CURRICULUM VITAE Mr Thierry D. Pache, MBA, MD, PhD February

Mr Thierry D. Pache, MBA, MD, PhD
February 2014
Family name
Christian name
Date of birth
Origin from
Marital status
Thierry Daniel
5th of June 1956
Lausanne (VD) and Ecublens (FR), Switzerland
married, 3 children
Home address
La Williamine, CH-1095 Lutry, Switzerland
Ob/gyn practice
Tel + fax
Ch de la Prairie 2, CH-1815 Clarens/Montreux, Switzerland
++41 - 21 - 981 24 00/01 (Fax) ++41 - 21 - 981 24 02
[email protected]
Av. Adrien Lachenal 12, CH-1207 Geneva, Switzerland
++41 – 22 – 735 53 20
Schools attended
1967 to 1973, Collège secondaire, Lausanne
1973 to 1976, Gymnase du Belvédère, Lausanne
1973, Certificat d’études secondaires
1976, Baccalauréat ès lettres (Langues Modernes)
1976, Certificat (D) de Maturité Fédérale
Medical education
1980-1982, pre-graduate clinical training in Switzerland (UNIVERSITY OF
Medical degrees
1984, Diplôme Fédéral de Médecin, UNIVERSITY OF LAUSANNE MEDICAL
SCHOOL, Switzerland
1988, Certificat Universitaire en Echographie Gynécologique et Obstétricale,
1989, MD, Doctorat en Médecine, UNIVERSITY OF LAUSANNE, Switzerland
1990, Certificate in training for clinical trials, ERASMUS UNIVERSITY, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands
1993, Ph.D. (gynaecological endocrinology), ERASMUS UNIVERSITY, Rotterdam
1993, Spécialiste FMH (Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum) en Gynécologie et
Obstétrique, Switzerland
2002, Spécialiste FMH Médecine de la Reproduction et endocrinologie gynécologique
2005, Predictive Medicine Inter-University Diploma , UNIVERSITY OF NANCY &
2010. American Academy of Cosmetic Gynecologists Certificate, U.S.A.
French, mother language
Fluency in Italian
Fluency in Dutch
-Fluency in English
-Fluency in Spanish
From May 1984 to September 1984
Private practice in General Medicine, Les Diablerets, Switzerland (Dr.J.Daubercie)
From October to March 1985
Resident, Department of Neurosurgery, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne,
Switzerland Prof Dr Tribolet, Chairman. Prof Dr R.Campiche)
From April 1985 to March 1986
Resident, Department of General Surgery, Hôpital de Morges, Morges, Switzerland (Prof Dr G.Chapuis, Dr P
Babaiantz, Dr A Boitzy)
From April 1986 to September 1986
Resident, Department of E.N.T. and Neck Surgery, CHUV (Prof Dr M. Savary, Chairman)
From October 1986 to March 1989
Resident and chief resident, Department of Gynaecology and Obstétrics, Hôpital de Morges (Dr R. Born, Dr
P.Y.Dubuis )
From April 1989 to September 1991
Resident, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Dijkzigt Academic Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
(Prof Dr A.C. Drogendijk, Chairman, Prof Dr H.C.S. Wallenburg, Prof Dr J.W. Wladimiroff ) Clinical Research
Fellow, Section of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics,
Dijkzigt Academic Hospital ( Head, Dr B.C.J.M.Fauser )
From October 1991 to October 1993
Resident, chief resident, chef de clinique adjoint, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, CHUV (Prof Dr
P. de Grandi, Chairman, Prof Dr H.Bossart)
From November 1993 to August 1995
Resident, chef de clinique, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Cantonal Hospital (HCUG),
Geneva, Switzerland (Prof Dr A.Campana, Chairman. Prof Dr F.Béguin, Prof Dr F.Krauer ). From April the 1st
of 1994, in the Clinic for Infertility and Gynaecologic Endocrinology, HCUG Prof Dr A.Campana)
- Consultant, Clinic for Infertility and Gynaecologic Endocrinology, WHO Collaborating Centre for Research in
Human Reproduction, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland
- Chargé d’Enseignement, Geneva University School of Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland
- Obstetrics and gynecology practice, Clarens/Montreux, Switzerland
- Director, Montreux Menopause Center®, Montreux, Switzerland
- Consultant, Vanderlick Montchoisi IVF Center, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Consultant, Molecular Diagnosis Center (Cdm), Fribourg, Switzerland (2003 - 2004)
- Consultant, Reproductive Medicine & IVF Center, Clinique Montchoisi, Lausanne Switzerland (1995 - 2004)
- Consultant, Reproductive Medicine & IVF Center, Clinique La Source, Lausanne, Switzerland (2004 - 2007)
- Private practice, Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Clarens/Montreux-Switzerland (1995- Director, (& Founder) Montreux Menopause Center MMC ®, Ch. de la Prairie 2, 1815 Clarens/Montreux
Switzerland (1995-Consultant,Gynaecological endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, CLINIQUE LA PRAIRIE, Montreux,
Switzerland (1995- Consultant, & Teaching Surgery Staff, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department, State Hospital Chablais, Aigle,
Switzerland (1996 - Consultant, GENE PREDICTIS , Center for Predictive Medicine, Site EPFL, PSE-B, 1015 Lausanne,
Switzerland (2004 - Private Practice Consultant – Gynecology, Harley Str. 100/120, London, UK (GMC No 7095958) (2011-2012)
