PEHBLE Piezo Energy Harvesting Battery-Life Extender - EHE005 FEATURES DESCRIPTION •• Complete Power Management Solution for Battery Assisted Piezo Energy Harvesting The Piezo-Energy Harvesting Battery Life Extender (PEHBLE) EHE005 is a power management solution that combines the reliability of a battery with the renewability of energy harvesting. The on-board battery ensures that power is delivered to the load when needed, and intelligent power selection uses the energy harvested from environmental vibrations whenever available. The PEHBLE is built around Linear Technology’s LTC3330 nanopower Buck-Boost chip which will detect and select harvested energy, and seamlessly switch to battery energy when it’s needed to maintain power to the load. The PEHBLE is ideal for applications such as remote wireless sensing where vibration energy is present, but not consistent enough to rely on full time. •• Efficient Conversion & Regulation of Harvested Energy •• Compatible with Volture™ Energy Harvesting Piezos •• Two Separate, Selectable Output Voltages - from 1.8V to 5V •• Coin Cell Battery Holder With Energizer CR2430 - Battery Included •• Adjustable UVLO Thresholds For Optimized Voltage Conversion APPLICATIONS •• Industrial Health Monitoring Network Sensors •• Condition Based Maintenance Sensors •• Wireless HVAC Sensors •• Mobile Asset Tracking •• Tire Pressure Sensors A low noise LDO post regulator and a supercapacitor balancer are also integrated, accommodating a wide range of output storage configurations. Voltage and current settings for both inputs and outputs are programmable via pin-strapped logic inputs. •• Oil and Gas Sensors •• All Air, Land, and Sea Vehicle Sensors Battery and Hard Wired Power Replacement ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Peak Piezo Input Voltage Piezo Input Current Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Battery Voltage Output Current at VOut Output Current at LDO 19V (clamped at 20V) 25mA -65C to 150C -40C to 125C -0.3 to 6V 350mA 50mA The PEHBLE features selectable output voltage, a secondary low-dropout regulator (LDO) output voltage, and adjustable under voltage-lockout (UVLO) thresholds. The performance of the PEHBLE can be tailored to different applications by adjusting the UVLO thresholds, and the low-noise LDO post regulator provides a clean voltage source, eliminating the need for a second layer of regulation of the user end. REVISION No. 002 REVISION DATE: 02-21-2014 1 of 7 PEHBLE - EHE005 CHARACTERISTICS Electrical Characteristics From the LTC3330 datasheet: Output Voltage: 1.8, 2.5, 2.8, 3.0, 3.3, 3.6, 4.5, 5.0V Energy Harvesting Input 3V to 19V (Clamped Voltage: at 20V) Battery Input Voltage: 1.8V to 5.5V Maximum Output Current: 50mA Quiescent Current: 750nA (unloaded) Protective Shunt Current 25mA at Vin <= 20V (input): Input Capacitance: 10uF Output Capacitance: 22mF “The LTC®3330 integrates a high voltage energy harvesting power supply plus a DC/DC converter powered by a primary cell battery to create a single output supply for alternative energy applications. The energy harvesting power supply, consisting of an integrated full-wave bridge rectifier and a high voltage buck converter, harvests energy from piezoelectric, solar, or magnetic sources. The primary cell input powers a buck-boost converter capable of operation down to 1.8V at its input. Either DC/DC converter can deliver energy to a single output. The buck operates when harvested energy is available, reducing the quiescent current draw on the battery to essentially zero, thereby extending the life of the battery. The buck-boost powers VOUT only when harvested energy goes away. ” For more information please visit: Principle of Operation The PEHBLE is based on the LTC3330 chip, which uses two switching converters, a buck and a buck-boost, to feed a regulated voltage output. The buck converter serves the energy harvesting input, and the buck-boost converter serves the battery input. When no harvested energy is present, the chip selects the battery input to power the output voltage through the buck-boost. When harvested energy is available, it builds up on the input capacitor until the voltage passes the rising UVLO threshold. Once the rising threshold is passed, the prioritizer turns on the buck converter and shuts off the buck-boost, sending the harvested energy to the output and halting the energy flow from the battery. The battery will be reselected when harvested energy is no longer present. REVISION No. 002 