HRI slides for workshop.pptx

13/03/14 Socially assistive robots for the aging
population: Are we trapped in stereotypes?
The University of Auckland-ETRI Joint Laboratory for uHealthcare Robotics
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
Robotics Laboratory
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Auckland
Dr. Elizabeth Broadbent,
Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology
The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Overview Healthbots project outline
•  Initiated by Korea-NZ government programme in 2006 -2012
•  Research and commercialisation
•  Supported by: NZ and Korean Governments, Korean Robotics
companies, NZ companies, NZ aged care facilities
•  Targeted at aged care
study of
needs and
Setup robot,
install +
1st robot +
Install + feasibility +
(longer study)
2nd robot +
Studies of factors that affect robot acceptance – mental schemas, voice,
face, age, gender. (2008-11)
RCT with Paro on loneliness (2012).
Literature reviews on robots and the needs of older people (2012, 2014)
The robots
Robotic Healthcare platform
Korean Robot
Yujin, ETRI
Speech, vision, gestures,
emotion, dialogue,
clinical guidelines,
programming tools
Wearable vital
signs bracelet
(ETRI MI module)
Psychological and healthcare
studies: acceptability, feasibility,
benefits, risks
Robots from: Yujin, ED/Isan
Health IT systems
Monitoring location
Detecting falls
Medication and schedule reminding
Vital signs monitoring
1 13/03/14 Desires of older people in care 2009 Broadbent, E., Tamagawa, R., Kerse, N., Knock, B., Patience, A., & MacDonald, B. Retirement
home staff and residents' preferences for healthcare robots. 18th IEEE International Symposium on
Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Toyama, Japan, 27 September - 2 October, p. 645-650.
32 residents, 30 staff and 23 rela;ves given ques;onnaire and short interview focus groups: managers, caregivers, residents Key tasks: Falls monitoring, liCing heavy things, loca;on monitoring, turning appliances on/
off, cleaning, vital signs assessment, reminders NOT: preparing meals, personal care – showering, giving medical advice, games/
companionship Robot characteris1cs: Metallic, non-­‐humanlike appearance, 1.25m high, No head, Large touch screen Reluctant users? Some but not all Results from trials:
Positive comments from many staff and residents
Some negative comments by people who have not
interacted with the robot, some do not want to use it
Rest home study
Is challenging because of dementia
Brain fitness software was not popular with most – but
popular with one resident who used it every day
Popular: Music videos, Skype calls, Paro
Independent living study: went well
Older people adapt over time, interacting more quickly,
skipping over screens, skipping medication details to get to
entertainment. Prac;cal problems affec;ng use of robots in trials hRp://­‐up/re;rement-­‐village-­‐
welcomes-­‐robots-­‐video-­‐4636120 Some do not see the robot as useful for them Limited by robot naviga;on capabili;es in real environment If robot is moving it may endanger residents (narrow corridors) If robot is sta;onary residents have difficulty geZng to it Robot screen freezes some;mes Well residents may not need robot Some unwell residents are too ;red to try it, forget how to use it, cannot get to it •  Finding the right balance of needs and provision of func;ons • 
Paro Robinson, H., MacDonald, B.A., Kerse, N., Broadbent, E. (2013). The psychosocial effects of a companion robot: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Directors Associa7on, 14, 661-­‐7. Robinson, H., MacDonald, B., & Broadbent, E. A. (2013). The physiological effects of a companion robot on blood pressure of older people in a residen;al care facility: A pilot study. Australasian Journal on Ageing. DOI: 10.1111/ajag.12099 Paro significantly reduced loneliness in RCT Reduced blood pressure in people who paRed it Enhanced communica;on between residents, and between staff and residents Most residents engaged with tobot Some did not engage with the robot but s;ll got benefit from interac;ons with other residents Stafford, R.Q., MacDonald, B.A., Li, X., Broadbent, E. (in press). Older people's prior robot aZtudes influence evalua;ons of a conversa;onal robot. Interna7onal Journal of Social Robo7cs. Robinson, H., MacDonald, B.A., Kerse, N., Broadbent, E. (2013). The psychosocial effects of a companion robot: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Directors Associa7on, 14, 661-­‐7. hRp:// Robinson, H., MacDonald, B.A., Kerse, N., Broadbent, E. (2013). Suitability of healthcare robots for a demen;a unit and suggested improvements. Journal of the American Medical Directors Associa7on. 14, 34-­‐40. DOI: 10.1016/j.jamda.2012.09.006 Robinson, H., MacDonald, B., & Broadbent, E. A. (2013). The physiological effects of a companion robot on blood pressure of older people in a residen;al care facility: A pilot study. Australasian Journal on Ageing. DOI: 10.1111/ajag.12099 Robinson, H., Broadbent, E., MacDonald, B., & Kerse, N. (2013). Ask the expert. Beyond science fic;on: The prac;cal applica;ons of robo;cs in healthcare. Annals of Long Term Care, 34-­‐35. hRp://­‐science-­‐fic;on-­‐robo;cs-­‐healthcare Broadbent, E., Kumar, V., Li, X., Sollers, J., Stafford, R., MacDonald, B.A., & Wegner, D. (2013). Robots with display screens: a robot with a more humanlike face display is perceived to have more mind and a beRer personality. PLoS ONE 8, e72589. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.
