CLASS 4 ART SYLLABUS 2014-15 TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 STILL LIFE DRAWING- Object- practice PENCIL AND COLOUR SHADING- Vegetable, Fruits DRAWING FROM THE NATURE- Flower & Leaves DIWALI ACTIVITY CHRISTMAS SYMBOLIC ART- Fun with Paint: Activity PENCIL AND COLOUR SHADING- Village Scene DRAPERY (cloth) - Introduction- Folds & Depth CLASS 4 CRAFT SYLLABUS 2014-15 THREE DIMENSIONAL - Sea Animals (origami) PAPER CUTTING ACTIVITY- Under Water Scene COMPACT DISK (cd) ACTIVITY - landscape DIWALI ACTIVITY- Lantern Making PENCIL SHAVING ACTIVITY - Birds, Flowers- Composition CHIRISTMAS SYMBOLIC CRAFT ACTIVITY PATTERN GREETING CARDS BUTTON ACTIVITY CLASS 4 COMPUTER SYLLABUS 2014-15 TERM 1 1. Applications of Computers (ch-1) 2. Input and Output Devices.(ch-2) 3. More about Windows 7 .(ch-3) TERM 2 4. More about Tux Paint(ch-4) 5. More Logo Commands (ch-5) 6. Editing Text in MS Word 2007(ch-6) Practical: Logo, MS Word TERM 3 7. Formatting in MS Word (ch-7) 8. Introduction to Ms Power Point 2007 (ch-8) 9. Working with Text in Ms Power Point (ch-9) 10. Multimedia (ch-10) Practical: MS Word, Power point CLASS 4 ENGLISH SYLLABUS 2014-15 TERM 1 Prose 1. I am Born 2. A Brother for Budhna 3. Jeannie’s Amber Beads 4. The boat song Poem 1. Seeds 2. Dodo/Buffalo Dusk Grammar 1. Alphabetical order 2. Nouns 3. Article 4. Adjectives Composition 1. The Clever Lion (comprehension) 2. My Elephant (comprehension) 3. Imaginative Composition TERM 2 Prose 1. The Magic Wardrobe 2. The Unsinkable Ship 3. The Autograph Poem 1. The Land of Nod 2. Rain Sizes Grammar 1. Pronouns 2. Verbs 3. Tenses 4. Adverbs Composition 1. A Rainy Day (comprehension) 2. You Can do it (comprehension) 3. Short Story Writing TERM 3 Prose 1. The Snow Goose 2. The Piped Piper 3. The Grateful Snow Crane 4. Anna Pavlova Poem 1. The Sound of things 2. A wild one 3. If we didn’t have Birthday’s Grammar 1. Conjunction 2. Preposition 3. Punctuation 4. Sunday in the Farm Yard! 5. Types of sentences 6. Subject and Predicate 7. Agreement of Subject and verb 8. Similes Composition 1. The Old Lady(comprehension) 2. Reuse Beautifully (comprehension) CLASS 4 GK SYLLABUS 2014-15 TERM 1 1. Language and Literature 2. Plants and animals 3. My India 4. Science and us 5. Look, think and answer 6. Culture, sports and fun 7. Environment, the world and its people 8. Look, think and answer 9. Plants and animals TERM 2 1. Language and Literature 2. Science and us 3. Plants and animals 4. Culture, sports and fun 5. My India 6. Environment, the world and its people 7. Language and Literature TERM 3 1. Look, think and answer 2. My India 3. Plants and animals 4. Environment, the world and its people 5. Culture, sports and fun 6. Science and us 7. Language and literature 8. Environment, the world and its people 9. My India 10. Culture, sports and fun 11. Science and us 12. Look, think and answer 13. Plants and animals 14. Environment, the world and its people CLASS 4 HISTORY & CIVICS – STATE BOARD SYLLABUS 2014-15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Maharashtra before Shivaji Work of the Saints Maratha Sardars The Famous House of the Sardars Shivaji Education The Oath of Swaraj Swaraj : First Conquest Defeat of Internal Enemies Pratapgad Makes History Baji Prabhu and the memorable battle of Ghodkind The Discomfiture of Shaistakhan The Siege of Purandar and the Treaty with the Mughal Emperor Shivaji gives the slip to the Emperor 14. The Fort is captured but the lion is dead 15. A Memorable Ceremony ( history) 16. Shivaji Maharaj sets up an efficient administration 17. Campaign in the South 18. Shivaji War Strategy 19. A people’s king 20. A Living source of inspiration Civics 21. 22. 23. 