Automated Multi-Level Substructuring AMLS was introduced by Bennighof (1998) and was applied to huge problems of frequency response analysis. CHAPTER 4 : AMLS METHOD The large finite element model is recursively divided into very many substructures on several levels based on the sparsity structure of the system matrices. Heinrich Voss Assuming that the interior degrees of freedom of substructures depend quasistatically on the interface degrees of freedom, and modeling the deviation from quasistatic dependence in terms of a small number of selected substructure eigenmodes the size of the finite element model is reduced substantially yet yielding satisfactory accuracy over a wide frequency range of interest. [email protected] Hamburg University of Technology Recent studies in vibro-acoustic analysis of passenger car bodies where very large FE models with more than six million degrees of freedom appear and several hundreds of eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes are needed have shown that AMLS is considerably faster than Lanczos type approaches. Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 1 / 45 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) Condensation AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 2 / 45 Exact condensation Partition degrees of freedom into variables xi to be kept (for substructurings: interface DoF) and variables x` to be droped (local DoF). After reordering problem (1) obtains the following form Given (a finite element model of a structure, e.g.) Kx = λMx (1) K`` Ki` K`i Kii x` M`` =λ xi Mi` M`i Mii x` xi (2) Solving the first equation for x` yields where K ∈ Rn×n and M ∈ Rn×n are symmetric and M is positive definite. x` = −(K`` − λM`` )−1 (K`i − λM`i )xi Aim: Reduce the number of unknowns by some sort of elimination. and substituting in the second equation one gets the exactly condensed eigenproblem T (λ)xi = −Kii xi + λMii xi + (Ki` − λMi` )(K`` − λM`` )−1 (K`i − λM`i )xi Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 3 / 45 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 4 / 45 Static condensation Substructuring Linearizing the exactly condensed problem at ω = 0 yields the statically condensed eigenproblem (introduced independently by Irons (1965) and Guyan (1965)) ˜ii xi = λM ˜ ii xi K (3) Consider the vibrations of a structure which is partitioned into r substructures connecting to each other through the variables on the interfaces only. Then ordering the unknowns appropriately the stiffness matrix obtains the following block form K``1 O ... O K`i1 O K``2 . . . O K`i2 .. .. .. .. .. K = . . . . . O O . . . Kssr Ksmr Ki`1 Ki`2 . . . Kmsr Kii where ˜ii K ˜ ii M −1 = Kii − Ki` K`` K`i −1 −1 −1 −1 = Mii − Ki` K`` M`i − M`i K`` K`i + Ki` K`` M`` K`` K`i For vibrating structures this means that the local degrees of freedom are assumed to depend quasistatically on the interface degrees of freedom, and the inertia forces of the substructures are neglected. Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 and M has the same block form. 5 / 45 Substructuring ct. Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 6 / 45 Example FEM model of a container ship: 35262 DoF, bandwidth: 1072 For the statically condensed problem we obtain ˜ii = Kii − K r X j=1 ˜ ii = Mii − M where −1 Kmsj Kssj Ksmj r X Mmmj , j=1 200 40 Mmmj = −1 Kmsj Kssj Msmj + −1 Mmsj Kssj Ksmj − −1 −1 Kmsj Kssj Mssj Kssj Ksmj . 100 The submatrices corresponding to the individual substructures can be determined independently from smaller subproblems and in parallel. Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 150 20 0 10 7 / 45 50 0 −10 0 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 8 / 45 Example ct. Example ct. Container ship: relative errors of static condensation 10 substructures; condensation to 1960 interface DoF # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 9 / 45 A projection approach ˜ `i M ˜ ii M = ˜ ii M = = −1 Kii − Ki` K`` K`i Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 10 / 45 ˜ii y = λM ˜ ii y K . (4) To model the deviation from quasistatic behavior thereby improving the approximation properties of static condensation we consider the eigenvalue problem K`` Φ = M`` ΦΩ, ΦT M`` Φ = I, (5) is the Schur complement of K`` −1 ˜T M`i − M`` K`` K`i = M i` −1 −1 Mii − Mi` K`` K`i − Ki` K`` M`i AMLS Neglecting in (4) all rows and columns corresponding