ENC Ci Variance Against CCG Performance Priorities and NHS Constitution Standards Month 3, 2014/15 Governing Body 11 September 2014 Background and Contents • This document is a highlight report, which is written to provide the IG&P with an overview of current CCG and provider performance across a range of priority national and local standards. The highlight report focuses on areas of performance variance and covers Q1 2013/14 up to June/July 2014; the period for which we have the most recent validated data. • The report covers the ‘Big 8’ performance areas that have been identified by NHS England as performance standards that are significant performance concerns nationally and in London. Other standards that have a significant impact on quality, safety and patient experience are also included. CCG Performance Highlight Report Contents The Big 8 performance standards 1. Urgent care 2. Cancer waiting times 3. Referral-to-Treatment 4. Diagnostic waiting times 5. IAPT 6. Winterbourne view 7. Dementia 8. Health visiting Other performance areas 1. Serious Incidents & Never Events 2. Healthcare acquired infections (MRSA and clostridium difficile) 3. Friends & Family 2 THE BIG 8 3 Urgent Care Performance – A&E Waits A&E waits all types (target 95%) - % of patients who spent 4 hours or less in A&E before treatment or admission KCH (Trust wide) Q3 Jan Feb Mar Q4 Apr May Jun Q1 Jul 89.4 87.6 87.3 87.5 87.5 87.4 89.4 89.9 89.0 91.0 92.0 93.3 93.1 92.9 92.6 97.1 97.0 96.4 96.8 96.2 KCH (Den Hill) 95.0 94.2 93.3 93.95 92.2 93.1 GSTT 95.7 96.8 96.9 96.8 96.2 96.7 2014/15 Q2 A&E waits type 1 (target 95%) - % of patients who spent 4 hours or less in A&E before treatment or admission KCH (Trust wide) Q3 Jan Feb 86.1 83.3 Mar Q4 Apr May Jun Q1 Jul 82.4 82.9 82.8 85.6 86.2 85.0 87.5 90.7 92.1 91.8 91.5 91.2 96.2 96.2 95.2 95.8 94.95 KCH (Den Hill) 94.1 93.07 91.9 92.7 91.7 GSTT 94.4 95.8 96.0 95.8 95.7 2014/15 Q2 4 Urgent Care Performance – Local Weekly Performance Weekly A&E waits all types (target 95%) - % of patients who spent 4 hours or less in A&E before treatment or admission 20/7/14 27/7/14 3/8/14 10/8/14 17/8/14 Est to meet target in Q2 KCH (Trust wide) 89.2 92.0 92.6 92.7 91.8 99.3 KCH (Den Hill) 91.4 92.6 91.2 91.3 94.2 GSTT 95.8 96.0 97.0 96.0 97.5 93.5 London 94.8 95.2 96.2 95.3 95.4 94.6 Weekly A&E waits type 1 (target 95%) - % of patients who spent 4 hours or less in A&E before treatment or admission 20/7/14 27/7/14 3/8/14 10/8/14 17/8/14 KCH (Trust wide) 85.0 88.8 89.8 89.9 88.6 KCH (Den Hill) 89.9 91.2 89.6 89.8 93.1 GSTT 94.6 94.8 96.1 94.7 96.7 5 Urgent Care Performance – Summary of Q1 Position Reported Performance Position • GSTT have met the performance standard in all four quarters of 2013/14 and in quarter 1 2014/15. • King’s (Denmark Hill) failed the last three quarters. There are a number of issues which caused this performance including; fluctuations in demand, acuity of patients, mental health pathways, repatriation delays and discharges. • The trust and commissioners have developed a revised recovery plan, linked to the trust’s overall plans, to better align trust capacity across all its sites with the demand for services. In addition, further external reports from ECIST have been completed and look at length of stay and overall care pathway productivity and efficiency. A number of enhanced and further actions are planned as a result of this. • Ernst and Young conducted a Demand and Capacity review. This has been used to drive an appraisal of options aimed at closing the bed gap through securing the optimal utilisation of the Trust’s Denmark Hill, PRUH, QMS and Orpington sites alongside improvements in internal and external productivity and efficiency to enable the delivery of sustained performance across A&E and RTT targets. • Next steps are: monitoring of performance trajectories and recovery plans, providing certainty for the year; implementation of internal recovery plan; continued commissioner led action on whole system support focusing on; discharge, mental health, repatriations and rehab; completing the winter review process, and ensuring lessons learnt are taken forward; Strategic Review, including review of balance and capacity resource across King’s sites. 