- Private Practice Consultant, Av. Adrien Lachenal 12, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland (2010- Member of the Board, THE SWISS MENOPAUSE SOCIETY (2010-
- Foederation Medicorum Helveticum (1993 - Société suisse de Gynécologie et Obstétrique (1993 - Swiss Bone and Mineral Society (1991- Société Suisse d’Ultrason en Médecine et Biologie (1991- Société Suisse de Fertilité-Stérilité et de Planning Familial (1991 - Société Suisse d’Endocrinologie (1991 - Société Vaudoise de Médecine (1990 - Société Suisse de Ménopause (2001 - Groupement d’Etudes Biologiques Lausanne (1991-1996)
- Association Française pour l’étude de la Ménopause (1993 - Nederlands-Belgische Vereniging voor Fertiliteitsstudie (1989-1995)
- European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (Special Interest Group on Reproductive
Endocrinology) (1990 - International Menopause Society (1995 - North American Menopause Society (1995- American Society for Reproductive Medicine (special Interest Group on Menopause) (1991-1997)
- American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (1991- Society for the Study of Reproduction (1992-1995)
- The Endocrine Society (1992 - The New-York Academy of Sciences (1992-1998)
- American Academy of Cosmetic Gynecologists (2010 -
- Clinical Research Grant in Reproductive Endocrinology (Fonds Louis Reymond), 1989-1990. Société
Académique Vaudoise, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Co-editor-in-chief (founding editor), ULTRASOUND INTERNATIONAL, New-Dehli, India (1992-2000)
- Co-editor-in-chief, GENESIS, Revue de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Endocrinologie, Paris, France (1991-1996)
- Member, Nominating Committee for the Menopause Special Interest Group (1992-1993), The American
- Consultant, Solvay Board. R & D Menopause. Berne, Switzerland (1996 - 2003)
- Teaching staff, Gynaecology and Reproductive Endocrinology. Subriez School for Nurses, Vevey, Switzerland
( 1998 – 2001 )
- Vice Chairman of the Board, PASS THE BATON. Foundation for Organ Donors (2002 – 2004)
- Chairman of the Board, (Founding Member) GENE PREDICTIS Society for Predictive Medicine. Site EPFL, PSE-B,
1015 Lausanne, Switzerland (2004 - Vice Chairman of the Board, ARGOT LAB Society for Pathology and Cytology, Lausanne Switzerland (2004 2008)
- Chairman of the Board, LIONEL PERRIER FOUNDATION, Foundation for Research in Brain Cancer,
Montreux, Switzerland (2005 - 2008)
- JAN & OSCAR FOUNDATION, member of the Board/Vice-President (Founding Member) (2006 –
- Member of the Board (Founding Member), GENE PATH, Society for Molecular Pathology, Lausanne,
Switzerland (2010 -2012)
- Member of the Board, SWISS SOCIETY OF MENOPAUSE (2010 –
TD Pache, JW Wladimiroff, FH de Jong, WC Hop, BCJM Fauser. Growth patterns of non-dominant ovarian
follicles during the normal menstrual cycle. Fertility and Sterility 1990;54:638-42
TD Pache. Recherche et enseignement façonneraient notre avenir. Proposition d’un médecin-assistant.
Bulletin des médecins suisses 1990;71:960-61
BCJM Fauser, TD Pache, SWJ Lamberts, WCJ Hop, FH de Jong, KD Dahl. Serum bioactive and
immunoreactive luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone levels in woman with cycle abnormalities,
with or without polycystic ovarian disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 1991;73:811-17
TD Pache, WCJ Hop, JW Wladimiroff, J Schipper, BCJM Fauser. Transvaginal sonography and abnormal
ovarian appearance in menstrual cycle disturbances. Ultrasound in Medicine and and Biology 1991;17:589-93
TD Pache, S Chadha, LJG Gooren, WCJ Hop, KW Jaarsma, HBR Dommerholt, BCJM Fauser. Ovarian
morphology in long term androgen treated female to male transsexuals. A human model for the study of
polycystic ovarian syndrome ? Histopathology 1991;19:445-52
TD Pache, WCJ Hop, JW Wladimiroff, BCJM Fauser. How to discriminate between normal and polycystic
ovaries. A transvaginal ultrasound study. Radiology 1992;183:421-3
DC Schoot, TD Pache, WCJ Hop, FH de Jong, BCJM Fauser. Growth patterns of ovarian follicles during
induction of ovulation with decreasing doses of human menopausal gonadotropin following presumed selection
in polycystic ovary syndrome patients. Fertility and Sterility 1992;57:1117-20
TD Pache, WCJ Hop, FH de Jong, RA Leerentveld, H van Geldorp, LJG Gooren, TMM v de Kamp, BCJM
Fauser. 17-β estradiol, androstenedione, and inhibin levels in fluid from individual follicles of normal and
polycystic ovaries, and of ovaries from female to male transsexuals. Clinical Endocrinology (Oxf) 1992;36:56571
BCJM Fauser & TD Pache. Echoscopische monitoring van ovariele follikelgroei. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor
Obstetrie & Gynaecologie 1992;105:4-6
BCJM Fauser,TD Pache, WCJ Hop, FH de Jong, KD Dahl. The significance of a single LH measurement in
women with mentrual cycle disturbances:discrepancies between immunoreactive and bioreactive hormone
estimates. Clinical Endocrinology (Oxf) 1992;37:445-52
TD Pache & TJ Cummings. Inclure l’enseignement de l’économie de la santé dans le curriculum des médecins.
