LESSON PLAN GENRE PIECE CLASS: French IV STATE STANDARD: 12.1.1.S4.C: Comprehend complex spoken and written sentences and paragraphs using enhanced vocabulary terms from selected textbooks, student readers, and short stories. LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to read the selected text (Le Petit Prince by Antoine St. Exupéry – Chapter 21) and explain the significance of the Little Prince’s meeting with the fox and what he learned talking to it. Essential Question: Quelle est la signifiance de la secret du renard pour le Petit Prince? (What is the significance of the fox’s secret for the Little Prince?) INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL: Class Discussion CONTENT: Chapter 21 from Le Petit Prince INTRODUCTION / ANTICIPATORY SET: As students enter the room there will be a summary prompt that asks them to talk about the most recent events in Le Petit Prince with a partner ACTIVITIES: Activity 1: Anticipatory Set – Students will come in and review previous learning by summarizing the most recent events in Le Petit Prince with a partner. (5 min.) Activity 2: Reading from the text – After reviewing the previous events, we will begin chapter 21 from the text using a popcorn reading style. We will briefly pause at each natural stopping point within the chapter with time for questions about vocabulary and comprehension. (12-15 min.) Activity 3: Reflection - After finishing the chapter, students will brainstorm ideas for discussion drawing back to this LEQ as well as other ideas they may have. Graphic organizers will be available if students choose to use them (5 min.) Activity 4: Class Discussion – I will lead the class discussion by starting off with the LEQ. Students will then continue the discussion and I will be to observe students as well as mediate responses and help students form connections if they have difficulty. Students will be required to take some notes from the conversation. (15 min.) Activity 5: Summary – Students will write down 3 things they learned or found interesting from the discussion as an exit ticket. (5 min.) Comment [GMC1]: I chose this standard because being able to understand written components of a language, especially literature, i extremely important. The selected text also includ usage of the passé simple. While not required to b memorized (as it is solely a literary tense, never spoken), should be recognized. Comment [GMC2]: In this specific chapter of Petit Prince, the Little Prince meets a fox who talk to him about important things including “L’essent est invisible pour les yeux” – the idea that all that essential is invisible to the eye. This can be used a generative question (Yeoman 1996) to help stude form deeper connections. Comment [GMC3]: I chose this chapter specifically for this lesson plan because the Little Prince learns from the fox what it means to tame someone (Qu’est-ce que signifie “apprivoiser”?). When he asks the fox what it means to tame, the fox starts out with implicit clues and works with t Little Prince (as a mediator) to find a clue (that ge more explicit) to help him understand (i.e. within The Little Prince’s ZPD). This is a nice example of Lantolf & Poehner’s (2008) of mediation (pp.7-8). Comment [GMC4]: This is a way to start students thinking in French as well as summarize what has happened so far to the Little Prince and practice speaking with another. Consistent practic is important for making the student comfortable with their L2 (Wenden 1987, p.105) Comment [GMC5]: I chose this method of reading because I thought students might enjoy it This also saves me from reading to them all of the time so they have more time to practice their ow speaking. I will start off the chapter as to model correct pronunciation, but after that the students will take over as I observe. Comment [GMC6]: Pausing for vocabulary an comprehension is very important to help scaffold student learning (Ormrod 2011, 45). Without the brief stops, some students might get lost which would set them behind the rest of the group. Comment [GMC7]: An accommodation for some students, but potentially useful for everyon to have. They are available to everyone as an option, but some students do not like them, or ha another preferential way of taking notes/brainstorming. Comment [GMC8]: Going through the discussion I will utilize Vygotsky’s ZPD to help students reach their maximum potential. I will ser as a mediator and use this time as a interactionist dynamic assessment for the entire class to see where most students fall in relation to everyone else. (Lantolf 2009, p.360). Comment [GMC9]: If students are able to com up with a few things that they learned or found interesting from the discussion it will show that th comprehend the text well enough to continue wit the story. I will look at responses and talk with students that may need a little bit more help understanding. ASSESSMENT: Throughout the lesson I will be informally observing students for participation and listening for good pronunciation of the text. Formally, the exit ticket will be checked for completion and comprehension of the lesson. Comment [GMC10]: As this lesson builds upo other lessons from the text students will be work toward a written composition about the story (characters, concepts, themes, etc.) as a summati assessment when the book is finished. SUMMARY / CLOSURE: Exit ticket – each student will write 3 things that they learned or found interesting from the discussion to mentally summarize the lesson. ASSIGNMENT / HOMEWORK: Vocabulary – Students will continue to work on their vocabulary packet in preparation for the next three chapters ACCOMMODATIONS / MODIFICATIONS: If students are having difficulty understanding the chapter a little more time can be taken for comprehension If the discussion runs over time, the ticket out the door will instead be a short additional homework assignment to be turned in the following class. Graphic organizers will be available for students who wish to layout their ideas in that fashion A few copies of Joann Sfar’s illustrated comic book version of Le Petit Prince will be available to those students who are more visually oriented. As this version is a bit more difficult to read (the text is hand written versus typed) it is optional. NOTES: Focus on « L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. », « Apprivoiser », the continuing importance of the Little Prince’s rose. MATERIALS: I will need a chalk/white board with appropriate writing instrument as well as copies of the graphic organizer and exit ticket slips. Comment [GMC11]: As stated in the state standard “enhanced vocabulary terms” are an important item to look for student comprehensio of written material. This vocabulary packet is designed to help students with trouble vocabular so they have fewer questions throughout the reading time, so we can focus on just that. Comment [GMC12]: This is especially import as this lesson will be important for students to understand the following chapters in the book. Th also demonstrates ZPD in action as I the teacher would be helping students comprehend the material by working with them to discover the answers. Comment [GMC13]: As some students are more visually oriented this type of option may be beneficial for their understanding of the text. It m also make the learning more relevant to some students would rather read a “graphic novel” tha an actual novel. The entirety of the original text is used, so they would be reading what everyone el is reading.
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