6 Urgent Care Performance – Summary of Q1 Actions 1. Denmark Hill site capacity: Commissioners worked with all trusts across SE London to do a demand and capacity analysis for each site. This work was a specialty-by-specialty review on how many beds are likely to be needed to meet demand on a quarter by quarter basis. For Denmark Hill, a bed gap of 68 was identified. As a result a number of actions were initiated, including transferring work to Orpington and PRUH from Denmark Hill, improving internal efficiency, and making full use of increased community capacity in order to decompress the site. 2. Mental Health: Additional bed capacity commissioned as part of 2013/14 contract and psychiatric liaison nurse post funded by CCG. 3. Southwark & Lambeth Integrated Care (SLiC) Simplified Discharge Workstream Programme: Identification of priorities following stocktake in Q1. 4. Primary care access: The CCG agreed to commission primary care access, 8am-8pm, 7 days a week. The CCG was notified that it’s application for the Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund had been successful. This funding (approx. £1million) will be used for setup and infrastructure costs. The CCG has also invested a further £2.1m recurrently to support enhanced access to primary care. 5. MDT Assessment/social Care: Evaluation of weekend social care worker pilot at GSTT to support seven day working. 6. Repatriations: Agreement was reached with GSTT to extend catchment area. Ongoing discussions with King’s to consider medium term solutions. Neuro-rehabilitation has been highlighted as an issue with NHS England Area Team and specialised commissioning. 7. Guy’s Urgent Care Centre: Change in provider from Q1, with service now delivered by GSTT. Primary care partner secured for initial phase 7 Urgent Care Performance – Actions in progress 1. Development and agreement of System Resilience Plans: These cover both elective and non-elective across Lambeth, Southwark and Bromley. The meeting in July included plans for the allocation and use of winter monies. NHS England have provided feedback and a refreshed plan was submitted on 21st August. 2. Denmark Hill site: Plans are in place to release capacity throughout the year, with several service moves taking place in the next two months. Representatives of the CCGs and KCH are also meeting with Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust to discuss repatriation protocols as these have proved to be problematic over the last 12 months and have disrupted patient flows at Denmark Hill. 3. Mental Health: Three month audit of mental health presentations to be presented to the sub-group in September and inform future plans. 4. Southwark & Lambeth Integrated Care (SLiC): Simplified Discharge Workstream programme: options appraisal for unified point of access to be developed and considered by Operations Board in September. 5. Extended Primary care access: 6. • Service specification to be signed off at August steering group – providers have developed detailed pathways • Service mobilisation: ongoing actions around staffing, IT and premises ahead of first site launching on 1st October • Contractual discussions initiated and assurance process for mobilisation agreed. King’s Urgent Care Service: Revision of service specification and confirmation of procurement route in September. 8 Urgent Care Performance – Planned actions Information from the weekly Denmark Hill exception report • Whilst there is some variation in the main drivers for underperformance, a key issue has continued to be bed pressures resulting in poor outflow from ED. There have been several particularly difficult days where a poor discharge profile in medicine has caused delays in beds becoming available. This has resulted in longer than optimal waits for beds and A&E breaches as a result. • Acuity has also appeared higher. In the week beginning 4 August there was 13-17% increase in numbers of resus patients on Monday, Tuesday and Friday and 23% on Thursday. This level of acuity can lead to more staff being needed to cover resus and an increase in the wait times for majors and minors patients. • Medium term plans are in place to free up capacity and to move activity to Orpington to decompress the site. A Safer, Faster, Hospital ‘perfect’ week is planned for the first week of September to improve processes and embed internal professional standards. 