Hess’s Law Worksheet 4 (g) H 2 for the reaction: C 1. Calculate + 2 (g) H —* 6 (g), from the following data. H 2 C \1-I4ILkJ 0 ) H 30 l i2C H + f2 ( g) g)— C 4 ( ( 2 0 .,Z 6 (g) CH ( g)+ H ( 2 2. + 3Y2 02 (g) 1/202 —* 2 (g) 2 CO 3 H0 (1) + = / (g)-+ 1-120(1) (g) O 2NO g)+ g)— ( 2 N ( + 5 02 (g) —* 4 NO (g) 02 (g) —* C (s) + + zH 0 (g) 2 2H 02(g) 2 02 (g) —* —* 0 (g), from the following data. 2 6H AH-91.8kJ g) 2H ( 3. Find zH° for the reaction 2 data. H (1) C O 5 H 2 + AH-180.5kJ / H ) 3H *2N g g)+ g)— 3 ( N ( 2 ( + -285.8 Id tH 3 (g) Calculate \H for the reaction 4 NH 2H 2 (g) -1560. kJ + 2C(s) 2 (g) 2 CO + + 02(g) —* = H(l), using the following thermochemical C O 5 H 2 0 (I) 2 2H = 2 (g) CO zIf - 0 ) *H Y2 (l g)+ g)— H ( 2 O P —-i —* HCN (g) + I -875. Id -394.51 Id AH=-285.8kJ - 3 (g) 4 (g)+ NH 4. Calculate zH for the reaction CH -483.6 Id / - 2 (g), given: 3H A H ) 3H *2N g g)+ g)— 3 ( N ( 2 ( zH=-91.8kJ / H H ) )+2 g g)C 4 C(s ( 2 ( H-74.9Id (g) N s)+ *2HCN g)+2C( (g)— H ( 2 AH=+270.3kJf— — ( 2 (g) 5. Calculate tH for the reaction 2 Al(s) + 3 Cl —+ 3 (s) from the data. 2 AId - 1 ) 3H >2A1C (aq)— )+ g +6HC1 aq 2 2A1(s) ( 3 ( HCI (aq) HC1 (g) —> 2 (g) H 2 (g) Cl + 3 (s) Aid —* —* 2 HCI (g) 3 (aq) AIC1 AH=-1049.kJ M-1 = -74.8 Id AH H = -1845. Id -323. Id ! Gi -‘ Ch 14 Questions: Heat of Fusion and Heat of Vaporization Specific Heat (Cp) Water (1420) Ethanol (C OH) 5 H 2 Mercury (Hg) Heat of Fusion ) 11 (i.Hf 6.00 kJ/rnol 5M2 kJ/mol i(4 2.29 kJ/mohz. 4. 18 J/g °C 2.44 JIg °C 0.14 JIg °C 1) How much heat is required to HeaL of Vapenzation (L\} v 4 ap) 40.6 Id/mol 38.6 kJ/moli31 59.1 kJ /mol 4 r the temperatureof 20 grains. çf water by 26 °C? 2.; j 2) How much heat is required to melt 2.5 moles of ice? i2 7 / 7) Ad..) 3) How much heat is transferred w1 57 grams of mercury cools froin76 °C to 18 °C 4) If you have 27 water 9 vapor increase grams of 100°C liquid water, how much heat is-re4tiiftdToturn it into \\ 5) How much energy is transferred when 70 7 z grams of ethanol is 1iated from 21 °C to 68 6(’ 6) How much heat is transferred when 400 grams of mercury (Hg) J aporized? ‘I? Z ) ( 7) How much heat is transferred when 400 grams of mercury is coo1cd om-280 °C to 30 / ) £ Ij 8) How much heat is transferred when 230 grams of eth Fis1ozen2— 9) How much heat is transferred when 100 9 liquid grams of ethanol condenses from a gas tga ? 10) How much heat is transferred when 1 mole of mercury is heated from 80 °C to 125 °C 1 11) How much heat is required to melt 40 grams of ice anahericr e1ts temperature fromO°Cto25°C? L17 ,j .. 12) How much heat is required to heat 2 moles of water from 25°C to its boiling point and then turn it into water vapor? ,‘/,3 kT / 7_ - 13) How much heat is required to melt 50 thenturnitintovapor? I” grams of ice, heat it to its boiling point, and - . ; ‘i tr //7f — is—a 14) The boiling point of ethanol is 78°C. How much heat is require d to heat 100 grams of ethanol from 25°C to its boiling point and then to turn it into a vapor? i t ‘
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