2 BUSINESS SHILLONG ! WEDNESDAY! NOVEMBER 19, 2014 OFFICE SPACE LAND & PROPERTY 14 Bigha land at Palasbari, 3 Bigha first plot at Amingaon, 4.3 Bigha at Changsari, 3 Katha at Uzzan Bazar, Khargulli, 3 Katha at Christianbasti, for sale. Contact: Shree Jain Properties, 9864534949. Godown or industrial shed on rent: 2000, 4800, 7500, 14500, 26500, 45000, 85000 sq.ft. at Beltola, Lokhra, Boragaon, Amingaon. Contact: 9435403986. 39010 SALE AND SERVICE CCTV Rs. 16500/- only. 10% - 20% off on Fingerprint Time and Attendance, Acess Control System, Fire Alarm system, Multi appartment Video Door Phone System, EXPBX, LED Moving display Board, Sales and service. Call : 8253828961, 7576017128 39279 GODOWN A. RCC 1650 sq.ft godown at Athgaon. B. 15000 sq.ft. at Lokhra with lots of open space in an individual compound. C. 20000, 25000 sq.ft. at Brahmaputra Industrial Park. D. 5000 sq.ft. at Katabari. Call : 8254906997, 99542-27997. 39300 LAND & PROPERTIES 50% work completed flat for booking only 2 units at 1st & 2nd floor 1400 sq.ft. SBA (total 3 units building) near Dona Planet, Shaktigarh, G.S. Road, Guwahati. 95% work completed two flats only 900 sq.ft. SBA at 3rd floor Odalbakra, Guwahati. Contact : 98640-17222, 94357-12333. 37973 LOST I have lost my Class 10th and Class 12th certificate, marksheets and Admit Cards bearing (Roll B07-230 No. 3135 year 2007) and (Roll 0363 No. 30026 year 2009). Manoj Kumar Gupta S/o Dudh Nath Gupta Duliajan near B.X. Colony LAND FOR SALE Clear title myadi land in & around Guwahati for sale. Two plots 7 Kathas & 6 Kathas behind NPS near Lakhra, NH-37. 5 Bighas at Nalapara, NH-37. 9 Bighas near ISBT, NH-37. 9 Kathas at IIT Road, NH-31. 1 Bigha to 300 Bighas at Mirza, Palashbari, Chaigaon & more. S.B. Associates 9435264183. 39313 NAME CHANGE I, Chandra Prakash Agarwalla have changed my name from Prakash Chandra Garodia to Chandra Prakash Agarwalla by swearing in the court of Notary Kamrup Metro Assam. Henceforth my name will be known as Chandra Prakash Agarwalla. 39314 NAME CHANGE I, Arvind Agarwalla have changed my name from Arvind Garodia to Arvind Agarwalla by swearing in the court of Notary Kamrup Metro Assam. Henceforth my name will be known as Arvind Agarwalla. 39315 CHANGE OF NAME I have changed my name from Rachel to Rachel Konyak by an affidavit before the Notary Public, Kamrup District at Guwahati. 39317 Office space available on G.S. Road, Ulubari, Guwahati measuring from 2250 sq.ft. to 8000 sq.ft. Interested person may contact : 97070-90406 (Between 10 A.M. to 6 P.M.) SBI up 5.5% MUMBAI, NOV 18: Shares of State Bank of India on Monday surged over 5.5%, making investors richer by Rs 11,325 crore, on the back of the firm re- porting 31 percent jump in September quarter profit and an improvement in asset quality. After rising 5.79% to its 52-week high of Rs 2,950 on the BSE, shares of SBI finally ended at Rs 2,940.15, a gain of 5.44 percent from their previous close. At the NSE, the stock settled 5.53% higher at Rs 2,942. Following the rally in the stock, SBI's market capitalisation moved up by Rs 11,325.69 crore to Rs 2,19,503.69 crore. UNI OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT - 1471-73 9th BN ITB POLICE, MHA/GOVT. OF INDIA C/O 99 APO PIN-934409 TENDER NOTICE The Commandant 9TH Bn, ITB Police Force, Tezu invites, on behalf of the President of India sealed items rate tender under two bid system (Technical and Price Bids) from registered, approved and eligible firms/contractors of ITBP Force, Railways, Deptt. of Telecom, MES, CPWD, State PWD up to 1300 hrs on 03/12/2014 which shall be opened at 1600 hrs on the same day, In case, said date is declared a holiday under Negotiable Act, the tenders will be opened on next working day at same time and venue for the following works:S. N. 1, Name of Work : Supply of 08 Nos of Fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) shelters Barrel type (5-6 men) of size 4.88mx4.88mx2.44m height F.O.R. at transit camp, Roing of 9th Bn. ITB Police, Lohitpur (A.P.), Estimated Cost (Rs.) : Rs.29,75016/-, Earnest Money : Rs.59,500/-, Time Allowed : 02 Months, Last date of receipt of application and time & Date for Sale of tender : 01/12/14 at 1700 hrs., Time and date