Utilisation de la RMN du fluor pour la mesure d'interaction ligand-protéine Marc-André Delsuc • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • Fluor et protéine • étude d’interaction • marquage de la protéine 50 40 Dalvit, C., et al Fluorine-NMR experiments for highthroughput screening: theoretical aspects, practical considerations, and range of applicability. J Am Chem Soc 125, 7696–7703 (2003). 30 20 10 0 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 NMR & Protein & Fluorine • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • In-house and commercial collections Selected scaffolds with/without fluorine for parallel chemistry Filters 1. Virtual enumeration 2. Selection of linkers and R, RF groups Data set of fluorinated fragments Design of small fragment library per each scaffold 1. Clustering 2. Selection Synthesis Known ligands Peptide chemistry Defragmentation Reviews ! POST SCREEN Synthesis ! s i t r a v o N Chez LEF-DOS library L-R LEF library Fn Fn Chemical synthesis and / or analogs selection Fn Fn L’-R’ CF or CF3 tagged potential ligands Fn Fn Fn L’-R’ Fn L-R 19F-NMR Fluorinated peptides or peptide mimetics library n N H L-R L’-R’ RF O Fn O H N O R N H direct binding assay ± protein Binders identification & druggability assessment 19F-NMR competition binding assay + known ligand SPR or ITC or fluorescence Spy molecules selection 19F-NMR competition binding assay Fragment optimization Hit identification SAR-by-Archive Focused-, targetbased libraries HTS hits Natural products Binding site Potency, Solubility Fluorine scan Validation & characterization Drug Discovery Today FIGURE 1 Workflow for the screening with the 19F NMR-based binding assay. Abbreviations: HTS: high-throughput screening; ITC: isothermal titration calorimetry; LEF: local environment of fluorine; LEF-DOS: local environment of fluorine-diversity oriented synthesis; SAR: structure–activity relationship; SPR: surface plasmon resonance. Thelocal molecules of the from fluorine libraries in Drug large Discovery mixand739–746 in the presence absence 1.! Vulpetti, A. & Dalvit, C. Fluorine environment: screening to are drugtested design. Today 17, (2012). of the protein. The binding molecules • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • RMN du Fluor • Quelques Faits • 19F : abondance • rapport gyromagnétique • sensibilité théorique • largeur spectrale • background • sensibilité pratique 100% 0.941 p/rp à 1H 85% p/rp à 1H 200 - 400 ppm absent x2-x10 p/rp à 1H • Relaxation • R2 dominé par le CSA • très sensible à τc ‣ «tumbling time» : temps de retournement de la molécule ~ MW ‣ interaction => élargissement • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • déplacements chimiques hexa-F benzène : -158 ppm mono-F benzène : -71ppm • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • ed colloidal systems in biomedical applications. credible range of biological effects, from complete N metabolic F N to very highly enhanced inertness credible range of biological effects, from complete metabolic inertness to very highly enhanced ls with impressive biological activity include I (diflucan, flucospecificity for binding at a particular receptor site. Thus, it is not surprising that Nthe preparation and specificity for binding at a particular receptor site. Thus, it is not surprising that the preparation and popular magazines as a one-dose treatment for study vaginal yeast of fluorinated inhibitors, substrate analogs, anti-metabolites, "transition state analogs", suicide CH3 suicide study of fluorinated inhibitors, substrate anti-metabolites, state analogs", ich are antibacterials that have been developed in responseand to inhibitors, and substrates other analogs, organofluorine compounds"transition is a highly active research area substrates and other organofluorine compounds is a Seebach, highly active research areaH2N F 1996; l infections to currently used drugs; Lefenuron (IV), a and growth (Resnati andinhibitors, Soloshonok, 1996; Ojima, McCarthy, and Welch, 1990; Ramachandran, NH 2 and Soloshonok, 1999; Banks, ousehold pets; and pyrrole V, which finds (Resnati application as an2000). 