Une façon de contenir l’augmentation des coûts ? Schweizerische Medizin Wochenschrift 1992;122:1238-41
TD Pache, FH de Jong, WCJ Hop, BCJM Fauser. Association between ovarian changes assessed by transvaginal
sonography and clinical and endocrine signs of the polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertility and Sterility
RFA Weber, TD Pache, ML Jacobs, R Docter, D Lynn Loriaux, BCJM Fauser, JC Birkenhäger. The relation
between clinical manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome and β-cell function. Clinical Endocrinology (Oxf)
TD Pache, Y Vial, P de Grandi. La croissance folliculaire normale, monitorage par ultrasonographie
endovaginale. La lettre du gynécologue 1993;184:52-54
PJF Donderwinkel, DC Schoot, TD Pache, FH de Jong, WCJ Hop, BCJM Fauser. Luteal function following
ovulation induction in polycystic ovary syndrome patients using exogenous gonadotrophins in combination with
a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist. Human Reproduction 1993;8:2027-32
AGP Schuller, DJ Lindenbergh-Kortleve, TD Pache, EC Zwarthoff, BCJM Fauser, SLS Drop. Insulin-like
growth factor binding protein-2, 28 kDa and 24 kDa insulin-like growth factor binding protein levels are
decreased in fluid of dominant follicles, obtained from normal and polycystic ovaries. Regulatory Peptides
TD Pache & BCJM Fauser. Polycystic ovaries in female-to-male transsexuals. Clinical Endocrinology (Oxf)
DC Schoot, WCJ Hop, TD Pache, FH de Jong, BCJM Fauser. Growth of dominant follicle in spontaneous cycles
and gonadotropin-stimulated polycystic ovary syndrome patients. Acta Endocrinologica (Kbh) 1993;129:126-9
S Chadha, TD Pache, FJM Huikeshoven, AO Brinkmann, ThH van der Kwast. Androgen receptor expression in
human ovarian and uterine tissue of long term androgen-treated transsexual women. Human Pathology
HJHM van Dessel, I Schipper, TD Pache, H van Geldorp, FH de Jong, BCJM Fauser. Normal human follicle
development: a reevaluation of correlations with estradiol, androstenedione, and progesterone levels.
Aldo Campana, Denny Sakkas, Anne Stalberg, Patrizia Grace bianchi, Isabelle Comte, TD Pache and Dilys
Walker. Intrauterine insemination : evaluation of the results according to the women’s age, sperm quality, total
sperm count per insemination and life table analysis. Human Reproduction 1996; vol.11 no 4 pp. 732-736.
F. Luzuy, TD Pache et A. Campana. Le Gynécologue face à l’ostéoporose. Médecine & Hygiène 1997; 55
D. Thiébaud, J.M. Bigler, S. Renteria, TD. Pache, H.J. Welti, M. Landry † and P. Burckhardt. A 3-year study of
prevention of post-menopausal bone loss : conjugated equine estrogens plus medroxyprogesterone acetate versus
tibolone. Cimacteric 1998; 1 : 202-210.
D Thiébaud, JM Bigler, SC Renteria, TD Pache, HJ Welti, M Landry, P Burckhardt. Prevention of
postmenopausal bone loss for three years: conjugated estrogen plus medroxyprogesterone versus tibolone.
J. Menopause 1999; 1 : 19-26.
TD Pache. Intérêt de l’échographie dans le diagnostic différentiel de l’hydrops fetalis non immunologique. M.D.
Thesis. University of Lausanne School of Medicine, Lausanne, Switzerland. 1989;1-65
TD Pache. Cours de Gynécologie - Elèves infirmières de l’Ecole de Soins Infirmiers de Morges (ESIM),
Morges, Switzerland. 1988;1-612.
