The Globe Friday 4 July 2014 / Issue 21 GLEESON SUPERHEROES ROLL UP THEIR SLEEVE & SAVE LIVES! You may not know it, but there are superheros attending Gleeson College! On Tuesday 1 July, 54 students and staff members rolled up their sleeves to give blood to Australians in need. In doing so they each saved three lives. A pretty impressive achievement! In Australia, one in three people will need blood products at some point during their lives, but only one in 30 Australians actually donate blood. Hughes House is passionate about supporting the Red Cross Blood Drive as we know this is an act of compassion that makes a real difference and fills a need in our community. This year, several Gleeson staff along with seven Damiani students, 12 Fyfe students, 16 McDonald students and 17 Hughes students nominated to donate blood. Many of the students were nervous, but went ahead anyway in support of the good cause. I congratulate every donor on their efforts and would like to thank all involved in their support of the day. Those who missed out on an appointment may like to visit the following website to find out their closest donation centre: http:// or call 13 95 96 to make an appointment. Mrs Julie Gontar, Hughes House Coordinator We wish all members of our Gleeson Community a happy & safe school holiday break. FIRST DAY OF TERM 3: Monday 21 July 2014 Gleeson College 24Hr Absentee/Late Line: 08 8289 0438 | SOLID ROCK The Gospel reading at Mass last weekend was from Matthew 16: 13-19. "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18). “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matt.19). This well-known Gospel reading is one which has had its fair share of controversy over the years. Protestant Christians have pointed to this phrase, using the Greek translation, to refute the primacy of Peter as the first Bishop (and therefore Pope) of the Church. We Catholics however, point to the Aramaic native language of Jesus and his followers, to uncover the correct meaning as Peter ‘the Rock’ on which the Church is built. Peter was a fisherman, brother of Saint Andrew the Apostle who led him to Christ. The Lord gave him the name of "Peter" to indicate that he would be the rock on which the Church would be built. He had miraculous healing powers, so that people were cured even by his shadow. (Acts 5:15) He was the first Bishop of the Church; we can say that He was the first Pope. He died as a martyr, crucified head downward because he claimed he was not worthy to die in the same manner as the Lord. St. Peter died around 64 A.D. ( Peter is still with us in the person of the Pope, the Vicar of Christ. Using the rock as an analogy describing the Church has worked well for me in the Religious Education classroom. When tackling issues that young people and the Church do not seem to see eye-to-eye about, the phrase “The Church is old-fashioned and needs to keep up with the world” is often heard. Young people and some adults would argue that the Church needs to amend its Catechism in stride with the changes of the world. Of course they mean ‘our world’ the culture that they are growing up in. They forget that the Catholic Church reaches so many people in so many cultures and so the changes they want are not always appropriate. In these cases they hear me say “A shifting rock does not make a good foundation.” “Who would build on rock (ground) that is constantly moving? Solid rock is best.” Of course, as a Science teacher, I have to acknowledge that rocks do change over time with the processes of weathering and erosion, but they change very slowly, and so too does the Church. End of Term 2 What a fantastic term it has been! As you would have read in Mr Baker’s editorial last week, Term 2 has been a wonderful period of learning punctuated with many educational and celebratory events. My thanks go to all the staff, students and parents of Gleeson College who have involved themselves in the many opportunities provided. As the term comes to a close we sadly farewell some staff and welcome new members to our community. Firstly I would like to thank Mr Patrick Ahern for his work at Gleeson College this year and on behalf of the College I want to wish him all the very best as he moves forward in his teaching career. Miss Amy Curtis has completed a successful period of teaching at Gleeson College. We thank her for her wonderful work and wish her all the best into the future. Mrs Susan Smith will be taking some well-deserved leave in Term 3. We wish her a relaxing break and look forward to her return in Term 4. As many of you would