1996; Ojima, McCarthy, and Welch,I 1996; Seebach, 1990; Ramachandran, II 1999; Banks,an2000). o a potential drug or agricultural chemical can produce infrom complete metabolic inertness to very highly enhanced O O OH O receptor site. Thus, it is not surprising that the preparationNand N F COOH O COOH OH F F Cl N CCH N CH 2 2 ate analogs, anti-metabolites, "transition state analogs",N suicide N F COOH N COOH F O O N N CH2CCH2 N F N organofluorine compounds is a highly active research area N N N N N F N C NH C NH OCF 2CHCF3 ma, McCarthy, and Welch, 1996; Seebach, 1990; Ramachandran, N CF N N quelques molécules N CH3 F F O F F O F COOH COOH I N N I N CH3 O H2N NH2 II III O Cl C O NH C NH IV F IV control : CF3 TFA TFE 3-fluoro-phenol ... CN CN Br CHCF2001. 3 Copyright OCF by the2author, OCF2CHCF3 Cl Cl CF3 CF3 N NH H Cl V Cl V CN Br OCF2CHCF3 III F III F Br C NH C NH F F IV H2N Cl O F Cl H2N II F F II NH2 N N Cl NH2 F F N CH3 N Copyright by the author, 2001. H Copyright Cl by the author, 2001. V • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • (a) (b) O His57 F F HN F Compound (1) 0% Inhibition at 1mM Trp215 Ser214 Ser195 - protein + protein Cys191 difference –64.5 –65.0 –65.5 –66.0 –66.5 ppm δ 19F 19F NMR-based binding assay performed with the LEF library against bovine trypsin. Only the signal of the molecule interacting withDiscovery the protein Drug Today is visible in the difference spectrum (obtained by subtracting the spectra in the absence and presence of the protein) and its chemical shift enables on-the-fly identification of fragment (1) as binder. (b) High resolution (1.15 A ̊) X-ray structure (PDB code: 3NK8) of the NMR identified 2 ligand in complex with bovine trypsin [42]. The short interactions of the CF3 group with the protein are displayed with black dashed lines. LEF: local environment of LEF fluorine; PDB: Proteinbovine Database Bank Only the signal of the molecule interacting with the protein is visible MR-basedAbbreviations: binding assay performed with the library against trypsin. e spectrum (obtained by subtracting the spectra in the absence and presence of the protein) and its chemical shift enables on-the-fly identificat (1) as binder. (b) High resolution (1.15 A˚) X-ray (PDB 3NK8) the NMR identified ligand in complex 1.! Vulpetti, A. & Dalvit, C. Fluorine localstructure environment: from code: screening to drugof design. Drug Discovery Today 17, 739–746 (2012). with bovine trypsin [42]. The ns of the CF3 group with the protein are displayed with black dashed lines. Abbreviations: LEF: local environment of fluorine; PDB: Protein Database • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • Proteins. Several fluorinated analogs of the aromatic amino acids can be obtained commercially, including 4-fluorophenylalanine (VI), 6- and 5-fluorotryptophan (VII, VIII), and 3-fluorotyrosine (IX). (See http://synthetech.clipper.net/specialty.html, http://www.fluorochemusa.com and http:// www.sigma-aldrich.com.) Synthetic methods are available for preparation of fluorinated derivatives of most of the common amino acids, as well as a variety of fluorinated nucleotides and sugars. Placement of these fluorinated materials into biopolymers has been accomplished by a number of different strategies, including chemical synthesis and biosynthetic incorporation by organisms. marquage de peptides • acides aminés fluorés ARTICLES H H2N H C COOH H Papeo et al. H of the Intermediate Amines 4-6a H2NPrimary C COOH C Scheme COOH 1. Synthesis H2N C COOH H2N CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 F N H F F C. Dalvit / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 51 (2007) 243–271 VI VII VIII OH IX Conditions and reagents: (a) [bis(trifluoroacetoxy)iodo]benzene, pyridine, DMF, H2O, room temp, 70%; (b) DCM, TFA, room temp, quant (5), 98% (6). Copyright by the author, 2001. Ser/Thr Kinase substrates containing theseAkt-1 amino acids were successfully performed. Although we have shown their application only to the 3-FABS experiments, these novel fluorinated amino acids can now find useful application also in the FAXS (fluorine chemical shift anisotropy and exchange for screening) experiment,29 a 19F-based competition binding assay, for the detection in particular of molecules that inhibit the interaction between two proteins. 