2014 Ohana Surf Classic Special Edition Elouera Sharks Newsletter Chairman’s Report – 10th February 2014 Welcome back to Nippers at Elouera, we have been blessed with some beautiful weather and perfect surf conditions. This has allowed us to complete all of our education and all of our point score events. So we have some educated nippers ready to take part in the competition part of our season. We still have one Point score day gazetted on the calendar, though we can change it to a Rescue and Relay fun day. The Competition season kicks off this weekend with the Sydney Branch Championships followed by the State Age Championships at Umina Beach on the central coast. Good luck to all the nippers competing, we hope we have good weather and conditions. Just remember that when you are competing that you are representing the whole club. We hosted the hugely successful Ohana Surf Classic last weekend, we were blessed with sunshine and excellent surf conditions. All of the kids had smiles on their faces as they competed. Special mention and thanks to the wonderful people from Ohana Ocean Athletics, Brett & Kim Richardson. Thanks for your financial support and all of the time, effort, passion and commitment you guys poured into the carnival. Everyone loved the carnival atmosphere around the stalls and the racing in the senior Taplin was first class. Thanks also to our other sponsors that supported us on the day with either gifts or hosting stalls including; McGrath Mazda, Riley Balsawood surfboards, Kellogg's Nutrigrain Ironman, Kracka surf craft, Elsewhere Barber Co, Games2u. Thanks to all of the Elouera People we received overwhelming response for help from everyone in the senior section and all of the nipper families. It was an honour to be an integral part of a great community event. It’s great to hear that some of our U14 nippers are performing rescues whilst they are on their first season of patrol. You guys are a credit to your family and the surf club is extremely proud that you have learnt some skills over the years at nippers and are finally putting them into action. Good luck for the remainder of the season. Yours in nippers, Darrin www.eloueranippers.com.au UPCOMING EVENTS FEBRUARY/MARCH 2014 DATE Sunday 16th February Saturday 22nd February 28th Feb – 2nd March 16th March EVENT Branch Age Championships – No Nippers Elouera SLSS Mega Raffle Night – Elouera Clubhouse - 7.30pm SLSNSW State Age Championships – No Nippers Last day of Nippers! LATEST NEWS… Junior Life Saver of the Year Awards Congratulations to Shea Garcia, Captain and Ashley Grady, Vice Captain for representing Elouera and being finalists in the Sydney Branch Junior Life Saver of the Year Award. Well done! Out of the fifteen clubs that make up Sydney Branch, besides Coogee and Garie, Elouera was the only club fortunate enough to have two very capable young life savers selected as finalists for the honour of being Junior Life Saver of the Year. A presentation for Finalists, Highly Commended, and Winners will be held at the SLS Sydney Branch Age Championships at Maroubra SLSC, at 12 noon February 16th 2014. The winner will be representing Sydney Branch at the NSW Age Championships - Umina. Good luck to you both! ELOUERA SLSC Mega Raffle Draw Thanks to all those nippers who have sold their raffle tickets for the Elouera SLSC Mega Raffle. On Saturday, 22nd February all Nippers friends and families are welcome to come along to the clubhouse from 7.30pm for the draw. $10 cover charge, with live entertainment on the night. North Cronulla Iron Person Results On 26th January, a number of Elouera competitors braved rough conditions to compete in the North Cronulla Ironperson Carnival. Congratulations to everyone who entered with special mention to: U14 boys: 1st Jake Evans, 2nd Chris King, 6th Bailey Gentle, 8th Cameron Hutchison, 10th Shea Garcia U12 girls: 10th Caitlyn Murray , 14th Taylah Evans , 16th Lauren Hutchison , 17th Neve Garcia U12 Boys: 1st Mackenzie Hannington, 7th Kyle Lawton, 12th Josh Pritchard, 24th William Daley U/10 Girls: 4th Logan Galea www.eloueranippers.com.au March Past Update Coogee Carnival – 01/02/14 Congratulations team, with a score of 18 out of a possible 71 points and this being your third carnival competing together, things are definitely looking up. Thanks to our reserve “Tillie” for filling in so the team could compete due to Maggie sustaining an ankle injury. We hope Maggie will be on the mend by Branch. The Team did the club proud by reducing their score from their first senior carnival by 13 points, and we were more than happy with the result! John Boes, our dedicated coach, will continue to fine tune the team with the aim of reducing points so hopefully we are in single figures by State Ohana Carnival 08/02/14 Yet again, another fine march by the Elouera team at the Ohana Carnival, taking home a silver medal with 16 points! Our next event will be the Sydney Branch Championships. A very special thank you to the officials who helped us out at such short notice with-out you, the teams could not have competed! Our thanks and appreciation goes out to John Boes and Les Hardy from Elouera SLSC. Norm “Buzz” Piddington and Kevin McNamara from North Cronulla SLSC and Susie Linke from Cronulla SLSC. U/11 Development Camp I was one of the lucky 9 people from Elouera to be picked to go to the U11 Development Camp at Deer Park. It was really exciting all going there by bus and then given a cabin. The Elouera girls were split up into 2 groups. I got to go with the Wanda girls that I am now really great friends with. Every morning we were woken up really early to do fun swimming races in the pool. We did many activities such as rock climbing, archery, canoeing , waterslide and more. My favourite was abseiling. We watched movies, played trivia and played a basketball shooting game that I broke the camp record in! We also learnt CPR and tube rescue and on the last day we had a club competition. The Elouera group got to know each other well and worked together as a team. It was a long, tiring and hard 2 days but I was honoured to be chosen. Thanks SLSA and Elouera! J Marnie Vimpany www.eloueranippers.com.au OHANA SURF CLASSIC WRAP! From cyclones to clear skies……the Hawaiian Surf God ‘Kanaloa’ shined upon Elouera Beach with a record number 850 competitors signing up for the Ohana Surf Classic 2014. With perfect 2-3ft sets rolling in, the day was set for success…. Coming on board as Major sponsors were Ohana Ocean Athletics and Maxum Watches, along with a host of supporters such as Kellogg’s, Riley Balsaboards, Kracka Surfcraft, Games 2 U and the Elsewhere Barber Co. So with a mountain of prizes, including our Major fundraising raffle thanks to McGrath Mazda the carnival got off to a Kracking start. We were soon joined by our KNG stars for the day Wes Berg, Ali Day and Courtney Hancock who looked like they had just as much fun as all the nippers. With celebrity - parent races and KNG signings the day was actioned packed. And who could forget our own roving reporter Alex Clarke AKA 'DJ Clarkey', who did a great job in interviewing the KNG stars and firing the tee shirt launcher. To cap this day off we had the Open Taplin with Wanda taking out the 2k major prize for a second time. Personally, I had allot of officials that could not stop raving about the quality of the water safety, food, organisation, assistance, and the PRIZES….. Wes Berg, Ali Day and Courtney Hancock have asked me to send photographs to Kellogg’s because they want to come back next year - (that says it all). Most importantly we do it for the kids, I didn’t see a frown all day, nothing but sunshine and smiles. In all the carnival could not have happened without the amazing support of everyone at Elouera, who all came together to show case a club that prides