TD Pache. Echoscopie van normale follikelgroei. In : Echoscopie en voortplanting bij de vrouw. Eds. Post
Academisch Ondermisch Geneeskunde en Gezondheids-wetenschappen (Postgraduate Course), Erasmus
Universiteit, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 1990;17-21
TD Pache, BCJM Fauser. Is bij het polycysteus ovarium syndroom (PCOS) de selectie van de dominante follikel
gestoord ? Annalen van de Nederlands-Belgische Vereniging voor Fertiliteitsstudie 1991;18(1):42-44
BCJM Fauser & TD Pache. Follicular development in polycystic ovary syndrome. In: Postgraduate Course in
Reproductive Medicine. Stolte Seminar. Eds. Post Academisch Onderwijs Geneeskunde en
Gezondheidswetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 1991;114-124
TD Pache & BCJM Fauser. Follicular maturation arrest in polycystic ovary syndrome. Endocrine and
sonographic aspects. Experimental & Clinical Endocrinology 1991;10:1-6
ML Jacobs, JC Birkenhäger, RFA Weber, TD Pache, BCJM Fauser. Insulineresistentie en PCOS. Annalen van
de Nederlands-Belgische Vereniging voor Fertiliteitsstudie 1991;18(2):29-31
TD Pache. Disturbed growth and selection of the human ovarian follicle. Ph.D. Thesis. Erasmus University,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Pasmans Offsetddrukkerij, The Hague, The Netherlands. 1993;1-139
TD Pache. Significance of monitoring ovarian function using transvaginal sonography. In: Clinical Reproductive
Endocrinology and Fertility, Eds. BCJM Fauser & JLH Evers. ESHRE Postgraduate Course No 2. The Hague,
Holland, 1992;40-45
TD Pache. Cours de Gynécologie. Ecole Cantonale Vaudoise de Sage-femmes. Lausanne, Switzerland,1992;125
BCJM Fauser, TD Pache, WCJ Hop, FH de Jong, KD Dahl. The significance of a single LH measurement in
women with menstrual cycle disturbances: discrepancies between immunoreactive and bioactive hormone
estimates. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey 1993;48:273-75
TD Pache. Evidence pour un rôle des androgènes dans l’induction de la transformation polykystique des ovaires:
le modèle transsexuel. Reproduction Humaine et Hormones 1993;6:189-93
RFA Weber, TD Pache, ML Jacobs, R Docter, D Lynn Loriaux, BCJM Fauser, JC Birkenhäger. The relation
between clinical manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome and β-cell function. Obstetrical & Gynecological
Survey 1993;48:558-60
BCJM Fauser, TD Pache, DC Schoot. Dynamics of human follicle development. In: Hsueh AJW & Schomberg
D Eds., Ovarian Cell Interactions; genes to physiology. Serono Symposia Series, Raven Press, New York,
TD Pache. Contragestion post-coïtale, un nouveau mode de contraception par interception. Génésis 1994;2:1921
A Campana & TD Pache. Aménorrhée. Cours d’endocrinologie gynécologique, Facultés de Médecine des
Universités de Genève et Lausanne. 1994;1-19
TD Pache. Ultrasound monitoring of ovarian function and ovarian stimulation. 4th Post-graduate Course for
training in Reproductive Medicine and Reproductive Biology. WHO Collaborating Centre for Research in
Human Reproduction - Clinic for Infertility and Gynecologic Endocrinology, University Hospital, Geneva,
Switzerland. 1994;1-28
TD Pache & A Campana. The use of transvaginal sonography to diagnose polycystic ovaries and polycystic
ovary syndrome. Ultrasonica 1994;2:31-40
BCJM Fauser & TD Pache. Polycystic ovary syndrome : normal and abnormal ovarian follicular development.
In: Ovarian Endocrinopathies. Proceedings of the 8th Reinier de Graaf Symposium (1993), Amsterdam, The
Netherlands. R Schats R & J Schoemaker Eds., Parthenon Publishing, London, United Kingdom, 1994;117-27
C Lelaidier & TD Pache. La dystocie des épaules: ménager les risques et éviter la négligence. Editorial. Génésis,
TD Pache & A. Campana. Transvaginal Ultrasound in Family Planning. Part I: Ovarian Function and
Dysfunction. Training Course on Reproductive Health Services and Research Workshop for Eastern Europe
(WHO Special Progamme of Research Development and research Training in Human Reproduction). Uppsala,
Sweden. 1994;1-9
TD Pache & M Dodson. Transvaginal Ultrasound in Family Planning. Part II: First Trimester Pregnancy Ectopic Pregnancy - Gestational Trophoblastic Disease - IUDs localization - Endometriosis. Training Course on
Reproductive Health Services and Research Workshop for Eastern Europe (WHO Special Programme of
Research Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction). Uppsala, Sweden. 1994;1-16
M Dodson & TD Pache. Clinical uses. In : Melvin Dodson Ed., Transvaginal Ultrasound, 2nd edition. Churchill
Livingstone, New-York, 1995;1-16
M Dodson & TD Pache. Basic principles and equipment. In: Melvin Dodson Ed., Transvaginal Ultrasound, 2nd
edition. Churchill Livingstone, New-York, 1995;17-24
M Dodson & TD Pache. The pelvic ultrasound examination and pelvic anatomy. In: Melvin Dodson Ed.,
Transvaginal Ultrasound, 2nd edition. Churchill Livingstone, New-York, 1995;25-42
M Dodson & TD Pache. The uterus. In: Melvin Dodson Ed., Transvaginal Ultrasound, 2nd edition. Churchill
Livingstone, New-York, 1995;51-71
TD Pache & A Campana. Le diagnostic précoce de la grossesse extra-utérine. Editorial. Génésis, 1994;8:1-3
TD Pache. Les aspects psychosociaux des troubles androgénétiques. Editorial. Génésis, 1995;10:1-2
TD Pache. Transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvis. Normal ovaries, What are they ? Ultrasound International,
TD Pache, BCJM Fauser, S. Chadha. Conséquences d’une élévation de la testostérone sérique chez la femme
transsexuelle. Génésis, 1995;13:21-23
TD Pache. L’identité du genre, de la biologie à l’orientation sexuelle. Editorial. Génésis, 1995;13:1-2
TD Pache & B. Pornel. Prévention des problèmes cardio-vasculaires à la ménopause: les facteurs de risque.