2003 American Chemical Society. of the originally formulated technique proved to be the low sensitivity compared to that of other fluorescence-based21 and radioactive-based22 procedures. In order to overcome this problem, two possible strategies could be envisaged: (1) use of cryogenic probe technology23 optimized to 19F detection24 0.120 0.105and ppm (2) use of substrates containing magnetically equivalent multiple CF3- moieties.24,25 As more magnetically equivalent 30 fluorine atoms are present in the substrate the throughput Br 25 increases, less amount of enzyme is required, and weaker 20 IC = This 0.72 ±0.05µM inhibitors can be identified. last point is particularly relevant 15 in a fragment-based screening approach performed with 3-FABS. HN H89 10 Fragments are low molecular weight Nmolecules (typically <250 5 NH Da) that display a high binding efficiency index (BEI ) (-log SO 0 KD)/MW or BEI1 ) (-log 10 IC50)/MW with MW expressed in 0.1 26-28 [H89] µM to their small size have a weak affinity for kDa), but indue theand receptor. The detection of these affinity molecules eening and deconvolution (top) IC measurement (bottom) for compound H89 weak performed with 3-FABS at 564 MHz F a Figure 1. Chemical structures of polyfluorinated glycine (PFG) and polyfluorinated amino acids (PFAs). [Sw ] in µM N H Results and Discussion 50 1.! Dalvit, C. Ligand- and substrate-based 19F NMR screening: Principles and Synthesis toofdrug Polyfluorinated Amino Acids. NR-Fmoc-PFAs applications discovery. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance … 51, 243–271 were secured(2007). by performing a mono- or double-reductive amination reaction on the corresponding primary amines. Thus, the suitable intermediates 4-6 were prepared either by Hofmann amide degradation (4) from NR-Fmoc-glutamine30 or by Boc F NMR • Strasbourg protective group removal (5, 6)31 from NR-Fmoc-N δ-Boc- - juin-2013 • The enzyme is the Ser/Thr kinase Akt-1. The five compounds (identified with ‘‘cpds’’) present in the positive mixture are (2-amino-6 50 ! 2 19 BL21. g L!1 cillin) PO4, dium ptical 37 1C meyer on of supuoro e and g L!1 L of of hrs 244.1 oro. and cetic and and ning while e rise f the ously han6 marquage de la protéine • Biblio récente • Crowley, P. B., Kyne, C. & Monteith, W. B. Simple and inexpensive incorporation of 19F-Tryptophan for protein NMR spectroscopy. Chem. Commun. 48, 10681 (2012). • Salwiczek, M., Nyakatura, E., Gerling, U., Ye, S. & Koksch, B. Fluorinated amino acids: compatibility with native protein structures and effects on protein–protein interactions. Chem Soc Rev 41, 2135–2171 (2012). • Vulpetti, A. & Dalvit, C. Fluorine local environment: from screening to drug design. Drug Discovery Today 17, 739–746 (2012). 19F NMR spectra of ... (C) Cell lysate with over-expressed GB1 from 50 mL of E. coli culture grown on minimal medium containing 5-fluoroindole. The cell lysate sample (C) contained ~0.1 mM GB1 and the spectrum was obtained with 2048 transients. Spectra were referenced to a 10% trifluoroacetic acid sample. Fig. 2 • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • Communications même avec l’ARN DOI: 10.1002/anie.201207128 1.!Fauster, K., Kreutz, C. & Micura, R. 2′SCF 3Uridine-A Powerful Label for Probing Structure and Function of RNA by 19F NMR Spectroscopy. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51, 13080– 13084 (2012). bel for Probing Structure and pectroscopy** Micura* or sd ly. e or at r, e e n al e- Figur stem (blue (Prot mixe (red) tein] Figure to 3. Structure probing of a bistable RNA. A) Unmodified RNA;[17] Figure 1. New concept for fluorine labeling of RNA with respect 19 secondary structure model of full-length (5) and reference (5 a) RNA F NMR spectroscopic applications. adde (left); imino proton NMR spectra (right). B) Same as (A), but for 2’repr SCF3 labeled analogues. C) Assignment of folds 6’ and 6’’ of RNA 6 by defin 19 NMR spectroscopy. D) Same as C, but in E. coli cell lysate. molar range; less material is needed and potentialF aggregashift Conditions for A–C: [RNA] = 0.3 mm, [Na2HAsO4] = 25 mm, pH 7.0, tion problems are minimized. Moreover, the 2’-SCF beha 3 group H2O/D O = 9:1, 298 K; conditions for D: [RNA] = 10 mm, E. coli lysate/ 2 resp represents an isolated spin system, therefore proton decouD2O = 9:1, 298 K (for lysate preparation, see the Supporting Informathat pling (as, for example, required for 2’-F labels) tion). is not • Strasbourg - juin-2013inter • A 6 m. h h r Figure 1. F spin-echo spectra recorded as a function of the HSA m 19F spin-echo each spectrum. The data were with an exponential function ofas1 a func Figure 2. multiplied spectra recorded fo concentration. The CF3 resonance of the control molecule (2) is at +15.46 Hz before Fourier transformation. The The concentration of of thethe twospy molecules concentration. CF resonance molecule (3)2 ppm, and the CF3 resonance of the spy molecule (1) is at +14.62was ppm. 25 µM, whereas the spectra), concentration HSA from top to bottom, (lower andforthe CFwas, 3 resonance of the control bm The spectra were acquired with a total spin-echo period of 320 ms with500, 700, and 900 nM. The signal intensity ratio I(1)/I(2) is, from 0, 300, +15.46 ppm (upper spectra). The spectra were acquiredµ topwith to bottom, 0.86, 0.66, 0.38, 0.21, and 0.07. an interval between the 180° pulses (2τ) of 40 ms. A total of 96 scans echo period of 80 ms with an interval between the 180°0 a repetition time of 3.5 s and a spectral width of 25 ppm were acquired for p ms. ATtotal of 96 scans were recorded for the lower spe A R I C L E S thiadiazol-2-yl]piperazine (2) recorded with proton decoupling each spectrum. The data were multiplied with an exponential function of 1 for the upper spectra with a repetition time of 3.5 s and a during the acquisition period in the presence of different Hz before Fourier transformation. The concentration of the two molecules 25 ppm. The data were multiplied with an exponentialF was 25 µM, whereas the concentration for HSA was, from top to bottom, concentrationsbefore of HSA are shown in FigureThe 1. ITC measure- of 3 and c Fourier transformation. concentration nM HSA 0, 300, 500, 700, and 900 nM. The signal intensity ratio I(1)/I(2) is,ments from performed with 2 did not find any evidence of binding µM, respectively, whereas the concentration for HSA wasth top to bottom, 0.86, 0.66, 0.38, 0.21, and 0.07. c 0, 150, 300, 450, and 600 nM. The signal intensity rat im plotted scale intensity is, from left to right, 0.94, 0.69, 0.5 thiadiazol-2-yl]piperazine (2) recorded with proton decoupling d e during the acquisition period in the presence of different For a weak affinity ligand the exchange term concentrations of HSA are shown in Figure 1. ITC measurecontribute significantly to the line width of the ro s un example d’interaction ments performed with 2 did not find any evidence of binding the presence of the protein. The fluorine signal i 25 µM coupled with several protons and therefore improvement it is necessary to record the spec to HSA (only heat of dilution was detected with 8 µL injections duringin acquisition. 2 shows of 800 µM of decoupling 2 into 30 µM HSA) agreement withFigure the NMR echo fluorine forboth themolecules spy molecule 2-h results. A concentration of onlyspectra 25 µM for was used in the NMR experiments. Theand lowcontrol concentration of the robenzoic acid (3) molecule (2) record spy molecule avoids problems arising from nonspecific binding and aggregation. Disadvantages with these molecules are d represented by the rapid rotation of the fluorine atoms about w the C3 axis of the group observed even in the bound state. This th results in a limited difference in line width for the CF3 signal to HSA (only heat of dilution was detected with 8 µL injections c of the spy molecule between the free and bound state. However of 800 µM of 2 into 30 µM HSA) in agreement with the NMR the exchange contribution to the