0072589. Stafford, R.Q., MacDonald, B.A., Jayawardena, C., Wegner, D.M., Broadbent, E. (2013) Does the robot have a mind? Mind percep;on and aZtudes towards robots predict use of an eldercare robot. Interna7onal Journal of Social Robo7cs. DOI 10.1007/s12369-­‐013-­‐0186-­‐y Broadbent, E., Tamagawa, R., Pa;ence, A., Knock, B., Kerse, N., Day, K., & Macdonald, B.A. (2012). AZtudes towards health-­‐care robots in a re;rement village. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 31, 115-­‐120. DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-­‐6612.2011.00551.x Broadbent, E., Lee, Y., Stafford, R., Kuo, I., & MacDonald, B.A. (2011). Mental Schemas of Robots as More Human-­‐Like Are Associated with Higher Blood Pressure and Nega;ve Emo;ons in a Human-­‐Robot Interac;on. Interna7onal Journal of Social Robo7cs, 2011 (3), p291-­‐297, 10.1007/s12369-­‐011-­‐0096-­‐9. Kuo, I., Jayawardena, C., Broadbent, E., & MacDonald, B.A. (2011). Mul;disciplinary Design Approach for Implementa;on of Interac;ve Services. Communica;on Ini;a;on and User Iden;fica;on for Healthcare Service Robots. Interna7onal Journal of Social Robo7cs, 3 (4), p443-­‐456, 10.1007/s12369-­‐011-­‐0115-­‐x, Tamagawa, R., Watson, C.I., Kuo, H., MacDonald, B.A., & Broadbent, E. (2011). The Effects of Synthesized Voice Accents on User Percep;onsof Robots. Interna7onal Journal of Social Robo7cs, 2011 (3), p253-­‐262, 10.1007/s12369-­‐011-­‐0100-­‐4. Broadbent, E., Kuo, I., Lee, Y.I., Rabindran, J., Kerse, N., Stafford, R., & MacDonald, B. (2010). AZtudes and reac;ons to a healthcare robot. Telemedicine and e-­‐Health, 16, 608-­‐613 Broadbent, E., Stafford, R., & MacDonald, B. (2009). Acceptance of healthcare robots for the older popula;on: Review and future direc;ons. Interna7onal Journal of Social Robo7cs, 1, 319-­‐330. 2 13/03/14 DaRa, C., Tiwari, P., Yang, H.Y., Kuo, I., Broadbent, E and MacDonald, B. (2012). An interac;ve robot for reminding medica;on to older people. In Proceedings of the 9th Interna;onal Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI 2012), Deajeon, Republic of Korea. DaRa C, Tiwari P, Hong Yul Y, Broadbent E, MacDonald BA. (2012) U;lizing a closed loop medica;on management workflow through an engaging interac;ve robot for older people. Paper presented at: e-­‐Health Networking, Applica;ons and Services (Healthcom), 2012 IEEE 14th Interna;onal Conference on; 10-­‐13 Oct. 2012. Jayawardena, C., Kuo, I., DaRa, C., Stafford, R. Q., Broadbent, E., & MacDonald, B. A. (2012, 24-­‐27 June 2012). Design, implementa7on and field tests of a socially assis7ve robot for the elderly: HealthBot version 2. Paper presented at the Biomedical Robo;cs and Biomechatronics (BioRob), 2012 4th IEEE RAS & EMBS Interna;onal Conference, Rome, Italy. Stafford RQ, MacDonald BA, Broadbent E (2012) Iden;fying specific reasons behind unmet needs may inform more specific eldercare robot design. Proceedings of the 4th interna;onal conference on Social Robo;cs. Chengdu, China: Springer-­‐Verlag. pp. 148-­‐157. Kuo I-­‐H, Jayawardena C, Broadbent E, Stafford RQ, MacDonald BA (2012) HRI evalua;on of a healthcare