itself of doing things different, in being unique, a club that sets the trend, so to all and there are many of you ‘Thank You' for making this event happen. Mahalo, Brett Richardson Deputy Chairman Junior Development Committee Elouera SLSC www.eloueranippers.com.au Elouera SLSC would sincerely like to thank… The Major Sponsors… The Supporters… And the Officials & Water Safety Volunteers www.eloueranippers.com.au Ohana Surf Classic : Summary of Elouera Results Under 8 Boys Sprint 3 sprint relay 1 flags 3 wade relay 3 Girls Sprint 2 3 Fletcher Loader sprint relay 1 Elouera A wade 1 Blake Wardrobe wade relay 1 Elouera 1 Hayley Hopper Mackenzie Porter Elouera blue Bellas Sunhers Elouera Under 9 Boys Sprint 1 3 sprint relay 1 3 Charlie Mortimer Short Will Nolan Elouera A Elouera B flags 1 3 Will Nolan Charlie Mortimershort Swim 2 Ryan Madden Swim Team 3 Cameron 3 Elouera A flags 2 Piper Bentley Swim 1 Grace Elliott Swim Team 1 Elouera B Board 1 Board Relay 2 Cameron 1 Elouera A Board Relay 3 Girls sprint relay 1 Elouera A 3 Grace Elliott Elouera b Elouera B Elouera W Elouera Under 10 Boys Sprint 1 2 sprint relay 1 flags Peter Thoroughgood James Stortenbeker Elouera Girls Sprint 1 3 sprint relay 1 Jessica Wardrobe Sofia Randazzo Elouera flags www.eloueranippers.com.au 1 James Stortenbeker Swim Team 2 3 Sofia Randazzo Swim Team 2 Elouera B Elouera Board 3 Charlie Morris Board Board Relay 1 Elouera B Board Relay 1 Elouera A Cameron 3 Elouera A Cameron 1 Elouera A 1 Logan Galea Under 11 Boys Sprint 3 Ethan Whittle Swim Team 3 Elouera Girls Sprint 3 Bianca Larsen sprint relay 2 3 Elouera A Elouera B Board Relay 2 Elouera Board Rescue 3 A. Blayney/M. Vimpany Under 12 Boys Sprint 2 3 Patrick Hanna Joel Lawton flags 1 3 Patrick Hanna Joel Lawton Swim 3 Jay Novotny Swim Team Board Relay 2 Elouera Board Rescue 1 Elouera Girls Sprint 2 Ella Randazzo flags 3 Ella Randazzo sprint relay 3 Elouera Swim Team 2 Elouera Under 13 Boys sprint relay 2 Elouera Girls Sprint 1 Verity Eisler www.eloueranippers.com.au 2 3 Taleah McKelleher Ruth Cassidy sprint relay 1 Elouera Swim Team 3 Elouera flags 2 3 Swim team 2 3 Ruth Cassidy Keeziah Netto Elouera Blue Elouera A Under 14 Boys Sprint 2 sprint relay 2 3 Connor Levings Elouera B Elouera W flags 3 Micheal Hanna Swim 1 Jake Evans Swim Team 1 3 Elouera B Elouera W Board 1 2 Jake Evans Chris King Board Relay 1 3 Elouera Blue Elouera White Board Rescue 1 2 C.King/J.Evans B.Gentle/S.Garcia Girls sprint relay 2 Elouera flags 3 Stephanie McStay Board 1 Chloe Rowan www.eloueranippers.com.au Ohana Surf Classic Photo Gallery www.eloueranippers.com.au PHOTO GALLERY cont… www.eloueranippers.com.au PHOTO GALLERY cont… Photos Courtesy of Peter Metro www.eloueranippers.com.au PHOTO GALLERY cont… Photos Courtesy of Peter Metro www.eloueranippers.com.au Age Manager’s Reports – January/ February 2014 UNDER 8 GIRLS The Beachies where Piper, Tamsyn, Casey, Ella T, Marnie, What an exciting day down at the beach on Saturday with the Georgia C, and Hayley.. Sprint results final Georgia C 6th and running of the Ohana Carnival. The weather god's shone down Tamsyn in 8th and all the others putting in a fantastic effort. on us presenting a perfect beach day and safe but challenging Sprint Relay .. Ella T, Marnie, Hayley, Casey coming in 4th and Georgia C, Piper, Tamsyn, Casey took out 1st. Flags saw our surf conditions to match. girls do their best and with Piper coming in with a very happy The girls that competed really had a great time and they did 2nd place ... Well Done to all the Beach girls. themselves, families and clubs proud competing in the right spirit and showing true sportsmanship whilst at all time having Water babes fun. There were some outstanding individual performances We saw some tremendous efforts in the water in trying Bella Summers 1st in Wade. Kayla, Corban, Mackenzie, Olivia condition. Surf Swim results Georgia B 17th, Diaz 16th Tillie 