Hidden Talent Counts for Nothing... ...Discover the True Value Within 1993-2013 CAREER POINT Academic Excellence CAREER POINT S T ltu reate your Tomorrow th th Special Edition for 7 to 10 Students March 2014 Inaugural Issue Scholarship & Admission Test th th th FOR CLASS: 7 , 8 , 9 & 10 th CP-SAT DATE : rd th th th 23 Mar, 2014 | 30 Mar, 2014 | 06 Apr, 2014 | 13 Apr, 2014 Venue : All CP Branches Syllabus : Previous Class Course Timing : 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Pattern : Multiple Choice Questions Get S T & GO... to Shape your career with Career Point School Excellence + NTSE & Olympiads + Foundation for Competitive Exam CP-SAT Benefits Scholarships upto 50% S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 Marks obtained (%) Scholarship (%) More than 90 50 90 - 80 40 80-70 30 70-60 20 60-50 10 HIGHLIGHTS List of n National & International Scholarship Exams Benefits n How to Apply : Get application form & information booklet on cash payment of ` 500 from our nearest branch. How to n Brain n Knowledge of Early Start Improve Self Confidence Motivational n For more details : Type CP <> PFD and send to 56767 | Helpline No.: 76657-17000, 76657-18000 SCAM-2014 Story Teasers & Jokes Indian n Event of the month... Scientists and their Achievements Date : 28 to 30 March, 2014 Venue : All CP Branches CAREER POINT KOTA (H.O): CP Tower, Road No.-1 IPIA, Kota (Rajasthan)-324005 Tel: 0744-3040000, 2430505 OUR BRANCHES Alwar Jaipur (Gopalpura Bypass) Jaipur (Vidhyadhar Nagar) Jodhpur Kakrapar Kovilpatti www.careerpoint.ac.in : : : : : : Ph: 0144-2700785, 2700786, Mob: 9672977516 Ph: 0141-2762774, 2763630 Ph: 0141-2334823, 2337191 Ph: 0291-2616192, 2611192, Mob: 9672977110 Mob: 9712934289 Mob: 9865524620 [email protected] www.facebook.com/cpkota Nagpur Patna Kapurthala Sikar Sriganganagar : : : : : Ph: 0712-3229992, 2565149 Ph: 0612-2521030 Mob: 9888009053 Ph: 01572-248118, 248119 Ph: 0154-2474748, 2474749 CAREER POINT You Tube www.youtube.com/careerpointlabs www.twitter/careerpointkota PRE-FOUNDATION DIVISION Website: www.careerpoint.ac.in | E-mail: [email protected] CAREER POINT ltu 7th to 10th | NTSE | Olympiad 7th to 10th | NTSE | Olympiad reate your Tomorrow CAREER POINT From the Director's Desk Pre-Foundation Division Class 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th NTSE, Olympiads and National / International Exams + Excellence in School Dear Students You want success, you want to win, you wish to become a great leader, you aspire to crown yourself with name, fame and glory. You can have any, all or many more rewards if you are ready to dare, act decisively and persist with your efforts resolutely. You have to be bold, plucky and enterprising. You have to use some initiative and take the plunge. Introduction Pre-Foundation division imparts knowledge and builds strong aptitude, analytical skills, personality full of positive attitude and confidence at right time to ensure lifelong success. Courses aim at utilising the time, effort and full potential of students. Experienced faculty team, result oriented study material, regular tests and smart feedback with engaging teaching in free educational environment ensure sound academic development. Social and intellectual development of is also done through regular workshops, motivational & spiritual sessions, participating in various national and international academic events etc. While taking care of school education and other exams, student are also prepared for future exam like IIT-JEE, AIEEE, Pre-Medical. CA. MBA etc. Overall this division brings positive changes the student’s personality and embed all ingredients of success deeply in mind to prepare student ready for all future challenges. Education System Helping explore an aspirant their latent talent through innovative and interactive teaching methodology Success, as we repeatedly assert, is not a matter of luck or genius. If others can become great, shine as masters and gain glory, power and wealth, you too can. Everything is within your reach. All you have to do is to reach out and take it. Success depends on hard work, courage and imagination. ltu reate your Tomorrow National & International Scholarship Exams NTSE National Talent Search Examination National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is a national-level scholarship program in India to identify and recognize students with extremely high intellect and academic talent. Only students studying in Class X are eligible to appear for the selection