Buck Boost LDO LED Driver Charge Pump Load Switch POWER Greener, Smarter, Smaller Power Management Power Management Solutions Buck •High Efficiency •Fast Response •Smallest Footprint Boost •High Efficiency •Small Footprint LDO •Ultra-Low Dropout •Low Voltage www.semtech.com/power-management/ LED Driver •High Efficiency •Low Noise •Advanced Dimming •Ultra-Thin Solution Charge Pump • High Current • Low Noise Load Switch •Ultra Low RDS ON •Tiny Footprint •Robust Protection Power Management Green Solutions for the Smart Home & Buildings GREENER • SMARTER • BRIGHTER • SMALLER An established leader in power management ICs across networking and industrial power, handheld power and LED lighting applications, Semtech is pushing performance to higher levels in our quest to enable a totally new class of greener, smarter and smaller end products. Buck Converters With one of the industry’s broadest selections of buck converters, Semtech also offers some of the world’s smallest, high-performance point-of-load (POL) regulators. These include our family of EcoSpeed® converters that set a new standard for efficiency, speed, size and simplicity in emerging green energy applications. Boost Converters Semtech’s expanded line of boost converters now includes the world’s smallest low-voltage regulators, as well as a growing line of single- and multi-string boost LED drivers for demanding, rugged backlighting applications. LDOs A wide range of ultra-low dropout regulators offers ideal solutions for systems where VOUT is very close to VIN. LED Drivers Semtech manufactures an extensive line of LED driver ICs for LCD display, automotive, backlight and LED camera flash applications. They include inductor-based boost LED drivers for series-connected LEDs and charge pump LED drivers and low-dropout current sinks for parallel-connected LEDs. Each LED Driver topology is designed for optimal high efficiency in the smallest footprint with accurate current regulation, low noise, and a wide dimming range. Charge Pumps Semtech Overview Semtech Corporation, based in Camarillo, CA, USA, is a leading global supplier of analog and mixed-signal semiconductors with breakthrough technologies across a broad product portfolio, including: • Power Management ICs • Circuit Protection ICs • Timing and Synchronization ICs • Touch Interface Controllers • Telecom and Datacom SerDes • Microwave and Millimeter Wave • Wireless RF Transmitters, Receivers, Transceivers • Digital Sensors/Signal Conditioners Semtech’s goal is to provide semiconductor solutions that help customers push system performance to new levels and meet emerging, ultra-low power green technology initiatives. Semtech’s high-performance, charge pump-based converters and LED backlight drivers build on a strong history of charge pump experience providing very high efficiency in the smallest footprint, with accurate current regulation, low noise and a wide dimming range. Load Switches Semtech’s new Load Switch products focus on Lowest RDS ON in class for highest system efficiency, and extremely robust protection to withstand the harshest circuit conditions. 2 Semtech Power Management Solutions Power Management Contents Low RDS ON Load Switches In Tiny Chip Scale Package -------------------------- 4 World’s Smallest Switching Regulator -------------------------- 5 SC2597 Low Voltage DDR1 to DDR4 Memory Termination LDO Regulator -------------------------- 6 Ultra-Low Dropout Regulators -------------------------- 7 EcoSpeed® Regulators with Programmable Soft Start ------------------------- 8 EcoSpeed® Product Portfolio ------------------------- 9 Digital Power with EcoSpeed Converter Core ------------------------ 10 Charge Pump Regulators: Simple Buck-Boost Converter ------------------------ 11 LED Drivers For Automotive & Consumer Displays ------------------------ 12 20MHz Buck Regulator ------------------------ 13 NEW PRODUCT Buck ------------------------ 14 Single Output Synchronous Regulators Multiple Output Synchronous Regulators Single Output Non-Synchronous Regulators Single Output Controllers Multiple Output Controllers DDR Regulators/Controllers (Switching & LDO) ------------------------------- 14 ------------------------------- 15 ------------------------------- 15 ------------------------------- 15 ------------------------------- 16 ------------------------------- 16 Boost ------------------------ 16 Single Output Step-up Controllers/Regulators Additional Power & Analog Products ------------------------ 17 LDOs ------------------------ 18 Inverting Buck / Boost Controller Combo Regulators / Controllers Isolated PWM Controllers Voltage References MOSFET Drivers Linear Battery Chargers LDO Controllers Single Output LDOs Multiple Output LDOs ------------------------------- 16 ------------------------------- 17 ------------------------------- 17 ------------------------------- 17 ------------------------------- 17 ------------------------------- 17 ------------------------------- 18 ------------------------------- 18 ------------------------------- 18 ------------------------------- 18 Inductor Based Charge Pump Based LED Current Sinks LED Drivers ------------------------ 19 Charge Pump Regulators ------------------------ 20 Load Switches ------------------------ 20 Power Management Design Resources ------------------------ 21 C-SIM Online Design Center and Simulation Tool ------------------------ 22 www.semtech.com/power-management/ ------------------------------- 19 ------------------------------- 19 ------------------------------- 19 3 Power Management NEW PRODUCT Semtech Introduces New Low RDS ON Load Switches In Tiny Chip Scale Package Semtech’s new Load Switch product family delivers the lowest RDS ON possible and highest level of protection in an extremely small footprint. The SC704 and SC705 provide up to 500mA continuous output current and are offered in 0.76mm x 0.76mm 4-Bump Chip Scale Package. At just 90m Ohms RDS ON these devices are 