15th Ella H 9th Tahlia 7th Ally 4th Grace in 1st and also taking Pritchard and Caitlin Schofield also made the final out the team swim in 1st place!. Camron relay saw Tahlia Hayley Hopper 2nd and Mackenzie Porter 3rd in the Sprint ,Piper ,Casey , Tillie pick up 3rd and Grace ,Ally ,Tamsyn with Bella Summers and Bronte Laffan also making the final ,Georgia B in 1st. Board results Georgia 8th, Ally 5th, Tillie 4th and Grace 1st, so many of the field in this final got wiped out Congratulations to our A team in the Wade Relay who so this was an awesome result. Board Relay - Diaz, Georgia powered over the rest field to come in first. The team was B & Tillie 4th Grace, Ally & Tahlia in 2nd .. made up of Bella, Kaili, Hayley and Mackenzie. What a great effort by all our girls you all should feel very Team B came fifth and Team C coming in eighth proud of each other and yourself. Also the A team in the Sprint Relay out paced the other teams A special congratulations to Grace Elliott who competed at to take out first place. Congratulations to Mackenzie, Kaili, the Manly carnival the week before in the sprint, flags, swim Olivia Pritchard and Bronte Laffan. Our second sprint relay and board, coming 1st place in ALL events and also taking out team came in in 5th place. the athlete of the meet, well done Gracie!!!!. I would like to thank all the parents that helped throughout the day whether it was with marshalling, judging, helping with Thanks girls, your parents, Leanne and myself are so so proud of you all. the medal presentations or at water safety, the club appreciates your support as your help contributes to the Thanks Danny and Leanne success of the carnival as much as anything else on behalf of the club I thank you. UNDER 10 GIRLS See you all back at the beach Brett, Dave, Paul UNDER 9 GIRLS Our girls did themselves, their parent’s, and the club proud last Saturday at the Ohana Surf Classic carnival. Our girls in Brett’s and my opinion should all receive a gold medal as they gave their best efforts in every event, it is not all about winning or getting a place, but doing your best, giving it ago and as we always say having fun. It has been an eventful and action packed couple of months with all the girls exceeding what they thought they could do and all our girls swimming around the cans. We finally got a A special mention should go to Jada Blanch for an Endurance start at Ohana after 2 years of cancellation. The famous award for the day. Jada went in the Swim, Board, Sprint relay, Ohana carnival did not let us down and the girls did their best. Flags, Board Relay, did a swim leg in the Cameron Relay, and did exceptional well in all events. www.eloueranippers.com.au Results Below:Bronze Medal - All Age Board Relay – U10G Rep Logan Galea Flags 3rd Sofia Randazzo – Bronze Medal 4th Jessica Wardrobe 5th Jada Blanch 9th Georgia Greig 10th Charlotte Guest Sprint Final 1st Jessica Wardrobe – Gold Medal 3rd Sofia Randazzo – Bronze Medal 6th Brianna Smith 1st – Gold Medal Sophie Burns Sami Novotny Logan Galea 5th Place Jada Blanch Keira Collier Olivia Hall Cameron Relay Team 1st – Gold Medal Logan Galea Jessica Wardrobe Sami Novotny Sofia Randazzo Sprint Relay 1st - Gold Medal Jessica Wardrobe Sofia Randazzo Jada Blanch Ava Wilson Finally, I would like to say thank you to the entire 10 Girls Parents for their support leading into and on the day in several of the OHANA Surf Classic to make it a successful event – Thank you. 4th Sami Novotny Charlotte Guest Georgia Greg Tara Palmer Beach Ocean Swim 5th – Logan Galea 9th – Sami Novotny Ocean Swim Team 2nd – Silver Medal Logan Galea Sophie Burns Sami Novotny Jada Blanch Board 1st – Logan Galea – Gold 6th – Sophie Burns Board Relay Team Darren Galea UNDER 10 BOYS All age relay 1st ( James) Sprint 1st (Peter), 2nd (James), 7th (Lachlan) Sprint Relay 1st (Kya, Peter, Lachlan, James) Flags 1st (James), 4th (Peter), 7th (Kya), 10th (Lachlan). Water Swim: Swim Teams: Darcy 4th Team :(Chucky,Darcy, Tom & Jack) 2nd. Chucky 5th Tom 8th Team : (Will, Ben, Charles & Zak) 5th Will 10th Jack 14th Benny 16th Charles 22nd www.eloueranippers.com.au We had a large group of girls attend the ‘Ohana Classic’ on Saturday and there was plenty of medals and good placings all round. We managed to get 2 full swim teams which consisted of a total of eight girls as well as 2 board teams which is a huge sign of progression within itself. Our A swim team ended up with a third place and medals around the neck so congratulations to Lara M, Holly Marnie and Ashley for that result and out B swim team ended up with a highly commendable fifth place. Zak 24th Board: Final: Chucky 3rd Darcy 12th Tom 13th Will 14th Board Relay: Other great results from that day were: Chucky, Tom & Darcy: 1st Will, Ben & Jack: 5th Cameron: 3rde in the Sprint relay with Lili G, Lily F. & Amelia. Team: Liam Kya Chucky & Darcy: 3rd Bianca also managed a third place in the sprint final with Jorga, Ruby Mai and Lilli G also making that final, Peter, James Tom & Jack: 7th Ruby Mai only just missed out on a medal and got fourth place in the flags, Team: 2nd in the Sprint relay which consisted of Holly, Jorga, Bianca and Ruby, Bianca, Thanks Chris our board relay team of Ashley, Kiara and Marnie got second place, Lara M got 4th in swim, 3rd place in the Board rescue with the team of Ashley and We have all been very busy in 2014 catching up with the point Marnie. scoring component to complete the competitive and the A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THOSE GIRLS BUT ALSO education component within the season. There has been ALL OUR OTHER GIRLS FOR THEIR GREAT EFFORTS ON THE some fantastic results from all the girls and each of them are DAY. pushing each other to strive for a higher level of performance. We do have a few weeks of no nippers coming up with both The placings often change on a weekly basis in most of the the with Branch and State Carnivals coming up so “best of events which means all the girls need to be give their very Luck” to all the girls that got selected. We still however have best at every nippers session to stay on their game. another 3 or 4 nippers days around them to end out the Regardless of the girls placements I would like to say how season so hoping we get a few more of those special sunny proud we are of the continued efforts and the huge progress days to continue nippers and have fun with it all. we have made as a team both on the beach and with all the A special to all the parents that have helped both Fiona and I water activities. The water activities of either the swimming over the past few weeks in our absence of either injury or or paddling around to the cans is now done much easier and prior commitments. This goes to include the nominated all of the girls now cover this competently and are continually pushing themselves to strive for better results than the week Parent Helpers, Water Safety and all of those that helped with BBQ and any of the carnival events. before. Equally as important to this is all of the girls understand the theory with the surf, it's rips and some of the Regards dangers of the ocean much better now and this not only helps Rob and Fiona them with the weekly activities but will surely help to assist them in the future. UNDER 11 GIRLS www.eloueranippers.com.au UNDER 11 BOYS It was a great fun day had by all. Ohana was a great success for the club and, I think, how nipper carnivals should be run. I would like to thank the following parents for their support of the event. Tracey, Alison, Lorraine, Di, Sonia, Meridie, Lucy, Rupert, Darrin, Greg, Pete, Scott, Darryl, Rupert and Anthony. I would especially like to thank Megan and Jo for helping out even though their sons were not competing. Top effort that. This is a great stuff from the U11 parents and what