9 Cancer Waiting Time Standards 2 weeks GP referral (93%) - % patients seen within 2 weeks of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer 31 days treatment (96%) - % patients receiving first definitive treatment within 31 days of a cancer diagnosis 62 days treatment (85%) - % patients receiving first definitive treatment for cancer within 62 days of an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer Aug Sep Q2 Oct Nov Dec Q3 Jan Feb Mar Q4 Apr May Jun Q1 2 weeks 97.5 93.7 95.9 95.7 95.2 94.7 96.0 95.3 94.6 97.5 96.6 96.3 96.8 97.9 97.3 97.3 31 days 100 98.4 96.8 98.4 94.5 95.9 95.8 95.5 94.5 100 96.9 97.1 98.5 98.5 98.1 98.4 62 days 100 83.3 81.1 86.3 78.4 94.4 86.4 86.8 90.3 90.6 81.1 87.1 89.1 90.3 96.4 90.8 2014/15 Jul Reported Performance Position • Southwark CCG is green rated on all cancer targets for April, May and June. King’s (Denmark Hill) is green rated for all targets in June. • Performance is regularly reviewed at monthly contract monitoring meetings and monthly provider performance meetings. • GSTT failed the 62 days GP referral target. 62 days waits have been a consistent area of performance variance at GSTT; this is covered in more detail on the next slide. 10 Cancer Waits: 62 Days Pathway Target = 85% Aug Sep Q2 Oct Nov Dec Q3 Jan Feb Mar Q4 Apr May Jun SCCG 100 83.3 81.1 86.3 78.4 94.4 86.4 86.8 90.3 90.6 81.1 87.1 89.1 90.3 96.4 KCH 97.2 83.1 92.5 88.1 86.2 84.0 93.9 85.2 93.1 89.8 83.2 85.3 94.3 77.9 80.1 GSTT 77.9 80.0 70.1 70.8 71.0 78.0 74.0 72.2 77.2 79.2 78.2 76.1 82.4 77.1 77.5 2014/15 Jul Cause of Reported Performance Position • This target is being met for Southwark patients. • 62 days pathway performance variance at GSTT is associated with receipt of tertiary referrals and for some patients with pathways within the trust. • Internal performance at GSTT in Q4 2013/14 – i.e. patients whose cancer pathway starts and ends (through treatment) within the trust was above target at 88.5%. Actions Agreed to Meet Performance Standard • Department of Health Intensive Support Team (IST) has reviewed processes at GSTT for patients whose total journey is within GSTT. • The IST has also recently separately reviewed all old South London Healthcare Trusts (SLHT) providers focussing on pathway access issues for 62 days patients who start their journey at the old SLHT and are referred to GSTT. • The final report was received by trusts in December 2013 and the CSU has organised a review group to ensure recommendations from the report are taken forward. The first meeting was held in mid-January and has been held quarterly from that date. • Monitoring of trust produced action plans occurs on a monthly basis in monthly performance meetings 11 Referral-to-Treatment: 18 Weeks Performance RTT admitted (target 90%) - The percentage of admitted pathways completed within 18 weeks Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun SCCG 89.3 88.4 87.3 86.0 87.3 89.0 88.2 84.1 81.5 84.4 84.4 82.3 KCH DH 88.1 87.1 88.6 87.7 88.7 89.0 87.8 83.6 81.7 84.5 83.3 GST (trust wide) 92.6 93.1 90.9 90.9 90.6 93.4 91.0 91.7 90.8 91.9 91.0 2014/15 Jul 90.7 RTT Admitted Sep Oct Revised admitted backlog trajectory Total admitted backlog actual 1,483 1,451 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 1,419 1,421 1,153 813 550 1,445 1,483 1,624 1,693 1,771 2014/15 King’s DH is below the performance threshold. The Trust has an agreed planned failure to Q3 in order to reduce current backlog Apr May Jun 1,580* 1,410 1,200 1,846 1,859 1,760 *Start of 2014/15 trajectory • The backlog increased in April and May 2014/15 but was reduced in June. • Backlog clearance performance over 2013/14 for Qs 1 and 2 was broadly in line with the agreed trajectory, noting that the level of improvement agreed for these months was relatively small. Performance deteriorated after that with an increasingly significant variance between plan and actual, driven by a combination of delays in operating Orpington at full