10% lower than the nearest competition which provides extended battery life through increased system efficiency. Ultra-Low shutdown current is less than 1µA under all operating conditions. ESD protection is up to 5kV HBM for all connections to the IC giving SC704 and SC705 extra protection capabilities. Both devices are specifically designed to inhibit leakage current from any node to ground. The SC705 includes an Automatic Discharge circuit with a typical pull down resistance of 220 Ohms. VIN (1.1V to 3.6V) VIN (1.1V to 3.6V) Features • Low VIN 1.1V to 3.6V SC704 SC704 • Low RDS ON – 90mΩ at 1.8VIN • 500mA continuous output current EN • No reverse leakage to enable pin EN • SC705 includes Auto Discharge circuit 90mΩ RON Control Logic Enable Level Shift Slew Rate Control Logic Enable Level Shift Slew Rate 90mΩ RON VOUT (Up to 500mA) VOUT (Up to 500mA) • 5kV ESD • 0.76mm x 0.76mm CSP package GND GND VIN (1.1V to 3.6V) VIN (1.1V to 3.6V) EN mm 76 0. EN mm 76 . 0 SC705 SC705 90mΩ RON Control Logic Enable Level Shift Slew Rate Control Logic Load Discharge Enable Level Shift Slew Rate Load Discharge 90mΩ RON VOUT (Up to 500mA) VOUT (Up to 500mA) SC705 Auto Discharge SC705 Auto GND Discharge GND NEW Load Switches 4 Part Number Min Max IOUT Max (A) RDS ON (mΩ) Shutdown Current (µA) Quiescent Current (mA) Enable Pin Auto Discharge ESD (kV HBM) Package SC704 1.1 3.6 0.5 90 0.1 2 Yes No 5 0.76mm x 0.76mm 4-Bump CSP SC705 1.1 3.6 0.5 90 0.1 2 Yes Yes 5 0.76mm x 0.76mm 4-Bump CSP VIN (V) Semtech Power Management Solutions Power Management The World’s Smallest Switching Regulator NEW PRODUCT At 0.8mm x 0.8mm package size the SC195B Switching Regulator is the world’s smallest DC-DC converter. With high efficiency of up to 94%, the SC195B is a great choice for any portable or mobile application where small size and extended battery life is important. Product Family Features • Up to 94% efficiency VIN 2.9V to 5.5V • Automatic PSAVE mode maintains high efficiency at light loads 1µH LX IN VOUT 0.8V to 3.6V SC195B • VID Programmable Output • Soft Start OUT • 3.5MHz switching frequency • Available in multiple configurations • • • • CONTROL LOGIC LINES SC202A: includes integrated inductor SC195: 1.5mm x 1.5mm MLPD package SC197: dual version of SC195 SC195B: 0.8mm x 0.8mm CSP package CTL3 CTL2 CTL1 CTL0 GND NEW Single Output Synchronous Regulators Part Number Min Max Min Max IOUT Max (A) SC195B 2.9 5.5 3.3 0.5 VIN (V) VOUT (V) 0.8 www.semtech.com/power-management/ Shutdown Quiescent Current Current (µA) (mA) 0.1 0.04 fSW (kHz) PSAVE 3500 Regular Power Enable Good Pin Flag No Yes Package Features 0.8x0.8x0.375mm CSP 4-bit VID 5 Power Management NEW PRODUCT SC2597 Low Voltage DDR1 to DDR4 Memory Termination LDO Regulator SC2597: DDRn VTT Regulator +/- 3A Out 2.35V to 3.6V Takes power from 2.5V or 3.3V rail Pin-to-pin with SC2596 SOIC-8-EP VDD SC2597 VTT input power can be VDDQ but does not have to be 1V to 3.6V Internal divider creates VDDQ/2 REFIN internally, saving two resistors and improving accuracy 1V to 3.6V +/-1% over temp; Remote sense VTT = VDDQ/2 VIN VTT Ceramic output capacitor VTTS VREF = VDDQ/2 VDDQ VREF Buffered VREF +/-1% over temp; Capacitor is recommended but not mandatory VEN Enable GND FEATURES BENEFITS • High current (up to 3A sink or source) VTT capability with remote sense • Very tight output regulation meets demanding DDR3 and DDR4 needs with less output capacitance • Works with MLCC and high ESR capacitors • Simplifies design process • Internal soft-start and UVLOs • VTT and VREF track VDDQ linearly from 0V • VREF with 40mA minimum sink/source capability • Supports multiple memory ICs • Internal resistor divider • Fewer external components, higher accuracy • +/- 1% VREF and VTT over temperature (including resistor divider variation) NEW DDR1 to DDR4 Memory Termination LDO Regulator 6 VCC (V) Part Number Min Max SC2597 2.35 3.6 VDDQ (V) VTT (V) IVTT (A) Max DDR Type Package Features 1-3.6 0.5 - 1.8 ±3 1,2,3,4 SOIC-8 EDP Integrated DDR VTT LDO with on-board buffered reference, remote sense Semtech Power Management Solutions Power Management Ultra-Low Dropout Regulators Maximize Performance With Minimum Headroom NEW PRODUCT Semtech’s ultra-low dropout regulators maintain output regulation and input supply rejection making them an ideal choice for systems where VOUT is very close to VIN. The ultra-low dropout also enables significantly higher efficiency versus conventional LDOs for the next generation of green power applications. 1ms Internal Soft-Start Minimizes Inrush Current Ultra-Low VIN = 1.4V min VOUT Down to 0.5V VOUT = 0.5V to (VIN – VDROP) IOUT to 2A 1.4V to 6V VIN VOUT SC4215J FB Enable EN GND • Ultra-Low Dropout: 600mV Guaranteed • 300mV Typical @ 2A VIN (V) (min) IOUT (A) (max) VDROPOUT at Full Load (V) (typ) Enable Pin Package SC4213H 1.4 0.5 0.075 Yes SOIC-8 SC4211 1.4 1 0.1 Yes SOIC-8 EDP* SC4212 1.5 1 0.2 Yes MLPD-8 (3x3x1mm) SC4215J (Internal SS) 1.4 2 0.3 Yes SOIC-8 EDP* SC4216H 1.45 3 0.45 Yes SOIC-8 EDP* SC4217 1.8 3 0.3 Yes TO-263-5 NEW Part Number *Thermally enhanced exposed die pad www.semtech.com/power-management/ 7 Power Management Efficiency and Speed of EcoSpeed Regulators with Programmable Soft Start Output Current Rating up to 15A Wide Input Voltage Range BST 3V to 17V VIN VOUT = 0.6V to 95% VIN IOUT up to 15A VOUT LX ILM VDD FB SC401B Selectable Power Save FBL PGOOD SS Enable / Power Save VLDO Enable Programmable Soft Start EN/PSV ENL PGND TON AGND EcoSpeed Converters Color: High Efficiency, Fast Wake-Up, Low EMI When the load changes from standby to steady state, the EcoSpeed converter’s cycle-by-cycle response quickly exits PSAVE mode providing very fast wakeup recovery time. All EcoSpeed converters offer SmartDrive™, a two-step, high-side FET turn-on scheme that reduces EMI. High Efficiency Across The Entire Load Range Efficiency vs Load (SC401B) VIN = 12V, fSW = 300kHz, VBIAS = 5V, VOUT = 5V, 3.3V and 1.5V Efficiency % EcoSpeed