process. As it is organized by an official body (NCERT), it is widely regarded by the Government of India as the toughest and most prestigious examination at high school level in the country. The International Junior Science Olympiad (or just IJSO) is an international science competition for students not older than 15 years old. It is one of the international science Olympiads. The First level of exam is conducted by IAPT (Indian Association of Physics Teachers). The IESO is an annual competition for secondary school students (students not older than 18 years old on July the 1st of the year of the Olympiad). The students have to test their skills in all major areas of Earth sciences, including geology, geophysics, meteorology, oceanography, terrestrial astronomy and environmental sciences. International Earth Science Olympiad SCIENCE OLYMPIAD TM Exploring the World of Science National Standard Examinations (NSE) in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy : NSEP, NSEC, NSEB, NSEA is the first stage of the Olympiad Program in the respective subject. Qualified students from these Olympiads will appear for the International Science Olympiad. The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is the World Championship Mathematics Competition for High School students and is held annually in a different country. The first IMO was held in 1959 in Romania, with 7 countries participating. It has gradually expanded to over 100 countries from 5 continents. IMO 2012 was held in Mar del Plata, Argentina. IMO 2013 was held in Santa Marta, Colombia. Success is within the reach of anyone and everyone of us. It mainly depends on hard work and indomitable determination. Above all, it is riveted to your faith in yourself, In other words, it is your will power, optimism and positive attitude which truly matter. If you think you will win and act accordingly, you are bound to win in the end. KISHORE VAIGYANIK PROTSAHAN YOJANA NATIONAL FELLOWSHIPS FOR STUDENTS INTERESTED IN RESEARCH CAREERS fd'kksj oSKkfud izksRlkgu ;kstuk KVPY Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana ( KVPY) is a scholarship program funded by the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of India, aimed at encouraging students to take up research careers in the areas of basic sciences, engineering and medicine. It offers scholarship and contingency grants up to the pre-Ph.D. level to selected students. Started in 1999, it is administered by the Indian Institute of Science. State Science Talent Search Examination (SSTSE) is prestigious exam is conducted by Rajasthan State Government every year to identify and reward meritorious students and encourage education in the science. This is conducted at the state level, exclusively for students studying in Rajasthan. Yours truly With Best Wishes for Your Future. Pramod Maheshwari B.Tech., IIT-Delhi CMD, Career Point Audio-Visual Teaching Personality Development Activities Sports Activities: For fitness and physical Health Guest Lectures & Special Motivational Seminars you have energy, we'll give you the momentum Do you wish to be great? Then begin by being. Do you desire to construct a vast and lofty fabric? Think first about the foundations of humility. The higher your structure is to be, the deeper must be its foundation. - Saint Augustine CAREER POINT ltu 7th to 10th | NTSE | Olympiad reate your Tomorrow CAREER POINT List of Talent Search Examination S.NO. EXAM NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 STATE SCIENCE TALENT SEARCH EXAMINATION (SSTSE) TECHNOTHLON 2013 (Prelim) NATIONAL TALENT SEARCH EXAMINATION (NTSE Stage-I) NATIONAL TALENT SEARCH EXAMINATION (NTSE Stage-II) NATIONAL STANDARD EXAMINATION IN JUNIOR SCIENCE (NSEJS) NATIONAL STANDARD EXAMINATION IN BIOLOGY (NSEB) NATIONAL STANDARD EXAMINATION IN ASTRONOMY (NSEA) INTERNATIONAL EARTH SCIENCE OLYMPIAD (IESO) NATIONAL MATHS TALENT CONTEST (NMTC) FIRST LEVEL NATIONAL MATHS CONFERENCE REGIONAL MATHEMATICS OLYMPIAD (RMO) NATIONAL SCIENCE OLYMPIAD (NSO) FIRST LEVEL INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS OLYMPIAD (IMO) FIRST LEVEL NATIONAL CYBER OLYMPIAD (NCO) FIRST LEVEL INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH OLYMPIAD (IEO) NATIONAL SCIENCE TALENT SEARCH EXAMINATION (NSTSE) UNIFIED CYBER OLYMPIAD (UCO) RAMANUJAN INTERSCHOOL MATHS COMP. AMITY NOIDA BAL SHREE AWARDS S.NO. EXAM NAME EXAMINATION EXAM ELIGIBILITY LEVEL WEB SITE EXAM DATE CONDUCTING BODY STATE LEVEL http://dst.rajasthan.gov.in Nov, 2014 NATIONAL