REVISION DATE: 02-21-2014 2 of 7 PEHBLE - EHE005 Configuration The device has three monitor pins that can be used to determine the power output status. These are EH_ON, PGVOUT, and PGLDO, and are located on a 4 pin, 0.1” pitch header on the edge of the board along with the LDO voltage. The EH_ON pin indicates whether the buck converter is enabled and using harvested energy. A low value of 0V indicates the buck converter is disabled and no harvested energy is available. When harvested energy is in use and the buck converter is active, VIN3 will be a diode drop below the input voltage VIN, about 3V, up to a regulated level of 4.8V. The PGVOUT pin indicates the regulation status of VOUT. A transition from low to high on this pin indicates regulation has been achieved. A high to low transition indicates that PGVOUT has dropped below 92% of the nominally selected value. 5 4 6 3 2 1 7 Figure 3: The PEHBLE board with the following areas highlighted: 1: LDO enable jumper 2: LDO voltage selection jumpers 3: VOUT voltage selection jumpers 4: UVLO threshold selection jumpers 5: Screw terminal input for piezo device 6: Power status indicator pins 7: Screw terminal output for VOUT. The PGLDO pin indicates the regulation status of LDO_ OUT, and functions similarly to PGVOUT. This pin will transition from low to high when LDO_OUT reaches 92% of its nominally selected value. A high to low transition occurs when LDO_OUT falls below 90% of the nominally selected value. The PEHBLE has four jumper selectable variables: output voltage on VOUT, UVLO threshold voltage, output voltage on LDO, and enable for LDO. The jumpers are located on the opposite edge of the board from the IO, as noted on. Figure 3 shows the board with selection jumpers and power input/output highlighted. REVISION No. 002 REVISION DATE: 02-21-2014 3 of 7 PEHBLE - EHE005 Selecting voltage on VOUT Enabling and selecting the voltage on LDO The main output voltage on VOUT is determined by three jumpers J5, J6, and J7. These correspond to OUT2, OUT1, and OUT0 on the LTC3330. These jumpers are on the edge of the board, as shown in Figure 3. A “0” is selected by placing the jumper over the left two pins, closest to the edge of the board. A “1” is selected by placing the jumper over the right two pins, away from the edge of the board. The following table shows the possible output voltages and their corresponding jumper settings: A secondary output voltage is available on the LDO pin that can be enabled by placing the jumper at J4 to connect LDO_IN with LDO_EN. The jumpers J8, J9, and J10 control the LDO[2:0] pins, which can be adjusted to change the voltage level according to the table shown below. The LDO regulator is powered directly from VOUT, and can act as a current limited switch that will match the input voltage of the regulator. A “0” is selected by placing the jumper over the left two pins, closest to the edge of the board. A “1” is selected by placing the jumper over the right two pins, away from the edge of the board. Not that in the “111” configuration, LDO is matched to VOUT. Output Voltage Selection (VOUT) J5 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 J6 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 J7 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 VOUT 1.8V 2.5V 2.8V 3.0V 3.3V 3.6V 4.5V 5.0V LDO Voltage Selection (LDO) J8 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 REVISION No. 002 REVISION DATE: 02-21-2014 J9 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 J10 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 LDO_OUT 1.2V 1.5V 1.8V 2.0V 2.5V 3.0V 3.3V VOUT 4 of 7 PEHBLE - EHE005 Setting the UVLO thresholds Connecting a Piezo Device The UVLO threshold selection can be adjusted by jumpers on J11, J12, J13, and J14 which correspond to UV[3:0]. The table below shows the settings for UVLO and the corresponding jumper positions. The UVLO monitors VIN, where piezo voltage is stored on a capacitor after being rectified. When VIN passes above the rising threshold it will turn on the buck converter, and turn off the buck-boost converter, to power VOUT from harvested energy. When VIN passes below the falling threshold, the buck converter will be disabled and the battery buck-boost will be enabled if the battery voltage is at least 1.8V. The input for a piezo device is a two position screw terminal labeled VIN that feeds directly into the full-wave bridge rectifier. Midé offers a number of piezo devices in either unimorph or bimorph packages. The