line width can be large. results. A concentration of only 25 µM for both molecules was o Molecules with a CF Group. Molecules with a CF group are fu used in the NMR experiments. The low concentration of the particularly suited for the competition ligand based screening 19 F problems spin-echo spectra recorded binding asexperiments. a function of the HSA F spyFigure molecule2.avoids arising from nonspecific The 19F CSA can be very large therefore increasing 50 µM is concentration. The CF resonance of the spy molecule (3) is at -64.06 ppm the difference in line width between the free and bound state and aggregation. Disadvantages with these molecules are m decoupling as a function of HSA concentratio of the spy molecule according to eq 1. For example the CSA (lower spectra), and the CF resonance of the control molecule (2) is at 3 represented by the rapid rotation of the fluorine atoms about b for an aromatic CF ranges from 71 ppm for monofluoro-benzene with these molecules is the required higher co ppm spectra).even Theinspectra were acquired with a total spin- 34 the+15.46 C3 axis of the (upper group observed the bound state. This c 19F CSA to 158 ppm forthe hexafluoro-benzene. Inspectra addition,ofthe experiments. The Figure 4 were r echoinperiod of difference 80 ms with an interval the 180° pulses (2τ) of 40 sp results a limited in line width forbetween the CF3 signal • Strasbourg • of the spy molecule in the bound state can increase from- juin-2013 an ( ) [EL]signal of a spy molecule [EL] are similar in s of a fluorine or proton emerging from Table 1 is the large number Dfree (3) Dbound + 1 Dobs ) m magnitude. The transverse R2] of the fluorine [LTOT] relaxation rate [LTOT containing molecules present in the MDDR librar . signal has an additional contribution originating from the large logical search within this library demonstrates tha 19 29 of the spy e where Dbound andofDthe are the diffusion coefficients F atom that is given by CSA interaction free 20 years the percentage of compounds in developm ARTI CLES mxperimentsmolecule in the bound and free states, respectively. [EL]/[LTOT] ing at least one fluorine atom has doubled. A ste 2 fraction of bound and free ligand, and (1 - [EL]/[LTOT]) are the ηCSA a 1 with Measured 2 Binding from 10.9% in the 1981-1985 period to 19.4% i 2 CSA 2 42and2Its Comparison e-Point NMR-Derived Constant Fluorescence Value respectively. n R2 ) ∆σ 1 + Bfor γ τ + 0 F c 2 2 2000 period is observed. The fluorine atom has been 15 3 3 2(1 + ω R , the transverse relaxation rate for the weak-affinity [LTOT] [ETOT] [EL]/[LTOT] [EL] KDapp KINMR KIfluo n KD F τc ) spy 2,obs[I] introduced in the process of lead optimization f (1) is given by the equation s 44.3 molecule, 25 50 0.6 0.00159 0.080 326.8 3.9 ( 0.9 3.3 ( 0.3 potency, physical-chemical properties, and metab 25 50 0.6 0.00171 0.086 300.4 3.6 ( 0.8 s 37.7 where ∆σ is the CSA of the 19F atom against enzyme attack. [EL] [EL]and is given by ∆σ ) σzz n ) σand + 1R2,free + K is theofbinding RThe fluo is the binding 2,obs 2,bound -R(σ different σ’s are the components the constantInofthe or the concentration binding constants are expressed in µM. 3 derived from ITC, and K xx + [L yy)/2. D I selection of the two molecules particula ] [L ] serived from fluorescence. TOT TOT NMR [LTOT],The and [Easymmetry of 4, 3, ) and HSA, respectively. The KI is the binding constant for TOT] are the concentration chemical shift [I], tensor. parameter η CSA be given to their solubility since theintensity presence of a 2 2 NMR is due to an estimated (5% error in the 24a,b rhe NMR measurements as previously 24π described. The(δ error of the K signal ratio δ ) I [EL] [EL] free bound (3/2)(σxx - σyy)/∆σ, and for1 an increasesPhénomène the lipophilicity of a compound. Molec - axially symmetric chemical shift (4) t d’amplification K-1 field, γF is ] strength [LTOTof] the magnetic the tensor ηCSA ) 0. B[L 0 is TOT not very soluble in aqueous solution are not h the fluorine gyromagnetic ratio, ωF is the fluorine Larmor screening experiments since they might bind in a e R2,free are the