know Mrs Lisa Cibich has been a member of staff at Gleeson College for some eight years and you may also know that Lisa and Mr Adam Cibich are expecting their first child. Lisa will be taking maternity leave from the end of this term and so we farewell her and wish her all the very best as she moves into this very important and wonderful phase of her life as a new mum. Lisa will be missed by our community but we look forward to seeing her back in the near future. At the beginning of next term we welcome two new teachers to Gleeson College in Miss Tassie Toumpas and Miss Josephine Imbrogno. Both teachers will be teaching in the Mathematics and Science learning areas. I would like to wish them all the very best in their work with us. Finally, I would like to wish all of our students and staff a happy and safe term break. I hope they will take the time to refresh and return reinvigorated to continue the year successfully. God Bless, Mr Joe Corbo, Deputy Principal Head to our Gleeson Facebook page and follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with current College events and celebrations! GleesonCollege GleesonCollege SAVE THE DATE: Gleeson College Careers Expo Tuesday 5 August 2014 DRMC, 6.30-8.45pm COLLEGE ASSEMBLY CELEBRATES ALL THINGS EXTRA-CURRICULAR! This week’s College Assembly was an opportunity to look back at some of the events that occurred during Term 2 and look forward to some new initiatives and events coming in Term 3. The assembly was hosted by the Arts and RE Faculties and we looked at special events including the Cancer Council SA Relay for Life, the Hughes House Red Cross Blood Drive, the Year 11 Iga Warta Cultural Immersion and the Year 12 Retreat. Students, under the guidance of Mrs Carly Meakin, Mrs Sally Parsons, Mrs Dianne Deptula and Mr Andrew Crosby, entertained the community with items by the Concert Band, the cast of Gleeson’s upcoming ‘High School Musical’ and sensational solo vocal and tap performances respectively by Jackie Schlein (12 FSMAR) and Georgia Schwarz (12 HSPLL). A presentation covering the Music Department Tour to Mount Gambier for the Generations in Jazz, culminated in a News Broadcast by Katelyn James (12 FSMIL) covering the highlights of the event. Students who were involved in the Language Perfect World Championships were awarded certificates of Merit and Bronze Awards by our Japanese Teacher Mrs Kirsty Jeffree. Members of the College Executive also addressed the assembly, looking at some initiatives that they have in place for next term. The Year 12 Visual Art Excursion to Melbourne was presented by Vanessa Gemma (12 FSEMA) and Lucy Spear (12 HSFEL) and some of the wonderful Art exhibits that the students saw were included in a PowerPoint Presentation. One of the highlights of the assembly was the presentation of an award to Gleeson College by Mr Drew Peterson from the Cancer Council of SA. Not only did Gleeson College win the ‘Youth Award’ in recognition of our enthusiasm, our support and the numbers involved in this year’s event, but we also won the award for the ‘Highest School Fundraiser’, raising a total in excess of $18,700 – an amazing achievement! The assembly also saw the launch of the Sprout.ed website. This website is the brainchild of Gleeson Home Economics Teachers’ Miss Lisa Feleppa and Miss Sarah Mahony and seeks to promote a healthy eating lifestyle, with links to recipes and lifestyle tips. Members of the community are encouraged to log on to the Sprout. ed Facebook page and share the ideas and suggestions with family and friends. Mr Richard Sellers, APRIM YEAR 8 & 9 DRAMA STUDENTS GET CREATIVE STAGING OWN SHOWS! Both the Year 8 and Year 9 Drama Classes had the opportunity to write, rehearse and perform their own script with a small group during Term 2. The Year 8 Class had certain props that needed to be written into their script, while the Year 9 Drama Class had the theme ‘Who Dunnit’ to inspire them. In the final week of the Semester, the classes had their final rehearsal and performances (see Year 8 photos on this page and Year 9 photos on the next). There certainly were some creative and interesting performances! Overall, it was great fun and an excellent way to finish off the subject. Mrs Sarah Kerrigan, Year 8 & Year 9 Drama Teacher Year 8 Drama Class: Chelsea Baumann, Chloe Beames, Kelsie Burnell, Abby Byrnes, William Cansdell, Micheyla Cervini, Sarah Dawber, Brianna Gibbs, Kye Johns, Brianna MorganDickson, Caitlyn Papalia, Ambrielle Payne, Cory Riccio, Callan Rodda, Luke Smith, Anastasia Stavropoulos, Jayde Tyczenko, Samantha