makes the club and group keep going. North Cronulla Ironperson The boys all performed well with major results being 1st in the All Age Beach relay where we were represented by Bailey and 2nd in the All Age Board Relay where Robbie had the U11 honours. Both boys had tough sections of their race but did the club proud with their efforts. Kay Jarvis, Zac, Ben and Harrison got 3rd in the swim teams and Ethan got 3rd in the sprint and was unlucky to not place in the flags. Both teams in the Board Rescue Robbie/Jarvis and Zac/Ethan destroyed their opposition in the heats but had bad luck in the final and missed out on placings and was a classic example of the luck in surfing. During the month we have spent time doing flag skills and baton changing before we have done swim and board point score. Thanks to Ethan, Dylan and Olivier for helping with flag skills. Zac, Jarvis and Ethan shared the honours in the water events and top efforts from Harrison and Ben in the board and Ben and Declan in the swim. UNDER 12 GIRLS Ohana Carnival What a sensational day for our U12 Girls, by far the most successful carnival we have had as a team, with everyone walking away with a medal…… CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS Congratulations to Caitlyn, Taylah, Lauren, Neve and Jess for doing this Ironperson Carnival. The Surf was terrible, with very very difficult conditions. We all came away with a bit more experience and some strong results. Unfortunatly for Jess she also came away with a black eye, from where she got hit by her own board!!!! Keep up the hard work Girls UNDER 13 GIRLS “Prizes and Medals everywhere the only thing left to do was stare.” And stare & smile we did at 10 of our amazing U13 Girls who competed in the largest surf carnival in the galaxy. With Kareena and Mel taking the controls the results were bound to be out of this world. On the hot blistering sand with beads of glistening sweat running down their faces and the glare of the sun playing havoc with their eyes our girls had some stiff competition in the sprint relay. Hmm!!! Actually we didn't but it sounded good as we were the only girls sprint team and even after dropping the baton twice and falling over laughing our girls came 1st and took home some gold bling and a fantastic watch. Way to go girls..... In the individual sprint there were more outstanding results with all our girls getting in the top ten. Verity 1st, Taleah 2nd, Ruth 3rd and Keziah 7th. Not satisfied with that in the flags Taleah made it through to the second round. While Taleah cheered from the side Verity took out 5th, Keziah 3rd and Ruth 2nd. Meanwhile in the water area the girls were ready from the get go. After a confusing start from one of the officials changing our swim team the girls took off like lightening to a tree branch. Grace, Caitlyn, Ruby and Eden charged out of the water to take out the Bronze bling with Maggie coming out at the end carefully ensuring everyone had come to shore safely. Abbey was able to get Silver in the team she had been moved into. To our Beach Girls, congratulations to our Beach Relay team coming home with Bronze medal well done Taylor, Jaime, Ella and Gabbie. And congratulations to Ella – 2nd in sprints and 3rd in flags. In the board rescue Caitlyn and Maggie were up to our teams To our Water Girls, well it wasn’t our most brilliant day on the usual tricks with a bit of rocking and rolling while trying to complete the event. Although they didn't win the race they boards, but we had all our success in the swim teams events had the biggest smiles which is worth more than gold. In the individual board Abbey came in 7th. With Caitlyn, Taylah, Jess and Bronte taking out Silver and then Lauren, Neve and Kelsea, helping out Abbey in the U13’s A load of fun was had by all the girls. Thanks for a great race to win Silver also. Carnival. www.eloueranippers.com.au Many thanks to Kareena & Mel for taking care of the girls and to all the wonderful parents who gave up their time to help with the running of the carnival. Alyson UNDER 13 BOYS A big thank you to our parent helpers on Saturday at the Ohana carnival. All would agree is was a fun day U’13 boys were represented proudly by Cameron, Jaymes, Brendon, Jack, Zach and Bennett. The event of the day was the t-shirt gun, persistence paid off for Zach finally catching a t-shirt. Thank you to Lara (Franky Mum) who did us proud running in the parent relay Results of the day Cameron swim 10th board 5th Jack swim 11th Brendon swim 9th Jaymes swim 12th board 10th Zac Flags 4th Bennett flags 5th Board relay Zac, Cameron,Jack 8th Sprint relay Bennett, Brendon Jack & Paddy(U12 ) 2nd Now, the Ohana carnival, what a great day. I don't like to point out one boy as every boy gave his all, but..... How could you not mention the name Jake Evans, he won every water event he went in. can't ask for any better can we. Congratulations Jake. We will start with the water we entered two swim teams and they came in 1st and 3rd. The Blue team, Jake, Chris, Bailey and Max 1st, and the White team Cameron H, Shea, Liam and Ben 3rd. This was Ben and his brother Anthony's first carnival. RESULTS. SWIM. - 1st Jake, 3rd Bailey, 4th Chris, Max 7th, Shea 10th, Cameron H 12th, Liam 13th, closely followed by Ben, Cameron W and Anthony BOARD. - Jake 1st, Chris 2nd, Bailey and Shea dead heat 6th, Cameron h. 9t), Max 10th and Liam 11th. BOARD RELAY - Jake, Chris and Bailey 1st. Shea, Cameron H and Max 3rd. BOARD RESCUE. - We had four teams. Jake and Chris 1st. Shea and Bailey 2nd, Cameron H and Max 7th and the Oustanding beachies team of Connor and Brody 8th. They had the times of their lives, lots of laughs. Now down to the beach. Beachies didn't have quite as good of results as the water boys but they sure gave it a good go. SPRINT. Cheers Connor 2nd, Sam 4th and Brody 7th. well done Brody. It is only this year that Brody realised that he has legs and can run. Michael and Josh had a pretty hot semi. Karin FLAGS. - Michael 3rd, Connor 4th, Josh 5th and Sam 6th. UNDER 14 BOYS BEACH RELAY. - we entered two teams, our hot beachies who found the baton a bit hot to handle and had dropsy, and our swimmers together with Brody, showed everyone how to hang on to the baton and had great changes. The result was Connor, Michael, Josh and Sam 2nd and Max, Cameron H, Cameron W and Brody 3rd. Looking forward to Ohana 2015 Seeing it is quite a while since I have written a report, not a very good Age Manager, just wanted to mention a few things prior to giving the report on the Ohana Carnival. As you all know Jake Evans, Chris King and Connor Levings represented Sydney Branch and of course Elouera, at the branch titles prior to Christmas. they all put in an unbelievable effort with some outstanding results. Well done boys everyone at Elouera are so proud of you.. We have had quite a number of Champo days, too many to give you all the results, but all boys are having a go and giving their all. great to see our beachies putting in a good effort in the water events, and the water boys are really pushing the beachies in the sprint and flags. It will be interesting at the end of the season to see the final results. All in all I hope all the boys had a great day, had fun with their prizes, and we all look forward to the Sydney Branch at Maroubra next Sunday. They all showed great mateship and dedicated teamwork. Thanks to Andrew Evans, for taking down the water placings for me. See you at Maroubra, I'll be there with bells on. Yvonne www.eloueranippers.com.au ELOUERA SURF SPORTS ACADEMY ACTIVITY SESSION AIM DAY Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun BOARD Senior Advanced (Coach - Darrin Thompson) Attendance is by selection for U14 Mal boards. 