converters provide high efficiency across the entire load range with a power save (PSAVE*) feature that lowers the switching frequency to cater to low-power standby requirements. This reduces power FET gate charge switching losses and results in greater than 90% peak standby efficiency during light loads. IOUT (A) 8 Semtech Power Management Solutions Power Management EcoSpeed Product Portfolio ® SC508 46V EcoSpeed ® Controller Wide Input Voltage Range 5V to 46V 4.5V to 5.5V 5V to 46V BST VDDP 5V to 46V EcoSpeed Converter Benefits: • Excellent Transient Response • High Efficiency Across Entire Load Range • No Loop Compensation DH VIN VOUT = 0.5V to 5.5V VOUT 4.5V to 5.5V LX VDDA ILIM SC508 Selectable Ultrasonic Power Save Eliminates Audible Noise DL VOUT Enable EN VLDO Enable ENL FB TON PGOOD SS PGND Programmable Soft Start AGND Controllers and Regulators with Integrated FETs VIN up to 46V VLDO = 5V, ILDO up to 150mA VLDO PSV IOUT up to 30A VOUT Power Good Power Save for Maximum Efficiency at Light Load Very Small Packaging Product Number Type VIN Range IOUT (max) PGOOD Enable Soft Start PSAVE OCP Package SC171 Regulator 3 - 5.5V 1A Yes Yes Yes Ultrasonic Latching MLPD-10 (3x3x1mm) SC172 Regulator 3 - 5.5V 2A Yes Yes Yes Ultrasonic Latching MLPD-10 (3x3x1mm) SC173 Regulator 3 - 5.5V 3A Yes Yes Yes Ultrasonic MLPD-10 (3x3x1mm) SC173A Regulator 3 - 5.5V 3A Yes Yes Yes Regular SC174 Regulator 3 - 5.5V 4A Yes Yes Yes Ultrasonic Latching Not Latching Latching SC410 Regulator 5.5 - 24V 3A Yes Yes Yes Ultrasonic Latching MLPD-10 (3x3x1mm) SC3303 Regulator 5.5 - 28V 3A Yes Yes Yes Ultrasonic Latching MLPD-10 (3x3x1mm) SC414 Regulator 3 - 28V 6A Yes Yes Yes Ultrasonic Latching MLPQ-28 (4x4x1mm) SC424 Regulator 3 - 28V 6A Yes Yes Yes Regular Latching MLPQ-28 (4x4x1mm) SC417 Regulator 3 - 28V 10A Yes Yes Yes Ultrasonic Latching MLPQ-32 (5x5x1mm) SC427 Regulator 3 - 28V 10A Yes Yes Yes Regular Latching MLPQ-32 (5x5x1mm) SC9301 Regulator 3 - 28V 10A Yes Yes Programmable None Hiccup MLPQ-32 (5x5x1mm) SC403B Regulator 3 - 28V 6A Yes Yes Programmable Regular Latching MLPQ-32 (5x5x1mm) SC402B Regulator 3 - 28V 10A Yes Yes Programmable Regular Latching MLPQ-32 (5x5x1mm) SC401B Regulator 3 - 17V 15A Yes Yes Programmable Regular Latching MLPQ-32 (5x5x1mm) SC418 PWM Controller 3 - 28V 30A* Yes Yes Yes Prog. Ultrasonic or Regular Latching MLPQ-UT-20 (3x3x0.6mm) SC419 PWM Controller 3 - 28V 30A* Yes Yes Yes Prog. Ultrasonic or Regular Latching MLPQ-UT-20 (3x3x0.6mm) SC461 PWM Controller 3 - 28V 30A* Yes Yes Yes Prog. Ultrasonic or Regular Hiccup MLPQ-UT-20 (3x3x0.6mm) SC493 PWM Controller 3 - 28V 30A* Yes Yes Programmable Prog. Ultrasonic or Regular Latching MLPQ-UT-20 (3x3x0.6mm) SC508Q PWM Controller 5 - 46V 30A* Yes Yes Programmable Prog. Ultrasonic or Regular Hiccup MLPQ-UT-20 (3x3x0.6mm) MLPD-10 (3x3x1mm) MLPD-10 (3x3x1mm) * Controller Only www.semtech.com/power-management/ 9 Power Management Digital Power with EcoSpeed Converter Core 3V to 28V VIN EcoSpeed Converter Benefits: • Excellent Transient Response • High Efficiency Across Entire Load Range • No Loop Compensation 3V to 5V BST DH VDD VOUT Enable VOUT = 0.5V to 5V LX EN ILIM DL I²C Interface for: • Programmability • Diagnostics 8 User Selectable I²C Slave Addresses SC493 SCL FB SDA PGOOD A2 A1 A0 PGND EcoSpeed Converters - Excellent Transient Response AGND Programmable Ultrasonic Power Save Eliminates Audible Noise EcoSpeed® Load Transient Response – Load Rising The adaptive on-time pseudo-fixed frequency core used in EcoSpeed converters enables very fast transient response, due to the response time being controlled by a fast comparator instead of a relatively slow error amplifier found in conventional voltage mode and current mode control topologies. This also reduces the size of the power components used in the system. The fast transient response also enables the output capacitance to be reduced. Fast Comparator Provides Excellent Transient Response 10 Semtech Power Management Solutions Power Management Charge Pump Regulators Simple Buck-Boost Converter With No Inductor The SC63x converter family builds on Semtech’s strong charge pump technology to provide simple, efficient and low-noise converters that: • Boost voltage when the input is below the required output voltage, and • Function as LDO linear regulators when the input voltage is greater than the output. Unlike most charge pumps, these devices can source large amounts of current – up to 500mA. Soft Start Reduces In-Rush Current C1+ C1- 2.9V to 5.5V C2+ C2- VIN VOUT VOUT = 5V IOUT to 500mA SC632 Enable EN Up to 500mA Maximum Output Current GND Tiny 2x2x0.6mm MLPD Package Three Modes Increases Efficiency Compared to Dual-Mode Parts Part Number VIN (min) (V) VIN (max) (V) VOUT (V) fSW (kHz) IOUT Continuous* (mA) IOUT (max) (mA) IQ (typ) (mA) SC630 2.9 5.5 3.3 200 400 500 SC630A 2.95 5.5 3.3 1000 300 SC632 2.9 5.5 5.0 200 SC632A 2.95 5.5 5.0 SC633 2.9 5.5 5.3 Charge Pump Modes 1x 1.5x 2x 1.5 ü ü ü 500 2.5 ü ü ü 275 500 1.5 ü ü ü 1000 275 400 2.5 ü ü ü 200 400 200 1.5 ü ü ü * Limited by thermal dissipation of the package www.semtech.com/power-management/ 11 Power Management Rugged, High-Brightness LED Drivers For Automotive & Consumer Displays The SC445 drives up to 48 LEDs at up to 150mA per channel, with up to 90% efficiency in a thermally enhanced package to provide highbrightness illumination with low operating temperature and long life. A wide operating voltage range from 4.5V to 27V enables the SC445 to operate under cold crank conditions making it a great choice for automotive lighting applications, from instrument cluster lighting and LCD backlighting for navigation to infotainment systems. Additionally, 1mm pin spacing provides protection from PCB contamination in harsh environments by minimizing the risk of pin-to-pin faults. Wide VIN Range: 4.5V to 27V Guarantees Flicker-Free Operation During Cold Cranking VOUT up to 42V Higher Voltage Minimizes Number of LED