Wessling & Lauren Wright. YEAR 8 & 9 DRAMA STUDENTS GET CREATIVE STAGING OWN SHOWS! Year 9 Drama Class: Jake Chapman, Brooke Cockrell, Chris Corro, Edward Dobrzynski, Theardt Duvenage, Benjamin Faulkner, Daniel Gallina, Brandon Holl, Emanuel Kousvos, Johnny Librino, Shaye McQueen, Jordan Piles, Joshua Spence, Tiahni Stemm, Harry Stephenson, Chelsea Turner, Kelly Wilson & Thomas Wood. McDONALD HOUSE MASS: A SPECIAL CELEBRATION OF EUCHARIST McDonald House Mass was celebrated in the Dame Roma Mitchell Centre in Week 8 of this term. The theme of the Mass was ‘Community’ and what it is that we can do for the people in need our direct community. The Mass was celebrated by Monsignor Swann and during the celebration he blessed a jar of rocks for each Home Group. On the rocks were individual words for students to reflect on, such as Love, Smile, Hope and Courage, amongst many more. These can be used by students to start the day in Home Group to help centre their self for the day ahead. There was live music played which set an absolutely beautiful mode for the Mass and a big thank you to all the musicians and singers for sharing their talents with us. The McDonald students also completed all the readings throughout the day. A big thank you goes to everyone who attended and made this very special communitybased celebration of Eucharist. Mr Adam Cibich, McDonald House Coordinator YEAR 12 STUDENTS LEARN THE PEACEFUL ART OF REFLECTIVE SILENCE A very wet and windy morning on Monday 23 June saw all Year 12 students make their way to the impressive Buddhist Temple at Ottoway. Students were taken through the basic principles of Buddhism and the role the temple plays in its local community. The highlight of the visit was a guided meditation involving all 127 students and nine staff, learning the peaceful art of sitting in reflective silence. The presenter, Samantha Chua, graciously welcomes our senior students every year and is pleased we continue to educate our students on world religions. Students will be reflecting on a key aspect of their visit to the Temple as part of the Stage 2 Religion Studies and Stage 2 Integrated Learning courses. Mrs Dianne Deptula, Stage 2 Religion Studies/ Integrated Learning Teacher Flinders University Faculty of Science and Engineering would like to welcome parents/caregivers and their senior students to our 2014 Information Evening. This event is designed to help parents and families support their high school students in their end of year exams and to gain a clear understanding of how the university application and selection process works. You will also have the opportunity to attend information sessions on many of our undergraduate courses and ask questions of our experienced staff. Location: Flinders University, Science Innovation Learning Centre (SILC) Building, Car Park 9, Physical Sciences Road, Bedford Park. Date and Time: Wednesday 30 July (5:30pm for a 6:00pm start). Presentations will conclude at 7:30pm after which there will be question time. The evening is free and light refreshments will be provided on arrival. An optional Science and Engineering tour from 4:45-5:30pm will also be held exploring some of our facilities. Please register via [email protected], or call 7221 8661 for more information. OUR YEAR 8&9 HOCKEY STARS CROWNED CARNIVAL CHAMPIONS Field Hockey is a sport not normally associated with Gleeson College. Soccer and netball yes…hockey not so much (apart from our talented State reps!). However, the GC boys and girls put on a show at the recent North East Vista Lightning Hockey Carnival in Week 8 (Boys) and Week 9 (Girls) - an interschool 7-a-side carnival competing against the likes of Banksia Park IHS, Roma Mitchell SC, Endeavour College, GGHS and The Heights. Our Year 8/9 Boys team was a combination of five ‘new’ Year 8 students and some seasoned Year 9s who played in the KO competitions last year. After the success of last year's KO campaign, the boys were keen to 'blood in' some new players in readiness for this year's competition. Led by Simon Wells (current State hockey player), Caleb North and Cameron McIver, the boys were confident in their combined abilities and opted to play without a goalie! Having the extra player in attack paid off with the boys winning each of the minor round games to secure their spot in the finals. All tied up after full time at the end of the Grand Final, the game went into an exciting penalty shootout. Since playing without a goalie in this instance would be severely detrimental, Liam Reynolds took one for the team and donned the gear. In