Examples of nanoscale characterization of highhigh-tech materials with TEM by Konstantinos P. Giannakopoulos Outline Defects (Dislocations etc) Diffraction (SAED, CBED) Analytical TEM (EDS, EELS) ZnO nanostructures Materials for magnetic recording media 1 Outline Defects (Dislocations etc) Diffraction (SAED, CBED) Analytical TEM (EDS, EELS) ZnO nanostructures Materials for magnetic recording media Find the crystal Orientation: Kikuchi maps Kikuchi lines Diffraction of inelastically scattered electrons In thick crystals Kikuchi map (Diamond) Diffraction Pattern on thick Al 2 Defects Defect Imaging- Dislocations The origin of diffraction contrast at an edge dislocation (cross-sectional view): Local lattice strain means that at along a certain line the planes are bent into the Bragg condition Locallyy the crystal y diffracts strongly gy In bright field the image shows a dark line Defects - Dislocations Relaxation of strained layers: Formation of a misfit dislocation network 3 Defects - Dislocations BaTiO3(20nm)/SrTiO3 interface (plan views) Imaging Conditions: g =[110], bright field g=[200], dark field Defects - Dislocations InGaAs/GaAs interfaces Dislocations on the interface of a “relaxed” layer Planar views of a misfit dislocation network (mixed/60°) • Mixture Mi t off edge d and d 60° dislocations di l ti • Vicinal Interface • The angle between of the 60° dislocations depends on wafer offcut angle The beginning of strain relaxation 4 Defects - Dislocations Where does surface morphology come from? InGaAs surface - Nomarski optical micrograph Notice the angle of the striations They are caused by 60° and not by edge dislocations Outline Defects (Dislocations etc) Diffraction (SAED, CBED) Analytical TEM (EDS, EELS) ZnO nanostructures Materials for magnetic recording media 5 Diffraction Mixture of 2 crystallographic phases Crystallographic Information from very small areas, in contrast to X-ray and Neutron scattering Diffraction - CBED CBED - Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction Focusing of the beam right on the region of interest (crystallite, ~10 nm) Information on crystal symmetry Calculation of the lattice constants (stress, chemical composition) with an accuracy of 0,2% 0 2% with the use of simulation 6 Diffraction - CBED Cu-Al Alloy (for an Interconnect) With increasing Al concentration orientation: [114] HOLZ lines Measurement Simulation Outline Defects (Dislocations etc) Diffraction (SAED, CBED) Analytical TEM (EDS, EELS) ZnO nanostructures Materials for magnetic recording media 7 Analysis in TEM ? Structural/defect analysis Phase determination Measurement of the Diffraction spot distances Measurement of the d –spacing seen in HR (Inverse Fourier Transform) Chemical analysis X-rays EELS combined with Energy Filtered TEM (EFTEM) for Compositional Mapping Electron--Specimen Interactions Electron 8 Analytical TEM - EDS EDS Spectrum of a catalyst support Inelastic Scattering of Electrons Origin: Incident electrons that interact with the specimen and loose energy; they are then transmitted through the rest of the specimen. Exploited p in TEM ((mainly) y) Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) spectrum Origin: The spectrum of loss of energy of the transmitted electrons Characteristic of the elements and their bonding state in the sample Exploited to extract compositional and bonding (i.e. oxidation state) information and to acquire elemental maps 9 Electron--Specimen Interactions Electron Analytical TEM - EELS EELS: a way to exploit the inelastically scattered electrons 350 300 Ge L Er M counts x103 250 Si K 200 150 100 50 0 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 eV 10 Analytical TEM - EELS V.B. eEo ΔE Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy 520 L K O K-edge Intensity (arbitr. units) C.B. 540 560 580 Energy loss ΔΕ (eV) eEo-ΔΕ Outline Defects (Dislocations etc) Diffraction (SAED, CBED) Analytical TEM (EDS, EELS) ZnO nanostructures Materials for magnetic recording media 11 ZnO Nanostructures Why ZnO? Main Disadvantage: p-type doping… • • Wide band gap (3,36 eV @ RT) CdO-ZnO-MgO: large band gap range (2.2 to 7.9 eV)) with a smaller variation off the lattice parameter than in nitrides • Ferromagnetic semiconductor (+Mn) • Piezoelectric • Large exciton binding energy (60 meV) • Very large shear modulus of 45.5 GPa • Existing ZnO substrates (still expensive) • Resistant to radiation • Non-toxic (used in sun-blocking creams) • Cheap: 1600 euros/ton (GaN 540 euros for 5 g) ZnO Nanostructures Applications: UV optoelectronics: Short wavelength LED (+Mg, (+Mg for UV) Displays Optical Storage Transparent electronics Solar blind UV detectors Light Bulbs (85% less consumption) Hi h T electronics High-T l t i Surface acoustic wave devices (>5GHz) for cellular phones Gas sensors Spintronics (quantum computers ?) 