Rail Park Project Schedule and Task Details

Rail Park Project Schedule and Task Details
Kalispell Trail - FCEDA Rail Park Project Schedule
Submit Categorical Exclusion Worksheet to the FRA
Receive Notice of Award from the US DOT
Receive TIGER VI funds from US DOT
Complete Final Design and Construction Documents for Rail Park
Rail Park Construction Contract Signed and All TIGER Funds Obligated
Begin Construction of Rail Park
Complete Construction of Rail Park
Complete CHS Facility Construction and Relocate Existing Rail Users to Rail Park
Complete Rail Abandonment
Complete Trail Property Acquisition
Complete Environmental Site Assessments and Remediation
Complete Final Design and Construction Documents for Multi-Use Trail
Remove Track
Begin Construction of the Trail
Complete Street Extension and Upgrade Pedestrian Crossings
April 2014
October 2014
January 2015
June 2015
August 2015
August 2015
December 2016
October 2017
April 2018
May 2018
December 2018
March 2019
April 2019
May 2019
September 2021
Schedule Description
Construction—FCEDA Rail Park is ready to begin construction August 2015. The NEPA
process, initiated in January 2014, is being implemented to coincide with this TIGER VI
application, per the guidance from the Federal Railway Administration. A Traffic Impact
Analysis has been completed and KLJ Engineering is under contract to complete the engineering
requirements. The Montana Department of Transportation is participating in the project by
planning the needed improvements to Montclair Drive and the intersection at US Highway 2 East
and has provided a Letter of Status for the project. Neighboring landowners have provided letters
of support for these changes and additions. Final design approvals are anticipated in April 2015.
Additionally, Flathead Drive, the private road within the Rail Park, will be widened and
extended. BNSF has agreed to execute an easement to FCEDA for this road improvement when
the funding for the project is secured. Preliminary engineering plans are complete and final
engineering will begin within 30 days of grant funds being awarded, currently scheduled for
January 2015. Project construction will be put out for bid in June 2015 with a contractor selected
July 2015. The construction of the Rail Park is scheduled to begin August 2015 and will be
completed in December 2016. FCEDA, project partners, and the engineering consultants have
established risk mitigation protocols which ensure TIGER VI funding will be obligated by June
Task 1.0: Railroad
An existing rail mainline owned by BNSF Railway and operated by Mission Mountain Rail
currently passes adjacent to the site of the FCEDA Rail Park. There is also an existing switch
and single rail spur that extends into a portion of the neighboring BNSF Railway property
immediately north, serving established rail customers Glacier Stone Supply and Klingler Wood
Products. One additional rail spur is proposed adjacent to the existing mainline on BNSF
Railway right-of-way and includes design and construction of 3,300 feet of rail spur along the
east side of the existing mainline. Several rail spurs are proposed within the Rail Park totaling
10,950 feet of rail. These rail spurs will be utilized by CHS operations, Northwest Drywall
Operations, and additional users including a trans-load facility. The total proposed length of rail
for the project is 17,140 feet.
Task 2.0: Roadways and Grading
This task will include permitting, design, bidding, and construction for 7,000 feet of new and
upgraded roadway. The planned roadway width is 32 feet with gravel base, asphalt pavement
surfacing, and curb and gutter. Stormwater infrastructure will also be installed to accommodate
site drainage and meet detention requirements. The budget includes widening the railroad
crossing in the park as well as lights, gates, and bells at the rail crossing. Improvements outside
of the facility are also proposed including improvement to and installation of a traffic signal light
at the intersection of US Highway 2 and Montclair Drive to facilitate traffic to and from the site.
Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) has approved the proposed changes to US
Highway 2. The surrounding landowners support the addition of the signal as it will be a safety
improvement and a benefit to their businesses.
Task 3.0: Electrical and Gas
This task includes installation of electrical and gas service to accommodate each user of the rail
park facility. There is existing electrical and gas infrastructure within close proximity to the rail
park but it will be required to network throughout the facility.
Task 4.0: Wastewater
This task includes permitting, design, bidding, and construction of wastewater facilities to
service the rail park facility. Wastewater infrastructure will connect to the existing City of
Kalispell sewer main located south of the rail park. A lift station will be placed at the
intersection of East Oregon Lane and Montclair Drive. Gravity main will be installed throughout
the rail park facility and along East Oregon Lane and drain to the lift station. The lift station will
pump through a force main along East Oregon Lane to its connection with the City of Kalispell’s
existing sewer main. A total of 6,025 feet of gravity sewer main and 1,940 feet of 4-inch force
main are planned for installation.