a Continued on next page... OUR YEAR 8&9 HOCKEY STARS CROWNED CARNIVAL CHAMPIONS ...Continued from previous page best-to-five shootout, GC came out on top with a 5-3 victory. Well done to all the boys – what a great warm up for the upcoming KO competition early next term! The GC Girls team was headed up by Year 8 Lucy Loveday (North East hockey player) who gathered a group of sport enthusiasts from across all sporting domains (tennis, soccer, athletics and netball) to try their hand at hockey. With a couple of trainings under their belt, this capable outfit were a surprise packet, playing with confidence and composure. Whilst all girls contributed to the success of the day both in attack and defence, special mention must go to Rachel Gill who scored a lazy four goals in the first match against Banksia! Other goal scorers on the day were Rebecca Pratt, Tyler Dunlop, and Lucy Loveday. Holding up the defence in ‘T-Fence’ were Tia Rose Simpson and Tiarna Kelly, and offering offensive support on the wings were Isabella De Palma and Carley Reynolds, who were both critical across the midfield. The girls finished the minor round unbeaten with no goals against which held them in good stead going into the final rounds. The Grand Final against Banksia Park IHS proved to be a nail-biter with both teams neck and neck for the majority of the game. Timing was everything when Rachel Gill slotted the winning goal with only 20 seconds to spare, leaving not enough time for Banksia to hit back. GF result: GC 2 def. Banksia 1. Well done Girls! Although a little cold (but at least dry) both carnivals were a fantastic opportunity for students to enjoy a sport that some would otherwise not have played. Congratulations to all students who were involved, you played with heart and represented the College with pride. A very big thank you to Mr Jordan Glover (Hockey Coach extraordinaire and GC Old Scholar) who gave up his time to run trainings and coach games for both the Boys and Girls teams, his input is invaluable. Thanks also to the staff who offered to help out on the day and also to the parents who gave their support from the sidelines. Hockey?...You betcha! Miss Candice Mitchell Sports Development Coordinator 2014 GLEESON DIARY DATES TO REMEMBER... Term 3 21 25-2 Aug 26 26-27 28-8 29 30 1 Aug 4 5 6 7 22 25 27 27 - 29 3 Sep 5 9 16 19 20 - 21 26 Term 4 13 Oct 17 FIRST DAY OF TERM 3 FOR ALL STUDENTS Year 11 NT Immersion Trip P&F QUIZ NIGHT - BOOK YOUR TABLE TODAY! (DRMC, 7pm) HPV: Pedal Prix (Victoria Park) Kogakuin Junior High School Homestay Visit Year 12 Parent Teacher Interviews College Board Meeting ‘Jeans for Genes’ Day: Damiani House Fundraiser Balaklava Eisteddfod Year 10 Retreat Careers Expo: SATAC, Careers & Subject Evening HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL EVENING PERFORMANCE #1 P&F Committee Meeting HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL EVENING PERFORMANCE #2 Sports & Special Interest Photographs (MSP Photography) ‘Daffodil Day’: McDonald House Fundraiser Principal’s Information Session (7-8pm) College Board Meeting Cross Campus Combined Board Dinner Year 11 Retreat P&F Committee Meeting STUDENT FREE DAY / STAFF RETREAT DAY Year 9 Retreat Year 10 Dance (Golden Grove Rec & Arts Theatre) Principal’s Information Session (7-8pm) Year 11 Semi Formal (Sfera’s Function Centre) HPV: Pedal Prix (Murray Bridge 24-Hr) GLEESON DAY FINAL DAY OF TERM 3: Reports distributed to students FIRST DAY OF TERM 4 FOR ALL STUDENTS HPV Immunisations: Year 8 (All) & Year 9 (Boys Only) BECOMING A CATHOLIC… Perhaps you know someone who has considered becoming Catholic, or who has questions about the Catholic Faith. There may be students or family members at Gleeson College, who are considering this. It may be that some students or adult Catholics have been Baptised, but have not as yet been Confirmed or received their First Holy Communion. Gleeson College is holding an INFORMATION SESSION about the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) for those who would like to make enquiries about becoming Catholic. A series of workshops will be conducted during Term 3, leading up to participants receiving the Sacraments as part of the Gleeson College Community on Gleeson Day (Friday 26 September). ENQUIRY SESSIONS: TUESDAY 22 JULY AT 6PM & WEDNESDAY 23 JULY AT 6PM Both meetings will be held in the Gleeson College Learning Centre (formerly the Study Hall). All enquiries are welcome. If neither session is suitable, please contact me at the College on 8282 6600 and alternate arrangements can be made. Mr Richard