capacity, winter pressures on the DH site and the failure to outsource work, both to the private sector and GSTT. • A revised backlog clearance trajectory was signed off with the trust for the start of 2014/15, however this has been superseded by the trajectory as part of the Operational Resilience Plan. 12 Referral-to-Treatment: 18 Weeks Performance – Actions Actions Agreed to Meet Performance Standard and clear backlog • Monthly backlog targets and the expected monthly performance position for admitted patient care have been signed off with King’s and a specialty and admission method risk assessment completed. Commissioners will monitor the trust against these positions in year. • Both GSTT and KCH will be implementing additional national RTT monies from July - September to further clear long waiting patients, this will mean there will also be a dip in performance at GSTT over the period. • Agreed transfer to Guys and St Thomas’ of Orthopaedic patients for the first two quarters of 2014/15 with a review at that point. • Maximising internal trust capacity across Denmark Hill, PRUH and Orpington sites, to support the overall decompression of the KCH acute hospital sites and the effective management of available emergency and elective capacity across the trust. Key elective proposals cover: Orthopaedics - consolidation of the trust’s elective adult Orthopaedic activity at Orpington; Gynaecology - consolidation of all elective inpatient Gynaecology activity at the PRUH site; Non complex cataract surgery - consolidation of simple cataract activity at QMS; and General Surgery consolidation of the trust elective adult General Surgery activity at Orpington. Assumption is changes will be implemented over 2014/15 in a phased way beginning with Orthopaedics and Gynaecology from start Q2. • The KCH start year position was that the continued outsourcing of activity to the private sector was unsustainable. However, discussions are now taking place with private sector providers and also internally to secure agreement to the funding and securing of additional in-house Saturday theatre lists. • Providing more information to primary care referrers to support conversations with patients and enabling informed choice in relation to waiting times. 13 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Southwark CCG 7 3 8 8 10 6 14 14 18 13 KCH (Trust wide) 31 24 28 29 33 27 78 79 109 95 GSTT (Trust wide) 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2014/15 Referral-to-Treatment: 52 + week waits Apr May Jun 20 15 13 123 104 107 0 0 2 Cause of Reported Performance Position • In June the specialities with long waits for Southwark patients were all at KCH; 5 Bariatrics, 3 HpB, 2 Neurosurgery, 2 Orthopaedics and 1 Other. Despite treating long waiters over the last 15 months the number of over 52 week waiters has increased due to the overall waiting list profile and demand and capacity pressures that have resulted in a constrained elective bed base at KCH - DH, impacting particularly on neurosurgery, HpB and Bariatrics. Actions Agreed to Meet Performance Standard • As part of 2014/15 contract the CSU agreed revised trajectories to reduce 52 week waiters to 0 by end Q1. This trajectory has now been missed and has been revised to a target date of October 2014. Southwark CCG has written to the Trust on behalf of all commissioners raising concerns in this area. The Trust is required to produce regular evidence of reviewing long waiters from a clinical quality and outcomes perspective and supply evidence of patient level treatment plans and tracking. • Following agreed additional RTT funding from NHSE, KCH will be outsourcing patients in Neurosurgery and Bariatric Surgery to the private sector. • Orthopaedics is continuing to use spare capacity at GSTT with around 30 patients transferred a month, there is also increased use of the Orpington site as an elective Orthopaedic centre for KCH now expanding with Saturday lists. • HpB has 2 additional ring fenced critical care beds from the private ward, this has resulted in a reduction in waiters over the last 2 months • Expected impact of capacity changes and site service moves across KCH site will decompress DH and free up capacity. Opening of Infill Block 4 (Centenary Wing) and Orpington during 13/14 and August 2014 site moves will extent available capacity. 