Génésis, 1995;15:4-6
TD Pache. Transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvis. Polycystic ovaries, what are they ? Ultrasound International,
TD Pache & BCJM Fauser. Pelvic ultrasound and diagnosis of polycystic ovaries. European Journal of
Radiology, 1996.
TD Pache, JW Wladimiroff, BCJM Fauser. Number and size of follicles available for selection of a preovulatory follicle in normal menstrual cycles. 7h Reinier de Graaf Symposium (Maastricht, The Netherlands),
Abstract p 47
TD Pache. JW Wladimiroff, BCJM Fauser. In vivo evidence for the existence of paracrine regulatory
mechanisms in the ovary. VII World Congress of Human Reproduction (Helsinki, Finland), Abstract 123
BCJM Fauser, TD Pache, FH de Jong, KD Dahl. Serum immunoreactive and bioactive luteinizing hormone
levels in woman with polycystic ovarian disease. 73rd Annual Meeting American Endocrine Society
(Washington, DC, USA), Abstract 353
TD Pache, WCJ Hop, LJG Gooren, BCJM Fauser (SPON: R. Rolland). Intrafollicular estradiol and
androstenedione levels in non-domiant follicles in normal and polycystic ovaries, and in ovaries from female to
male transsexuals. 73rd Annual Meeting American Endocrine Society (Washington, DC, USA), Abstract 1168
TD Pache, BC Schoot, JW Wladimiroff, BCJM Fauser. Use of transvaginal sonography for the diagnosis of
polycystic ovaries. 47th Annual Meeting American Fertility Society (Orlando, FA, USA), Abstract 73, S32
BC Schoot, TD Pache, WCJ Hop, FH de Jong, BCJM Fauser. Redistribution of small ovarian follicles in
polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), during treatment with gonadotropin releasing hormone analog (GnRH-A)
and human menopausal gonadotropins (HMG) in a fixed versus decreasing dosage scheme. 47th Annual Meeting
American Fertility Society (Orlando, FA, USA), Abstract 48, S21
BCJM Fauser, TD Pache, FH de Jong, K Dahl. Luteinizing hormone - follicle stimulating hormone ratios in
women with cycle abnormalities, with or without polycystic ovarian disease. 47th Annual Meeting American
Fertility Society (Orlando, FA, USA), Abstract 115, S50
BCJM Fauser, TD Pache, FH de Jong, KD Dahl. Validation of serum immunoreactive and bioactive luteinizing
hormone estimates in women with cycle disturbances. 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Gynecologic
Investigation (San Antonio, TX, USA), Abstract 614
DC Schoot, TD Pache, WCJ Hop, FH de Jong, BCJM Fauser. Growth of the dominant follicle in spontaneous
cycles and gonadotropin-stimulated polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) patients. Ixth International Congress of
Endocrinology, Satellite symposium on gonadotropins, GnRH analogs and gonadal peptides (Paris, France),
Abstract p 120
PFJ Donderwinkel, DC Schoot, WC hop, TD Pache, BCJM Fauser. Gonadotropin induction of ovulation and
luteal function in polycystic ovary syndrome patients. Ixth International Congress of Endocrinology, Satellite
symposium on gonadotropins, GnRH, GnRH analogs and gonadal peptides (Paris, France), Abstract p 122
TD Pache. Conséquences d’une élévation de la testostérone. Utilisation d’un modèle original: les transsexuels
femme-homme. 20es Journées sur la fertilité et l’orthogénie. (Paris, France), Abstract
TD Pache. How to discriminate between normal and polycystic ovaries. A transvaginal ultrasound study.
Clinical Digest Series.
TD Pache. Gestoorde follikelgroei en selectie in het humane ovarium. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Obstetrie &
TD Pache, BCJM Fauser, WCJ Hop. Total testosterone serum levels alone may predict ovarian polycystic
changes. Dreiländertagung Fertilität und Sterilität. (Lugano, Switzerland), Abstract
TD Pache, BCJM Fauser. Association entre les modifications de structure ovarienne déterminées par
échographie transvaginale (TVS) et les signes cliniques et biochimiques du syndrome des ovaires polykystiques
(SPCO). Assemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Gynécologie et Obstétrique. (Lugano, Switzerland),
Abstract p 57 & Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 1993 (253), S153
Y Vial, EO Adjahoto, TD Pache, P de Grandi. Cornual pregnancy: nonsurgical treatment and transvaginal
sonography follow-up. 2nd International Meeting of the European Society of Endosonography in Gynaecology
and Obstetrics. (London, United Kingdom), Abstract 47
DC Schoot, TD Pache, WC Hop, FH de Jong, BCJM Fauser. Growth patterns of ovarian follicles during
induction of ovulation with decreasing doses of human menopausal gonadotropin following presumed selection
in polycystic ovary syndrome. Hormonescope 3.