24. Living in a group Our Social Institutions Institutions that provide civic amenities Safety and Security CLASS 4 GEOGRAPHY – STATE BOARD SYLLABUS 2014-15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Measurement of Time Earth’s Spheres Natural Environment Our Maharashtra State Maharashtra : Physical Maharashtra : Climate Maharashtra : Population and human life Maharashtra : Water and Marine Resources 9. Maharashtra : Forest and Wild Life 10. Maharashtra : Industries , Minerals and Energy Resources 11. Maharashtra : Agriculture 12. Maharashtra : Industries 13. Maharashtra : Transport , Communication and Trade 14. Maharashtra : Major Cities and Tourist Places 15. Map Reading and Field Visit CLASS 4 MATHS SYLLABUS 2014-15 TERM 1 TERM 2 1. Number 2. Addition and Subtraction of Numbers 3. Multiplication 4. Division 5. Test of Divisibility 14. Geometry TERM 3 6. Factors and Multiples 7. H.C.F. and L.C.M. 8. Fractions 11. Unitary Method 9. Decimal Fractions 10. The Metric System 12. Money 13. Time and Calendar 15. Perimeter and Area Activity for the third semester: 17. Bar Graph Activity for the first term: 16. Roman Numerals CLASS 4 SCIENCE SYLLABUS 2014-15 TERM 1 1. Food - Our Basic Need. 2. Our Food – Teeth and Digestion. 3. Clothes – Our Protectors. 8. Circulatory System and Excretory System. TERM 2 4. Solid, Liquids and Gases. 5. Soil 6. The Green Plants. 7. Adaptations – How Plants Survive TERM 3 9. Animals and Their Young. 10. Adaptations – How Animals Survive. 11. Force Work and Energy. 12. Air Water and Weather. 13. The Solar System. PROJECT: 14. Keeping our Earth Green. CLASS 4 SOCIAL STUDIES SYLLABUS 2014-15 TERM 1 1) Landforms of the world 2) The Northern Mountains 3) Soils of India 4) Forests of India 5) Sending Messages ( Activity) 6) History Project on Shivaji TERM 2 1) The Northern Plains 2) The Coastal Plains and Islands 3) The Great Indian Desert 4) Our National Symbols 5) Agriculture and Industries ( Map work ) 6) Saving the Environment ( Activity ) 7) Means of Transport ( Activity) TERM 3 1) Our Water Wealth 2) The Southern Plateau 3) Our Mineral Wealth 4) Our Rights and Duties 5) People who made a difference ( Activity ) 6) Geography project on Maharashtra CLASS 4 VALUE EDUCATION SYLLABUS 2014-15 TERM 2 1. Happiness 2. Learning to appreciate 3. The value of time 4. Belittling others 5. Cleanliness of the mind 6. Gratitude 7. Handicaps 8. Being true to one’s word 9. Religion 10. Ways of communicating with God TERM 3 11. Friendship 12. Dangerous Friendship 13. Honesty is the best policy 14. Selflessness 15. Respect for authority 16. Courage 17. Self Control 18. Acts of Pride 19. You are unique CLASS 4 HINDI SYLLABUS 2014-15 [kxa[- parIXaa – 1 gad\ya pad\ya vyaak rNa [kxa[- parIXaa – 2 gad\ya pad\ya vyaak rNa - 2. AiDÜyala gaaya, 3. laIlaa kxa fUxla, 4. saccaI [-d (Reading) 5. sauMdrvana maoM kMxpyaUTr, 16. paaolaIqaIna kxa rOpar (Activity) - 1. ihmaalaya saM&aa, ilaMga, vacana payaa-yavaacaI Sabd (1 – 10); ivalaaoma Sabd (1 – 10); Anaokx SabdaoM kox ilae ekx Sabd (1 – 9); mauhavaroM (1 – 7); inabaMQa à 2 , k hanaI laoKana à 1 [kxa[- parIXaa – 3 gad\ya sao(Activity), pad\ya vyaak rNa - 7. rajakuxmaar isad\Qaaqa-, 8. paOiT/kx kxa haomavak-x, 10. gauDD\ I AaOr da^Mta kox Da^@Tr - 6. saMgaita kxa fxla laoKana à 1 sava-naama payaa-yavaacaI Sabd (11 – 20); ivalaaoma Sabd (11 – 19); Anaokx SabdaoM kox ilae ekx Sabd (10 – 18); mauhavaroM (8 – 13); inabaMQa à 2, Apaizta gad\yaaMSa à 1 - 11. rMgaIna kxaoT, 12. naohr}jaI kox pa~a 13. gaulaaba isaMh, 15. iSaXaa baDÜI yaa Qana - 9. fUxla, 17. vaIr calao hOM (Oral) ivaSaoYaNa, ik`xyaa payaa-yavaacaI Sabd (21 – 32); ivalaaoma Sabd (20 – 28); Anaokx SabdaoM kox ilae ekx Sabd (19 – 28); mauhavaroM (14 – 20); inabaMQa à 1, kxhanaI laoKana à 1, ica~a – CLASS 4 MARATHI SYLLABUS 2014-15 Term I maULaXaro 1.basa, 2.Gar, 3.kxmaL, 4.yaa yaa (activity), 5.Aapalaa QaDa (activity ) 6.SaaLa, 11.maurlaIvaalaa, 24.maI, 28.qaaor paur}Ya, 7.baaL (activity ), 8.icamaNaI (activity ), 32.dovaacao doNao (poem) AMkxlaoKana 51 tao 70 inabaMQa Term II 13.gaMmata jaMmata, 14.paa{]sa 9.Aa[-,25. maaJaa vaaZidvasa, 26.JaoMDavaMdna, 10.BaajaI (activity), 12.{]sa (activity), 16.jaona (activity), 33.naaca ro maaora (poem) 31. dsara, 17.paOja (activity ) AMkxlaoKana 71 tao 80 inabaMQa Term III 29.SahaNao bakxro 15. Baarta, 18.saOinakx, 19.AaohL (activity ) 22.daOlatacaa gaaOrva, 27.rama, 20.maaJao Avayava (activity ), 21.haOd (activity ), 34.maulaacaI maagaNaI (poem) 30.lapaMDava, 38.sahla (activity ), 35.AMkxacaa KaoL (poem) 37.baajaarhaT, 36.AaoLKa (activity ) AMkxlaoKana 81 tao 100 inabaMQa
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