NATIONAL Students studying in class X in Raj. State. (It's a state competition, conducted by Dept. of Science Students studying in class X Students studying in class X Department of Science and Technology Rajasthan & Tech. Rajasthan) IIT Guhawati Rajasthan Government NATIONAL Students selected in NTSE Stage-I www.ncert.nic.in May, 2014 NATIONAL Indian Students born on or after 1st Jan,1999 and studying in class X or lower as on 30th Nov,2013 www.iapt.org.in Nov, 2014 NATIONAL Indian Students born on or after 1st July,1994 and studying in class XII or lower as on 30th Nov,2013 www.iapt.org.in Nov, 2014 Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) NATIONAL Indian Students born on or after 1st July, 1995 and www.iapt.org.in studying in class XII or lower as on 30th Nov,2013 Nov, 2014 Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) NATIONAL Students studying in class XI April, 2014 NATIONAL International Geoscience Education Organisation Association of Mathematics Teachers of India (AMTI) www.technothlon.techniche.org July, 2014 www.ncert.nic.in Nov, 2014 National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) Students studying in class V to XII Aug, 2014 NATIONAL Open to all students www.amtionline.com Jan, 2014 NATIONAL Students studying in class IX to XII www.olympiads.hbcse.tifr.res.in Dec, 2014 NATIONAL Students studying in class I to XII www.sofworld.org Nov, 2014 Association of Mathematics Teachers of India (AMTI) National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) Science Olympiad Foundation NATIONAL Students studying in class I to XII www.sofworld.org Dec, 2014 Science Olympiad Foundation NATIONAL Students studying in class II to XII www.sofworld.org Oct, 2014 Science Olympiad Foundation NATIONAL Students studying in class I to XII www.sofworld.org Jan, 2014 Science Olympiad Foundation NATIONAL Students studying in class II to XII www.unifiedcouncil.com Feb, 2014 Unified Council, Hyderabad NATIONAL NATIONAL Students studying in class II to X Students studying in class IV to XII www.unifiedcouncil.com www.amity.edu/ais/aisn Sep, 2014 Oct- Dec, 2014 Unified Council, Hyderabad AMITY University, Noida NATIONAL Students of age group between 9 to 16 years www.nationalbalbhavan.nic.in Not Declared National Bal Bhawan, Noida GEOGRAPHY OLYMPIAD BY IBGB LEARNING SOCIETY NATIONAL www.geogeniusindia.com Feb, 2014 IBGB LEARNING SOCIETY 21 IRIS SCIENCE FAIR NATIONAL / INTERNATIONAL SUB JUNIOR Students of class II to IV JUNIOR Students of class V to VII SENIOR Students of class VIII to X Students studying in class V to XII http://www.irissciencefair.org/ N/A 22 SMITH SUMMER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING PROGRAM (SSEP) OXBRIDGE SUMMER PROGRAM EPGY SUMMER WORKSHOP STANFORD, USA CAMBRIDGE ESOL EXAMINATION (YLE) INTERNATIONAL Girls studying in class IX to XII www.smith.edu/summer programs/ssep/programm.php June to July, 2014 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 CAMBRIDGE ESOL EXAMINATION (KET) CAMBRIDGE ESOL EXAMINATION (PET) ltu reate your Tomorrow [Continue...] www.sites.google.com/ site/ineso555/home www.amtionline.com 8 7th to 10th | NTSE | Olympiad 28 CAMBRIDGE ESOL EXAMINATION (FCE) CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CHAMPIONSHIP GRADED EXAMINATION OF SPOKEN ENGLISH (GESE) OF TRINITY COLLEGE LONDON A-STAR INDIA YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP 29 30 EXAMINATION EXAM ELIGIBILITY LEVEL WEB SITE EXAM DATE CONDUCTING BODY INTERNATIONAL Suitable for classes IX to XI www.britishcouncil.in Dec, 2014 Cambridge University, England INTERNATIONAL Suitable for classes IV to IX www.britishcouncil.in Oct, 2014 Cambridge University, England INTERNATIONAL www.trinitycollege.co.uk Nov, 2014 Trinity College of London www.moe.gov.sg/education/ scholarships/astar Aug - Sep, 2014 (Test) & Oct-Nov 2014 (Interview) Aug-14 (Summer) Session 2 to 6 Dec-14 Winter Session Ministry of Education Singapore 32 ASSET EDUCATIONAL INITIATIVE IIM-A INTERNATIONAL 33 AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CHEMISTRY QUIZ (ANCQ) QUANTA, CMS LUCKNOW EUREKA INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL YOUNG MATHEMATICIANS CONVENTION (IYMC) UNIFIED INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH OLYMPIAD (UIEO) INTERNATIONAL Initial Stage Students studying in Grade 1-3 Element. stage Students studying in Grade 4-6 Inter. stage Students studying in Grade 4-6 Advanced stage Students studying in Grade 10-12 Born between 1998 and 2000. Completed