Marc Brenneisen
Company Westinghouse Electric Germany GmbH
Decontamination of Philippsburg Unit 1
Westinghouse was contracted to plan and perform
the decontamination of the reactor water cleanup system (TC-System) and the reactor pressure
vessel including the steam dryer and water
separator (RPV).
Planning of the decontamination started with a
study in April 2012. A major milestone was
completed end of March 2013 with the submittal of
the documents to the authority. In October 2013 the
setup of the equipment on site began. After receiving the permit the decontamination process started
on November 11th, 2013.
Due to the different levels of contamination
within the TC-System and different decontamination
goals for the TC-System (minimum decontamination
factor of 15) and the RPV (metallic blank surface
and smearable decontamination below 200 Bq/cm²)
Westinghouse and KKP decided to use a multi-step /
multi-process approach.
The decontamination of the TC-System was done
separately from the RPV to prevent low contaminated areas from being re-contaminated by higher
level areas. Also, the TC-System was separated into
two parts representing higher contamination levels
and lower contamination levels. For the decontamination of the TC-System Westinghouse’s NITROX-E
chemical process as well as the DfD process were
applied. The RPV was also split into two parts: the
lower part without steam dryer and water separator and followed by the complete RPV including the
internals. For the RPV only Westinghouse’s NITROX-E
process was applied.
For both systems, TC-System and RPV, Westinghouse
utilized its newly built and CE-certified European
Decontamination System (EDS). The EDS is a modular
skid based system consisting of several pumps, ion
exchange columns, heaters, and coolers which are
interconnected with special hoses and/or piping to
meet the customer’s expectation and specifications
with regard to the decontamination.
After successful completion of the decontamination
the final survey showed an average DF of 89 for the
TC-System, exceeding customer requirements and