14 Diagnostic Waits Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Southwark CCG 2.63 2.41 2.48 1.52 1.71 2.02 1.71 0.97 0.98 KCH (Den. Hill) 2.57 1.23 0.94 0.87 1.40 1.60 1.25 1.20 1.20 GSTT (Trust wide) 3.83 5.13 4.44 2.17 2.46 3.17 2.71 1.14 1.27 2014/15 Diagnostic wait less than 6 weeks (target <1%) - The % of patients waiting 6 weeks or more for a diagnostic test Apr May Jun 1.03 1.30 0.58 1.20 1.30 0.89 1.69 1.75 1.30 Cause of Reported Performance Position • Southwark CCG marginally missed the target in April and May, however the CCG is green rated for June 2014. • King’s Denmark Hill is also green rated for June. Actions Agreed to Meet Performance Standard • King’s has increased capacity in both paediatric and adult gastroscopy through additional weekly endoscopy lists and ad hoc Saturday lists but further capacity is required to reduce long waits. • At GSTT endoscopy accounts for the majority of the patients waiting over 6 weeks. Plans are in place to reduce the waiting time for special BRAVO endoscopy tests and also sleep studies for children. 15 Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Monthly 1st contacts to equal 15% trajectory (12.5% in 2013/14) 431 447 454 454 436 454 454 465 465 465 465 465 Number of first contacts 322 403 438 465 308 488 326 411 529 510 606 637 Recovery Rate (target 50%) 40.4 37.0 31.3 40.7 36.5 37.5 48.0 39.4 39.0 36.2 33.5 39.1 2014/15 Month Cause of Reported Performance Position • Growth in demand for IAPT services in Southwark and capacity limits in IAPT provision from SLaM. Performance has improved significantly in 2014/15. • Identified variation from practice-based counsellors completing psychological therapy interventions. Actions Agreed to Meet Performance Standard • Audit and review of all practice-based counselling completed. • Funding for additional temporary low intensity support by Psychological Well-being Practitioners (PWPs) has been in place at SLaM since April 2014. • The recruitment of ten additional high intensity workers has been approved with five additional workers expected to be in place by the end of August. • In February 2014, SLaM changed the booking system for first assessment/appointments. The change has helped improve patient experience, reduce waiting times for initial contact and increase the number of first appointments being booked onto the system. • Additional administrative staff funded within SLaM to register referrals to counsellors and remove administration tasks from counsellors. • Programme to increase IAPT-accredited activity being completed by practice-based counsellors. 16 Winterbourne View Reported performance position Southwark CCG Quarter 1 Winterbourne View Data submission returned on 14 July 2014 reported on seven clients meeting the reporting criteria i.e. people in in-patient beds for mental and/or behavioural healthcare who have either learning disability and/or autistic spectrum disorder (including Asperger’s syndrome). Reviews All seven clients have been reviewed within the last six months. Discharge Dates Client A Ministry of Justice approved transfer to a medium secure unit on 6 August 2014. Funding and reporting on this client transfer from Southwark CCG to NHSE Specialist Commissioning will commence from this date. Client B Risk currently too high to consider step down or transfer to the community. Timescale for discharge approx. 1216 months. Client C Discharged to step down facility planned, awaiting bed. Approx. timescale 2-3 months. Client D Currently has physical health issues alongside MH issues. Is being considered for gradual step down facility in the future but timescales likely to be 12 months. Client E Discharge is subject to Ministry of Justice approval which is not currently granted due to index offence and lack of engagement in treatment. Timescales approx. 2 years. Client F Moved to Community Locked Rehab in January 2014. Once settled the MDT plan to explore community placements. Timescales approx. 12 months. Client G Admitted to specialist mental health assessment unit. Plan to discharge to EMI Residential Care. Timescales approx. 