unimorphs have a single piezoceramic crystal with two contacts. The bimorph packages contain two crystals, and have four contacts. The unimorph packages are inherently compatible with the PEHBLE, and Midé provides 4-to-2 contact adapters for the bimorph packages. For more information on piezo packages, refer to the Volture Energy Harvesting section of Midé’s website. Power Output J11 J12 J13 J14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 UVLO Rising 4V 5V 6V 7V 8V 8V 10V 10V 12V 12V 14V 14V 16V 16V 18V 18V UVLO Falling 3V 4V 5V 6V 7V 5V 9V 5V 11V 5V 13V 5V 15V 5V 17V 5V For more information on VOUT, LDO, and UVLO, refer to the LTC3330 datasheet. Power output is guaranteed as long as the battery retains a charge, but the life of the device depends on how much harvested energy is available and usable. The amount of power that can be captured by a piezo depends on the amplitude and frequency of vibration. Details on operation and tuning of energy harvesting piezos are available on Midé’s website. For reference, Figure 1 shows the relationship between the maximum power output of the PEHBLE from harvested energy and the power input, measured in peak acceleration seen by the piezo. Max Power Output Vs Acceleration (66.5 HZ) PEHBLE Output Power (mW) UVLO Rising/Falling Threshold Selection 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Peak Acceleration(g) Figure 1: Power data gathered from tests using Midé’s Volture V25W piezo. A 7.5g tip mass was used to adjust the resonance frequency of the piezo to match the 66.5Hz driving frequency. REVISION No. 002 REVISION DATE: 02-21-2014 5 of 7 PEHBLE - EHE005 PCB parts side (Left) + - BATT1 + - 4.7uF,6.3V C3 4.7uF,6.3V C7 R6 R5 GND 10 10_VIN 11 11_CAP 3 3_VIN2 12 10 Load = 10KΩ Load = 5KΩ Load = 3.3KΩ Load = 2.5KΩ 8 6 4 2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Acceleration (g) Figure 2: Acceleration and peak voltage output from a piezo. The loads were powered from Vout at 1.8V, with the UVLO rising threshold set to 5V. VIN3 GND LTC3330 16 1uF,6.3V C9 26 26_VIN3 OUT0 30 OUT1 31 OUT2 32 30_OUT0 31_OUT1 32_OUT2 LDO2 22 LDO1 23 LDO0 24 22_LDO2 23_LDO1 24_LDO0 17 IPK0 18 IPK1 IPK2 19 UV0 7 UV1 6 UV2 5 UV3 4 1 LDO_IN 25 LDO_EN R7 2 R4 R3 R2 1 GND 14 16_BAT 17_IPK0 18_IPK1 19_IPK2 7_UV0 6_UV1 5_UV2 4_UV3 25_LDO_EN 12_SW 12 15_SWA 15 14_SWB 14 13_VOUT L3 22uH L2 22uH 13 21_LDO_IN 21 LDO_IN 2_SCAP 2 1_BAL C1 1 29_EH_ON 29 EH_ON 28_PGVOUT 28 PGVOUT 27_PGLDO 27 PGLDO 1 20_LDO_OUT 20 LDO_OUT 33_GND 0 R1 G J4 VOUT P$2 NP P$1 R8 NP C4 NP C2 R9 J1 V_OUT 100uF C11 9_AC2 1uF,6.3V C8 9 10uF,25V C6 8_AC1 P$2 J2 SJ_3S 16 GND NP C5 GND 22uF C10 U3 8 GND 18 PCB IO side (Right) PiezoVoltageInput P$1 3 Piezo Voltage Vs Acceleration (Load) 20 Power Amplitude (V) Another important consideration for harvested energy is the peak piezo output voltage. If this voltage does not exceed the UVLO rising threshold, harvested energy cannot be used to power the PEHBLE. While the vibrational characteristics determine the maximum voltage output of the piezo, the actual peak voltage is affected by the size of the electrical load. As the current draw of the load rises, the peak piezo voltage drops. The graph in Figure 2 shows the relationship of peak voltage and acceleration at different load values. Schematic (unedited) GND GND REVISION No. 002 REVISION DATE: 02-21-2014 6 of 7 PEHBLE - EHE005 The Bill of Materials (BOM) for the PEHBLE. Qty Parts (Ref. Des.) Package Value Manufacturer, Part Number 1 BATT1 24.5mm Coin Cell Holder 1 BATTERY 24.5mm x 3mm 3V, 290mAh Energizer, CR2430VP 2 C1, C2 1206 11mF, 3.3V Taiyo Yuden, PAS3225P3R3113 1 C11 1206 100uF Kemet, C1206C107M9PACTU 2 C3, C7 0603 4.7uF, 6.3V Taiyo Yuden, JMK107BJ475KA-T 1 C6 C-EUC0805 10uF, 25V Samsung, CL21A475KBQNNNE 2 C8, C9 C-EUC0603K 1uF, 6.3V Taiyo Yuden, LMK107B7105KA-T 11 J4, J5, J6, J7, J8, J9, J10, J11, J12, J13, J14 3 pin, 0.50” pitch male header 2 L2, L3 3816 2 P_OUT, V_IN 2 position, 0.10” pitch screw terminal 1 R1 R-US_R0402 0 Yageo, RC0402JR-070RL 3 R2, R4, R6 R-US_R0603 10K Yageo, RC0402JR-0710KL 1 U3 LTC3330 LTC3330 Linear Technology, LTC3330EUH#PBF Memory Protection Devices, BH2430T-C Sullins Connector Solutions, GRPB031VWVN-RC 22uH Wurth Electronics, 744031220 TE Connectivity, 282834-2 MORE INFORMATION For questions or ordering information. Please contact Midé at; Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 781-306-0609 Web: REVISION No. 002 REVISION DATE: 02-21-2014 7 of 7
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