Standard 8 in the Year 2014. Possess a high level of oral and written competency in English. ENGLISH Students studying in class III to XII MATHS Students studying in class III to XII SCIENCE Students studying in class III to XII S.S.T. Students studying in class V to XII Students studying in class VI to XII INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL Students studying in class VIII to XII Students studying in class III to VIII Students studying in class VIII to XII www.cmseducation.org www.cmseducation.org/quanta www.cmseducation.org/quanta INTERNATIONAL Students studying in class II to X www.unifiedcouncil.com 31 34 35 36 37 INTERNATIONAL www.ei-india.com Educational Initiative IIMA www.ancq.com Nov, 2014 First week of Dec, 2014 City Montessori School, Lucknow City Montessori School, Lucknow Nov, 2014 Unified Council, Hyderabad Admission Announcement for Session 2014-15 Year Long Classroom Contact Program Classroom Course for Class 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th ACTION COURSE MISSION COURSE For Class VII For Class VIII AIM COURSE For Class IX PRE-FOUNDATION For Class X Admission through CP-SAT 2014 DST (Department of Science Technique), CII (confederation of Indian Industry) & Intel Smith College Northampton England Classes Start From : 10 th April 2014 | 10th July 2014 Important : n Coverage of School Syllabus : Science, Maths, SST, English & MAT for Competitive Examinations. n Separate Batch for Hindi Medium Students (for 9 th & 10th Class) n Transport Facility Available INTERNATIONAL Students studying in class VIII to XII www.oxbridgeprograms.com July to Aug, 2014 Cambridge University, England Study Support Rebate for Pre-Foundation Courses INTERNATIONAL Students studying in class IX and X June - Aug , 2014 Stanford University, USA S.No. INTERNATIONAL Oct, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Starters Suitable for classes I to V Movers Suitable for classes I to V Flyers Suitable for classes I to V Suitable for classes VI & VII www.epgy.stanford. edu/summer/ www.britishcouncil.in www.britishcouncil.in Oct, 2014 Cambridge University, England Cambridge University, England Cambridge University, England Cambridge University, England INTERNATIONAL Suitable for classes VII & VIII www.britishcouncil.in Oct, 2014 Cambridge University, England 1 Top 3 All India Rank holders in any Maths / Science Olympiad in previous Standard 50% Distance Learning Program : Study Material Package 2 Top 100 Rank All India Rank Holders in any Maths / Science Olympiad in previous Standard 25% for class 7th to 10th 3 students who got A+ in all subject or scored 95% (aggregate) above 10% 4 Two or more real brother/sister studying in CP in the same session (to each child) 10% 5 Real brother/sister of old CP Student 10% 6 Wards of Defense/Police Personnel currently in service 7 CP-SAT Scholarship Criteria Scholarship 10% 10%-50% [Syllabus covers school academics along with NTSE and other Olympiads] CAREER POINT ltu 7th to 10th | NTSE | Olympiad 7th to 10th | NTSE | Olympiad reate your Tomorrow CAREER POINT i zsj . k k R e d d F k k Benefits of Early Start C k M +k c u u sd sf y , c M +k l k sp k s th th th th Classes 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 are very important stage during student journey. This is the time when he can prepare himself for various exams like NTSE and Olympiads, as well as lay strong foundation for the future competitive exams. Here are some benefits : + Strong Foundation : In depth concept building and clarity of subjects lay strong base for the students. + Stress Free : Students can avoid undue pressure at last time of exams and get enough time for revision as well as one get to know their strong or weak subjects on which they can improve. + Competitive Advantage: Chances of selection get higher in competitive exams as you are already ahead of those people who are preparing for these exams in 11th or 12th. + Dual Advantage: Student become good in school exams as well as can crack different competitive exams like NTSE and Olympiads which boost their confidence. + Skills enhancement: Children learn new skills like fast calculation, mathematical short cuts and techniques, personality development like English speaking and team building through various curricular activities, learning methods like remembering formulas, properties of elements and chemical reactions in chemistry. + Right guidance at right time: Parents get good guidance from the experts and performance analysis at regular intervals .