CONOSCERE PER RICOSTRUIRE RICOSTRUIRE PER CONOSCERE KNO WLEDGE FOR THE PURPO SE O F RECONST RUCTI ON RECO NSTRUCTIO N FOR TH E PURPO SE OF KNO WLEDG E H ow and why to conserve and reconstruct ancient wood en bui ldings. Fro m p reh istoric pile-dwellings to the contemporary era. Study days 17-18 October 2014 Museo delle Palafitte di Fiave Fiave (Trento - Italy) \$ ' W \~ PROVINClAAUTONOMA DI TRENTO sopmteocenzaper i benicullurali Ufflcio bentarcheoloqici ~ Museo Palafitte Have In the context of initiatives directed at promoting the provincial archaeological and architectural he ritage and the mus eum collections for which it is responsible, the Cultu ral Heritage Office of the Autonomous Province ofT rento intends to promote a mee ting dedicated to studying intervention to reconstruct historic wooden buildin gs. The idea grew out of a propo sal made by the Archaeological Heritage Office (dolt . Paolo Bellintani) in the context of communication activities linked to Flava pile-dwell ing museu m. The original inspiration came from the recon structions of pile-dwellings carried out in the last few years close to many archaeological areas , with particular reference to: methods, scientific scop e and communication. On the one had it was decid ed to avoid a vision strictly linked to communication and disse mination (already used recently on various occ asions) and on the other exces sively spec ialist and potent ially self-referential envi ronm ents: so no "pile-dwelling science". It was decided to stick to the them e of recons truction methods and at the same time to open up to dialogue with scientific and professional sector s operating more systematica lly in the field of reconstruction of wooden build ings, in particular, w ith the world of architectu re and architectural restoration. Awa re of the differences present in these fields as regards the theme propose d, not only in terms of approach but also to some extent the sco pe (a key example: one cannot imaging reusing pile-dwelli ngs, as is possible for many monum ental buildings in the historic era, with all the inevita ble consequences ), we nevertheless believe the exchanging of information, knowledge, methods and planning to be profitable. This chronologica l, but also methodological, extension to the original propo sal has been dealt with by the architect Michela Cunaccia (Directo r of the Architectural Heritage Protection and Cons ervatio n Office ), who has supervised this part of the conference, together wit h oott.ssa Ma ria Paola Riggio (CNR IVALSA - San Michele all'Adige). The programme has been divided into 5 sessions: 1.Wood as a construction material - woo den constructions. This session introduces the theme of ' wood" in the construction environmen t; 2. Reconstruction choices. The scientific criteria and requ irements in terms of protection, conservation and promotion, as guidelines for recons truction . 3. Fact-finding phases to prepare for reconstruction. Rules and methods for anal ysing constructio ns: de ndrochronology, historical-typologi cal analysis, diagnost ics. 4. Planning approaches to reconstruction. Plans and construction, from prehistoric pile-dwe llings to modern da y buildings. 5. Reconstru ction ofhist orical types. New wooden constructio ns that interact with the past. Academics and profe ssionals operating in Trentino, but also in othe r Italian regions, have been invited to discuss the subject, with some case studies from Poland and Spain. Information Provtncla autonc ma di Trentc Soprintendenza per i beni cunureu U fficio bent archeo logid Via Aosla . 1 - 381 22 Trento -Haly l et 0461 492161 e-mail: uffbeniarcheolooici@p rovjnga ln .it www.trentioocu1tura.neUarcheo!ooiUUD
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