service robot. Proceedings of the 4th interna;onal conference on Social Robo;cs. Chengdu, China: Springer-­‐Verlag. pp. 178-­‐187 Broadbent, E., Jayawardena, C., Kerse, N., Stafford, R.Q., and MacDonald, B.A. (2011). Human-­‐robot interac;on research to improve quality of life in elder care: an approach and issues. AAAI-­‐11 Workshop on Human-­‐Robot Interac;on in Elder Care. San Francisco. pp. 13-­‐19. Kuo, I., Jayawardena, C., Tiwari, P., Broadbent, E., & MacDonald, B.(2010) User Iden;fica;on for Healthcare Service Robots: Mul;disciplinary Design for Implementa;on of Interac;ve Services. In S. Ge, H. Li, J.-­‐J. Cabibihan & Y. Tan (Eds.), Social Robo7cs (Vol. 6414, pp. 20-­‐29): Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. Stafford, R., Broadbent, E., Jayawardena, C., Unger, U., Kuo, I.H., Igic, A., Wong, R., Kerse, N., Watson, C., & MacDonald, B.A. (2010) Improved robot aZtudes and emo;ons at a re;rement home aCer mee;ng a robot. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Interna7onal Symposium on Robot and Human Interac7ve Communica7on.pp. 82-­‐87. Jayawardena,C, Kuo, I H., Unger,U., Igic, A., Wong,R., Watson,C.I., Stafford, R.Q., Broadbent,E., Tiwari,P., Warren,J., MacDonald,B., & Sohn, J. (2010). Deployment of a Service Robot to Help Older People 2010 IEEE/RSJ Interna7onal Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. pp. 5990-­‐5995. Igic, A, Watson, C.I, Teutenberg, J., Tamagawa, R., Macdonald, B., & Broadbent, E. (2009). Towards a flexible plasorm for voice accent and expression selec;on on a Healthcare Robot” In Eds Pizzato, L.A, and SchwiRer, R.,:The Proceedings of the 2009 Australasian Language Technology Workshop (Vol 7) , Sydney, 3th -­‐4th Dec, p. 109-­‐113. ISSN 1834-­‐7037. Kuo, I. H., Rabindran, J. M., Broadbent, E., Lee, Y. I., Kerse, N., Stafford R. M. Q. & MacDonald, B. A. (2009). Age and gender factors in user acceptance of healthcare robots. Proceedings 18th IEEE Interna7onal Symposium on Robot and Human Interac7ve Communica7on, Toyama, Japan, 27 September – 2 October, p. 214-­‐219. Broadbent, E., Tamagawa, R., Kerse, N., Knock, B., Pa;ence, a., & MacDonald, B. (2009) Re;rement home staff and residents' preferences for healthcare robots. Proceedings 18th IEEE Interna;onal Symposium on Robot and Human Interac;ve Communica;on, Toyama, Japan, 27 September -­‐ 2 October, p. 645-­‐650. McDonald, B.A., Abdulla, W.H., Broadbent, E., Connolly, M.J. and 5 others (2008). Robot assistant for care of older people', URAI 2008, Proceedings of The 5th Interna7onal Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, Seoul, South Korea, November 20-­‐22, 2008. Kuo, I., Broadbent, E., Macdonald, B.A. (2008). Designing a robo;c assistant for healthcare applica;ons', HINZ 2008, Proceedings of the Health Informa7cs New Zealand Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, October, 2008. Broadbent, E., MacDonald, B., Jago, L., Juergens, M. , Mazharullah, O. (2007). Human reac;ons to good and bad robots. Proceedings of the 2007 IEE/RSJ Interna;onal Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. San Diego, CA, p. 3703-­‐3708. 3