of receipts of tender : 03/12/14 at 1300 hrs., Time and date of opening of tenders : Technical Bid - 03.12.14 at 1600 hrs., Price Bid - 04.12.14 at 1600 hrs. Tender Forms containing terms and conditions etc. can be obtained up to 01.12.14 on any working day from 1100 to 1700 hrs from the office of Commandant 9TH Bn. ITBP, C/o 99 APO Lohitpur (A.P) on cash payment of Rs 500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) (Per set) or by DD prepared in favour of Commandant 9th Bn. ITBP Tezu payable at S.B.I. Tezu Code No 01520 (Nonrefundable). Postage charges @ Rs 65/- may be added extra, if tender document is sought through post. Department shall not be responsible for any postal delay and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. The complete tender enquiry may also be seen on ITBP website i.e. (www.itbp.gov.in) which can be downloaded by the interested firms. The cost of this tender document (Rs 500/- per set) has to be deposited in the form of a separate SD drawn in favour of Commandant 9TH Bn. ITBP Lohitpur (A.P) payable at S.B.I. Tezu Code No 01520 (Non-refundable) along with the Technical Bid. The Earnest money should be deposited along with technical bid in the form of Receipt Treasury Challan/ Deposit at Call Receipt / Fixed Deposit Receipt of a schedule bank/Demand draft of a scheduled bank issued in favor of Commandant 9th Bn. ITB Police Force, S.B.I. Tezu Code No. 01520. The Cost of tender form i.e. Rs 500/- (in case tender form is downloaded through web site) and earnest money in appropriate form as mentioned above shall be placed in separate sealed envelopes each marked as "Tender Money” & "Earnest Money". Both the above envelopes along with “Registration Certificates & documents” and “Tender Form from page No 1 to 11-2 " shall be placed in one sealed envelope marked as “TECHNICAL BID”. The price Bid containing Schedule of quantity of the “Tender Form Page No 15” shall be placed in separate sealed envelope marked as “PRICE BID”. Both Price Bid & Technical bid shall be placed in One sealed envelope marked as “TENDER FOR Supply of 08 Nos of Fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) shelters Barrel type (5-6 men) of size -4.88mx4.88mx2.44m height F.O.R at transit camp, Roing of 9th Bn. ITB Police, Lohitpur (A.P)”. The Date of Opening to be written on the right hand side of the envelope as “Date of Opening — 03.12.14". The tenders will be opened by the board of Officers detailed by Commandant 9th Bn ITB Police in the presence of tenderers or their authorized representatives. The Competent Authority, ITBP reserves all rights to accept or reject the tenders in whole or part without assigning any reasons. Commandant davp 10112/11/0309/1415 9th Bn. ITB Police GOVERNMENT OF MEGHALAYA DIRECTORATE OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS MEGHALAYA, SHILLONG Govt aims at raising savings; re-launches Kisan Vikas Patra NEW DELHI, NOV 18: With the objective to raise savings in the country, the government on Tuesday re-launched Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP), an instrument which will provide trusted option of investment to poor and keep them off ponzi schemes. “In the last 2-3 years, savings rate in country has declined from a record high of 36.8 percent to below 30 percent due to slowdown in the economy. It is, therefore, necessary to encourage people to save more,” Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said during the launch of the revamped KVP. KVP would serve two purposes, he said, adding, one it would help poor gullible investors to channelise their savings towards trusted government scheme instead of some ponzi schemes, 1. Name of work : REPAIR TO RETAINING WALL HARD STANDING, FOOTPATH, PLINTH PROTECTION ETC AT 509SU, AF STN L/PEAK UNDER GE (I) AF SHILLONG 2. Estimate cost of work : Rs. 13.00 Lakhs (Approx at per market) 3. Completion period : 06 (Six) Months 4. Amount of Earnest Money for contractors not enlisted with MES : Rs. 26,000/- in the shape of Call Deposit from any Scheduled Bank / Nationalized Bank in favour of GE (I) (AF) Shillong. BGB not acceptable. 5. Cost of Tender : Rs. 500.00 in favour of GE (I) AF Shillong in the shape of DD/ Bankers Cheque / Pay Order from any Scheduled Bank in favour of GE (I) (AF) Shillong. 