trueEX at SIFMA AMF Event

What is trueEX?
is the first CFTC-regulated Designated Contract Market (DCM)
for interest rate swaps (IRS).
*CFTC designated 2012*
SEF Temporary Registration
*Received September 20, 2013*
Link to DCM approval:
CONFIDENTIAL © 2013 trueEX Group LLC. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, duplicaGon or distribuGon is strictly prohibited. 1 Designated Contract Market and Swap Execution Facility
v  CLOB (Central Limit Order Book)
•  Made Available to Trade (MAT)
Ø  8 vanilla spot-starting
Ø  9 SCSM tenors (MAC-style
swaps) with 2 series
•  Anonymous
•  Pre-trade clearing certainty
•  Choice of Clearing House (LCH
& CME)
v  Block Facility
v  Request for Cross (RFC)
v  trueEX Futures Contracts on S&P
150 Credit Spread Indices
v  PTC (Portfolio Terminations
and Compactions)
•  Terminations
•  Compactions
•  Backloading
•  New Risk
v  RFQ
•  Single Position
•  Strategy Position
(butterfly, spread,
•  New Risk Package
Additional services like Allocations (Pre and Post trade)
and Rebalancing
CONFIDENTIAL © 2013 trueEX Group LLC. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, duplicaGon or distribuGon is strictly prohibited. 2 System Architecture Map
Regional Banks Clearing Firms Insurance Companies Broadway ION Real-­‐Eme confirmaEon and reporEng of cleared trades Secure Direct Web FIX API Broadway ApplicaEon (FpML) Asset Managers Hedge Funds ConnecEvity OpEons ISVs ION Market Makers OMS FIX (Drop Copy) CSV File FTP Site (FpML) DCM* and SEF RegulaEon (*CFTC Registered) Clearing Firm Limit Hubs (Traiana) MarkitWire for OMS connecEvity (DropCopy) Sponsorship ExecuGon Single Dealer Pla?orms (Agent ExecuEon) Regulatory ReporGng CFTC Surveillance Direct API ConnecGvity LCH CME DCM: CLOB (14 semi-­‐bond tenors, 9 SCSM), Blocks and Request for Cross (RFC) SEF: PTC (PorZolio TerminaGons and CompacGons) PlaZorm, RFQ Custom, FCM and CCP Margin OpGmizer DTCC Swaps Data Repository (SDR) CONFIDENTIAL © 2013 trueEX Group LLC. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, duplicaGon or distribuGon is strictly prohibited. NFA trueEX PTC (Portfolio Terminations and Compactions) Platform
trueEX PTC is an automated solution designed for the efficient trade management of swap
portfolios. PTC leverages direct CCP connectivity for precise trade recognition. Terminations
•  Terminating preexisting trades.
•  Cleared or
•  Terminating a set
of cleared or
bilateral trades
and replacing with
a smaller set of
equivalent cleared
swaps Backloading
•  Submitting preexisting bilateral
trades to be
cleared at CCP
New Risk
•  Highly
customized single
line RFQ
•  Multi-line item
•  Post-trade
bunched (block)
designated and
allocated across
•  Pre trade
Key Benefits
Fully automated on a regulated Dodd-Frank compliant entity (trueEX SEF)
CCP agnostic service (CME & LCH)
Compatibility for upload from CME trade register file and LCH position report guarantees precise
trade recognition and netting
All back-end processing handled by trueEX Platform
o  Direct connectivity to CCP
o  Direct connectivity to SDR
o  Direct connectivity capabilities to OMS (custom)
CONFIDENTIAL © 2013 trueEX Group LLC. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, duplicaGon or distribuGon is strictly prohibited. Patent Pending. 4 trueEX Differentiators
DCM and SEF side-by-side
within the same legal structure
•  DCM legal structure allows trueEX to offer both swaps and futures
•  Anonymous Central Limit Order Book (CLOB) on DCM
•  Highly Customized and Package RFQ capability on SEF
•  Stable Rulebook
Pre-trade certainty of clearing
and execution
•  PUSH and PLUS (On/Off) credit limit management (PING for RFQ)
•  Choice of clearing with direct connectivity (LCH and CME)
•  Integration with Credit Limit Hubs
•  Pre and Post-trade Allocations
PTC (Portfolio Terminations
and Compactions) platform
•  Terminations, Compactions, Backloading, RWA Reduction
•  Service Functions: Rebalancing, Pre and Post trade Allocations
•  Compatibility with CME trade register file and LCH position report
guarantees precise trade recognition and netting
trueEX Team
•  Scaled market innovative changes with the cooperation of dealers and
buy-side: Creditex, T-Zero (now ICElink), DNA (Delta Neutral
Auctions), Credit Event Fixings, ICE Trust
•  Independently owned and governed
CONFIDENTIAL © 2013 trueEX Group LLC. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, duplicaGon or distribuGon is strictly prohibited. Patent Pending. 5