TD Pache. Ultrasonography of the ovaries: evaluation of polyfollicular/multicystic reaction. In:
Hyperandrogenemia: etiology, interactions, symptomatology, diagnostics, therapy. Campus Workshop of the
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Annual Meeting 1994 Arbeitsgemeinschaft des
Gynäkologischen Endokrinologie und Reproduktionsmedizin. (Freiburg i/Brisgau, Germany), Abstract p 14
G Girardet, F Luzuy, Th Pache, A Campana. Contrôle de l’épaisseur de l’endomètre sous substitution hormonale
oestroprogestative continue par échographie endovaginale. Assemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de
Gynécologie et Obstétrique. (Lausanne, Switzerland), Abstract p 42 & Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics
1994 ( ), S
M Germond, N Vargiu, JC Alexis, Th Pache, P de Grandi. Etude comparative des trois produits de contraste non
ioniques dans l’hystérosalpingographie: iopentol (imagopaque), iotrolan (Telebrix 38), ioxithalamate (Isovist
300). Assemblée annuelle de la Société Suisse de Gynécologie et Obstétrique. (Lausanne, Switzerland), Abstract
p 55 & Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 1994 ( ), S
SC Renteria, T Pache, HJ Welti, P de Grandi. Efficacy of treatment with ORG OD 14 (LivialR) during the early
climacterium: a comparative study. XIVè Congrès de la Fédération Interantionale de Gynécologie et Obstétrique
(FIGO). (Montréal, Canada), Abstract p
D Thiébaud, JM Bigler, Th Pache, HJ Welti, P Schnyder, P Burckardt. Prevention of postmenopausal bone loss:
conjugated estrogen plus medroxyprogesterone versus tibolone. XII th International Conference on Calcium
Regulating hormones. (Melbourne, Australia), Abstract p
TD Pache. Monitorage échographique et hormonal de la stimulation ovarienne. Journée Romande
d’Endocrinologie Gynécologique. (Geneva, Switzerland), Abstract p 4-5
TD Pache. Place de l’échographie dans l’investigation de la stérilité. Cours de formation post-graduée pour les
candidats au titre de FMH en gynécologie-obstétrique (fertilité-stérilité, endocrinologie et biologie de la
reproduction). (Lausanne, CHUV, Switzerland). pp.
D Thiébaud, JM Bigler, TD Pache, HJ Welti, P Burckhardt. Three years prevention of postmenopausal bone loss
: conjugated estrogen-medroxyprogesterone versus tibolone. 1996 World Congress on Osteoporosis.
(Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Abstract p
Follicular growth in the normal menstrual cycle - morphology versus transvaginal sonography. Thema
Refereeravond Afdeling Gynaecologie, Dijkzigt Ziekenhuis, Follikelgroei - basale en klinische aspecten.
Rotterdam, The Netherlands. January the 23rd
In vivo evidence for the existence of paracrine regulatory mechanisms in the ovary. VII World Congress of
Human Reproduction. Helsinki, Finland. June the 27th
Use of transvaginal sonography in the assesment of ovarian appearance in menstrual cycle disturbances. XI
Infertiliteit Bespreking. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. October the 15th
Echoscopie van follikelgroei. PAOG (Post graduate Medical Education) cursus - Echoscopie en Voortplanting
bij de vrouw. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. November the 15th
FSH Binding activity in human ovarian follicular fluid in polycystic ovarian disease. III Vergadering
Nederlandse Gonadotropinen Dwarsverband. Oss, The Netherlands, November the 23rd
Is bij het polycysteus ovarium syndroom de selectie van de dominante follikel gestoord ? Voorjaarsvergadering
van de Nederlands-Belgische Vereniging voor Fertiliteitsstudie. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. April the 27th
Differences between normal and polystic ovaries. Transvaginal sonography and intra-ovarian follicular steroid
content studies. Afdeling Gynaecologie en Verloskunde, Dijkzigt University Hospital. Rotterdam, The
Netherlands, July the 24th
Use of transvaginal sonography for the diagnosis of polycystic ovaries. 47th Annual Meeting American Fertility
Society. Orlando, Florida, USA, October the 22nd
Evidence pour un rôle des androgènes dans l’induction de la transformation polykystique des ovaires. Séminaire
de la Division d’Endocrinologie et Biochimie Clinique, CHUV. Lausanne, Switzerland, February the 25th
La contraception hormonale. Colloque de gynécologie pour les médecins de la ville et région de Sierre, Sierre,
Switzerland, May the 21st
Significance of monitoring ovarian function using transvaginal sonography. 1st ESHRE Postgraduate Course in
Clinical Reproductive Endocrinology and Fertility. 8th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human
Reproduction and Embryology. The Hague, the Netherlands, July the 5th
Conséquences d’une élévation de la testostérone. Utilisation d’un modèle original: les transsexuels femmehomme. 20es Journées sur la Fertilité et l’Orthogénie. Paris, France, November the 8th
Disturbed growth and selection of the human ovarian follicle. Ph.D. maintainig Erasmus University, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands, January the 6th
Perturbation des mécanismes de sélection folliculaire et transformation polykystique des ovaires. Concept et
implications. Séminaire de l’Unité de Stérilité et Biologie de la Reproduction, Département de Gynécologie et
Obstétrique, Lausanne-CHUV, Switzerland, January the 11th