Sellers, APRIM GG CAMPUS UNIFORM SHOP Devon Clothing | P: 8289 5564 2014 COLLEGE TERM TRADING TIMES Monday: 1.00pm - 2.30pm Tuesday & Wednesday: 8.15am - 9.15am 1.00pm - 2.45pm 3.15pm - 4.15pm Thursday: 1.00pm - 2.45pm 1st Saturday of Month: 9.00am - 12.00pm GLEESON COLLEGE 2ND HAND UNIFORM SHOP IS OPEN 3.30PM - 4.30PM EVERY TUESDAY AFTERNOON JULY SCHOOL HOLIDAY TRADING TIMES 2014 Friday 18 July 2014 1.00pm - 4.00pm Saturday 19 July 2014 9.00am - 12.00pm **Enter via Adey Place (GGHS Carpark) and follow the yellow and green signs along the Dame Roma Mitchell Centre to the Campus Uniform Shop** CONGRATULATIONS ALYSSA & EMILY! Congratulations to Alyssa Deavin (9 HMCIB) and Emily D’Occhio (10 MSRYA) who were both recently selected to represent South Australia at the upcoming 26th National Calisthenic Championships. The girls will compete in the SA Intermediate National Team at the week-long event which is being held at Hamer Hall in Melbourne from 9-12 July. Alyssa Deavin (9 HMCIB) Emily D’Occhio (10 MSRYA) Well done Alyssa and Emily and all the best for a fantastic National Championships! SATURDAY MORNING SPORT A big thank you to all players, parents and staff who gave up their warm beds every Saturday morning to support our Term 2 Morning Sport Program! Enjoy the two week break as it all kicks off again with trainings and games commencing in Week 1 next term! Miss Candice Mitchell, Sports Development Coordinator STUDENT & PARENT ADFA INFORMATION SESSION Dame Roma Mitchell Centre - Lecture Theatre 2 Monday 4 August 2014, 1.15pm for a 1.30pm start With Guest Speakers’ Air Commodore Alan Clements, Commandant of the Australian Defence Force Academy and Professor John Arnold, Deputy Rector of the University of New South Wales. Come and hear details of what it is like to study at ADFA from the experts! This session is aimed at interested Year 10, 11 and 12 students, and their parents and will finish at 3pm. Light refreshments available. REGISTRATION ESSENTIAL: Please email [email protected] by 31 July 2014. Please direct any enquiries to Linda DeBoer, Defence Transition Mentor, on 8282 6400. While South Australia's road toll has decreased over the past decade, young drivers are still over-represented in road crashes, much more so than older age groups. The fact is young drivers need significant on-road driving experience before their crash risk decreases. These new rules, like restricting latenight driving and peer-aged passengers until young drivers gain more driving experience, will save lives. Make sure you are aware of the new rules by heading to the website: home#sthash.PC6BS6Zi.fxotadoJ.dpuf GLEESON COLLEGE PARENTS & FRIENDS PRESENTS... QUIZ NIGHT 2014 SATURDAY 26 JULY 6.30PM FOR A 7PM START BYO NIBBLES & DRINKS TWO THOUSAND AND FOURTEEN DAME ROMA MITCHELL CENTRE ADEY PLACE, GOLDEN GROVE TICKETS: $10 ADULTS ~ $5 STUDENTS BOOK TODAY TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM THE COLLEGE FRONT OFFICE OR BY PHONING 8282 6600 TO RESERVE YOUR TABLE OF 10 OPEN BOYS KO BASKETBALL: ROUND 1 v GGHS & THOMAS MORE Our Gleeson Open Boys Basketball Team challenged Golden Grove High School and Thomas More College in Round 1 of the Knockout competition on Friday 27 June. Our first game against GGHS was always going to be tough and we stayed close all game until the last few minutes when we threw everything at them to make up the lead they had. Unfortunately our shots didn’t drop and the score blew out a little and they defeated us 51-35. Jon Craggs (11 DSCIV) lead the scoring for Gleeson in this game with 10 points while Joe Maguire (10 HSHIC) was not far behind with 7. There were some great efforts by the boys, defending and also moving the ball quickly to create scoring opportunities. In our second game against Thomas More we were able to open up an early lead and give all players an opportunity to play and get involved in the day. Gleeson defeated Thomas More 56-41, with Brenton Pfeifer (12 MSVAN) leading the scoring with 11 and Zach Foweraker (12 MSVAN) also contributing with 9 points. There were again great efforts and all the boys played in good spirits. While we didn’t make it through to the next round, the boys had a great day and represented Gleeson College well. They played in the spirit of the game with great sportsmanship. It was also fantastic for our Year 12 students that have contributed much over the years to sport at Gleeson College, to finish playing the game together and having a lot of fun! Mr Shannon Bertram, Open Boys KO Basketball SuperCoach
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