6. Eligibility criteria: (a) For MES enlisted contractors : Class : "E" : Category: 'a(i)' (b) For other contractors : (i) Meeting enlistment criteria of MES with regard to having satisfactorily completed requisite value works, annual turn over, Working Capital, Fixed assets, security clearance etc. (ii) No recovery outstanding in Govt. Deptt. 2. The above details are also available on MES website: www.mes.gov.in and Indian Trade Journal. Full Notice of Tender IAFW-2162 & Enlistment Criteria is available in all offices of MES and also on MES website. 3. Please also refer details on website : www.eprocuremes.gov.in. 1. GARRISON ENGINEER (I) (AF) SHILLONG-793 009 on behalf of President of India invites applications from eligible enlisted contractors of MES and enlisted / un-listed contractors working with other Govt. Departments meeting eligibility criteria for selection of contractors for issue of tender of under mentioned work:1. Name of work : (a) SPECIAL REPAIRS TO TILLING IN FLOOR AT FOOTPATHS NEAR P-364 AND P-207/4 AND VARIOUS PLACES OF SMQ AREA AT HQ EAC (U), AF UNDER GE (I) AF SHILLONG. (b) SPECIAL REPAIR TO BLDG AT CANTT-19 AT HQ EAC(U), AF UNDER GE (I) (AF) SHLLONG. 2. Estimate cost of work : (a) Rs. 14.99 Lakhs (Approx at per market) (b) Rs. 17.50 Lakhs (Approx at per market) 3. Completion period : (a) 13 (Thirteen) Months (b) 06 (Six) Months 4. Amount of Earnest Money for contractors not enlisted with MES : (a) Rs. 29,980/- in the shape of Call Deposit from any Scheduled Bank / Nationalized Bank in favour of GE (I) (AF) Shillong. BGB not acceptable. (b) Rs. 35,000/- in the shape of Call Deposit from any Scheduled Bank / Nationalized Bank in favour of GE (I) (AF) Shillong. BGB not acceptable. 5. Cost of Tender : Rs. 500.00 in favour of GE (I) AF Shillong in the shape of DD/ Bankers Cheque / Pay Order from any Scheduled Bank in favour of GE (I) (AF) Shillong. 6. Eligibility criteria: (a) For MES enlisted contractors : (a) & (b) Class : "E" : Category: 'a(i)' (b) For other contractors : (i) Meeting enlistment criteria of MES with regard to having satisfactorily completed requisite value works, annual turn over, Working Capital, Fixed assets, security clearance etc. (ii) No recovery outstanding in Govt. Deptt. MILITARY ENGINEER SERVICES e-PROCUREMENT TENDER FOR HQ CWE SHILLONG -793011 1. Commander Works Engineer, Spread Eagle Falls, Shillong-793011 invites applications and electronic bid for under mentioned works: SI Tender Reference No No Name of work Estimated cost of work (Rs. in Lakhs) where hard earned savings disappears. “Secondly, there is an urgent need to raise savings in the country...These savings are then used for nation building. Such saving instrument not only earn interest but help in development of the country,” he said. Talking about the features of the instrument, the Finance Minister said this simple product would be a bearer instrument without name of the holder in the first phase. Available in the denomination of Rs 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 and 50,000, the amount invested in KVP would be doubled in 100 months. KVP, that has got no upper ceiling for investment, can be encashed after a lock-in period of 30 months. Initially, the certificates will be sold through post offices, but the same will soon be made available to the investing public through designated branches of nationalised banks, Jaitley said. However, savers would not get any tax benefit for their investment in KVP. “Recognising the need to provide easy instruments of savings for people who have not had access to other savings instruments... And therefore you have to rely either on keeping the money with them or buying gold, gold silver,” Finance Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi said. Speaking on the occasion, Communications and IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said “KVP was a popular 1. GARRISON ENGINEER (I) (AF) SHILLONG-793 009 on behalf of President of India invites applications from eligible enlisted contractors of MES and enlisted / un-listed contractors working with other Govt. Departments meeting eligibility