@k ElrEMWglr&res-e* wlal-rarasfrtra State Electricity Distribution Co_ Ltd- [email protected],Tel.:264222l1l26412131Tlx.:01l-13293lffi 26416149 Gram: MUMBAIGRID Mumbai Plot |'lo.G-9, "Pi-akashgad", Anant Kanekar Marg Station Road, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 05 i. No.GAI)/Non-T.E.lDy.M(P)IPR-Int. N oti-621t 35726 Date :-26.77.2010 oFFrcE oRpER NO.269 On the recommendations of the Competent Selection Committee and in pursuance of the approval accorded by the Competent Authority in exercise of the powers delegated to him vide Schedules III, IV and V appended to the MSEDCL Employees' Service Regulations, 2005 read with Adm. Circular No. 194 dt. 20.1 I .2008 the following ernployee is hereby appointed to the post of Dy. Vanaeer (p) under rnternal Notification on temporary basis in the pay scale of Rs. 27170-845-2SlqSa00-a7S95 and posted /allotted to the office as shorvn against his name Lrnder Co.No.4. Sr. Name of Employee, CPF No., Caste & Designation S/Shri No. 1) (2\ (]atKwad Dnn. Dhallyashl 1 0 Raosalreh (0D5Ml'\ '-/'\-r-"i>/One't cct+ lrrsrrs<!r N/.-o^-rA\rJ!!. /D Ir Present place of rvorking TJ' Circle Office, I Ka!hnnr:r Place of posting/ allotment Remarks on annointmenf (4\ Office. of the CE (Civil), --'-. (r) I t\\/r/-\D7/, lll\(rt^l I 11 I i 2. ' The pay of the above ernployee shall be fixed in the pay scale of Rs. 21178-g45-25395-g00-47gg5 as per S.R.29 (a) read with S.R.32(b) of MSEDCL Employees' Service Regulations. 2A05 frorn the date of .joining as Dy. Manager (P) in pursr"rance of this Office Order. 3. The above appointee is held elieible for Tr-T.A.. Pay Advance, Joinine Time erc., as rules. 4. per Compan',,'s The above employee should be relieved on or before2AJ2.20lLl by making local arrangeme*t a',J his reiieiljoining repofts shouici be ser,t to the concerned E.stt.Groups in -orporate Oifice, llLrrnbai accordingly. I u ._=ffirx(t,i'4_r \_urcl \Jenerat lYranager (r) To, Shri. Gaikwad Dliairyashil Raosaheb, (02260212), (Open), Asstt- Manager (P) 'lhr'- The Chief Engineer, MSEDCL, KOPZ Kolhapur. Cofrv submitted to: The Executive Director /GrR), MSEDCL, corpcrate office, Mumbai/(Il) Region pune Copv f.rv.cs.to: The chief Engineer, MSEDCL ,K]PZ Kolhapur/ civil corporate office, Mumbai Copv to: l. The General Manager (P)i( Insp/(P/(Estt), MSEDCL, corporate office, Mumbai 2. The Supdt. Engineer, MSEDCL,Circle Office Kolhapur. 3. The Dy. General Manager {P-T.E), MSEDCL ,Conporate Office, Mumbai 4. The Manager (P/(Non- T-E) 1(DC) / (RC), MSEDCL ,Corporate Office, Mumbai/KOpZ, Kolhapur 5. The Dv.Manager (Pp(PA Cell), MSEDCL ,Corporate Office, Mumbai/ 6. O.O./P.F./PR-lnt. Noti. - 621 C:\Docurnents and SettlngslAdrnini$raor\My Documents\RNKADAM\OO_Appoint.doc
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