+ Goal achievement and time saving: Due to early start, student can crack different entrance exams like IIT-JEE, AIEEE, AIPMT, CA, CS etc. and can save drop year or two for the preparation. + Adaptability of competitive environment : When student appears in these kind of exams, he improves his performance by manifold. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. Winston Churchill (Former British PM) v R ; ar x j h c i f j o k j d k , d c sj k st x k j ; qo d u k Sd j h d h r y k ’ k e sa f d l h n wl j s’ k g j t k u sd sf y , j sy x k M +h l sl Q j d j j g k F k k A ? k j e sa d H k h & d H k k j g h l C t h c u r h F k h ] b l f y , m l u sj k L r se sa [ k k u sd s f y , f l Q Zj k sV h ; k ag h j [ k h F k h A v k / k k j k L r k x qt j t k u sd sc k n m l sH k w[ k y x u sy x h ]v k Sj o g f V f Q u e sa l sj k sV h ; k af u d k y d j [ k k u sy x k A m l d s[ k k u sd k r j h d k d qN v t h c F k k ] o g j k sV h d k , d V qd M +k y sr k v k Sj m l s f V f Q u d sv U n j d qN , sl sM k y r k e k u k sj k sV h d sl k F k d qN v k Sj H k h [ k k j g k g k s] t c f d m l d si k l r k s f l Q Z j k sV h ; k a F k h A m l d h b l Scientists g j d r d k s v k l i k l d s v k Sj or Eng t ineer Doc n wl j s; k = k h n s[ k d j g Sj k u g k sj g s CA F k sA o g ; qo d b j c k j j k sV h d k , d V qd M +k y sr k v k Sj > wB e wB d k f V f Q u e sa M k y r k v k Sj [ k k r k A l H k h l k sp j g sF k sf d v k f [ k j o g ; qo d , sl k D ; k sa d j j g k F k k A v k f [ k j d k j , d O ; f ä l s j g k u g h ax ; k v k Sj m l u sm l l si wN g h f y ; k f d ^ ^ H k S; k r qe , sl k D ; k sa d j j g sg k s] r qE g k j si k l l C t h r k s g Sg h u g h af Q j j k sV h d sV qd M +s d k sg j c k j [ k k y h f V f Q u e sa M k y d j , sl s[ k k j g sg k se k u k sm l e sa l C t h g k sA * * r c m l ; qo d u st c k o f n ; k ] ^ ^ H k S; k ] b l [ k k y h < D d u e sa l C t h u g h ag Sy sf d u e sa v i u se u e sa ; g l k sp d j [ k k j g k g wa d h b l e sa c g qr l k j k v k p k j g S] e Sa v k p k j d sl k F k j k sV h [ k k j g k g waA * * f Q j O ; f ä u si wN k ] ^ ^ [ k k y h < D d u e sa v k p k j l k sp d j l w[ k h j k sV h d k s[ k k j g sg k sr k sD ; k r qE g sa v k p k j d k L o k n v k j g k g S\ * * ^ ^ g k ¡f c Y d qy v k j g k g S] e Sa j k sV h d sl k F k v k p k j l k sp d j [ k k j g k g w¡ v k Sj e q> sc g qr v P N k H k h y x j g k g SA * * ; qo d u st o k c f n ; k A m l d sb l c k r d k sv k l i k l d s; k f = k ; k sa u sl qu k ] v k Sj m U g h e sa l s , d O ; f ä c k sy k ] ^ ^ t c l k sp u k g h F k k r qe v k p k j d h t x g i j e V j & i u h j l k sp r s] ’ k k g h x k sH k h l k sp r s-r qE g sa b u d k L o k n f e y t k r k A r qE g k j sd g u sd se qr k f c d r qe u sv k p k j l k sp k r k sv k p k j d k L o k n v k ; k r k sv k Sj L o k f n " V p h t k asd sc k j se sal k sp r sr k sm u d k L o k n v k r k A l k sp u k g h F k k r k sH k y k N k sV k D ; k sa l k sp sa r qE g sr k sc M +k l k sp u k p k f g , F k k A f e = k k sa b l d g k u h l sg e sa ; g f ’ k { k k f e y r h g Sf d t Sl k l k sp k sx so Sl k i k v k sx sA N k sV h l k sp g k sx h r k sN k sV k f e y sx k ] c M +h l k sp g k sx h r k sc M +k f e y sx k A b l f y , t h o u e sa g e s’ k k c M +k l k sp k sA c M +s l i u sn s[ k k s] r k s g e s’ k k c M +k g h i k v k sx sA N k sV h l k sp e sa H k h m r u h g h Å t k Zv k Sj l e ; [ k i r g k sx h f t r u h c M +h l k sp e sa] b l f y , t c l k sp u k g h g Sr k s g e s’ k k c M +k g h l k sp k sA ? ltu reate your Tomorrow Brain Teasers 1. For which of the following disciplines is Nobel Prize awarded? (a) Physics and Chemistry (b) Physiology or Medicine (c) Literature, Peace and Economics (d) All of the above 2. Hitler party which came into power in 1933 is known as (a) Labour Party (b) Nazi Party (c ) Ku-Klux-Klan (d) Democratic Party 3. The first death anniversary day of Sri Rajiv Gandhi was observed as the (a) National Integration Day (b) Peace and Love Day (c) Secularism Day (d) Anti-Terrorism Day 4. How many gold medals have been won by India in the Olympics so far? (a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10 5. Film and TV institute of India is located at (a) Pune (Maharashtra) (b) Rajkot (Gujarat) (c)Pimpri (Maharashtra) (d) Perambur (Tamilnadu) 6. Where did the 1st ODI match was played in India? (a) New Delhi (b) Ahmedabad (c) Kolkata (d) Mumbai 7. The ozone layer restricts (a)Visible light (c) X-rays and gamma rays (d)Ultraviolet radiation 8. Who was the first Indian