Strings VIN: 4.5V to 27V VOUT up to 42V SW VIN TSSOP-20 Thermally Enhanced Package PWM Dimming 150mA per Channel ±2% Matching Provides Uniform Brightness Across All LEDs VOUT FFLAG EN Up to 150mA per String OVPIN SC445 OVPRTN PWM COMP SS AGND IO1 IO2 IO3 IO4 IOSET PGND IOGND Drives up to 48 White LEDs Ideal for Large and Bright LCD Displays Clamped Voltage Voltage Fluctuations with No Flicker VBATT Voltage 26V 12 13V 4.5V . . . . “Cold-Crank” Test “Dual Battery” Test “Load Dump” Test Time Semtech Power Management Solutions Power Management 20MHz Buck Regulator Lets Designers Draw Their Own PC Board Inductors SC220/Q – 20MHz Buck Regulator – AEC-Q100 Qualified BENEFITS • 20MHz PWM Operation VIN = 2.7V to 5.5V • High Efficiency SW • Ultra-Fast Transient Response PVIN • 650mA Output Current AVIN • 19µA Quiescent Current 220nH VOUT = 1V to 0.9VIN IOUT = 650mA OUT SC220 • 0.1μA Shutdown Current • Automatic Power Save Mode FB • EN/SYNC Frequency Sync Function Enable • SOIC-8 Package VFB = 1V EN/SYNC GND • AEC-Q100 Qualified • Patented X-EMI™ Technology VIN (V) VOUT (V) Part Number Min Max Min Max SC220 2.7 5.5 1 0.9x VIN www.semtech.com/power-management/ IOUT Max Shutdown (A) Current (µA) 0.65 0.1 Quiescent Current (mA) fSW (kHz) PSAVE Power Good Flag Enable Pin Package 19 20,000 Regular No Yes SOIC-8 13 Power Management Power Management Portfolio Buck Single Output Synchronous Regulators NEW Part Number VIN (V) VOUT (V) Min Max Min Max IOUT Max (A) Shutdown Quiescent Current Current (µA) (mA) fSW (kHz) PSAVE Power Enable Good Pin Flag Package Features SC171 3.0 5.5 0.75 95%* VIN 1 5 0.75 200-1000 Ultrasonic Yes Yes MLPD-10, 3X3x1mm SC172 3.0 5.5 0.75 95%* VIN 2 5 0.75 200-1000 Ultrasonic Yes Yes MLPD-10, 3X3x1mm SC173 3.0 5.5 0.75 95%* VIN 3 5 0.75 200-1000 Ultrasonic Yes Yes MLPD-10, 3x3x1mm SC173A 3.0 5.5 0.75 95%* VIN 3 5 0.5 200-1000 Yes Yes MLPD-10, 3X3x1mm SC174 3.0 5.5 0.75 95%* VIN 4 5 0.75 200-1000 Ultrasonic Yes Yes MLPD-10, 3x3x1mm SC183C 2.9 5.5 0.8 3.3 2 11 0.01 2500 No No Yes MLPQ-UT16, 3x3x0.6mm 4-bit VID SC185 2.9 5.5 1.0 3.3 4 1 0.1 1500 Regular Yes Yes MLPQ-UT16, 3x3x0.6mm SC186 2.9 5.5 0.8 3.3 4 1 0.1 1500 Regular Yes Yes MLPQ-UT16, 3x3x0.6mm SC189 2.9 5.5 1.0 3.3 1.5 1 7.5 2500 No No Yes SC190 2.7 5.5 1.0 2.8 0.3 0.1 0.01 1000 No No Yes SOT23-5, MLPD-6, 2x2x0.6mm MLPD-10, 3x3x1mm Prog Soft Start, Power Good Prog Soft Start, Power Good, 4-bit VID Very low input ripple. 2-bit VID SC191 2.7 5.5 1.2 1.2 0.33 0.1 2.5 1000 No No Yes MLPD-8, 2.3x2.3x0.8mm Very low noise, very low input ripple SC192 2.7 0.8 VIN 0.7 0.1 0.04 750 Regular Yes Yes MLPD-10, 3x3x1mm Adj current limit, ext synch SC194A/B 2.7 5.5 1.0 3.6 1 0.1 0.02 750-1250 Regular No Yes Ext synch, 2-bit VID SC195 2.9 5.5 0.8 3.3 0.5 0.1 0.04 3500 Regular No Yes MLPD-10, 3x3x1mm MLPQ-UT8, 1.5x1.5x0.6mm SC195B 2.9 5.5 0.8 3.3 0.5 0.1 0.04 3500 Regular No Yes 0.8x0.8x0.375mm CSP 4-bit VID SC196A 2.7 5.5 1.0 1.8 1.5 0.1 0.02 750-1250 Regular No Yes MLPD-10, 3x3x1mm Ext synch, 2-bit VID SC196 2.5 5.5 0.8 VIN 1.5 0.1 0.02 750-1250 Regular No Yes MLPD-UT10, 3x3x0.6mm Ext synch, 2-bit VID SC202A 2.9 5.5 0.8 3.3 0.5 0.1 0.04 3500 Regular No Yes MLPQ-13, 2.5x3x1mm Integrated inductor, 4-bit VID 0.65 0.1 19 20,000 Regular No Yes SOIC-8 X-EMI™ PCB Inductor 0.06 1500 Forced Yes Yes MLPQ-UT16, 3x3x0.6mm 200-1000 Ultrasonic Yes Yes MLPD-10, 3x3x1mm Prog Soft Start, Power Good Forced PSAVE EcoSpeed® regulator, fast transient response 7 Regular SC220 2.7 5.5 1 0.9x VIN SC3102 2.9 5.5 1.1 1.5 2 1 SC3303 5.5 0.75 7.5 3 9 15 <27 200-1000 Regular Yes Yes MLPQ-32, 5x5x1mm 10 <27 200-1000 Regular Yes Yes MLPQ-32, 5x5x1mm 6 <27 200-1000 Regular Yes Yes MLPQ-32, 5x5x1mm 3 9 200-1000 Ultrasonic Yes Yes MLPD-10, 3x3x1mm 6 12 200-1000 Ultrasonic Yes Yes MLPQ-28, 4x4x1mm 10 12 200-1000 Ultrasonic Yes Yes MLPQ-32, 5x5x1mm 6 12 200-1000 Regular Yes Yes MLPQ-28, 4x4x1mm 10 12 200-1000 Regular Yes Yes MLPQ-32, 5x5x1mm 28 SC401B 3.0 17 0.6 SC402B 3.0 28 0.6 SC403B 3.0 28 0.6 85%* VIN 85%* VIN 85%* VIN SC410 5.5 24 0.75 7.5 SC414 3.0 28 SC417 3.0 28 SC424 3.0 28 SC427 3.0 28 0.75 85%* VIN 85%* 0.5 VIN 0.75 85%* VIN 85%* 0.5 VIN SC4620 2.3 5.5 0.5 VIN 2.5 0.2 7.0 200-2000 No Yes Yes SC4624 2.3 5.5 0.5 VIN 4 0.2 7.0 200-2000 No Yes Yes SC4626 2.9 5.5 1.0 3.3 1 1 7.5 2500 No No Yes MLPQ-20, 4x4x1mm SO-16 EDP, MLPQ-20, 4x4x1.75mm SOT23-5 SC9301 3.0 0.6 85%* VIN 10 <27 No Yes Yes MLPQ-32, 5x5x1mm 14 28 See datasheet see datasheet 200-1000 EcoSpeed® regulator, fast transient response – 4-bit VID EcoSpeed® regulator with prog Soft Start, integrated LDO w/crossover circuit, fast transient response EcoSpeed® regulator, fast transient response EcoSpeed® regulator, integrated LDO w/crossover circuit, fast transient response Prog Soft Start and current limit, Power Good flag, ext synch Easy to use, low cost EcoSpeed® regulator with prog Soft Start, integrated LDO, fast transient response, fixed frequency (no PSAVE) Semtech Power Management Solutions Power Management Buck (...continued) NEW Multiple Output Synchronous Regulators Part Number VIN (V) Min Max VOUT (V) Min Max SC197 2.9 5.5 2 0.8/0.8 3.3/3.3 0.5/0.5 0.1/0.1 0.04/0.04 SC283 2.9 5.5 2 0.8/0.8 3.3/3.3 1.8/1.8 <10 SC286 2.9 5.5 2 0.8/0.8 3.3/3.3 4/4 SC284 2.9 5.5 2 0.8/0.8 3.3/3.3 SC284P 2.75 5.5 2 1/1 3.3/3.3 # of Outputs IOUT Shutdown Quiescent fSW Max (A) Current (µA) Current (mA) (kHz) PSAVE Package Features 3500 Regular MLPQ-UT18, 2x3x0.6mm 4-bit VID 10 2500 No MLPQ-W18, 2x3x0.8mm 4-bit VID, very small footprint, 100% duty cycle <1 0.1 1600 Regular MLPQ-UT28, 4x4x0.6mm 4-bit VID, very small footprint, 100% duty cycle 1.8/1.8 <10 10 2500 No MLPQ-UT20, 3x3x0.6mm 4-bit VID, very small footprint, 100% duty cycle 2/2 <10 0.06 2500 Regular MLPQ-UT20, 3x3x0.6mm 3-bit VID, very small footprint, 100% duty cycle, automotive PSAVE Shutdown Current (µA) fSW (kHz) Package Features NEW Single Output Non-Synchronous Regulators Part Number VIN (V) Min Max VOUT (V) Min Max SC4518H SC4519 SC4519H