time. transverse relaxation rate where R2,bound is the correlation frequency, and τcand manner to the receptor. Therefore proton and flu s constants for theperformed ligand in the bound and free states, respectively. A simulation assuming an axially symmetric CSA and proton WaterLOGSY spectra for the poten The last term is the exchange term, where δbound and δfree are , tensor and assuming an equal CSA for the free and bound state control molecules are recorded in the absence of ; the isotropic chemical shifts of the fluorine resonance of the . of a ligand indicates that the difference in line width of the 19F concentration typically 2-4 times higher (i.e., 10 spy molecule in the bound and free states, respectively and 1/K-1 signal of the spy molecule between the free and bound state than the concentration used in the screening p , is the residence time of the ligand bound to the protein. Equation . from just the CSA contribution alone can be very large.27 This molecules that according to the NMR spectra are 4 is valid only when the experiments are performed with a long , difference the ).size of the receptor and with the do not aggregate at these concentrations are c 2τ period increases (where τ with . 1/K -1 Experiments recorded with τ < square the magnetic fieldcontribution strength. High magnetic fields potential candidates for the spy and control molec 5/K-1 of result in a reduced of the exchange termcan to , lead to extremely broad relaxation line widths (>200 Hz) for fluorine 33 ; the screening. the observed transverse rate. ; signals of either macromolecules (e.g., protein selectively A library of 19F-containing molecules that fulfi Therefore screening is performed by ausing a long 2τ per; 28 Such line h F) or strongly protein-bound ligands. labeled withis19possible iod. This because the evolution under the heterodescribed above has been generated in our labor 1H-the 19F direct widths fluorine resonances nuclearmake scalar detection couplings of is refocused at the end of of the the molecules are tested in mixtures against the r . macromolecule or high-affinity scheme. However, the 2τ periodligands should impractical not be very for longthe in WaterLOGSY for the identification of a potential s . purposes of screening. contrast, the strong magnetic fields order minimize signalInattenuation originating from the spatial .ction limits Other direct methods with 1H or 19F detection can of to FAXS. Experiments performed with the • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • are particularly well-suited for competition binding experiments ( relaxation ) { ( ( ) ) } Principe de la méthode FAXS (Fluorine chemical shift Anisotropy and eXchange for Screening) Screening par compétition entre une molécule dite “espion” et un mélange de molécules candidates. Utilisation d’une molécule de contrôle Observation des variations d’intensités des raies de la molécule espion et de la molécule de contrôle. 1.! Dalvit, C., Fagerness, P., Hadden, D., Sarver, R. & Stockman, B. Fluorine-NMR experiments for high-throughput screening: theoretical aspects, practical considerations, and range of applicability. J Am Chem Soc 125, 7696–7703 (2003). • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • Principe de la méthode FAXS Fluorine chemical shift Anisotropy and eXchange for Screening 19F τ [ τ] n 1H τres = 1/koff R α = [EL] /[ LSpectroscopy T] ogress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 51 (2007) 243–2712,app 2τ≫τres 1.0 T2 = 1.2s Spy Molecule Signal Intensity ine atom or a COOH to the fluorine atom the component of the to the aromatic ring This ortho effect (see arge contribution of e simulations previor the observed high e to perform FAXS ng a protein concensize of the target pro! 25 kDa) (data not the biomolecular tarenically cooled probe tion 6.2, and/or with to the square depen- = αR2,lié + (1-α)R 2,libre +Réch 251 0.8 Difference 0.6 0.4 0.2 T2 = 0.3s 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 CPMG Filter (s) 1.5 2.0 • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • Avantages de la méthode FAXS • Seule la molécule espion