criteria for selection of contractors for issue of tender of under mentioned work:- No. EST.13/2014/39 Dated Shillong the ..... Nov, 2014 TENDER NOTICE Sealed tender affixing a Court fee Stamp of Rs. 200/- ( Rupees Two Hundred) only are invited from bonifide reputed firms/Agencies for printing of the “Provisional Report on 6th Economic Census 2013”. Completed Tender details and specifications may be obtained from the office of the undersigned on any working days. The last date of submission of Tender Complete in all respect is on the 2nd of December, 2014 upto 2.00 p.m. and the same will be opened on the same day in the presence of tenderers or their authorised representatives. Tender received after the above date and time will not be entertained. (A. Kanti) Joint Director MIPR No. 865 Economics & Statistics Dt. 17/11/14 Meghalaya, Shillong THE MEGHALAYA GUARDIAN 2. The above details are also available on MES website: www.mes.gov.in and Indian Trade Journal. Full Notice of Tender IAFW-2162 & Enlistment Criteria is available in all offices of MES and also on MES website. 3. Please also refer details on website : www.eprocuremes.gov.in. 1. 9331/CWE/SHL MANNING & OPERATION OF SEWAGE INSTALLATION OF ‘D’ & ‘E’ BLOCK OF PHASE-I, DELIVERY VALVES AND GRAVITY FEEDING VALVES AT MD/OTM ACCN OF PHASE-I & II AREA UNDER GE NARANGI Rs. 25.00 2. 9332/CWE/SHL PROVISION OF EXHAUST FAN IN MD ACCN OF JCO’S/OR’S IN PHASE-I AREA AND SPECIAL REPAIR/REPLACEMENT OF UNSERVICEABLE ELECTRIC METER IN ‘JCO’s/OR’s MD ACCN IN PHASE-II AREA UNDER GE NARANGI Rs. 28.00 MILITARY ENGINEER SERVICES e-PROCUREMENT TENDER FOR HQ CWE SHILLONG - 793011 1. Commander Works Engineer, Spread Eagle Falls, Shillong-793011 invites applications and electronic bid for under mentioned works: — SI Tender Reference Name of Work Estimated Cost of No No Work (Rs. in Lakhs) 3. 9333/CWE/SHL TERM CONTRACT FOR ARTIFICER WORKS FOR OTM & MD ACCN IN PHASE-I UNDER GE NARANGI Rs. 35.00 4. 9334/CWE/SHL TERM CONTRACT FOR ARTIFICER WORKS FOR OTM & MD ACCN IN PHASE-Il UNDER GE NARANGI. Rs. 40.00 1. Notes: 1. Please note that no subletting of tender will be permitted. The above details are also available on MES website: www.mes.gov.in and Indian Trade Journal. Full notice of Tender IAFW-2162 & Enlistment Criteria is available in all offices of MES and also on MES website. 2. For details refer www.eprocuremes.gov.in davp 10102/11/1597/1415 9336/CWE/SHL MANNING & OPERATION OF ELECTRIC AND WATER SUPPLY INSTALLATIONS AT SHILLONG CANTT AREA UNDER GE SHILLONG Rs. 21.50 Notes: 1. Please note that no subletting of tender will be permitted. The above details are also available on MES website: www.mes.gov.in and Indian Trade Journal. Full notice of Tender IAFW-2162 & Enlistment Criteria is available in all offices of MES and also on MES website. 2. For details refer www.eprocuremes.gov.in. davp 10102/11/1602/1415 instrument for small savings and it had an emotional connect with the people of the country.” For around 100 years, he said, the postal department has been engaged in small savings schemes and there are around 30.8 lakh account holders currently under it. Postal department is undertaking 7 small saving schemes of Government of India and it has an outstanding of around Rs 6 lakh crore, he added. KVP was discontinued in 2011. The scheme was very popular among the investors and the percentage share of gross collections secured in KVP after its launch in 1988 was in the range of 9-29% against the total collections received under all National Savings Schemes in the country. Agencies Winners of Vodafone ‘Mobile for good’ awards NEW DELHI, NOV 18 : The winners of the Vodafone Foundation Mobile for Good Awards 2014 were announced in New Delhi yesterday, stated a company release. The five winning NGOs were awarded Rs 1.2 million each and will be mentored by NextGen to expand and upscale their capacity, improve project monitoring and enhance impact evaluation of the projects they manage. Presenting the awards to the winners, the Chief Guest, R. Chandrashekhar, President, NASSCOM & former Union Telecom Secretary, said,” There is a rising trend in the social development sector to use mobiles and their diverse features and