SC4521 4.4 3 4.4 4.4 24 16 24 24 0.8 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.85* VIN SC4524E 3 28 SC4524F 3 SC4525E SC4525F lSW IOUT Max (A) Min (A) 2.0 3.0 typ. 3.5 3.5 100 5 10 250 600 SO-8 EDP External synch 600 SO-8 EDP External synch 0.85* VIN 1.4 2.7 3.0 3.0 600 SO-8 EDP Prog Soft Start 1 0.96* VIN 2.0 2.6 40 200-2000 SO-8 EDP Prog Soft Start, hiccup overload protection with freq foldback 18 1 0.96* VIN 2.0 2.6 40 200-2000 SO-8 EDP Prog Soft Start, hiccup overload protection with freq foldback 3 28 1 0.96* VIN 3.0 3.9 40 200-2000 SO-8 EDP Prog Soft Start, hiccup overload protection with freq foldback 3 18 1 0.96* VIN 3.0 3.9 40 200-2000 SO-8 EDP Prog Soft Start, hiccup overload protection with freq foldback 0.85* VIN Single Output Controllers Part Number VIN (V) VOUT (V) Min Max Min SC2602L 4.2 12.6 0.8 SC2608A 4.5 SC2618 14 4.75 14 Max 0.9* VIN loutæ Gate or Drive Synch NonMax Current Synch (A) (A) Power PSAVE Good Enable Pin Flag Package Features 1 Synch 200 No Yes Yes SO-14 Soft Start 0.8 0.85* VIN 15 0.6 Synch 250 No No Yes SO-8 Prog Soft Start 1.25 0.5 Synch Up to 500 No No No SOT-23-6 Internal Soft Start, hiccup overload protection 12.6 20 fSW (kHz) 6 SC418 3 28 0.5 0.85* VIN 30 4 Synch Up to 1000 Yes+ Yes Yes MLPQ-20, 3x3x0.6mm EcoSpeed® controller SC419 3 28 0.5 0.85* VIN 30 4 Synch Up to 1000 Yes+ Yes Yes MLPQ-20, 3x3x0.6mm EcoSpeed® controller, on-board prog LDO SC4508A 2.7 15 0.5 0.97* VIN 15 1.5 NonSynch Up to 1500 No No Yes MLPQ-12, 4x4x1mm Buck or buck/boost (inverting), prog Soft Start, hiccup overload protection SC4510 2.5 16 0.5 0.90* VIN 25 1 Synch 1001000 No Yes Yes TSSOP-20 Source and sink current, reference tracking, ext synch, prog Soft Start SC4603 2.25 5.5 0.5 1 Synch Up to 1000 No No Yes MSOP-10 100% duty capable, ext synch, hiccup overload protection SC4608 2.7 5.5 0.5 0.82* VIN 15 1.65 Synch Up to 1000 No No Yes MLP-16 Hiccup overload protection SC461 3.0 28 0.5 0.85* VIN 30 40 Synch Up to 1000 No Yes Yes MLPQ-20, 3x3x0.6mm EcoSpeed® controller, on-board 5V LDO, prog Soft Start, Fixed Frequency (no PSAVE) SC493 3 28 0.5 8.3 Synch 250 to 1000 Yes+ Yes Yes MLPQ-UT20 3x3x0.6mm Digital power EcoSpeed® controller, I2C configuration and status register SC508 5 46 0.6 0.85* VIN 30 4 Synch Up to 1000 Yes+ Yes Yes MLPQ-UT20 3x3x0.6mm EcoSpeed® controller, on-board prog LDO, prog Soft Start, hiccup overload protection, AEC-Q100 VIN 5.0 20 30 + Programmable Ultrasonic or Regular Power Save æValues dependent upon type of MOSFET used www.semtech.com/power-management/ 15 Power Management Buck (...continued) Multiple Output Controllers # of Vout (V) OutMax puts Min Vin (V) Gate Drive On-time fSW External Control Hiccup Power Enable Current Min (ns) (kHz) Sync Method Overload Good Pin (A) Flag Part Number Min Max SC2440 2.78 20 2 SC2441A 1.8 20 3 0.5 0.88* VIN 20/20/0.6 2 0.75 0.85* VIN Ioutæ Max (A) Features SC2443 4.7 16 2 0.5 0.88*VIN 20/20 1.5 150 SC2446 4.7 16 2 0.5 0.88* VIN 20/20 1.5 150 Yes Current Yes No Yes TSSOP-16 EDP TSSOP-28 EDP TSSOP-24 MLPQ-24, 4x4mm TSSOP-28 EDP SC2447 4.65 15 2 0.5 0.88* VIN 30/30 N/A - Yes Current Yes No Yes TSSOP-28 SC2672 3 15 2 0.9 0.9* VIN 20/20 1.7 - 300 No Voltage No Yes Yes SO-16 SC2677B 3 15 2 0.5 0.86* VIN 20/20 1.7 300 300- 1000 No Voltage No Yes Yes TSSOP-24 TSSOP-24 EDP SC2442(H) 4.75 3630 (H) 1 0.8* Vin 2002500 Package 2/2 10/10 2 180 0.5 Up to 1000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Current Yes No Yes Yes Voltage Yes No Yes Yes Current Yes No Yes – Two buck controllers + 1 boost regulator Sink/source capable Sink/source capable Optimized for DrMOS, sink/source current Simple dual channel controller Current sharing from two inputs or dual output, adj phase shift Values dependent upon type of MOSFET used æ DDR Regulators/Controllers (Switching & LDO) Part Number VCC (V) Min Max SC1116 3 SC2446 4.7 VDDQ (V) IVDDQ (A) Max VTT Type N/A N/A LDO 15 16 0.5-2.5 0.25-1.25 ±4 Peak gate fSW Current DDR (kHz) Drive(A) Type N/A Up to 1000 Up to 1000 Synch or NonSynch Integrated Driver Package Features - 1,2,3 N/A Yes SOT-23 6L Simple DDR VTT LDO controller 1.5 1,2,3 Synch Yes TSSOP-28 2-phase, buffered VDDQ/2 output - 1,2,3 Synch Yes TSSOP-28 20 N/A N/A Switcher 0.5-1.25 60 5.5 N/A N/A LDO 0.9 -1.25 ±2.5 N/A - 1,2 N/A N/A SC2597 2.35 3.6 1-3.6 N/A LDO 0.5 - 1.8 ±3 N/A - 1,2,3,4 N/A N/A SC4510 4.75 16 N/A N/A Switcher 0.3-3.0 15 1001000 1 1,2,3 Synch Yes SC2596 NEW IVTT (A) Max Switcher 0.5-1.25 SC2447 4.65 15 2.3 20 VTT (V) 2-phase, optimized for Philips or Renesas DrMOS DDR VTT LDO with on-board SO-8 EDP Integrated buffered reference, remote sense SOIC-8 Integrated DDR VTT LDO with on-board EDP buffered reference, remote sense On-board buffered reference, TSSOP-20 Power Good flag Boost Single Output Step-up Controllers Part Number VIN (V) Min Max Max Gate Drive Current (A) Shutdown Current (µA) Quiescent Current (mA) fSW (kHz) Package VOUT (V) Min Max lOUT (A) SC2603 4.5 16 4.5 * (1) * (2) 0.8 - 5 200 SOT23-6 SC2604 4.5 16 4.5 * (1) * (2) 0.8 200 6 400 MSOP-8 Features Input disconnect FET drive * (1)= External FET Voltage * (2) lOUT is function of VIN, VOUT, fSW, and inductor value Single Output Step-up Regulators Part Number VIN (V) VOUT (V) Min Max Min lOUT (A) ISW (A) Max Max Min Shutdown Current (µA) Quiescent Current (mA) fSW (kHz) Package Features SC4501 1.4 16 1.4 30 * 2 <18 <1.6 Up to 2000 MSOP-8 EDP MLPD-10, 3x3x1mm Prog Soft Start, SEPIC conf possible SC4502 SC4502H 1.4 16 1.4 32/40 * 1.4 <18 <1.6 Up to 2000 MLPD-10, 3x3x1mm Prog Soft Start, SEPIC conf possible SC4503 2.5 20 3 27 * 1.4 <1 <1.1 1300 TSOT-23 MLPD-8, 2x2x0.8mm Prog Soft Start, SEPIC conf possible SC120 0.7 4.5 1.8 5 0.19 1.2 0.1 0.05 1200 MLPD, 1.5x2x0.6mm SOT23 Power Save+ mode maximizes efficiency at light load SC121 0.7 4.5 1.8 5 0.19 1.2 0.1 3.5 1200 MLPD-UT-6, 1.5x2x0.6mm Constant frequency SC122 0.7 1.6 3.3 3.3 0.095/ 0.05 0.35 8.5 0.04 1200 MLPD-UT-6, 1.5x2x0.6mm Operates in Power Save+ mode at all