2 months. The Winterbourne View Steering Group receives a monthly update on all clients both health and social care funded and monitors progress against agreed actions and timescales. 17 Dementia Diagnosis Rate 2013/14 estimate prevalence = 1,600 and 2014/15 estimated prevalence = 1,664. Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Trajectory – diagnoses 851 873 895 917 939 961 983 1,005 1,027 1,049 1,071 1,093 1,115 Actual number diagnosed 922 955 919 907 904 Trajectory - % diagnosed 53.2 52.5 53.8 55.1 56.4 57.8 59.1 60.4 61.7 63.0 64.4 65.7 67.0 Actual % diagnosed 57.6 57.4 55.2 54.5 54.3 2014/15 13/14 Data extracted from EMIS Web and subject to further validation. Reported Performance Position • The CCG is below trajectory as of 31 July. The number of patients on the dementia register has decreased from 955 in April 2014 to 904 in July 2014, a drop of 51 patients. This is associated with the change in registration of patients at a care home, who are now registered with a Lambeth GP following procurement of a new primary care service at that home. • The SLaM dementia service estimates that it can diagnose around 12-14 patients per month, which would result in 96–112 additional diagnoses for the rest of the year (August 2014 – March 2015). At this rate the CCG would end the year under trajectory because the register would need to increase by 211 patients to meet the target. • However, a number of the diagnoses made in 2014/15 by the SLaM dementia service have not yet been added to the register by the patient’s GP. The service confirmed that 42 diagnoses have been made in 2014/15, with only 7 have so far added to the register. These additions would mean that there would be 939 people on the register in July, which would exceed the trajectory target in July. The service is also checking if there are diagnoses made at King’s and GSTT that have not been added to the dementia register. 18 Dementia Diagnosis Rate – Action plans Actions recently completed 1. Capacity uplift of 2 WTE band 6 nurses effective from February 2014. 2. Proportion of outpatient appointments to home visits increased to provide a net increase of 2 appointments per week. 3. Action plan to be monitored at the monthly Mental Health of Older Adult Sub Group. The next meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday 21 August. 4. Meet with Lambeth commissioners w/c 11 August to negotiate proportion of assessments completed for patients of each borough. Planned actions 1. CCG to work with SLaM service and Southwark GP practices to enhance numbers diagnosed by the service that are then added to dementia registers. 2. CCG to scope options for capacity increase in SLaM dementia service in order to increase throughput in the remainder of the year (Q3 and Q4). 19 Health Visitors Southwark Health Visitor establishment 1 July 2014 Note: The Health Visiting service is commissioned by NHS England Locality WTE Vacancies Bermondsey 12.98 1.98 Borough & Walworth 19.00 1.80 Dulwich 14.80 1.20 Peckham & Camberwell 17.00 4.00 Reported performance position • Figures include 4 team leader posts that have a 40% clinical component • Vacancies are currently being covered by agency Health Visitors Planned actions • Many of the vacancies will be filled in September/October when current students qualify 20 Other Performance Areas Q1 Serious Incidents & Never Events requiring investigation Points to Note SIs logged at the PRUH have not been included in the below figures as NHS Bromley CCG review and assure these incidents. None of the PRUH SIs were for Southwark residents. Q1 2014/15 Provider SIs (EXCL NEs) April May June KCH – All SIs (Southwark patients in brackets) 7(2) 9 (4) 6 (2) GSTT hospital and community - Southwark patients only 3 1 5 SLaM - Southwark patients only 0 1 1 Other Commissioned Provider - Southwark patients only 0 1 0 22 SCCG Q1 Q2 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 13/14 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 2014/15 Healthcare Acquired Infections – MRSA Apr May Jun 0 0 0 • This table only shows cases assigned to the CCG following Post Infection Review (PIR). • All MRSA