to local degrees of freedom, i.e. projecting problem (1) to the subspace spanned by columns of −1 −K`` K`i one obtains the method of static condensation I Here K`` and M`` stay unchanged, and ˜ii K ˜ `i M nodal cond. 5.02e-05 2.36e-05 6.32e-05 1.06e-04 3.98e-04 6.16e-04 5.47e-03 2.11e-02 2.49e-02 8.41e-02 1.08e-01 1.25e-01 static condensation revisited We transform the matrix K to block diagonal form using block Gaussian elimination, i.e. we apply the congruence transformation with −1 I −K`` K`i P= 0 I to the pencil (K , M) obtaining the equivalent pencil K`` 0 M`` (P T KP, P T MP) = ˜ii , M ˜ i` 0 K Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) eigenvalue 1.2555112888e-01 1.4842667377e-01 1.8859647898e-01 8.2710672903e-01 1.4571047916e+00 1.8843144791e+00 2.4004294125e+01 5.2973437588e+01 5.6869743387e+01 1.7501327597e+02 2.0806150033e+02 2.8210662009e+02 where Ω is a diagonal matrix containing the eigenvalues. −1 −1 + Ki` K`` M`` K`` K`i . Eigenvalue problems 2012 11 / 45 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 12 / 45 Craig–Bampton form Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) Changing the basis for the local degrees of freedom to a modal one, i.e. applying the further congruence transformation diag{Φ, I} to problem (4) one gets ˜ `i Ω 0 I ΦT M . (6) , ˜ii ˜ i` Φ ˜ ii 0 K M M In structural dynamics (6) is called Craig–Bampton form of the eigenvalue problem (1) corresponding to the partitioning (2). In terms of linear algebra it results from block Gaussian elimination to reduce K to block diagonal form, and diagonalization of the block K`` using a spectral basis. Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 13 / 45 Selecting some eigenmodes of problem (5), and dropping the rows and columns in (6) corresponding to the other modes one arrives at the component mode synthesis method (CMS) introduced by Hurty (1965) and Craig & Bampton (1968). If the diagonal matrix Ω1 contains in its diagonal the eigenvalues to drop and Φ1 the corresponding eigenvectors, and if Ω2 and Φ2 contain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors to keep, respectively, then the eigenproblem (6) can be rewritten as ˜ `i1 x1 Ω1 0 0 I 0 M x1 ˜ `i2 x2 0 Ω2 0 x2 = λ 0 (7) I M ˜ii ˜ ˜ ˜ x3 x 0 0 K 3 Mi`1 Mi`2 Mii with ˜ smj = ΦT (M`i − M`` K −1 K`i ) = M ˜ T , j = 1, 2, M j msj `` Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) CMS ct. 14 / 45 We consider the structural deformation caused by a harmonic excitation at a frequency of 4 Hz which is a typical forcing frequency stemming from the engine and the propeller. Usually the eigenvectors according to eigenvalues which do not exceed a cut off threshold are kept. In vibration analysis of a structure this choice is motivated by the fact that the high frequencies of a substructure do not influence the wanted low frequencies of the entire substructure very much. Notice however that in a recent paper Bai and Liao (2006) suggested a different choice based on a moment–matching analysis. AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 Container ship and the CMS approximations to the eigenpairs of (1) are obtained from the reduced eigenvalue problem ˜ `i2 Ω2 0 I M y = λ (8) ˜ii ˜ i`2 M ˜ ii y 0 K M Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 Since the deformation is small the assumptions of the linear theory apply, and the structural response can be determined by the mode superposition method taking into account eigenfrequencies in the range between 0 and 7.5 Hz (which corresponds to the 50 smallest eigenvalues for the ship under consideration). To apply the CMS method we partitioned the FEM model into 10 substructures as shown before. This substructuring by hand yielded a much smaller number of interface degrees of freedom than automatic graph partitioners which try to construct a partition where the substructures have nearly equal size. For instance, our model ends up with 1960 degrees of freedom on the interfaces, whereas Chaco ends up with a substructuring into 10 substructures with 4985 interface degrees of freedom. 15 / 45 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 16 / 45 Container ship ct. Reducing interface DoF We solved the eigenproblem by the CMS method using a cut-off bound of 20,000 (about 10 times the largest wanted eigenvalue λ50 ≈ 2183). 