Task 5.0: Water Supply
This task includes permitting, design, bidding, and construction of water supply infrastructure to
service the rail park facility. Water infrastructure will connect to the existing City of Kalispell
water main at the intersection of West Oregon Lane and 4th Avenue North. It will travel within
existing ROW along Oregon Lane to its intersection with Montclair Drive, west through the
center of the rail park facility to its intersection with Whitefish Stage Road, and south along
Whitefish Stage Road to a point where it will connect back into City of Kalispell water system
infrastructure. This would provide a looped system to maximize fire flows. Approximately
8,500 feet of 12-inch water main is planned for installation along with 17 fire hydrants
Construction— Kalispell Trail will follow the construction of FCEDA Rail Park.
Environmental Assessments will begin in 2017 with clean-up starting in 2018. The trail,
crossing upgrades, and complete streets will be fully built by September 2021.
Task 1.0 Rail Abandonment
After all current rail users have had their rail use needs met to their satisfaction and relocation of
their businesses to the Rail Park is complete, the City of Kalispell will work in partnership with
BNSF to facilitate all necessary BNSF and Federal Rail Administration processes to abandon the
approximate 2-mile long line that currently runs through the City of Kalispell.
Task 2.0 Trail Property Acquisition
The City of Kalispell is currently in conversation with all property owners along this
approximate 2-mile route who own property over which the current active rail line traverses.
BNSF owns one-half of the line in question and has indicated to the City by letter that they will
enter into an agreement to transfer their ownership of the abandoned rail bed to the City once
abandonment has actually occurred. The remaining length of the rail bed between 8th Ave. West
and 3rd Ave. East was previously sold to 8 adjacent property owners in 1989 or there about.
BNSF maintains a 25-foot easement for the existing rail in these locations. All eight owners
have expressed willingness to work with the City to ensure that the trail is developed where the
current rail sits. Property owners support this project both for the benefits that it brings to the
community, but also because it will enhance the value of their property and enable their clients
and customers an attractive additional form of access to their facility or business. The City of
Kalispell has set aside Tax Increment Finance District funds to acquire properties/easements as
Task 3.0 Environmental Site Assessments and Remediation
Because the property lies under an existing rail line that has operated for 120 years, the City of
Kalispell has designated $58,000 in funds for Phase 1 and Phase 2 Site Assessments and
$500,000 for Remediation. The City has operated a successful Brownfields program for the past
4 years and has the proven experience to execute Task 3.0. This work will be completed at the
time of acquisition of the property or easements.
Task 4.0 Multi-use Trail Design
A preliminary design and feasibility study was completed in June, 2013. The City will advertise
for final design, engineering and construction drawings once rail abandonment has been
completed with the anticipation of going to immediate construction of the trail. The trail will be
a 10-15 foot wide paved/concrete multi-use pedestrian trail. Lighting will be provided along the
trail to insure safe access night and day. Three regional trailhead connections are proposed
where the new trial will intersect with existing trial systems allowing the trail to connect to a 3 ½
mile trail north to the hospital, college and commercial shopping, an 8 mile trail west to Kila and
a 11 mile trail south to Somers.
Task 5.0 Track Removal
Once the rail users have been relocated and the BNSF track has been abandoned, BNSF will
salvage the existing rail and ties for either re-use or recycling depending on the quality of the
Task 6.0 Trail Construction
The project will be competitively bid. TIF funds have been established per council action on
Monday April 21, 2014 to fund construction.
Task 7.0 Upgrade Pedestrian Crossings
The trail will cross 6 City streets and 4 new local streets. The design will provide for the
construction of safe ADA compliant crossing points. The crossing will be designed to shrink the
size of the street width at the particular crossing and provide pedestrian actuated crossing signals
to insure safe crossing points.
Task 8.0 Complete Street Extension
Once BNSF has abandoned the rail line and removed the track, the City proposes to construct at
least 4 new cross streets across the abandoned rail area to improve vehicle and pedestrian access
into the downtown. These 4 new crossing will augment the existing 6 crossings along this 2mile corridor previously isolated by the presence of the railroad. These streets will comply with
the City complete street policy and provide sidewalks and bike lanes. This will greatly insure
pedestrian access to the new trail system and further allow free movement of pedestrians through
the Core Area and downtown of Kalispell previously blocked by the railroad for the past 120
years. The City has approved TIF funding for this activity per council action dated April 21,