Dominika Chrusciel - European Medicines Agency

Curriculum Vitae
Dominika Chrusciel
April 2006–Present
Medical Assessor
Austrian Medicines and Medical Devices Agency Medical Market Surveillance Traisengasse 5, 1200
Wien, Austria, National competent authority, (Austria)
Assessment of human medicinal products
October 2005–February 2006
Manager Regulatory Affairs und Technical Service
Essex Animal Health (Munich, Germany), Pharmaceutical industry, (Germany)
Processing of national and Eastern European procedures, variations and renewals
October 2004–September 2005
Consulting business for pharmaceutical industry, Assessor for veterinary products
Kolme (Warshaw), (Poland)
Processing of veterinary authorization procedures based on the evaluation of clinical studies.
March 2004–September 2004
Clinical assistant
University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany Clinic for Swine, Small Ruminants, Forensic
Medicine and Mobile Clinic (Ambulatory Service), (Germany)
Care and treatment of patients at the university clinic.
September 2001–February 2004
Scientific assistant
University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany Clinic for Swine, Small Ruminants, Forensic
Medicine and Mobile Clinic (Ambulatory Service), (Germany)
Routine diagnostic work at the department’s laboratory (parasitological and haematological
examinations, PCR, IFT).
January 2000–January 2000
Researcher (Voluntary position)
University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany Department of Microbiology and Infectious
Diseases, (Germany)
ELISA set-up.
June 1999–September 2000
Scientific assistant (Voluntary position)
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland Veterinary department, (Poland)
Veterinary and laboratory work.
October 2000–March 2005
Dr. Med. Vet. (examination: 24.05.2005)
University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany, (Germany)
Doctoral Thesis (“Implementation and evaluation PCR for the detection of Mycoplasma
hyopneumoniae in pigs’ lungs.”)
October 1993–March 1999
Diploma of Veterinary Medicine, qualification to practice as a
veterinary surgeon
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, (Poland)
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Curriculum Vitae
Dominika Chrusciel
Veterinary medical studies
Antibiotics, Antiinfectives, Antivirals, Dermatological diseases
Non-clinical and clinical assessment of national and european procedures (MRP and DCP as RMS)
as well centralised authorisation procedures.
Kaba J., Chrusciel D. (2000):
Proba zapobiegania klinicznej postaci gruzlicy rzekomej u koz przy uzyciu szczepionki zabitej
Use of inactivated vaccine in prevention of caseous lymphadenitis in goat
In: XI Congress of the Polish Society of Veterinary Science
Lublin, Polen, Proc. Annales UMCS sec. DD, 2000, LV/B, S.: 45.
Kaba J., Chrusciel D., Osinska B. (2001):
Wlokniste zwyrodnienie kosci u koz
Osteodystrophia fibrosa in goat
Mag. Wet., 10, S.: 25-28.
Chrusciel, D., Hotzel, H., Runge, M., Amtsberg, G., v. Altrock, A., Ganter, M. (2002):
Mycoplasma conjunctivae as etiological agent of conjunctivitis in sheep in Germany
In: 14th Intern. IOM Congress, Wien, Österreich, Proc. S.: 41.
Chrusciel, D., Runge, M., Hotzel, H., Ganter M. (2003):
Mycoplasma conjunctivae als Erreger der Konjunktivitis bei Schafen in Deutschland
8. DVG-Tagung der FG „Krankheiten der Kleinen Wiederkäuer“ Grub bei München, Deutschland,
Proc. Tierärztliche Praxis 31, S.: 68-69.
Chrusciel, D., Ganter, M. (2003):
Infektiöse Keratokonjunktivitis
In: Ziegentagung „Identifikationssysteme der Tiere bei der Zucht und Gesundheitsschutz der Ziegen”
Warschau, Polen,
Proc. S.: 7.
Ganter M., Chrusciel D. (2003):
Bekämpfung der CAE auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene
In: Ziegentagung „Identifikationssysteme der Tiere bei der Zucht und Gesundheitsschutz der Zigen”
Warschau, Polen,
Proc. S.: 25-28.
Ganter M., Chrusciel D. (2004):
Uwalnianie stada od wirusowego zapalenia stawow i mozgu koz oraz krajowy program zwalczania
Bekämpfung der CAE auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene
Mag. Wet. 13, S: 38-40.
Other Relevant Information
DAAD Scholarship
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