329 eigenvalues of the substructure problems were less than our threshold, and the dimension of the resulting projected problem was 2289. The number of interface degrees of freedom may still be very large, and therefore the dimension of the reduced problem (8) may be very high. It can be reduced further by modal reduction of the interface degrees of freedom in the following way: CMS: cut off frequency 20000 −2 10 Considering the eigenvalue problem −3 10 ˜ii Ψ = M ˜ ii ΨΓ, ΨT K ˜ii Ψ = Γ, ΨT M ˜ ii Ψ = I, K −4 relative error 10 and applying the congruence transformation to the pencil in (6) with ˜ = diag{I, Ψ}, we obtain the equivalent pencil P −5 10 −6 10 −7 10 with −8 10 0 10 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) 20 30 number of eigenvalue 40 AMLS 50 Eigenvalue problems 2012 17 / 45 Reducing interface DoF ct. Selecting eigenmodes of (5) and of (10) and neglecting rows and columns in (11) which correspond to the other modes one gets a reduced problem which is the one level version of the automated multilevel substructuring method, introduced by Bennighof (1992). 0 0 Ω2 0 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) I 0 ˆ 0 M21 , 0 0 ˆ 41 Γ2 M ˆ 12 M I ˆ 32 M 0 AMLS 0 ˆ M23 I ˆ 43 M ˆ 14 M 0 ˆ M34 I Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) . . . where ˆ `i M I (11) (12) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 18 / 45 Reducing interface DoF ct. ˆ 12 M ˆ 14 M = = = = −1 ˆT ΦT1 (M`i − M`` K`` K`i )Ψ1 = M 21 −1 T ˆ Φ (M`i − M`` K K`i )Ψ2 = M T 1 ΦT2 (M`i ΦT2 (M`i − − `` −1 M`` K`` K`i )Ψ1 −1 M`` K`` K`i )Ψ2 41 ˆT =M 23 ˆ = MT . 43 For the container ship we reduced the interface degrees of freedom as well with the same cut-off bound 20,000. This reduced the dimension of the projected eigenproblem further from 2289 to 436. (13) Eigenvalue problems 2012 O I , ˆT Γ M`i Then the single level approximations of AMLS to eigenpairs are obtained from ˆ 34 Ω2 0 I M y =λ ˆ y. (14) 0 Γ2 M43 I and rearranging the rows and columns beginning with the modes corresponding to Φ1 and Ψ1 to be dropped followed by the ones corresponding to Φ2 and Ψ2 problem (11) obtains the form 0 Γ1 0 0 Ω O ˆ `i = ΦT (M`i − M`` K −1 K`i )Ψ = M ˆ T. M i` `` ˆ 32 M ˆ 34 M Similarly as for the CMS method we partition the matrices Γ and Ψ into Γ1 0 Γ= and Ψ = (Ψ1 , Ψ2 ) 0 Γ2 Ω1 0 0 0 (10) The next picture shows the relative errors of CMS and the single level version of AMLS. 19 / 45 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 20 / 45 Relative errors CMS and AMLS(1) −1 Multi-Level Substructuring: Level 0 CMS and AMLS(1): cut off frequency 20000 10 −2 10 −3 relative error 10 −4 10 −5 10 −6 10 −7 10 −8 10 0 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) 10 20 30 number of eigenvalue AMLS 40 50 Eigenvalue problems 2012 21 / 45 Multi-Level Substructuring: Level 1 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 22 / 45 Multi-Level Substructuring: Level 2 23 / 45 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 24 / 45 Multi-Level Substructuring: Level 3 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 Multi-Level Substructuring: Level 4 25 / 45 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) Multi-Level Substructuring: Level 5 AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 26 / 45 AMLS - Algorithm (Kx = λMx) Reorder System (using Graph Partitioner): Ks T Ksm KsrT Ksm Km T Kmr Ksr Kmr Kr with Ks = Ks1 .. . Ksn 1 2 3 Kr 4 5 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 27 / 45 6 Km 7 Ks Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 28 / 45 AMLS - Algorithm ct. Congruence transformation with I −Ks−1 Ksr U = O I O O yields Ks 0 0 0 ˆm K ˆT K mr 0 ˆmr , K ˆr K AMLS - Algorithm ct. Solving of substructure EVPs −Ks−1 Kmr O I Ms ˆT M sm ˆT M sr ˆ sm M ˆm M ˆ MT mr Ks Φs = Ms Φs Ωs , and projecting on a subset of Φs (usually corresponding to eigenvalues not exceeding a cut-off frequency) yields ˜ ˜ ˜ ˆ sm M ˆ sr Is M Ωs 0 0 ˜ ˆm K ˆmr , M 0 K T ˆ ˆ ˆ M M m mr sm T ˆ ˆ ˜ 0 Kmr Kr ˆT M ˆT ˆr M M ˆ sr M ˆ mr M ˆr M sr Notice that Ks is block-diagonal, and determining Ks−1 Ksr means that a large number of linear system of small dimension have to solved. Moreover, the congruence transformation consists of block matrix multiplications for blocks of small dimension. Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 ΦTs Ms Φs = I 29 / 45 This first step of AMLS was introduced already by Hurty (1965) and by Craig and Bampton (1968), and it is called Component Mode Synthesis (CMS). Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS - Algorithm ct. Once substructures on the lowest level have been transformed and reduced by modal projection they are assembled to parent substructures on the next level. mr AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 30 / 45 AMLS - Algorithm ct. Interface and local degrees of freedom are identified, and the substructure models are transformed similarly as on the lowest level. ˜ Ω1 O O O O ˜2 Ω O O O O ˜ii K ˜H K ir O I z1 z2 O O ˜ir z3 = λ M ˜H K 1i ˜rr ˜H z4 K M 1r O I ˜H M 2i ˜H M 2r ˜ 1i M ˜ 2i M ˜ ii M ˜H M ˜ 1r z M 1 ˜ 2r z2 M ˜ ir z3 , M ˜ rr z4 M O I ˜H M 2i ˆH M 2r ˜ 1i M ˜ 2i M ˜ ii M ˆ MirH ˆ 1r w M 1 ˆ 2r w2 M , ˆ ir w3 M ˆ w4 Mrr ir ˜jr yields Block-elimination of K ˜ Ω1 O O O Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 31 / 45 O ˜2 Ω O O O O ˜ii K O I O w1 w2 O O = λ M ˜H O w3 1i H ˆ ˆ w4 Krr M1r Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 32 / 45 AMLS - Algorithm ct. AMLS - Algorithm ct. Treating coarser levels one after the other in the same way one gets a projected eigenvalue problem of significantly lower dimension To perform the modal reduction of the interior degrees of freedom of the current substructure one would have to solve the eigenvalue problem ˜ Ω1 O O O I w1 w2 = ω O O ˜ii ˜H w3 K M 1i O ˜ Ω2 O O I ˜H M 2i Kc x = λMc x ˜ 1i w1 M ˜ 2i w2 . M ˜ ii w3 M with Kc spd and diagonal and Mc spd in generalized arrowhead structure. Massmatrix of AMLS However, since the number of interior degrees of freedom of substructures grows too large in the course of the algorithm, we reduce the dimension only taking advantage of the eigenvalue problem corresponding to the right lower diagonal block, i.e. ˜ii Φi = M ˜ ii Φi Ωi , ΦH M ˜ ii Φi = I. K i Applying the congruence transformation with T = diag{I, I, Φi , I} and dropping all rows and columns in the third block if the corresponding eigenvalue exceeds the cut-off frequency we further reduce the dimension of the eigenproblem. Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 33 / 45 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Container ship We substructured the FE model of the container ship by Metis with 4 levels of substructuring. Neglecting eigenvalues exceeding 20,000 and 40,000 on all levels AMLS produced a projected eigenvalue problem of dimension 451 and 911, respectively. Eigenvalue problems 2012 34 / 45 Example FEM model of 2D problem in vibrational analysis with linear Lagrangean elements. n = 68 862 degrees of freedom. Method Arnoldi Jacobi-Davidson 0 10 10 eigvals 10.7 42.2 50 eigvals 37.8 148.3 200 eigvals 221.1 901.9 secs secs −1 10 AMLS −2 10 ωc 10 ∗ λ50 40 ∗ λ50 50 ∗ λ50 65 ∗ λ50 −3 10 −4 10 −5 10 −7 0 5 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) 10 15 20 25 AMLS 30 35 40 45 50 Eigenvalue problems 2012 tsolve 1.7 7.5 10.3 14.7 nc 418 1407 1720 2166 max.err. 10 0.14% 0.014% 0.0097% 0.0068% max.err. 50 3.63% 0.37% 0.24% 0.15% max.err. 200 25.2% 2.67% 1.75% 1.05% Even this quite small sized eigenvalue problems demonstrates that AMLS becomes competitive if a large number of eigenvalues is wanted the accuracy of which need not be too high. −6 10 10 tred 205.7 209.1 209.2 211.3 35 / 45 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 36 / 45 Connected beams Connected beams ct. We report on the performance of AMLS for a FE model of a structure of connected beams For the following analysis a discretization with linear Lagrangean elements with n = 517161 DoFs is used. The AMLS method is applied with cut-off frequency ωc = 4 · 109 . Due to the linear elements the matrices are relatively sparse resulting in small interfaces over all levels. Consequently, the eigenvalue problems are small as well, which can be seen in the average size of the eigenvalue problems on each level. The computer used is a 32-bit workstation with a 3.0 GHz Pentium and 1.5 GByte memory. AMLS is implemented (by Kolja Elssel) in C using METIS for computing graph partitions and LAPACK. Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 37 / 45 Connected beams ct. The distribution of component normal modes over the levels is typical for large scale problems. The average number of component normal modes (CNM) for the interface and substructure eigenvalues problems that are below the cut-off frequency decreases on lower levels. Quite commonly no CNMs are used for the lowest level substructures. Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 38 / 45 Connected beams ct. The following table contains substructuring information for AMLS level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 nsub 1 2 4 9 27 55 110 220 440 882 1060 953 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) Avg.EVP size 681 537 376 548 425 309 268 160 87 126 112 153 AMLS The limiting factors for the applicability of the algorithm are the computational time and the memory requirements. For the computations discussed external storage was used to store contemporary data and data needed for subsequent calculations such as the computation of Ritz vectors. The following figure shows the memory consumption and the temporary storage needed by the algorithm. Avg. # CNM (Σ) 39.00 (39) 11.50 (23) 7.00 (28) 9.67 (87) 4.70 (127) 2.80 (154) 1.04 (114) 0.19 (41) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) Eigenvalue problems 2012 The large peak at the beginning of the calculation and in the middle are due the graph partitioner which computes partitions for the graph corresponding to the system matrices. For larger systems this becomes a limiting factor. For systems which have a denser structure the size of the interface problems become larger and cause problems with memory consumption and the solution of the interface eigenvalue problems. 39 / 45 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 40 / 45 Connected beams ct. Connected beams ct. Memory allocation profile of AMLS method The computational time for this problem can be roughly divided into three parts. With 60% the largest part of the computational time is spent on matrix multiplications resulting from the variable transformations in step 2 of the AMLS algorithm. 700 Memory Harddisk Memory Allocation [MByte] 600 500 The second largest part is with 20% due to the eigenvalue solver, followed by the solution of linear systems of equations with 15%. 400 The remaining five percent consist of matrix partitioning (about 3%), matrix substructuring and algorithmic overhead. 300 200 Note, the matrix multiplications originating from the eigensolver and the linear system solver are included into their respective percentages and are not included in the percentage of the matrix multiplications. 100 0 0 50 100 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) 150 200 250 300 Time [seconds] 350 400 AMLS 450 500 Eigenvalue problems 2012 41 / 45 Connected beams ct. One of the largest systems which has been reduced with the AMLS method has been discretized with linear Lagrange elements and has n = 1 951 170 degrees of freedom (about 78 million non-zeros in the stiffness matrix and 26 million in the mass matrix). The computational time for this discretization is tred = 5 431 seconds (approximately 1.5 hours). Eigenvalue problems 2012 42 / 45 Eigenvalue problems 2012 Another discretization has been computed with quadratic Lagrange elements and has n = 1 270 947 degrees of freedom. Here, the interface problems are larger than for the linear Lagrange element system. For instance the highest level has 2 202 degrees of freedom and the average size of eigenvalue problems on the fourth level is 1 019. The reduction over 13 levels and nsub = 8 223 substructures takes tred = 4 161 seconds. Significantly raising the cut-off frequency to ωc = 1011 results in a nc = 10 240 dimensional system. Bisections are used for the substructuring which results in nsub = 13 694 substructures over nlevel = 14 levels. AMLS AMLS Connected beams ct. To compare the scalability other discretization of the same model have been computed. Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) Notice that the computational time increases by less than 3%. 43 / 45 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) AMLS Eigenvalue problems 2012 44 / 45 Connected beams ct. Results of AMLS applied to large linear eigenvalue problems Elements Linear Linear Quadratic Quadratic Linear Linear n 517 161 517 161 1 270 947 1 270 947 1 951 170 2 297 175 Heinrich Voss (Hamburg University of Technology) ωc 4·108 4·109 4·109 1·1011 4·109 4·109 nc 218 613 653 10 240 648 651 AMLS nsub 3 763 3 763 8 223 8 223 13 694 15 283 nlevel 12 12 13 13 14 14 tred 499 sec 502 sec 4 161 sec 4 232 sec 5 431 sec 7 928 sec Eigenvalue problems 2012 45 / 45
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