Chief of Army Staff of the Indian Army ? (a) Gen. K.M. Cariappa (b) Vice-Admiral R.D. Katari (b) Infrared radiation (c) Gen. Maharaja Rajendra Singhj (d)None of the above 9. Durand Cup is associated with the game of (a) Cricket (b) Football (c) Hockey (d) Volleyball 10. For seeing objects at the surface of water from a submarine under water, the instrument used is (a) Kaleidoscope (b) Periscope (c) Spectroscope Answer Key 1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (A) 6. (B) 7. (D) (d) Telescope 8. (A) 9. (B) 10. (B) g al x qY y s , d d at wl v i u s[ k sr e sa t k j g k F k k A , d k , d m l s, d d k aV k p qH k x ; k A o g c M +h c g k n qj h l sd k aV k f u d k y r s g q; sc k sy k ] [ k qn k r sj k y k [ k & y k [ k ’ k qØ g Sf d ] ^ ^ e Sa t wr si g u d j u g h av k ; k o j u k e sj sv P N st wr se sa l wj k [ k i M + t k r k A * * , d N k = k u sx f . k r d sv / ; k i d l sd g k & l j !v ax zst h d sv / ; k i d r k sv ax zst h e sa c k r sa d j r sg SA v k i H k h x f . k r e sa c k r D ; k sa u g h ad j r s\ x f . k r d sv / ; k i d & T ; k n k r h u i k ap u d j Q k sj u u k S& n k sX ; k j g g k st k ] u g h ar k sp k j i k ap j [ k n wx k ar k sN B h d k n w/ k ; k n v k t k , x k A l ax h r d sv / ; k i d u sv i u s, d N k = k l si wN k & r qe f d l r k y d sf o " k ; e sa v f / k d t k u r sg k s\ N k = k u sr qj ar m Ù k j f n ; k & l j !e Sa g M r k y d sf o " k ; e sa v f / k d t k u r k g waA n k se f g y k , ad qN l e ; c k n f e y h r k s, d u si wN k & c g u v k i u sj k t wc sV sd k v ax qB k p wl u k d Sl sN qM k ; k \ n wl j h e f g y k & d qN [ k k l u g h a] m l d h u sd j < h y h f l y n h g Sa] o g m l si d M +s j g r k g SA f V ad w¼ c q) wl s½ & c q) w! f d l h p h t d k y ac k l k u k e c r k v k sa c q) w& j c M f V ad w& ; g r k sc g qr N k sV k g SA c q) w& y sf d u b l s[ k h ap d j f t r u k p k g sy ac k d j l d r sg SA CAREER POINT ltu 7th to 10th | NTSE | Olympiad 7th to 10th | NTSE | Olympiad reate your Tomorrow CAREER POINT Self-Confidence c < +k u sd s 10 r j h d s T h o u e as l Q y r k i k u sd sf y , Self Confidence , d c sg n Important Quality g S] t h o u e sa f d l h e qd k e i j i g qap p qd sg j , d O ; f ä e sa v k i d k s; s Quality f n [ k t k , x h ] f Q j p k g so k sd k sb Z Film-Star g k s] d k sb Z Cricketer v k i d si M +k sl d k d k sb ZO ; f ä ] ; k v k i d k si < +k u so k y k f ’ k { k d v k R e f o ’ o k l , d , sl k x q. k g St k sg j f d l h e as g k sr k g S] f d l h e sa d e r k sf d l h e sa T ; k n k ] i j t : j r b l c k r d h g Sf d v i u s level of Confidence d k sc < +k d j , d u , v k Sj c sg r j Level r d y st k ; k t k ; sa A / Dressing sense improve d h f t ; s% v k i f d l r j g l s Dress-up g k sr sg Sa b l d k v l j v k i d s Confidence i j i M +r k g S] g e v k e y k sx k sa d h c k r d j j g sg SaA t c v k i v i u h m Ù k e o s’ k H k q" k k e sa g k sr sg Sa r k sv i u sv k i Confidence c < +t k r k g S] b l f y , t c d H k h d k sb Z Presentation ; k Interview g k sr k g Sr k s g e sa c g qr v P N sl sr S; k j g k su k p k f g , g Sa] D ; k saf d v P N k f n [ k u k v k i d k sy k sx k sa d k l k e u k d j u sd k Confidence n sr k g Sv k Sj b l d sf o i f j r H k n ~n h o s’ k H k q" k k g k su si j v k i c g qr Conscious j g r sg SaA y k sx d j r sg Sa% v i u h d { k k e sa v k i d k s, sl sy k sx t : j f n [ k x sa] f t u l sv k i d k sy x r k g k sx k f d o k sO ; f ä c g qr Confident g Sa , sl sy k sx k sa d k s/ ; k u l sn s[ k sa v k Sj m u d h d qN Activities d k sv i u st h o u e sa y k u sd k i z; k l d j saA t Sl s& u d { k k e sa v k x sc Sf B ; s u d { k k e sa] l sf e u k j e sa ; k o d Z’ k k Wi e sa i z’ u i wf N ; s, o am Ù k j n h f t , u v i u sp y u so c SB u sd sr j h d si j / ; k u n h f t , u n c h g qb Zv k o k t e sa e r c k sf y , u Eye Contact j f [ k ; sv k Sj u t j sa u k p qj k b , sa ltu reate your Tomorrow / t k sp h t v k i d k v k R e f o ’ o k l ? k V k r h g k sm l sc k j & c k j d h f t ; s% d qN y k sx k sa e sa Stage-fear g k sr k g S] r k sd k sb Z Interview e sa u o Zl g k st k r k g S; f n v k i , sl sf d l h e qf ’ d y e sa g Sr k sb l i j d k c wi k u sd k v P N k r j h d k g Sf d f t l d k ; Zl sv k i d k sM j y x r k g Sf d o g v k i d h r k d r c u t k , A / [ k k l v o l j i j [ k k l r S; k j h d j sa% T c d H k h [ k qn d k s Prove d j u sd k e k Sd k g k sm l d k i wj k Q k ; n k m B k , sa] t Sl s& Debate, Quiz, Dancing ; k Singing Competition e sa f g L l k y sj g s g k sa] Test ; k Exam n sj g sg k sA