12 ZnO Nanostructures Nanodots Process flow: Electron beam evaporation of pure Zn metal on SiO2 Annealing in O2 atmosphere for 1h at 570K -700K 700K Zn dot growth conditions: Substrate temperature: 190 to 300 K Vacuum 4x10-8 Torr Evaporation rate: 0.05 to 0.6 nm/s Equivalent thickness: 0.5 to 5 nm Plan view image of ZnO nanodots Insets: a) Electron Diffraction with ZnO rings b) HRTEM of one dot ZnO Nanostructures Cross-section TEM image of ZnO nanodots Inset: HRTEM of one dot Photoluminescence spectra, at 10 K Excitation source: He-Cd laser (325 nm) 13 ZnO Nanostructures Dot diameters: 3 - 50 nm C axis vertical to the substrate Only near band edge photoluminescence (3.36eV) Compatible with Si technology ZnO Nanostructures Nanorods Chemical process by: H. Yu et. al.: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 2378 (2005) • • • • • Formamide solution in water Zn Source: Zn foil Substrates: Si (111), glass, Zn foil and ZnO on Si (111), glass Deposition time: 1 to 24 hours Solution Temperature: 40-80 ºC Top view SEM image of ZnO nanorods 14 ZnO Nanostructures Bright field TEM image of a ZnO nanorod grown on ZnO thin film/glass substrate Inset: selected area electron diffraction pattern (High resolution TEM image of the same ZnO nanorod ZnO Nanostructures Nanorod size and morphology can be tuned with deposition conditions and substrate choice • Fabrication of self-assembled ZnO nanostructures 15 ZnO Nanostructures ZnCoO Nanorods Magnetic Semiconductors Spintronics Questions: • Are ZnCoO nanorods really created? • Is Co substituting Zn in ZnO lattice? PLD , University of Leipzig: CoO ZnO ZnO Nanostructures Bright Field Images 50 50 nm nm EELS mapping of Co and O in ZnCoO nanorods (EFTEM) ZnCoO creates a shell around the ZnO nanorod Co map O map 16 ZnO Nanostructures Co Valence State in ZnCoO nanorods L3 L3 and L2 Co EELS peaks correspond to the electronic transition: Intensity (a.u.) CoZnO 2p3/2 and 2p1/2 to 3d L2 760 780 800 820 L3/L2 Co oxidation state Electron energy loss (eV) Comparison of L3/L2 with reference materials: Cobalt acetate Co(CH3COO)2 Co2O3 (Co+2) (Co+3) Intensity (a.u.) ZnO Nanostructures L3 ZnCoO Co acetate Co2O3 Co(CH3COO)2: L3/L2 = 4.4 L3/L2 =3.3 Co2O3: ZnCoO: L3/L2 = 4.1 L2 780 800 820 Electron energy loss (eV) Therefore Co in the nanorods has a valence state near to +2 Co replaces Zn in the lattice… 17 ZnO Nanostructures Co metal ZnCoO L2 and L3 peaks of metallic Co have tails because of free electron contribution 800 850 eV There is no free electron contribution in the ZnCoO EELS spectra Therefore Co in ZnCoO is NOT in a metallic state Outline Defects (Dislocations etc) Diffraction (SAED, CBED) Analytical TEM (EDS, EELS) ZnO nanostructures Materials for magnetic recording media 18 Materials for magnetic recording media MRAM Materials for magnetic recording media Pt Co Co, Pt CoPt a = 3.766 Å c = 3.766 Å Ku ~ 0.5 MJ/m3 a = 3.803 3 803 Å c = 3.701 3 701 Å Ku ~ 5 MJ/m3 M M H H 19 Materials for magnetic recording media E-beam co-evaporation of CoPt nanoparticles Substrate Temp. Sub. Thi k Thickness ox. Si (100) RT - 750°C 0 9 – 15 nm 0.9 Thickness Å Ts 9 RT 17 300 Analysis Structure: TEM (EELS, EDX), XRD Magnetic: MOKE, SQUID 17 450 35 450 35 750 85 600 85 750 As-deposited ?! CoPt Pt ~ 85 Å 750ºC o (111) fct - CoPt Intensity (Arb. Units) (111)fcc - CoPt 3 CoPt Co 05 0,5 M/Mmax o 1,0 o50 nm Ann. 120 20 min 750 150 750 // 0,0 -0,5 -1,0 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Annealed H (kOe) As-deposited 30 40 2 Theta 50 60 Deposition + Annealing 20 minutes 1,0 M/Mmax 20 0,5 0,0 // o50 nm -0,5 o50 nm -1,0 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 o5 H (kOe) nm 20 Materials for magnetic recording media Superparamagnetic effect M M M H Multi Domain Single Domain Superparamagnetism Hc KKuuVV KuV ~ kT P ti l size Particle i 0 ~ 9 nm ~ 3 