5.30-6.30pm 5.30-6.30pm 5.15 - 6.30pm Transitions Participate in the 11am Handicapped Race after Nippers Junior Advanced (Coach - Darrin Thompson) Attendance is by selection experienced U12 / U13 with a competitive focus. 4.30-5.30pm 4.30-5.30pm 5.15 – 6.30pm Transitions Participate in the 11am Handicapped Race after Nippers Intermediate -U9 / U10 (Coach - Rostered Cadets) Attendance is voluntary and develops the board skills gained at Sunday Nippers so that participants feel confident to compete in Carnivals throughout the season 4.30-5.30pm 4.30-5.30pm ACTIVITY SESSION AIM DAY Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun BOARD Intermediate U11 / U13 (Coach -Rostered Cadets ) Attendance is voluntary and develops the board skills gained at Sunday Nippers so that participants feel confident to compete in Carnivals throughout the season and progress into the relevant Advanced group. 4.305.30p m 4.30-5.30pm Beginner Group U9 / U13 (Coach - Michael Attendance is voluntary and the 4.30 5.30p 4.30 - 5.30pm www.eloueranippers.com.au Participate in the 11am Handicapped Race after Nippers Byrne) session aim is to provide- surf safety / awareness education and to develop board skills and progress into the relevant Intermediate group. ACTIVITY m SESSION AIM DAY Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun SURF SWIM Advanced- Surf Swimming- Group U12 / U14 (Coach - Darrin Thompson Tom O’Keefe) Attendance is by selection for a limited number of experienced U12sU14s swimmers who regularly compete in carnivals. 8.00am Development- Surf Swimming Group U9/U14 (Coach - Darrin Thompson Tom O'Keeffe) Attendance is for competent swimmers -and develops the surf swimming skills needed to compete in Carnivals throughout the season 8.00am ACTIVITY SESSION AIM DAY Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Sat Sun BEACH SPRINT Advanced Beach Sprint U13 / U14 Coach - Scott Campbell Michelle Soper’ Renae Stortenbecker Attendance is by selection for experienced U12 U14s With a competitive focus. Intermediate Beach Sprint U8 / U14 Coach Scott Campbell Michelle Soper Renae Stortenbecker Attendance is voluntary- for U8 U14s with a desire to progress into the Advance group. ACTIVITY SESSION AIM 6.00 7.00pm (Waratah Oval Sutherlan d) 6.00 - 7.00pm (Waratah Oval Sutherland) (4.30pm Strength and Conditioning) 5.15- 6.30pm (Elouera) 5.15- 6.30pm (Elouera) DAY Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri BEACH FLAGS Combined Group U6 / U14 Coach - Yvonne Moon Josh Cassidy 7.30am www.eloueranippers.com.au ACTIVITY SESSION AIM DAY Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Fri Sat Sun R&R Development Group U10 / U14 Coach – Julie Walmsley ACTIVITY Develop skills and confidence to compete in R&R competition 4.00 – 5.00pm (Elouera) SESSION AIM DAY Mon Tue Wed Thu MARCH PAST March Past Team Coach/Manager – Ian Grady Attendance is by selection and will require competing as a team at nominated carnivals 4.15pm5.15pm www.eloueranippers.com.au A Special Thank You To All Of Our Sponsors Running a Nipper programme and a surf club is not a cheap exercise. There are always pieces of equipment that need to be replaced or repaired, we continually try to improve our services and the demands grow (as do our Nipper numbers) every year. Running a quality Nipper programme would not be possible without the help and support of many volunteers, and especially without the generous and helpful support of our sponsors. Thank you from all of us at Elouera Sharks Nippers. I encourage all members and their families to support these fantastic companies that support us. We couldn’t do it without them! Major Sponsor Elouera Surf Sports Academy Sponsors Additional Elouera Nipper Sponsors Please support all Elouera Shark Nipper Sponsors Elouera Surf Lifesaving Club Elouera Sharks Nippers (02) 9523 7296 Mitchell Rd, Cronulla NSW 2230 www.eloueranippers.com.au www.eloueranippers.com.au www.eloueranippers.com.au
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