loads * IOUT is function of VIN, VOUT, fSW and inductor values 16 Semtech Power Management Solutions Power Management Additional Power & Analog Products Inverting Buck / Boost Controller Part Number SC4508A VIN (V) Min Max VOUT (V) Min Max 2.7 -0.5 15 lOUT (A) Gate Drive RDSon (Ω) Max * (1) *(2) Shutdown Current (µA) Quiescent Current (mA) fSW (kHz) Package Features <500 3 100-1500 MLPQ-12, 4x4x1mm Buck or buck/boost (inverting), Prog Soft Start, hiccup mode over-current protection 8 * (1)= External FET Voltage * (2) IOUT is function of VIN, VOUT, fSW, and inductor value Combo Regulators / Controllers Part Number Topologies Vin (V) Min Max Buck Vout (V) Min Max Iout Max (A) fSW (kHz) Power Good Flag Package Features SC2441A 2 synch buck controllers + 1 boost regulator 1.8 20 0.5 0.88* VIN 20/20/0.6 Up to 1000 No TSSOP-28 EDP Ext synch, capable of 2-phase with current sharing SC2463 2 synch buck controllers + 2 LDO controllers 4.5 30 0.5 0.8* VIN 20/20/2/2 Up to 700 Yes TSSOP-28 Prog Soft Start, auto startup sequence, prog current limit Isolated PWM Controllers Part Number SC4806 Start Up Current (µA) Max Topologies # of Outputs Mode of Operation fSW (kHz) 150 Pushpull, Full Bridge, Half Bridge 2 Voltage Mode or Current Mode Up to 1000 50% each channel 8.6 150 Pushpull, Full Bridge, Half Bridge 2 Voltage Mode or Current Mode Up to 1000 50% each channel 4.4 SC4808A SC4808B MLPQ-12, 4x4x1mm Independent Soft Start, Shutdown, UVLO, ext synch MSOP-10 UVLO, ext synch MSOP-10 Prog duty cycle, ext synch MSOP-10 Ext synch 4.5 Forward / Flyback, Boost 110 SC4809C SC4905B Features 8 SC4809A SC4905A Package 12 SC4808C SC4809B Turn On Max Duty Cycle Threshold (VMAX) Voltage Mode or Current Mode 1 Up to 1000 90% 12 6.95 Forward / Flyback, Boost 100 1 Up to 1000 Voltage Mode 95% 4.6 12 Voltage References Part Number Min SC431 2.5 SC431L VIN (V) Reference Voltage (V) Accuracy (%) Package Features 30 2.5 ±0.5 SOT-23-3, SO-8 Adjustable shunt regulator 1.24 20 1.24 ±0.25 SOT-23-3, SOT-23-5 Low-voltage adjustable shunt regulator SC4431 1.5 15 1.224 ±0.5 SOT-23-5 Adjustable shunt regulator with open collector output for driving an opto-isolator SC4437 0.9 28 3.3 ±1 SOT-23-3 Low-power precision series voltage reference, wide input range Max MOSFET Drivers Part Number Min SC1301 SC1302 VIN (V) Max Gate Drive Current (A) Rise/Fall Time (ns) Prop Delay (ns) Package Features 4.5 16.5 2 20 60 SOT23-5 Single low-side MOSFET driver, TTL compatible input, inverting and non-inverting options 4.5 16.5 2 20 40 SO-8, MSOP-8 Dual low-side MOSFET driver, TTL compatible input, inverting, non-inverting options www.semtech.com/power-management/ 17 Power Management Additional Power & Analog Products (...continued) Linear Battery Chargers Part Number Operating Output Input Max. Charge Output Input Voltage Voltage Voltage LDO NTC Safety Charger Charge Fault Current (A)/ Voltage (V) Withstand Status Accuracy (%) Mode Interface Timer Present Accuracy (V) Indicator Indicator Indicator (V) Min Max Max Package Features 4.3 6.5 14 4.1, 4.2, ADJ +/-1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MLPQ-16, 4x4x1mm Fully featured, high input voltage protection, prog pre-, fast- and termination current SC805A 1 +/- 5% 3.5 5.9 7 4.2 +/-1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MLPD-10, 3x3x1mm Fully featured, prog pre-, fast- and termination current SC806 1 +/- 5% 3.15 6.3 7 4.2 +/-1 No Yes No Yes Yes Yes MLPD-10, 3x3x1mm Prog pre-, fast-.and termination current SC810 1 +/- 9% 4.6 8.2 30 4.2 +/-1 Yes No No No Yes No MLPD-UT-6, 2x2x0.6mm Termination options: float charge, automatic re-charge, forced re-charge SC811 1 +/- 9% 4.0 4.6 30 4.2 +/-1 Yes No No No Yes No MLPD-UT-8, Charging mode pin: selects USB high, 2x2x0.6mm USB low or adapter inputs, OVP 9.6V SC813 1 +/- 9% 4.0 4.6 30 4.2 +/-1 Yes No No No Yes No MLPD-UT-8, Charging mode pin: selects USB high, 2x2x0.6mm USB low or adapter inputs, OVP 6.0V SC824 1 +/- 9% 4.0 8.2 30 4.2 +/-1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes mode pin: selects USB high, MLPD-UT-10, Charging USB low or adapter inputs, 2x2x0.6mm OVP 9.6V +/SC802A 1 60mA LDOs LDO Controllers VIN (V) VOUT (V) Part Number Min Max Min Max # Channels VDROPOUT (V) Enable Pin Power Good Flag Package Features SC338 4.5* 13.2 0.5 3.3 2 User selectable Yes Yes MSOP-10 Soft Start SC339 4.5* 5.5 0.5 3.3 1 User selectable Yes Yes SOT-23-6 Soft Start *Applies to IC - input to MOSEFET(s) is user selectable NEW Single Output LDOs VIN (V) VOUT (V) lOUT (A) VDROPOUT (V) Max O.T Max Part Number Min Max Min Max Enable Pin Package Features SC1202 2.65 7 1.25 5.7 0.6 1.3 No SOT-223 – SC1565 2.2 5.5 1.2 4.8 1.5 0.6 Yes TO-263-5, SO-8, SOT-223, TO-263-3 – SC1566 2.2 5.5 1.2 4.8 3 0.45 Yes TO-220-5, TO-263-3, TO-220-3, TO-263-5 – SC1592 1.25* 16 0.8 VIN-VDROPOUT 3 0.52 Yes TO-263-7, SO-8 EDP Separate control and power inputs for lower dropout, prog current limit SC4211 1.4 6 0.5 VIN-VDROPOUT 1 0.5 Yes SO-8 EDP Very low input (1.4V), very low dropout SC4212 1.5 5.5 0.5 VIN-VDROPOUT 1 0.5 Yes MLPD-8, 3x3x1mm Very low input, very low dropout SC4213H 1.4 6 0.5 VIN-VDROPOUT 0.5 0.15 Yes SO-8 Very low input, very low dropout SC4215J 1.4 6 0.5 VIN-VDROPOUT 2 0.6 Yes SO-8 EDP SC4216H 1.45 5.5 0.5 VIN-VDROPOUT 3 0.7 Yes SO-8 EDP SC4217 1.8 5.5 1.24 VIN-VDROPOUT 3 0.6 Yes TO-263-5 Very low input, very low dropout Very low dropout * Control voltage also required. See datasheet. Multiple Output LDOs VIN (V) Max lOUT* VDROP- Power (mA) OUT Good (mV) Flag IQ** (µA) 3.3 300* 100 VOUT (V) Part Number Min Max Min SC560 2.5 5.5 1.2 100 Yes Enable # of Noise PSRR Pin LDOs (µVRMS) (dB) Yes 2 50 65 Package Features MLPQ-UT8, 1.5x1.5x0.6mm Power Good flag, dual enable, low noise * Per output ** All regulators active 18 Semtech Power Management Solutions Power Management LED Drivers Inductor Based NEW NEW Part Number VIN (V) VOUT (V) Min Max Max fSW (MHz) Max # LED’s # LED Strings # LED’s Per String Max (Vf=3.5V ) Current Per LED String Max (mA) Total current Max (mA) Dimming Max (Freq) Package Features SC440A 4.5 27 42 0.8 72 6 12 30 180 MLPQ-24, 4x4x1mm Open/Short LED string disable, OCP, OTP, OVP and FFLAG SC446 4.5 27 42 0.7 36 3 12 100 300 TSSOP-16 EDP Open/Short LED string disable, OCP, OTP and OVP SC441A+ 4.5 21 36 0.7 40 4 10 150 600 TSSOP-20 EDP Open/Short LED string disable, OCP, OTP, OVP and FFLAG, AEC-Q100 qualified SC442 4.5 21 42 0.2-1.0 120 10 12 30 300 MLPQ-UT-28, 4x4x0.6mm Adj freq, adj SCP level, Open/Short LED string disable, OCP, OTP and OVP SC443 4.5 27 42 0.2-1.2 36 3 12 30 90 MLPQ-UT-16, 3x3x0.6mm Adj freq Open LED string disable, OCP, OTP and OVP SC445 4.5 27 42 0.7 40 4 10 150 600 TSSOP-20 EDP Automotive Load Dump Capable SC4509 2.7 10 20 1.2 5 1 5 30 >30 SOT23-6 MLPD-W8, 2x2x0.8mm Tiny solution size with integrated Schottky, ballast resistor sets LED current, OCP, OTP and OVP SC4538 2.8 5.5 38 0.8 10 1 10 30 30 MLPD-UT-8, 2x2x0.6mm Excellent dimming range, high dimming linearity, OCP, OTP and OVP SC4539 2.8 5.5 22 0.8 6 1 6 30 30 MLPD-UT-8, 2x2x0.6mm Excellent dimming range, high dimming linearity, OCP, OTP and OVP SC4540 4.5 12 38 0.8 10 1 10 30 30 MLPD-UT-8, 2x2x0.6mm Excellent dimming range, high dimming linearity, OCP, OTP and OVP SC4541 2.9 22 25 2 7 1 7 20 20 SC5010 4.5 27 50 0.2-2.2 96 8 12 30 240 SC5014 4.5 27 50 0.2-2.2 64 4 16 120 480 SC5014A 4.5 27 50 0.2-2.2 32 2 16 240 480 SC5012/Q 4.5 45 65 0.2-2.2 64 4 16 150 PWM Up to 50kHz PWM Up to 10kHz PWM Up to 50kHz SOT23-6 PWM Up to MLPD-UT-6, High-side sensing integrated Schottky rectifier, 500kHz no external compensation 2x2x0.6mm MLPQ-UT-28 4x4x0.6mm Synchronous phase-shift, 10-bit dimming resolution, no external compensation MLPQ-20, 4x4x1mm – PWM Up to 30kHz 600 MLPQ-20, 4x4x1mm – MLPQ-24, 4x4x1mm I C, FSYNC, 5000:1 Phase Shifted PWM Dimming 2 Charge Pump Based Part Number VIN (V) Min Max fSW (kHz) IOUT (mA) Max Mode Backlight Sink Current (mA) Flash Sink Current (mA) Max Max Flash Safety Timer LDOs Control Interface Package Features 3 5.5 250 1000 1x,1.5x,2x N/A 1000 Yes 0 I2C MLPQ-UT-20, 3x3x0.6mm Flash LED = 1A max in flash mode, 275mA max continuous for spotlight SC644 2.9 5.5 250 150 1x,1.5x,2x 6 x 25 N/A N/A 4 SemPulse® MLPQ-UT-20, 3x3x0.6mm – SC654 2.9 5.5 250 150 1x,1.5x,2x 6 x 25 N/A N/A 0 SemPulse® MLPQ-UT-14, 2x2x0.6mm – SC662 2.9 250, 5.5 1000 150 1x,1.5x,2x 6 x 25 N/A N/A 0 SemPulse® MLPQ-UT-14, 2x2x0.6mm ±0.5% matching, ±1.5% accuracy, fade-in/fade-out Control Interface Dimming SC628A LED Current Sinks Sink Current Range (mA) Sink Quantity 150 max 31.25µA - 25mA 8 59 typ 0 - 25mA 7/8 VIN (V) Part Number Sink Dropout Min Max Voltage (mV) SC620 2.7 5.5 SC667/8 2.9 5.5 www.semtech.com/power-management/ Package I2C Interface Register MLPQ-UT-16, 3x3x0.6mm I2C Interface PWM MLPQ-UT-20, 3x3x0.6mm Features Output expansion capability, individually controllable current sinks LED current sink, 7/8 back lights + 4 LDOs + I²C + PWM + SemPulse + ALS, Automatic Dropout Prevention (ADP) 19 Power Management Charge Pumps Charge Pump Regulators VOUT (V) lOUT (cont) (mA) Max fSW (kHz) Mode Package Features 6.5 4, 4.5, 5 60, 120 v 8, 32, 262, 650 1x,1.5x,2x MSOP-10 MLPD-10, 3x3x1mm – 2.5 6.5 4.5, 5 160, 200 262, 650 2x MLPD-10, 3x3x1mm – SC630 2.9 5.5 3.3 400 200 1x,1.5x,2x MLPD-UT-8, 2x2x0.6mm Buck-Boost <20mV Vripple, Soft Start SC630A 2.95 5.5 3.3 300 1000 1x,1.5x,2x MLPD-UT-8, 2x2x0.6mm Buck-Boost 33mV Vripple, Soft Start, uses ultra-small input/output capacitors SC632 2.9 5.5 5 275 200 1x,1.5x,2x MLPD-UT-8, 2x2x0.6mm Buck-Boost <30mV Vripple, Soft Start SC632A 2.95 5.5 5 275 1000 1x,1.5x,2x MLPD-UT-8, 2x2x0.6mm Buck-Boost 50mV Vripple, Soft Start, uses ultra-small input/output capaci tors SC633 2.9 5.5 5.3 400 200 1x,1.5x,2x MLPD-UT-8, 2x2x0.6mm VIN (V) Part Number Min Max SC600 2.5 SC603 Load Switches NEW Load Switches Part Number Min Max IOUT Max (A) RDS ON (mΩ) Shutdown Current (µA) Quiescent Current (mA) Enable Pin Auto Discharge ESD (kV HBM) Package SC704 1.1 3.6 0.5 90 0.1 2 Yes No 5 0.76mm x 0.76mm, 4-Bump CSP SC705 1.1 3.6 0.5 90 0.1 2 Yes Yes 5 0.76mm x 0.76mm, 4-Bump CSP VIN (V) SEMTECH Power Management ICs GREENER • SMARTER • BRIGHTER • SMALLER Semtech’s goal is to provide semiconductor solutions help customers push system performance to new levels and meet emerging, ultra-low power green technology initiatives. For the latest on Semtech Power Management Products visit: www.semtech.com/power-management/ 20 Semtech Power Management Solutions Power Management Power Management Design Resources Order Evaluation Boards Online FAST! Semtech offers a simple and fast online form for ordering evaluation boards for any of our Power Management products. www.semtech.com/ordering/request-eval.html Order Evaluation Boards for any Semtech Power Management Device from Product Pages OR Order from the “Ordering” Tab Cross-Referencing Power Parts is EASY ! Semtech offers an easy-to-use tool for cross-referencing competitive power management parts with equivalent Semtech devices. Cross Parts by Part Number OR... by Manufacturer www.semtech.com/cross-reference/ www.semtech.com/power-management/ 21 Power Management C-SIM Online Design Center and Simulation Tool Semtech C-SIM is an interactive, web-based design tool for selecting and simulating devices from our power management product portfolio. Based on the input and output parameters you choose, C-SIM will find suitable devices for your application. C-SIM allows you to capture schematics, create a reference design (along with associated Bill of Materials), view waveforms, perform application analysis and more. online design center flow R2 V1 www.semtech.com 22 Semtech Power Management Solutions Power Management C-SIM Simulation Tool Supported Products Vin Min (V) Vin Max (V) Vout Min (V) Vout Max (V) Iout Max (A) Freq Max (kHz) 3 30 1.5 10 0.3 Hys 4.5 20 0.5 18 40 1000 9 36 0.75 33.12 20 500 High Performance, Wide Input Range, Dual Synchronous