Association entre les modifications de structure ovarienne déterminées par échographie transvaginale et les
signes cliniques et biochimiques du syndrome des ovaires polykystiques. Assemblée annuelle de la Société
Suisse de Gynécologie et Obstétrique, Lugano, Switzerland, June the 25th
Ultrasonography of the ovaries: evaluation of polyfollicular/multicystic reaction. Campus Workshop of the
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and Annual Meeting 1994
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Gynäkologischen Endokrinologie und Reproduktionsmedizin (AGGER), Freiburg in
Brisgau, Germany, March the 26th
Hyperandrogénie d’origine ovarienne. Séminaire de la Clinique de Stérilité et Endocrinologie Gynécologique,
Hôpital Cantonal Universitaire de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland, April the 18th
Ovaires polykystiques chez la femme transsexuelle après traitement aux androgènes. Cours de Formation Postgraduée et Continue de la Société Suisse d’Endocrinologie, Münchenwiller, Switzerland, April the 29th
Aspects nutritionnels et hormonaux de l’ostéoporose. FORUM, Radio Suisse Romande, Lausanne, Switzerland,
May the 9th
Ultrasound monitoring of ovarian function. 4th Post-graduate Course for training in Reproductive Medicine and
Reproductive Biology. WHO Collaborating Centre for Research in Human Reproduction - Clinic for Infertility
and Gynecologic Endocrinology, University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland, September the 27th
Monitoring of ovarian stimulation. 4th Post-graduate Course for training in Reproductive Medicine and
Reproductive Biology. WHO Collaborating Centre for Research in Human Reproduction - Clinic for Infertility
and Gynecologic Endocrinology, University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland. September the 27th
Transvaginal Ultrasound Examination in Family Planning. Training Course on Reproductive Health Services and
Research Workshop for Eastern Europe (WHO Special Programme of Research Development and Research
Training in Human Reproduction). Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, November the 9th
Hirsutisme - Hyperandrogénie. Démarche diagnostique. Policlinique de Dermatologie et de vénéréologie,
Hôpital Cantonal Universitaire, Geneva, Switzerland, Februara the 2nd
Monitorage échographique et hormonal de la stimulation ovarienne. Journée Romande D’Endocrinologie
Gynécologique. Hôpital Cantonal Universitaire, Geneva, March the 16th
About the role of androgens in the polycystic transformation of the ovaries. Department of gynecology and
Obstetrics, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, May the 20th
Indications et limites de l’hystérosonographie avec produit de contraste (EchovistR). Hôtel du Lac, Morges,
Switzerland, May the 23rd & September the 11th. Choully (Geneva), October the 12th.
Steps in writing a scientific paper. 5th Post-graduate Course for training in Reproductive Medicine and
Reproductive Biology. WHO Collaborating Centre for Research in Human Reproduction - Clinic for Infertility
and Gynecologic Endocrinology, University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland. September the 14th
Approche diagnostique et possibilités de traitement lors de la ménopause. Colloque mensuel de la Clinique la
Prairie, Clarens/Montreux, September the 12th
Il sindrome dell’ovaio policistico: dati clinici e biochimici, approccio transvaginale per l’esame ecografico, e
ipotesi sulla patogenesi del sindrome. Clinic for Gynecology, University of Tirana School of Medicine, Tirana,
Albania, September the19th
Monitoring of ovarian stimulation. 5th Post-graduate Course for training in Reproductive Medicine and
Reproductive Biology. WHO Collaborating Centre for Research in Human Reproduction - Clinic for Infertility
and Gynecologic Endocrinology, University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland. September the 28th
European Menopause Centers: a concept to face a human and health care problem. Milano, Italy, October the
Imagerie en Infertilité. Ultrasonographie du cycle menstruel. Séminaire de la Clinique de Stérilité et
Endocrinologie Gynécologique, Hôpital Cantonal Universitaire de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland, October the
Place de l’échographie dans l’investigation de la stérilité. Cours de formation post-graduée pour les candidats au
titre de FMH en gynécologie-obstétrique (fertilité-stérilité, endocrinologie et biologie de la reproduction).
Département de Gynécologie et Obstétrique, Lausanne, CHUV, Switzerland. November the 4th
The Menopause. Facts, myths, and reality. American Women Association. Hôtel Mövenpick Radisson,
Lausanne, Switzerland, November the 7th
Place de l’échographie en infertilité. Colloques hebdomadaires du Service de Gynécologie et Obstétrique.
Hôpital de la Chaux-de-Fonds
Several talks in the field of menopause for general physicians and gynacecologists
Clinique La Prairie-Clarens/Montreux Round : « Nouveau concept en chirurgie gynécologique ».
Clinique La Prairie-Clarens/Montreux Round : « Substitution hormonale, le point sur la question ».
Menopause & andropause. Kiwanis Club Meeting, Gruyères, Switzerland :
Clinique La Prairie-Clarens/Montreux Round: « Génomique et vieillissement ».