functionalities. Rapidly accelerating trends in enabling transformation through the use of ICT will increase access, enhance efficiency and enable innovation in the sector like never before.” Govt to announce curbs on gold import in a day or two NEW DELHI, NOV 18: In the wake of surge in gold imports, the government would soon impose some curbs on its inward shipment to prevent current account deficit (CAD) from going out of hand. “Things are being worked out by the Finance Ministry and some announcements (restrictions) may come in a day or two,” a source said. Gold import surged almost four times to USD 4.17 billion in October from USD 1.09 billion in the same month a year ago. In value terms, gold imports have touched 150 tonnes in October, as against 24 tonnes during the same period a year ago. The high imports have pushed up the country's trade deficit to USD 13.35 billion as against USD 10.59 billion in October 2013. Last week, the government held a meeting to discuss ways to curb the rising inward shipment of the precious metal. The Reserve Bank of India in August last year had imposed severe restrictions on gold imports and raised import duty on the precious metal to 10 percent to check burgeoning current account deficit and sliding rupee. The steps by the central government though helped lower gold imports substantially, also increased instances of smuggling. In May, the previous UPA government eased certain rules and allowed private agencies to import gold under 80:20 scheme. This facility was available to select banks only and other entities were barred from importing the metal. Under the 80:20 scheme, an importer has to ensure that at least one-fifth, or 20 percent, of every lot of imported gold is exclusively made available for the purpose of exports and the balance for domestic use. The CAD, which had touched a record high of USD 88.2 billion or 4.8 percent of GDP in 2012-13 is estimated to have come down to below USD 32.4 billion or 1.7% of GDP in 2013-14. Agencies ICICI Bank’s 24X7 touch banking branches GUWAHATI, NOV 18: ICICI Bank is the first bank in India to offer one-stop solutions through touch banking branches — open 24 hours, which provide various automated and multifunctional devices and kiosks to provide an array of banking services ranging from cash deposit with instant credit, cheque deposit with instant acknowledgement, internet banking and video conferencing with service team among others, stated a press release. Touch banking comprises 24 x 7 digital branches. These fully automated branches, which are open on all days, 24X7, help customers do real-time cash deposits with instant credit, withdraw money, deposit cheques and get instant receipts, transfer funds, open fixed deposits and generate bank statements. It also offers account related information through Internet banking and video conferencing. These branches are a result of the Bank’s observation that nowadays an individual spends around 10 hours a day at work having a busy life schedule. It leaves very little time to do routine works including day-to-day banking. So, it felt the need to offer customers an option of banking at their convenience and at any time of the day. ICICI Bank had started offering the touch banking services over a year ago. In addition to big metro cities, the Bank has already opened touch banking branches in cities like Guwahati, Siliguri, Rajkot, Vadodara, Vizag, Lucknow, Raipur and Surat among others. Around 75000 new customers transact at these branches every month. Close to one-fifth of the customers transacting at touch banking branch use these services during post-banking hours, Sundays and holidays, which reflects growing customers’ acceptance Round the clock video conferencing with Bank’s executive providing support for transactions, queries and product related information for bank accounts, credit card and asset products. The Bank has a widespread network of 93 branches and 187 ATMs in NE region. It also has 60 branches and 139 ATMs in Assam. Around 40% of the transactions being held at the Guwahati branch are carried out by customers using the services at the touch banking branch.
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