Preparation v k Sj Self-Confidence Directly Proportional g S] f t r u h v P N h r S; k j h g k sx h m r u h v P N k i f j . k k e g k sx k A / Daily v i u k MIT (Most Important Task) i wj k d h f t ; s% ; f n v k i v i u k j k st d k d k e j k st d j r sj g sr k s Workload d e g k sx k A t c H k h v i u k MIT i wj k d j s] m l s, d Success d s: i e sa n s[ k sa [ k qn d k s ’ k k c k ’ k h n sa] y x k r k j MIT d k sd j u sl sv k i d k Confidence c < +sx k A Indian Scientists and their Achievements / o k sd f j , t k s Confident / f d l h H k h , d { k s= k e sae g k j F k g k f l y d j sa g j d k sb Zg j { k s= k e sa Expert u g h ac u l d r k ] y sf d u o k sv i u s Interest d sf g l k c l s, d & n k s Field p qu l d r k g Sf t l e sa o k sc k f d y k sx k sa l sc sg r j d j l d r k g Sa t Sl s& L d wy e sa d k Q h c P p sv k i l si < +k b Ze sa v P N sg k sr sg S] d qN [ k sy & d qn e sa v k x sg k sr sg S; f n v k i x f . k r v P N sg Sr k sv k i m l d { k k e sa Confident j g sx sa v k Sj c k f d N k = k k sa l sv P N sv ad i zk I r d j sx saA v x j v k i f d l h f o " k ; e sa c g qr v P N sg Sa] r k sF k k sM +h l h e sg u r v k Sj d j d sv k i m l e sa Expert c u l d r sg S Prafulla Chandra Ray Satyendra Nath Bose Srinivasa Ramanujan C.V. Raman Famous academician and chemist, known for being the founder of Bengal Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals, India's first pharmaceutical company. Mathematician and physicist; best known for his collaboration with Albert Einstein in formulating a theory related to the gaslike qualities of electromagnetic radiation. Mathematician known for his brilliant contributions to contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series and continued fractions. Physicist who won Nobel Prize in 1930 for his Raman Effect. Homi Jehangir Bhabha Jagadish Chandra Bose Salim Ali A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Theoretical physicist; best known as the chief architect of the Indian atomic energy program. Physicist, biologist and archaeologist who pioneered the investigation of radio and microwave optics. Naturalist who helped develop Ornithology; also known as the “birdman of India”. Known for his crucial role in the development of India's missile and nuclear weapons programs. / v i u s Achievements v k i d s Past Achievements d k s; k n d f j , % v k i d k s Confident Feel d j u se sa help d j sx sa] ; sN k sV h c M +h d k sb ZH k h Achievements g k sl d r h g S] For Example : v k i d H k h d { k k e sa i zF k e v k ; sg k s] f d l h Subject e sa School Top f d ; k g k s] Singing Competition ; k Sport e sa d k sb Zt h r g k f l y d h g k s] d k sb Zc M +k Target Achieve f d ; k g k s] d k sb ZH k h , sl h p h t t k sv k i d k sv P N k Feel d j k , A / Visualized f j , f d v k i Confidentg Sa% v k i d h i c zy l k p s g d h d r c u u sd k j k L r k [ k k t s y r sh g ] Sb l f y , v k i g j j k t s [ k n q d k s, d Confident person d s: i e as l k f sp ; A s Albert Einstein u sH k h Imagination d k s Knowledge l sv f / k d Powerful c r k ; k g ] Sv k j S v k i b l Power d k m i ; k x s d j d sc M s+ l sc M k +d k e d j l d r sg A aS / x y f r ; k ¡d j u sl se r M f j ; s% x y r h d j u k x y r u g h ag S] m l sn k sg j k u k x y r g SA t c r d v k i , d g h x y r h c k j & c k j u g h an k sg j k r sr c r d n j v l y v k i x y r h d j r sg h u g h a] v k i r k s, d i z; k l d j r sg Sa v k Sj b l l sg k su so k y s Experience l sd qN u k d qN l h [ k r sg SaA d b Zc k j g e k j sv U n j o k sl c d qN g k sr k g St k sg e sa f d l h d k e d k sd j u sd sf y , g k su k p k f g , ] i j f Q j H k h Failure d sM j l sg e Confidently m l d k e d k su g h ad j i k r sA Micheal Jordan t k sn qf u ; k d sl o ZJ s" B Basketball Player e k u st k r sg Sa] m u d k d g u k g Sf d ^ ^ e Sa v i u h f t an x h e sa c k j & c k j v l Q y g qv k g w¡ v k Sj b l f y , e Sa l Q y g k sr k g w¡* * d sf y , v ax zst h u k t k u u sd k Excuse e r n h f t ; s% v ax st h d k K k u v k o ’ ; d g S] D ; k saf d f d b l d sK k u l sv k i d b Zv P N h i qL r d sa ; k Article i < +l d r sg SA b l H k k " k k d k K k u Confident g k su sd s f y , v k o ’ ; d u g h ag S] f d l h H k h H k k " k k d k m i ; k sx v i u sf o p k j k sa d k sO ; D r d j u k g k sr k g S] v k Sj v x j v k i ; g h d k e f d l h v k Sj H k k " k k e sa d j l d r sg Sa r k sv k i d sf y , v ax zst h t k u u sd h c k / ; r k u g h ag SA / Low Confidence Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.Swami Vivekanand I never