est observée • Les molécules criblées ne portent pas nécessairement d’atome de fluor • Absence de superposition de raies : possibilité de cribler un grand nombre de molécules à la fois • Le fluor a un CSA très important : influence très significative sur la largeur des raies • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • Autres techniques... SAR STD Spin Labelling Diffusion Editing Inverse NOE Pumping Water-LOGSY FAXS Large Potein (> 30 kDa) limited yes yes no yes yes yes Small Protein (<10 kDa) yes no yes yes no no yes labeled protein yes no no no no no no protein (nmol) 25 0.1 1 100 25 25 1-10 KD tight no limit 100pM 100pM 100nM 1nM 100pM 100pM KD weak 1mM 10mM 10mM 1mM 1mM 10mM 10mM deconvolution no yes yes yes yes yes yes • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • premier example • Hexokinase HIV • enzyme impliquée dans l’homeostasie du glucose • forte coopérativité • molécules «activateurs» Servier J. Boutin G. Ferry M. Antoine NMRTEC O. Assemat J-P Starck • Enzyme • système dynamique • buffer complexe • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • super-open inactive form slow exchange closed active form glucose binding pocket • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • GK E* + glucose k-1 glucose < 5mM k1 E*.glucose k-2 k2 E.glucose k3 glucose > 8mM +ATP k-3 E + glucose E.glucose.ATP G6P+ATP E.G6P.ADP Étude par fast-flow fluorescence 5470 Biochemistry, Vol. 48, No. 23, 2009 Biochemistry, Vol. 48, No. 23, 2009 5469 KSO and GKO are the low- and high-affinity conformers described GKA dependence of kobs4 GKA and GKA glucokinase activator: del ound A or LY2121260. to the cyclic four-step preexisting equilibrium model ibed by Scheme 4 and eq 8. kobs ¼ k3 Glc þ ½Glc$ KDk2GlcGlcSO 1 þ KD½Glc$ Glc SO bed tor: þ k -3 Glc þ ½Glc$ KkD-2GlcGlcO 1 þ K½Glc$ D Glc O kobs ¼ kon ½GKA$ þ koff ! Antoine, M., Boutin, J. A. & Ferry, G. Binding Kinetics of Glucose and Allosteric Activators to Human Glucokinase Reveal Multiple Conformational States. Biochemistry 48, 5466–5482 (2009). ð6Þ ð7Þ del ¼ k3 GKA þ ½GKA$ KkD12 GKA GKA ð6Þ ð7Þ 1 þ K½GKA$ D1 GKA þ GKA k-3 GKA þ ½GKA$ Kk-2 D2 GKA 1 þ K½GKA$ D2 GKA ð8Þ netic Simulations. Demo version of Berkeley Madonna KinTek Explorer were used for modeling and testing of ent kinetic mechanisms for ligand binding to GK. ð8Þ ULTS eady-State Kinetics and Equilibrium Glucose Binding. nna recombinant human GK used in this study is the panof c isoform, deleted from its 11 first residues, His-tagged s N-terminus, and purified to homogeneity. Steady-state ic behavior of the His-tagged truncated GK was deterdng.for glucose ATP. GK glucose-induced showed positive cooperativity FIGUREand 1: Time-resolved conformational change by GK intrinsic= fluorescence (λexcwhile = 295hyperbolic nm). RepresenanK0.5 8.5 mM) glucose monitored (nH = 1.8, Glc FIGURE 2: Dependence of kobs1 Glc, kobs2 Glc, kobs3 Glc, and kobs4 Glc on glucose conc parameters k3 Glc = 0.13 s-1, k-3 Glc = 0.63 s-1, KD Glc SO = 30 mM, k2 Glc = 0.8 semilogarithmic scale for kobs3 Glc. and the four exponential fit were 560 and 94, respectively, clearly conforme indicating that the four exponential fit model is largely preferred. (GKSO) a FIGURE 1: Time-resolved glucose-induced conformational change et al. (12) Using high nm). glucose concentration, the third phase accounted monitored by GK intrinsic fluorescence (λexc = 295 Represensilent, the for two-thirds of the total amplitude, while the first, second, and tative fluorescence transient recorded after rapid mixing of apo-GK isomeriza fourth phase represented each 5-10% of the total amplitude. (1 μM) and glucose (50 mM) in buffer A. The upper frame shows the binding o Thus, only the third phase was observable for the lowest glucose recorded transient; lower frames show theconcentrations residuals forused. the best fit to (k3 Glc + k When plotted against glucose concentraone, two, three, and four exponentials. tion, total fluorescence intensity yielded an hyperbolic trend, route A. T glucose to readily fitted to eq 2 and led to an apparent KDapp Glc value of 4.3 mM, in agreement