Buck Controller 4.5 28 0.75 25.2 15 300 High-Performance Synchronous Buck Controller with Reference Tracking 4.75 16 0.5 15.2 30 1000 SC4603 Very Low Input, 1MHz Operation, High-Efficiency Synchronous Buck Controller 2.25 5.5 0.5 4.95 12 1000 SC4608 Low Input, 1MHz Operation, High Efficiency Synchronous Buck Controller 2.7 5.5 0.5 4.95 20 1000 SC4614 500kHz Voltage Mode PWM Controller 4 25 0.5 23.75 25 500 SC493 EcoSpeed® Step-down Controller with I C Interface 3 28 3 5.5 30 1000 SC508 46V EcoSpeed® DC-DC Buck Controller with Integrated LDO 5 46 0.6 20 20 1000 SC174 4A EcoSpeed® Synchronous Step-Down Regulator with Optional Ultrasonic Power Save SC3303 3A EcoSpeed® Step-Down Regulator with LDO and Ultrasonic Power Save SC401B Part Number SC4530 Topology Buck Regulator Micro-Power SC2544 SC4510 SC402B SC403B 30V, 300mA Output Micropower Step-Down Switching Regulator 1.8V to 20V Input 2-Phase Synchronous Step-down Controllers with Step-up Converter SC2441A SC2442H Product Description Synchronous Buck High-Performance Wide Input Range Dual Synchronous Buck Controller 2 Synchronous Buck EcoSpeed® 3 5.5 0.75 5.225 4 1000 5.5 28 0.75 7.5 3 1000 15A, 17V EcoSpeed® Integrated Regulator with Programmable 5V LDO 3 17 0.6 12 15 1000 10A, 28V EcoSpeed® Integrated Regulator with Programmable 5V LDO 3 28 0.6 12 10 1000 6A, 28V EcoSpeed® Integrated Regulator with Programmable 5V LDO 3 28 0.6 12 6 1000 5.5 24 0.75 7.5 3 1000 SC410 3A EcoSpeed® Synchronous Step-Down Regulator with 5V LDO and Ultrasonic Power Save Mode SC414 6A EcoSpeed® Integrated FET Regulator with 5V LDO 3 28 0.75 5.5 6 1000 SC417 10A EcoSpeed® Integrated FET Regulator with Programmable LDO 3 28 0.3 5.5 12 1000 SC418 30A EcoSpeed® DC-DC Converter with Programmable 5V LDO 3 28 0.75 5.5 6 1000 SC424 6A EcoSpeed® Integrated FET Regulator with 5V LDO 3 28 0.75 5.5 6 1000 SC427 10A EcoSpeed® Integrated FET Regulator with Programmable LDO 3 28 0.3 5.5 10 1000 SC4524E 28V 2A Step-Down Switching Regulator 3 28 1 23 2 2000 18V 2A Step-Down Switching Regulator 3 18 1 14 2 2000 28V 3A Step-Down Switching Regulator 3 28 1 23 3 2000 18V 3A 350kHz Step-Down Switching Regulator 3 18 1 14 3 350 SC4524F SC4525E SC4525F Non-Synchronous Buck SC4624 Low Input Voltage, High Efficiency, 4A Integrated FET Synchronous Step down DC/DC Regulator 2.3 5.5 0.5 5.5 4 2000 SC440A High-efficiency, Multiple-string (up to 6) LED Driver with Integrated Boost Converter 4.5 27 4.5 36 0.18 960 High-efficiency, Multiple-string (up to 4) LED Driver with Integrated Boost Converter 4.5 21 4.5 36 0.6 840 SC446 High Efficiency Integrated Driver for 3-Strings of 100mA LEDs 4.5 27 4.5 42 0.3 840 SC4503 1.3MHz Step-Up Switching Regulator with 1.4A Switch in TSOT-23 2.5 20 2.5 27 0.9 1300 Versatile, Low-cost, Voltage Mode PWM Controller Designed for 16V Input DC/ DC Power Supply Applications 4.5 16 5 50 10 1000 1MHz Fixed 5.0V Output Charge Pump Regulator 2.95 5.5 5 5 0.275 1000 SC441A SC2603 SC632A LED Driver Boost Charge Pump Regulator www.semtech.com/power-management/ 23 About Semtech Semtech Corporation is a leading supplier of analog and mixed-signal semiconductor platforms for high-end consumer, computing, communications and industrial applications. Our vision is to be the global leader in analog and mixed-signal platforms enabling architectural and performance differentiation. Semtech, publicly traded since 1967, is listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbol SMTC and has more than 25 sales and application support offices in 14 countries as well as representatives and distribution support locations in more than 30 countries. Our proprietary platforms, differentiated by innovation, size, efficiency, performance and reach, are used in some of the most innovative systems and products in the market today. Semtech products can be found in a wide range of fast-growing market segments, including Smart Phones, LED TVs, Tablets, Wireless LAN Modems, Automated Meter Reading, Ultra-Low-power Medical, Satellite Communication, Cellular Infrastructure, Optical Transport, Datacenters and state-of-the-art Broadcast Video industries. More than 5,000 customers worldwide rely on our diverse product portfolio and world class technology roadmap to provide them with solutions for low-power wireless communications, optical data transport, video broadcasting, power management, circuit protection, touch sensing, and more, making Semtech one of the most balanced semiconductor companies in the industry. Customer Contact & Sales Office Listing CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Camarillo, California 805 498 2111 NORTH AMERICA Burlington, Ontario 905 632 2996 EUROPE ASIA Rapperswil, Switzerland + 41 71 313 4828 Seoul, Korea + 82 2 527 4377 Bristol, England +44 1454 462200 Tokyo, Japan + 81 3 5719 7560 Courtaboeuf , France + 33 169 28 22 00 Osaka, Japan + 81 6 6347 6570 Hallbergmoos, Germany + 49 811 998 728 10 Shenzhen, China Design Center & Applications + 86 755 8282 8515 For a detailed list of sales representatives for your area please visit Taipei, Taiwan + 886 2 2748 3380 Beijing, China + 86 10 6410 6855 Manila, Philippines + 63 2772 1834 Shanghai, China + 86 21 6391 0830 Ipoh, Malaysia + 60 5 526 8223 www.semtech.com/contact www.semtech.com/ applications Corporate Headquarters 200 Flynn Road, Camarillo, California 93012 phone: (805) 498-2111 • fax: (805) 498-3804 • www.semtech.com The Semtech name, Semtech logo, EcoSpeed and SemPulse are registered trademarks of Semtech Corporation in the U.S.A. and other countries. SmartDrive and SemWire are trademarks of Semtech Corporation. I2C and the I2C bus are trademarks of NXP B.V. Semtech makes no warranty, representation or guarantee, express or implied, regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose. ©2014 Semtech Corporation. All rights reserved. PM-SG-Q32014-US © 2014 Semtech Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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