bacteraemia cases reported via the HCAI Data Capture System (DCS) are assigned to either an acute Trust or a CCG through the completion of a PIR. A case is deemed to be CCG assigned where the completed PIR indicates that a CCG is the organisation best placed to ensure that any lessons learned are completed. Actions Agreed with Providers to Meet Performance Standard • Infection control (including MRSA) cases are discussed at the monthly Clinical Quality Review meetings at King’s and GSTT. These meetings are chaired by CCG Clinical Leads in Southwark and Lambeth. King’s and GSTT undertake a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) on all MRSA cases and all CDI cases attributed in their organisation. • The Lambeth and Southwark Public Health Team review local HCAI data regularly. Post Infection Reviews of MRSA bacteraemias are producing information on the detail of local cases and learning. Most cases are very complex with numerous healthcare contacts. • Southwark CCG undertook a ‘Deep-Dive’ review of infection control within its local acute and community providers. It included recommendations on how to improve local infection control arrangements. 23 Healthcare Acquired Infections – c.difficile SCCG Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 13/14 Apr May Jun Q1 14/15 Target 5 4 5 3 0 2 36 4 1 10 15 42 5 8 9 22 42 5 5 8 18 37 KCH DH 13 7 6 6 2 2 5 49 GSTT 15 6 4 3 3 3 6 43 2014/15 Q2 Actions Agreed with Providers to Meet Performance Standard • Infection Control including MRSA and Clostridium difficile (CDI) information is made available at the monthly Clinical Quality Review Group (CQRG) meetings at King’s and GSTT. These meetings are chaired by CCG Clinical Leads in Southwark and Lambeth. King’s and GSTT undertake a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) on all MRSA cases and all CDI cases attributed to their organisation. • Infection control was a main agenda item at the GSTT CQRG meeting in May and at the King’s CQRG meeting in June. Public Health were present at both meetings. • At Denmark Hill, there has been a reduction in compliance with the time to isolation for MRSA and CDI cases. Priority has been given to increasing side room capacity in an attempt to increase compliance. The trust have purchased additional isolation pods which have increased overall isolation capacity. The trust has increased the use of hydrogen peroxide, especially after a patient has been discharged with CDI. • GSTT have invited the Department of Health expert advisor to conduct a review of Trust processes, which will occur in August. The CDI Action Group continues to review all cases that occur. The Trust has said that no evidence of poor practice has been demonstrated to account for the increased incidence in 2014/15. • Both trusts are disputing their annual targets as they deem them to be too low. 24 Friends & Family Test – Response Rates KCH – Den. Hill GSTT Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 32% 34% 40% 50% 35% 43% 41% 46% 35% 32% 36% 35% 33% 28% 26% 27% 35% 35% 2014/15 Inpatient Response Rates (target Q1 25%) Apr May Jun 40% 35.0% 47.7% 40% 37.1% 40.5% Apr May Jun A&E Response Rates (target Q1 15%) Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb KCH – Den. Hill 5.0% 12.9% 9.5% 9.9% 12.8% 9.6% 16.8% 15.1% 17.6% GSTT 4.3% 5.4% 5.5% 5.5% 10.8% 16.1% 14.8% 27.7% Mar 10.1% 2014/15 Jul 21.8% 26.0% 27.8% 11.0% 6.1% 17.6% The 2014-15 National Patient Experience CQUIN focuses predominantly on response rates and extending the test to outpatient and day case areas in the Autumn. 25 Friends & Family Test – Scores KCH – Den. Hill GSTT Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 62 62 61 60 64 63 57 67 62 78 79 79 79 82 79 77 76 2014/15 Inpatient Score Apr May Jun 67 66 62 Jun nat. ave. 73 81 77 82 79 Apr May Jun 48 48 45 72 49 46 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar KCH – Den. Hill 30 43 40 47 51 49 53 52 42 GSTT 34 52 63 60 62 61 73 85 68 2014/15 A&E Score Jun nat. ave. 55 The 2014-15 National Patient Experience CQUIN focuses predominantly on response rates and extending the test to outpatient and day case areas in the Autumn. 26
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