with the microplate equilibrium data- juin-2013 unimolecu • Strasbourg • Pre-Steady-State Glucose Binding Kinetics. Pre-steady- Premier «espion» MWI119 • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • Deuxième «espion» O O O O OH N H H N O F Human pancreatic glucokinase was diluted to a concentration of 3.85 µM in a 40 mM Hepes buffer containing 35 mM KCl, 1.8 mM MgCl2, 72 mM glucose, 1.4 mM TCEP, 4.5 % glycerol. Spy and screened molecules were dissolved in DMSO, and added to the protein solution so that final experimental conditions were protein 3.7 µM, spy molecule 8 µM, 3-fluorophenol (used as en internal calibration) 8 µM, screened molecule 30 µM, 10% DMSO • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • Optimisation Simulation [L] : 250µM Kd : 50µM T2(cpx) : 30msec First a series of T2 measurements were carried out to validate the approach, and to find the best conditions. Experimental T2 are shown on the side, along with simulated T2 curves, showing a good agreement between results and simulation The best conditions were then chosen. Simulation [GK] : 6µM Kd : 50µM T2(cpx) : 30msec Simulation [GK] : 20µM Kd : 50µM T2(cpx) : 30msec • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • Molécules testées O Chiral CH3 Chiral O O H3C H3C O N N N O H O H3C H O H3C O H3C H N H N H N N H H3 C CH3 O H O 44276 O CH3 N O CH3 S O O H3C Cl 46183 45077 Chiral O O CH3 Chiral O H3C O AKY5 H O H N H3C N H N N H H3C CH3 N H S H O H 3C diastereoisomere 2 racemique OH N H 46267 H N H N H N O Chiral 44520 45132 H O O H3C O O N H N H N N S CH3 N H3C Cl H O CH3 S O O O N O SGN74 OH O H N H3C 45077 O CH3 S CH3 O CH3 S AKY5 H3C H 3C O O Cl O N CH3 O H S O N H N O O O O H3C diastereoisomere 1 racemique H3C O CH3 O OS O O N O N OH H 3C OH O CH3 O diastereoisomere 1 racemique O O O 46267 AKY5 45077 O S CH3 O Chiral SGN • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • Mesure 30 = Io /ICPMG30ms ß30 value • à 600 MHz sur une sonde cryo-19F Test enzymatique • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • Deuxième example • Sa Majesté le Ribosome 70S Thermus thermophilus IGBMC M. Yusupov N. Garreau de Loubresse B. Kieffer R. Recht • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • Site adapteur du tRNA • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • Ribosome 5mg/ml • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • Résultats préliminaires cinetic wait 120h! lb4 ESBS4 21 (19F) lb4 ESBS4 21 (19F) lb4 ESBS4 41 (19F) lb4 ESBS4 41 (19F) lb4 ESBS4 61 (19F) lb4 ESBS4 61 (19F) lb4 ESBS4 21 (19F) 35 lb4 ESBS4 41 (19F) lb4 ESBS4 61 (19F) 60 lb4 ESBS4 101 (19F) lb4 ESBS4 126 (19F) lb4 ESBS4 101 (19F) lb4 ESBS4 101 (19F) lb4 ESBS4 126 (19F) lb4 ESBS4 126 (19F) lb4 ESBS4 130 (19F) lb4 ESBS4 130 (19F) 30 lb4 ESBS4 130 (19F) 25 70 50 80 90 100 Shigemi'230'µl' 298K' 512'scans'(~20min)' ' 600'MHz'+' Cryoprobe' 70 40 No Ribosome! +20µl Lincomycin! cine%c&wait& 17h& [1 mM]! +20 µl Ribosome! [1,4 µM]! +20 µl Ribosome! [0,7 µM]! 0 0 0 10 10 5 20 10 20 30 40 15 30 50 20 40 60 ' ppm -74,8 -75 -75,2 -75,4 -75,6 -75,8 -76 -76,2 -76,4 -76,6 -76,8 ppm -77 -110,2 -77,2 -110,4 -77,4 -110,6 -77,6-110,8 -77,8 -111 -111,2 24)µM) .112.4)ppm) -111,4 -111,6 -111,8 Linezolid) % 24)µM) ).76.6)ppm)) 3FP) % % TFE) ppm -112 -112,2 -112,4 -112,6 -119,2 -112,8 -113 -119,4 -113,2 -119,6 -119,8 12)µM) .120.8)ppm) -120 -120,2 -120,4 -120,6 -120,8 -121 -121,2 -121,4 -121,6 -121,8 -122 -122,2 • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • Remerciements • GK • Servier ‣ Jean Boutin ‣ Gilles Ferry ‣ Matthias Antoine • NMRTEC ‣ Olivier Assemat ‣ Jean-Philippe Starck • Ribosome • équipe Ribosome ‣ Marat Yusupov ‣ Nicolas Garreau de Loubresse • équipe RMN ‣ Bruno Kieffer ‣ Raphael Recht • Conectus • Strasbourg - juin-2013 • Remerciements • GK • Servier ‣ Jean Boutin ‣ Gilles Ferry ‣ Matthias Antoine • NMRTEC ‣ Olivier Assemat ‣ Jean-Philippe Starck • Ribosome • équipe Ribosome ‣ Marat Yusupov ‣ Nicolas Garreau de Loubresse • équipe RMN ‣ Bruno Kieffer ‣ Raphael Recht • Conectus • Strasbourg - juin-2013 •
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