Decontamination of Ultrasound probes: Transoesophogeal (TOE) Transrectal (TRU) Transvaginal (TVU) Gillian Irvine Senior Nurse Infection Control, HFS April 2014 Introduction • National HFS Review Background Aim Method Findings Proposed Recommendations US probe decontamination April 2014 Background • Incident- patient died in March 2011 due to an acute ‘Hepatitis B’ infection • Medical Device Alert Ref: MDA/2012/03737(MDA) issued in June 2012. • Enquiries to HFS regarding the decontamination of TOE, TRU and TVU probes. US probe decontamination April 2014 TOE, TRU and TVU probes are classified as semi critical devices, requiring high level disinfection under the Spaulding classification. US probe decontamination April 2014 HFS National Review Aims: • To identify current decontamination practice for TOE, TVU and TRU probes through a national review. • To produce a national report containing recommendations to NHSScotland Health Boards. US probe decontamination April 2014 Method • Questionnaire 1 sent to ICMs at 15 boards. 12 boards responded Questionnaire 2 sent to 67 departments decontaminating semi invasive ultrasound probes. 47 departments responded US probe decontamination April 2014 Findings- TOE 70 • Most departments use small numbers of TOE probes. Number of TOE probes and frequency of use p/w 60 50 40 • Number of TOE probes available is a close match to number of procedures carried out each session. No. of probes 30 20 10 Av. No. procedures 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Department ID Number of makes and models of TOE in use •No preferred model reported 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Number of sites using make Philips US probe decontamination April 2014 GE Siemens Unspecified No of models in use per manufacturer TRU • Most departments use small numbers of TRU probes. 30 Number of TRU probes and frequency of use p/w Number of probes 20 • Number of TRU probes available is a close match to number of procedures carried out each session. 10 Av. NO. procedures p/w 0 Department ID • BK Medical appears to be most popular make for TRU probes Number of makes and models of TRU in use 7 6 5 4 Number of sites using make 3 2 1 0 Number of models in use US probe decontamination April 2014 TVU • Numbers of TVU probes is very variable with from 1 to131 procedures p/w. 140 120 Number of TVU probes and frequency of use p/w 100 Av. No. of procedures 80 • Most departments only have 1 TVU probe per treatment room. 60 No. of probes 40 20 0 Siemens appears to be most popular make for TVU probes Number of makes and models of TVU in use 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Number of sites using make Number of models in use US probe decontamination April 2014 Current Challenges in the Management of Decontamination There are many challenges in the decontamination of Ultrasound probes: • Clinical environment, • Equipment set up • Construction • • • • Available time Traceability Material compatibility MDIs US probe decontamination April 2014 Current Decontamination Practice TOE 8% 8% Manual immersion disinfectant 23% 38% 23% Manual immersion detergent TRU Manual immersion detergent 18% Manual wiping with Detergent and disinfectant 18% 9% 27% Number using wipes claiming to be both 28% Manual immersion HLD Manual wiping with Detergent and disinfectant Number using wipes claiming to be both Manual immersion HLD Number using Automated EWD TVU 20% Manual immersion detergent 20% 2% 20% 38% Manual immersion disinfectant Manual immersion disinfectant Manual wiping with Detergent and disinfectant Number using wipes claiming to be both Manual immersion HLD US probe decontamination April 2014 Essential requirements It is important that all stages of the process are carried out and that at the point of use reprocessed devices are free from: •residues of previous procedures •residues from the decontamination process •adventitious contamination e.g. particulates and microbial contamination •management must also ensure staff responsible for ultrasound probe decontamination are appropriately trained in decontamination practices. US probe decontamination April 2014 Decontamination of TOE, TVRS and TRUS Probes Tristel wipes Enzymatic Low level High level-toxic Tristel wipes Detergents New machines Disinfectants US probe decontamination April 2014 Interim Recommendations Order of Preference 1. Automated process, preferably in EWD 2. Compatible Multi Wipe System Use probe sheath Always consult manufacturer’s instructions and carry out risk assessment US probe decontamination April 2014 Summary •Identified variability in: Clinical practice Manufacturer’s Instructions For Use Compatibility of detergent and disinfectant solutions. •Future Work US probe decontamination April 2014 Thank You Enquiries to [email protected]
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