can be noted that the required force to move the foot was from 10 to 40 N. These values are related to static friction of the joints. As soon as the robot started to move, the joints were backdrivable and compliant to the movement of the person so that the person could move the left foot as desired. This result demonstrates the performance of compliant motion during gravity compensation without using joint torque sensors. 0.2 20 0.1 0 0 −20 −0.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 (a) 7 8 9 10 11 Fy measured (N) 50 Fz measured (N) 0.2 30 0.1 10 0 −10 −0.1 −30 −50 0 −0.2 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 (b) 7 8 9 10 11 12 60 0.3 40 0.2 20 0.1 0 0 −20 −40 0 y (m) −40 0 x (m) 0.3 40 z (m) Fx measured (N) 60 −0.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 time(sec) 8 9 10 11 −0.2 12 (c) Fig. 11. Experimental data showing the force and foot location of the motors during gravity compensation. IV. CONCLUSION This paper presented a new humanoid design that utilized multi-axis machining to create an easily accessible robot with an integrated design and frame. The robot is built with motors directly connected to the joint with a low gear ratio. This configuration allows for compliant motion and good back-drivability without using joint torque sensors. These are demonstrated by the experimental results of gravity compensation. More complex multi-contact compliant motions are to be implemented in the future. The current design is for indoor robotics research focusing on control. However, with the current research into materials and nano properties, we imagine a time when the open frame can still be applicable by combining hydrophobic treatments to the electronics and breathable fabric over the links to protect from water and dust. With the curvature of the frame, such an application would maintain the free-form aesthetic created in this robot. While this paper presents the lower body of a humanoid, the upper body is planned to be developed as well. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors acknowledge U3 Robotics for their assistance in manufacturing and electronics. R EFERENCES [1] A. Monk and K. Lelos, “Changing only the aesthetic features of a product can affect its apparent usability,” in Home Informatics and Telematics: ICT for The Next Billion. Springer, 2007, pp. 221–233. [2] P. Dario, E. Guglielmelli, and C. 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