Menopause et hormones dans un monde nouveau. Controverses et orientations. At large public information talk,
Vevey, Switzerland, October the 7th.
Menopause & hormones & médecine prédictive. Blonay, Switzerland, Unilabs Talks, November the 11th
2004 to 2012
Several talks in the field of better ageing and menopause.
La Ménopause – Primum non nocere. Colloque de formation post-grade, collectif médecins lausannois,
Chexbres, Switzerland, January the 30th
TD Pache. Intérêt de l’échographie dans le diagnostic différentiel de l’hydrops fetalis non immunologique.
Mémoire. Certificat d’Université d’Echographie Gynécologique et Obstétricale. Université Louis Pasteur de
Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France. 1988;1-43
TD Pache, JW Wladimiroff, WCH Hop, BCJM Fauser. Number and size of follicles available for selection of a
pre-ovulatory follicle in normal menstrual cycles. POSTER. 7th Reinier de Graaf Symposium (Maastricht, The
Netherlands). May 30th to June 2nd of 1990
TD Pache & WJ de Greef. Cyclusstornissen Workshop 15de Nascholingscursus Endocrinologie.
Nordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. November the 28th of 1990
BCJM Fauser, TD Pache, FH de Jong, KD Dahl. Serum immunoreactive and bioactive luteinizing hormone
levels in women with polycystic ovarian disease. POSTER. 73rd Annual Meeting American Endocrine Society.
Washington DC, USA, June the 19th of 1991
TD Pache, WCJ Hop, LJG Gooren, BCJM Fauser, R. Rolland. Intrafollicular estradiol and androstenedione
levels in non-dominant follicles in normal and polycystic ovaries, and in ovaries from female to male
transsexuals. POSTER. 73rd Annual Meeting American Endocrine Society. Washington DC, USA, June the 21st
of 1991
BCJM Fauser, TD Pache, FH de Jong, KD Dahl. Validation of serum immunoreactive and bioactive luteinizing
hormone estimates in women with cycle disturbances. POSTER. 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for
Gynecologic Investigation. San Antonio, Texas, USA, March, March the 19th of 1992
TD Pache, BCJM Fauser, WCJ Hop. Total testosterone serum levels alone may predict ovarian polycystic
changes. POSTER. Dreiländertagung Fertilität und Sterilität. Lugano, Switzerland, May 4th to 6th of 1993
Y Vial, EO Adjahoto, TD Pache, P de Grandi. Cornual Pregancy: nonsurgical treatment and transvaginal
sonography follow-up. POSTER. 2nd International Meeting of the European Society of Endosonography in
Gynaecology and Obstetrics. London, United Kingdom, July the 7th to the 9th of 1993
H Hellema, TD Pache. Interview: PCOS gevolg van intra-ovariële stoornis bij follikel-selectie. Tijdschrift voor
Ferttiliteitsonderzoek 1993;2:36-38
TD Pache. Question-answering Session on ultrasound monitoring of ovulation and tracking of ovarian
stimulation. 4th Post-graduate Course for training in Reproductive Medicine and Reproductive Biology. WHO
collaborating Centre for Research in Human Reproduction - Clinic for Infertility and Gynecologic
Endocrinology, University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland. September the 27th of 1994
M Horga, TD Pache, V Odlind, S Alexaniants. Seminar on Improving Acceptability of Contraception. Training
Course on Reproductive Health Services and Research Workshop for Eastern Europe (WHO Special Programme
of Research Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction). Uppsala, Sweden, November the 7th
of 1994
V Odlind, TD Pache, M Horga, S Alexaniants, T Pschenichnikova. Seminar on Contraception to Women with
Medical Problems. Training Course on Reproductive Health Services and Research Workshop for Eastern
Europe (WHO Special Programme of Research Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction).
Uppsala, Sweden, November the 8th of 1994
A Campana, TD Pache. Collaboration entre la Clinique de Stérilité et d’Endocrinologie Gynécologique et le
Programme Spécial de l’OMS pour la Recherche en Reproduction Humaine. Assemblée annuelle de la Société
Suisse de Gynécologie et Obstétrique (Davos, Switzerland)
TD Pache. I. Monitoring of ovarian stimulation. 5th Post-graduate Course for training in Reproductive Medicine
and Reproductive Biology. WHO Collaborating Centre for Research in Human Reproduction - Clinic for
Infertility and Gynecologic Endocrinology, University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland. 1995;1-30
TD Pache. II. Monitoring of ovarian stimulation. Combined ultrasound and hormonal monitoring. 5th Postgraduate Course for training in Reproductive Medicine and Reproductive Biology. WHO Collaborating Centre
for Research in Human Reproduction - Clinic for Infertility and Gynecologic Endocrinology, University
Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland. 1995;1-11
TD Pache. Place de l’échographie dans l’investigation de la stérilité. Cours de formation post-graduée pour les
candidats au titre de FMH en gynécologie-obstétrique (fertilité-stérilité, endocrinologie et biologie de la
reproduction). Département de Gynécologie et Obstétrique, Lausanne, CHUV, Switzerland. 1995; 47-63.