played with a runner in my entire life, even in schools, because only I know where the ball is going and how hard, when I hit the ball, something my runner will never know about. -Sachin Tendulkar CAREER POINT ltu 7th to 10th | NTSE | Olympiad Be a part of the best Knowledge Extravaganza !! reate your Tomorrow Pre-Foundation Division Activities and Achievements Knowledge ACTIVITIES Aeromodelling Workshop SCAM Event: "Skill, Competition, Ask, Music" activity conducted from 8th to 11th May 2013. SCAM-2014 Have Fun Exploring and Learning.... For Class 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th FREE Knowledge Champ at Kota Registration th 26 Date: 28 to 30 March 2014 | Time: 04:00 pm to 7:00 pm Venue: Global Public School, Indra Vihar, Kota for the Event Academic Excellence Award Form Submission Last date th th March 2014 EXCITING EVENTS Students participated in Bal Shree Workshop, held at Regional Bal Bhawan Jaipur, Pre-Foundation Sports Activity th SKILLS 28 March (Friday) th Mind Power Workshop conducted by Mr. Anand Arya (Motivational Speaker) from Kolkata for class 9th & 10th students ASK for development of Study skills and Learning Skills n Self assessment n Need for Career Planning n Why Early Start n Personality Development Skills st n Strategy Quiz competition (1 n round) n Sell out / Ad mad show n Debate / Extempore n Quiz competition (Stage round) Competition n Result declaration & prize ceremony th 29 March (Sat) st "ASK" (Always Seek Knowledge) n Antakshari (1 n n Latest Discoveries & Inventions n "Know your friends" game show n Smart Gadgets & Latest Technology n Antakshari (Stage round) n Test your Knowledge th 30 March (Sun) Music 30 March (Sun) round) n Rock Band Performance n Result declaration & prize ceremony Gandhi Jayanti : Quiz Contest on Mahatma Gandhi How to register for the event ? KOTA (H.O): CP Tower, Road No.-1 IPIA, Kota (Rajasthan)-324005 Tel: 0744-3040000, 2430505 Please Contact your Nearest Branches for Registration Alwar Jaipur (Gopalpura Bypass) Jaipur (Vidhyadhar Nagar) Jodhpur : : : : Ph: 0144-2700785, 2700786, Mob: 9672977516 Ph: 0141-2762774, 2763630 Ph: 0141-2334823, 2337191 Ph: 0291-2616192, 2611192, Mob: 9672977110 Nagpur Patna Sikar Sriganganagar : : : : Ph: 0712-3229992, 2565149 Ph: 0612-2521030 Ph: 01572-248118, 248119 Ph: 0154-2474748, 2474749 ACHIEVEMENTS Varun Sharma & n Piyush Garg (2 year Classroom Students) Selected in RMO 2013. Limited Seats : Entry Strictly Through "ENTRY PASS" 8 Students Selected in International Mathematics Olympiad (IJSO) Level-2 n Kindly fill this form for registration and book your seat now. 9 Students Selected in International Science Olympiad (IJSO) Level-2 n th Students Sarthak Jain, Akshita Maheshwari got Selected in National Children Science Congress at Regional level. th Students Milind Maheshwari, Ishan Jain, Manthan Mudgal got Selected in National Children Science Congress at Stage level. Class 10 n Class 10 n th Class 10 n Students Ravi Jain's Project "Energy Garden" Selected in National Level in National Children Science Congress held at Bhopal (MP). Ayush Khandelwal Selected and got scholarship in NTSE-2013 conducted by NCERT. n in 2nd Round IOS-2012-13 conducted by Silver Zone Foundation, New Delhi. Sumedha Raj and Punit Gurbani Selected in NMTC Exam (1st round) Over all 17 students participated. n Latest passport size Photograph Regd. No. ......... Name Address :....................................................................................................................................................................................... City...............................................................State........................................................................................................... st Aditya Anand secured State Rank-1 n 10 students selected at 2 n nd round IOS-2012-13 conducted by Silver Zone Foundation, New Delhi. :....................................................................................................................................Class : ........................................ Mobile : ..........................................................................Phone : ................................................................................................ E-mail : ......................................................................................................................................................................................
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