nm N S S N M H Materials for magnetic recording media ~ 8.5 nm As-deposited Ts = 750ºC ~ 3.5 nm 1.0 M/Mmax M 0.5 0.0 -0.5 o50 nm o50 nm -1.0 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 H (kOe) Dave ~ 15 nm D ~ 5 nm Annealed at 750ºC for 20 min ave M/M Mmax 1.0 0.5 00 0.0 -0.5 o50 nm Dave ~ 19 nm o50 nm Dave ~ 5 nm -1.0 -20 -10 0 10 H (kOe) 20 21 Materials for magnetic recording media EFTEM-- Energy Filtered TEM EFTEM Study of Fe distribution in FePt nanoparticles: Bright field image EFTEM image: Fe mapping Overlap of Fe position to FePt particle positions ! Acknowledgements Prof. P. J. Goodhew Dr A. Travlos Dr N. Boukos Dr L. Castaldi 22 Bibliography Transmission Electron Microscopy, by Williams and Carter Electron Microscopy and Analysis, by Goodhew, Humphreys and d Beanland B l d www.amc.anl.gov cimewww.epfl.ch www.matter.org.uk/tem/ www.superstem.dl.ac.uk/ www.unl.edu/CMRAcfem/em.htm www.tf.uni-kiel.de/matwis/amat/def_en/index.html materialsfuture.eu + Forum 23 Main Ideas: Targeted also to those not interested in Science Our optimistic vision for the future Breaking down stereotypes (e.g. the crazy scientist) Social drive of our work Balanced p presentation of negative g sides (pollution etc) materialsfuture.eu Main tool for dissemination An “Experience site” on landing page, hiding an “information site” Kept simple, with articles for the general public 23 languages! 24 We work to make our community visible! Why get involved? Help your community create a sustainable future based on science Interact as an Expert with the media and the public Promote your work to the public. Develop new skills in public outreach activities Be part of a network of Materials Scientists and Science Communicators 25 How exactly can I contribute? Become a Hub for your area and represent the Materials Community! Add your research group/work/videos Post an article Proof read articles Translate Be moderator in the Forum Announce Events/Contests Use our material for teaching [email protected] Community building activities 26 Thank you! contact@materialsfuture eu [email protected] (b) (a) nanoparticles powder Intensity (a.u.) Intensity (a.u.) nanoparticles powder 1000 520 540 560 Energy Loss (eV) 580 1100 1200 1300 1400 Energy Loss (eV) 27 Intensity (a.u.) (b) 100 101 002 30 (a) 102 40 110 50 60 2 theta (deg) 103 112 201 004 70 80 TEM - Basics TEM Operation: Find the Electron Beam Find the thin area Tilt the Sample Obtain Bright field images (use unscattered beam) Obtain diffraction patterns Obtain Dark field images (use diffracted beams) Obtain High Resolution images (use unscattered and diffracted el.) Obtain EDX, EELS, EFTEM etc data Available Information: • Crystallography: crystallite size, structure, orientation • Defects • Chemical Composition 28 Defects Dark field images of screw dislocations in Si The effect of different diffraction conditions (i.e. of various g vector orientations) Defects Defect Imaging- Dislocations There can be angles where no planes are in Bragg condition No diffraction takes place (the transmitted beam is unaffected) There is no image formation by the dislocation u: dislocation dislocation’s s lattice displacement vector (u=Burger’s vector for screw dislocations) If g·u≠0 there is dislocation contrast If g·u=0 there is no dislocation contrast “Invisibility criterion” for the determination of u diffracting planes are not bent 29 Defects Planar Defects (Stacking Faults etc) ~ boundary between 2 wedge-shaped crystals Defects Crosssection The origin of Thickness Contours Plan view Bright Field image from a wedge shaped region The intensity varies periodically with the thickness of the crystal 30 Diffraction – Precession Due to the electron multiple scattering: Dynamical Conditions We can NOT use the intensityy of the diffracted electron beam to calculate complex structures (as with X-rays and Neutrons) BUT: Vincent & Midgley (1996): if the electron beam is tilted and precessed along a conical surface, having a common axis with the TEM optical axis, the “dynamical” behavior is reduced Precession Electron Diffraction – known from its equivalent in X-ray scattering TEM – Diffraction [ 1 1 1 ] Cubic ( a = 11.982 A ) Ca12Al14O33 (for fuel Cells): Dynamical Conditions Almost kinematical Conditions (precession) 31
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